Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

Tomsk State University


Development of measures to save energy and increase

energy efficiency in Kindergarten No. 271 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of development


Chistova E. A.

Kuznetsova E. M

Lukashenko N.V.

Ustyantseva G. P

Team leader:

Dolgikh P.P.

Krasnoyarsk 2014

2.1 Promotion and popularization of energy saving in the institution 6

2.2 Application of automatic touch faucets in natural and 7 gentle terms

2.3 Use of motion sensors in kind and monetary terms. 8

2.4 Application of heat-reflecting structures behind heating radiators 11

2.5 Replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones 13 Conclusion 16 Literature 19 Introduction Energy saving is relevant and a necessary condition normal functioning kindergarten, since increasing the efficiency of use of fuel and energy resources with a continuous increase in prices for energy resources and, accordingly, an increase in the cost of electrical and thermal energy allows us to achieve significant savings in fuel and energy resources and financial resources.

An analysis of the functioning of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 271 shows that the main losses of fuel and energy resources are observed due to ineffective use, distribution and consumption of thermal and electrical energy and water, as well as the use of old electrical equipment and the lack of major repairs since the existence of the educational institution.

Irrational use and loss of energy and water lead to loss of thermal energy, electricity and water.

Accordingly this leads to:

To an increase in budget funding for the institution, to a deterioration of the environmental situation.

The purpose of developing this project is:

Increasing the efficiency of energy saving measures in the building of MBDOU No. 271

The objectives of the measures being implemented are:

Obtaining objective data on the volume of energy resources;

Determining the potential for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency;

Development of publicly available measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency and conduct their cost assessment.

1 Basic information about the institution

Garden building:

Year of commissioning: 1977;

Walls – reinforced concrete slabs;

Windows – PVC profiles and wooden with separate double glazing;

Roof – soft roof, pitchless;

Physical and actual wear and tear of the building, structure – 17%.

The institution consumes from centralized energy supply systems:

Electricity – for lighting, power load (office equipment and household equipment);

Thermal energy - for heating and hot water supply;

Water for household purposes, as well as sanitation services.

The energy consumption structure of MBDOU No. 271 in 2013 is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Energy consumption structure of MBDOU No. 271 in 2013

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energy prices, their wasteful and inefficient use is unacceptable.

Creating conditions for increasing the efficiency of use of energy resources is becoming one of the priorities for the development of the institution.

Energy saving potential is possible with the implementation of organizational and technical measures and investment projects aimed at reducing energy costs, efficient use of energy and material resources, and increasing energy saving efficiency.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to take the following measures:

Installation of motion sensors;

By replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones;

On the use of automatic sensor faucets;

For installation of heat-reflecting structures behind heating radiators.

2 Measures taken to reduce energy consumption

2.1 Promotion and popularization of energy saving in the institution

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For hot water Tgor = 36 rub./m3

For cold water Thol = 11.16 rub./m3 Actual consumption hot water for all mixing devices for the year Vhot.mix.=105.44 m3 Actual consumption of cold water for mixing devices for the year Vcol.mix.=177.64 m3 There are 10 mixers installed in the building.

The cost of installing one automatic sensor mixer, taking into account materials and labor costs, is 2,500 rubles.

The saving factor of automatic sensor faucets k eff is 40%.

Annual savings of hot water with installed automatic senVg = k eff Vhor.mix.= 0.4105.44 = 42 m3 weed mixer:

Annual savings of cold water with installed automatic Vx = k eff Vcold mix = 0.4177.64 = 71 m3 sensor mixer:

–  –  –

As can be seen from the above calculation, the event “Use of automatic sensor mixers” will pay for itself in approximately 10 years.

2.3 Use of motion sensors in kind and monetary terms.

Efficiency calculation

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[m2] - area of ​​the room, lighting due to its dustiness. Accepts 1.3 fluorescent.,

The minimum illumination coefficient accepted for the luminous flux of 1 lamp, determined by the formula:

minicent lamps 1.1.,

–  –  –

Let the lighting operate for 240 hours per month before installing the sensor.

After installing a motion sensor, the lighting turns on only if a person is present in the sensor's coverage area. Based on experimental data, the operating time of lighting in the presence of a sensor is reduced

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It is necessary to estimate the annual savings from the implementation of the measure in physical and monetary terms in a building equipped with 5 heating devices of the same type.

Geometric dimensions of the projection of the heating device onto the wall:

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sets avg.nar = 7.1.

Average outside air temperature during the heating period inside = 8.7 Heat transfer coefficient from inside air to the fence

2.5 Replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones Information about the institution Number of premises with temporary occupancy 2.

Number and power of incandescent lamps in rooms with temporary occupancy (for each room):

Number of lamps – 12 pcs.,

Power – 100 W, Number of operating hours of the lighting system – 12 hours.

Electricity tariff T = 3.8 rub.

The number of working days of the institution in a year is 247 days.

Methodology for calculating the effectiveness of an event

The estimated electricity consumption for lighting premises with temporary occupancy is, kWh:

Wln = N Rln z 10 3, Wln =12. 100. 12. 247 = 3556800 = 3556.8 kWh where N [pcs.] – the number of incandescent lamps in places with temporary residence of people; R ln [W] – incandescent lamp power; [h] – operating time of the lighting system; z – number of working days in a year.

Installing motion and presence sensors will reduce the number of operating hours of the lighting system to 1-2 hours. Replacing incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps will reduce the use of electricity to operate lighting installations.

Electricity consumption for lighting places with temporary residence of people after the introduction of an automatic control system and replacement of lamps will be, kWh:

When introducing an automatic lighting control system in rooms with temporary occupancy, the time of use of lamps, according to experimental data, will be reduced to 2.5 hours.

Wkll = N Rkll a z 10 3, W kll =12. 25. 2.5. 247=185250=186 kWh where P kll [W] – power of a compact fluorescent lamp; a [h] – operating time of the lighting system after installing motion and presence sensors.

Electricity savings when implementing measures will be equal, kWh:

Wln Wcl.

W W=3556.8-186=3370.8 kWh

Annual savings in monetary terms will be, thousand rubles:

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where N cells – required number of lamps, 12 pcs.; With CFL – the cost of one compact fluorescent lamp is 150 rubles; k – share of costs for installing motion sensors in the cost of equipment, 20% (0.2); N a – required number of lighting system regulators (number of rooms), 12 pcs.;

C a – cost of one lighting system controller, 100 rubles.

Thus, using the formula, we find the payback period

The service life of compact fluorescent lamps is 2 years.

The service life of motion sensors is 5 years.

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As a result of energy saving measures, we obtained the following results using automatic touch mixers in monetary terms, the savings rate of automatic touch mixers is up to 50%.

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The use of motion sensors in kind and monetary terms.

the main objective of this equipment– provide user comfort and energy savings. Successful experience with motion sensors shows that they can save 70–80% of electrical energy spent on lighting.

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A significant reduction in heat losses in this situation can be achieved by installing heat-reflecting screens that insulate sections of the walls located behind the heating devices. Installing such reflectors is a low-cost way to save energy with a short payback period. The use of incandescent lamps for indoor lighting leads to a significant waste of electrical energy, since fluorescent or LED lamps, generating a luminous flux of similar power, consume 4-9 times less electricity

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Based on Law No. 261FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” an action plan has been proposed to increase energy efficiency.


1. Energy strategy of Russia until 2030 (approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 13, 2009 N 1715-r);

2. the federal law dated November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”;

3. State program of the Russian Federation “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency for the period until 2020” (approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 No. 2446-r);

4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2011 No. 18 “On approval of the Rules for establishing energy efficiency requirements for buildings, structures, structures and requirements for the rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings.”

5. GOST R 51387-99 “Energy saving. Regulatory and methodological support. Basic provisions".

6. GOST R 51541-99 “Energy saving. Energy efficiency.

Relevance of the project topic. One of the most current problems modern world is saving electrical energy, finding ways to conserve energy resources.

Joint work on the project will increase the interest of preschoolers and their parents in the problem of energy saving, expand their knowledge in this area, and also help strengthen child-parent relationships in progress joint activities.

Objective of the project: raising children preschool age elementary culture of energy saving through the organization of various types of joint activities of the teacher, students and their parents.

Project objectives.

For pupils:

  1. Enrichment and systematization of preschool children’s knowledge about electricity and methods of its generation.
  2. Development of interest in the problem of saving energy resources.
  3. Development of skills of lean behavior in relation to energy resources.
  4. Development of intellectual abilities in preschoolers, the ability to compare facts, phenomena, objects, compare and analyze them.

For parents:

  1. Involving parents and other family members of pupils in joint activities and participation in preschool educational institutions projects.
  2. Activation creative potential parents of pupils.
  3. Ensuring favorable, emotionally rich relationships between parents and children.

4 Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents, enriching their educational experience

In order to form a conscious attitude to the problem of energy saving in kindergarten, the following form of work with children was used:

Examination of subject pictures, a series of conversations on the topic: Purpose: to recognize and name electrical appliances, their purpose and use in everyday life, to introduce the rules of safe handling.

Experienced experimental activities: “Why does the light bulb shine?”,”Magic ball”, “Miracle hairstyle” Purpose: to expand children’s understanding of where electricity “lives”, to introduce the appearance of static electricity, to understand the principle of operation of an electrical appliance.

We introduced the children to the presentation “From a splinter to a light bulb.” Goal: To teach children to carefully and economically use everything that nature and the state provide us.

GCD “Planet Earth is in Danger” Purpose: to generalize children’s knowledge about electricity; We got acquainted with electric batteries and the devices where they are used; continue to develop in children the need to save heat.

Didactic games: with the ball “Helpers” Purpose: to reinforce the correct use of indefinite verbs, to develop attention and thinking.

“Are the characters in these pictures doing the right thing”, “Basics of safety”, “Do’s and don’ts.” Goal: to reinforce the rules of safe behavior when handling household electrical appliances, water, electricity, and to develop an interest in learning about the world.

Artistic creativity: “Where electric current occurs” Purpose: to draw electrical appliances, expand and clarify the vocabulary on the topic. Construction: "Power station of the future"

Exhibition of drawings “I live in my country - I shore light and water.”

Goal: to involve not only preschoolers, but also their parents in energy saving issues, to show their imagination and express their attitude towards the world around them. Contribute to the education of environmental consciousness in children. Promote the development of environmentally sustainable and safe lifestyle skills.

The result of our work was the screening of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Memo for parents about energy saving Purpose: To draw attention to the problems of energy use, saving energy and energy resources, and protecting the environment.

Useful advice on the topic: "Home Economics"

The topic of economical management is practically inexhaustible. The main fact, obviously, is that concern for the economy has long gone beyond just the production sphere. Every family should remember this, and everyone, from young to old, should learn to deal with manifestations of mismanagement. Let's learn to save bread and water, heat and electricity.

We may not know all the intricacies of economics, but we are obliged to think economically and analyze on the scale of at least our own family.

Make it a rule: when going out, turn off the lights!

  1. Use local lamps when there is no need for general lighting.
  2. Replace incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones where they operate for a long time. Although energy-saving lamps cost 10 times more than conventional incandescent lamps, their service life is 8 to 10 times longer and they consume 5 times less energy. The average service life of a conventional incandescent lamp is 1,000 hours, a fluorescent lamp is 8,000 - 10,000 hours. You can forget about replacing lamps for several years.
  3. Unplug appliances that remain in standby mode for long periods of time. Even in standby mode, household appliances absorb energy.
  4. Use household appliances with an energy efficiency class of at least class A.
  5. Install the refrigerator correctly: do not install the refrigerator near a radiator or gas stove. The refrigerator will consume 20 - 30% less energy if you place it near outer wall, but not close to it.
  6. Cool cooked food before placing it in the refrigerator and do not leave the refrigerator door open. Systematically inspect the door seal; even a small gap in the seal increases energy consumption by 20 - 30%. Defrost the refrigerator more often: the ice in the refrigerator does not cool, but on the contrary, acts as a heat insulator.
  7. Monitor the condition of the stove in the kitchen: if the stove is electric, make sure that the burners are not deformed and fit tightly to the bottom of the heated dishes. This will eliminate unnecessary heat and electricity consumption. Use cookware with a bottom that is equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the electric stove burner.
  8. Use the residual heat of household appliances: do not turn on the electric stove in the kitchen in advance and turn it off a little earlier than necessary to fully cook the dish - use the residual heat of the burners. Ironing board with heat reflector - also great way saving energy.
  9. Descale your kettle and boil as much water as you want to use. Scale in a kettle conducts heat almost 30 times worse than metal, so it significantly increases the amount of energy required to boil water.
  10. Light walls reflect 70 - 80% of the light, while dark walls reflect only 10 - 15%?

Read with your children

Fable "The Bear is a hack"

They pulled light in the forest in the old days,
Well what? forest animals worst of all?
In all caves, hollows, nests, holes
The squirrel linemen were turning on the lights.
The bear came: “And to my den too...
So that it would be light, warm, and comfortable for me to sleep.
Living without civilization is worthless -
You have to get used to the comforts of life."
The light failed, and in the bitter winter
Animals sit quietly at home
In warmth, comfort, silence, peace,
And they still pay their bills regularly.
One bear fell into a den,
Turning on the heater at full power.
And I disconnected from payment problems,
And the counter runs day and night.
They woke him up, but he didn’t care -
The Bear snores and pays nothing.
And the forest is so tired of sending light for free,
That they turned off the light in his den.
The hack is frozen - the den is frozen,
Roars with anger, circling through the forest,
And there’s still a long way to go until spring...
And he turned into a homeless person.
The moral of this story is clear to everyone

Ah, the conclusion is clear to anyone:
If you don't save light
And using it for free will cost you more.

Take care of the light, people!

We have no life without light.

If there were no light,

If we lived, I don’t know how.

A person wouldn't have

No benefits for life.

It is unknown how in the cave age

Did a person live without light?

Electricity is a useful thing!

Even if we don’t wear it and eat it,

At least not to hear her, not to recognize her,

Even if you don’t see it, you don’t understand it.

Everyone should save!

Everyone must understand

That your attitude

It needs to be changed urgently!

To become in this world

Tomorrow is better than yesterday -

Keep it in your apartment

Water, gas and electricity always available.

look at the photo in the media.

research project "Energy Saving"

Authors of the project


Children, parents and teachers

Municipal educational institution UVK No. 130 of Donetsk

City, region

Donetsk, DPR

Project name

"Energy Saving"

Project type



Average duration (month)

Age group

Senior preschool age (children 6-7 years old)

Educational area

Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Safety.

Project goals and objectives

Target: formation of initial information about the rational use of natural resources, basic safety and energy saving rules.


    to form in preschoolers ideas about electricity, where it “lives”, how it gets into homes and is used by people;

    develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity and creative abilities;

    develop environmentally sustainable and safe lifestyle skills; careful use of electricity and heat;

    develop communication skills;

    involve preschoolers in useful activities for energy and resource conservation

Planned results

After completing the project, preschoolers will be able to:

    show interest in the natural world, independently formulate questions and look for answers to them (independently and together with adults)

    search for information (independently and together with adults) from various sources, including the Internet

    carry out selection, joint storage various materials including joint creation of various activity products (independently and together with adults)

    collect, summarize and evaluate facts, formulate and present your own point of view (independently and together with adults)

    demonstrate basic environmental management skills

Brief summary of the project

The proposed project is carried out as part of the environmental education of children of senior preschool age. Program “Origins”, sections “Social development”, “ Cognitive development. The world we live in." Can be implemented with children 5-7 years old.

As a result of independent elementary experiments and research aimed at studying electricity and its significance in human life, children form natural scientific ideas about objects of inanimate nature.

While working on the project, children will also answer the questions: “How to organize an effective search for information? What can be used for this?

During project activities children, together with adults, will create various activity products (individual and joint): layouts, posters, drawings, “The ABC of Safety”, etc.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1 “Problem situation”

What is electricity? How does it get into our homes?

Goal: to identify the levelthe formation of ideas about electricity in children of senior preschool age and the range of their interests.

The starting presentation of the teacher and the model of two questions are used, the Trees of Knowledge are filled in

What do I know

What do I want to know

    The light bulb runs on electricity

    Previously, there were candles instead of light bulbs

    The current is in the wires

    The trolleybus runs on electricity

    The current is dangerous, it bites

    The flashlight shines because it has a battery.

    What is current and where does it come from?

    How does current get into our homes?

    Why do you need electricity at home?

    What happens if the electricity goes out?

    How did the electric light bulb come about?

    Why is current dangerous?

    How to handle current so that it does not cause harm?

    Could the electricity run out?

    How should you save electricity?

Stage 2 “Planning” (based on using a two question model)

    Selection of topics for parent-child projects

    Discussion of information search options

    Planning stages of research activities

    Selection of supplies, material and equipment that may be needed for research and productive activities

    Discussion of products of activities that

children plan to receive at the end of the project

Stage 3 “Search for information” - research stage

The research phase included the integration educational areas: “cognition”, “socialization”, “safety”, “health”, “communication”, “work”, “reading” fiction", "artistic creativity".

Educational activities

within the framework of the project was carried out

    during regime moments;

    in the process of organizing various types of children's activities by the teacher

    during children's independent activities

Stage 4 “Products of children's activities”

Layouts, posters, the ABC of Safety book, photo albums, children's illustrated books, booklets, etc.

Stage 5 “Project Presentation”

Presentation of the project results in the form of parent-child projects, children's illustrated books, booklets, photo albums, creative products, etc.

Brief description of the project

Description of assessment methods

At the beginning of the project activity, the initial ideas of older preschool children about electricity are assessed (formative assessment). During the starting presentation of the teacher, the ideas of preschoolers are clarified,a knowledge map is built or a knowledge tree is filled in, questions to which children would like to be answered are discussed, a project plan is drawn up that provides Active participation adults (teachers and children)
Work on the research topic ends with the presentation of the results in a presentation, etc.

After completing work on the project, a presentation is held, at which each preschooler demonstrates the results of his research on a specific topic.

Assessing the effectiveness of this method of working with children of senior preschool age. The level of development of children’s ideas about electricity, the consistency of the presentation of the material, creativity to the implementation of the project, as well as the level of development of communication skills of preschoolers.

Description of forms educational activities

Introductory conversation 1 week
The project begins with a discussion with preschoolers of questions on the topic of the project (for this, the starting presentation of the teacher is used). The teacher offers a booklet for parents explaining the use of the project method when studying this topic, and containing questions to which children, together with adults, will seek answers. Adults (teachers and parents) together with children make upknowledge map (you can use the “Tree of Knowledge”, which contains information about what children know and what they want to learn about electricity).

Children choose a topic for an individual research project. Together with adults, they think over a plan for conducting research, choose research methods, and forms for presenting results. Discussedproject work plan.The teacher recommends to parents a list of resources on the topic of the project. Issues of the need to comply with copyright are discussed. At the end of the week, plans for conducting research on the chosen topic are discussed with each child and his parents. Reading fiction and scientific literature, watching animated and educational films, making observations, conducting basic experiments.

2 week

The child works together with adults on the project (research, observations, excursions are carried out, the work plan for the project is adjusted). Various forms of educational activities are carried out with preschoolers. Also carried out active work on cooperation with families of pupils during project activities (joint meetings, surveys, etc.).

3 week

Preschoolers, together with adults, prepare research results and prepare for presentation research projects. Preschoolers defend their projects and try to answer a fundamental question. At the end of the week, reflection on the work on the project is carried out through children and adults thinking about what was and was not possible to do in this project, what issues need to be discussed, or revealed in future work.

4 week

The research results are summarized, and parent-child and group projects are presented. An exhibition is being organized.



municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 14 of the city of Gusev

Creative project:

“Energy saving is a matter for everyone,

benefits for everyone"

for children of senior preschool age

Prepared by:

higher education teacher

qualification category

Dmitrieva Yu. A.



Project type: educational

Project duration: medium term

Subject of study:energy: light, water, electricity

By number of participants: group

Project participants:teacher, children senior group, parents.

The problem of reasonable use of energy is one of the main problems of humanity.

Energy saving is not only about saving money, but also about caring for the Planet. Each of us is part of the Planet, so any of our actions or inactions can affect the development of events. Energy saving is very important for how we live on this Planet and our descendants!

During the implementation of the project, we wanted to remind children of the simplest methods of saving electricity, heat, and water. Explain how you can save energy resources in kindergarten and at home, what role energy saving plays in preserving the Earth's ecology, and what rules everyone must follow in order to save natural resources.

Only targeted work on instilling a culture of resource and energy conservation among preschoolers will bear fruit in the future. adult life Today's kids, they will not be wasteful, let them become active helpers of public initiatives aimed at preserving and increasing the resources of our country.

Objective of the project. F Formation of initial information about the rational use of natural resources, basic safety and energy saving rules.


  • to form in preschoolers ideas about electricity, where it “lives”, how it gets into homes and is used by people;
  • develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity and creative abilities;
  • develop environmentally sustainable and safe lifestyle skills; respect for nature, electricity and heat;
  • develop communication skills;
  • involve preschoolers in useful activities for energy and resource conservation

Preliminary work:

  • daily observations of various phenomena of the surrounding world;
  • conversations about water, air, electricity, natural resources;
  • viewing and reading children's encyclopedias;
  • didactic games“Light, water, sound”, “Basics of safety”, “My home”.
  • experiments and experiments with water, air, light.

Planned results:

After completion of the project


  • notice the beauty of the surrounding nature and strive to preserve it;
  • they know that our planet is a common home for people, animals, plants;
  • can tell at a level accessible to them what role light, heat, clean air, water, soil play in the life of humans, animals, and plants;
  • know that the Earth's resources are not endless, they are difficult to restore;
  • are competent consumers of water and energy resources and ask adults to do so;
  • feel proud of the benefits they bring to their family and society.


  • have knowledge on current issues of energy saving;
  • exchange positive experiences in organizing work with children and parents on energy saving;
  • in collaboration with children, they save electricity, water, and heat in their workplace, thereby providing assistance to the kindergarten, district and city.


  • expand their knowledge of energy saving and conserve energy resources to benefit the family budget;
  • show creativity by participating in environmental holidays and promotions;
  • are more responsible about the consumption of energy resources and water, strive for a positive assessment of their actions on the part of children;
  • Working together with your child strengthens your relationship with him.

Project implementation stages.

I. Initial

Analysis of scientific literature on the topic “Energy saving”

Questioning parents “Do you know how to save energy?”

II. Basic

A series of lessons on the educational block “Energy Saving”.

Conversations “Smart human assistants”, “Energy around us”, “Electricity in nature (lightning)”, “Living and inanimate nature”, etc.

Viewing a multimedia presentation “Energy Saving”;

Reading fiction: “The Tale of Lost Heat” by I. Bashmakov,Dvoretskaya Zh.G. , Sitnikova I.A. “Children’s trip around the country “Thrift”, etc.

Classes on artistic and creative activities “The Journey of Droplets and Sparkles.”

Exhibition “Energy around”

Design of the booklet “How to help nature?”

GCD "ABC Beregoshi"

Entertainment “The Counter Visits the Guys”

III. Final

Quiz "Travel with the gnome Economy."

Design of the exhibition of collective creative works “Save Energy”.

Development of rules for the economical use of water, heat and electricity.

Creation of information corners for parents “Save water!”, “Let’s keep warm!”

Annex 1


Safety precautions

No matter how simple the experiment is, you cannot leave children alone; you need to start with instructions. We give the children aprons, explaining that real scientists (physicists and chemists) work only in special clothing. We draw the attention of children to the fact that experiments must be carried out carefully and carefully, because these are not “toys, but a real adult activity!”

The ingredients should not be tasted or poured out, because some of them may be “dangerous”. Babies from the first minute research work must know the rules and try not to break them. However, remember that you cannot intimidate a child, otherwise you will discourage him from doing anything.

Experience on the topic: “Gas”

How can a child talk about what gas is in an accessible and interesting way? This can be explained quite clearly and demonstrated through experiment.” Volcano " It can be done using the “Mighty Volcano” scientific and educational set, or you can make a volcano yourself in a kindergarten. And not only satisfy the curiosity of young researchers, but also awaken interest in geography, chemistry and geology.

So, we will need material for the volcano itself: it could be plasticine, clay,salty dough or a glass jar buried in sand in an appropriate manner. We sculpt a mountain with a crater around the jar on some kind of stand (cardboard, box, board, table top), which will be the disguised neck of the jar. Next, pour 1 tablespoon into the crater baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), the same amount as anydishwashing liquid, a few drops of redfood coloringor beet juice to give it a lava color. The dosage is given per jar with a capacity of 100-150 ml. If you now pour 40-50 ml into the mouth of the volcanotable vinegar3-9%, an eruption will begin, and seething foam will pour out of the vent.

A chemical reaction occurs, releasing carbon dioxide, which bubbles, causing the mass to overflow over the edges of the crater. Everything is completely harmless and safe: NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate, or soda) + HC2H3O2 (acetic acid) = NaC2H3O2 (sodium acetate) + CO2 (carbon dioxide) + H2O (water). Dish soap will make the “lava” bubble more.

This experience It is completely harmless and guarantees complete safety for the child from burns, poisoning and other troubles. The only negative is the smell of vinegar, which can be corrected by conducting the experiment in a well-ventilated area or outside. And, of course, you need to explain to the child that “making” a volcano can only be done together with adults.

A series of experiments on the topic: “Electricity”

“How to see lightning?”

Target: Find out that a thunderstorm is a manifestation of electricity in nature.

Material: Pieces wool fabric, balloon, megaphone.

Conducting the experiment.Children rub pieces of fabric folded on top of each other balloon(or a plastic object). They bring a megaphone to them (to amplify the sound) and slowly separate the fabric. They find out what happened to the fabric when rubbing (it became electrified, a crackling sound appeared - a manifestation of electricity).

“Why is the light bulb shining?”

Target: Understand the operating principle of an electrical appliance.

Material: Flashlight battery (4.5V), thin wire, small light bulb with soldered wires, paper owl toy.

Conducting the experiment.Children look at a toy with a battery hidden inside. An adult offers to unravel the “secret” of why this toy’s eyes glow. Children perform the following actions: examine the source of electricity, its structure, disconnect the light bulb, connect a thin wire to the terminals, and try it by touch. They find out what serves as the light source: there is a wire in a transparent flask; when a battery is connected, the wire inside becomes hot and begins to glow, and this makes the light bulb warm. The children explain that electric heaters in an electric kettle and iron operate in the same way.

A series of experiments on the topic: “Heat”

Experience "Warm - cold"

Target: familiarization with objects that conduct heat differently; teach to determine by touch which object is the warmest.

Material: wooden, metal and plastic objects.

Actions: Place items on the sunny side of the window sill. After some time, invite the children to determine by tactile means which of the objects is hotter.

Conclusion: metal objects heat up faster.

Experiment “Where does warmth live?”

Target: - consolidation of the concept of heat sources (sun, battery, hands, candle flame, etc.); demonstration of changes in the state of aggregation of a substance depending on heat.

Material: plasticine according to the number of children, candle, metal plate.

Actions: Before conducting the experiment, keep the plasticine in a cool place. Then the children are invited to try to make something out of it. Children discuss what needs to be done with plasticine to make it easier to work with. An adult invites them to try several options on how to warm plasticine (in the sun, on a radiator, in their hands, over a candle flame).

Conclusion: Plasticine becomes soft when heated. When heated over a candle flame, the plasticine becomes liquid. This means that depending on the heat source, plasticine can be in different states (hard, soft, liquid).

Observation “Who needs warmth?”

Target: formation in children of elementary concepts about the importance of heat and its meaning in human life.

Actions: The teacher invites the children to determine by their feelings at the beginning of the walk whether they are warm. After playing outdoor games, the adult asks to compare his thermal sensations with the initial ones. Then children are asked to observe passers-by, plants, insects and determine who is warm and who is cold.

Appendix 2

Word game "The Story of a Light Bulb"

Target: consolidate children's ideas about the history of the appearance of the electric light bulb; stimulate the development of coherent speech.

Game actions: select cards in accordance with the appearance of an object in people’s lives, make a chain and talk about the object.

Material: pictures for the game “The Story of a Light Bulb.”

Progress of the game. Educator. How was human housing illuminated before the advent of electric light? Remember the stories you wrote about the history of the light bulb with your parents.

Sample stories from children: The child displays the “sun” picture first: “Before man learned to use fire, the only source of light for him was the sun. But when night came, people were threatened by wild animals that could see well in the dark and could attack a person. If night found people in the forest, they could get lost and not find their way home.”

The second picture is a “bonfire”: “When a person learned to make fire and preserve it, the fire became both light and warmth for a person in the cave. It burned in the cave, providing both light and warmth, and served as protection from predators.”

The third picture is a “spray”: “Then people illuminated their homes with splinters. This is the most ordinary sliver, only pointed at the end. Usually the torch was made from birch: this tree burns better than others. One end of the torch was fixed, and the other was lit. There is little light from the torch, it burns quickly and smokes heavily, it had to be changed often, to ensure that there is no fire.”

Picture “candle”: “People learned to make candles from beeswax that burned longer than a torch. Inside the candle there is a wick made of thread. This very convenient invention is still used today on special occasions, for example, New Year's celebration" - Why do you think the candle is inconvenient?

Children. You can burn yourself with it, it can cause a fire, it smokes, and gives off little light. Picture “kerosene lamp”: “Gradually people learned to extract various minerals: coal and oil. Then kerosene lamps appeared, in which the flame can be made stronger or smaller at the owner’s request. It was economical and convenient. Behind the glass flask the flame became safe.” - Was the kerosene lamp comfortable? Why?

Children. The kerosene lamp did not illuminate the room well; kerosene had to be constantly poured into it. If someone accidentally knocked over a lamp, the kerosene would spill and a fire would break out.

Picture “light bulb”: “When man learned about electricity, he invented the light bulb. It still illuminates our apartments and streets. Now there are many different beautiful lamps in our homes - which ones do you know? (Chandeliers, sconces, table lamps, floor lamps).

Bulb. Many people know about electricity, about my history, but... they don’t feel sorry for me, they don’t know how to use it correctly. For example, the boy Vanya had a lot of battery-powered toys. But he broke them all...

Educator. Why could the light bulb be offended by the boy Vanya? (When his parents didn’t see him, Vanya unscrewed all the light bulbs from his toys). Guys, why can't you do this? (The toy gets damaged, the light bulb can get damaged, break, this action is dangerous for children, etc.). - Where else can we find a light bulb?

Game “Where does the Light Bulb live?”

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about electrical appliances, stimulate the development of coherent speech.

Game actions: select pictures depicting objects that have a light bulb, indicate its place on the object using a small symbol, explain its purpose.

Material: pictures depicting various objects; red cardboard circle.


Educator. Find in the pictures only those objects that may contain a light bulb. Mark this picture with a red circle. Explain why this object needs a light bulb. Pictures: refrigerator, table, TV, bookshelf, vacuum cleaner, fur coat, telephone, vase, stove, book, iron, carpet, battery-powered toys, flashlight, computer, audio recorder, radio, player, alarm device, mixer, etc.

Educator. A light bulb is a necessary element of any electrical appliance. Bulb. The mother in this family works all day at work, but what else does she have to do at home? (Washes, cooks, cleans, sews, etc.) Educator. Why could Lampochka be offended by Anya and Vanya’s mother? (Included simultaneously electrical appliances)

Bulb. Guys, do you think it is always necessary to use an electrical appliance in everyday life? Can mechanical devices be used? Why?

Game "Finish the sentence"

Target: consolidate children's ideas about ways to save energy; stimulate the development of logical thinking and coherent speech.

Game actions: come up with a variety of answers to asked question, finish the sentence started by the teacher.

Material: envelope, cards with questions, unfinished sentences.

Progress of the game.

Educator. I have an envelope from my grandparents with questions.

The new energy-saving light bulb is better because... (Lights longer than a conventional incandescent lamp, saves energy, has less negative impact on nature, etc.)

Mom and Dad replaced the old light bulbs with energy-saving ones because……..

When leaving the room you need to turn off the light because........

Electricity must be conserved because…………….

You can’t turn on many electrical appliances at the same time, because...

If you don't turn off the lights day and night, then.....

If the light bulbs in the whole house suddenly went out, then...

The lights on the street stopped shining, so....etc.

Appendix 3

Questionnaire for parents“Do you know how to save energy?”

1. Do you record your energy consumption?
2. Do you turn off the lights in the room when you leave it?
3. Washing machine Is it always full when you use it?
4. Is the refrigerator in a cool place?
5. Do you not place furniture in front of the heater?
6. Have you started using energy-saving light bulbs?
7. Do you use local lighting (sconce, floor lamp, table lamp)?
8. Do you ventilate quickly and efficiently, just a few minutes at a time?
9. Do you insulate your house for the winter?
10. Do you curtain your windows at night to keep the heat in?
11. Do you put a lid on the pan when you cook?
12. Do you often defrost the refrigerator?
13. Do you use the sink to wash dishes?
14. Do you shower instead of taking a bath?
15. Do you walk or bike to school and work?
16. Do you lower the room temperature when you leave?
17. Do you reduce the room temperature at night?
18. Do you reuse glass, paper, metal?
19. Do you not buy goods that can be used once?
20. Do you not buy goods in large wrappers?
21. Do you fix things instead of replacing them?

Add up all YES answers.

If you succeed:
From 1 to 5 – you still have a lot to learn. Get started now.
From 6 to 10 - you have many good habits that can serve as a basis for further work on yourself.
From 11 to 15 - you are good example to everyone else.
From 16 to 20 - someone from your family should become Minister of Environmental Protection.

, Ecology competition “The Earth is our common home”

Presentation for the lesson

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

Project type: group, long-term, research and creative.

Educational area:"Cognitive Development".

Performers: a group of children from a preparatory speech therapy group.

Project participants: children, educators, parents of students, teacher additional education Potapova E.V., employee of Energoauditekspert LLC, project manager Kasmynin I.A.

Relevance of the project

The problem of reasonable use of energy is one of the main problems of modern humanity. On the one hand, electricity is the highest achievement of modern civilization. She replaced the light of kerosene lamps and candles with the light of electric bulbs, brought electric heaters, air conditioners, TV and radio, a computer and the Internet into our house. However, people should not only appreciate the results of human activity, but also try to spend energy resources more economically and, if possible, limit their needs. After all, limitations energy resources, negative impact on environment associated with its production - all these factors lead to the conclusion that it is wiser to reduce consumption energy rather than constantly increasing its production.

The leading role in this process is occupied by environmental upbringing, instilling skills of caring attitude towards energy resources. Teachers face an important task raise a new generation, who will understand the importance of saving energy resources, After all, careful treatment of them guarantees the ecological purity of the world around us.

Description of the problem: Children of preschool age are not sufficiently oriented in the evolution of modern objects of the man-made world, do not have a clear idea of ​​why a person changes objects that he used in the past and do not have knowledge about the need for respect for human achievements and, as a result, the efficient use of all resources and electricity in particular. They also do not know how to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the influence of man and the products of his activities on nature; they do not know that the Earth’s resources are not infinite and are difficult to restore.

Idea for solving a research problem: To help reveal to children the evolution of light sources, show The need to respect the inventions of modern humanity and, as a result, save energy, it was decided to create a model together with the children. It will be possible to clearly demonstrate the history of improving lighting devices from a torch and a torch to a modern LED lamp, as well as energy-saving posters drawn and developed by children .

Objective of the project: Formation in preschool children of initial information about the rational use of electricity and the education of an elementary culture of energy saving, the development of a retrospective and prospective view of the objects of the man-made world.

Project objectives:

For children:

  • To develop in children an interest in the problem of saving energy resources, to develop initial skills in their rational use.
  • To form in preschoolers ideas about electricity, where it “lives”, how it gets into homes and is used by people.
  • To acquaint children with the past and present of lighting devices, with the process of their transformation by man.
  • Activate search and cognitive activity, intellectual abilities, the ability to compare facts, phenomena, objects, compare and analyze them, mental activity, creative abilities.
  • Involve preschoolers in useful energy saving activities.

For teachers:

  • Increase the level of professional competence, enrich knowledge on current issues of energy saving.
  • Strengthen the skills of organizing project activities with preschool children.
  • Create conditions for familiarizing students with energy resources through enriching the subject-development environment and a system of events with students, their parents and public organizations (Energoauditexpert LLC).

For social partners:

  • Promote interest in content energy-saving work with children, to participate in joint events.
  • Increase the pedagogical competence of parents, enrich their educational experience, and promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships.
  • Replenish knowledge on energy saving, be more responsible about the consumption of energy resources.

Brief summary of the project

Organizational and preparatory part: problem statement, information search.

For teachers and parents:

  • Selection of methodological and fiction literature.
  • Enrichment of the subject-development environment (retrofitting the experimentation corner, selection of didactic and board-printed games, selection of literature in the book corner, exhibits for organizing the exhibition “From a Splinter to a Light Bulb”).
  • Conducting consultations for teachers and parents “Energy saving is everyone’s concern!”

For children:

  • Thematic conversations “Why do we need electricity”, “How did the light bulb appear”, “Saving electricity - saving the planet”, “The meter visiting the guys”.
  • Viewing multimedia presentations “Journey into the past of the light bulb”, “Where electricity comes to us from”
  • Safety conversation “Caution - electrical appliances!”
  • Reading fiction, conversations on the content: Myths Ancient Greece"Prometheus", R.G. Podolny “How Man Tamed Fire,” a cycle of poems about the light bulb and electricity.
  • Experimental research activities, experiments, natural science observations “Why is the light bulb shining?”, “Revived hair”, “Stubborn balls”, “Help Cinderella”, “Such different sources of counting”.
  • Didactic games, travel games, game tasks on the topic of the project.
  • Meeting with interesting people: situational conversation “Electricity lives everywhere” with the parent of one of the students, Kasmynin I.A. (project manager of Energoauditeksper LLC).

Main part, creation of project products

  • Productive activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué, modeling) on ​​the topic, making a model.
  • Exhibitions of drawings “The Cheerful Light Bulb”
  • Exhibition of energy-saving posters “Save wisely!”
  • Composition and presentation of fairy tales “The Adventure of the Light Bulb”
  • Organization of the exhibition “From a Splinter to a Light Bulb” »
  • Visit to the Lights of Moscow Museum

Project defense, summing up

  • Creation and presentation of an energy-saving layout “The Adventure of a Light Bulb.”
  • Compilation methodological recommendations for teachers and parents (information booklets on energy saving).
  • Defense of the project at a scientific conference for preschoolers “First Steps into Science.”

Results obtained from the project

  • Systematization of preschoolers' knowledge about the properties and actions of various predecessor objects of modern light sources and lighting devices, familiarization with the history of the electric light bulb, children learned to appreciate the results of human activity and the achievements of modern civilization.
  • Expanding horizons about energy resources and the culture of energy saving, developing energy-saving behavior skills among students and their parents.
  • Development in pupils of curiosity, creative abilities, cognitive activity and the ability to use acquired knowledge in various types activities and behavior.
  • Increasing the level of pedagogical competence of teachers, developing a didactic complex (synopses of direct educational activities, entertainment scenarios, didactic games, experiments, visual aids - layout).

Today, society faces a very important task - to change the stereotype in the minds of every citizen that natural energy resources are inexhaustible. It is difficult to change the thinking of adults. But you can help a preschool child learn the basics ecological culture, a careful and caring attitude towards the riches of the earth, towards everything that surrounds him.

Looking for the most effective methods To solve this problem, we settled on the project method. It helps support children's cognitive initiative, develop the creative and communicative abilities of preschoolers, ensures the integration of educational areas and the combination of interests of all participants in the educational process: teachers, children, parents. It is the project method that makes it possible, in enthusiastic, active joint activities, to introduce every preschooler to such complex concepts as “save”, “preserve”, “electricity”, “natural resources” and introduce children to the values ​​of environmental culture.
Our experience has shown that, due to the clarity of thinking of preschool children, the results of knowledge of the world around them are best realized in productive activities and are embodied in real products. Therefore, we decided to make a practice-oriented model as the final product of children’s search and research activities on the problem of energy saving. The layout is multifunctional and its use in work can be diverse. It can serve as both an object and a means of children’s activities, makes it possible to generalize and systematize children’s knowledge and at the same time acts as a way of developing cognitive interest, aesthetic feelings and creative abilities.

And of course, it is important to understand that only targeted work on instilling a culture of energy saving in preschoolers will bear fruit in the adult lives of today’s children; they will be able to become more active helpers of public initiatives aimed at preserving and increasing the resources of our country.