Step-by-step master class with a photo and weaving pattern will help you create an unusual, but very beautiful “Triangles” bead necklace with your own hands.

Tools and materials Time: 1-2 hours Difficulty: 3/10

  • Bugle beads 6.4 mm (its edges should not be sharp, otherwise the necklace may crumble);
  • Beads 10/0 and 15/0;
  • 4mm round beads.

This very interesting “Triangles” beaded necklace has a strict geometric shape. The focus is on the geometric pattern of triangles, which is repeated over and over again to create a striking decoration.

Step-by-step instruction

Beads larger or smaller than 10/0 will not work, since the triangles will not be neat and flat enough, and we use 15/0 to fill the space between bugle beads.

Step 1: make the first loop

The weaving follows the pattern, and first we create the first loop from 10/0 beads. To do this, we string 5 beads onto a piece of fishing line, between which there may be a fastener element, move them to the end of the segment, and cross the tails of the fishing line in the next strung bead.

Step 2: stringing bugles

Next, we string 3 bugles, a 15/0 bead, another bugle bead, one 10/0 bead onto the lower tail (the longest one), and send it back through the stringed bugles, bypassing the bead. In this case, the glass beads should not be placed too closely to each other; leave very little space between them.

Step 3: Form a Triangle

Next we string another bead, a glass bead, and pass the tail through the first glass bead of the previous row, and the bead and glass bead of this one. In the same way we fix two more glass beads and move on.

According to the diagram, we fasten the glass beads around the first row in this way until you have the first triangle of the necklace in your hands.

Step 4: Add Beads

Step 5: make another loop

We finish the product with the same loop as at the very beginning. Later or immediately (depending on the type of clasp), these loops will help us design a clasp for a necklace, prepared in advance, or made with our own hands. In the same style, you can make not only a necklace from “Triangles” beads, but also earrings consisting of just one triangular motif.

It is woven mainly using the mosaic weaving technique, but Ndebele steps are also present. You can make not only a pendant from such triangles, but also. And if you use your imagination and create more triangles, and even different sizes, then you can sew them together in some unusual way and you will get a unique necklace.

We will need:
- beads of two different colors;
- strong thread or fishing line;
- bead needle;
- scissors.

Step 1

Cut the thread approximately two meters long. We will string the beads onto one thread and weave from its middle - the second end of the thread will then be used to weave the second half of the pendant. In this case, we have white and black beads, but you can use any other color. String two white, 13 black, again white, black and white beads on a thread in the same sequence as in the photo. Place them approximately in the middle of the piece of thread.

Step 2

Pass the needle through the first white bead you picked up and tighten this thread into the ring.

Step 3

Now pick up two more white beads and pass the needle through the second one, performing a ndebele step.

Step 4

Next, weave a row of black beads using mosaic weaving. Go to the white corner, do the Ndebele step again, then do the black bead line again. And now you have a second row of beads on the pendant. Don’t be afraid that for now it doesn’t look much like a three-dimensional triangle, very soon it will appear in front of you!

Step 6

And here is the fourth row of the pendant.

Step 7

Fifth row. The rays and rows of mosaic weaving are still woven in the Ndebele style.

Step 8

The sixth row is also ready! The triangle is already clearly emerging, but it is not three-dimensional yet. As you can see, the second piece of thread is still waiting in the wings.

Step 9

The seventh row is the final one for this side of the pendant. Only here we will break the symmetry a little. In Ndebele steps we now string not two beads at a time, but just one at a time, as if completing the corners of a triangle.

Step 10

If you have a sufficiently long piece of the first thread left, then leave it - then you will use it to weave a tube onto the top of the pendant so that you can then thread a lace or chain into it. If the segment is already short, then hide it in the finished first half of the pendant. And start weaving the other half with the second thread. This half is woven in a similar way - using mosaic weaving and Ndebele. In the photo, the red dots indicate the added first row of beads.

Step 11

There will be only six rows in this half; the ends of the corners here end with two beads. After creating a couple of rows, you will see how the second half begins to overlap the first.

Step 12

So the second half is ready - it’s ideally light on the first! All that remains is to sew them together!

Step 13

To make the pendant denser, you can stuff it plastic bag. Insert it between the two halves of the triangle and start stitching: start from the corners. Pass the needle through that white bead, which is one, and connect it with the white beads of the second half, where there are two of them at the ends. Next, start sewing black beads together. It's all very simple, just don't forget to tighten the thread to sew them securely!

Step 14

This is the kind of triangle we have. At this point you can make earrings or anything else out of it. We continue to weave the pendant.

Step 15

Bring the needle to the middle of one of the sides of the triangle and weave three black beads using mosaic weaving. They are indicated by red dots in the photo. Next, weave several rows in this way.

Step 16

Next, you need to lightly embroider this strip into a couple of beads. I used white beads at the ends of the tube so that everything would harmonize better with each other. So weave the required number of rows. The thickness of the tube is at your discretion. If you are going to thread the pendant into a chain, then it should not be large. And if you then put the pendant on a thick cord, then make a larger tube.

Finished “Triangle” pendant made of beads

This is the kind of homemade product we got. You can experiment - collect different amounts of beads, making the triangle larger/smaller, using different beads and decorating finished goods beads or even glass beads. Happy experiments and more unique homemade products!

Good day, dear craftswomen. She promised to give MK one star, sat down to work and.... a thunderstorm passed in Yekaterinburg! The Internet was cut off for half of the residents, I was unlucky too, they called an ambulance, waited a long time, and now I am no longer cut off from the world and immediately take up what was promised. MK on weaving a triangle, the topic is not new, but still.... I tried to tell it in great detail and with “innovations”

For work we will need two colors of beads, I used Miyuki Delica No. 11, a beading needle, nylon thread, a Swarovski heart pendant and leather cord- basis for suspension.

We take a thread 2-2.5 meters long, we will weave from the middle of the thread, the second tail, leaving for the second side of the triangle. We collect 2 beads of a tint color, 13 beads of the main color, according to the scheme: 2ott-13basic-2ott-13basic -2ott-13basic, and connect them into a ring, passing through the first bead.

We collect 2 tint beads and do a Ndebele step, then weave a mosaic according to the main color, on the tint beads again a Ndebele step. So the whole circle.

When finishing the circle, we always go through two beads of a tint color.

We weave three more circles in a similar way.

Count so that you get 6 pairs of tint Ndebele on each corner. The first half of the triangle is ready.

We move on to weaving the second side of the triangle. To do this, we will use the second end of the thread and weave along the first row, using the same beads. When passing corners, do not forget to take the Ndebele step. If you want to weave a heart into the middle of the triangle, you can weave it in right away. To do this, in the middle of the inner side of the triangle, with the same needle, I weave in several beads.

We pick up the heart, one bead and return to the heart. We do a couple of circles like this.

We weave the second side of the suspension mount.
We complete the series.

Next we weave the second side until we weave all the rows.

Both halves of the triangle will be symmetrical.

And now we break our symmetry and on any side (but only on one), add one bead at a time, and on the corners there is also only one bead.

And this is what the other side will look like.

And now we connect both sides in series.

When sewing the edge, we try to bring both threads to the top edge of the triangle. Now we will immediately begin to weave a transition bar and a tube under the leather cord. Here it should be said that if we weave with one needle, then we will not have symmetry (the bar will go slightly to the side) and therefore we weave with two needles, it is very simple.

We weave like a regular mosaic, and in the last bead we make an intersection of needles. Thus, we will have an odd number of beads in the row, and the bar will stand clearly in the middle.

I don't set the bar high. We spread the threads in different directions, put an equal number of beads on both threads, this will be the length of the tube for the lace.

We weave a tube.

Tried it on. I like everything to fit tightly and not dangle.

And the last push - we sew the tube.

Ready. We brag about the result!

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In this master class we will show you how to make a beautiful triangle pendant from beads with your own hands. We wove this pendant from high quality Japanese beads using the Brick weaving technique, adding a small tassel of thin golden threads at the bottom. It turned out stylish, didn’t it?!

Tools and materials Time: several hours Difficulty: 6/10

  • Japanese beads size 11/0 in 3 different colors;
  • gold wire 0.8 mm;
  • glass pearls 4 mm – 15 pieces;
  • gold chain – 1 meter;
  • round rings 5 ​​mm;
  • cotton tassel 16 mm – 1 piece;
  • carabiner lock;
  • Miyuki bead thread;
  • thin needles for beads;
  • pliers;
  • round nose pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • scissors.

A beautiful triangle pendant made of beads, complemented by a small pendant of pearls and suspended on a gold chain - original and stylish decoration which you can make with your own hands! This pendant can be worn every day, and it will also look appropriate with a festive outfit!

To make this pendant we used a brick weaving technique also called Comanche stitch. This method is widely used to create accessories by tribes native to North America. They are true masters in this art!

The centerpiece of this beautiful necklace is a small cotton tassel and two rows of chain with a center pendant of small glass pearls. However, you can customize any additions yourself in a wide range of colors.

Materials and tools:

Step-by-step master class

So, let's start weaving a triangle pendant from beads.

Step 1: Download the template

Before you get started, download the template below and print it on a color printer.

Triangle pendant made of beads - weaving pattern

In this diagram, the arrow indicates the place to start working.

Step 2: Weave the first row

  • Cut a piece 100-110 cm long from a skein of bead thread. Insert one thin needle into each end of the fishing line.
  • Add the first bead to the needle according to the diagram (in this case it will be a gold-colored ball).
  • From the opposite side, insert a second needle into this ball.
  • Pull until it stops, placing the cylinder in the middle of the flow.

Weaving of the pendant begins from the central row (see the arrow in the diagram). Insert a total of 26 cylinders according to the pattern from right to left, each time crossing the needles in opposite directions through the holes of each of the cylinders.

Step 3: Make Row 2

Add two cylinders to the needles according to the pattern and pass the needle under the thread that goes from cylinder 1 to 2. Pass the needle from the bottom up into the inner surface of the second cylinder that you just added. So you have made an increase for the second row.

To continue weaving, add the next bead to the needle and insert the needle between the threads that connect beads 2 and 3 of the previous row, and again insert the needle into the added cylinder from the base to the top.

Repeat these steps throughout the entire row.

Step 4: Start Row 3

To begin the next row, thread the needle in a zigzag pattern inside the cylinders to where the next row begins. Using this method you will make cuts for each row.

Continue weaving further in the same pattern as above to complete the next row. To increase the weave by one bead, add the last bead to the thread, pass the needle through the last bead in the previous row and again through the added bead from the bottom up.

Repeat these steps to complete half of the pattern.

Step 5: Weave the other half of the pendant

Now take the needle that was left in the initial row and weave the other half of the pendant in the same way.

To hide the thread, pass the needle in different directions through the cylinders and cut off the excess thread.

Step 5: Add a Tassel

Open the jump ring and connect it to the top of the brush. Next, insert this ring inside the bead, which is located at the very end of the pendant. Close the ring with pliers.

Step 6: Add a Chain

  • Insert jump rings into the beads at the top on both sides of the pendant.
  • Cut a small piece from the skein of wire. Wrap one end of this piece into a loop using pliers. Insert 4 glass beads into the wire and make a loop at the other end of the wire.
  • Connect the pearl wire to the top of the pendant.

Volumetric triangles can be worn as a pendant or keychain. Many of the diagrams presented below will help you make the product. suitable color or the motive you like, and detailed description will tell you how to implement this idea.

So, you will need size 11 beads, colors according to the chosen pattern, nylon thread, and a bead needle.

Weaving is carried out from the middle of the thread, the length of which is 2.5 meters, at both ends. For convenience, in the example weaving will be made of two colors of beads - darker and lighter. Place 2 beads of a lighter color and 13 of a darker color on the thread, according to the pattern: 2light-13dark-2light-13dark-2light-13dark, passing through the first bead, close the bead into a ring. Then pick up two more lighter beads and do the ndebele step. Weave on dark beads using the mosaic technique, and on light beads use the Ndebele step. So weave the whole circle.

At the end of the circle, pass through two beads of a lighter shade. Continue weaving for three more rounds. On each corner you should have 6 pairs of light Ndebele. The first side of the triangle is ready.

Next stage - weaving the second side, it is carried out at the second end of the thread, and the beads of the first row are used. The second side is located above the first. When it's the corners' turn, don't forget to take the Ndebele step. At this stage, you can weave a decorative element to the triangle that will be located inside it. To do this, having reached the middle of the inner edge of the triangle, braid three beads onto which fasten the selected element (in the example, a heart) and continue weaving.

The second side is woven until all rows of the first are completed. Both halves will be symmetrical.

Now connect both sides in a circle. When sewing the edges, the threads need to be brought to the top edge of the triangle. Here the weaving of the tube will take place, with which the triangle can be attached to a lace or chain. The work takes place at both ends of the thread. Use the mosaic technique, passing the ends of the thread through the last bead towards each other.

Then weave a tube.

When its length is sufficient to wrap around the lace, start sewing.

And now the diagrams: