Often, pregnancy turns out to be unplanned, but doctors advise, before deciding on drastic measures, to find out what blood type you cannot have an abortion with. For some women, termination of pregnancy can result in consequences that will seriously complicate their future lives. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid rash actions.

In what cases is abortion dangerous?

Each person is a carrier of a certain blood group with positive or negative Rh. And if a woman doesn’t have to worry too much if the antigen is present, then when it is absent, problems arise both during the process of bearing a baby and after an abortion.

Partners with different Rh factors should definitely be seen by a doctor, especially if Rh- is present in the expectant mother.

If the baby has a positive Rh factor, the mother’s body will actively fight the foreign body, which will provoke:

  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • deviations in child development;
  • miscarriage.

However, the absence of an antigen has a negative impact not only during pregnancy. Abortion with a negative Rh factor is considered a very risky procedure. When a woman who has Rh- agrees to terminate her pregnancy, she risks remaining infertile in the future. There may be other complications.

It does not matter how exactly the interruption will be carried out: medically or surgically. To have an abortion with a negative Rh factor means to cause harm to the body.

It is important to know not only what blood type it is extremely dangerous to get rid of a child with, but also when exactly you should not have an abortion. In other words, if the pregnancy was the first and the woman terminated it, after the next conception the changes in the mother’s body will be much more serious.

After the first conception, the Rh-negative mother’s body comes into contact with the baby’s positive blood for the first time. Female antibodies for a reason large sizes and poor mobility practically cannot harm the fetus. It turns out that even if there is unfavorable factors the child will be born completely healthy.

When a woman agrees to an abortion with a negative Rh factor, the following will happen:

  1. Mixing mother's blood with baby's blood.
  2. Increased production of smaller and more mobile antibodies.

At the next conception, the mother’s body will be able to better attack a foreign object, that is, the child. After each interruption with negative Rh, the risk of developmental abnormalities in the baby increases by 10%.

The occurrence of:
  • hemolytic disease;
  • encephalopathy;
  • anemia;
  • miscarriage.

If termination of pregnancy was necessary

Sometimes pregnant women are forced to agree to an artificial interruption because there are appropriate indications. That is, while carrying a child, the mother is in danger, and the consequences of termination will not be as serious as from the pregnancy itself.

A thorough examination is carried out first. It must be remembered: a pregnancy interrupted before the 7th week will cause minimal consequences, since the production of antibodies has not yet begun during this period.

What happens if this time is missed?
  1. Weeks 7-9 is the period when the fetus’s hematopoietic system is actively developing.
  2. The female body tries to produce antibodies to get rid of the threat.
Removing the fetus by curettage later may provoke:
  • endometrial damage;
  • development of inflammation.

It can be very difficult for such women to subsequently become pregnant due to difficulties associated with the attachment of the embryo. In addition, there is little chance that the baby will be born healthy.

In a word, the sooner the necessary manipulations are carried out, the fewer complications will appear. At least in the future a woman can hope for a successful conception.

Features of abortion in Rh-

If a woman chooses to have an abortion using a medical method, spontaneous rejection of the embryo occurs. It can be seen among long-term post-abortion discharge.

As soon as an abortion with a negative Rh factor has been performed, doctors inject anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin into the female body. This is done to stop the synthesis of antibodies. Often this procedure takes place during the first three days after artificial termination of pregnancy.

Thanks to anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, the risk of developing various disorders is significantly reduced in the future. However, doctors cannot guarantee the complete absence of Rh conflict.

On early stages gestational period, it is possible to perform a mini-abortion using vacuum aspiration.

Among the features of the procedure:
  1. At the end of the process, blood loss is also possible.
  2. The duration of bleeding is approximately 10 days.
  3. Due to increased susceptibility to various infections, it is recommended to pay maximum attention to health.

Thanks to the fact that doctors were able to find a way that makes it possible to prevent Rh conflicts, modern women there are more chances to become a mother if you want. But do not forget that getting rid of the fetus, both with negative and positive Rhesus, is extremely stressful for the body.

A negative blood type is a factor in the presence of which it is extremely dangerous to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy without medical indications.

The problem of negative Rh factor worries many women. It occurs especially acutely in the case of the birth of second and subsequent children and after termination of pregnancy. This article talks about what rhesus is - conflict.

What is the Rh factor?

Rh factor is a substance (specific protein) formed on the surface of red blood cells - blood cells. It was discovered for more than 30 years in the blood of most people, who have since been considered Rh positive. Meanwhile, in 15% of people this protein is not detected, and their blood was determined to be Rh negative.

A negative Rh factor does not in any way affect a person’s well-being or health in everyday life. Special attention it is given only in emergency circumstances, such as blood transfusions or during pregnancy.

If a person with Rh-negative blood is accidentally transfused with Rh-positive blood, then his body will perceive it as foreign and it will begin to actively destroy it. Likewise, during pregnancy, if both parents are in good health, a number of unfavorable conditions may arise due to incompatibility of the Rh factor:

    negative Rh in the blood of a woman carrying a fetus;

    Rh negative in the father of the child.

If a woman is diagnosed with negative Rh blood and unborn child inherited it, then this situation does not pose any health hazard. However, if the fetus is Rh positive, then a Rh conflict is likely, which can cause hemolytic disease in the child and other serious health problems.

What is Rhesus - conflict

The Rhesus conflict is based on the incompatibility of the blood of the expectant mother and her child. The fetal hematopoietic system is formed by 7-8 weeks of intrauterine development. Its Rh antigen is able to easily cross the placenta and enter the blood of a pregnant woman, which is perceived by her body as something foreign. As a result, protective antibodies begin to be produced in her blood, which, penetrating the placenta, begin to fight the baby’s red blood cells, gradually destroying them.

This situation can lead to miscarriage, as well as to the fact that the fetal blood begins to produce large quantity Bilirubin is a substance that turns the skin and urine yellow and causes jaundice in newborns. Excessive concentrations of bilirubin in the fetal blood can damage the fetal brain, causing speech and hearing problems. In addition, Rh conflict can provoke anemia, congenital dropsy and even fetal death.

Rhesus conflict can lead to serious consequences

Often during the first pregnancy, the number of antigens is insignificant, due to the fact that a small amount of fetal blood enters the bloodstream of the pregnant woman. This makes it possible to carry and give birth to a healthy baby, avoiding complications and the occurrence of Rh conflict.

However, the situation changes during re-birth or termination of pregnancy, with a threat of miscarriage, placental abruption, chorionic villus biopsy or injury. In this case, sensitization of the woman’s body occurs, which leads to a strong production of protective antibodies upon repeated contact with antigens. This is due to the fact that immune memory cells are able to retain information about blood contact between mother and fetus.

Signs of Rhesus conflict

Rhesus - the conflict is determined only by the presence in the blood expectant mother specific antibodies, and its severity is determined by their concentration: antibody titer. Pregnant women do not notice any external manifestations of the onset of this pathological process. Although sometimes it occurs with symptoms of gestosis. The fetus itself can suffer greatly at the time of conflict, which is detected on ultrasound in the form of:

    the presence of swelling in the fetus;

    the appearance of fluid in the brain and abdominal cavity;

    increase in heart size;

    thickening of the placenta;

    hypoxia of the fetus and an increase in its body weight.

Methods of prevention and treatment of Rhesus conflict

Fortunately, modern science does not stand still and is constantly evolving. Today, doctors know what measures need to be taken so that women with a negative Rh factor can bear and give birth to healthy babies.

1. All pregnant women should undergo testing as early as possible to determine their blood type and its Rh factor. In addition, the father of the unborn child must also donate blood for the Rh factor. In some cases, Rh conflict develops due to blood group incompatibility. However, it is less dangerous and is not capable of causing serious complications. If it turns out that both parents are Rh negative, then there is no reason to worry. In this case, the fetus will inherit the antigen of the parents and conflict will not occur.

2. If the pregnant woman’s Rh is negative, and the father of the unborn baby is positive, then the woman will be forced to regularly have blood from a vein tested. Until the 32nd week of pregnancy, blood is donated once a month, from 32 to 35 - twice a month, and from 35 - every week. This allows doctors to control the amount of antibodies in the blood and not miss the onset of Rhesus conflict at the earliest stage of development.

3. If Rh conflict occurs, then doctors have a number of measures in their arsenal aimed at saving the baby. Sometimes premature birth is caused, followed by an exchange transfusion of blood to the newborn: the introduction of blood of the same group, but with negative Rh. It is important to carry out this operation no later than 36 hours after the baby is born.

4. To reduce the risk of Rh conflict to a minimum during subsequent pregnancies, you need to take a significant break before this, at least 4-5 years.

5. A special vaccine, anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, administered no later than 72 hours after childbirth or termination of pregnancy, helps to significantly reduce the occurrence of Rh conflict in subsequent pregnancies. The action of the drug is based on its ability to bind aggressive bodies in the mother’s blood and remove them from the body.

If due to some circumstances the vaccine was not administered immediately after childbirth or abortion, then it can be given during a subsequent pregnancy for prophylactic purposes. In addition, the anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin vaccine is indicated after surgery for ectopic pregnancy, as well as after puncture of the amniotic sac.

There are cases in life when a woman is unable to continue her existing pregnancy due to certain circumstances. However, no matter what the health condition, termination of pregnancy in any case poses a certain risk. This is especially important if you have a certain blood type and Rh factor. Let's look at what the danger is next.

The concept of Rh factor

Often representatives of the weaker half of humanity are interested in the question, with which blood type can an abortion not be performed? However, when maintaining or terminating a pregnancy, the group is not so important as the Rh factor. This is an antigen that is of protein origin. More people have this antigen, which indicates a positive Rh factor; the opposite indicates its absence. This does not in any way affect a person’s lifestyle, but is of no small importance during the period of bearing a child. If a woman has a rare blood type, if severe bleeding occurs, she may have problems finding a suitable donor.

In some cases, a Rh conflict is possible when the mother's Rh factor does not match that of the child. In such a situation, protective antibodies begin to be actively produced, which can adversely affect the further development of the child in the mother’s womb. Among the many, the following are considered critical:

  • miscarriage;
  • fading of the child’s development in the womb;
  • further development of anemia;
  • changes in the functionality of the liver and spleen;
  • damage to the nervous system and brain.

The manifestations of Rh conflict on the expectant mother are practically not reflected in any way, but they can affect the child extremely negatively. All these influences are detected as a result of carrying out ultrasound examination. Violations may include:

  • the occurrence of swelling;
  • the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity or brain;
  • thickening of the placenta;
  • diagnosing fetal hypoxia in acute form;
  • a sharp increase in fetal weight.

In the absence of competent actions on the part of a specialist, not only the development of a pathological process, but also the death of the child cannot be ruled out.

Abortion with negative Rh factor

Performing an abortion with a negative Rh factor is considered an extremely risky step. This is primarily due to the fact that a positive Rh on the part of the mother may consider the negative Rh of the child as a direct threat, therefore, if a woman needs to stop the course of pregnancy, she may be offered several options for further action.

The first method of abortion is medication. This type is the safest and is intended if the woman has terminated her pregnancy, for example, during her first pregnancy. As a result of exposure to components medicines, active rejection of the fertilized egg begins, which subsequently comes out with bloody discharge, reminiscent of those that occur during menstrual periods.

There is also a so-called mini-abortion. In this case, the pregnancy can be terminated at a later date than in the previous case (6-7 weeks). At the time of the procedure, in the negative group, vacuum suction is used, which helps to separate the embryo from the walls of the uterus and is then completely removed from it. After an abortion, minor bleeding is possible in the future, and it can last a little more than a week. In this case, the woman is advised to avoid hypothermia and refrain from close contact for a certain period of time.

Another type of abortion is surgical. However, if you have a negative Rh factor, abortion is highly not recommended. In general, this type of procedure to terminate a pregnancy can be done in extreme cases, mainly at a later stage. This is due to the fact that there is a high chance of severe bleeding or possible incomplete extraction of the embryo from the uterine cavity.

Certain security measures

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to have an abortion with a negative blood type and what are its consequences? In order to prevent the occurrence of serious negative consequences If you have a negative Rh factor during an abortion, it is important to follow certain recommendations:

  1. The best time to terminate a pregnancy is considered to be before 6-7 weeks. In this case, this is due to the active formation of the circulatory system, therefore, the risk of antibody formation in the maternal body increases.
  2. If a negative Rh factor is detected, after termination of pregnancy it is necessary to administer the so-called anti-Rh immunoglobulin. It is produced on the basis of donor blood, and has the ability to stop the formation of antibodies.

It should be noted that the procedure for administering immunoglobulin should be carried out no later than several days after the abortion. When the patient has a negative blood group, otherwise its effectiveness will be lost.

What are the consequences

When having an abortion with a negative Rh factor, you should have an idea of ​​what the consequences may be. The main ones include:

  • failure to carry subsequent pregnancies due to the frequent nature of miscarriages;
  • pathological disorders in fetal development from various systems;
  • Damage to the endometrium due to surgery, and as a consequence, the development of inflammatory processes, cannot be ruled out.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude how unsafe the abortion procedure is relative to female body. It is important to remember the adverse consequences of an interrupted pregnancy, therefore, if possible, it is better to keep the child and experience motherhood in the future.

In contact with

Rh factor. What is this?

The presence of antigen D (in other words, a protein) on red blood cells determines your Rh factor. If the D antigen is present, then your Rh will be positive. If it is not there, the person is Rh negative. 15% of people on the planet live with this Rh factor.

Why is it more dangerous for women with Rh negative to have an abortion? There are a number of reasons for this.

If you and your man are Rh negative, abortion will involve the usual risks.

If a man is Rh positive, then the unborn child may inherit this and a Rh conflict will arise (rejection of foreign bodies).

Abortion with negative Rh can end badly. It can lead not only to all kinds of damage to the uterus (non-healing ulcers, fistulas), but also to infection. When there is a difference in the Rh blood levels of the woman and the fetus, their bodies produce agents “to eliminate the threat.” It turns out that two organisms are trying to kill each other.

By terminating your very first pregnancy, you doom yourself to big problems with the next pregnancy, up to infertility.

Each abortion increases the risk of your health by 10%.

Is it possible to have an abortion if you have a negative Rh?

There are times in life when you have to choose between your own life and death. Then, if you are Rh negative, there are a few things you need to know. To minimize the risk, pregnancy should be terminated before the seventh week. Starting from the eighth week, the fetus will begin to produce foreign bodies and release them into the blood. The woman’s body, in turn, will begin to get rid of the “enemy of the body”: secrete agent cells that kill red blood cells hostile to the mother’s body.

After an abortion, after 2-3 hours, anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is injected into the woman’s blood. It stops the production of antibodies hostile to the Rh factor of the pregnant woman.

As for the location of such a complex operation, you should choose a clinic that has a good reputation. In such a hospital you will be able to receive qualified assistance from specialists, which will significantly reduce the risk of complications after an abortion. Doctors identify three risk groups for whom it is dangerous to have an abortion:

Patients who have had more than two abortions;

Patients with inflammation of the genital organs;

Patients who terminated their first pregnancy.

Complications after an abortion with negative Rhesus

What can you expect after an abortion? Here is a list of not very good consequences:

Exacerbation of chronic diseases in the pelvic area;

Diseases of the ovaries and uterus;

Uterine bleeding;

Ovarian dysfunction;

Endometriosis (a disease in which cells that are in the inner layer of the uterus grow outside this layer);

Cervical insufficiency;

Infertility and many others.

If you decide to give birth to a baby after a while, then be prepared for the fact that your child may develop hemolytic disease. The cause of this disease is a conflict between the child’s positive antibodies and the mother’s negative ones. The fetal red blood cells penetrate the pregnant woman's blood, and the mother's red blood cells enter the fetal lymph and destroy its rhesus. This may lead to miscarriage.

Therefore, if you have such a difficult situation, contact us as often as possible. antenatal clinic. Remember that an abortion is the last thing you should do in this life!

Abortion is today the most common surgical intervention on a woman’s body. At the same time, this procedure is the most difficult and even dangerous looking surgical intervention on the pelvic organs. The reason for this is a lot of complications after an abortion. But if abortion is not so dangerous for a woman with positive Rh, then for a woman with negative Rh the risk of complications increases. The simplest complications can occur if a woman and a man have the same negative Rh factor.

The situation is much worse if a woman and her partner have different Rhesus factors, and the embryo will take the father’s Rh factor, i.e. positive. In this case, a Rh conflict arises between the mother and the embryo during pregnancy. When the mother’s blood interacts with the child’s blood, disagreements occur, and the mother’s body perceives the child’s blood as a foreign element. In order to protect itself, the mother’s body tries to destroy the foreign body, which is the fetus. To do this, the mother's body begins to produce antibodies. This process, once started, will never stop again. And even if a woman once again wants to give birth to a child from a man with a positive Rh factor, the number of antibodies will increase, and the conflict between the blood of the mother and the fetus will be higher. Both mother and child suffer. The loss of red blood cells in the fetus leads to their increased production. This causes the spleen and liver to enlarge. The death of red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation in the brain.

During the first pregnancy, the amount of antibodies is not high. Having penetrated from mother to fetus, they destroy red blood cells, but since there are few of them, the destruction is not great. Subsequent pregnancies or abortions lead to an increase in the number of antibodies. This can lead to severe illness and even fetal death. And the fewer times a woman gets pregnant, the better her health, and the higher the opportunity to have a healthy child.

Thus, if the child had a positive Rh factor and the mother had a negative Rh factor, then an abortion may result in the woman no longer being able to have children without danger to her health.

Abortion with a negative Rh factor increases the risk of infertility many times. Starting to produce antigens that are larger than other cells and inactive, there is a poor supply of nutrition to the fetus, since it will be much more difficult for it to penetrate the placenta. This can cause, even during the first pregnancy, a miscarriage. Each abortion with a negative Rh factor increases the risk of miscarriage by 10%. But a time may come when the chances of a favorable outcome will be zero. At this moment there will be a threat to life, both mother and fetus.

Sometimes the need for an abortion is dictated not by the woman herself, but by the choice between life and death of the mother. And here you need to know some rules. In order to reduce the risk and negative effects of abortion, the surgical intervention should be performed before the seventh week of pregnancy, since it is from the seventh week that the mother’s body begins to produce antibodies.

After having an abortion, a woman who has a negative Rh factor must be given anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, which is obtained from donor blood. This drug destroys the Rh-positive red blood cells of the fetus remaining in the mother's blood after an abortion, thereby preventing the actual maternal immune response from starting (the production of maternal anti-Rh antibodies). The drug is administered during the first three days after termination of pregnancy. It is especially important if it was an abortion of the first pregnancy, since in this case the most important thing is the process of reducing the number of antibodies produced.

There are no safe abortions, either with a positive or negative mother’s Rh. Abortion is especially dangerous in case of negative Rh, it causes a serious blow to health, even with good tolerance, the consequences may not immediately make themselves felt. Therefore, if a woman with a negative Rh factor is not ready to have children, then it is much better for her to take care of preventing pregnancy using contraception. Contraception will prevent her from getting pregnant, but she is not able to get rid of the one she already has. But remember that the method of contraception must be chosen strictly individually, and only a doctor can help in this choice.

If an abortion is inevitable, you need to help your body recover and minimize the consequences. Do not risk your health and life, do not perform abortions in institutions with a dubious reputation! Do not fall for tempting price offers; termination of pregnancy is a procedure available to the vast majority of women, but not free!