Reading time: 2 min

The story that happened to me in childhood killed the skeptic in me. Now, having heard another horror story, I don’t consider it a story.

I was 9 years old, I graduated from third grade and had to go to a children's camp for the whole summer. But that time my mother couldn’t get a ticket. At a family council, my parents decided that I would go to my grandparents in the village.


There I met local boys - Vovka, Petka and Seryoga. We got ready to go to the river and grabbed our fishing rods. The guys dashingly threw floats. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do it. The guys just laughed at my attempts. “Here they are, the city ones! - said Petka. - You probably don’t even know how to swim. And he pushed me into the water. And I really didn’t know how to swim. I screamed and screamed, but somehow I managed to get ashore. And my friends all laughed. “What a coward you are! - said Seryoga. “I squealed like a girl!” “And I’m not a coward! Yes, everyone in the city is afraid of me in the yard!” “Yeah, I found a brave one. “You’ll go,” says Seryoga, “to the sorcerer’s house.” If you sit there for an hour and don’t yell, consider yourself not a coward. Is it coming?

The guys told me that on the outskirts of the village there is an old, almost destroyed house. A local sorcerer used to live there. His ghost still lives there and sometimes howls. I didn’t believe it, because ghosts don’t exist, and this story is a village horror story. Last year, at the pioneer camp, my comrades and I heard thousands of similar things. And they even went to an abandoned church, which was even supposedly haunted, but didn’t meet anyone there. So I enthusiastically volunteered to go to the witch's house.
We decided to go there when it was getting dark, so that it would be more scary.

House of the Sorcerer

From a distance I saw an old rickety house that looked more like a dugout. The glass was broken, the windows were boarded up, the door was held on one hinge. There were apple trees in the garden, hung with large, beautiful apples. Vovka, Seryoga and Petka remained waiting at the fence, but I immediately climbed over the fence. “What, were you scared? And who else among us is a coward? - I said and picked an apple. Got into the house. I shined a flashlight - nothing out of the ordinary. Everything is old, abandoned, covered in cobwebs. There were some brooms and herbs hanging on the wall. And suddenly I heard a chilling roar. I turned around and saw that the damper of the stove was slightly open. The air from the pipe passed through it in a draft, which is why such a sound was formed. I grinned and realized that this is what the locals perceive as the howl of a ghost. I saw that the boys were watching me through the window. And he decided to show off his prowess.

He threw the bitten apple into the corner of the room. He ripped open the pillow and scattered the feathers. I got excited! I went into another room and saw a wall mirror. I decided to write an obscene “message” to the sorcerer on it, and took a felt-tip pen out of my pocket. And then some unknown force pulled me to the mirror. I couldn’t even move, it was like I was glued to him! I stopped thinking completely from horror. I wanted to scream, but it was as if someone had sealed my mouth. I felt as if someone grabbed me hard by the ear. Then the floor crunched under me, my legs lost support. It seemed to me that I was flying into an abyss.


I woke up already at home. It turned out that I fell under the floor and lost consciousness. My comrades heard the roar, got scared and ran for help. The adults pulled me out and took me to my grandmother. The first day hit me then. For a long time I could not understand: did I dream about the fact that I was stuck to the mirror or did it really happen? And my ear probably hurts because I was flying down and accidentally hit the boards. But all this didn’t particularly interest me, because now I’m a local mountain - I wasn’t afraid to go into the sorcerer’s lair!

After this incident, out of the blue, swearing began to slip through my words. I started being rude and rude. The guys didn’t want to be friends with me. Grandma fought my behavior as best she could. But there was little use in my head; selective curses were constantly sounding in my head, the meanings of which I didn’t even know. They rolled off the tongue by themselves.

When I returned to the city, things only intensified. Besides, it was as if something was forcing me to do nasty things. For example, I pull out a flower bed. Or I’ll draw in textbooks. And I’ll swear like a shoemaker. Mom and Dad punished me and took me to doctors - to no avail. I slipped in my studies. I taught everything, but as soon as I was called to the board, an emptiness formed in my head. He also began to get sick often. Once a month something always happened to me.

“You’ll have to try to get him to forgive you.”

It was with great sorrow that I finally finished fourth grade. And in the summer they sent me back to my grandmother. One day I swam until I was blue in the face and came down with bronchitis. My grandmother decided to take me to the healer, Aunt Lyuba. She looked at me and asked: “So it was you, the tomboy, who stayed with grandfather Eremey last year?” At first I didn’t understand, but then it dawned on me. After all, the whole village knew about that incident in the sorcerer’s house. “You shouldn’t have done that, my dear. The grandfather's spirit is offended by you. And he cursed you. It will get worse."

Aunt Lyuba said that grandfather Eremey lived in that house. Everyone considered him a sorcerer. Although they were afraid of him, they came for help. He never refused anyone. But he also rubbed shoulders with dark forces and possessed the evil eye. He won't like anyone - that's it, he's not a good guy. There were various rumors about Eremey. Allegedly, he could turn into a black dog and scare people. One day, tractor driver Uncle Tolik met such a dog. He threw a stone at her and hit her in the eye. The next morning, Grandfather Eremey walked with a bandage on his pelvis, and Uncle Tolik soon died.

Eremey died hard: for a whole week he screamed and moaned so that the whole village could be heard. No one wanted to come to him, because everyone knew that before they die, black sorcerers need to transfer their power to someone. Then the men took pity on the grandfather and, according to the old belief, made a hole in the roof so that his soul would quickly pass into another world. But even after his death, the locals did not pass near his house.

I got scared, burst into tears and told Aunt Lyuba everything I had done in the sorcerer’s house. She sat me down on the threshold, lit a candle and began to whisper. “You offended Eremey greatly, iris. You’ll have to try to get him to forgive you.” The healer told me what needs to be done to lift the curse. She forbade talking about the details of the rituals. I’ll just tell you briefly what my grandmother and I did. First, we found the sorcerer’s grave. Grandfather Eremey was buried behind the fence of the village cemetery, like a black witcher. They did everything there as Aunt Lyuba ordered. Then we went to the sorcerer's house. Another ceremony was performed there.

They drove away the "settler"

The most amazing thing is that after the rituals I recovered dramatically. The voice in my head stopped sounding
ordered me to swear and do all sorts of nasty things. But I felt tired and broken, as if some part of me had been taken out of me. As Aunt Lyuba explained, Eremey’s soul moved into me and ordered me to do what it wanted. And since we drove away the “settler” through rituals, I feel the same way, but it will soon pass.

Now, remembering this story, I still can’t believe that it happened to me. And no matter who I tell it to, everyone just grins: fashion, what a fantasy I have. But what happened, happened. Since then, I have always respected everything related to magic and mysticism.

Dmitry Sychin. 40 years

From the stories themselves, it is clear what the usual results of a love spell are. The consequences of a love spell are approximately the same in all cases...

It so happened in my life that, being someone who is deeply in love, I keep chasing young people for a very long time until a new victim appears. It was like this all my 23 years. But this summer I fell terribly in love, he loved me too, but as soon as I walked out the door, he called and said that nothing would work out for us. I was confused by this behavior, but what confused me even more was the fact that in all 23 years I had never had a serious relationship with a guy. I couldn’t stand it and went to a fortune teller. Her answer was: “He loves you, but your generational curse does not let him in. You will do everything with your own hands, and I will put protection on him.” I didn’t really understand anything then, but the predictions that my beloved would return did not allow me to live in peace... Yes! About 7 years ago I was interested in magic, but I had NEVER done love spells, especially on my own... But then I couldn’t stand it: I couldn’t breathe without the treasured green eyes. I did something myself a couple of weeks ago. Since then, minor troubles began to fall on me, of any kind: financial, my health deteriorated, not to mention endless depression. I would like to note that immediately after the love spell I felt dizzy, it was as if all my strength had been sucked out of me, although it would seem that I had done nothing of the kind - just think, I read a poem. I haven’t heard from my beloved... I already have a young man, but I can’t forget the poor guy who was bewitched. It’s as if I’ve become attached to him, and I’m slowly starting to hate him just for the fact of his existence.

Yes... the love spell didn’t work, but only 2 weeks passed...

Yesterday I spread out some cards: it’s bad, they say, for my dear, some kind of attachment is tormenting him, which he can’t cope with, and, they say, it threatens him with death. I feel the inevitable outcome: he will return very soon, but I no longer need it. I wish that in magic, like in a computer program, there was a “cancel all” button, but there isn’t.

Yulyasha, 23 years old

My relative was bewitched by his own wife, since he did not love her, but married her because she became pregnant. He didn’t love me, but after the love spell they had three more children. About 10 years later he fell ill and fell ill. After much suffering he died. A year after that, their third son died, and the youngest girl suffered from mental impairment. Now this woman is alone caring for her husband's blind mother. This is a very bad thing. Please think about your loved ones who you also involve in THIS!

Alyosha, 22 years old

It was stupid, at the age of 15, without a cemetery and candles, of course. A simple spell for salt - to separate, and some simple (without rituals) for the love of a young man, but both with great desire. It was about my mother's friends, they had love. The woman is young, married, but has problems with her husband. And the one with whom she had love, I liked, which means I separated him. All this was forgotten, whoever she bewitched left, the woman returned to her husband, everything worked out for them, thank the Lord. But recently, and more than 10 years have passed, I find out that they still cannot meet. They physically can’t! He also happens to be in Moscow, and opportunities have appeared now, but it’s a fact. I won’t say anything about my life, everything doesn’t work out. But two conspiracies and a strong desire. No candles with needles there, forbid.

Olga, 27 years old.

I fell in love with a married man... I was never a supporter of such relationships, and I did not expect that our communication would end with such crazy love. And he “circled” and threw, as it usually happens. Almost a year has passed, I still haven’t been able to forget him, and my love has not diminished. I suffered and decided to bewitch him, reassuring myself that I didn’t want to take him away from the family, and it would be enough for me to have him with me at least sometimes... I found a lot of love spells, now this information is a dime a dozen... and I began to read. I didn’t believe that anything would work out for me and I was seriously carried away... Now, after the love spell, he seems to be reaching out to me and showing signs of attention, but he doesn’t return, and I clearly see that we are not together we will. Probably his guardian angel is protecting him... but I felt even worse. In the evenings, some hysterics begin, I cry, I can’t stop, I’ve lost interest in everything, I can’t get out of depression, and my heart started hurting every day: the pills don’t help, everything is beating like crazy, it’s hard to breathe. And I think this is only the beginning of retribution for something that I didn’t even believe in. You shouldn't do this, girls... these are not innocent pranks at all.

And what should be yours will be yours anyway, without any magic.

Valkyrie, 27 years old

But my father was also bewitched, I think so. This brought a lot of grief to everyone, as a result, for the last two years he still returned to his family, that is, to his mother and me, but he returned without legs, began to dry out and get sick...

I found out by chance that he was bewitched by this woman, the love spell was this most terrible one - on blood! Of course I don’t know for sure, this woman didn’t confess. But the result is this: my father died, my mother was sick, in soul even more than in body, and that aunt still lives alone, no one needs her...

I have a strong love for one person, sometimes such a thought creeps into my head - to bewitch, but the main thing is to pull yourself together in time and not do this. It can be useful to read such stories. Good luck to you and sincere, mutual love, so that this evil never touches you!

Elena, 27 years old

I want to tell you a fascinating story about my close friend. We are 30 years old, and this story began five years ago. A friend, let's call her Martha, is a very attractive woman, she looks about 25 years old at most, she has and has always had a bunch of lovers, and she has been married since she was 19 years old. The husband is good, caring, handsome, a workaholic, but she doesn’t love him, and she probably never loved him. She is always in very financially responsible positions, has her own circle of cool acquaintances, presentation parties, etc. and so on. In short, life is in full swing. All the women she knew naturally envied her and always spread the most outrageous rumors about her, and she just laughed in their faces.

Well, one day I met a young man 5 years younger than her, a local womanizer. My friend thinks, now I’ll wrap him up, and he’ll run after me like everyone else, like a puppy. But that was not the case, the boy also turned out to be hardened, he also changed women like gloves. And my friend suffered that he was not like everyone else. And out of sporting interest, she took it and ordered a love spell on a guy for money (she always had enough money). And before paying the money, the boy still began to show interest in her, but since Martha never changes her decisions, she still paid for the love spell. And it began... The guy began to “dry”, always such a cheerful, sociable handsome guy, he stopped communicating with everyone and began to follow a married lady like a shadow. The husband naturally found out everything about their relationship. He left her (though not for long), Marta got scared, began to dare her bewitched lover, but no such luck, she became very ill, went to the hospital, the child got sick, her brother died, she quit her job, the house burned down, and a bunch of other minor troubles happened, and all within 2-3 months.

She barely got out of all this horror. Her husband and 20-year-old lover spent days and nights in her hospital (you had to see this). Martha decided to get together with her husband. The boy hanged himself 3 days later. As soon as I found out about this, I immediately told her: You see what your love spell has brought you to, and not out of love, that pure and all-conquering love that books are written about, but just for fun, to put a tick on the next victim. Martha just laughed at my words then...

Okay, I got carried away with something, in short, 5 years have passed, she has everything, a house, a husband, cars, apartments, 2 children, but I don’t know a more unhappy woman. Firstly, she’s all sick, she doesn’t go to the doctors, she hates her husband, and he too, and secondly, the most important thing: she dreams about that dead guy almost every night and calls her with him. Martha was all exhausted, and recently she met a 20-year-old guy (10 years younger than her), just a kid, a child. And they fell in love. And recently I learned the whole bitter, bitter truth of my friend’s life: this guy infected her with AIDS, and she infected her husband, and they have two children. Only now she realized that you can’t go against God, you can’t. He prays every day for forgiveness, but nothing can be changed in the past, NOTHING EVER. It’s not for nothing that they say: everything will be rewarded according to its deserts.

Rassvetnaya, 30 years old

A terrible story... I really liked him, and he seemed to like me too. I really wanted him to belong to me (what a fool!). I bewitched the guy, quarrels began constantly, and everything turned out the other way around: he constantly said: “You are mine.” He became very jealous, irritable, I got tired of it, we broke up. On my initiative. And then he hanged himself as soon as he was saved. Girls, think carefully about whether you need someone’s grief on your conscience!

Stupid as hell, 24 years old

I believe in love spells. Many years ago, at the age of 16, I bewitched a guy from a gypsy woman, I thought that I loved him very much. Then after a month I stopped loving him. So I still can’t get rid of him, he just haunts me, although he seems to hate me. So many misfortunes happened to him after the love spell. I lost my parents, was in prison, was sick a lot, lost my arm, and disfigured my face. Seven years have already passed, but when I meet him, I even feel sorry. This is my repentance later.


* * *

When I was 16 years old, I was, like, madly in love with one man. I just wanted to see him at least with one eye. Accidentally meet you on the street and say “hello”. I “worked” myself. It was necessary to read some “innocent poem” through the open window. Yes, I don't deny it, it worked. I read this poem twice and met this guy by chance twice.

10 years have passed. This guy has long been forgotten by me. But for all 10 years, someone has been strangling me at night. Hand on throat. Compresses the head and chest. Sometimes so much so that I feel the bend in my ribs. It won't seem enough. Not to mention that it’s scary as hell, and you can’t even move, let alone open your eyes. Only the brain works. And it’s as if your soul is being pulled out of you. It's disgusting.

Z, 25 years old.

* * *

There were four of us friends. We, too, once in our distant youth, foolishly decided to bewitch our boyfriends (they were friends). Moreover, they were sitting in the next room and knew what we were doing there. But the ending is this: I lived with mine for 3 years, got divorced, and was left with a smart son. My personal life is not going to get any better, and my ex drinks shamelessly and no longer looks like a human being. The first girlfriend also didn’t live long with hers, they had two children, and he and she also had problems in their personal lives. Still single... The second friend had a bunch of abortions from hers, he refused to get married, now he is married, walks left and right, she is also married and lives unhappily... The third friend's bewitched boyfriend died while being her husband, and now she lives with a drunkard, has three children and is a complete bundle of nerves. So, girls, what for is all this needed? No love spells, whoever needs it will love you!!!

I'm like that

A friend of mine loved a young man very much, for some time it was mutual, then the relationship on his part fizzled out, and she was just all tormented, constantly crying. And she decided that apart from a love spell, nothing would help her, in short, the girl became fixated. She went to our local granny, but she told her that she could teach her how to bewitch a guy, but she wouldn’t do it herself, since it was a terrible sin. The girl happily wrote down everything and remembered what her grandmother told her. And it seemed like she did everything right, but apparently she mixed something up or overdid it, I don’t know. In general, the bewitched guy began to get sick, melting before our eyes, the doctors did not know what diagnosis to make. Naturally, his parents also took him to all sorts of grandmothers-witches, and one of them said that this was an illiterate love spell, plus she said who did it.

Imagine the rage of MCH, there were terrible scandals, and the sorceress said that only the one who made it could remove the love spell. And so the girl again went to her fortune teller, again did something there, and in the end she fell ill...

Sly little fox

They bewitched a man they knew. Prominent, handsome, rich, a boss, he loved his wife and two daughters madly. An aunty showed up at work - a divorcee, ugly, but she wanted the boss with terrible force. And she cast a powerful love spell.

And the man turned out to be strong. He leaves the house, but doesn’t get to that woman. He resisted, wandered around the city at night, and drank to the point of insensibility with his friends - as long as it wasn’t for her.

The lady began to get nervous and complained to a friend in a drunken shop: they say, I did everything according to the rules (love spell), but he, the bastard, doesn’t give in...

The employees were shocked. And then the boss has a stroke. The entire department approached that woman and demanded: unfold the shafts, but how is none of our business. If a man dies, we will bury you ourselves without trial or investigation.

I was scared... I don’t know what she was doing, but the man’s abnormal craving disappeared. And the failed mistress quickly packed her things and left in an unknown direction.

Result: the man is disabled, his wife took a long time to come to her senses, but they were still able to save the family.


* * *

I did a love spell. And it helped. And then I worked on what I had done for several years...

Do you want to pay with the health of your own and future children for getting this particular man? Forward!

This only means that you don’t have children... This is fraught, girl.

The most wonderful love spell is a pure soul and sincere love.

It happened to my husband at work about 4 years ago. He just got a job there! He met his secretary Lenochka there... Without a husband and with a child. They became friends! They became friends, became friends, and became friends until this madam cast a love spell on him... And knowing about his marital status. My friend told me about the love spell after I described to her everything that was happening to him... And he himself has really become not himself... he looks at you and you get the impression that he’s about to kill you!!! Scary. Well, so my friend and I talked, and she directed me to church. Go and ask... for her, for your family... for your children and for your husband!!! I went and asked. I was sobbing, so my mother gave me a handkerchief... I came back. It took a very long time to adapt. And it's very hard! She was trying something there again... she kept up with him, but she was afraid to talk to me. She ended up quitting her job. And after half a year or a year... he and his son crashed in a car. Together with the driver! I learned about this from my husband. Her mother called him. I hardly slept all night, I kept smoking. She was buried in a closed coffin.

These are the things... So think carefully before making a love spell. For those who have decided to do this, I know that it is useless to dissuade, and yet my advice to you is...turn to the Lord...go to church, read the Psalter and you will be helped! Moreover, real help and weapons from all troubles and misfortunes. Be happy and take care of yourself and those you love!

Daughter of a Samurai, 26 years old

I heard that for those who are bewitched, life can end badly. A specific example: my aunt, at the age of 16, met her first husband, their love was unearthly (he and she were handsome), my aunt decided to tie him to her even more - she went to her grandmother, cast a strong love spell... Result: they lived together not long, they gave birth to a son, but still divorced. He started drinking and continued to drink until the end of his days (many other troubles happened to him), and his life ended under the wheels of a car... Life isn’t going well for her either...

In general, I believe that all evil returns like a boomerang.


Once in my youth, out of stupidity, I made a little love spell on a married man. I still repent. Maybe it’s not a love spell, and the sad fate of that family was already predetermined, as well as my problems, but it’s depressing “what if I’m guilty...” Girls, like boys, need to be explained that a love spell has one strange property. In addition to the sacrifice of money, fate takes away the love for the object of the love spell and, as soon as after the love spell (let’s say you made such an order to the magician) you felt a chill to the point of disgust for the object, you can be sure that your magician is not a charlatan and the work is done efficiently. Only... It’s almost impossible to get rid of someone who has been bewitched. Your “object” of the love spell will hate you with all his heart because he will not be able to live without you. There is an energetic connection between you. In your absence, he (or she) will feel physically ill, but this is not at all the sunny sadness of unrequited love...


Not so long ago, my older sister Alena, due to numerous failures with guys, decided to make a strong love spell. No matter how many guys she had, no matter how good the relationship, she still couldn’t have a long relationship. Alena made a love spell using menstrual blood. She married the guy she bewitched. But it didn't end well. There was no happiness in the marriage. Her husband Anton became nervous and rude. Sometimes he could not stand the presence of my sister and came running to me. With tears in his eyes, he said that he could not understand what was happening to him. Anton suffered a lot, but soon he couldn’t suffer like that anymore and left Alena, just packed his things and left. When the day of the divorce arrived, Anton did not come. Everyone was wary. Alena and I went to see him. The door was open. We entered and saw a picture that still stands before my eyes. Anton hanged himself. No signs of alcohol or drugs in the blood, just a suicide note: I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE! SHE'S KILLING ME INSIDE.

The sister practically did not leave the church for about 2 months. And in the end she met a man whom she married a month ago. So far they seem happy. But things could have turned out much worse...

Vit@lina, 19 years old

There is nothing good from a love spell: my uncle was bewitched by his then-not-wife. He loved Varenka, and my aunt, half gypsy, bewitched him (then she confessed when she was drunk), he married her. So what? He felt bad with her, they barked like dogs all their lives, and he felt bad without her.

In short, he started drinking, and she herself was not happy, but there is no turning back. They lived for 30 years, and then she died: she was standing at the gas stove, cooking something, and fell dead: stroke, she was 55 years old. And after a while, their only son drowned in a river, went for a swim drunk, and their only grandson went to prison: drugs, theft, and so on. And the guy still drinks.

In short, their family almost disappeared.

Love, in my opinion, is when it is mutual and at will.


Give up this disastrous business! I encountered a love spell. A loving and beloved husband was thus taken away from the family. How do I know? She later confessed to me herself. How much grief she brought with her love spell to me, the child, herself, my husband!..

Don't do this stupid thing! There will be no love from a love spell! He will simply always be nearby, but you will irritate him, he will hate you. He just can't leave. Why do you need this? Moreover, bewitched men quickly lose their potency, and sometimes even go crazy. Think a hundred times.

I made a love spell when I suffered from a disease also called “Lyoshka”.

I won’t tell you how I made the love spell - I was told not to give away the secret. I will say one thing - I drank some kind of charmed mixture. The result is that we barely pumped it out. Severe poisoning.

And it’s stupid - why force a loved one to be tied to you? Let him be happy, even without me.

Love spell is a sin. Is it dangerous. In the end, it's pointless. That “Leshka” never got any closer.

The love spell story of my second cousin Sergei by his future wife is terrible. He had a girlfriend in the 10th grade, love. But another one intervened, by the way, a pianist, a beauty, a smart girl. Bewitched a guy with blood. Strong love spell. Result? Three beautiful children. But... The eldest son, at the age of 20, goes to prison for drugs, leaves prison and hangs himself. The middle daughter - many young people are pining for her, but she is mired in debauchery, drinks, and is barren. The youngest son is oligophrenic. The sorceress herself, at the age of 40, dies painfully from a brain tumor, becoming insane. And her poor husband, who was practically bewitched by a boy in his youth and my dear kind brother Sergei, now lies paralyzed at 48 and says one syllable “Va-va.” Well, what is he to blame for?

N, 45 years old

This is what trying to bewitch a girl gave me:

1. You can hear five stories of obscenity in your ears. All attempts to somehow drown it out are unsuccessful.

2. The feeling that you are filled with hellfire, from head to toe.

3. The feeling that you are turning over on a hot frying pan.

4. Nightmares.

5. Hatred of everything, the desire to climb the walls and fight in hysterics. The desire intensifies at the sight of people.

6. The feeling of being eaten like a kebab strung on a stick.

7. Inability to be with the person you bewitched, hatred of him. Lack of love. Also important - this can spread to your next chosen one, interfering with the development of your relationship.

8. Feeling of a hand choking the throat.

9. Distance from people. As, it seems, in Dostoevsky’s “crime and punishment,” a person “cuts himself off from the rest of the world with scissors.”

10. Development of other forms of addiction (alcoholism, computer games, gambling, drug addiction, etc.).

11. Obsessive states, tics.

I think this is enough for you to stop and make the right choice. Love spells and the like not only do not give you what was promised, they legitimize the impossibility of being together with your chosen one, because... after this, your relationship will forever bear the stamp of sinfulness, the stamp of hell. By doing this, you are selling your soul. If you no longer have a soul and no love, what can you give to your chosen one, share with him?

Love spell site. This site contains truthful information about what a love spell is, how to get rid of the consequences of a love spell if you have been bewitched or have been bewitched. The most convincing evidence of the terrible harm of love spells is hundreds of stories about the consequences of love spells sent to the site by readers.

Website of priest Konstantin Parkhomenko. Articles, books, audio recordings, photo album.

Stories about real witches and warlocks who are said to still be found in real life. If you are interested in magic and want to know how to get rid of bad conspiracies and rituals, read the real stories of our readers collected in this section.

If you also have something to tell about this topic, you can absolutely free.

Wherever Karnyshikha appeared, in the village store or near the well, people fell silent and tried to retreat. Small, bent at the waist, when she quietly walked with a cane along the street, the street was empty, people they met tried to go into the first courtyard they came across. The boys said that when they met her on the street, they amused themselves by showing her a fig in their pocket. She cursed and tried to hit him on the back of the head. I never made a mistake when I just had my hands in my pocket and walked past in silence. I have never heard of anyone coming to her for any kind of witchcraft. They told a lot about her, I think there were a lot of fables about her, but no one doubted that she was a witch. She was always gloomy and unfriendly, her eyes were so unpleasant, she glared and seemed to see right through everyone.

The story prompted me to tell a story about my neighbor, who harmed us in every possible way.

Our neighbor was a witch, although I can’t say for sure, I don’t know, but I am one hundred percent sure that she had strong energy and a black eye. My parents’ gardens always touched hers; the fence between the houses was flimsy. I won’t say that her parents were friends with her, but they communicated well.

So with this neighbor, and she lived herself, everything grew, blossomed, multiplied by leaps and bounds, but no matter how hard my mother and father worked, everything went wrong for them. Then the neighbor found a roommate, her life with him did not work out, she sold the farm and went to live with her nephew. It didn’t work out for her there either, and she returned home.

In the 1960s, an old man settled in a taiga village in Altai. Soon rumors spread among the locals that this grandfather was a sorcerer. He kept a small apiary at his house. He worked with bees all day long, and before going to bed, he walked around his property and whispered something, making mysterious passes with his hands. In a word - he conjured. But mainly representatives of the older generation believed in his magical abilities. Young people, who were brought up in an atheistic spirit, of course, only laughed at these rumors.

One day, three guys decided to steal a beehive of honey from their grandfather. By midnight, when the old man was already sleeping deeply in his hut, the guys made their way to the apiary, looked around, and listened. The strongest of them climbed over the fence. He crept to one of the hives, bent down, wrapped his arms around it and... froze.

He stood in this half-bent position for about five minutes. His friends began to worry. Then we climbed over the fence to find out what was the matter, why wasn’t my friend dragging the hive? They crept up to a friend and touched him on the shoulder. But he stood as if petrified.

Friends' hair stood on end. They tried to push their friend again, but with the same success they could move a block of stone weighing several tons. The boys were seized with horror, they jumped over the fence and rushed wherever they looked. They fled to their homes. We didn’t sleep a wink until the morning. And when it began to get light, they were again at the apiary. They looked through the fence: their friend was standing in the same position in which they had left him. The guys tried to attract his attention with a loud whisper and waved their hands, but the friend remained mute and motionless.

At this time the owner of the apiary appeared. He approached the unlucky thief and grinned into his beard:

Well, did you get caught, killer whale? But I warned people not to interfere with me. Okay, I'll let you go, but don't steal from now on!

The grandfather whispered something over the guy and waved his hands. He suddenly collapsed to the ground. It seems he was unconscious. His friends, as soon as the old man went to his hut, grabbed the victim by the arms and dragged him home. This guy slept for three days and three nights. When I came to my senses, I couldn’t remember anything.

Having learned about what had happened, the residents began to take the tenth route to bypass the sorcerer’s possessions. Meanwhile, the injured guy stopped communicating with his friends and generally changed a lot - he became somehow very correct. And his two friends, who went with him on business, no, no, and sometimes did some unseemly things. Only after this will a boil pop out on their butt, or their arm will hang like a whip for several days, or a speck will get into their eye, so much so that for a week the tears flow in a stream without stopping. In the end, both bullies died quite young, and suffered greatly before their deaths. By the way, the guy who turned into stone didn’t live long either - he once shot himself.

Once the sorcerer’s neighbor, also a beekeeper, had a fight with him over some nonsense. And in the morning, when he approached his hives, he saw that all his bees had died.

The sorcerer then left the village somewhere, but the story about him is still passed on from mouth to mouth.

Here's what happened to my mother. One spring she replanted tomatoes, cabbage, onions, and carrots. At this time, an unfamiliar old woman passed along the road behind the picket fence. She stopped and began to look and observe the work. Then she said:

Fedorovna, don’t plant anything in those beds over there this year. Nothing will grow there!

She said so and trudged on her way. Her mother looked after her in bewilderment. How could a stranger know her middle name? In general, she shrugged her shoulders and continued her work. Only, in fact, nothing grew in the two beds indicated by the old woman. Even the weeds.

My father and I once also encountered an inexplicable event. This was at the end of November. We went with him in a sleigh to get some hay. Our haystack stood in the forest, in a mowing area. When we were leaving the village, we came across an unfamiliar old man who suddenly called out to his father:

Nikolaich, you better not go for hay today, you won’t bring anything.

The father muttered something in response, but, of course, did not change his plans. We arrived in the forest. They loaded the hay onto the sleigh and tied it with a rope. Father smoked on the path and took the reins. The horse jerked, but could not move the sleigh from its place. The father waved the reins again, but the mare couldn’t even move a step. She tried her best, almost standing on her hind legs. To no avail! This went on for several minutes. Then the father cursed with relish:

Well, the old stump... He conjured a spell after all, he's an infection!

We had to unload the hay. They swept everything down to a blade of grass. And the horse calmly moved away.

“Let’s at least put some under ourselves,” said the father and threw an armful of hay into the sleigh. The horse moved and again could not move the sleigh.

I had to post this armful too. Only then was the horse able to walk. So we arrived back to the village in an empty sleigh. And the next day they went for hay again, loaded the cart, and tied it down. The horse calmly moved the sleigh from its place, and we safely reached the house.

Well, and finally one more thing. I was about fifteen years old when I helped an Old Believer grandfather renovate his house. And so, when we finished work, the old man said:

I want to thank you for your help. I'll tell you a conspiracy against ticks.

And here in the taiga, in Siberia, ticks are some kind of disaster! Every year, starting from kindergarten, everyone is vaccinated against encephalitis. And whoever neglects this can pay not only with health, but also with life.

In general, my grandfather told me how to use this spell. The words were not complicated and were easy to remember. Since then, I have no longer given myself these vaccinations. When I go into the forest, I read the plot and boldly set off on my way. Ticks, of course, cling to clothes, but none of them have ever burrowed into the body. Many times I have spoken kindly about this old man.

Then, throughout my life, many times I had to help my friends and acquaintances work in apiaries. It turned out that the conspiracy also worked on bees. They didn't sting me. I have never used a mosquito net or mittens. It happened a couple of times that I entered the apiary without reading the plot... This is where I got the worst of the bees!


Witchcraft is the most powerful type of energy attack. Witchcraft can also be used to eliminate rivals, bad luck, illness, and even death.

Salt under the threshold, needles in clothes, in the wall, in the windowsill - methods of witchcraft.
Do not touch the salt, scoop it up, put it in a frying pan and put it on the fire. And bury the needles in the ground.

AND from letters from readers and practices of masters.

“I am a resuscitation doctor. Work experience 25 years. My husband made a girlfriend. One day I saw: dry earth was poured on the threshold. And it's raining outside. I removed it. A month later I got sick. It melted day by day. All the doctors were raised to their feet, but could not help. No deviations were found. I didn’t believe in this nonsense, but there was nothing to do - they brought the old woman. She said: “I will speak water, and you drink.” I drank this water and washed my face with it for several months. I couldn't eat or drink anything else. The water was from a well. That’s how I recovered.”

From practice:

One day a woman named Rimma called, who had salt poured under her door. I advised you to put salt in a frying pan and put it on fire. Soon a neighbor came running from another entrance and screamed that everything inside her was burning. The neighbor was taken to the hospital. She returned from there older and walked leaning on a stick.
What Rimme wanted, she got herself.

Alexander, 56 years old. His 26-year-old son started having problems. The guy became uncommunicative, complex, and lonely. The father was very worried about his son. He turned to me for help. I suspected witchcraft.

The father stood up, relaxed, and closed his eyes. He said: “The man who “made” witchcraft for his son’s loneliness, please forgive me. Almighty, give him health.” He felt something heavy and sticky fall on his head. I prayed, and he pulled out the “dirt” and threw it into the water. They got sick, watered and stung their eyes, as if dirt had clogged them. With a prayer, he pulled out the “dirt” from his eyes and threw it into a basin of water. The “dirt” got into my ears – I pulled it out with a prayer. I felt good and my head cleared.

Interestingly, the parrot in the cage became numb during the session. They said that when I left, he squealed and started jumping. A day later, Alexander repeated the procedure - the “dirt” was much weaker.

Singer Julia met musician Stanislav. He was 7 years younger than her. Fell in love without memory, just groveling. Life with a singer is not sugar. She doesn’t want to have children, she can’t cook - she’s saving her hands. Beautiful, nice to look at. You watch it one day, then another, and then you might get tired of it. But Stanislav could not stop looking at his queen. I hardly slept that night. As soon as Yulia’s blanket slips, she straightens it. When it rains, he runs and carries an umbrella to the theater.

Stanislav's sister and mother were against this novel. The sister turned to the sorcerer. And then one day Yulia comes home: a black mourning bow is pinned to the door. She rushed to the psychic, who said that she was “done” to die.

Yulia developed an allergy. Her beautiful skin began to peel and her face became swollen. The psychic said: they jinxed it. After his session, my face recovered. The psychic removed the spell. Julia continued to live happily with her musician.

Lyuba, 40 years old. I quarreled with my boss. She said: “You won’t work for us.” After the quarrel, Lyuba fell ill. The lower abdomen hurt unbearably, urinary incontinence began, severe hemorrhoids began, and my left leg began to hurt. There were days when I cried from morning to evening. The reason is witchcraft, which the boss ordered for Lyuda.

Treatment: “Pulling out” negative energy from the bladder. “Warming up” the bladder, intestines, appendages, anus. The pancreas is most vulnerable to energy attack. I prescribed Lyuba a tincture for the pancreas. The treatment for hemorrhoids is to swallow pieces of garlic. And, of course, a course of immunostimulating tincture. To treat the bladder - a decoction of bearberry, which copes with infection and inflammatory processes.

Result: While taking the immunostimulating tincture, Lyuba’s temperature rose (37.4 °C), she felt lethargic and weak. This is evidence of a weak immune system. A week later the temperature became normal. Urination has returned to normal. Now he gets up 1-2 times at night (used to be every hour). Dark clots came out. Sleep improved.

Witchcraft to eliminate a rival is very common. Its purpose is illness, weakness, mental illness of the victim. Often, as a result of witchcraft, fibroids or mastopathy occur. Sometimes it is enough to “pull out” the negative energy from the uterus with prayer, and the disease recedes. If this is not done, no tinctures, medications, or even surgeries will help.

Question: I saw in a dream that I had a lot of needles in my bed. But I didn't come across them. In the morning, although I slept well, I felt very bad. She opened the tap, let the water run and said a prayer. It immediately became easier. What happened to me?

Answer: They performed witchcraft on you. Water and prayer cleansed the biofield. I advise you to rearrange the furniture in the bedroom. The person who “did” the witchcraft knows where the bed is. Move it to another place and do not let unfriendly people into the house.

From letters from readers.

“I’m weak, lethargic. The mood is depressed. I had no desires, and by the evening I was very tired, although I did nothing. I went to my grandmother. She said that they had cast a spell on me, that there was a thread in my blanket. I actually found a thread in the blanket, it was tied with a sea knot. She pulled it out and, on the advice of her grandmother, threw it on the road. From that day on I began to get better.”

A very strong magical effect - witchcraft to death - leads to a sharp decrease in immunity. Failures occur in business and personal life. As a result, death may occur due to an infectious disease, a car accident, etc. Psychics believe that such witchcraft deprives a person of a guardian angel. Sometimes it is enough to ask forgiveness from the person who “did” witchcraft and ask the Almighty to send him health. However, the ritual must be carried out over several months.

Olga Belova, a singer, quickly achieved success. I met a young man and were planning to get married. However, the groom's mother was against marriage with the artist.

Suddenly, within one day, her face became covered with red spots. She stopped sleeping. Olga turned to an allergist and had tests done. She was told that she had an allergy of an unknown nature and was prescribed pills.

Strange things began to happen: the young man disappeared, there were no more concerts. A friend said that the ex-fiancé’s mother was lighting candles over her photograph, and advised her to go to her grandmother-healer in a remote village. In appearance she was an ordinary village woman. She said that the singer was “made” with witchcraft so that there would be no success. Damage to death has also been “made”. After meeting with her grandmother, Olga felt better.

The healer ordered to take three eggs, wrap the needles with thread and stick them into the eggs, which were placed at the head of the bed. By morning the needles had turned black and almost collapsed. She also ordered me to do some manipulations with the towel and take it out to the crossroads at night. Walk without turning around or talking. She asked me not to tell anyone about this.

Olga recovered, her face became clear. Concerts began again, and everything in life got better. Three years later I couldn’t resist telling my friend all the details of the treatment.

After that I found out that my grandmother had scalded her feet.

Another case. A woman called and in a broken voice begged him to come and save her. I went. The door was opened by a weak, lethargic fifty-year-old woman with lifeless eyes. She could barely move. There were bottles of medicine everywhere on the bedside table, table, windowsill. Alla, that was her name, said that she had been undergoing treatment for a long time, but did not feel any improvement. She lived with her husband for 32 years and separated. Her husband Roman, short and ugly, knew how to please women. The women simply lost their heads. But Alla married him without love. Her husband could never forgive her for this. 30 years ago she cheated on him and, with her characteristic frankness, admitted it. He was furious. Neither the flexibility, nor the hard work of his wife, nor the birth of two children - nothing softened him.

Roman completed psychic courses. He professionally “performed” witchcraft on her. Alla began to ask her husband for forgiveness for marrying without love. She was twisted from side to side. She asked for forgiveness for cheating on him, for the witchcraft he “did” on her, for “sucking” her energy. She realized with horror that her husband had “performed” witchcraft to kill her. He gave me French perfume - through them witchcraft was “made” for illness. She began to ask forgiveness from her husband for this witchcraft - she was staggering like a blade of grass in a field. When I asked if it had become easier, she answered in the negative. These techniques will be effective if carried out over a long period of time.

She felt “clumps” of negative energy in the thyroid gland and under the right armpit. Alla had a constant noise in her head. One day her husband threatened to break her head. I read a prayer, and she pulled out energy “clumps” from the thyroid gland. And immediately the swelling in my neck decreased! I pulled out the “clumps” from my head and under my armpit. This gave a quick effect. Her eyes sparkled. The candle burned through her biofield - black smoke came out. She gathered energy into her palm. (At the beginning of the session I felt heaviness and coldness in my palms.). I asked how she was feeling. “Great,” she replied. “I feel like I’m recovering, life and health are returning to me.”

Question: My son Mikhail works for an international organization. Lives abroad. He comes home occasionally. On one of his visits, he suddenly got married and didn’t even meet the girl. They had a daughter. By chance I found out that Galya, Mikhail’s wife, is a hereditary witch. She's evil. One day my husband jokingly patted her on the shoulder and said: “Well, you’re evil, Galka.” Since then, his arm has been hurting constantly - day and night. I don’t leave the hospital: I’ll break my arm or break my leg. My son stopped coming home. A healer was recommended to me. I brought her photographs of my son and daughter-in-law. And I was so afraid that I came back and took the photo. I pray constantly. What should I do?

Answer: A son’s hasty marriage may be the result of a love spell cast by his future wife. I strongly doubt his marital happiness. Obviously, the spell was “made” for you and your husband in such a way that it could not be removed. I advise you to overcome your fear and take the photographs to the healer. You cannot cope with this problem yourself. But a person with strong energy and knowledge can remove the witchcraft.


Not everyone can do witchcraft. A person must have an innate strong black energy that requires appropriate recharge. Sorcerers value their skills very much and make sure to pass on their knowledge to their students. Although they should go to a monastery to atone for their sins, because witchcraft is a terrible sin. Sorcerers are never happy. Their children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren suffer for their sins. After all, crime has no statute of limitations. When people come to me with their troubles, it often turns out that their family practiced black magic.

Prayer from witchcraft.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect me with your holy angels. By the prayers of our All-Pure Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross, the Holy Archangel of God Michael and other ethereal heavenly powers, the Holy Prophet Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra , the Wonderworker St. Leo, Bishop of China, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Joseph of Belgorod, St. Mitrophan of Voronezh, St. Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh, St. Zosima and Savvatius of Solovetsky, St. Wonderworker, Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, Holy Martyr Tryphon , Holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all Your saints. Help me, Thy unworthy servant (name), deliver me from all the slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery, from crafty people. May they not be able to do me any harm.

Lord, protect me with the light of Your radiance in the morning, and at noon, and in the evening, and in the dream to come. By the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil and evil spirits and all the actions of the omnipresent devil. And whoever conceives and does evil, then return to him his deeds and go down to the underworld. For Thy is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.