Probably, every person in life has had a situation when newly purchased shoes look great on the feet, but after a few minutes of wearing the socks it turns out that they cause some discomfort, or are simply too tight. Concern immediately begins to arise in your head about how to break in shoes that are tight at home, because it is not always possible to return the goods to the seller. Apply to shoes made of different materials different ways breaking in.

Shoes made from genuine leather are the highest quality and the easiest to wear. There are many different ways to break in leather shoes that are too tight.


Tear the newspapers and wet them with water. Then push these wet scraps tightly into your shoes. Use maximum force. leave the shoes until the newspaper filling is completely dry. Do not apply any heat to your shoes to avoid deforming the material. After 1-2 days you can try to wear your favorite shoes.

Alcohol products

Alcohol will be a great help for those who don’t know how to quickly break in new shoes. It perfectly softens the skin. Apply the alcohol solution to a cotton pad and thoroughly wipe the inside of the shoe. Then put thick socks on your feet and a distressed pair of boots or shoes over them. Be patient for 30-60 minutes. After the specified time, you will definitely see the result of your efforts.

Tip: If you don’t have alcohol, you can replace it with vodka or cologne. But the outer side cannot be treated with alcohol or its analogues, so as not to damage it.


How to wear shoes quickly at home using the cold? Apply ice. Place empty durable ones in your shoes plastic bags and pour water into them. Tie the resulting water containers tightly and place the pair of shoes in the freezer.

Wait about 6 hours. During this time, the water will freeze and expand, pushing the walls of the shoes slightly apart. It's a shame, but winter shoes It is impossible to correct this way, because as the ice expands it will knock off the fur.


How to break tight shoes into your fingers at home? Use a simple but slightly painful recipe. Put thick socks on your feet, put on your shoes and warm up your shoes with a hairdryer. Then wait until the shoes have cooled completely. All is ready! Your feet will have a hard time under the influence of a hairdryer, but the results are worth it.

Farmer's way

This method will appeal to villagers. It does not require any special devices. It is necessary to pour grain into the shoes to the very edges, and then moisten it with water. Leave this preparation overnight so that the grain swells and stretches the pliable skin.

In the morning you need to pour out all the grain from your shoes, put plastic bags on your feet and put on problematic shoes or shoes. Walk in them until the material is completely dry.


This method can only be used on high-quality shoes made of genuine leather. Often we suffer not so much from the fact that the shoes are tight, but from the rigidity of the material itself. He rubs tender women's legs and makes us suffer.

To correct the situation, try bending your shoes up and down, twisting them in different directions. This should not cause any creases or other damage on good quality shoes, but your feet will feel much more comfortable in crushed shoes.

Tip: Special conditioners are also used to soften shoes. leather shoes. Apply them to areas that have caused blisters or calluses.


Leatherette and fabric

The following methods are suitable:

  • Pour boiling water over the inside of your shoes or boots. The water needs to be drained quickly. When the material has cooled to a comfortable temperature, you need to put your shoes on your feet with socks and walk around a little until it dries.
  • You can use the newspaper method described above. Just be careful not to overdo it and tear stubborn leatherette or textile material.
  • Buy a special foam stretcher in the store. Follow the instructions when using.

Patent leather shoes

Methods for breaking in patent leather shoes at home:

  • Ask a friend with larger feet than you to wear your shoes for a little while.
  • Lubricate the inside of patent leather shoes with rich cream. After this, put on your shoes and warm up your shoes with a hairdryer. Use only a slightly warm blast of air to avoid damaging the material.
  • Use the alcohol method, but be sure to treat the shoes only from the inside.
  • Try applying vinegar diluted with water to the inside of your shoes.
  • You can hold a new pair of patent leather shoes over hot steam for a while, and then wear them until they dry and cool.
  • Moisten with hot water terry towel and wrap problematic shoes in it. Leave it overnight and put on your shoes in the morning.
  • Buy a special device for stretching shoes at the store or use a spray.

Useful tips

Of course, it’s better not to get into situations where you buy the wrong size, so as not to have to worry about it later. various ways breaking in shoes. That is why it is necessary to arm yourself in advance with knowledge about making the right choice shoes:

  • Be sure to tell the seller your foot size, because different manufacturers There may be a whole size error. And if we are talking about a product from China, then the shoes may run two sizes too small.
  • Take a close look at the material from which the shoes are made. Some leathers tend to expand on their own after a few days of wear. As a rule, sellers know about this, so do not hesitate to clarify all the nuances.
  • Many people find that one foot is wider or longer than the other. In this case, do the fitting on the leg that is larger.
  • In high-heeled shoes, be sure to walk around the store’s sales floor several times, checking the shoes for stability. If you notice even minimal wobbling, you shouldn’t even look in the direction of these shoes, because the amplitude will only increase during wear.
  • You should only buy shoes in the afternoon. The ideal option is after work. At this time, your feet will swell to their maximum, and you will only be able to try on the shoes that are most comfortable for you. But don't overdo it so that the shoes don't end up being too big in the morning.

All of the above methods of wearing shoes have been tested and tested more than once. They help increase the size a little, but at the same time, they hopelessly reduce the service life of the shoes you love so much.

Very soon, cracks, creases and wrinkles may appear on your shoes, boots or shoes. They lose their shine and novelty. And these are all the results of rash decisions made in the store. It is for this reason that if you see a simply stunning pair of shoes on display, you should not rush to purchase them. Stay calm and shop wisely.


Dissipates quickly with unpleasant sensations in the foot area. Burning sensation, pinched toes and the first callus are a kind of dedication to the owner of a trendy new footwear, which often makes you “bury” your favorite model in a shoe box. But some tips on how to quickly break in shoes will warn you against making a hasty decision. Simple and accessible ways You can adapt absolutely any shoe to your foot. Of course, we are talking about shoes and boots that match your foot size.

Method using newspapers

This method is time-tested. You can be convinced of the effectiveness of this method of stretching shoes in about a day. Scraps of newspaper should be moistened in water and the shoes should be stuffed tightly with them, starting from the toe itself. It is necessary to allow the shoes to dry naturally (you cannot leave them to dry near heating devices). This method is effective if the “toe” of the shoe is pinching, or the discomfort is associated with fullness.

A quick way to stretch new shoes

Sometimes, in order to ensure a comfortable fit of shoes, it is enough just to walk around the house in them for several hours. It is best to do this in thick terry socks. To prevent shoes from rubbing, problem areas can be lubricated with a thick soap solution.

with alcohol

If you don’t know how to quickly break in shoes, then you can turn to a method that has been proven by more than one generation. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton swab in alcohol or vodka, lubricate the inside of your shoes with it and put it on your feet over thick socks. After walking around the house in them for several hours, you will probably stretch the shoes to the required size. The only thing you need to take into account is that you shouldn’t do this manipulation with shoes made of suede and fabric. Suede shoes can be doused with boiling water on the inside and left at home for a couple of hours. The effect will be the same, and the likelihood that ordinary water will leave stains on new shoes, - less.

We use cologne

If you are confident in the quality of the shoes, then alcohol can be replaced with cologne. The best option in such cases is the “severe” Triple perfume. Use this product to wet the inside of your shoes. Then stuff the shoes with cotton rags or newspapers. Leave overnight. Warning: Newspapers may leave dark marks on the surface of shoes. Therefore, if the shoes are light, use cologne and newspapers together with caution.

Specialist help

How to quickly break in shoes that are not just too tight, but differ by a few millimeters from the actual size of the foot? No problem. By contacting a shoe repair specialist, you can stretch your shoes by 0.5-1 cm, that is, by one size. Using special equipment, the specialist will increase the length and width of tight shoes in just a few minutes.

How to break in sneakers

We already know how to quickly break in shoes. But what about sports shoes, which can also cause a lot of trouble while they adapt to the foot? In principle, the methods for stretching sneakers are the same as for shoes. The only thing is that when choosing one or another product, you need to take into account the properties of the material from which the sneakers are made. Indeed, in most cases, models are made from modern, specially developed synthetic materials, the reaction of which to a particular product is difficult to predict. Here it is best to use a special stretching spray suitable for a specific material, or stretch the shoes using special equipment from a specialist.

When buying shoes, we take into account that over time they will stretch a lot, become wider and larger. To avoid squelching our heels and experiencing discomfort later, we often buy shoes that fit, and sometimes a size smaller. But there’s an important event coming up, and you don’t want to look like a “wounded grasshopper” and suffer from painful calluses and pinched fingers. What can I do to break in new shoes as quickly as possible? Our tips will help you make your shoes as comfortable and comfortable as possible.

Stretch new shoes to comfortable size possible in just a few hours.

  1. Special means. There are sprays and foams on sale that are designed specifically for stretching tight shoes. They usually contain alcohol, stretching chemicals, and aromatic oils. Using them is not difficult - just apply liquid or foam to the inside of the shoes and put them on a thick sock. Walk around in your new shoes for about an hour.
  2. Wet newspaper. Moisten the shredded paper with water and fill the shoes to capacity. Place to dry in a warm place. After drying, the shoes will remain much expanded, even if you remove the dried newspaper. It is very important to first inspect the sole of the shoe - if it is sealed, moisture can deteriorate and fall apart, for such shoes this method doesn't fit. If your shoes are a little tight, you don’t need to stuff them with newspaper too tightly. Shoes may lose their shape and dry out in lumpy shapes. That is, it will be wide in some places, and remain narrow in others. It’s better, after all, to dry your shoes on your feet.
  3. Moisture. This method is suitable for expensive shoes made of genuine leather. Place the shoes in the box and wrap the box in a damp towel. Leave everything for several hours. The moisture will evaporate inside the box, and the skin will become soft and pliable. After a couple of hours, the shoes need to be taken out and worn for a while. Ideally, the shoes should dry on the foot, so they will “remember” the shape of the foot and remain in that size.
  4. Alcohol. Under the influence of alcohol, many materials stretch - leather, artificial leather, suede. Many girls have alcohol lotions that they use to clean their faces, etc. This lotion is convenient to use - it is in the form of a spray. Simply spray the alcohol-based solution on the inside of the shoes and put them on your feet. If the shoes are very tight, you can put on a sock beforehand for greater effect. If there is no alcohol in the form of a spray, it doesn’t matter - just moisten a cotton pad with vodka and wipe the inside of the shoes.
  5. Ice. Everyone knows that water expands when it freezes. This is noticeable by plastic bottle with water that was left in the freezer. Moreover, this expansion occurs regardless of the material, that is, ice is capable of moving even the densest skin. Pouring water into shoes is a dubious pleasure, so we will do it this way. We will need new plastic bags without holes. We fill a bag with water and put it in the shoe. We try to position the bag of water so that the liquid fills the entire space of the shoe. We tie the neck well, and then place the entire structure in the freezer and leave for several hours. It's real and very effective method stretch your shoes.
  6. Hot air. For the next method you will need thick socks and a hair dryer. Put your shoes on your socks and start heating the surface of the shoes with a hairdryer. This is especially true for the sole. When the shoes are warm enough, turn off the hair dryer and wait until the shoes cool down. This must be repeated at least 10 times. When you feel that the shoes have become a little roomier, take them off and apply moisturizer or Vaseline. This will protect the natural coating from cracking after exposure to high temperatures.
  7. Beer. This method will help stretch delicate suede or nubuck shoes. It is usually used if the shoes are compressed only in a certain area. Soak a cotton pad in beer and apply it to the area that is rubbing the callus. Walk around in shoes with beer cotton wool for a couple of hours, and then leave the shoes to dry completely. The next time you wear the suede in a tight space, it will feel much roomier.
  8. Soap. This is an old, but quite effective way to stretch tight shoes. Rub a dry bar of soap onto your shoes in the area that hurts you the most. Then put your shoes on and walk around the house in this state for a couple of hours. By the way, the back of the shoe is lubricated with paraffin or soap so that the hard material does not rub the callus.
  9. Tool for increasing shoe size. Shoemakers have a mechanism that consists of lasts on a metal thread. The shoe is put on a unit, the pads of which gradually increase and the shoe stretches. This is the most professional and safe way to increase your shoes by half a size or even a whole size. In this case, the master expands only the designated areas; the shoes can be stretched in length, width, or only in a certain place.

When treating shoes with alcohol and alcohol-containing compounds, be careful not to let the aggressive liquid get on the outer surface of the shoe. This is especially true for patent leather shoes. And further. Do not go outside until your shoes are completely dry after stretching. Damp shoes can stretch more than you need. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect the condition of the shoes and, if sufficiently widened, remove them and allow them to dry in a warm place. You should not dry wet shoes near hot radiators - they may dry out and fall apart, and the varnish coating will shrink from the hot air.

How to choose shoes by size

In order not to worry about tight shoes next time, it is very important to approach their purchase correctly. It is best to go shopping in the evening - at this time of day, the legs swell a little and reach their maximum size. It is very important not just to try on shoes, but also to walk around the store in them to feel the shoes “in action.” And all because when walking, the bones expand from the person’s weight and the foot increases in size.

Many people have asymmetry in foot size, so it is better to measure shoes on the larger foot. If the other leg is uncomfortable, you can use insoles, or rather, only one insole. It is placed on the sole of the smaller foot to even out the imbalance. When purchasing, pay attention not only to the size, but also to the fullness of the shoes. In the international dimension, it is defined by the letters E to I.

Remember, good comfortable shoes can cause discomfort, but only mild and barely noticeable. This is due to the rigidity of the material, which will subsequently mold to the shape of your foot and will not rub. But you shouldn’t wear new shoes on the first day of an important event. First, break in your shoes at home for an hour, then increase this time the next day. Gradual wear and our shoe stretching tips will keep your shoes soft, comfortable and comfortable.

Video: how to stretch shoes at home

How often do you find out after buying a pair of shoes that they feel a little tight? Yes, almost always. Because human feet are not ideal, and shoe lasts are standard. What to do? How to break in shoes that feel a little tight on your toes? Do not put new shoes or boots in the closet.

As one famous cartoon character said: “Calm, only calm.” Today we'll figure it out together. Go.

General rules

It is worth keeping in mind that you can only stretch shoes that are a little narrow in the toes by half a size. If you try really hard, it will be the right size. Not more. And even then, according to all the rules, this process cannot be called stretching. The shoe simply molds to the shape of your foot and any discomfort in the toe area disappears.

There are several methods that are widely used at home to correct the situation. But they are not suitable for all materials. Best stretchable Genuine Leather and fabric. The “tightest” materials are rubber and artificial leather. Let's take a closer look at all the stretching options.

Alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids

A method known to our grandmothers. You will need:

  • alcohol (about 40-50 ml)
  • shoes
  • thick but not thick socks
  • your legs

The procedure is very simple. You need to pour half of the alcohol (or cologne) inside the shoes. The other half is used to wet the socks. Then you need to put on shoes, boots, boots, or whatever you have, and walk around the house in them for a while.

Advice. Stretching time can be used wisely in the kitchen.

Usually 1.5-2 hours are enough for shoes that are tight in the toes to acquire the desired shape and stop pressing. You just need to walk, and not sit or even lie down. Otherwise there will be no point.

Some sources recommend using this method with caution. They say that alcohol can harm the materials and the shoes will deteriorate. We dare to disagree. Because such an amount of liquid is not capable of causing any harm.

By the way, these same sources strongly advise using thick socks. Or even 2 pairs. And here we also disagree. If only because getting into new shoes with thick socks is quite problematic. Because after such an execution your shoes will turn into galoshes and will clap on your feet. Or worse, the material may simply burst from excessive stretching.

Advice. There are recommendations to moisten the outer surface of the shoes with alcohol. But for some reason it is not explained why. But really, what is the use of such a procedure? Especially if it's a high-quality leather pair of boots that don't get wet. Or, for example, rubber boots.


There is another option for stretching shoes that feel a little tight in your toes. You will need:

  • regular cold water (even from the tap will do)
  • a couple of very tight bags (intact, without holes or damage)
  • shoes
  • elastic band or thick rope
  • frost outside (a regular household refrigerator freezer will do)

What should you do to stretch your shoes? You need to put the bags inside your boots or shoes. Then straighten it thoroughly. Pour cold water inside. Not to the top of the bag. And so much so that the bag in the shoes is filled to approximately the middle of the last, if they are shoes. Or ankle length if they are boots or boots.

Now tie the bags tightly near the water. After all the procedures, the shoes are exposed to the cold on the balcony. Or put strictly on the sole in the freezer.

The shoes are left in this position for a period of 18 hours to 24 hours. What happens? Water freezes, ice expands and stretches the skin.

After this, all that remains is to bring the couple into the heat and melt the ice. And you can safely put on new clothes. By the way, this method works great only on natural materials. But it is worth keeping in mind that patent leather may not withstand such treatment at low temperatures.

How to wear rubber shoes?

It happens that rubber boots or sneakers also feel a little tight in the toes. It's not a problem. Folk wisdom I have long figured out a way to stretch such shoes. You will need:

  • large basin to accommodate the width of the sole
  • hot water, about +75-85°C
  • thick socks
  • a couple of thick film bags
  • your legs

The procedure is as follows. Thick socks are put on your feet. The bags are secured on top. This design is necessary so as not to burn the skin. Now they pour very much into the basin hot water. And they put shoes in it. Rubber boots can be completely submerged. For sneakers, it is recommended to warm up only the sole, without affecting the fabric base of the upper.

Warm-up time is about 15-20 minutes. Now you need to take the shoes out of the water and, without waiting for the rubber to cool, put them on your feet. Then all that remains is to walk around in boots or sneakers for about an hour. During this time, the shoes in the toe area will stretch a little, cool and take the shape of the foot.

Advice. Do not confuse rubber with polyurethane foam. Shoes with soles made from it will not stand the test high temperatures. It will turn into galoshes.

Another crazy tip: stuff the toes of your shoes tightly with wet newspapers and leave them until they dry, but not in a warm place. How long will it take for this design to dry? A week? Month? That is if it's not warm. Plus, the shoes will not stretch. Verified.

Some people buy very expensive shoes. Rarely, it can also be tight in the toe area. Owners are afraid to use home stretching methods for fear of causing irreparable harm. But there is a way out for them too. More precisely, as many as 3:

  1. Go to a good shoemaker. For a very reasonable fee, the shoemaker will stretch the shoes in the right place. And without any harm. Just don't ask for the impossible. Remember - half a size, one size up.
  2. Sewing shoes to order. An expensive, but sometimes necessary measure. Especially for people with non-standard feet. Regular shoes from the mass market will not suit them. But such a new thing will fit perfectly.
  3. Thanks to the shoe industry for selling a great variety of sprays and foams. They are designed specifically for stretching shoes in problem areas. By the way, the prices are quite affordable, and the bottle lasts a long time.
Using such tools is very simple. It is enough to know exactly the material from which the experimental shoes are made. Then you just have to carefully read the instructions on the package or bottle so as not to make a mistake with your choice. And the last thing to do is to strictly follow these instructions.

Believe me, applying more product will not improve the final result. As does the increase in break-in time. There is a limit to everything. Therefore, you should not try to stretch your shoes too much. It could harm her.

What are the benefits of industrial products? Ease of use and a huge range. You can choose foam for absolutely any material.

Now you are not afraid of a new acquisition. You are well aware of how to break in shoes that feel a little tight on your toes. Happy shopping and happy feet!

Video: how to stretch tight shoes and break in shoes

Every year we buy shoes. Beautiful shoes, sandals or boots fit perfectly during fitting. But when we come home, we are often faced with a situation where this piece of clothing turns out to be not very comfortable. And it becomes a shame that the perfect shoes have become a little tight and squeeze your feet. There are ways to help you cope with the current situation at home without much effort. After reading them, you will learn how to break in tight shoes made from natural or artificial leather, suede, quickly and efficiently.

In order not to bring back to the store a new thing that turns out to be slightly too small, you can try stretching it. And how to do this, read in this article.

Let us immediately note that there is no need to be upset. To prevent wearing new shoes from becoming torture, use the following recommendations:

  • If you immediately put on a pair of new shoes, then you are guaranteed an evening with blisters. To avoid this, try to remove tight shoes in several stages. If possible, wear a newly purchased pair of shoes every day for 1-2 hours;
  • If walking around the house doesn't work, try another method. In this situation, a trip to a shoe workshop will save you, where, at your request, the master will stretch your shoes, boots or sandals to the desired size;
  • At home, you can also stretch a tight pair using special stretchers. This is a spray or foam. They are available for sale in almost any store. It is necessary to apply these products in those places where the shoes are tight. After which you need to put on a pair and walk around in it for a while.

Traditional methods

There are also traditional methods How to break in tight shoes. In our time, they remain relevant.

Simple and cheap method using newspapers

As the name suggests, you will need a newspaper to distribute shoes at home. This method is considered the most economical and is suitable for shoes made of natural and artificial leather.

We take newspapers and tear them into small pieces. We wet everything with water. Then with this material we fill the entire space of the shoes, which turned out to be tight. It is important to place more newspapers inside to make the result more effective. After the manipulations have been done, you need to put the new thing away from the batteries. It is necessary to leave the products in this state until their contents dry.

This method takes about 2 days. However, you will be satisfied with the result. All that will be needed next is to take out the newspapers (by then the shoes should also be dry) and enjoy trying them on.

Stretch your shoes using vodka

This method is usually used by those who are afraid of harming leather products. There is an opinion that the previous method can dry it out even more. Therefore, if you chose this option for reinsurance, then you will need vodka. Or better yet, alcohol. These products can quickly and effectively soften leather products at home.

It is not difficult to break in tight shoes using alcohol. It is enough to moisten generously on the inside of the places where the shoes are too tight. Then, putting on thick socks, put on your shoes. It is necessary to walk until the alcohol evaporates. And this, as a rule, happens quite quickly.

But it is worth remembering that the flammable liquid should only be applied to the inside of the shoe. If it suddenly gets on the outside, the leather product may be damaged.

It is also not recommended to try this method on shoes made of artificial leather, fabric and suede. For products made from such materials, it is better to use beer. Tight shoes should be worn in according to the same principle, but over a longer period. It is best to carry out the procedure over several days in a row.

Stretch shoes using boiling water

Bring in tight shoes if you don't have them at hand special means and alcohol, one of the folk “recipes” will help. Following it, you can make your shoes comfortable to wear using boiling water.

It is enough to simply pour boiling water into the products and, after draining it, immediately put them on. When the shoes dry, they will perfectly follow the shape of your feet, as the boiling water steams the skin.

This option will be excellent for leather shoes. However, it is unlikely to be suitable for shoes made of suede or artificial leather. For them, it is better to purchase stretchers in the form of foam or spray.

How to stretch boots

Relatively more volumetric products, like boots or shoes, you can break them in by following the methods indicated above. For those who have little free time, and tight boots need to be stretched quite quickly, the option of taking the products to a workshop remains relevant.

At home, you can make leather boots comfortable if you use an option using alcohol. Or you can resort to another folk “remedy”, in which stretching tight boots can be done using a hairdryer. But this will also require a stretcher in the form of a cream. It should be applied in those places where the shoes are pinching after warming them well with a hairdryer. After this, wearing a thick sock, you need to wear the boots for 20-30 minutes. And when the products have cooled, you will need to repeat the procedure. Repeat until wearing the product becomes comfortable.

The main thing after such procedures is to properly treat wardrobe items. To prevent leather boots from deteriorating, it is better to lubricate them with a special cream or a small amount of castor oil.

This way, you will get comfortable boots and maintain their appearance.

To achieve the desired effect and wear tight shoes at home, you need to choose the most suitable option. However, it is best to initially purchase comfortable shoes. The following recommendations will help you with this: