A comprehensive program for parents and educators on the formation of health and development of children 4-7 years old was developed by a team of authors under the leadership of the candidate of pedagogical sciences T. N. Doronova in 2002.

The program is addressed to teaching staff of educational institutions implementing the tasks of preschool and primary general education, teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents, and can also be used to work with children who do not attend kindergarten.

The program is based on the most important strategic principle of the modern Russian education system - its continuity, which at the stages of preschool and school childhood is ensured by close coordination of the actions of three social institutions of education - the family, kindergarten and schools. This is reflected in the name of the program, which characterizes the continuous connection between preschool and junior school age. Based on the concept of preschool and primary general education, the program focuses adults on personal

oriented interaction with the child presupposes the pedagogical cooperation of parents both with their child and with the pedagogical community as a whole, the participation of parents in the upbringing and education of children in the family, kindergarten, and then at school.

Legal basis interactions between preschool educational institutions and families are international (Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child), as well as Russian documents (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Family code RF, Laws of the Russian Federation “On Education” and “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”). The program reflects the most important provisions of these documents: the child’s right to education; careful attitude to the individuality of each child, the characteristics of his development; the child’s right to protection from all forms of physical and mental violence, insult, etc.; interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family in order to promote the health, upbringing and full development of the child.

At the stage preschool childhood the program implements the idea of ​​combining the efforts of parents and teachers to successfully solve the following health-improving and educational tasks: the formation of health by providing conditions for the high-quality maturation of all systems and functions of the child’s body; comprehensive development of the child’s personality, his talents and creative abilities, the development of curiosity as the basis for the cognitive activity of the future schoolchild; fostering respect for the national identity of the language and traditional values, fostering social skills, and the ability to communicate with adults and peers.

The program indicates the characteristic features of various periods of childhood and defines tasks that are advisable to solve in a family and kindergarten in two main areas -

"Health" and "Development". The first direction of the program – “Health” – ensures the protection and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health, their physical development and emotional well-being. Parents are given the opportunity, together with teachers and medical workers kindergarten to first study and evaluate the child’s health, and then choose individual tactics for his improvement. The second direction of the program - “Development” - is aimed at developing the child’s personality as a whole, introducing him to cultural values, forming creative imagination, developing his curiosity, cognitive activity, heuristic thinking, interest in search activities, as well as social competence.

The program defines a number of general principles for successful interaction between parents and teachers. The most important are the style of relationship between an adult and a child, respect for him and careful attitude towards the products of children's creativity, attention to his actions, manifestation of initiative, independence, and maintaining self-confidence. To implement the program, a kit is offered educational and methodological materials for parents and teachers.

Program “Kindergarten - a house of joy” (N. M. Krylova).

This program is compiled on the basis of generalization and integration of fundamental scientific achievements of domestic and world pedagogy, psychology, neurophysiology and other sciences. It presents the author's concept of educating a preschooler. The program has been introduced into work with preschool children since 1985. Over the course of a long time, it was refined and refined. The program was first published in 1992 in Perm.

The program consists of an introduction and characteristics of work in the second junior, middle, senior and preparatory school groups. The program defines the basic principles of a holistic pedagogical process: the principle of humanistic orientation; the principle of a close relationship between the national and the universal in education; the principle of an integrative approach; the principle of mental development in activity and communication; the principle of conformity with nature, health-improving orientation of education; the principle of harmony of three principles; the principle of cooperation between education in the family and in kindergarten according to the laws of the commonwealth.

Main directions of the program: the first direction of the program involves introducing the child to physical education, a healthy lifestyle as the foundation of universal human culture, caring for health and enriching physical and mental development pupil; the second direction is to promote the amplification of the versatile development and self-development of the child as an individual in the process of performing different types activities at the level of independence and creativity; The third direction of the program is introducing the student to the basics of spiritual culture and intelligence.

The author reveals the features of each position based on the sections of the program. For each age group there is a list of activities and their number per week. First section of all age groups begins with the characteristics of the child’s mental and physical development. Here the author reveals the mental and physical characteristics of the development of children of each age period. Further work is organized according to directions.

So, with children of the junior and middle groups, the work is structured as follows.

The first direction: caring for health and promoting the amplification of the physical and mental development of the pupil as a unique individual. The second direction: promoting the versatile education of a child as an individual in various types of independent activities. This includes the following subsections: “Communication”, “Speech”,

“Construction”, “Labor”, “Game” and others. Third direction: familiarization with the basics of spiritual culture and intelligence. It includes the following subsections: “Man and Society”, “Introduction to Ecological Culture”, “Introduction to the World of Science and Technology”, “Introduction to the World of Geography”, “Introduction to the World of Astronomy”, “Introduction to the World of Technology”.

Work with children middle group built according to the same scheme as in primary preschool age. However, there are some distinctive features. Thus, the second direction of work with children of the middle group includes the section “Song-game and song-instrumental creativity” and “Dance-game creativity”. The third direction also has its own characteristics; sections “Fundamentals” are included ecological culture" And

"Introduction to the world of mathematics."

IN senior group The work is based on the following three directions: The first direction is introducing the child to the basics of spiritual culture and intelligence. This direction includes the following subsections:

“Relationships of a child with the family”, “Relationships of a child with kindergarten”, “Relationships of a child with society”, “Introduction of a child into the historical and geographical world”, “Fundamentals of ecological culture”,

« Environmental education", "Introduction to the world of science and technology",

“Introduction to the world of mathematics”, “Introduction to the world of astronomy”. The second direction is caring for health and promoting the enrichment of the physical and mental development of the pupil as an individual. The third direction is to promote the versatile education of a child as an individual in various types of independent activities. This direction includes the following subsections: “Communication”, “Speech”,

“Construction”, “Labor”, “Game”, etc.

IN preparatory group the first direction includes a subsection

“Culture of behavior in society” and the section on environmental education sounds differently – “Introduction to environmental culture.” The third direction includes a new subsection - “Fiction”.

For each age group, an approximate daily routine is presented in preschool and at home in the evening. Each section includes the main tasks of education, training and development in various types of activities. By the end of the year, the main indicators of the child’s development have been formulated - “What the pupil has become” (what is characteristic of him). In the appendix, the author of the program offers advice to teachers on organizing educational work with children under the “Kindergarten – House of Joy” program. In all sections, the author shows the features of working with children of different age groups, offers a list of recommended works of art for the program, works of fine art, an approximate musical repertoire, etc. Special attention pays attention to the safety of a child’s life in a preschool educational institution.

Program “School – 2100” (edited by A. A. Leontyev).

The educational program “School - 2100” was developed by a team of scientists under the scientific editorship of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education A. A. Leontiev in 1999. The program is based on the idea of ​​lifelong education, which involves the implementation of the goals, principles and prospects for the development of the content and technology of Russian education, including education, for the next ten years.

Purpose of the program preparation in the process of preschool and school developmental education of a literate personality as an indicator of quality education, ensuring the student’s readiness for further development. Subject-based preschool training programs under the “School – 2010” program are implemented in textbooks for children and methodological recommendations for educators and teachers, are consistent with similar subject programs for primary school and are part of a continuous course within the framework of the educational program “School - 2100”.

The preschool mathematics training program for children aged 3-6 years (authors L. G. Peterson, E. E. Kochemasova, N. P. Kholina) is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child - the development of his motivational sphere, intellectual and creative forces, and personality traits. New material is not given in ready-made form, but is introduced on the basis of the principle of activity, i.e., the connections and relationships of the world around them are “discovered” by children themselves through analysis, comparison, and identification of essential features. Role teacher-educator comes down to organizing educational activities and quietly, unobtrusively leading children to a “discovery.” Saturation educational material game tasks are determined age characteristics children.

The program for training preschoolers in computer science (authors A. V. Goryachev, N. V. Klyuch) provides for a significant amount of specific tasks for teaching children computer science, which are posed in relation to the simplest objects, actions, statements: the ability to compose parts and wholes (for objects and actions) ; name the main purpose of objects; arrange events in the correct sequence; give examples of true and false statements; see the benefits and harms of a property in different situations, transfer the properties of one object to another, etc.

The program for a preschool course on speech development and preparation for learning to read and write (R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva, T. R. Kislova) puts forward the following learning objectives: developing interest and attention to the word, to speech (your own and those around you); enrichment of the vocabulary, development of the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech skills based on the speech experience of a child who is a native speaker; expanding ideas about the world around us based on the child’s life experience; development of creative abilities; development of visual-figurative and formation of verbal-logical thinking, etc. The program for children 4-6 years old is the initial link of the continuous course “Teaching literacy

- Russian language - reading and literature for grades 1-11", created as part of the educational program "School - 2100". The authors of the program use elements of speech therapy techniques for preschool children to prevent errors in reading and writing.

Program for preschoolers according to the course " The world"(authors A. A. Vakhrushev, E. E. Kochemasova) aims to introduce the child to a holistic picture of the world, since, even being incomplete, with a minimum

A child’s knowledge and a holistic picture of the world will allow him to be a conscious participant in life. The second goal of the “World around us” course is familiarization with the native language and the development of speech as the most important educational task. Since 3-5 year old children do not know how to read and write, the authors of the program used the “pictographic” method of presenting educational material, i.e., replacing traditional texts with images. The pictogram is perceived with interest by children, like a rebus or a game, and in it they find both a task and an answer based on their own life experience.

The training program for preschoolers in the course “Synthesis of Arts” (author O. A. Kurevina) is aimed at the formation of an aesthetically developed personality, at awakening the child’s creative activity and artistic thinking, at developing skills in his perception of works various types arts (literature, music, fine arts, theater), as well as to identify children’s abilities to express themselves through various forms of creative activity. The program material is problematic. It includes sections “Speech Development”, “Music”,

“Fine art”, “Plasticity, rhythm and theatrical forms” and is designed for three years.

The program has a wide range of usage possibilities: addressed to the system preschool education, it is acceptable in the educational system, in family education, and in preparing children for school.



Subject environment is a system of subject environments rich in games, toys, manuals, equipment and materials for organizing independent creative activity of children (S. L. Novoselova).

Developmental subject environment– a system of material objects of a child’s activity, functionally modeling the content of his spiritual and physical development (S. L. Novoselova). The meaning of the developmental environment lies in its stimulating indirect impact on the child’s personality of objects, toys, furnishings, etc.

Enriched environment- this is a subject environment that presupposes the unity of sociocultural and natural means of ensuring a child’s varied activities (S. L. Novoselova). Goal: to develop the child as a subject of his inherent activities, interacting with people around him and the world of things for self-knowledge and knowledge of the environment.

Developmental subject environment of childhood- this is a system of conditions that ensure the full development of children’s activity and the child’s personality, his full physical, aesthetic, cognitive and social development.

Components of a developing subject environment:

o natural environment;

o cultural landscapes (park, garden);

o physical education, games and health facilities;

o subject-game environment;

o children's library;

o game library and video library;

o design studio;

o musical and theatrical environment;

o subject-developmental classroom environment;

o computer and gaming complex;

o centers - a new element of the developing subject environment (center for local history, games and toys, etc.);

o ethnographic and natural museums;

o canteens (cafes);

o ecological path on the territory of a preschool educational institution, etc.

Basic components form the basis for creating variable development environment projects. Each project can include all components or select some of them.

Components of the development space of a preschool educational institution (Yu. M. Horowitz):

1. Space intellectual development and creativity:

Game room(has stable equipment aimed at a certain age);

Universal game Zone– the central zone of a preschool educational institution with a high degree of transformability of space and equipment, with thematic subzones: sports, games;

Design studio for artistic and creative activities.

2. Space of physical development:

Motor and sports games(sports grounds with appropriate equipment);

Water area (swimming pool, attraction showers, sauna).

3. Space for environmental development:

Landscape areas (natural and artificial relief, artificial waterfalls, picturesque hills, etc.);

Natural environment (landscaping);

Areas for agricultural work (vegetable garden, greenhouse);

Green corners in the interior of a group room;

TAVSO for the implementation of “ecological programs” (landscapes in different climatic zones, wildlife).

4. Computer space: computer room; game room; sports complex; psychological relief room.

Main characteristics of the development environment (M.N. Polyakova):

1. Comfort and safety of the environment.

2. Providing a richness of sensory experiences.

3. Ensuring independent individual activities of preschoolers.

4. Providing opportunities for research and learning.

5. The possibility of including all children in the group in cognitive activities.

A guide in designing a developmental environment preschool institutions the principles of its construction, reflected in the concepts, stand out.

Principles of creating a subject environment reflected in the document

“The concept of building a developmental environment for organizing the lives of children and adults in the preschool education system”, developed by the author. a team led by V. A. Petrovsky (1993).

the child could “rise” to the position of a teacher. The height of the furniture should be easy to change. It is important for the teacher to find the right distance with each child, and with the group of children as a whole. The size and layout of the premises should be such that everyone can find a place convenient for study and comfortable: sufficiently distant from children and adults, or, conversely, allowing them to feel close contact with them, or providing equal amounts of contact and freedom at the same time.
Activity, independence, creativity The child and the adult are the creators of their objective environment. The environment in a preschool educational institution should stimulate the emergence and development of the child’s cognitive interests, his volitional qualities, emotions and feelings (for example, the presence of frames on the walls into which drawings can be inserted allows the child to change the design of the walls depending on his mood and aesthetic tastes). One of the walls – the drawing “wall of creativity” – is at the complete disposal of children. Other walls can be used to display large-scale teaching aids that focus on cognitive and emotional development. Much attention is paid to “color and light design” (changes in lighting), sound design (recording the rustling of leaves, birdsong...). Conditions must be created for the child to recreate “adult” forms of activity (workshops with sets of simple tools). One of the main factors is the creation of a gaming environment. For artistic activities, it is advisable to select an appropriate zone with water supplied to this zone, with a children’s sink; "table area".
Stability - dynamism The design of the preschool environment must include the possibility of its changes. In the color and volumetric-spatial construction of the interior, multifunctional, easily transformable elements should be highlighted while maintaining overall semantic integrity; their quantity should be rationally determined (for example, cubic poufs in the locker room, forming platform seats from which a “house” can be assembled). Complete safety and unique construction

the material will be provided by soft (foam rubber covered with leather) cubes, arches, flat mats, etc. The possibility of transforming space can be realized through the use of sliding partitions.
Integration and flexible zoning The living space in a preschool educational institution should be such that it makes it possible to build non-overlapping spheres of activity. This will allow children to freely engage in different activities at the same time without interfering with each other. There should be functional rooms that children can use: physical education, music, theater, laboratories, “offices” (with books, games, etc.), creative workshops, etc. The transformation of the rooms can be ensured by sliding lightweight partitions. Spacious, bright lobbies are planned, with overhead natural light and a winter garden, with seating for children and adults.
The emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult The environment should be organized in such a way that it encourages children to interact with its various elements, increasing the child's functional activity. It is necessary to create conditions for the formation and development of a full-fledged image of “I” (the presence of mirrors of different sizes in the room). A kindergarten needs play equipment (large-block, lightweight, decorative, proportionate to the child), complete doll furniture, used in areas and indoors (screen houses, construction sets, etc.). Sets of gaming and teaching equipment must be proportionate to the storage containers. Particular attention should be paid to the design of the child’s object-play environment, since the shapes, colors, and layout of this environment are perceived by the child as reference ones.
Combinations of conventional and extraordinary elements and aesthetic organization of the environment Placing paintings and sculptures in the interior that give the child an idea of ​​the basics of graphic language and various cultures - Eastern, European, African. Suitable for different styles(realistic, abstract, comic, etc.) present to children the same content of a fairy tale, episodes from the lives of children, adults, then children will be able to master the beginnings of the specifics of different genres. Space must be allocated for exhibitions.

It is advisable to equip rooms for children's artistic creativity.
Openness-closedness Firstly, openness to Nature, design that promotes the unity of Man and Nature: the organization of “green rooms” in the premises (patios with plants growing in them, greenhouses, verandas). Secondly, openness to Culture: elements of culture - painting, literature, music - should be organically included in interior design. The organization of the environment is based both on the best examples of universal human culture, and on specific regional characteristics of culture, arts and crafts. Thirdly, openness to Society. Functional integration of preschool educational institutions with other social and cultural institutions: children's theaters, musical groups performing performances in preschool educational institutions; classes for children's clubs and sections conducted by invited teachers. Parents have a special right to participate in the life of the preschool educational institution. Fourthly, openness of one’s “I”: projects using mirrors of different sizes, photographic portraits of children and adults in the premises of a preschool educational institution, the presence of albums and folders with photographs (in a place accessible to the child).
Taking into account gender and age differences in children Providing opportunities for both boys and girls to express their inclinations in accordance with the standards of masculinity and femininity accepted in society. It is advisable to zoning the bedroom into 2-3-4 semi-enclosed spaces, which will create a certain comfort. The age-related approach to organizing a developmental environment consists not so much in the invention of new principles, but in the specific implementation of those formed above. Thus, the choice of the optimal distance and position in communication for young children means the predominance of bodily forms of communication (bodily contact); with age, eye-to-eye communication becomes predominant. And the principle of integration and flexible zoning is implemented in terms of age by expanding the range of functional premises and their differentiation.

The concept of S. L. Novoselova (1995) reveals main characteristics of the developmental subject environment:

o unity of style solution;

o co-scale subject space the actions of the child’s hand, his growth and the objective world of adults;

o compliance with ergonomic requirements.

Authors: T.N. Doronova, L.G. Golubeva, T.I. Grizik and others. Edited by T. N. Doronova.
In the program name "From childhood to adolescence" the authors have invested a special meaning associated with its content, goals and objectives. It is well known that childhood is a unique period in a person’s life, during which health is formed and personality develops. A child takes away from childhood something that is retained for the rest of his life.

The goal of the program is to create favorable conditions in the family and educational institutions for the formation of health and development through prevention and education in the context of national identity, language and traditions; education aimed at developing the child’s personality and abilities.

The program is designed for children from 2 to 7 years old. This is the first program in which issues of child development and upbringing are considered in close cooperation between a preschool institution and the family. For each age stage, tasks that need to be solved in a family and kindergarten are determined in two areas: “Health” and “Development”. Each direction has an introductory and main part. The introductory part is of a journalistic nature. Its goal is to attract parents and teachers. The main part presents tasks that need to be solved in the family and preschool educational institutions.

The authors of the program consider the cognitive sphere as a complex formation that provides a person with a normal and full (intellectual and emotional) existence in our world. They proceed from the fact that at each age stage, a child’s knowledge of the world is carried out in its own specific ways. Emotional and sensory comprehension of the world is of paramount importance in the development of the cognitive sphere. In preschool childhood, the child is not ready to acquire knowledge in scientific systems. He is only preparing to begin their serious development at a certain stage of his development. But the attitude towards our world is intensively laid down precisely in preschool age. A child's attitude towards the world should be based on care, kindness, humanity and compassion. The child will carry this attitude throughout his entire life, and the knowledge subsequently acquired will be superimposed on this attitude.

At the age of 4-7 years, children form a primary elementary image of the world; children begin to understand that our world is huge, changeable, diverse, and beautiful. A child of this age is distinguished by elementary age-related erudition, manifested in the ability to maintain conversations that are simple in content and touch upon cognitive aspects (the natural world and the human world).

The interaction between kindergarten teachers and parents appears in the program as necessary condition normal development of the cognitive sphere. To enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of influence on the child, teachers and parents must act according to a single program, perform common tasks, but in different ways and means, coordinate their actions and help each other.

Complex tasks of emotional well-being, health and full personal and intellectual development of the child are identified for solution in a family and kindergarten.

The program has a section “ Cognitive development"(author T.I. Grizik).

Goal: to develop the cognitive interests, needs and abilities of children, their independent search activity on the basis of an enriched consciousness and formed emotional and sensory experience.

  • broaden one’s horizons through familiarization with the experience of knowledge of the world accumulated by mankind;
  • develop cognitive processes (perception, memory, attention, imagination, thinking) and mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, etc.) in accordance with the age norm;
  • create conditions conducive to identifying and maintaining selective interests and the emergence of independent cognitive activity in children;
  • to form a positive attitude towards the world based on emotional and sensory experience.

Structural and content characteristics

So, in the preschool educational institution it is assumed:

  • to form ideas about nature, to offer information about living nature in a fascinating way: individual representatives of the flora and fauna, the features of their appearance, habits, conditions of placement in different territories;
  • introduce the nature of interaction between plants and animals;
  • introduce into consciousness elementary ideas about inanimate nature: various atmospheric phenomena, qualities and properties of objects of inanimate nature;
  • introduce different planets.

The program offers:

  • introduce children to natural materials, their properties and qualities, the nature of their use by humans;
  • show the relationship between living and inanimate nature: the seasons, their rhythm and cyclicity, observe and record seasonal changes and their impact on the life of nature and humans;
  • introduce the globe, using a globe, a physical map of the world, various natural and climatic zones, natural resources of the subsoil, countries and peoples, some anatomical features of a person in accordance with the age capabilities and needs of the child, form ideas about the self-worth of a person (beauty, mental strength , creation, heroism, etc.);
  • differentiate existing ideas about living nature and the social world: wild nature (wild animals and wild plants), cultivated nature (domestic animals and cultivated plants), human activity (cognitive, labor, artistic) and its results;
  • organize the accumulated and received information about the world of nature and man by comprehending various connections (target, cause-and-effect), dependencies, patterns, show what the violation of connections and patterns leads to;
  • introduce to elementary, age-appropriate experimentation (with water, sand, clay; with plasticine, fabric, magnet, etc.);
  • promote development and improvement different methods knowledge in accordance with the age capabilities and individual rates of development of the child;
  • learn to analyze various phenomena and events, compare them, generalize;
  • make basic inferences;
  • be able to foresee possible developments of events and, based on this, plan your own and others’ actions and actions;
  • to form emotional responsiveness to events and phenomena of the surrounding reality, joys and achievements, experiences and problems of other people;
  • create conditions that allow you to actively express your own attitude to the world, consolidate and exercise your positive experience;
  • pay attention to the positive actions and manifestations of children in relation to people and nature;
  • to form a positive, careful, creative attitude towards the world through the development of the foundations of ecological culture;
  • develop environmental consciousness on the principles of the equivalence of all living things;
  • to form ideas about the relationship between nature and man (comprehension of the “man - natural environment” system accessible to children);
  • to intensify the independent activities of children to preserve, improve and increase the riches of the surrounding nature, taking into account their individual preferences and desires;
  • develop the foundations of environmental aesthetics through creating conditions for the aesthetic perception of nature during its direct perception (objects and phenomena in different times year), to show the greatness of nature through different types of arts: painting, literature, music.

The family offers:

  • talk about various representatives of living nature (plants and animals), teach to observe them (using the example of domestic animals and plants), note their features, record changes ( appearance, animal behavior);
  • read fairy tales about nature and children's educational literature;
  • talk about inanimate nature (seasonal phenomena, parts of the day), connect stories with real life child;
  • expand ideas about nature in summer period, share memories from your childhood associated with pets, interesting places (sea, forest, river, mountains, etc.), amazing encounters and finds (for example, you met a moose in the forest, found a kitten on the street, etc.);
  • introduce to labor activity people (primarily with the activities of family members and loved ones); professional (who and where worked and works), household (household chores and their distribution among family members), hobbies and hobbies (growing flowers, vegetables, fruits; knitting; embroidery; sewing; sports; collecting, etc.);
  • consolidate the received ideas in feasible practical activities (household duties, work assignments);
  • draw the child’s attention to the significance of his work for loved ones;
  • talk about the Motherland, its riches, open spaces; the peoples inhabiting it and famous people;
  • develop the child’s cognitive abilities;
  • observe the surrounding nature and social world; note the changes occurring in them; act together depending on what is seen and noticed;
  • Demonstrate by example an attentive and caring attitude towards people (especially loved ones); interested, careful and creative attitude towards nature;
  • visit places where you can meet representatives of wildlife (zoo, botanical garden, circus, flower exhibitions, cats, etc.);
  • discuss with your child why you and he like (don’t like) this or that a natural phenomenon, time of year, part of the day.

Features of organizing the work of pre-school specialists

The program assumes the active involvement of parents in the upbringing and education of children. So that preschool teachers could interact with parents, the program “From Childhood to Adolescence” was created. Through interaction with teachers and participation in the life of the kindergarten, parents gain experience in pedagogical cooperation both with their child and with the teaching community as a whole.

Educational and methodological support

To help educators, a large package of benefits has been developed, which constitutes a set of programmatic and methodological materials for each group under the program “From Childhood to Adolescence.”

The program has teaching aids for each section for educators and parents, and notebooks have been published for children. The authors developed rough plans by sections of the program, methods of examining children.

The set of methodological manuals for the program fully provides annual planning of work with children, but the sequence of planning by the teacher of the material is determined depending on the individual characteristics of the children, their health, intensity and pace of progress in development, regardless of the level of initial preparedness.

The program and a set of teaching aids have undergone extensive experimental testing in various regions of Russia and received a positive assessment from parents and teachers.

Zebzeeva V.A. Development of elementary natural science concepts and environmental culture of children: Review of preschool education programs. - M.: Sfera, 2009.

Author: T. N. Doronova and others. The goal of the program is to create favorable conditions in the family and educational institutions for education aimed at developing the child’s personality, his talents and abilities as ways to independently solve creative and other problems, developing curiosity as foundations of cognitive activity of the future schoolchild.

Tasks in 2 areas: “Health” - ensures the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their development and emotional well-being. Parents are given the opportunity, together with kindergarten teachers and medical workers, to first study and evaluate the health of each child, and then choose individual tactics for its formation. “Development” is aimed at developing the child’s personality (competence, initiative, independence, curiosity, ability for creative self-expression) and introducing children to universal human values.

Features of the program Distinctive feature program is integration (based on cognitive and speech activity), which allows you to harmonize the educational process and plan it flexibly (narrow and expand).

The key to pedagogical technology is organized, purposeful intellectual and cognitive activity, including latent, real and indirect learning.

Latent learning is the formation of certain skills in a situation where their direct implementation is not necessary and they are unclaimed. It is ensured by the presence of sensory and informational experience, which creates a base of clear and unclear ones. The accumulation of spontaneous experience can be organized through enriched subject environment; specially thought out and motivated independent activities (everyday, work, constructive); creative productive activity; cognitive intellectual communication with adults.

Real learning, which is allocated a relatively small proportion of time in the general educational process, occurs as specially organized cognitive activity of the entire group or a separate subgroup of children. Problem-search situations that are used in real teaching contribute to the development of ideas based on heuristic methods, when concepts and dependencies are discovered by the child independently, when he himself begins to understand the most important patterns.

Indirect learning involves the inclusion of a broadly organized pedagogy of cooperation, game-based problem-practical situations, joint completion of tasks, mutual control, mutual learning in a play library created by children, and the use of various types of holidays and leisure activities.

The program is addressed to teaching staff of educational institutions implementing the tasks of early, preschool and primary general education, teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents, and can also be used to work with children who do not attend kindergarten.

The program is based on the most important strategic principle of the modern Russian education system - its continuity, which at the stages of preschool and school childhood is ensured by close coordination of the actions of three social institutions of education - family, kindergarten and school. This is reflected in the name of the program, which characterizes the continuous connection between preschool and primary school age.

Based on the concept of preschool and primary general education, the program orients adults towards personality-oriented interaction with the child, involves the pedagogical cooperation of parents both with their child and with the pedagogical community as a whole, the participation of parents in the upbringing and education of children in the family, kindergarten, and then at school. At the stage of preschool childhood, the program implements the idea of ​​​​combining the efforts of parents and teachers to successfully solve the following health-improving and educational tasks:

Promoting health by providing conditions for
qualitative maturation of all systems and functions of the child’s body;

Comprehensive development the child’s personality, his talents and
creative abilities, development of curiosity as the basis for the cognitive activity of the future student;

Fostering respect for the national identity of the language and traditional values, developing social skills, the ability to communicate with adults and peers.

The program indicates the characteristic features of various periods of childhood and defines tasks that are advisable to solve in a family and kindergarten in two main areas - “Health” and “Development”.

The first direction of the program - “Health” - ensures the protection and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health, their physical development and emotional well-being. Parents are given the opportunity, together with kindergarten teachers and medical workers, to first study and evaluate the child’s health, and then choose individual tactics for his improvement.

The second direction of the program - “Development” - is aimed at developing the child’s personality as a whole, introducing him to cultural values, forming creative imagination, developing his curiosity, cognitive activity, heuristic thinking, interest in search activities, as well as social competence.

The program defines a number of general principles for successful interaction between parents and teachers. The most important are the style of relationship between an adult and a child, respect for him and careful attitude towards the products of children's creativity, attention to his actions, manifestation of initiative, independence, and maintaining self-confidence.

Appendix 5

Subject development environment

Program "Childhood"


1. To cultivate in children emotional responsiveness and ability
to empathy, readiness to demonstrate a humane attitude.

2. Develop cognitive activity, curiosity,
the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, mental abilities and speech.

3. Stimulate children's creative activity, imagination,
desire to get involved in activities.

Program motto:“Feel - know - create.”

Creating an environment in accordance with the content of the educational program “Childhood” requires an orientation towards the concept of the holistic development of the preschooler as a subject of children’s activity (M.V. Krulekht), which presupposes:

Consistent changes in the subject-game environment in
according to the age of the children;

Taking into account the gender characteristics and preferences of children;

Focus on the development of the child in accordance with universal human values, creating positive relationships between

Stimulating children's creative ideas and individual creative expressions. The subject-development environment should encourage fantasy and imagination.

Children's development centers


1. Toys and attributes for games.

2. Equipment for director's play:

Multifunctional cubes;

Layouts (volume - houses, garages; planar - maps of the playing space, screens);

Sets of small-sized shaped (volumetric and flat) toys: men, soldiers, cartoon and book characters, play equipment (furniture, dishes);

Animals (fairy-tale, realistic; in the older group - fantastic creatures);

Unformed playing material: cubes, balls, pyramid rings, bottles;

Symbols of space (rivers, sun, benches, flowers, mushrooms; in the older group - small flat images and several playing fields).


Literary Center

Works of folklore;

Russian folk tales and peoples of the world;

Works of Russian and foreign classics;

2. Books loved by children in this group.

3. Seasonal literature.

4. Exchange fund (for delivery to your home).

5. Children's magazines (senior group).

6. Children's drawings.

7. Verbal creativity (albums of riddles, stories compiled by children).

8. Children's hobbies (postcards, calendars).