Wife Compliments Confessions Good morning Good night I miss you Apologies Love

The sound of your light steps makes my heart beat faster loving heart, the melodic notes of your velvet voice cause a waltz to spin in my head, the flutter of your fluffy eyelashes irresistibly attracts, and the radiance of your eyes overshadows everything around you and plunges you into a sweet dream in reality.

You miraculously filled me with fabulous harmony, amazingly inspired me, taught me to be endlessly and amazingly happy, made me touch the true pleasure of love.

Even the most summer day turns into an terribly dark night if your sparkling eyes are not there... I am ready to give millions of years of life alone for one day with you!

When a tramp-evening quietly peeks into my house, I light an aromatic candle and think about the most gentle, kind, understanding and sympathetic guy, my best friend and your loved one - about you!

Your love gives me wings and I want to fly above the earth. You are my source of happiness and joy, support and support. Our relationship is full of harmony, respect for each other, understanding, and this is your merit. The best thing that can be in my life is you.

They talk so much about love, write, show... But only thanks to you I understand what it is. Let's keep this feeling in our hearts, hide it from all difficulties and adversities, and see its beautiful reflection in our children!

I can’t take my eyes off you when you’re near, and I can’t breathe freely when you’re away from me. Only with you, my beloved, the sun rises and fills my day with the light of love, joy and happiness!

Love is born at first sight, and sometimes it lives nearby for many years and does not immediately reveal itself to us. It doesn’t matter how it comes and how long you need to wait for it, the main thing is that it brings great happiness to breathe full breasts, fly in reality and perform miracles!

In intergalactic space, in the shining starry silence, one thought rings like a taut string - I can’t live without you. And even if the stars darken, the sun stops illuminating the earth, all this will be nothing when you are not around.

Love covers you with incredible waves of beauty, showers you with a fine rain of iridescent tenderness and warms you with the gentle rays of self-sacrifice. It is this feeling that gives true happiness!

I am happy because we are together, that there is constant lightness in my soul, as if during a flight, that I read your thoughts about me, my love, and each of them gives strength to our love.

Every minute, like a rough diamond, conceals within itself the depths of incredible sparks. And only love can polish life to the purest diamond, sparkling with happiness that cannot be appreciated!

By the magical power of heaven you were sent to me, so enchantingly tender, so trembling, dear, infinitely loved. You taught me to glow in the delightful embrace of blooming happiness. Colored my life with amazing colors of fabulous harmony.

Enchanting, wonderful music true love will easily make any, even the most callous, soul sing, and any, even the calmest, heart dance, making them believe in a miracle.

I want to shout to the whole world about my incredible feelings. I want to talk about them to you every minute and kiss your tender lips. I want to prove to you with every action how beloved and important you are in my life.

Alina Ogonyok

I would really like us to maintain our wonderful and boundless love for each other. You are the dearest and most beloved person for me. When you are not around for a long time, the world becomes uninteresting, and when you are with me, there is no happier person in this world. I love you more and stronger than anyone in the world! 62

My gentle darling! Thank you for your love! Now all my thoughts are only about you, I always look forward to meeting you... I love you. 78

My sweet cat, I love you madly! You are the dearest person to me! You are the clearest sun that makes me happy every day! I adore you! I need you more than life! I love you! 140

I want to tell the whole world how happy I am, I want to shout about my happiness, I fell in love with you and I want to always be with you, you are everything that is most dear and desirable to me! 29

I can’t imagine myself without you, without your smile, your kisses, your hands. You are my happiness! I love you very much, my dear, and I am ready to repeat these words every day just to see your best smile in the world. 40

I can’t imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I love you! 50

When you are near, the world seems bright and alive to me. You gave me joy, you made me the happiest! 26

We are together - and perhaps this is fate. I want to admit that I love you very much from the very minute we met and I hope that it is mutual. 36

I want to kiss you for a long, long time... and then just look at you for a long, long time... 43

You are my only one, I want to be only with you! I love you and always wait, every day, all the time,
I will always love you, and really look forward to meeting you. 8

I became dreamy, romantic and only my eyes sparkled, and my smile betrayed my condition. I am very in love and the reason for this state is my feelings for you! I love you very, very much, I adore you madly, I want to hug you every night and wake up next to you! 35

I want to always be by your side. You are my Destiny. I love you and hope for reciprocity. I adore your eyes, your voice, and love grows stronger every day. There is no force in the world that can stop love for you, my only one. I am madly drawn to you and I want to always be with you. You are my happiness. 45

Happiness, smile, anticipation, joy of meeting... thank you for this. I fell in love with you, I want to enjoy you every minute and I want to give you all my tenderness, warmth, care and affection. 28

You are the most gentle, most beautiful and kindest man in the world. I love you, I breathe you, and I adore you, my only one. You are my soulmate, without whom I simply cannot live. I love being next to you, I love looking into your eyes, listening to your laughter, I love your tender hugs. I'm just crazy about you, my good one, my best! 52

This section contains the most original and beautiful wishes good night and good morning, Have a good day and moods. And also in this section, you can choose the right words for a declaration of love and a marriage proposal.

Declarations of love in poetry and prose

If you are not strong in poetry or prose, but want to confess your love to your loved one, then this section will help you with this! The confessions presented on the pages of our website will help you to confess your love to a girl in a beautiful and original way. Here are collected the warmest, most beautiful and sensual confessions not only in poetry, but also in prose and romantic wishes. If you are a modest girl who is afraid to talk about her feelings young man, then our declarations of love will help you take this first, important step in life, subtly hint about your pure and romantic feelings for him, the only one. Choose the words of love you need and send them to your loved one.

You gave me a real miracle, giving me the opportunity to enjoy such a wonderful feeling as love. You lit a fire in my heart, made it clear that I am not alone in this huge, simply limitless world. You are my inspiration, you are my joy. I like to fall asleep with you and wake up, spend the evenings cuddling under a blanket, listening to the music of the rain falling outside the window. I love all our moments, because each of them is filled with happiness. You are not just my beloved, you are also the best friend in the world with whom I can discuss any problem. I feel good with you. No, it’s a little different... I feel incredibly comfortable with you! And I certainly won’t agree to share this comfort with anyone!

Today I decide to tell you cherished words that will tell about my admiration for you, about my desire and respect. You are my dear little man, with whom I feel at ease and freely, I feel happiness and joy next to you. And I will say more - I love you.

You know, you are an incredible person who, in a matter of seconds, managed to turn my world upside down, giving it new meaning and new colors. It’s nice to know that from now on my soul belongs not only to me, but also to someone who became such a special and unexpected gift from the Universe. I love you. I was able to understand this from the first second of our meeting. This happens, but I never even thought that something like this could happen to me, given all my past mistakes. So much time I spent waiting was not in vain, since I managed to find my soul mate, who managed to open up a new range of feelings for me.

I dream of connecting my life with yours, because you are my long-awaited love, which happens only once. Our destinies were intertwined long before we met. The Universe decided everything for us. And I will never stop thanking her for such a decision, because without you my life simply would not have meaning. You are my peace, my joy, my crazy desire to be better. I live with you, but before you it was an ordinary existence in gray and dull days. You are happiness and my pleasure. I adore you, admire you and drown in you. You are everything anyone could ever dream of.

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and inspiration from the moment we met, my soul tirelessly rushes about in bright dreams of beautiful life with you. I want to tell you that every minute with you is a minute of joy, that warm and sincere feelings live within me, and these are feelings of great love for you.

Now my soul is flying in the clouds, you make me happy man, thank you for your tenderness and sincerity. I want to say that I love you, I cherish you deeply and I don’t want to live for a minute without you.

I want to say about my feelings, they contain joy, tenderness, and love. I love you with all my heart. My soul flies in the clouds with you, with you I feel at ease and comfortable, you fill my life with inspiration, desire for dreams, energy and bright light.

I want to say that you are not just dear to me and close person, you are like the air that I breathe, the water that I wash with at dawn, a ray of sun that warms my soul, the wonderful aroma and sweet taste of my life. I love you and want to be with you every second of my time.

The most tender (affectionate) words in prose dedicated to the man you love:

  1. They told me: “when you fall in love, your thoughts will be occupied by only one person... The one you fell in love with." I didn't believe it. It seemed to me that this was complete nonsense. I shouldn’t have believed it, it seemed wrong! When you came and knocked on my heart, I realized that the words spoken to me about falling in love were not in vain and were said for a reason. I really forgot how to think about anything else. In my thoughts - only you, your words, your silhouette. I'll tell you a little secret: I don't want to think about something else or about someone else. Every “mental” second is yours... (prose).
  2. Night again. She lit the stars and scattered them throughout the heavenly expanse. I don't need a bouquet of stars. Leave them alone. Let them decorate the sky, illuminating the way for the awake and lost. I need you…. When I'm next to you, I fly straight to the stars. I can even touch them. They say that the stars are very cold, despite their dazzling radiance... Not true! They are the lights of our passion with you. And, since they are awarded with flame, cold cannot be hidden in them. I love you!
  3. Prose. - We are so similar to you. We are almost the same. Even the first letters of our names are striking in their “sameness.” We are already used to it... As well as that, and externally, we are not very different from each other. It happens. And I'm very happy about it. Thank you for finding me, so similar, among millions of others! The fact that you met me and fell in love with me is the most wonderful event in my no less wonderful life.

Tender and warm words - declarations of love for a beloved man

You are the most tender perfection!

  1. Just don’t say that this is a compliment for women. Men deserve compliments too. But this is not a compliment, but pure truth which applies to you...
  2. I'm cold. And this is not because the heating was turned off in our apartment. I’m cold because I haven’t heard your voice for three whole hours now. Call me, please. If you don’t call, I’ll turn into winter and I’ll be sad, because now it’s spring. Darling, I’m really looking forward to your calls...
  3. To the beloved man in prose, tender and nice words about love. - Love you. Love love love…. How can you prove the degree of your love? I will try to do whatever you ask me to do. I can get a star from the sky. So what if it’s drawn? I'll get it anyway! Get a ray of sunshine? He is in my eyes. I will convey it to you with my glance. Take whatever you want. Ask for whatever you want... Do whatever you want with me...
  4. Be there in word and look. Both in body and in heart, I ask, be there... Be by my side while our lives live on earth... I love you, my most tender angel!
  5. Guess what I'm holding in my palm right now? My love! I want to give it to you, give it for safekeeping. Please, take care of her. She is very fragile. If you break it, glue it back together with your kisses. They are magical. I can never forget them. And I don't want to!
  6. Tender words beloved man. Prose. - I live for you. I live for you. I live to make you the happiest. You are my guardian angel. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this world. Life without you is a transparent spot in which there is neither joy nor smiles.
  7. My fluffy kitten, I want, right now, to be next to you. To be so as not to be separated for a moment. And this is possible: when, by the will of fate, you are somewhere far away, remember that I always live in your heart. You should feel it...
  8. Words about love for a man are the most affectionate and tender. - Who said that I live without love? My love is in you. I will always love only you, give you warmth and affection. You deserve it all. And I'll give you even more if you want! For you, my love, I don’t feel sorry for anything. And I give myself to you, without a trace....

My affectionate, gentle, beloved!

P continuation of tender Topics:“Tender words to a beloved man”...

Tender and beautiful words to a man. -

In verse In prose

You exist - miracles happen. I love you. And this is amazing, because your mere existence makes me happier. Previous dreams have become small and insignificant. Now I dream about other things: I want to wake up with you, hold your hand, warm you up in the cold, see you, listen to your native voice, touch you. Please be with me!

I love you! Once upon a time you planted a beautiful flower in my soul. Every day you water it with sensuality and affection, fertilize it with care and attention, cleanse it of the weeds of anger and resentment. A fragile, delicate sprout has become a blooming, fragrant flower, it grows and grows stronger, like my feeling for you.

I fall asleep with fantasies about you and wake up with dreams, I rush the time until I meet, and when I meet, I try to prolong every moment. I fell ill with love for you, I like this condition, and I am not going to recover from it! As long as the sun shines, the moon shines, the stars sparkle, it rains and snow falls - I will never stop loving you!

My love is not a fairy tale or a dream. My love is a burning heart in my chest and a singing soul, a shining smile flying towards yours, and a look waiting for reciprocal tenderness. My love is the blooming gardens around, this summer in the middle of winter, these are the sun's rays, warming with hope, this is a dream calling for happiness. My love Is You!

Your touch is so magical, your bright gaze is so sensitive and loving. Oh, God, how wonderful it is to live and enjoy just the two of us. I confess to you, I have been wishing for you for a long time, I love you madly, the words are all confused in an instant. You are sweetness, deity and perfection. You saved me and became my support. Dear, my close little man, thank you. Destiny, thank you too.

All my wonderful and incredible hopes are connected with you, all my thoughts are about you. I want to make grandiose plans for a happy future only so that they are with your participation. After all, my life will find meaning if you are in it - the most sincere, kind and amazing person. Love you!

We were tested repeatedly over the years, but I never doubted the authenticity and sincerity of our feelings. Snowstorms, life's blizzards - all this is emptiness if love is honest. And I love you and I know that the reciprocity of your holy love for me knows no barriers. I feel so bright with you, calm, when I look into your tender eyes - I’m afraid to burn with happiness.

The wind of change burst into my destiny, it brought with it a new unknown feeling of great love for you. This feeling brings me to heaven, rewards me with the highest reward - happiness, enriches the taste of life with the piquant sharpness of exciting sensations.