Have you ever experienced clutter in your wardrobe? Has it ever happened that you were looking in your closet for an outfit for an upcoming party and came across only crumpled and dirty things? If so, it wouldn't hurt to get your things organized! From this article you will learn not only how to properly store things, but also how to better organize the space in your wardrobe and chest of drawers.


How to organize your clothes

    Take all things out of the closet. First, you need to sort things into piles. To do this, you need to take clothes out of the closet or chest of drawers and fold them on the floor or on the bed. If you store clothes in several places, tackle each one in turn. For example:

    • If you store clothes in your closet and dresser, declutter your dresser first. After that, do the same with the cabinet.
    • Get a separate box or basket for things that don't belong in your closet or dresser.
  1. Divide your items into two piles. Put the things you want to keep in one, and the things you don't wear and need to get rid of in the second. Before you put an item in one of the two piles, think about whether you need it, no more than a few seconds.

    • If you need more time to decide, make another pile and put in it the things you don't know what to do with yet. There should still be things that you need to think about a little longer.
    • You can put things not on the floor or on the bed, but in boxes or baskets.
  2. Separate dirty items from clean ones in the pile of clothes you want to keep. Once you've collected the clothes you need, divide the pile into two more. Separate clean items from items that need to be washed.

    Place dirty clothes in the laundry basket. When you have collected all the dirty items, put them in a separate basket. This will allow you to put away what you can’t put in the closet yet.

    • To save time, you can immediately put these items in washing machine. The clothes will be washed while you tidy up.
  3. Now divide the pile of clothes you want to get rid of into two piles. The junk pile could include items you no longer like, don't fit, or are worn out. Some of these things will have to be thrown away, but the rest can be given to someone else. Separate items in good condition from worn-out items.

    • The clothes you are going to give away must be in good condition. There should be no holes, loose seams or faded areas.
  4. Throw away faded, stained and torn items. Items in poor condition should be thrown away. This can be done immediately or later when you are finished tidying up.

    • You can cut up worn items and use the fabric for other purposes. T-shirts make great dusters, and old flannel shirts can be used to make patches.
    • Try repurposing old things. For example, jeans that are frayed on the knees can make fashionable shorts or a skirt.
  5. Give away all other unnecessary items. Good things that you no longer need can be put into a bag or bag and given to those in need. This can be done immediately or later.

    • You can also give clothes to a friend, brother or sister.
    • Try selling clothes online.
  6. Review the clothes in the pile with the items you plan to keep. Once everything is sorted into piles, you may feel like you have too many things that you decided to keep. If you have a stack of things that you don't know what to do with yet, now is the time to make a decision. Perhaps some things still fit well on you, but no longer suit your lifestyle, and others no longer look good on you. Go through all the items in these piles to decide if you'll wear them again. Ask yourself the following questions:

    • Does this color suit me? Am I comfortable? Perhaps some colors look better on you. Keep clothes in colors that suit your skin and hair color, and those things that make you feel comfortable.
    • Does this style suit me? It's possible that this jacket looked great on the mannequin, but it doesn't suit you at all. Leave only those things that highlight the advantages of your figure.
    • How often can I wear this item? Ever since you started working in an office, you mostly wore black pants and button-down shirts. The colorful blouses and dresses you used to wear are now just taking up space in your closet. It makes more sense to give them to people who will wear them more often than you and who will be happy with them.

    How to organize space in a closet or wardrobe

    1. Designate a space in your closet or closet for different types clothes. If you organize everything by type, it will be easier for you to quickly find the clothes you need. In addition, the closet will look neat. You can divide the space into several parts and hang things there. For example, you can allocate a separate place for shirts, skirts, trousers, dresses and outerwear.

      • If you have room for shirts, separate the shirts from long sleeve from short sleeve shirts.
      • To make everything look neater, you can make labels from beautiful paper and mark the departments in the closet with them. You can write the names of things on the labels so you don’t forget where things should hang.
    2. Combine items by color. To make your closet more organized, you can combine things by color, that is, hang together, for example, all blue or all red things.

      • You can first divide things by type, and then by color. For example, you can hang all the blue shirts together and all the red ones next to each other.

      Expert's answer

      What's your favorite clothing organization strategy?

      Professional stylist

      Joanna Gruber is the owner of The Closet Stylist, a personal styling service that offers wardrobe transformation combined with wardrobe organization. Works in the fashion and style industry for more than 10 years.


      Joanna Gruber, professional stylist and wardrobe organizer, answers:“When I sort clothes, I sort them by color - rainbow colors first, then light grey, dark gray and black. Also try to hang as many things as possible, so that tops, jackets and outerwear hung at the top and the trousers at the bottom. When you stack things, you usually only wear what's at the top of the pile."

      Add some shelves to your closet. In the closet, things can not only hang, but also lie folded. In addition, shoes and accessories can be placed on shelves in the closet. You can build shelves directly into the closet, or you can place them under short clothes that hang on hangers (for example, under shirts).

      Place a plastic drawer with drawers in the closet. If you don't have room for a chest of drawers in your room, you can hide it inside. Buy a plastic box with pull-out sections and put things in it that you don't want hanging on hangers. If the cabinet is tall, place it in the corner of the closet. If it is low, it can be placed under clothes that are hanging on hangers (for example, under shirts).

      Place small items in boxes or baskets. If you don't have a chest of drawers, store small items (socks, underwear) in colored boxes or baskets. Place baskets and boxes on shelves.

      • Buy baskets or boxes in the same color to make the contents of your closet look organic.
      • If baskets or boxes will be on a shelf, create color contrast. If the shelf is white, buy boxes or baskets in black or a bright color (neon green or pink).
    3. Store your shoes in a closet or wardrobe. Having all your shoes in one place will help you get ready in the morning faster. In addition, this will make the closet look neater. There are many ways to store shoes:

      Try moving the chest of drawers inside the wardrobe. If you have a large closet and if you have a chest of drawers, you can move the chest of drawers inside. If the chest of drawers is low, you can hang short clothes (shirts or shorts) above it. This will allow you to store all your things in one place, so you won’t have to spend a lot of time getting ready in the morning.

    How to organize your dresser

      Give each type of item its own drawer. It is optimal to use one drawer for each type of clothing. You can put all your shirts in the top drawer, all your pants and skirts in the middle drawer, and all the items you rarely wear or that are out of season in the bottom drawer.

      • If your dresser has small compartments, put your socks and underwear there.
    1. Divide things according to purpose. This will allow you to get ready faster. Plus, your chest of drawers will look neater. If you need to wear a uniform to school or work, put your uniform in one drawer and your regular clothes in another. Separate skirts and pants from shirts.

      • You can store regular and work shirts in one drawer: regular shirts on one side, work shirts on the other. You can arrange trousers and skirts in the same way.
    2. Organize items by color. You can arrange all things by color. For example, put all the black shirts in one pile and all the white shirts in another. If you have a lot of colorful clothes and little space, you can store light and dark items separately.

      Try storing things vertically. If you have a lot of shirts, you can save space by folding them and placing them vertically in your dresser instead of in a horizontal stack. You will end up with something that looks like a file drawer.

A specialist in putting things in order at home, at work and in life in general, suggests starting changes... with the wardrobe. What discoveries await us if we throw out all the clothes we have on the bed? On what basis should you decide: throw away an item or keep it? And what kind of list should you hang on your wardrobe door and put in your wallet?

The sun has not yet risen, and you are already approaching your wardrobe to choose clothes for the coming day. Where are the trousers that go with this jacket? And on the shirt - what a shame! - spot. How is it that there is a sea of ​​clothes, but nothing to wear? And you, instead of stopping for just five seconds near the wardrobe on the way to the kitchen and easily choosing clothes for yourself, spend a good ten minutes and a lot of nerves on this seemingly simple task. And all because of the chaos reigning in the confined space of the wardrobe.

There are hundreds of places in your home and office to start decluttering, but my favorite is the bedroom closet. After all, a tidy wardrobe can recharge you good mood from early morning throughout the day.

The second reason I recommend starting with a bedroom closet is its small size. Unless you live in a mansion where an entire wing is dedicated to your outfits, then your wardrobe most likely takes up less than two square meters of space in your home. (Mine, for example, is a little more than a meter.) Once you clear your wardrobe of clutter, you will immediately see the results of your efforts, and this will inspire you to continue the struggle to free up your living space.

"Weeding" the wardrobe

First you need to find out what clothes and how many you have. If you store clothes in different places at home (for example, in the hallway - coats and hats, and in the basement - carnival costumes, which you wear extremely rarely), take it all to the bedroom. Your first goal is to wash and clean absolutely all the things you have and collect them in one place. This might be an eye opener to your inventory.

Remove the plastic film from clothing that stores and dry cleaners use to protect them from contamination during transportation. Over time, it begins to decompose, damaging the fabric and leaving stains. Trim off any colored identification tags attached to dry-cleaned garments, as dye from the paper may transfer to the fabric. For long-term storage of clothes (for special occasions and suits), cotton bags or made from durable plastic materials are better suited.

Once you have washed, cleaned and collected all your items in one place, answer the following questions:

  1. What is your attitude towards your clothes?
  2. What types of clothes (work, workout, dressy) do you have?
  3. Are there any patterns in your wardrobe (recurring colors, styles, sizes, seasonality)?

I confess that the first question is too personal. But it still needs to be answered. If, when you look at a mountain of clothes, you are frightened by its exorbitant amount, this is a sure sign that it’s time to get rid of many things.

The answer to the second question will give you a hint on where to start decluttering. If you rarely go to formal or formal events, but you have three tuxedos or fifteen ball gowns, then it becomes clear how you can free up space in your closet. The same approach applies to workout clothes: if you don't wear them, get rid of them.

The answer to the third question will determine the criteria for dividing things into two categories - those that will remain in your wardrobe, and those that you will have to say goodbye to.

You probably have certain clothing preferences. You may notice some patterns in the selection of color (for example, I categorically do not accept bright colors), or fabric (almost all of my clothes are made from natural fibers), or cut (I prefer tight clothes to baggy ones).

At the same time (while all the clothes are unloaded onto the bed), assess the condition of your wardrobe (but empty it completely first) What is it like? Is the cabinet in need of repair? Does it meet your storage needs? If it needs repainting, repairing, vacuuming, adding extra hooks or new slats, or any other work, do it now while it's empty. Ultimately, its size determines the amount of stuff you can have; Keep this in mind as you continue to sort your wardrobe.

As you think about your personal style, I'd like you to analyze the trends you've noticed in your wardrobe. Do you have a certain way of dressing? Which clothes do you think look better on you and work for your image? The following recommendations will help you decide the fate of things and select those that deserve a place in your wardrobe.

  1. This item should represent your current style and the image in which you want to appear to others.
  2. The item should fit you well and fit your figure.
  3. It should be combined with at least two other items in your wardrobe.
  4. It can be worn with existing shoes (the same rule applies to shoes: they should be in harmony with the clothes you have).
  5. The item must be in good condition and not require repair.
  6. Availability of storage space.
  7. You should like the feeling of wearing this item (shoes should not cause blisters).
  8. There should be at least one opportunity to wear this item within the next year.

If you want, add a few more items to this list based on your own preferences. For example, I had “Nothing orange.” If you live in a tropical climate, a "no sweaters" rule makes sense. When adding to the list, use common sense.

Helpful advice. I think it's a good idea to print out the rules you've made and tape the sheet to the inside of your closet door or some other easily accessible place. The main thing is that you can always check with them. And after you put things in order in your wardrobe, I recommend printing out the rules on a small piece of paper, putting them in your wallet and checking them every time you shop.

Fashionable verdict

So, it's time to decide which items to keep and which to remove from your wardrobe (and your life) forever. Start sorting through the things piled up on top of the bed, dividing them into three groups: those you want to keep, candidates for removal, and those in need of repair. Perform sorting based on a list of rules and whether the item matches your style.

Do you have three whole blue linen shirts? And do you need all three? If you only have room in your wardrobe for one, leave the one that goes best with your clothes (rules 3 and 4) and in which you most often hear compliments from friends (rules 2 and 7).

Found four black turtleneck sweaters in a pile on your bed? And are all four still in color or have they faded a little from frequent washing? Get rid of those that can no longer be called black (rule 5), as well as those that do not match your style (rule 1).

Many smart organization experts teach that you need to clear your closet of all the items you haven't worn in the last six months. Good rule, but only if you live in an area where it is almost always the same season. However, most of us live with the changing seasons, so, say, a sweater or bathing suit may well lie in the closet unused for six months or even more.

That's why I suggest using the "seasonal" rule instead of the "six-month" rule. It goes like this: if the season is over, and during this time you have never worn the appropriate item, get rid of it.

I mean the concept of “season” not in a calendar sense, but in a broader sense. For example, I have a beautifully tailored black classic suit that I wear exclusively to funerals. Fortunately, it may be several years before I need it again. I don't have the time or money to buy a new black suit every time such a sad event occurs, which is why I consider these clothes to be seasonal - that is, intended for the funeral season.

The next step is to sort the "keep" heap. First, see if you have enough space in your closet and dresser for all the clothes you've put aside. If not, you will have to more carefully filter things from the mentioned category. If you need to further reduce the number of clothes, then additional criteria for eliminating them will be the quality of the item (well-made items from durable fabric will last longer) or ease of washing (which will reduce the need for dry cleaning services).

Next time we’ll talk about how to load things back into the wardrobe.

In spring, more than ever, you want changes: in life, at work, in appearance... Psychologists say that small changes trigger big ones, i.e. If you start small, big changes will definitely come. And you can start with... your own closet. Today I offer you several practical advice, which will give direction and help if you are planning to clean up your closet with clothes.

How to organize your wardrobe: where to start?

Take everything out of the closet. Everything is complete. If your scarves, boots and sandals are stored in the hallway, robes and linen in the bathroom, and carnival costumes in the closet, also bring them all in one big pile - for example, on the bed. Prepare three boxes or bags in which you will put your clothes: “leave”, “throw away”(the name is conditional - you can give it to someone or sell it) and "doubt". However, you can do without boxes - simply putting things in different piles.

Clean up your clothes closet: what goes in which pile?

The question may arise: which things belong in which pile? I'll start with the fact that "to throw away". This category includes all clothing that

  • Velika
  • Not worn for a long time
  • Hopelessly spoiled
  • It makes you feel stupid
  • Does not reflect your essence (after all, it happens that clothes are good, of high quality, and not very worn, but your life, views, interests have changed, and you are not you in this thing)
  • Doesn’t fit with anything at all (if this is the case, but you really like the thing, it can be placed in the “doubt” pile)
  • Doesn’t suit you - sometimes the color makes you look faded or the style makes you look baggy... If you are tidying up your closet with clothes and see that the item doesn’t suit you specifically, get rid of it without regret - even if objectively it is beautiful and of high quality

In the "leave" category ideally, only those things that you like yourself in should be included (by the way, this is the basis of project 333 - if you are wondering what it is): these are the clothes that

  • improves your mood even on a sad day
  • tested in different situations - a win-win option
  • decorates your figure, emphasizes your strengths and hides your flaws
  • it makes you feel (key word!) attractive
  • you have at least two things (preferably more) that it goes with
  • it is in good condition, does not require repairs
  • Do you know at least one or two occasions where you can wear it in the next year?

It’s sad if there are very few such clothes (but at least you have something to work on :-))

In the third category of things - “doubt”- there are those about which you cannot yet decide whether you need them or not. Most likely, since doubts arise, you don’t really like the item - but something (the memory of how much it was bought for, who gave it to you, at what moments you wore it) prevents you from putting it aside with a clear conscience while tidying up your wardrobe in the “throw away” pile.

The second reason why doubts may arise about the need/uselessness of a thing is its condition. It is possible that for an item to fall into the abandoned category, it needs cleaning from pellets, sewing on buttons, and maybe even a change of color (if you are sure that you will wear it after repainting, you can dry clean it and dye it).

Leo Babauta, a famous blogger in the West who writes about minimalism and how to put things in order in clothes and in life in general, recommends things from the “doubt” pile (he calls them “maybes”). put it in a bag or box, write the date and put it somewhere out of sight for exactly six months. Most likely, when you look into a bag or box after 6 months, things from there will move into the “throw away” category.

Other authors who tell how to organize your closet are less radical: they advise give things from the “doubt” pile a trial period– if you wear something at least once in the next six months, you can leave it. You may wear it rarely, but you do wear it; If the item lies idle for six months, you can give it away; it is unlikely that it will be needed.

Clean up your clothes: how to get rid of them and not regret it?

I know from myself how sad it can be to part with some things that - with your mind you understand that you don’t need them, don’t fit, have nowhere to wear them, but it’s so difficult to tear them away from your heart! You can use a trick: get rid of unnecessary things in parts. If you have never cleaned out your closet, but today... torn from my heart If you have collected 5 things that you want to give away, that’s it, you’ve already worked hard))) After a month or two, do another cleanse, then another one. This way, getting rid of unnecessary things will be painless and you will slowly get to the right amount of clothes, both the ones you love and the ones you actually wear.

Sometimes you can come across the opinion that you need to get rid of everything at once, no matter how sad it is: if you don’t wear it for a year, throw it away. Personally, I don’t like such a violent approach: before any changes you need to mature - first you need to get rid of not the things themselves, but from. If you approach getting rid of junk in stages, it will soon be easier to throw away and give away.

Organize things in the closet: the final stage

  • Before hanging and putting things back in the closet, give it a good wipe down and note: Is everything in it comfortable for you? Maybe you need to buy an organizer for clothes or add additional hooks? Remove or add a shelf? Sign the boxes? Should I buy additional covers or vacuum bags for storage? Take a photo of shoes and stick them to boxes with the desired pair (convenient if there are a lot of shoes)?
  • Come up with your own principle for hanging things in the closet: For some, it’s convenient to hang and fold clothes by color - from light to dark, for others - by top + bottom combinations. I like to hang by type of clothing: I have T-shirts hanging in groups (from left to right) in my closet; then long-sleeved jumpers, button-down cardigans and vests; then jeans and leggings, and then skirts and dresses, the last few hangers are reserved for home clothes. Almost everything is stored on hangers - I find that this is the easiest way to keep things tidy and organized.

Is your wardrobe in complete order? Receive the checklist for an organized wardrobe by mail and test yourself!

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Do you have your own secrets that helped you clean up your clothes closet? Is it easy for you to organize things in your closet and what principles or storage systems do you adhere to?

Many people are familiar with the situation when a carefully put in order in a closet with clothes cannot last more than a week. The problem does not depend on the size of the wardrobe or financial capabilities - large spaces and unlimited funds can only increase the scale of chaos.

Clutter leads to the fact that the owner of a problematic closet constantly has nothing to wear, clothes get spoiled, and shelves filled with things create a sloppy impression. One of the basic principles of Feng Shui is violated: energy cannot circulate freely in the room. You can, of course, not believe the Eastern teachings, but one thing is clear: the inconveniences associated with the lack of organization can seriously spoil your mood from day to day.

What is the secret to perfect dressing rooms? How to clean out your clothes closet once and for all? Let's try to answer these questions in our article.

We analyze and remove unnecessary

It happens that there are a lot of clothes in the wardrobe, but nothing to wear. According to observations, women most often wear those things that are in front of their eyes. If the jacket is hidden in the depths of the closet, the likelihood that it will be worn is minimal. Agree, we usually don’t have much time to choose clothes, and no one will dig up deposits of crumpled things while rushing to work in the morning. So it turns out that we only wear a few sets, and the rest just take up space and become covered in dust. If the situation repeats itself over and over again, then it’s time to get rid of the excess.

The most important secret of order in the closet is the absence of unnecessary and unnecessary things. And first of all, you need to develop the habit of preparing your wardrobe for the beginning of each season.

Seasonal wardrobe changes

Along with the change in season and air temperature outside, the clothes we wear also change. In autumn, light dresses, shorts and sandals become useless. And, on the contrary, you can’t do without warm sweaters, tights and jackets in winter. There are also clothes that are worn all year round– for example, jeans, knitwear.

After the onset of cold weather, summer clothes will lie like dead weight on the shelves, taking up space where clothes for the season could be conveniently located. In addition, thin fabrics can suffer from constant friction if, for example, blouses hang on hangers next to sweaters that are constantly taken out of the closet.

So that clothes retain their appearance, and the wardrobe was convenient to use, you need to remove out-of-season items at least twice a year, moving current clothes to the empty shelves. You can store summer blouses, dresses and shorts in the pantry, in another closet, or on the highest and most inaccessible shelves. The main thing is that things are neatly folded in one place and packed, for example, in a box.

Full audit

To completely clean out your closet, you also need to empty it of all useless things. Eastern philosophy teaches us to let go of the old so that there is room for the new.

An overcrowded wardrobe makes it difficult to put things together correctly and steals all the fun you can get from choosing clothes. Tightly folded sweaters, T-shirts, cardigans do not allow air to circulate inside the closet, things get stale, smells, moths and mold appear.

So, order in the closet begins with a strict audit of the contents. You need to remove absolutely all things from your wardrobe and sort them into three large parts:

  • clothes that emphasize the dignity of the figure and have no defects;
  • things that have not been worn in the last nine months, are damaged, stretched or do not fit in style, color or size;
  • unnecessary things that are very difficult to part with, about which there are doubts.

Clothes from the second part should be discarded immediately. Dresses, trousers, sweaters that were modern a few years ago are unlikely to survive in the wings. Of course, fashion comes back, but usually with slight variations, and old, worn items won't look like the hit of the season anyway. Also, you shouldn’t hope that you will be able to lose several sizes and wear it someday. favorite dress. And if something was bought spontaneously, doesn’t go with anything and has never been worn, it has no place in the closet.

Wardrobe items that do not suit the owner, but look good, can be donated to charities, sold online, or given to relatives or friends. It is better to throw away severely damaged clothing immediately.

Everyone has things in their closet that are especially hard to part with, for example:

  • very expensive;
  • gifts from loved ones and relatives;
  • having symbolic value.

To make it easier to overcome doubts about such clothes, you can use a little trick: put them in a box and put them away for several months. If during this time there is no need for things, then you will not want to return them to their places. You can reconsider the postponed clothes and determine their future fate.

The remaining items that can be worn with pleasure are returned to the clutter-free wardrobe. Taking advantage of the moment, you need to properly wipe the shelves and walls from dust and ventilate the closet. Now is the time to learn little tricks to keep your closet tidy.

Organization of space

Everyone determines the principle of arranging clothes in a wardrobe independently: for some it may be convenient to arrange them by color, for others it is better to arrange entire sets on hangers at once, for example, matching a top to trousers, a skirt to a blouse. However, there are general rules that will help any housewife better organize her closet:

  1. To ensure that clothes take up minimal space, they must be ironed and folded.
  2. Things should always lie strictly in their places.
  3. Separate shelves should be allocated for each family member.
  4. All hangers in the wardrobe should be the same. It is better to choose plastic or wooden ones with round hangers.
  5. Stacks of clothes should not be folded higher than 20-25 cm, otherwise they will fall over and get mixed up.
  6. You can paste photographs onto shoe boxes depicting their contents. This makes it much easier to find the right pair. Or you can use clear containers. Read more about storing shoes in this article.
  7. Jewelry can be stored on cabinet doors by attaching it to a strip of fabric.

Watch how to organize your closet in the video below.

Proper shopping

The right approach to shopping will help you keep your closet organized. After a strict audit of your wardrobe, you need to make a list of things that need to be added to it. Having this tip with you can help you avoid impulse purchases. If the item you like is not on the list, you need to mentally imagine the contents of the updated wardrobe and understand what things it can be worn with. If you don’t have a single suitable pair for a new thing, you should think about whether it’s really needed.

The right approach to shopping helps keep your closet organized: avoid spontaneous purchases and don’t choose too many of the same things

And one more good advice about how not to create a lot of identical things in your closet. Let each new thing replace one component of the wardrobe, the time of which has already passed. This way you will always have your things under control.

Cleaning up your closet is not difficult, but the results can change a lot. Control your things and your life!

The best ideas for organizing space can be seen in the photo below.

It’s good when all the hangers in the wardrobe are the same (for children’s clothes, of course, smaller ones). It is better to choose plastic or wooden ones with round hangers


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Do you know that:

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

There are special traps to combat moths. The sticky layer with which they are covered contains female pheromones that attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

IN dishwasher Not only plates and cups are washed well. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

It seems simple enough, but sometimes, due to improper storage, there is not enough space even in a large closet. To ensure that all things are in perfect order, and the space is not overloaded, it is worth knowing a few simple but effective secrets.

Get rid of everything unnecessary

Organize your closet

First of all, you need to conduct a global audit and go through absolutely all things. It will take some time, but the result will pleasantly please you. So, when looking through things, you need to carefully look at them for defects, try on wardrobe items that have been lying idle for a long time.

If things have not been used for a long time, but only take up space, it makes sense to get rid of them. You don’t have to throw them away, because you can make a lot of interesting decorative items from old things. For example, sew a cover for a chair or a blanket from scraps of fabric. But they definitely have no place in the closet anymore.

Everything on the shelves

Seasonal storage

Seasonal items can be hidden in baskets and put away on the closet

At the turn of the seasons, it is also necessary to sort through things and remove those that will not be used in the near future. You can hide them under the bed or put them in baskets and place them on top of the closet.

Sometimes seasonal items are stored in the pantry or in suitcases, which can serve several functions at once - decorate the interior, act as a coffee table or bedside table, and also be a capacious storage system.

Seasonal items are stored on the top shelf

Competent sorting

Sorting things by color

Proper sorting will help you quickly find out what is where. There are several types of distribution of things:

By color. So, you don’t have to search for long among all the variety of things yellow sweater or a pink blouse, and harmonious color transitions will only lift your spirits.

By type of material. It's nice when silk blouses hang in one part of the closet, and cotton shirts are given another separate corner.

Top bottom.This sorting allows you to divide things into “top” and “bottom”, that is, it is appropriate to place T-shirts, blouses, shirts and sweaters on the upper shelves, and hang skirts and trousers on the bar below.

Little Helpers

Scarf storage

When tidying up your closet, you shouldn’t ignore all sorts of organizers, hangers with clothespins, transparent containers, wicker baskets, and tie boxes. They save a lot of space and help organize storage properly.

For convenience, you can label containers and cells or hang cute labels on them with the words “socks”, “tights” and others.

Convenient clothespins on hangers

Sock storage baskets

Storing things in baskets

Stylish storage

Storage organizer

Convenient rods for storing scarves

Storage of shoes and bags

Shoes and bags should have their place in the closet. At the same time, it is better to allocate lower shelves for shoes and boots, or build a small rod for them. It is convenient to store high boots on it, after hanging them on hangers with clothespins.

Thanks to this they will not lose their shape. For bags, you can select the upper shelves. To prevent accessories from getting wrinkled, you should stuff them with paper. Then they will keep their shape.

Shoe storage

Storage women's bags

Storing wallets and clutches

Storing things in drawers

The most difficult thing is to keep the drawers in perfect order. To do this and fit as many things as possible, you need to carefully twist them and fold them in a vertical position. Cardboard partitions and tubes, which are sometimes left over after shopping, can be used as dividers.

This makes it convenient to store underwear, T-shirts, tank tops, socks and scarves. The main thing is to fold things carefully so that they do not get wrinkled and can be used at any time.

Storing scarves and shawls

Pants and Long Dresses It is recommended to throw hangers over the crossbar and then place them in the closet. This way things won’t get wrinkled or get dirty with dust, which often settles at the bottom of the closet.

Once a month the closet needs to be dusted and ventilated.

Perfect order in the closet