How many meters tall was the tallest tree in the world?

  • 110 meters
    If you answer questions to get a sticker on VK, here are all the answers
    Riddle #1
    Answer: 24

    Riddle #2
    Answer: 11

    Riddle #3
    Answer: 1995

    Riddle #4
    Answer: 110

    Riddle #5
    Answer: 16

    Riddle #6
    Answer: Italy

    Riddle #7
    Answer: Candy

    Riddle #8
    A Christmas tree without a garland is like New Year without gifts. But this garland is missing one light. What color should the light be?
    Answer: Red

    Riddle #9
    Can you help grandpa solve the riddle? There are 4 bottles of Coca-Cola on the table. Which two bottles share one scarf? Write bottle numbers in numbers!
    Answer: 2 3

    Riddle #10
    Help grandpa decorate the Christmas trees! Which one has the red ball hidden on it?
    Write your answer in numbers!
    Answer: 1

    Riddle #11
    In the summer of 2016, the UEFA EURO 2016 European Football Championship was held in France. And in order to support the Russian national team there, Coca-Cola launched the #FranceTeamBloggers project. It was attended by Eldar Dzharakhov, Kostya Pavlov, Ira Vaimer, Timur Sidelnikov, Nikita Kovalchuk and Name the last participant in the project.
    Answer: Masha Wei

    Riddle #12
    What is the name of the song that singer Nyusha and the MBAND group performed for Coca-Cola this summer?
    Answer: Try to feel it
    Riddle #1
    Do you remember how many times the line “The holiday is coming to us” is repeated in the Coca-Cola New Year’s song? Hurry up and write your guess in numbers! Well, if you don’t want to guess, just watch the New Year’s video and count!
    Answer: 24

    Riddle #2
    As you know, each time zone has its own New Year! Do you know how many times the New Year is celebrated with the chimes in Russia?
    Answer: 11

    Riddle #3
    Do you know the year when the song “The Holiday Comes to Us” from the favorite New Year’s advertisement of Coca-Cola first sounded in Russia?
    Answer: 1995

    Riddle #4
    Do you know how many meters high the tallest canopy in the world was? In 2009, she even got into the Guinness Book of Records! Try to guess! Write your number
    Answer: 110

    Riddle #5
    Help grandpa! Count how many Coca-Cola bottles are in this picture? Write your answer in numbers. blank.gif
    Answer: 16

    Riddle #6
    Do you like gifts? And the inhabitants of which country came up with the idea of ​​giving them to each other for the New Year?
    Answer: Italy

    Riddle #7
    Help grandpa collect gifts! What item is missing on the bottom shelf?
    Answer: Candy

The largest garlands, the most expensive Christmas trees and the most platinum hits - the New Year has its own records. Residential building with the richest and most numerous illumination according to the Guinness Book of Records - the house of David and Janean Richards in the Australian city of Forrest. There are 331,038 light bulbs used in Christmas lights and decorations. The owner of the house spent 4 years creating the light record.
The most expensive Christmas tree decoration was recorded on December 7, 2002 in Tokyo. Piaget Japan decorated tree 83 jewelry total cost of 16 million dollars.
Largest floating Christmas tree 85 meters high was installed in Rio de Janeiro in 2007. The record was sponsored by the largest Brazilian insurance company, Bradesco Seguros e Previdência.

The biggest Christmas star 31.59 meters high was installed in the Indian city of Kochi on December 31, 2009. The project was realized thanks to the real estate company Apple A Day Properties. The largest stocking for gifts 32.56 meters long and 14.97 meters wide, it was created in 2007 as part of the campaign of the British society for the protection of children's rights, Children's Society.
At the entrance to Singapore's Tanglin Mall in 1996 stood the biggest Santa Claus made of metal and polyurethane foam. The height of the structure reached 15.6 meters and the width was 4 meters. The largest Advent calendar 71 meters high and 23 meters wide was placed at St Pancras station in London in 2007.
The fastest Santa The winner of the traditional Santa Claus race in England, Paul Simons, has been named. In April 2009, he covered the required distance in 2 hours 55 minutes 50 seconds.
Canadian Jean-Guy Laquerre is the winner the largest collection of Christmas symbols. He began collecting it in 1988, and by 2010 it contains more than 25,104 items.
A thirty-centimeter spruce in a pot is considered the oldest Christmas tree. British grandmother Janet Parker bought it back in 1886.
The most a large number of light bulbs in a New Year's garland– 150,000 pieces - was recorded on a Christmas tree in Germany in 2006.
American Erin Lavoie capable of cutting down 27 fir trees in 2 minutes and is the absolute record holder in this type of activity. She proved this at the Guinness World Records Championship in 2008.
The largest gathering of Santa Clauses was recorded in Northern Ireland in 2007, it had 13,000 participants.
The largest Christmas choir consisted of 7,514 people gathered in the US state of South Carolina in December 2004.
According to Western tradition, at Christmas it is customary to bake cookies and put a piece of paper in it with the name of the gift. The finished cookies are broken by two people, and the one who managed to break off a larger piece receives a gift. Largest mass cookie breaking event was organized by Vodafone in Britain on December 1, 2011. 566 people took part in it.
The largest number of participants in the anonymous gift exchange game"Secret Santa" numbered 1,270 people. The event took place in the UK in 2008. Largest gathering of people dressed as Christmas turkeys occurred during the 44th Annual Capital One Bank Dallas YMCA Turkey Trot themed ceremony in Dallas, Texas on November 24, 2011. The number of participants was 661 people.
The Beatles are the absolute record holders of the Christmas charts. Their songs repeatedly took first place: December 12, 1963 - the song "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", December 10, 1964 - "I Feel Fine", December 16, 1965 - "Day Tripper / We Can Work it Out" and December 6 1967 - “Hello Goodbye”.
Most Consistent Christmas Chart Winners The Beatles and Spice Girls are considered. Both groups were able to stay in first place for three years in a row (1963-1965 The Beatles, 1996-1998 Spice Girls).

Best selling Christmas single became the song “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby. It was first performed in 1942, and since then it has sold more than 100 million records.

From year to year, the tallest floating Christmas tree in the world remains in Rio de Janeiro with a height of 84.7 meters.

It's not really a Christmas tree, but Christmas decoration in the form of a Christmas tree, which is installed on a floating platform in Rio de Janeiro. The Christmas tree stands on special pontoons that keep it afloat. 105 km of multi-colored garlands decorated the unusual structure. They have so many different colors that the New Year's decoration can take on any color. Today this building is the main pride of the residents of Rio.

In second place is the Christmas tree in Grozny, which is located in the city center on Avenue. A.A. Kadyrov, next to the Grozny City high-rise building complex.

At the same time, the height of the main city Christmas tree of Krasnoyarsk, which flaunts on Teatralnaya Square, is 46 m. ​​In 2014, it was the tallest in Russia.

The German city of Dortmund decorates the 44th holiday tree; Phoenix, Arizona - 33rd.

In addition, the 6th place in the world ranking of the largest Christmas trees is occupied by the Christmas tree on Moscow’s Red Square - 32 m.

But the New York one reaches only 24.3 m, in Prague - 21.9 m, in Paris - 21.3 m, decorated with Swarovski crystals.

Rounding out the list at 21 is the holiday tree in Sydney, Australia.

But this is far from a complete review. Here are more Christmas trees that have become famous for their growth over the years.

The largest Christmas tree is from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which reached 112 meters in height. At one time she was an absolute champion and was even included in the list of records in the Guinness Book of Records.

Christmas tree from Mexico City, Mexico. The second place is occupied by the Mexican Christmas tree, which has a height of 110 meters and 35 cm.

Christmas tree from Warsaw, Poland

A 72-meter tree decorates the square in front of the Palace of Science and Culture. The main decoration of the green beauty are two million light bulbs that beautifully illuminate the square at night.

Christmas tree from Washington, USA

A 67-meter beauty that a few years ago adorned the main square of Washington, USA. Despite the fact that this record was long ago broken by representatives of other countries and cities, the Washington green beauty is still among the very, very

But that's not all!

An entire mountain in Italy turned into a Christmas tree.

Few people know that world's largest christmas tree is lit annually in... the ancient city Gubbio in northern Italy.

The residents of Gubbio are lucky; the Christmas tree decorated for them can be seen from anywhere in the city, because it is not a traditional tree, like ours, but a huge light installation located on Mount Ingino. It covers an area of ​​130,000 square meters. m. (that's almost three football fields), the height of the New Year's beauty is more than 650 m. When creating it, 300 green light bulbs are used, placed along the contour, and another 400 multi-colored light bulbs that serve as decorations. At the top there is a comet star made of 250 light bulbs, the area of ​​which is 1,000 square meters. m. To connect all the light bulbs, about 7,500 m of cable of varying power is required. The scope of the Italians was appreciated, and in 1991 their brainchild was included in Guinness Book of Records.

An unusual tradition appeared in Gubbio in 1981, since then on the eve of the Day immaculate conception Illumination of the Virgin Mary is lit on December 7 every year. Throughout the month, the “Christmas tree” delights local residents and numerous tourists. By the way, famous politicians, actors, businessmen light the Christmas tree, and in 2011 this mission was carried out by Pope Benedict XVI, for this he clicked a virtual switch from his computer in the Vatican.

The cable outlining the outline of the Christmas tree is constantly on the mountain; for three months before the holidays, a group of volunteers checks its serviceability, screws in light bulbs and installs special lighting batteries.

Preparations for the New Year begin a month before the celebration. For a long time The largest Christmas tree in Russia was in Moscow, then in Krasnoyarsk. Since 2014, the largest Christmas tree in Russia has been located in Grozny. It took several weeks to install this beauty.

The Russian record-breaking Christmas tree is located in the center of Grozny, opposite the Grozny City complex. This year the Christmas tree was made from artificial branches for the first time. Previously, the tree was installed using natural spruce branches.

The height of the Christmas tree reaches 50 meters, which is several meters higher than the height of the Krasnoyarsk Christmas tree. It took 12 days of work to install this beauty: 12 workers assembled and decorated it in 2 shifts. By the way, to decorate it, a garland more than 7 kilometers long was required. On the Christmas tree you can see about 3 thousand different colorful toys. And at the top of the tree a bright red star rises proudly. The weight of the New Year's beauty was 100 tons.

The Christmas tree installed in Grozny takes 2nd place in the world height ranking Christmas trees. First place was given to a floating Christmas tree in Rio De Janeiro, whose height is 84.5 meters. You can admire this beauty from all the embankments of the city.

Among artificial Christmas trees, the giant Christmas tree located in Mexico City is considered to be installed on a solid space. Its height is 110 meters! To imagine its height, you can look at a 40-story building. The Christmas tree was installed within 2 months. More than two hundred workers used three hundred thousand tons of metal structures. It’s hard to imagine how many garlands were used to decorate the record-breaking Christmas tree. It will take workers at least a month to disassemble the beauty.

Until 2014, the Krasnoyarsk Christmas tree was considered the tallest in Russia. Now it occupies an honorable third place in the world rankings, and its height is 46 meters.

Every year, ratings of the tallest Christmas trees in the country and the world are compiled. There are also ratings of the strangest Christmas trees in the world. For example, in London they installed a huge Christmas tree consisting of six hundred neon lamps: an indescribable spectacle. To make a Christmas tree, you can use whatever you have on hand. Some countries took these words literally: Christmas trees were made from bicycles, pipes, grocery strollers, etc.

By the way, in Brazil there was an attempt to install the largest artificial Christmas tree in the world, more than 110 meters high, but part of the structure collapsed during installation. They did not finish building it, taking this as a sign that the world record would not be broken.

In Peru, students created a Christmas tree made from potatoes different types. This tree was included in the Guinness Book of Records in the category “The most edible tree in the world.”

In pursuit of fame, each country tries to erect the most beautiful and tallest Christmas tree in the world.

In Russia, the tallest Christmas tree is located in Grozny. This beauty, almost 51 meters high, has been pleasing the eyes of city residents since 2014. Before this, the tallest Christmas tree in Russia was considered to be the one located in Krasnoyarsk, whose height reached 46 meters.

Christmas and New Year are just around the corner, and all over the world, in megacities and tiny villages, festive trees are about to be lit or have already been lit.

Some will be content with a small spruce in a pot, others will install an artificial analogue of the forest beauty, but there will also be cities that have chosen a non-standard option.

So, where in the world are the most unusual spruce trees decorated for the New Year?

The largest Christmas tree, Mexico City

The winner in the category “Largest Christmas tree” has been the tree in Mexico City for several years now. The height of the festive tree is 110 meters 35 centimeters, which is as much as 24 centimeters more than the previous winner - a Christmas tree from Brazil. The Mexican spruce is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest, but it is known not only for its size.

It takes 80 kilometers of garlands and more than a million light bulbs to decorate it. This miracle shines in the night like a small sun, and the design on it changes every year.

Largest floating Christmas tree, Rio de Janeiro

The most unsinkable Christmas tree has been installed for almost 20 years in Rio de Janeiro, on Lake Lagoa. A structure weighing more than 500 tons and 85 meters high is installed on four giant pontoons. About a hundred kilometers of garlands are placed on the huge floating spruce, and its decorations are made of three million lanterns. Their number is so great, and the work of lighting engineers is so precise, that the spruce can not only change patterns, but also show animated pictures.

By the way, the most amazing view of the Christmas tree opens from Mount Corcovado, from the foot of the statue of Christ the Savior.

Largest Christmas tree installation, Mount Ingino (Italy)

Who among us didn’t draw a Christmas tree as a child? But Italian perfectionists decided that their image of a spruce tree would become the largest in the world. For more than 20 years, on Mount Inzhino, volunteers have been unwinding 8.5 kilometers of garlands, creating their giant installation. The resulting spruce reaches 650 meters in height and 350 in width, and can be seen from a distance of 50 kilometers.

Don’t forget to decorate this creation: the lights flickering on the tree are 730 multi-colored spotlights. The only downside to such joy is the payment for electricity, because, presumably, a significant figure comes out of the Christmas tree in a month.

The most delicious Christmas tree

At Christmas, Paris becomes the capital of the world not only for all romantics, but also for those with a sweet tooth. After all, this is where a ten-meter-tall spruce tree is created from pure chocolate. Craftsmen work on its creation for several weeks, and not only confectioners, but also engineers take part in the work.

Four tons of material, by the way, do not remain unnecessary after the holiday. Already on the morning after Christmas, the tree begins to be sold at 5 € per 100 grams, and by New Year there is not a single piece left.

The most romantic Christmas tree, London

One of the festive venues in London became the ideal place for lovers. An interactive Christmas tree is installed on it, the garlands on which light up when kissed. According to tradition, you need to kiss under a mistletoe branch, but in London you are offered to hold it with your hands. After the couple starts kissing, the tree will light up and music will play.

By the way, this pleasure is not free and those who want to show their love to the whole city will have to pay one pound. However, all money collected goes to charities, so when kissing, you combine business with pleasure like never before.

The most eco-friendly Christmas tree, Tokyo

The staff of the Japanese Enoshima Aquarium unexpectedly approached the issue of decorating a small Christmas tree. Their tree was installed next to an aquarium containing electric eels. Metal plates were immersed in water and now, every time the eels generate a discharge, the garlands connected to these plates begin to glow.

Of course, a spruce decorated in this way does not shine all the time and certainly not according to schedule, but this does not in any way affect the joy of employees and visitors.

The most criticized Christmas tree, Berlin

Well, the Berlin Christmas tree installed in front of the Kaiser Wilhelm Church is considered the most sensational and most unattractive. Environmental activists created it from scrap metal and discarded things, so the tree turned out to be truly depressing.

Headless mannequins, torn toys and flames spewed out by the tree contrast so much with the holiday that the townspeople are horrified and demand that the tree be removed. Well, its authors hope that this exhibition will attract public attention to the problems of excess consumption and proper waste disposal.

Of course, there are also less titled, but no less charming, Christmas trees in the world. After all, the main thing in this holiday is not the height of the spruce tree or the splendor of its attire, but the magical mood that it gives. So if you can’t get to one of these trees for Christmas, just dress up yours and enjoy its beauty.