We draw a coat of arms and a flag for the family: choose colors, shapes, mottos. Step-by-step instruction.

The coat of arms is an identifier of clan, family and personality. In the Middle Ages, not a single worthy family could do without a coat of arms. Subsequently, they tried to destroy the presence of coats of arms, statuses and much more and make everyone equal and not stand out. But if you are reading this article, it means that the “gray mass” is not interesting to you, and you, inspired by the experience of our ancestors, or historical series, decided to create your own coat of arms.

Having drawn your family's coat of arms, you can place it on family T-shirts and sweatshirts, holiday cards, on your pages on social networks, as well as on the doors of your home and even garage. And let your friends envy you, because your family is special!

Like creating a family tree, the process of creating a coat of arms is interesting and multifaceted. You will need to show your imagination and combine the incompatible in one place! After all, the family is so multifaceted and still whole and dear!

So let's get started. Let's choose what we will depict: Family Coat of Arms or Personal Coat of Arms. In both cases, we must graphically express the desires, views and foundations of the owners of the coat of arms, as well as their place in society and life values.

Heraldry is the science of drawing up coats of arms and it can be studied for years, but we have highlighted the main points from this science for a superficial study of this issue, as well as the elementary concepts of drawing up a coat of arms.

Don’t try to draw the coat of arms right away, first take a rough draft and make a diagram, then cut out all the parts and try to rearrange them in order to achieve maximum effect.

We choose the shape of the coat of arms: national or geometric.

Choose the color of the coat of arms. The color will reflect the quality of the soul, a natural phenomenon, the direction that a family or individual follows, and much more. We present only a brief meaning of the main colors; if you wish, you can find and get acquainted with the full list of colors and shades and their meanings in heraldry.

Please note that the coat of arms can be monochromatic or contain up to six colors! It all depends on your imagination, as well as what you want to express in your coat of arms.

We select the figures that will be located on the coat of arms. There are only eight main heraldic figures and each of them can be located in an exclusively designated place, and must be proportional to the coat of arms.

There are many secondary heraldic figures. They can be located in different places, and also be in different proportions.

Non-heraldic figures in the form of people, animals, insects and birds carry a certain symbolism and from them one can determine the general character and direction of a family or individual. Artificial (tools, weapons, things) and mythical (unicorns, dragons) influence no less, and sometimes more, than the previous symbols.

Symbolism of some figures:

  • Falcon - courage, sharp mind, learning, etc.;
  • Leo - generosity, authority, wisdom, courage;
  • Brown bear - wisdom and strength;
  • Snake - wisdom, intuition, precaution;
  • Eagle - independence, strength and power;
  • Dog - devotion to one’s family and clan, loyalty to one’s word;
  • Dove - purity, innocence, spirituality;
  • The Rooster is a fighter;
  • Bee - hard work, ability to accumulate;
  • Dragon - power;
  • An open book - knowledge;
  • Torch - secret knowledge;
  • Oak, oak leaf - strength and durability;
  • Palm and laurel branches represent victory and glory respectively.

We choose a motto. This lie of several words can be either unique or a quote from great sages. This short slogan contains the entire credo of an individual, family or organization. As an example, here are several famous mottos, some of them shorter or longer due to translation from other languages.

Now that we have sorted out all the parts of the coat of arms and you, most likely, have already sketched out a drawing of the future coat of arms several times, we suggest that you practice and draw your coat of arms, and we will tell you how to do it step by step.

We took the shape of a shield as a sample, but you draw the one you decided on. We recommend drawing weak, barely visible lines with a hard, soft pencil, so that after finishing the work you can erase the excess and apply paint beautifully.

We decided that our motto will be located at the bottom of the coat of arms, and not under the symbol, so we draw a ribbon along the coat of arms. If the coat of arms contains several figures, it is still better to place the motto under the coat of arms. We pursue minimalism.

After this, we draw guides for the font along the inside of the tape. If you have calligraphy experience, everything is easier. If not, draw both horizontal and vertical guides for each letter.

We will enter the surname “Mayeda”, which, according to the bearer, speaks for itself! And you must agree, this is a reason to be proud! It consists of 6 letters, and dividing it is not difficult. The motto must be divided in advance and the words marked on the tape so that the middle of the phrase coincides with the middle of the vertical line of the coat of arms.

Regarding fonts, you can invent your own, unique, but we chose the classic “Roman” style, which is often used for retro-style logos around the world. Study fonts, maybe don't reinvent something someone else has already done. And this is another evening, and maybe more than one, when you will once again delve into this incredibly interesting science.

Our founders of the new family coat of arms are amazing parents who have achieved a lot in life and founded a new family name, place, business. Therefore, their names are located in the center - the names of those who laid the foundation for future generations.

Now let's move on to the most interesting thing in our opinion - the secondary heraldic signs that symbolize the family. We have this:

  • Spring in Paris is what the spouse loves, and this is the secret of how this family met.
  • New Mexico is where the family lives.
  • Engineering is the basis of family income.
  • Wood products represent the creative potential of the spouse.
  • Books are the wife’s additional business.
  • Aikido is the family's sporting and spiritual direction.

Now let's move on to the details: aikido - drawing swords, Paris - the Eiffel Tower, sakura - commitment to Japan.

We continue: engineering - gears, New Mexico - scarlet, woodworking - handles, and we decided to draw lines from the & symbol, as on the flag of the country whose subjects the spouses are.

We add branches for beauty and as a sign of peace and satisfaction in our life.

We drew a lot, and there is no desire to erase it, we simply transfer it to a new sheet. How you do it is up to you.

Now let's decide what we will decorate with: ink, pencils, markers or paints? You can make several copies and decorate them in different ways, choosing the best option. We decided to combine watercolor and ink.

We draw most of the details and let it dry.

We connect the work of the pen.

We finish drawing, correct all the elements and admire the work. The family coat of arms is ready!

Do you like it? Yes to our heroes!

How to draw a family flag?

After such a masterpiece as a coat of arms, it’s time to think about the flag! For the base, we take the main colors of the family; it can be one main one or several. If the spirit of patriotism lives in you, you can connect partial elements of the national flag.

On the flag we depict either by choice or in a combination: the coat of arms, the first letter of the surname, an element of family pride.

We print on fabric and don’t forget to pick it up on holidays or when the family gathers at the same table.

Despite the fact that heraldry is a serious science, you can instill a love for it, as well as for your family, from childhood! Below we provide numerous examples of templates and ideas for drawing coats of arms and flags with children.

We also provide a step-by-step master class of an elementary coat of arms containing a letter and framed by roses - a symbol of silence, love and mystery.

Video: Development of the coat of arms

Video: A little about symbols, coats of arms and signs

To draw coat of arms And flag Russia, first look at their pictures in a book or on the Internet. This will make your work easier and help you complete the drawing correctly. Study carefully coat of arms. Working on the image of an eagle figure with attributes requires attention and accuracy. In order to make a drawing, you will need auxiliary lines and calculation of proportions.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - ruler;
  • - colored pencils or paints.


Take a piece of paper and place it vertically. It's better to portray coat of arms And flag on separate sheets. For the preliminary drawing you will need simple pencils and a ruler. First draw coat of arms, which is a figure of a double-headed crowned eagle with the image of the historical Moscow coat of arms and on the chest.

In the center of the sheet, draw a vertical rectangle with rounded bottom corners and a pointed bottom. Using a ruler, divide the rectangle in half with a vertical line. Then draw four horizontal lines dividing the rectangle into five equal parts. These auxiliary lines will help you correctly draw the eagle figure and its accompanying attributes.

At the level of the top line, outline the tops of the crowns with ribbons, draw eagle heads with an open beak and protruding tongue, and two necks merging into one. Since the eagle's figure is symmetrical, try to depict the details together. That is, if you draw one head, immediately draw another. Draw a large crown in the center above the eagle's heads.

The second line runs at the level of the upper side of the historical coat of arms and Moscow, located on the chest of an eagle. This coat of arms is the same rectangle with rounded ends and a pointed bottom. It contains a figure of a horse with a rider holding a spear and striking a serpent. Draw this composition schematically; you should not draw all the small details. From coat of arms and draw the open wings of an eagle.

The third line runs along the lower border of the Moscow Historical coat of arms A. From this line, start drawing the eagle's paws. In the right paw, draw a scepter in the form of a rod, decorated with a gold tip and rings. On the left, draw an orb, which is a golden ball with a tip in the form of a cross. The fourth line separates the segment in which the image of the eagle’s tail, which is five stylized feathers, is located.

After you have completed the drawing coat of arms and with a simple pencil, start coloring with colored pencils or paints. You will need the following colors - yellow, black, red, blue, white, gray. First, color the eagle figure in yellow, draw the entire outline of the feathers in black, then proceed to the details - attributes of royal power, crowns, coat of arms u. After that, cover the entire background with red. Drawing coat of arms and ready.

To draw flag Russia, take a sheet of paper and place it horizontally. Draw a rectangle whose width is 2/3 of its length. Divide the rectangle into 3 equal horizontal stripes, color the bottom one red, the middle one blue, and leave the top one white. Trace the outline flag but in a dark color. The drawing is ready.


  • who is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia

A coat of arms is an emblem that belongs to a single family and is passed down from generation to generation almost unchanged. For the first time, a schoolchild becomes acquainted with the concept of a coat of arms in history or literature lessons, studying the features of the symbolism of ancient families. Sometimes acquaintance occurs earlier, in kindergarten. However, the scale of such acquaintance is smaller and is limited to the task of creating a coat of arms for the child’s own family. To make the task easier and make homework more comfortable, we present to your attention a family coat of arms for kindergarten. Sample templates can be printed and individual elements can be added.

Why does a child need to know about family symbolism?

As a rule, when giving homework to a kindergarten child, teachers pursue several goals:

  • Family unification for an interesting activity: each member of the family must contribute in the form of an idea for the implementation of the coat of arms.
  • Give your child the opportunity to think about what values accepted into the family.
  • Study the family history, collect photographs or drawings of the parents.

Parents' task Help your child as much as possible in searching for the truth about his family. It is better if the child conducts an intelligence operation and obtains information as if by chance, without open submission from relatives. This will captivate him and make the process of creating a family emblem an unforgettable process.

How to make a family coat of arms

You can make a family coat of arms on any material. Be smart: cut out the outline of the coat of arms on wooden plywood according to the template and burn family symbols there. The emblem can also be made on a metal sheet, whatman paper or cardboard. Regardless of what you choose, you will need pens, rulers, eraser and paint. The paint can be acrylic, watercolor or gouache.

To about make the process easier To create a background for a coat of arms, we bring to your attention templates. Choose a template to your liking and design it in accordance with your preferences and overall family plan.

Ideas for the creative process

After your child has received an exciting task from the teacher, you, as a responsible parent, will have to think about how to make it reflect the meaning of your family's existence. As ideas you can use:

  • Print photos each family member individually. Make a humorous collage in the center of the coat of arms. Sign your motto at the bottom. It is important that in the future you tell your child about the need to adhere to the motto and fulfill it throughout life.
  • Draw schematically things that your family loves and unite them with a common idea. For example, a knitting ball, rollers or fishing rods - all this can be used as symbolism of the family coat of arms.
  • Place it in the form symbols of professions: this option is most interesting in the case when all family members are representatives of the same professional industry.
  • Place it on the family coat of arms symbolism, reflecting the best qualities of your family members. At the same time, you can draw popular attributes (heart - kindness, care - palms) or, together with your child, come up with meanings for important qualities of the family.

Samples of family emblems

To simplify the work of creating a family coat of arms for kindergarten, we suggest you look a selection of family drawings created by parents and children of primary preschool age. We hope you will appreciate the efforts of the kids and use their example to make a magnificent family coat of arms.

Making the first family coat of arms is an important mission entrusted primarily to the parents. You must convey to your child the importance of family values, instill in him community and a love for joint hobbies. We hope that the article about the family coat of arms for kindergarten was useful to you, and that the sample templates helped you understand the direction for the creative process.

Where did the history of the coat of arms begin? It is very simple - the coat of arms was first used in the 12th century by feudal lords and knights in order to distinguish their own from others. The most convenient surface for a distinctive sign was a shield. This is how the coat of arms appeared. It may be a real work of art, but it is very important to read it correctly. First, the background color is called, then what is depicted, while the central image is announced first. In this article you will find how to correctly compose family coat of arms with description of symbols and what you should pay attention to.

Let's start creating by studying the history of our family in order to choose the main image. You can focus on outstanding personalities, any exploits of your ancestors, a special trait of the whole family, the sound of a surname, some family history or legend, etc.

The second task is to choose the shape of the shield. You can choose a traditional one, in the shape of a triangle, or you can show your imagination and create it yourself, or choose from the numerous already available options. The shield can also be divided into several sections. Whether there will be two of them, indicating mother and father, or more, is up to you to decide.

Under the shield, on a ribbon, is the family motto. It should briefly characterize your special features, what you are consistent with.

Description of the colors for the family coat of arms:

  1. golden means generosity;
  2. white (silver) - peace and tranquility;
  3. black - constancy and sadness;
  4. blue - loyalty to your family;
  5. green - hope and joy;
  6. red suggests that family members have military professions;
  7. purple is special, only members of the royal family could use it.
Despite the fact that there are still disagreements about the meaning of certain symbols, there are still several meanings that are accepted everywhere. So, traditional symbols for the family coat of arms:
  1. fire - zeal;
  2. flaming heart - passion;
  3. ax - obedience, consciousness;
  4. the bridge is a symbol of judges;
  5. crescent - enlightenment;
  6. crown - power;
  7. cross - Christian feelings;
  8. French royal lily - purity, or that the family is of French origin;
  9. hand - faith, sincerity and justice;
  10. heart - sincerity;
  11. deer antlers - purity of spirit;
  12. the moon - His Lordship, used by the dukes;
  13. oyster shell - there are travelers in the family;
  14. sword - readiness to fight;
  15. ring - fidelity;
  16. sun - glory;
  17. star - nobility, noble origin.
Also on the coats of arms were depicted objects of civil and military affairs (helmets, swords, cannons, sickles, hammers), objects of the surrounding nature (rainbow, clouds, mountains, trees, branches, wreaths), symbols of various professions (architectural structures, carpentry, plumbing, construction and musical instruments, compasses, anchors).

The coat of arms is the face of the family. Its creation should be approached with all responsibility, to embody on it the characteristics of the whole family, but at the same time, so that it is as simple and understandable as possible.

The family coat of arms is a distinctive sign of the family, which symbolically reflects the family’s merits, achievements, history, of course, if there is something to be proud of in this history. For a long time the coat of arms was...

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution
"Dobryansky kindergarten No. 13"

Memo for parents

« Create a family coat of arms ».

Prepared by teacher Vorontsova A.R.

Dobryanka 2015

What is a family coat of arms?

The coat of arms, together with the other components (family tree, pedigree) forms the modern concept of Pedigree and is a symbol of your family, and sometimes a symbol of just one person (then we are talking about a Personal Coat of Arms). The family coat of arms is a set of heraldic symbols that represent the main features of the family line. The family coat of arms used to be a privilege of the nobility, but now it is designed to highlight the family, unite all its members, and become a strong link for generations.

Family coat of arms (family coat of arms) - compiled by the whole family and reflects the essence of family life of the clan, its place in society and basic values.

Coat of Arms Personal - describes the personality of a particular person.

The coat of arms is an artistic reflection of the basis of a person, his set of beliefs and views on the family, the world, and life. Very often, a coat of arms is drawn up in order to better understand your family and your place in it.

Coming up with a coat of arms is not an easy task. There is a whole science - heraldry, which knows all the rules for drawing up coats of arms. We will give just a few rules for creating a coat of arms that will help you draw the coat of arms of your family.

Rules for creating a coat of arms

1. Shape of the coat of arms

Any coat of arms or emblem is usually composed of certain parts.

The main part of the coat of arms is
shield . The image of a shield is intended to protect a family or a person from enemies both in ancient times and in our time. The heraldic shield was initially no different from the real shield. In ancient times, in the Middle Ages, the shapes of military shields were simply amazing in their diversity - round, oval, pointed towards the bottom, rectangular, crescent-shaped, etc. A diamond-shaped shield usually indicated that the owner of such a coat of arms was a lady.
Suitable materials for making a family coat of arms include whatman paper, cardboard from boxes, and thick colored paper. Together with your child, choose the shape of the future family coat of arms and draw it on whatman paper.

2. Color of the coat of arms

The coat of arms could be of different colors, and each color had its own meaning. In heraldry, colors can reflect natural phenomena, the qualities of the human soul, human character, and even complex philosophical concepts:

The shield can be painted in one color. If we want to use several colors, then the shield needs to be divided, for example, into two parts: vertically, horizontally, diagonally. Despite its apparent simplicity, the geometric divisions of the shield field form many options. Following these division rules, the shield can be divided into three, four or more parts.

3.Coat of arms figures

The figures that are placed on top of the shield field are traditionally divided into heraldic and non-heraldic.
In turn, heraldic figures can be main or secondary.
There are eight main heraldic figures – this is the head (occupies the upper part of the shield), the extremity (located at the bottom of the shield), the pillar (located vertically in the middle of the shield), the belt (placed horizontally in the middle of the shield), the belt (located diagonally on the shield and has two options: from left to right and from right to left), rafter, cross and border.

Minor heraldic figures quite a lot - a square, a rhombus, a shield, etc.

Images of people, animals, plants, natural phenomena, and objects play an important role in the symbolism of coats of arms. They refer to non-heraldic figures , which are divided into natural (natural phenomena, heavenly bodies, plants, animals, humans), artificial (weapons, tools, household items) and mythical (dragons, unicorns, griffins).
Symbolism of the figures:
-leo - strength, courage, generosity;
-eagle - strength, power, independence;
-bear means wisdom and strength;
-dog - loyalty and devotion;
-snake - wisdom, caution;
-the dove symbolizes peace and purity;
- falcon - beauty, courage and intelligence;
-bee – hard work;
-rooster is a symbol of battle;
-dragon - power;
-oak means strength and durability;
-laurel and palm branches - glory, victory;
- olive branches - peace;
- a torch, an open book - symbolize knowledge
The combination of heraldic figures, symbolic images and their colors can serve as a permanent sign, a distinctive sign of a person, family, class, group or institution.

4. Motto of the family coat of arms

Motto - a short saying, usually written on a ribbon at the bottom of the shield. Sometimes mottos are placed in the coat of arms without a ribbon; if the shield is round, the motto is usually written around the shield. Obviously, the basis for the motto could originally have been a knight's war cry (such as "Crom boo", the motto of the Dukes of Fitzgerald, meaning "Crom (the old ancestral castle) forever!"), but the motto could be a short statement reminiscent of some important historical event or expressing the credo of the owner of the coat of arms. The text of the motto can be encrypted and understandable only to the initiated.
Family motto passed down from generation to generation, can guide a person’s actions and model his behavior.

The family motto is an analogue of a surname, a family calling card. The verbal motto of the family briefly, in a few words, expresses the family credo, the life rules of the family.
Wonderful mottos for the family have already been invented, or rather, formulated in popular proverbs.
Mottos about family:
“Where there is agreement, there is victory,”
"Family is the pillar of happiness"
“Where there is love and advice, there is no grief”
“A family is strong when there is only one roof over it,”
“The family is in a heap, not even a cloud is scary.”
Mottos about honor:
"The more difficult the matter, the higher the honor"
“Where there is honor, there is truth.”
Labor mottos:
"The master's work is afraid"
“Skill and labor will grind everything down.”
"The one who walks will master the road"
Mottos about friendship:
“In a herd that agrees, even a wolf is not afraid”
"There is safety in numbers".
Mottos about defending the Motherland:
"If a people is united, it is invincible"
"Courage is the sister of victory."