Seamstresses often need to work with leather, both natural and artificial. This could be sewing leather jackets and jackets, accessories. Even replacing a zipper or simple repair of leather products requires some skills in working with this material.

To master them, you need to choose the right threads for sewing leather and tools that make working with this difficult material easier.

We sew leather - features of work

The secrets of working with leather lie in the fact that this material comes in different thicknesses and textures, can stretch when sewing, and therefore requires special threads and tools. Small accessories such as a purse or belts are sewn by hand. To do this, take nylon threads for leather. But they are not suitable for stitching leather on a sewing machine because they will tear the material. You can’t do without a machine when sewing car covers or upholstering furniture. It is sewn with twisted braided threads.

Having decided to sew something out of leather, you need to make a pattern and go to the store with it to buy material. Usually leather is sold in pieces of different sizes and shapes; with a pattern it is easier to choose the desired format. Before starting work, the leather is laid out on the table and areas with defects are outlined with chalk, so that when cutting, try to avoid them.

Important! When cutting paired parts, they need to be laid out in a mirror image, since the leather stretches differently in the longitudinal and transverse directions

Before we open genuine leather You must first cut and assemble a test piece of fabric, make adjustments to the paper pattern if necessary, and only then transfer it to the skin. Mark the contours with a special pen with a soft rod or pencil. At the same time, you need to mark allowances for seams and hems, preferably of the same width to make it easier to stitch.

When working with leather, you will have to forget about basting with a needle and pricking with pins, since each puncture leaves a mark and cannot be masked later. You can pre-connect the parts using paper clips, adhesive tape or a special Gutermann adhesive stick. Its advantage over adhesive tape is that when stitching, the adhesive substance of the pencil does not get clogged in the eye of the needle and does not spoil the threads.

The parts are connected with a sewing or sewing seam. The allowances are not ironed, as on fabric, but are carefully straightened and glued with rubber or any other glue, which, after drying, remains elastic. A leather item is often decorated with an embroidered design. Simple patterns They are done by hand; complex patterns are more convenient to embroider on a machine.

Tools for working with leather

The main tool you need when sewing leather is a needle. To work with leather materials special ones should be used: long, well-polished and thin. Their tip does not look like a point, but like a triangular blade. When stitching, it cuts through the skin and gently stretches it, preventing tears as the thread passes. The needles have different angles of entry into the material. Manufacturers on their websites show photos and videos of stitches on leather, which are obtained when sewing with different needles.

Important! When working with painted eco-leather, a special needle, by cutting through the material, prevents pieces of paint from being torn off around the hole.

The thickness of the needle must correspond to the thread number and the density of the material in order to obtain a high-quality stitch.

When cutting leather, you will need a plastic or glass board, on which it is easy to steer with any cutting object when cutting out parts. The wooden one is inconvenient because the tip of the knife cuts into it. To cut out leather parts, take a shoe knife or blade with a holder. If sewing by hand, you will need an awl to poke thread holes and a thimble. Many craftsmen use a small rubber hammer, which is convenient to straighten the stitched seam and go over the glued allowances to secure them.

If the leather product is to be sewn by machine, you will need a special foot. Its necessity is caused by the fact that the lower conveyor has difficulty moving this dense material. Because of this, the line is spoiled. The roller foot is designed to facilitate the advancement of leather and fur. The same purpose is served by a Teflon foot, which easily glides over the material due to its smoothness and does not slow down its pulling when stitching. On forums of specialists working with leather, craftsmen speak approvingly of the walking foot. It promotes the material well and enhances the capabilities of a household machine to the level of an industrial device.

What threads to sew leather with

When choosing threads for working with leather, you need to focus on the density of the material and the thickness of the needle. The thinner and longer it is, the lower the number of threads used. Usually these are needles No. 90 and 100, which are suitable for eco-leather, loose leatherette and thin natural leather. The optimal thread thickness for such leather is considered to be No. 35 or 45. They are strong and not too thick, and do not require special reconfiguration of the machine. Sometimes thread No. 20 is used to stitch the outer parts of bags or to make a decorative protruding seam on accessories. It will require a thicker needle and you will have to adjust the tension and set the appropriate stitch length.

In any case, strength and elasticity are important for sewing threads for leather. Old Soviet-style cotton threads, even thick ones, are not suitable for work. They quickly tear with little tension on the stitched parts, rot and deteriorate. Nylon sewing threads are suitable for hand-sewn leather, but they are not suitable for machine stitching because they tear the material.

The optimal choice of threads for sewing leather on a machine is reinforced. They have a polyester core tightly woven with cotton, linen or rayon fibers. This thread is very strong and elastic. The stitch is delicate and strong, the seam does not gather. The threads are convenient for working with fur and leather materials, since they do not fray or stretch, and do not become electrified due to special processing. They do not wear out or shrink when washed, and are resistant to paints and alkalis from household chemicals.

For embroidering on leather, it is better to choose nylon threads - if the pattern is sewn on a machine and cotton floss - to embroider the design by hand. To ensure that the thread lies evenly, the elastic skin is sealed with dublin.

Types and manufacturers

To correctly determine what threads are used to sew leather, you need to understand the types of polyester threads.

Reinforced ones come in several classes, which differ in the composition of the braided polyester core. The thread is formed by simultaneously drawing out the inner Dacron (polyester) rod and braiding it with protective fibers of cotton, viscose or Dacron.

To work with leather, use threads with cotton (LC) or lavsan (LL) braid. They have a round cross-section, are very durable and produce a neat, strong seam. They prevent the product from shrinking along the stitched seam, and their color is resistant to exposure to sunlight, water or chemical detergents.

COATS epic threads, offered by the Russian company PAZH (Pazha LLC), are used for sewing leather and fur. They have a polyester core braided with staple fibers, making them durable and can be used on modern high-speed sewing devices.

What threads to sew leather on a sewing machine are given in the table below.

A special type of polyester threads is filament. Their difference from reinforced ones is that such threads are not twisted from short fibers, but are made using the technology of continuous polymerization during the drawing process. An example of such a thread is Sinton. They are durable, they are used on industrial devices when sewing furniture and car covers, shoes, suitcases, and bags.

Waxed braided Ritza Tiger threads from the Danish manufacturer Julius Koch are made from polyester and differ from other threads for sewing leather with a flat section. The seam from them looks delicate and does not fray. The wax from the thread does not remain on your hands and does not clog the eye of the needle.

Consultants in specialized sewing stores in Moscow will help you select the right threads based on thickness and structure.

How to choose

When choosing, you should pay attention that the marking may indicate the width of the thread in millimeters. If you plan to sew a wallet, watch straps and other small accessories, choose a thread with a width of 0.4 mm. It looks harmonious and gives things lightness. When sewing belts or bags, it is more convenient to use threads of medium width - about 0.5 mm. To sew backpacks or shoes made of thick leather, you will need a thread of 0.7-1.0 mm. The seam looks smoother and neater if the thread has a dense double twist.

For handmade leather work, craftsmen often choose No. 10 polished linen thread. They are made from combed linen yarn with a triple twist. This thread is very durable and has a pleasant matte color.

Sewing leather requires careful choice of thread color. They can either match the tone of the product or contrast with it. The handwork is emphasized by a seam made of light thread on dark skin, a combination of the color of the outer seam on the bag with the shade of the lining.

For working with artificial leather, the optimal choice is thread No. 40. This type of leather is very soft, and stitches made from thin threads look good on it. To stitch the handles, you can use No. 20 to make the seam stronger and more expressive.

For embroidery on leather, both cotton and synthetic threads are used. The choice depends on how the pattern will be embroidered - by hand or using a machine.

How to properly sew leather products, see the video below.

Nowadays, sewing stores offer a huge selection of artificial leather of various textures, patterns and colors. In appearance it is not inferior to natural leather.

Artificial leather also has its advantages - acceptable price, easy to care for and sew.

But despite the fact that it is easier to sew than natural leather, this matter still has its difficulties. You can cope with them and get beautiful products made of artificial leather if you know some of the nuances of how to sew artificial leather. There are very few of them.

Faux leather has only a few minor problems: “sticking” under the presser foot and holes from needle punctures. Also, the seam can tear between punctures of the sewing needle.

Since pins will leave puncture marks, leather parts should not be fastened with them or basted as usual with a needle and thread. And when you are just cutting out the details, the pattern also cannot be attached to the leather with pins so that it does not move. Place the patterns on the front side of the artificial leather and press them with some kind of weight. To cut out parts along the contour of the pattern, use a circular cutter. Of course, the skin must be placed on a wooden, glass or other surface that cannot be cut or is not a pity. In areas where a good, even cut is needed, use a plastic ruler.

Sewing machines often come with a set of presser feet, which also includes leather feet. They can be with rollers or made of Teflon. These feet can also be easily found in sewing stores.

If you don’t have special feet, you can try sewing by placing a sheet of wax paper on top of the faux leather. The leather will move well under a regular foot.

When you finish stitching, carefully tear the paper on the sides of the seam and remove. Be very careful not to damage the stitching.

Now about the needles. Use jeans needle (100/16). They are sharper and puncture smaller than other needles. There are special needles for genuine leather. But for artificial leather they are not so important.

Use a new needle for each faux leather item. Leatherette dulls needles faster than other fabrics.

The stitch can be used straight or zigzag. Just don’t make short stitches, but lengthen them as much as possible. The small distance between the punctures makes the seam unreliable. The artificial leather will simply tear between the holes.

Since it is impossible to baste parts made of artificial leather, for ease of sewing you can fasten the parts with hairpins like this or even use glue. As the paw approaches the hairpin, it is removed.

Take your time when stitching. It is better to move the car slowly. This way the stitching will be neat and even.

In order to work with leather, you need not only a sewing machine for sewing leather, but also special needles, threads, glue, and adhesive materials. You need to use many tools designed specifically for working with natural leather.

An original and simple way to repair a hole or tear in leather jacket or other clothes.

Leather sewing technology sewing machine different from sewing fabrics. And first of all, because sewing leather requires a special foot and special sewing needles. The main technological feature of joining leather parts is that the allowances of stitched seams are not ironed, but glued.

Many who are interested in sewing often have to work with leather. Handmade bags, finishing elements of clothing, jewelry, various crafts and even leather paintings look very original and stylish.
There are many books on teaching the technique of sewing leather goods, lessons and master classes. We offer only a few basic, simple recommendations on the technology of sewing leather on a sewing machine with your own hands.

In this video you will see how easy it is to sew leather on a class 22 or Podolsk sewing machine if you install a Teflon foot on it. If you are interested in sewing, subscribe to my channel.

The thickness of the leather depends on the type of raw materials used for leather production and the technology of leather dressing. For each product it is necessary to select a specific type of leather. For example, leather for sewing gloves (kid leather) is suitable for jewelry. It is soft, elastic and capable of conveying the most subtle nuance small parts products.
It is better to sew bags from tougher leather, rougher workmanship. If soft leather is used to sew a bag, then it is necessary to use duplicate pads made of dense material to give the shape.
If you are going to sew a vest made of fur with leather inserts and finishing elements, then use a thick, but soft skin. Hard, rough leather will “puff up”, and too thin leather may tear at the joints.

2. How to sew leather on a sewing machine

Working with leather enough difficult task, since you need to know many technological features. Be able to use various tools and devices. For example, when cutting out paired parts, you need to take into account that the skin stretches more in the transverse direction than in the longitudinal direction, so it is advisable to cut the parts of the product in one direction.
It is forbidden to chip the skin with pins, and it is also not recommended to sweep away with threads. Needle punctures will leave marks that cannot be removed.
Soft thin skin You can sew on a sewing machine with a regular needle (for fabrics) No. 80 or No. 90.

To sew thicker and rougher leather, special sewing needles with a tip shape in the form of a dihedral or tetrahedral blade are used. This shape of the needle blade makes it easier to pierce rough leather, leaves a less noticeable mark and prevents skipping stitches or thread breaks.
The stitch length on a sewing machine should be set to almost the maximum, since the skin may tear in places where the needle frequently punctures.

3. Not every sewing machine can sew leather.

To replace a zipper on a leather jacket, it is imperative to have an industrial sewing machine capable of sewing leather. Otherwise, you can break not only the needle, but also the machine itself.
Before sewing leather on a sewing machine, be sure to read its instructions. If it doesn't indicate that you can sew leather on it, then don't even try. But don’t despair, remember about your grandmother. She probably has an old Podolsk or Singer sewing machine with a foot or hand drive. This machine will definitely not break down and will confidently sew leather. At least she won't feel so sorry for her. Of course, the replacement of the zipper will not be done very well, one might say in a makeshift manner. But if you try hard, the new zipper in the jacket will look quite decent.

4. You need to cut the leather with a special shoe knife

In this video you will see the technology of sewing a zipper into leather clothing. If you are interested in sewing leather goods, subscribe to our channel and you will learn a lot useful tips.

After finishing working with leather appearance products can be refreshed. Marking lines left during work are removed with soap and water or ammonia. To ensure that the leather surface regains its former shine, then wipe the area with a cloth moistened with petroleum jelly or glycerin.
Heavily contaminated areas on the skin can be washed with warm, unboiled milk, rubbed with whipped egg white or half an onion.
White skin is cleaned with a mixture of milk and beaten egg white.
Patent leather should be wiped with a cloth soaked in glycerin or cleaned with a swab dipped in milk.
Suede can be cleaned with sawdust soaked in gasoline (the remaining sawdust is cleaned off with a brush), or an ink eraser, as well as fine-grained abrasive paper.
Stains from household grease are removed with gasoline or talc and a solution of oxalic acid.

9. Dyeing clothes made of genuine leather

The technology for painting leather with an aerosol can is quite simple. Leather paint in an aerosol can is sprayed, holding the can at a distance of about 20 cm from the area of ​​the leather product. In order for the paint layer to lay down evenly, without drips, do not hold the can for too long in one area. Smoothly and constantly move it along the surface to be painted.
After a ten-minute break, the next layer of paint is applied. This operation continues until the surface of the skin acquires a uniform color throughout the entire area. However, it should be noted that this method of painting leather is intended only to partially “refresh” its surface. It is not recommended to use leather dye in aerosol packaging for “dramatic” dyeing of leather clothing.

Sometimes genuine leather needs to be stitched using a furrier's machine. In this video you will see how the 10B furrier machine works.

When installing accessories on leather clothes, difficulties always arise. Buttons and blocks bend, buttons do not hold, etc. To help you correctly install buttons and blocks on clothes with your own hands, we have prepared an article with the recommendations of the master.

How to make a belt with your own hands. How to make a hole in a belt, fasten the buckle and what tools are needed for working with leather.

Working with leather always comes with many challenges, even if you have the right sewing machine and tools. In order to make it easier to perform some operations when working with leather, we offer you a few professional tricks.

Not every craftsman can replace a zipper on a leather jacket, even in a workshop. In addition to a special machine for sewing leather, you need to know the technology of working with leather, have special tools and devices. But, if the jacket costs less than the cost of repairing it, then you can try replacing the zipper yourself. Some tips on how to sew leather correctly can be found in this article.

Sewing leather and sewing fur is a special type of sewing work. If an industrial grinding machine type 22 class is used to work with leather, then grinding machines are not used to work with fur. There is a special furrier machine for this.

Working with genuine leather involves the use of special needles, a presser foot with a roller instead of a sole, and, of course, a special sewing machine capable of making high-quality stitches without skipping or breaking threads. To properly sew leather with your own hands, you also need to know what type of thread is used to sew leather.

Many special tools are used to work with leather. This is not only a shoe knife, but also a special hammer for softening seams, a punch for installing accessories, a special awl for sewing leather by hand, etc.

Adhesive fabrics are needed to add rigidity to certain parts and areas of clothing. However, cool fabrics and materials are also used when working with genuine leather. The edges of a leather jacket taped with adhesive fabric will not stretch when installing a zipper. You can also put adhesive fabric in the cuff and collar.

Many who are interested in sewing very often have to work with natural and artificial leather. Handmade bags, leather jewelry, various crafts and even leather paintings look very original and stylish. But most often, working with leather involves repairing leather clothing, replacing zippers, restoring torn areas, etc.

See how to repair a cut or tear in leather clothing. This is the easiest and most accessible way for everyone to repair leather clothing.

There are many books on teaching the technique of sewing natural leather by hand or using a sewing machine, which tell in detail about the purpose of certain tools for working with leather.
I offer only a few basic recommendations that will be useful to anyone who decides to repair a bag, jacket, etc.

In this video you will see how easy it is to sew leather on an industrial sewing machine (or Podolsk type) by installing a Teflon foot on it.

Working with leather has many “secrets” and little details that you need to know and take into account. For example, when cutting out paired parts, you need to remember that leather stretches more in the transverse direction than in the longitudinal direction, so paired parts need to be cut in any direction, but only in the same direction.

Do not chip the skin with pins. Punctures leave marks on the leather, and if you change the zipper on a leather jacket or bag or jacket, you can easily see this.

Soft leather can be sewn on a sewing machine using a regular #80 or #90 needle. But for sewing rough leather or thickened areas, a special needle for working with leather is required. Even for hand sewing leather, the leather needle looks special, instead of a point it has a triangular tip.
When sewing leather, the stitch length of a sewing machine should not be too small, since frequent punctures will cause the leather to tear at the joints.

You need to cut the leather with a special shoe knife on a plastic board or plexiglass. You can also use a wooden surface, but then the tip of the knife will cut into the wood.
A shoe knife, rubber glue, adhesive seam enhancers, a thimble, strong synthetic threads and a small hammer with an awl - this is a mandatory kit for any home “furrier” who decides to replace a zipper in a bag or repair a torn section of a leather jacket.

What kind of sewing machine can you use to sew leather?

Not every sewing machine can sew leather; treat your sewing machine with care and do not try to sew thick and rough fabrics, leather products, especially bags. As a last resort, you can use a Podolsk or Singer manual sewing machine, but not modern “seamstresses”, which cost 5 thousand rubles.
To work with leather, special industrial sewing machines are provided or, as a last resort, the instructions should indicate that this machine can be used to sew leather clothes.

If you sew leather on a household sewing machine, be sure to buy special needles and a foot, with a wheel (as in the photo) or a roller. Then the skin under the foot will not “slip” and the machine will easily advance the product without forming a seat on the top layer of leather.

If you don’t have a foot or it doesn’t fit (Podolsk sewing machine), then in order to make the leather move easier under the foot, you can sew it through thin paper, which can then be easily removed.

Sewing machine threads need to be strong and elastic. But only nylon threads (as in this photo) are not intended for machine sewing. They are only used for manual leather work or industrial sewing machines.

How to sew women's bag made of genuine leather. Bag with lining and zip fastening. You will learn many useful tips on how to work with natural leather.

Technology of sewing genuine leather and suede

When sewing suede products, you need to take into account the direction of the pile, otherwise the parts will have a different shade.
The leather is ironed from the wrong side with a low-heat iron without steam through a dry cloth.
To prevent the top part from stretching relative to the other, purchase a special foot with a Teflon-coated sole, as in this photo. Teflon feet cost much less than special leather feet.
The ends of the seam threads must be securely fixed with several knots, since machine stitches on leather products do not secure them and therefore they tend to unravel easily.

Working with leather is impossible without glue. The glue is applied with a brush onto a cleaned and degreased surface. Universal adhesives such as PVA and Moment, as well as rubber glue, are very effective.
Repeat the procedure of applying glue several times to thoroughly saturate the skin. At the same time, make sure in advance that the glue is not too liquid, otherwise the skin will get wet.
Set the parts treated with glue aside until the adhesive has dried “to the point of casting”.
After some time, connect the parts together. Place the glued parts under the press. You can even lightly tap these areas with a hammer.
Using a cotton swab or rag, immediately remove excess adhesive solution so that it does not damage the front surface of the leather.

In this video you will see the technology of sewing a zipper into leather clothing. If you are interested in sewing leather goods, subscribe to our channel and you will learn a lot of useful tips.

How to install fittings on leather products

Any handmade made of leather should be decorated with fittings. Large metal rivets and buttons, buttons, blocks, locks greatly decorate leather goods.
Buttons are sewn to the skin only if there are buttons on the wrong side.
Before punching holes for the buttons, they are strengthened either with pieces of leather or with thick adhesive fabric.
Installing buttons requires a special tool. You can get by with homemade devices, but this installation method produces a lot of waste, then purchase more buttons than required.
Before installing a zipper into a leather product, you should secure it. Instead of basting with thread, adhesive tapes or glue are used. Sometimes even ordinary paper clips can “help”.
The edges of the cut skin areas are glued with special skin enhancers (tapes). On one side, a weak adhesive is applied to such a tape.
The puncture with a needle leaves holes, so the seam is done only once. As a last resort, a seam is laid along the old holes.

In this video you will see how to install a denim metal button on leather items.

After finishing working with leather, the appearance of the product can be refreshed.
You can remove marking lines with soap and water and ammonia, then wipe with a cloth moistened with petroleum jelly or glycerin.
Heavily contaminated areas on the skin can be washed with warm, unboiled milk, rubbed with whipped egg white or half an onion.
White skin is cleaned with a mixture of milk and beaten egg white.
Patent leather should be wiped with a cloth soaked in glycerin or cleaned with a swab dipped in milk.
Suede can be cleaned with sawdust soaked in gasoline (the remaining sawdust is cleaned off with a brush), or an ink eraser, as well as fine-grained abrasive paper.
Stains from household grease are removed with gasoline or talc and a solution of oxalic acid. But be careful, you can remove the paint along with the stain.

Leather paint in aerosol packaging is very easy to use: it is sprayed by holding the can at a distance of about 20 cm from the skin and quickly moving it along the surface to be painted. After a ten-minute break, the next layer of paint is applied. This operation continues until the surface of the skin acquires an even and durable color.

How to join layers of leather using a zig-zag stitch.

Some tips on how to sew and cut clothing items made of leather or suede.
1. Select patterns that do not require planting. Complex shapes in this case are easier to create using construction seams than using darts. In the past, tailors tried to use as few stitch lines as possible on leather goods. Nowadays, leather production has become thinner and softer and leather products have more seams; often even leather clothing or accessories are sewn from small scraps of leather.

2. Kimono and raglan sleeves are easier to make when sewing leather clothes than set-in sleeves. If you are making a set-in sleeve, measure the increase in fit. It should be no more than 1.5 cm. It is better to make a shirt-cut sleeve, as it has a looser armhole.

3. You must be sure that your patterns are correct. Therefore, it is good to use the pattern that you have already worked with. Or the prepared pattern should be checked on a mock-up made of non-woven material (non-woven fabric without glue) or inexpensive fabric, and only after that it should be marked on the skin and cut.

4. Before cutting the leather, mark holes and thin places on the wrong side of the leather so that you can avoid them when cutting. Carefully lay out the patterns, make sure that the paired parts (right and left shelves, right and left sleeves, etc.) are cut out in a mirror image. Mark contours, lines and marks on the wrong side of the skin ballpoint pen or a soft pencil, or a special pen for marking. Mark seam and hem allowances. Some marks can be made using notches or adhesive tape. The seam allowances should be the same width, which makes it easier to sew together the cut pieces.

5. Leather stretches in different directions in different ways, so when cutting it is necessary to maintain the same direction of paired and mating parts. When cutting suede, you must follow the direction of the pile. The pile should be directed from top to bottom.

6. The needle leaves puncture marks on the leather, so leather parts are not swept away and stitching seams are not ripped out. To pre-connect the parts, use adhesive tape or paper clips. There is also a special pencil for fixing seams from Guetermann. The pencil does not leave a mark on the sewing machine needle. By the way, glue is a certain problem when sewing. It clogs the eye of the needle, causing gaps in stitches and even thread breaks.

7. Use overstitched, overstitched or covered stitches. You cannot press or press seam allowances like you would on fabric. Instead, they can be glued with rubber glue or another, which remains elastic even after polymerization (drying). There are special adhesives from Rudolfix, as well as NT 2 glue from Gütermann. If you don't have glue, machine stitch the seam allowances in position.

8. It is recommended to use a special interlining for leather LE 420 as a gasket, which is glued with an iron.

9. The fastener is made with a zipper, loops (stitched, overcast and hinged) and buttons. The buttons must be riveted. They are installed in hardware installation workshops.

10. If you do not have such a convenient tool as in this photo, then smooth the seams with the handles of scissors.
First, place the seam allowances from the inside out using short taps and smooth them out. Then do the same on the front side with the seam groove.

11. Working with leather involves ironing the leather with a non-hot iron without steam through a dry cloth from the inside of the product. Before ironing the item, try it on a small piece of leather.
Ironing leather is not recommended because the hot sole of the iron can cause the leather to change its properties, become stiff and shrink in size. But sometimes when working with leather it is necessary to put an adhesive pad. Then you need to iron very carefully and always only on the wrong side, placing an iron pad under the sole of the iron.

Sometimes genuine leather needs to be stitched using a furrier's machine. In this video you will see how the 10B furrier machine works.


Materials such as leatherette or other types of artificial leather are quite difficult for ordinary household sewing machines, which are not designed to work with materials of this type. Often the reason for these difficulties may be that the presser foot of the machine simply cannot slide over the surface of the material in the same way as over woven fabrics. By the way, the same problems as with artificial leather can arise when trying to sew any product from thick polyethylene film, for example, a raincoat.

Method No. 1

It must be said that the solution to such a problem was born in the agony and suffering of seamstresses who tried to adapt and sew magnificent faux leather products using the simplest household sewing machines.

If you decide to sew something from leatherette, you should first adjust the mechanism. Set your machine to the maximum possible stitch length. In the process of attaching the material, the leatherette should be pulled up by hand with maximum uniformity. A household machine will certainly sew the material, but depending on how you pull it up, its stitching will consist of stitches of different lengths and will even be crooked.

Method No. 2

Another way to solve this problem could be to plain paper. It will be very easy for a machine foot to slide over such material, so to ensure high-quality sewing of artificial leather, you should place paper strips on both sides of the product.

In this case, you will certainly be able to create an even and beautiful seam, and you can easily remove the paper from an already stitched product by simply tearing it along the seam, which will act as a perforation.

The disadvantages of this method may be, first of all, the tendency of the paper to tear directly under the presser foot. And also, using paper strips, it can be difficult to make a high-quality curved seam due to poor visibility, so craftsmen advise using more transparent tissue paper.

Method No. 3

In order to ensure the proper level of sliding of the foot on the artificial leather, you can also use such inexpensive material as masking tape, which is used during repairs to ensure the accuracy of painting walls. It is with the help of this tape that the machine foot is glued from the bottom. The masking tape should cover exactly the surface that is in direct contact with the fabric. Don't forget to cut a slit in the tape to allow the needle to move smoothly.

You should also cover the surface of the machine itself with tape, providing a slot for the bottom thread to exit.

Using one of the 3 methods presented, you can create amazing products from artificial leather at home on the simplest sewing machine. The main thing for this process is to make sure that the needle you use is thick enough, because... she will have to work with dense material. Also pay attention to the thread you use to create stitches on thick faux leather. The thread should be strong enough and suitable for your model of sewing machine.

Best regards, Alexandra.