Healthy skin is not an unattainable dream. There are eight basic rules, following which will help make your skin beautiful. Many people only need to follow four or five rules to achieve flawless skin. How many rules you will have to follow is still unknown. To unlock the secret to great skin, start following all eight tips at once, and in just eight weeks you'll be amazed at how your skin will transform.

These recommendations are based on anti-aging skin research, so they will help you reduce wrinkles and signs of premature aging. They will also prove effective in combating contact dermatitis, hives, acne, psoriasis, eczema/dermatitis, rosacea, dry skin and cellulite. Other skin diseases can also be overcome with these eight rules.

Some people are born with good skin. For everyone else, there are eight rules that will help you create such skin. Expect phenomenal results in eight weeks.

Green foods and favorable gastrointestinal flora

It is no secret that FOR beautiful skin it is necessary to maintain the flora of the gastrointestinal tract in good condition and consume green foods that have an alkalizing effect on the body. Frankly, some areas of your body should contain increased amounts of acids, such as the stomach, which produces gastric juices, and the outer layer of skin with its acid mantle. However, body tissues and blood must be alkalized first.

For many years, I was oblivious to alkalizing my body with green foods. Thinking about it now makes me feel stupid. This rule is incredibly easy to follow, so it won't take long to improve your overall well-being.

Skin is absolutely essential to human existence. It is impossible to live without her. It protects against bacteria entering the body, helps maintain normal temperature and prevents hair loss. internal organs. Most likely, you have not thought about the role of your skin. During the day, you probably have a lot to think about, such as work, bills, an upcoming date, or even what to cook for dinner.

The skin attracts attention when it is not in order.

No one is immune from the appearance of wrinkles, pigmentation, cellulite, rashes or acne.

Sooner or later you will wonder what you did to deserve all this and wonder if wrinkles and cellulite are an integral part of aging skin? At the beach, you cover yourself head to toe in sunscreen for fear of skin cancer, and wrap a pareo around your thighs to keep people from making fun of your cellulite. Stop! Don't be funny. The skin simply tells you that something is wrong inside the body and hopes to bring it to your attention through these signals. First, let's learn some general information about skin and then move on to the signs of distress it gives.

Skin facts

    Skin is the largest organ of the body.

    The skin consists of three layers: the outer - epidermis, the middle - dermis and the inner - subcutaneous.

    New skin cells form at the bottom of the epidermis and then move upward. This journey takes four weeks. Thus, given the correct building materials You can improve your skin cells in 4-8 weeks.

    Just imagine that in just a minute you are shedding 40,000 dead cells from the surface of your skin.

Skin can talk

A person expresses himself through words and actions. Have you ever thought that the body can also “talk”? Everyone knows about body language, which includes facial expressions and gestures, but the body can also communicate information through the sensation of pain and energy production. Lack of energy can indicate anything from poor nutrition and poor posture to the onset of illness.

Fatigue should never be fought with seven cups of coffee a day.

Pain occurs when something is too high temperature for the skin when it comes into contact with it, a headache can indicate dehydration, back pain can be caused by poor posture or even cancer. For this reason, it is necessary to learn to understand the signals that the body gives you and listen to yourself.

How to recognize signals from the skin?

TRYING TO UNDERSTAND body signals is like playing hot and cold. When health conditions deteriorate, the body will say “cold” through skin rashes, increased fatigue, bad breath, etc. But once your health begins to improve, your skin becomes more beautiful and you begin to feel active. The skin says: “Warmer, continue!” When your skin looks great and you don't have any illnesses, fatigue, or strange pain, you're moving in the right direction.

Important facts about skin

Health directly depends on nutrition and lifestyle. Therefore, it seems to me that it is fundamentally wrong when doctors draw conclusions based on the results of one analysis or specifically examine only a specific organ. The same goes for skin: there is no key factor that will instantly make your skin flawless. Dermatological problems are rarely caused by nutritional deficiencies alone. Tests may reveal a deficiency of a certain substance, such as vitamin B(, but real life a person with poor nutrition and poor digestion will have a deficiency large quantity nutrients, and one nutritional supplement will not solve the problem.

This is called a holistic approach to health.

Skin problems arise due to many minor disorders, and the main task is to identify their cause, and not mindlessly swallow pills and nutritional supplements.

The following factors affect the skin:


    UV radiation and free radicals

    liver condition

    functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

    blood and lymph circulation

  • sleep duration

    chemicals, cigarette smoke, drugs

    weather (we cannot change it!)

The skin alerts us when one or more factors are out of balance. How to find out which ones? In the chapters of Part Two, “Eight Rules for Healthy Skin,” you will find the questionnaires and information you need to find out.

Beautiful facial skin is the result of continuous daily work on yourself. By constantly following a few rules for caring for your skin, you can achieve amazing results and not only get healthy, glowing skin, but also maintain its firmness and elasticity.

So, simple rules for beautiful skin:

1. Do not overuse hot showers. The fact is that hot water destroys the protective layer of the skin and this leads to its drying out. Water procedures in hot water no more than 10 minutes are allowed.

2. You need to drink a lot of water. Water is the source of life, skin cells are made of it, which is why for the beauty of the skin, the cells must be filled with water. The daily norm for an adult is 2 liters. This volume of water should be consumed not only in summer, but also in winter.

3. Proper nutrition- the key to beautiful skin. It is worth limiting your diet from excessively fatty and spicy foods. It is advisable to eat steamed and stewed food. Fried foods are not recommended. The vitamins we consume in food are very important for maintaining good skin condition. Vitamin E is found in peanuts, sunflower oil, eggs, almonds, butter. Vitamin A is very useful and can be obtained by eating foods such as carrots, pumpkin, oranges and tangerines. And liver, walnuts and almonds, which contain biotin, can be found in walnuts, almonds and liver.

4. Keeping the skin clean. Before going to bed, you should completely remove makeup; washing your face with soap is not recommended, as it dries the skin. It is better to use special ones to remove makeup cosmetical tools. And one more rule: you only need to use your own cosmetics. Hair is a source of dirt for the skin of the face, so you should remove it from your skin. You should not touch your face with your hands, since it is the hands that attract a huge number of microbes, and once on the skin of the face they can cause inflammatory processes, that is, the appearance of acne.

5. Cosmetic procedures have a beneficial effect on the skin, they are chosen according to skin type: dry, mixed or oily. They can be performed either at home or by a professional in a salon. However, the procedures should not be abused. For example, it is recommended to do facial cleansing or a deep mask no more than 2 times a month.

6. Home remedies for face very helpful. These include various masks made from fruits and vegetables with the addition of olive, castor oil. Such masks saturate the skin with vitamins. You can do them 1-2 times a week.

7. Healthy, full sleep. The normal amount of sleep for an adult is 8 hours a day; only a well-rested person will look fresh; lack of sleep can cause the appearance of early wrinkles.

8. Fresh air. The more fresh air your skin gets, the better it looks.

9. The choice of cosmetics must be approached responsibly. Preference should be given to proven products with natural ingredients. People with sensitive skin types should be especially careful when purchasing cosmetics. Also use the same type of cream every time different times year is not correct. The fact is that for each season there is a cream that takes into account the need for moisture in summer and winter.

10. Increased skin blood circulation. Good blood circulation has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, as blood brings nutrients and oxygen to the cells. With the help of cosmetic procedures such as compresses and steaming, of course, it is possible to increase it, but it would be much better to increase blood circulation throughout the body. This will be helped by physical activity on the body and facial massage.

11. Refusal bad habits. A healthy lifestyle, which includes the absence of alcohol and tobacco, allows the skin to maintain its youth longer, to be fresh and fragrant.

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Women have been looking for beauty recipes for centuries that would help give their skin a special glow, perfect tone and impeccable smoothness. And the most important thing is to preserve her youth as long as possible.

website I am convinced that these secrets are so good and easy to implement that they will become your regular beauty rituals.


    Red grapes for glowing skin. Chilean women trust the power of antioxidants found in red grapes. They mix grapes with 2 tbsp. l. flour and the resulting paste are applied to the face for 10 minutes, then washed off. It is better to do this mask in the morning.


    Minimal matting. Healthy skin has a little shine. French women believe that this is normal and natural. And regular powdering clogs pores and provokes inflammation.

    Daily facial massage. To maintain skin elasticity and enrich it with oxygen. The procedure can be done with various creams/ oils. The technique is selected depending on the needs of the skin.

    "Rice" wash. Perfectly cleanses and stimulates collagen production, giving the skin a special smoothness.

1. Grind the rice in a coffee grinder, and choose white varieties of cereal.

2. Dilute the resulting flour with warm water to a consistency reminiscent of kefir.

3. Apply the composition to damp skin, gently spread over the face with massage movements, then rinse thoroughly with water.


    Potatoes for bruises under the eyes. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and leave on closed eyelids for 10 minutes.


    Jade roller. Using a jade roller for facial massage improves blood circulation in the skin.

    Quince mask and lotion. Cleans perfectly oily skin faces.

Mask recipe: Grate the quince on a fine grater, add the beaten egg white. Apply to facial skin using massage movements. Leave for 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the mask thoroughly with water.

Lotion recipe: Grate the quince on a fine grater, drain the juice and wipe your face with the resulting juice in the morning and evening.


    Steam bath for facial cleansing. Boil 2 tbsp in a liter of water. l. chamomile and hold your face over the steam for 20 minutes. Using a scrub after such a procedure will be especially effective.

    Melt water. Stimulates skin cells to renew, and collagen and elastin fibers to restore. Improves complexion, making it fresh and youthful. Particularly effective in the morning.

    Oatmeal scrub. Suitable for cleansing, moisturizing and tightening facial skin.

Take 2 parts oatmeal (finely ground in a blender), 1 part honey, 1 part oil (coconut, olive, almond or other of your choice).

Mix all ingredients together to form a thick, sticky mixture.

Apply the oatmeal scrub evenly to your face and massage into your skin for a couple of minutes, then rinse with water.


    All the power lies in proper nutrition. The Greek diet includes fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants, as well as plenty of fish containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

    Olive oil. Facial massage with olive oil allows you to keep your skin healthy, beautiful and elastic.

    Mask with turmeric. Has cleansing and antibacterial properties. Mix turmeric with honey in a 1:1 ratio. The mask can be done 2 times a week. Course - 10 masks.

    Mask for excess hair. Effectively removes fine unnecessary hairs without irritation and for a long time.

Combine and stir 10 g lemon juice, 1 glass of water and 30 g of flour until you get a smooth paste. Apply it on your face and leave for 15 minutes. Once the paste has dried, you can remove it: take a towel and, pressing firmly, rub it in the direction of hair growth.

Do you want to have healthy skin and forget about problems and complexes?

Then this article is exactly what you need. After all, your face is your “business card”, it is an indicator of your health and your attitude towards yourself. So now everyone wants to have healthy skin.

This topic was once very relevant for me. It is still important to me now, but before I had considerable problems with my facial skin. My skin type is oily and therefore the problem with acne (acne) and pimples is very familiar to me!

I started having these problems since childhood and eventually they became the cause of complexes and self-doubt.

What I didn’t do to have healthy skin.

I went to doctors, visited a dermatologist in an expensive private clinic. I was prescribed a lot of expensive creams, then they did peeling several times (a very unpleasant and painful procedure, after which my skin peeled off for several days and I walked around all red and applied panthenol for burns), but as I was then told that this was necessary to renew skin. What won't you do for beauty...

When this did not give results, I was prescribed hormones. This was too much for me, and I refused such services. And I’m already silent about how much money I spent on all this.

But, as they say, whoever seeks will always find.

I began to develop in the topic of health, attended health schools, studied a lot useful information about nutrition and, on top of everything, I met a very good cosmetologist, whose services I still use.

This is where all my skills areoSkin problems began to be solved one after another.

Now I am completely free of these problems with a few simple steps such as exercise, proper nutrition, cleansing the body and regular daily skin care.

You can improve appearance your skin through good habits practiced on a daily basis!

Most experts believe that the secret to beautiful, healthy skin lies in the overall healthy life, sanity, and a simple skin care regimen that's easy to stick to.

Let's take a closer look at this issue. So, what can you do to have perfect skin?

Quit smoking

Smoking negatively affects the skin both directly and indirectly. Studies have been conducted and they have proven that people who smoke and relax outdoors without sunscreen look much older than their peers. Their skin has more wrinkles and fine lines.

Smoking contributes premature aging and at the same time negatively affects the entire body. And the first thing this affects is your skin!

Therefore, if you smoke, then the best thing you can do for your skin and body as a whole is to quit smoking!

Stick to a simple daily skin care routine

Some people tend to think that the more creams and different drugs they use, the faster and better they will get results. However, any dermatologist will tell you that using cosmetic products incorrectly is the main mistake most people make when they want healthy, beautiful skin.

Combining multiple ingredients may cause irritation or allergic reactions!

All you need for healthy skin is a gentle cleanser, a natural sunscreen, and a moisturizer.

Simple skin care routines like cleansing, protecting and moisturizing are easier to stick to every day. It is also advisable to use body scrubs once a week to eliminate dead cells on your skin and make it smooth and beautiful.

be patient

Most beauty products take time for you to notice their effects. You shouldn’t change the cream right away if you don’t see results on the second day. Follow the course to the end to see how it works.

With seasonal changes, you also need to change your beauty products. When it's summer and hot you can use an oil-free moisturizer, and when it's cold use a heavier cream.

For example, this is what I do: in the summer I have only one cream with a non-greasy texture, and in the winter I use another cream with a thicker consistency to moisturize and nourish the skin.

However, you must always remember that if a particular cosmetic product causes you irritation or allergies, then discard it immediately!

“Enrich” your skin before bed

Many of us have a fairly busy work schedule and during the day we are so tired that in the evening we do not have enough time for our skin. And this is a big mistake!

Always remove makeup before going to bed and cleanse your face of any impurities that have accumulated during the day. If you go to bed with makeup on and without basic cleansing, it clogs your pores even more, irritation begins, and acne becomes even more inflamed. As a result, the skin condition only worsens.

Before going to bed after cleansing, always apply a moisturizer to nourish your skin.

Your skin is a reflection of your lifestyle.

There are several ways you can improve your lifestyle for the sake of your health and skin.

Healthy skin and lifestyle:

  • Quitting bad habits (excessive drinking and smoking);
  • Follow the rules of healthy sleep (sleep 7-8 hours);
  • Regular exercise, exercise, at least 2.5 hours a week;
  • Change your diet: reduce sweets (no more than 200 grams per day), include more vegetables and fruits in your diet and replace coffee with green tea;
  • Do yoga or meditation, as stress contributes to the rapid appearance of wrinkles and various disorders;
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure.

Make natural face masks at home

For example, a mask to cleanse pores. Done once a week.

For the mask you will need:

✓ 1-napkin;

✓ brush.

Take two bowls and separate the white from the yolk. Knock them down well. Then take a special brush and carefully apply the protein all over your face. Remember that you do not need to apply it to the areas under your eyes.

Then take a napkin (after making holes for the eyes and lips), place it carefully on your face and apply the protein on top of it again.

Leave the napkin on your face until completely dry. Then carefully remove it.

The skin becomes soft. But that is not all.

Now take the yolk and apply it generously all over your face with a brush (also avoiding the area under the eyes). The yolk will soften your skin even more.

As soon as the yolk dries, it should be washed off with cool water.

Finally, apply moisturizer, as protein tightens pores and thus tightens the skin.

If you have a lot of blackheads on your face, then for a better effect you can add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the protein.

This is one of the most affordable and simple masks that you can make at home.

As for how to cleanse my skin, my cosmetologist advised me on the first day to simply wash my face with baby soap. And I will say that the effect is no worse than that of expensive foams and washing gels.

And what is most important for those who want to have healthy skin is not to use foundations and powders, so as not to clog pores and, of course, not to squeeze out pimples!

And another version of the mask that I often use myself is a mask based on the herb St. John's wort.

Since I have oily skin, it helps me a lot.

Take table 2. spoons of St. John's wort herb and pour 4 tablespoons of it. boiling water Stir and leave for 15-20 minutes. Apply the resulting paste onto your face, avoiding the areas around the eyes. The mask should be kept on for about 15 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water. Do the mask no more than 2 times a week.

Or another option for using the herb St. John's wort.

This decoction helps with acne.

So, take 1 table. spoon of dried St. John's wort herb (chopped) and pour 1 cup. boiling water Let it sit for 20 minutes, and then wash your face with it before bed every night. You can wipe it generously with a cotton pad. It is important not to blot your face with a towel, but to let it dry.

If your skin is not as healthy and beautiful as you would like, remember that there are many natural ways make her healthier by following simple recommendations for daily care for the skin.

You don't have to use expensive cosmetics to improve the health of your skin. Simple home beauty treatments and lifestyle changes go a long way when it comes to keeping your body and skin healthy.

The worst thing you can do for your skin is to neglect regular care and not stick to it. simple rules which I described in this article.

Have healthy skin everyone wants, but the question is what kind of lifestyle do you lead and what rules do you follow to keep your skin healthy?

Every girl wants to become the happy owner of clear skin, and this is not surprising. The modern pace of life and poor ecology leave their mark on society. All more people neglect nutrition rules and basic facial care due to lack of time. As a result, black spots and inflammation appear, which do not add attractiveness. To make your facial skin clean and smooth, just follow effective recommendations. Let's consider each aspect in order.

Method number 1. Maintain hygiene

  1. Change bed linen 1-2 times a week, especially pillowcases. Make sure your bath towels are always clean and wash them every other day if possible.
  2. Do not apply caring creams immediately before bed, otherwise the composition will be absorbed into the pillowcase, causing the development of bacteria. Always wash off your makeup before going to bed.
  3. Change your powder and foundation at least 2 times a year, even though the expiration date has not yet expired. When it comes to makeup sponges, use a new powder pad every month. Don't forget to wash the brushes you use to apply blush, eye shadow and foundation.

Method number 2. Steam your skin

  1. To ensure that your facial skin always remains clean, it needs to be steamed. Steam baths will help open pores and remove excess subcutaneous sebum with sweat.
  2. To effectively carry out the procedure, remove excess makeup, wash your face with water at room temperature, and wipe your face dry.
  3. Brew in 3 liters. boiling water 80 gr. any medicinal plant. The most common are birch bark, chamomile, coltsfoot, rosemary, yarrow, horsetail, dandelion, and thyme.
  4. After pouring hot water over the herbs, let them steep for about 40 minutes. Then pour the mixture into a saucepan, place it on a stool, and sit down next to it.
  5. Pull your hair into a ponytail, cover your head with a towel and lower yourself over the bath. Maintain a distance of about 35-45 cm so as not to burn the dermis. As a result of the steam effect, the pores will begin to open and the face will sweat.
  6. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes - for normal skin, 7 minutes - for dry epidermis, 15 minutes - for oily type. After taking a bath, wipe your face with a cleansing toner.
  7. Wash your face with cold water to close your pores. Rub your face with ice cubes to consolidate the results. Carry out similar manipulations 2 times a week. In addition to cleansing, the composition has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract and sinuses.

Method number 3. Don't squeeze out blackheads

  1. To become the owner of a clean epidermis, give up the habit of squeezing out pimples, ulcers and blackheads. The recommendation is especially relevant in cases where such manipulations are performed with nails.
  2. To cope with ulcers and blackheads, purchase masks designed specifically for these purposes. As a rule, they contain acetylsalicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide or activated carbon.
  3. No need to touch up your makeup with dirty hands when you're out and about. Make it a rule to use cosmetic discs and sticks for these purposes. IN summer time years, the skin sweats a lot, remove products from the sebaceous glands not with dirty hands, but with matting or damp wipes.

Method number 4. Balance your diet

  1. The condition of your skin directly depends on what you eat. As mentioned earlier, not every modern person can afford to eat well and regularly. To keep your epidermis clean, eat 3 meals a day with two snacks.
  2. Avoid hamburgers, hot dogs and other fast foods. Eliminate homemade pickles and canned food, fried, fatty and overly sweet foods from your daily menu. The listed foods form sebaceous plugs and purulent pimples, which are very difficult to get rid of.
  3. To provide your body with useful elements, go to lunch not at McDonald's, but at the office canteen. Order the first, second course and salad of fresh vegetables.
  4. Make it a habit to eat steamed fish, meat or seafood once a day. Stew vegetables, eat legumes and cereals. Don’t skip breakfast; after waking up, eat cottage cheese, oatmeal or flaxseed porridge with berries, and low-fat yogurt.
  5. Give up the habit of eating heavily during late dinners and maintain good food hygiene. The last meal should not be taken later than 4 hours before bedtime. After this period, eat only fruits, dairy products, and berries.
  6. The skin is prone to rapid dehydration, so it is extremely important to drinking regime. Use at least 2.7 liters. clean water per day (for girls of average build). In summer, increase the indicated amount to 3 liters.
  7. Remove sugary carbonated drinks and salt water, packaged juices, and flavored teas from your diet. Avoid alcohol or drink no more than 200 ml. dry wine (no more than 2 times a week).

Method No. 5. Moisturize your skin properly

  1. The most effective method Hydration is considered pure water. As stated earlier, maintain a drinking regime. Lack of moisture will lead to peeling and inflammation of the dermis.
  2. Regularly apply hydrogel and serums to your skin, which consist of 80% moisturizing components. Choose cosmetics based on your age.
  3. To prevent your facial skin from drying out, summer period use products with UV protection, they form a moisturizing film. When visiting a solarium, smear your face with a special cream that is sold in tanning studios.
  4. Buy a juicer and make fresh juice with celery, carrots, cabbage, apples, oranges or pears. To avoid rashes, dilute the drink with filtered water in a 1:1 ratio.
  5. Load up on seasonal berries, fruits and vegetables; they best moisturize the skin and saturate the body with vitamins. Make it a habit to drink kefir or fermented baked milk with chopped dill before going to bed.

Method number 6. Use quality cosmetics

  1. Low-quality cosmetics (care, decorative) leads to premature aging of the skin, clogs pores, and contributes to the formation of purulent acne. Avoid purchasing such products at the market or in an underground passage.
  2. High quality decorative cosmetics Sold in specialized stores for makeup artists. Give preference to natural-based products. Take a closer look at the Korean brand “VOV”, their products are completely hypoallergenic.
  3. If possible, use foundation in minimal quantities and no more than 2 times a week. The same applies to applying powder, under-eye concealers, correctors, and blush. Replace foundation with a BB cream based on a moisturizing serum.
  4. Choose cosmetics taking into account age-related changes. If you recently turned 20 years old, you don’t need to buy a cream or tonic for girls 30+. Purchase a composition for young skin without an anti-aging effect, which is aimed at combating epidermal problems at your age.
  5. While buying lipstick, foundation or powder, do not apply the tester directly to your face. As a rule, such products expire quickly, and this step is not hygienic. Ask your consultant for disposable samples.

Method No. 7. Rub your skin with ice

  1. Usage cosmetic ice has a beneficial effect on the skin, cleanses and smoothes it. Frequency of use: 2 times a day, more often possible. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes.
  2. To prepare the composition, take 30 grams. chamomile, 25 gr. birch bark, 10 gr. rosemary. Brew the indicated herbs with boiling water (the amount depends on the volume of the ice tray), leave for 1 hour. After the specified period, strain the solution, pour it into compartments and freeze.
  3. You can make ice using green or black tea. To do this, make a strong brew and pour in about 45 ml. lemon juice per 200 ml. infusion. Pack into bags or ice cube trays and freeze.
  4. Prepare ice from grapefruit juice diluted with water in a 2:1 ratio. Add your favorites if you wish essential oils, such as lavender, geranium, ginseng or eucalyptus. After preparation, pour the infusion into molds, wait until frozen and use as intended.

Method No. 8. Exfoliate

  1. It is difficult to achieve clear facial skin if you neglect the peeling or scrubbing procedure. Experts recommend preparing formulations at least 2 times a week for oily and combination skin. In the case of dry dermis, scrubbing is necessary once every 10 days.
  2. If you wish, you can use store-bought scrubs rather than homemade ones. The main thing is to choose a composition that contains activated carbon, hydrogen peroxide or acetylsalicylic acid.
  3. To make a scrub, mix 35 ml. corn or almond oil with 15 gr. edible gelatin, leave for a quarter of an hour until it swells. At this time, grind a handful of almonds in a blender and add to the previous composition. To improve efficiency, it is recommended to add used coffee grounds (grounds).
  4. Apply the peeling composition to the entire surface of the face, focusing Special attention wings of the nose, forehead, chin. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then start massaging your face. in a circular motion. The duration of rubbing is 5 minutes, no less. After all manipulations, wash with ice water.

Take a course of multivitamins once every six months, supplement the complex with fish and badger oil in ampoules. This move will remove toxins and poisons from the body and tone you up. immune system, will improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Make masks from available products.

Video: 5 secrets of clear and healthy skin