Use the power of the subconscious and consciousness to solve any problems.

So, the subconscious is fertile soil into which you can sow anything. “Seeds” are our thoughts, emotions, attitudes, beliefs, desires, intentions. “Our life is what our thoughts make it”, - Dale Carnegie quotes this phrase, calling it this: eight words that can change your destiny.

But what to do if the mind is overwhelmed by weed thoughts: fears, negative expectations, bad attitude towards oneself, distrust of the world? Where can I find a source of other thoughts - bright, positive, carrying self-confidence and faith in victory?

Such a source exists - and it is also within us. One of the names that Joseph Murphy gives it is inner wisdom. You can call this source differently - Divine power, Universal life force, Higher intelligence, Creative power of the universe, channel of communication with Divinity.

Such definitions are universal regardless of what religion you profess, or whether you practice it at all. Even if you consider yourself an atheist, you are undoubtedly confident in the reality of such a thing as a soul.

In fact, you don’t consider yourself only a material body? There is a whole world inside you that goes far beyond the body. This is what you call "I". Your thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams, dreams, ideas about life...

But not only. There is something inside you that goes beyond the ordinary. It’s like some other dimension in which you are connected with the whole world, with the universe and with an unknown supermundane source of power. This source is usually called God, but if you associate this word with religion and you don’t like it, you can call it differently.

It is not the name that is important, but your ability to feel the connection with this source - as with some boundless, silent, calm and kind force that is always present within you!

To live harmoniously and happily, no matter what religion you profess, you need to believe in the existence of certain higher powers that created people and that guide us throughout the entire path of our lives. As soon as you internalize this thought, as soon as you accept it with all your soul, you will gain a new, spiritual meaning of your existence.

By connecting with this higher source, you can feel that all fears, all anxieties and all negative thoughts and feelings.

By connecting with this source, we invariably calm down and begin to experience a feeling of quiet joy, enjoyment of being as such. It’s as if we are caught up in a warm, gentle wave, which gives us a feeling of security, peace, and confidence that we are moving in the right direction.

Perhaps you have experienced something similar more than once, spontaneously entering this state at some special moments in your life - for example, when you were doing something you love, which you are very good at, or simply admiring the starry sky, a majestic natural landscape, or admiring the beauty of some flower, or maybe a work of art.

An elevated state of inspiration, delight in beauty, enjoyment of life - these are also touches of Divinity.

Not to some external God, far from people - but to the God who is inside every person!
You can learn to enter such a state quite consciously. It's not so difficult - you just need to turn inside yourself, enter your inner space. You will definitely find a source of joy, spiritual beauty, wisdom, and inspiration there. And then at any moment you will be able to draw support from this internal source, find support and protection, self-confidence and optimism in it.

The thoughts that come to you from this source will invariably turn out to be happy thoughts that can create a happy life for you!


Discover your source of inner wisdom

Sit in any comfortable position where you feel calm and comfortable, and where no one will disturb you. You can do this exercise in the evening before going to bed. The main thing is that you can relax and let go of all anxious, restless thoughts.

Close your eyes and direct your attention inward. There is no need to wait for anything and try to get some result. This is your meeting with yourself, with your innermost essence. It is simply impossible to make a mistake and do something wrong here. Any experience will be useful for you.

Imagine that you find yourself in some other space. The space inside you is really different, it has no relation to the outside world.

You will notice that this inner space is endless, has no beginning or end, and is not limited by the boundaries of your body. This is your inner space.

Imagine listening to this inner space - listening to its silence and peace. You seem to freeze and listen very carefully, as if wanting to catch even the slightest rustle. The outside world recedes, you don't care about what's outside now. You are completely focused within.

You will realize that you are listening to silence, but it is a filled silence. You are not in emptiness, you feel that your inner space is filled - this is the fullness of consciousness, aware and observing both itself and its surroundings.

When you feel that you are imbued with this inner peace and silence, say to yourself: “I Am That I Am.”

These are not just words - they are a code that connects your mind with the mind of the universe, God, with the Higher powers, with the universal mind, with the source of inner wisdom. This is how you tell the universe that you exist, that you are you.

Listen again to the space and you will feel a silent response. Repeat “I Am Who I Am” a few more times to yourself and then out loud.

. What has changed inside you?

. Did you feel joy, blissful peace, strength, confidence?

This means that you have managed to connect with your own Divine source.

How to use gratitude to increase the flow of all kinds of blessings into your life

You may notice that the source of inner wisdom is always with you. You just didn’t pay attention to his presence before. You didn’t listen to him, but he always gave you the best advice.

And if you made mistakes in your life - made the wrong choice - it was only because you listened to advice coming from somewhere outside, and not from within!

You were guided by what other people would say and think, what was considered correct in your environment, and what your friends and family advised. These tips may not be bad, but they are not yours. This means that they may be suitable for others, but not suitable for you.

You probably remember situations when you were guided by this inner source. Otherwise, they did what their heart told them, what their intuition advised. It was these actions and deeds that were the most successful and correct.

There are many good things in your life! All this was created for you by your inner wisdom, or Divine source. This is a force that sometimes acts against our will - simply because it knows better what will be good for us.

We sometimes do not pay attention to the good that fate (or a Higher Power) sends us, we take it for granted. Whereas we concentrate too much on troubles, paying too much attention to them. In this way, we constantly send a signal to the subconscious about troubles, and, without noticing how, we sow and sow new seeds.

If we notice the good that comes into our lives - and it comes to us every day - we will tune our subconscious to the arrival of this good in ever-increasing volumes.

One of Dale Carnegie's most important pieces of advice is, "Count your blessings, not your woes."“Grace” is that good thing that fate, a Higher Power or God bestows upon us, but which we are accustomed to not noticing. You have a roof over your head, and on your table the daily necessary food and water, you can walk, breathe, look, talk, read, think, grow, develop, learn about yourself and the world, love, communicate with loved ones, do what you love - all these are great gifts, and if we value them, they multiply; if we don’t value them, alas, they decrease.

Appreciating your “graces” and giving thanks for them - life, fate, God, a Higher Power - is also a wonderful way to strengthen your connection with the Universal source of strength and wisdom of the universe. In addition, by doing this, you will begin to tune your conscious and subconscious mind to positive mood, and this will help you attract more and more benefits into your life!

Archimandrite Zacharias (Zakharu) is a famous modern theologian, confessor of the St. John the Baptist Monastery in England, founded by Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov). Father Zechariah labored alongside Elder Sophronius for more than twenty years and translated his books into Greek, and also wrote his own, some of which were translated into Russian (“Christ as the path of our life”, “The Hidden Man of the Heart”). The portal publishes a translation of the lecture by Father Zacharias, which he delivered on September 5, 2015 to the Orthodox youth of Romania, where he came at the personal invitation of the Romanian Patriarch Daniel.

The theme that I bring to your attention this evening is connection with God as the foundation of our connection with our neighbor.

In a person's life, two periods are of most importance: the age of youth, when a person lays a solid foundation for his entire stay on earth - so as to redeem for his years the wealth of eternity - and then the age of old age, sealing the virtue and piety of his life with that crown of righteousness, which the Lord Jesus Christ, the Righteous and Eternal Judge, will reward those who loved His Coming to earth and those who honored His Gospel.

In youth, a person is filled with enthusiasm, full of zeal for the light of knowledge, thirsts for perfection, improvement and, most of all, establishes connections with his own kind, with his fellow man, which can reveal the value of his natural, natural talents. And if a person continually tries to wisely redeem the time of this life, receiving in return imperishable grace, then his old age will be inspired by zeal for the world there, which his heart yearns for and which he is in a hurry to achieve. It [old age] will be adorned with supernatural gifts and animated by a living hope in the merciful embrace of the Father of bounties and the God of all consolation.

This evening I would like us to dwell a little on connections with our own kind - a subject that greatly interests all young people, but in fact, all people. For these connections to be creative and life-giving, certain conditions must be met.

One who establishes a connection with another person must clearly know his origins, as well as his goal and purpose. God created man out of nothing and directly Himself, taking the dust of the earth with His own hands and breathing into his face the breath of life. God settled man in the paradise of sweets and gave him a commandment in order to help him maintain humility and not cross the limits of his created nature. Only in this way could he remain in living connection with his Creator and ultimately fulfill his high destiny - to achieve spiritual perfection.

As long as a person kept the commandment, he enjoyed an intimate relationship with God and was always in His presence, filled with gratitude, peace and the sweetness of humble love. In the light of God's face, Adam also had a harmonious relationship with Eve, which increased his joy and inspiration. Adam considered Eve his very life and more valuable than everything around him in paradise. Therefore, giving thanks to God for her, for the help given to him, he said: “Behold, this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Gen. 2:23).

Adam perceived Eve as a body from his body, and they were so pure in front of each other that although they were both naked, they were devoid of all passion and were not ashamed. A short time later, however, Adam and Eve allowed themselves to be seduced by the temptation of the enemy to become gods and rejected the commandment of the Creator, which shook their connection with God, as well as the connection between them. Having appeared lawless and a transgressor of the commandment, Adam also lost the feeling of the generosity and friendship of God that he had before when he spoke with Him face to face.

Then, being both guilty, Adam and Eve hid from the face of the Lord God among the trees of paradise. Violation of the commandment removed the primordial ones from the Creator and filled them with fear of death, which entered their lives as just retribution for sin, as the Good God warned them from the very beginning.

However, between them there was no longer the former innocence and communication of love. When God meekly demanded an answer from them for their action, they both rebelled against Him, condemning Him as guilty of their tragedy, and each no longer saw in the other his very life, as before, but only the cause of death.

Tracing the history of mankind as Scripture presents it to us, we see that the connections between people are becoming increasingly tragic

Tracing the history of mankind, as Scripture presents it to us, we see that the connections between people are becoming increasingly tragic. Once upon a time, Adam's son Cain brought an unclean sacrifice to God, and therefore God was not pleased with him. Then, driven by envy and murderous hatred, he took the life of his brother. And since the entire human race now lived under the rule of the fear of death, then, out of self-love, in the struggle for survival, he did nothing more than destroy himself and, being in this self-deception, came into a state of all kinds of lawlessness.

Over the long centuries that followed, only a few righteous people managed to retain in themselves some of the features of the knowledge of God that the pristine ones had in paradise. They retained in their conscience a little of that light of reverence that is due to God, and this gave them the strength to strive to establish a connection pleasing to Him. In the light of this connection, they were given a prophetic knowledge of states that foreshadowed the grace and truth that were about to descend from heaven to fulfill the times.

Patriarch Jacob was one of the Old Testament righteous people whose life can serve as an example for us. Wandering through the desert and having suffered many evils there, righteous Jacob wanted to return to the house of his father, Isaac. But he found himself in a terrible dilemma: if he remained in the desert, he would not be able to survive, and if he returned to his home, he would not escape the murderous severity and rage of his brother, Esau.

God taught Jacob a very important word: “Because you have been strong with God, you will also be strong with men.”

It was humanly impossible to get out of this dead end, and then, filled with sadness, he turned to God in prayer. He stood all night, humbling himself in order to find grace before the Lord. At dawn, Jacob felt the approach of God and intensified his prayer, saying that he would not leave Him until he received a blessing from Him. And God began to speak to Jacob, teaching him a very important word: “Because you were strong with God, you will also be strong with people” (cf. Gen. 32:28).

The next day, sealed by the blessing of God he had received, Jacob went to meet Esau. Although he had previously pursued him with a large army to kill him, he now embraced him and, falling on his neck, kissed him and cried. So they again bonded with brotherly love. And, as Scripture testifies, God’s blessing on Jacob was so strong that when he saw the face of Esau, it seemed to him as if he saw the face of God (see: Gen. 33:10).

However, Jacob received this blessing only after he wrestled with the Lord in prayer all night and humbled himself to the end. He humbled himself, however, before Esau, for, approaching him, he bowed down to him seven times to the ground. God responded to the humility with which Jacob struggled in prayer by teaching him a word that became for him the foundation and law that holds and strengthens every connection, making it bear imperishable and lasting fruit in eternity: “Because you have been strong with God, so also with You will be strong among men” (cf. Gen. 32:28).

The prophet Joel also gives us a word of instruction that enlightens our minds and strengthens our hearts so that we can establish a perfect connection with God and all creation. He says, “The vine is withered and the fig tree is withered; the pomegranate tree, the palm tree and the apple tree, all the trees in the field withered; and moreover, joy has become a reproach to the sons of men” (cf. Joel 1:12).

According to the prophet, there is only one joy that deserves our honor, and this is the joy that comes from God Himself, because only it is perfect and complete. Being given by God, it works by the Holy Spirit. We give due honor to this priceless joy when we keep our lives and consciences pure by keeping the commandments. Then the heart receives strength to stand with boldness and fear before the face of Christ, who rewards it with the peace of reconciliation with God and His undying consolation, which gives the soul assurance of its salvation in eternity.

If the joy of God reigns in our lives, then connections with those like us become a source of joy

The holy and complete joy that Christ promised to His servants inspires in them fear and wisdom not to rely on themselves, but to remain within the limits of their created nature and be able to use all the joy and consolation that creation can offer them for the glory of God and sanctification souls. But when people make reproach of the true and immaculate joy that flows from God, then all other sources of natural joy dry up and can no longer bring them consolation, being deprived of the life-giving grace of God. They bring the anguish of self-love and the seed of decay and death. On the contrary, if the joy of God reigns in our lives, then connections with those like us become a source of joy and become strong and full of creative inspiration.

But when a person relies unduly on them [connections], then they themselves close the way for him to acquire the supernatural gifts that God gives in His goodness and mercy.

We also note this in relation to our relationships with others. Without a strong foundation of our sacred connection with God, relationships with those like us will be weak, fragile and ready to fall apart at any time and turn into a never-ending source of pain and torment. That is why the Lord says that every wise person who has comprehended the mystery of the Kingdom of God brings out from his treasury the old and the new (see: Matt. 13:52). In other words, he makes sure that the properties of his fallen human nature, that is, the old, serve to multiply the supernatural gifts, that is, the new, which God honors him on the path of spiritual renewal for His glory and the salvation of all people.

Of course, everything that happened to the ancients was nothing more than shadows that God had to clarify for us in the last days.

In the person of the Lord Jesus, absolute truth was revealed to us, and we came to know a perfect relationship with God and neighbor. During His sojourn in the flesh, Christ revealed to us the bond of perfect love in the bosom of the Holy Trinity. The Son reveals and glorifies the Name of the Heavenly Father, the Father glorifies the Son and testifies that the Son abides entirely in the Father, that the Father abides entirely in the Son, and that He is the Son of His love in whom He was well pleased.

The Son glorifies the Father, and the Father glorifies the Son, and He does this immediately, naturally. And the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, rests in the Son and glorifies Him, makes the life of the Son known and instructs the disciples of Christ into all truth, that is, into the fullness of Divine love.

Christ revealed His Divine Personality to us through communication with the Heavenly Father, keeping His commandment and obeying it and thus remaining entirely in His love, and in relation to man He also showed perfect love: loving His own in the world, He loved them to the end (see: John 13: 1). In order for the world to know that His love - both for God and for man - is true and perfect, Christ walked the path of suffering and crucifixion on Calvary. He descended into the grave and even deeper, into the lowest parts of the earth, in order to fill all creation with His Divine presence and so that we could thus meet Him in every place and in every circumstance of our lives. Being innocent and sinless, He became a curse for us, in order by His death and resurrection to reconcile us with the Heavenly Father, and by His ascension above heaven to give us the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

This wondrous God has given us the commandment to follow His example if we want to become His eternal property. He humbled Himself and became the Minister of our salvation, giving His life for the sake of redemption, in order to deliver all mankind from the death of sin.

We know that the Gospel of Christ was not received from man and it is not according to man. The Lord Himself assures us that without Him we cannot do a single good deed. Therefore, as He showed Nicodemus, we must be born again in order to comprehend His mysteries, fulfill His commandments and thus become qualified for the Kingdom of God. We understand, therefore, that in the state in which we find ourselves, nothing can help us fulfill our high destiny - to become sons of the Kingdom: neither the vanity of the world in which we live, nor the transitory successes of the human mind. Moreover: we ourselves do not have sufficient light in our minds and strength in our hearts to reject all the filth and abundance of evil that we carry within ourselves and rise above the walls that fence us off.

We are not able to be in the presence of God in order to thus receive from Him the gift of the Holy Spirit and become a new creature who can do every good work and have a pleasing relationship with his own kind. We will be blessed, however, if, having become convinced of our poverty and insignificance, we turn to God, realizing what honor He has honored us by turning His commandments and promises to us.

As the Gospel of Christ testifies to us, to those who accepted Him, who believe in His name, He gave the power to become children of God (cf. John 1:12). When a person accepts the word of Christ, He renews his entire being. Being the seed of God in man, the word is established within him as the law of his life and no longer allows him to sin, because he is born of God. A person who is born again receives another mind, namely the mind of Christ, and also another understanding - that which is in Christ Jesus. Such a person receives a new heart, in which Christ dwells through faith. In other words, he rises to the likeness of Christ and fulfills his destiny.

Having acquired the mind of Christ, he understands what the meaning of each person is, and therefore never dares to seduce one of these little ones.

In this way a person acquires the mind of Christ. This means that he understands God's plan for each soul and is inspired and zealous to work with God in the great ministry of reviving the sons of the Kingdom. He realizes the honor and mercy that the Creator showers on him when he visits him from evening to morning and from morning to evening. He now understands what the meaning of each person is, and therefore he never dares to seduce one of these little ones, that is, his brothers, since they have the same purpose as he.

Just as Christ carried all humanity in His heart, prayed for everyone in bloody sweat in the Garden of Gethsemane, suffered, was crucified and rose again for the salvation of the world, ascended to heaven, where he now intercedes for all of Adam, so does man, born again, love God with everything with his heart and prays for the salvation of everyone as for his own salvation. And again, just as Christ became the new Adam, in whose person everything was fulfilled, so the believer, having known the new birth, becomes another Adam, another center of all creation, which he brings before God in fervent prayer. It is impossible for such a person not to honor his neighbor.

I said that a person who is regenerated spiritually acquires the mind of Christ. As the holy Apostle Paul points out, this mind presupposes a sacred competition between the believers of Christ: which of them, having rejected their own will, will humble themselves more before the other, which of them will consider more honorable and love the other more than themselves. In fact, these are the properties of humility and love that Christ showed when He came to earth, not so that He would be served, but so that He would serve and give His soul for the ransom of many (see: Mark 10:45).

Believers also acquire these properties when they are born again by the Father of the next age (see: Is. 9: 6), the Author and Finisher of our salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ. Based on a similar understanding and similar life principles, the connections of the children of God will also begin to carry within themselves the guarantee of heaven in this life.

I also said that those who are born again acquire a heart in which Christ dwells through faith. According to biblical anthropology and Orthodox Tradition, a person’s heart is the center of his personality. The choice is made in the heart and all decisions are made in the heart. There God reveals himself to him, and there He deigns to dwell. There a person touches God and through God receives a sense of community with the entire human race. God makes the heart His footstool and expands it with His grace so that it can embrace heaven and earth.

He who carries within himself the sacred expansion of his heart will never offend his neighbor - knowing that this will disfigure his soul - but will perceive him as his very life. And the connections that such a person will establish with others, as well as the words that he will utter, will convey the grace of hearts A those around you. He knows the great secret of spiritual life: nothing is needed except to present a humble heart to the Lord, so that He will make it a pure heart, in which traces of the presence of God never disappear and which can move to where his treasure is found hidden.

A person who is pleasing to God has two enemies that he guards against: pride and despair. He is wary of pride, knowing that it cools the heart and deprives it of the power to love. The proud person is so full of himself that nothing else can fit in him and he remains completely closed to others. The believer is also wary of despair, because it represents the God of salvation as powerless to defeat the evil within us and thus pushes him into the grave sin of blasphemy. The life in the heart then dries up, and it can no longer communicate either with God or with other people.

Humility delivers us from these two misfortunes, that is, pride and despair. Just as salt prevents food from spoiling and gives it flavor, so humility keeps love always fresh and alive. It gives the heart a fragrance pleasing to the Lord, and makes it worthy to become the temple of God and the abode of the Holy Spirit.

Just as Christ first descended into the nether regions of the earth and then ascended above all the heavens (see: Eph. 4:9-10), so humble love sets steps or ascents in the human heart. On the same steps that Christ walked to descend to man, man also steps to ascend to God. Then, led by the Spirit of God, a person gives up every sinful deed, cleanses his soul from all thoughts and desires that are contrary to God, is healed from the infection of sin, increases his zeal for heavenly things, does deeds pleasing to God, and penetrates into the sacred breadth of Divine love, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, ascends from strength to strength (see: Ps. 83: 8), becomes a child and heir of God and a joint heir with Christ.

God knew that no one could himself receive the fullness of His gifts, and therefore did not leave man, devastated by sin, as he was, but sent His Only Begotten Son into the world, Who created His Body in history, that is, His Church, to which He handed over all the glory and perfection of His gifts. We become members of the Church through repentance and faith in the word of Christ, submitting our minds and hearts to His saving will.

Each believer who repents is given a separate gift of the Holy Spirit. This gift is the bond that keeps us united to the marvelous Body of Christ and makes us partakers of the gifts of all the other members of the perfect fellowship of grace: the saints in heaven, the elect of God on earth. The soul is enriched by this communion between God and man; it is for it the starting point, which leads it and keeps it faithfully on the path of truth, revealed to us by Christ.

The bonds between the members of the Body are distinguished by the fact that they bear the stamp of love, which operates to the extent that we fulfill the commandments of Christ. Within this Body, according to the word of the apostle, we listen to each other in order to encourage each other to love and good deeds (see: Heb. 10: 24). Spiritual perfection is possible only within the Body of the Church, [through] the giving of gifts to all its members. The apostle affirms the same thing when he says that only together with all the saints can we understand what the breadth and length, depth and height of the love of Christ are (see: Eph. 3: 18–19).

On a smaller scale, we see the same spiritual growth taking place in the harmonious connection in Christ between a man and a woman, when they both humbly try to replenish their gifts and thus achieve love that does not seek its own, the only one that guides them to the Kingdom of Heaven.

In connections and communication with God and other people, in which we need to try to fulfill our destiny, personal freedom is of great importance. As far as God is concerned, His freedom is absolute, since He can create out of nothing. God lacks nothing and does not need anything. With all this, out of the fullness of His love, He not only created man, but also, for his salvation, humbled Himself, taking on the form of a servant (see Phil. 2:7), and did not fail to descend to hell.

How more people tries to live without sin, the more he frees himself from the rubble of passions. No one can force God, but He does not impose His will on His thinking creatures. Likewise, a person who has found grace before God does not want to limit the freedom of any mortal, but he also does not want his spirit to be under the dominion of another. He seeks to become like Christ, Who conquered the world with His humble love and draws to Himself, of their own free will, all who willingly and in complete freedom agree to follow Him.

The freedom that a person born of the spirit seeks is not political or social, but exclusively spiritual - freedom of the heart.

The freedom that a person born of the spirit seeks is not political or social, but exclusively spiritual - freedom of the heart. The more he is sanctified, the more free he becomes. Holiness, therefore, is not a moral principle, but exclusively and entirely spiritual, ontological. A saint is not one who has managed to have impeccable behavior from a moral point of view, but one who keeps the word of Christ, collecting within himself the grace of the Holy Spirit.

When a person's heart begins to open to grace, it takes possession of him. And since it is the very root of his being, then when by grace a person becomes the master of his heart, he becomes the master of his entire nature. Thus, he builds the temple of God in his soul. He is free and no longer wants to sin, not for the reason that sin is prohibited or inappropriate from a moral point of view, but because he does not want to destroy the temple of God that is within him.

If we want to have a living connection with God, that is, to love Him with all our hearts and always abide in His presence, we need a heart that is pure, free and unoccupied. And the heart becomes free when we destroy the law of sin in it through repentance, and the commandments of God become the only law of our being. The soul is then given a state of perfection and Divine love, in which it learns unceasing prayer to God and through it, love for one’s neighbor.

Such a prayer confirms that man is the image and likeness of God, who at the same time honors and loves his neighbor. The Word of God inspires in us the desire to put our brothers first and consider them higher than ourselves. Love for His word keeps us steadfast in the harsh path of His will. Thus, for us, the word of God always remains the word of the cross, leading us from the abundance of spiritual life to the freedom of dispassion, giving peace to our being.

My dears, today I offer you a new lesson on communicating with your Higher Self, with the Soul...

I see that many of you are trying, trying, striving to understand this subtle science. And you will succeed, since all the potential is hidden deep within each of you.

There is NO limit to the revelation of your abilities, expansion of consciousness, enlightenment! You will succeed: sooner or later.

But many of you have already adjusted this subtle connection with higher aspects in past incarnations and now it is easier for them than for others. They just have to tune in just a little bit, just a little bit, they are already close to the goal...

But each of you is capable of this, believe in yourself, in your strength. The greater your desire to receive this divine connection, the more effort you put into achieving your goal, even if it takes weeks and months.

But right now, at this wonderful time of transformation and transition to a new spiritual level, with the arrival of new cosmic energies, many blocks and restrictions have been removed from you. And what you couldn’t do before is now easier. Try, don't give up...

And today I will tell you about one more reason why you cannot hear your Higher Self, set up a channel with your higher aspects...

For some, but not all, of you, your physical body may interfere with your ability to connect with higher intelligence. You are too grounded to receive high energy information.

And you need to “break away” from your physical shell, rise to more subtle planes, and raise the level of your vibrations. And for this I offer you the following practice.


My dears, it is best to do this practice in a meditative state, when you are calm and relaxed, when you are in inner harmony and balance.

Lie down or sit in a quiet place where no one will disturb you. Relax all parts of your physical body: arms, legs, head, neck...

In order to completely relax, imagine that you are a STONE.

Very heavy and large, lying on the ground. Feel how your whole body begins to turn to stone from head to toe.

You can start with your feet and rise higher and higher... turn to stone... Your legs turn into stone, become immobilized, you don’t feel them at all, you don’t feel them, as if they simply aren’t there...

This unusual wave gradually moves through your entire body. And thus you gradually move from one part of the body to another until you are completely turned into stone.

Feeling like a stone, you will not be able to move your arm or leg... You will not be able to raise your head or do anything else... Your body is a stone. You don't feel it, you are separated from it. You are hovering over it...

Now fill yourself with pure divine Light and Love... Light this Light in yourself or ask from the subtle plane: from God, from the Angels, from the Light Forces... Raise your vibration level with this action.

And now you shine and unconditionally love everything around you...

And in the complete silence of your consciousness (Practice “Clouds”), turn to your Higher Self, to your Soul... ask a simple question (Practice “Simple Question”).

Try it, maybe this is exactly what prevented you from hearing the answer of your Higher Self.

Your loving Father God.

Accepted by Magda, 06/06/2016

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Alex Narbut. Techniques of Joseph Murphy and Dale Carnegie. Use the power of the subconscious and consciousness to solve any problems.

So, the subconscious is fertile soil into which you can sow anything. “Seeds” are our thoughts, emotions, attitudes, beliefs, desires, intentions. “Our life is what our thoughts make it,” - Dale Carnegie quotes this phrase, calling it this: eight words that can change your destiny.

But what to do if the mind is overwhelmed by weed thoughts: fears, negative expectations, bad attitude towards oneself, distrust of the world? Where can I find a source of other thoughts - bright, positive, carrying self-confidence and faith in victory?

Such a source exists - and it is also within us. One of the names that Joseph Murphy gives it is inner wisdom. You can call this source differently - Divine power, Universal life force, Higher intelligence, Creative power of the universe, channel of communication with Divinity.

Such definitions are universal regardless of what religion you profess, or whether you practice it at all. Even if you consider yourself an atheist, you are undoubtedly confident in the reality of such a thing as a soul.

In fact, you don’t consider yourself only a material body? There is a whole world inside you that goes far beyond the body. This is what you call "I". Your thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams, dreams, ideas about life...

But not only. There is something inside you that goes beyond the ordinary. It’s like some other dimension in which you are connected with the whole world, with the universe and with an unknown supermundane source of power. This source is usually called God, but if you associate this word with religion and you don’t like it, you can call it differently.

It is not the name that is important, but your ability to feel the connection with this source - as with some boundless, silent, calm and kind force that is always present within you!

To live harmoniously and happily, no matter what religion you profess, you need to believe in the existence of certain higher powers that created people and that guide us throughout the entire path of our lives. As soon as you internalize this thought, as soon as you accept it with all your soul, you will gain a new, spiritual meaning of your existence.

Joseph Murphy. Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind for a More Spiritual Life
By connecting with this higher source, you can feel all fears, all worries and all negative thoughts and feelings go away.

By connecting with this source, we invariably calm down and begin to experience a feeling of quiet joy, enjoyment of being as such. It’s as if we are caught up in a warm, gentle wave, which gives us a feeling of security, peace, and confidence that we are moving in the right direction.

Perhaps you have experienced something similar more than once, spontaneously entering this state at some special moments in your life - for example, when you were doing something you love, which you are very good at, or simply admiring the starry sky, a majestic natural landscape, or admiring the beauty of some flower, or maybe a work of art.

An elevated state of inspiration, delight in beauty, enjoyment of life is also a touch of Divinity.

Not to some external God, far from people - but to the God who is inside every person!
You can learn to enter such a state quite consciously. It’s not so difficult - you just need to turn inside yourself, enter your inner space. You will definitely find a source of joy, spiritual beauty, wisdom, and inspiration there. And then at any moment you will be able to draw support from this internal source, find support and protection, self-confidence and optimism in it.

The thoughts that come to you from this source will invariably turn out to be happy thoughts that can create a happy life for you!


Discover your source of inner wisdom

Sit in any comfortable position where you feel calm and comfortable, and where no one will disturb you. You can do this exercise in the evening before going to bed. The main thing is that you can relax and let go of all anxious, restless thoughts.

Close your eyes and direct your attention inward. There is no need to wait for anything and try to get some result. This is your meeting with yourself, with your innermost essence. It is simply impossible to make a mistake and do something wrong here. Any experience will be useful for you.

Imagine that you find yourself in some other space. The space inside you is really different, it has no relation to the outside world.

You will notice that this inner space is endless, has no beginning or end, and is not limited by the boundaries of your body. This is your inner space.

Imagine that you are listening to this inner space - listening to its silence and peace. You seem to freeze and listen very carefully, as if wanting to catch even the slightest rustle. The outside world recedes, you don't care about what's outside now. You are completely focused within.

You will realize that you are listening to silence, but it is a filled silence. You are not in emptiness, you feel that your inner space is filled - this is the fullness of consciousness, aware and observing both itself and its surroundings.

When you feel that you are imbued with this inner peace and silence, say to yourself: “I Am That I Am.”

These are not just words - they are a code that connects your mind with the mind of the universe, God, with the Higher powers, with the universal mind, with the source of inner wisdom. This is how you tell the universe that you exist, that you are you.

Listen again to the space and you will feel a silent response. Repeat “I Am Who I Am” a few more times to yourself and then out loud.

What has changed inside you?

Did you feel joy, blissful peace, strength, confidence?

This means that you have managed to connect with your own Divine source.

How to use gratitude to increase the flow of all kinds of blessings into your life

You may notice that the source of inner wisdom is always with you. You just didn’t pay attention to his presence before. You didn’t listen to him, but he always gave you the best advice.

And if you made mistakes in your life - made the wrong choice - it was only because you listened to advice coming from somewhere outside, and not from within!

You were guided by what other people would say and think, what was considered correct in your environment, and what your friends and family advised. These tips may not be bad, but they are not yours. This means that they may be suitable for others, but not suitable for you.

You probably remember situations when you were guided by this inner source. Otherwise, they did what their heart told them, what their intuition advised. It was these actions and deeds that were the most successful and correct.

There are many good things in your life! All this was created for you by your inner wisdom, or Divine source. This is a force that sometimes acts against our will - simply because it knows better what will be good for us.

We sometimes do not pay attention to the good that fate (or a Higher Power) sends us, we take it for granted. Whereas we concentrate too much on troubles, paying too much attention to them. In this way, we constantly send a signal to the subconscious about troubles, and, without noticing how, we sow and sow new seeds.

If we notice the good that comes into our lives - and it comes to us every day - we will tune our subconscious to the arrival of this good in ever-increasing volumes.

One of Dale Carnegie's most important pieces of advice is, "Count your blessings, not your woes." “Grace” is that good thing that fate, a Higher Power or God bestows upon us, but which we are accustomed to not noticing. You have a roof over your head, and on your table the daily necessary food and water, you can walk, breathe, look, talk, read, think, grow, develop, learn about yourself and the world, love, communicate with loved ones, do what you love - all these are great gifts, and if we value them, they multiply; if we don’t value them, alas, they decrease.

Appreciating your “graces” and giving thanks for them - life, fate, God, a Higher Power - is also a wonderful way to strengthen your connection with the Universal source of strength and wisdom of the universe. In addition, by doing this, you will begin to tune your consciousness and subconscious in a positive way, and this will help you attract more and more benefits into your life!


Learn to be grateful for everything, even the little things

Take paper, a pen, and start writing down (at least briefly indicating) all the good things that you have, but for which you forget to thank life and fate. Don't forget about the little things!

For example :

Someone smiled at you and said kind word– thank this person, and at the same time the universe, which sends you such pleasant meetings;

The weather is good outside, it’s easy to breathe - take it as a gift to you personally, thank you;

Taste the taste of ordinary food, rejoice that you are full and the food is delicious - thank nature, God, the universe;

Thank you for the fact that you have sources of income - regardless of whether they seem sufficient to you or not;

Rejoice and be grateful that you have a body that gives you many possibilities;

Thank the Higher Power for helping you understand yourself and the world, for the fact that the necessary knowledge comes to you, the necessary books appear, and the necessary meetings take place.

Update the list daily. You will see how much there is in your life to be grateful for. The more you thank, the more benefits will come to you.

Only inner silence and peace in the soul lead to success

You have already noticed that contact with the inner source of strength and wisdom - or with the source of Divinity - is facilitated by inner silence and peace. If you learn to enter a state of calm and relaxation, then your meeting with the Divine within you will happen almost automatically.

Maybe you are familiar with the sensations of quiet joy, peace of mind, harmony, enjoyment of life, simply the very fact of your existence. This is a touch to Divinity. And this happens to you when your mind is free, not busy with any thoughts, when you are relaxed, resting. In such situations, your consciousness is open, and God easily enters into an open consciousness.

You don't even have to try, make any effort to touch Divinity. You just need to free your consciousness. And to do this, you need to learn to control your thoughts and stop the internal dialogue.

This seems difficult only at first glance. In fact, you already know how to do this!

There have been moments in your life when the usual rush of thoughts stopped in your head. This could be when you were looking at the starry sky or admiring something beautiful. You may have noticed that the crush of thoughts does not give anything - usually it is just a pouring from empty to empty. True solutions to problems, true understanding of the essence of a particular issue, in general, truth in all its manifestations comes only to a silent mind. Truth cannot enter a mind filled with meaningless vanity of thoughts.

Give yourself time, and you will learn to stop the internal dialogue for a couple of seconds at first - and this will already be an achievement. Remember this state! Then you will be able to remain in a state of inner silence longer and longer. And finally, you will feel that your meeting with the source of inner wisdom is happening easily, as if by order - for this you just need to enter your inner space, your inner cosmos, as if into some other, spiritual dimension, and stop the internal dialogue.

The following exercise will help you with this.


Stopping internal dialogue

First, start paying attention to the thoughts that come into your head. Spend some time on this - for example, decide that you will notice the thoughts that come into your head for the next half hour, or while you are driving to work, or during your lunch break.

Just be aware of what you are thinking about. How important are these thoughts? What changes when you think about them? Do you come to any conclusions and decisions, or is this just a waste of time?

Start controlling your thoughts - weed out everything random and unnecessary that comes to mind. You will notice that just paying attention to your thoughts can stop your internal dialogue.

Then complicate the exercise a little: try to track every thought that comes to your mind, no longer assessing how useful and necessary it is. Imagine that you, as a hunter, are tracking: what thought will come to mind next?

If you are truly an alert hunter, thoughts will not be able to enter your head. They arise only when you are in a state of unconsciousness. Once you enter a state of conscious monitoring of thoughts and stay there for a while, you will stop the internal dialogue.

First, try remaining in a state of thoughtlessness for a few seconds, then gradually extend this state. You will feel that stopping the internal dialogue is associated with a pleasant feeling of lightness, bliss, as if you are moving in some kind of stream of energy, or soaring above the ground. This means that you have connected with your inner source of Divinity.

Remember this state, and you will be able to enter it instantly, according to your desire.

Chapter 2
Make your thoughts omnipotent

Discover the power of conviction, faith and prayer

We create our lives with our thoughts - but on one condition: if these thoughts have power!

For a thought to work, energy must be invested in it. What creates this energy? Our own conviction.

Think about what happened in your life exactly as you wanted - and what you got that you seemingly didn’t want at all. In other words, what is good in your life that corresponds to your desires, and what is undesirable in it, such that it needs correction.

What do you think is common between the good and right and the unwanted, wrong that you get in life? This is common: both are created by the power of your conviction. The only difference is that good things come as a result of your conscious thoughts and beliefs, and undesirable things come as a result of unconscious ones. But if a belief is unconscious, this does not mean that it does not have power.

A belief is something that you are convinced of, and you are very strongly convinced, even if unconsciously.

For example, you may have given up doing something you love because you were unconsciously convinced that you weren’t good enough for it, or you were consciously convinced that you couldn’t make a living doing it. Both beliefs are enough for you to find yourself in some kind of unloved job.

This belief, having penetrated the subconscious, did its work precisely thanks to its strength. And your faith in its truth gave it strength.

We always get what we believe to be true!

Life is built according to the laws of faith. When it comes to yourself, life, the world - what do you believe in? What you believe in is what you will receive.

Joseph Murphy. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Start believing in the good things you really want! Develop positive beliefs about what you need in life. And empower them with the power of your faith!

Dale Carnegie suggests filling your mind with thoughts about health, happiness, and prosperity, and Joseph Murphy advises giving these thoughts the power of prayer.

It is not at all necessary to understand the word “prayer” in a religious sense. Joseph Murphy uses it in a much broader sense. He even introduces the concept of “scientific prayer” and gives it the following definition: it is a harmonious interaction of consciousness and subconscious, skillfully aimed at achieving the desired goal.

Essentially, we pray whenever we really want something and dream about the fulfillment of our desire. When we are positive, dreamy, sublime, our subconscious mind directly connects with the Divine source.

Connecting our thoughts, our consciousness and subconscious with the power of the Divine source is the essence of prayer.

If you are a religious person, you can pray as your religion dictates. But be sure to compose your own prayers, or, if you want, call them differently: for example, appeals to a Higher Power, to God within yourself, to inner wisdom. In these prayers, talk about what you need, about your dreams and desires.

For your prayer to be effective, the following conditions must be met:

Talk about what you want not in the future tense, but as if it already exists in your life: instead of “I want to be healthy,” “I dream of wealth,” “I am healthy,” “I am rich,” etc. ;

Believe that all your words are true, that everything is exactly as you say;

Create an elevated, joyful mood for prayer, drive away all negative thoughts and feelings.

In response to a sincere, heartfelt prayer, the endless riches of the universe can be revealed to us. Believe that the universe is rich, abundant, and has everything you need.

Exercise 1

The experience of praying from the heart

Stay alone with yourself, close your eyes, relax, calm your thoughts, establish inner silence.

Direct your attention inward and imagine that your heart is a very delicate musical instrument, capable of producing beautiful sounds, but they are barely audible, and you need to listen very carefully to hear them.

Imagine that you are very sensitively listening to these sounds, to the strings of your heart. Tune in to their quiet and gentle sound. Imagine that this sound is like a wave that gently picks you up and slightly lifts you, elevates your soul, fills it with Divine love and warmth.

Say the words “I Am That I Am” several times - this will strengthen your connection with the Divine source.

If you want, tell yourself some kind of supportive, encouraging phrase, for example: “I’m doing well.”

When you feel uplifted, say (to yourself or out loud - whichever is more convenient for you) words in which you declare in the present tense everything that you need, or rather, talk about how you want to see yourself, how you imagine in your dreams of your life. Speak as if you already have it all!

For example:

“I’m full of energy, I’m young and healthy.”

"I am thriving."

“I have found my place in life, all my talents and abilities are being realized.”

“I do what I love and get decent pay for it.”

“I live in a beautiful house on the seashore, with my loved ones and close people next to me.”

Repeat these words with confidence that this is how it is. On the wave of Divine power, with faith in yourself, all this will certainly be realized.

The Power of Constructive Meditation and Relaxation

Another way to give strength to your thoughts, words and beliefs is meditation. Be sure to learn to meditate! Don’t let this word scare you, in which many hear a connotation of something mystical and mysterious. In fact, this is a completely natural, and at the same time healing state of mind and body.

Joseph Murphy says there is nothing mysterious about meditation. Meditation is simply a state of deep concentration on something. And in this sense, we all meditate, even if we don’t know it.

The problem is that unconscious, spontaneous meditation is not always constructive, and therefore does not guarantee positive results. For example, a person who always reads crime news and watches bad news on TV is also, to some extent, a meditator. But since he is focused only on the bad, scary, negative, then his meditation is negative. Accordingly, he will attract negative events and circumstances into his life.

And then there are people who “meditate” on their grievances, experiences, regrets, problems, and anxieties. They don’t know that in this way they create more and more new problems and anxieties for themselves!

Our task is to learn to meditate constructively.

Constructive meditation is not just focusing on work, or on your thoughts, or on some thing, it is focusing on higher, spiritual truths, or simply on feeling the presence of God, connecting with him.

The state of meditation itself promotes relaxation, deep relaxation. But it will be useful to first master exercises that will help you relax well. This is very important, because tense muscles prevent you from immersing yourself in peace and concentration. Practice relaxation in any way you like!

Here are some of them:

Stand up straight, inhale through your nose while counting to six, hold your breath for three counts, exhale, counting to six again, and again hold your breath for three counts; breathe like this until you enter the rhythm of this breathing, and you no longer need to count - at the same time all tension will go away, you will relax.

Sit or lie down so that you are comfortable, close your eyes, breathe regularly and calmly. Imagine using your attention to slowly examine your body, starting with your feet, and repeat to yourself: “My legs are relaxed, my feet are relaxed, my hips are relaxed. My stomach muscles are relaxed, my heart and lungs are relaxed, my head is relaxed, my whole body is completely relaxed.” Say these phrases as slowly as possible, while simultaneously feeling the state of your body. Repeat three to five times and you will feel relaxed.

How can we return to the frequency that will connect us with the Spirit?

Spirit is a spark of God, which the Soul protects in its core. And She opens only to unconditional Love.

We know Her shades - Kindness, Compassion, Humanity, a sense of Beauty, inner Dignity... we have experienced outbursts of these feelings more than once. And, perceiving yourself as an energy being, it is not difficult to recreate these frequencies in yourself. But if you don’t go further, it remains to please the ego, which considers itself very advanced, and changes little in consciousness. And in order for it to rise, these high feelings must be developed, deepened, experienced in their entirety and manifested in everyday life. And when they develop into qualities, into a gift from excess, the Soul joyfully opens up and admits to its most intimate, to the sacrament of mystery - the Spirit.

Love has no bottom

And kindness is like the vastness of the sea.

The more I spend,

The more vast and richer I become.

Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet

What is God, Light, Spirit?

Love is such a refined feeling that It erases the boundary between internal and external in consciousness, we become boundless Latitude and Calm, and in the sensation of the body only a point remains: the living, pulsating I-Am. This is a point of Light in which all potentials are curled up, striving to unfold into infinity. On this disclosure, that individual uniqueness develops, those features that the pattern of the Soul carries within itself. Just a dot. But this is a self-aware Spirit.

What is Spirit? Light? God? Is God the Spirit?

Let's turn to Wikipedia:

Spirit (philosophy)- a philosophical concept, often identified with an immaterial principle.

Spirit (mythology)- a supernatural being endowed with will, the ability to perceive objects and various supernatural abilities and capabilities, while remaining almost always inaccessible to perception.

Spirit (religion)- the original driving force inherent in all living things, and in some cultures, inanimate things. Synonyms: Higher Self, Atman (Paramatma), Purusha.

There is also this definition: "The spirit is the highest faculty of the human soul, through which a person knows God."

And if so?

God- unknowable Beginning, Principle of Creation, Information, according to which forms (creations) are born and Energies are created to fill them.

And the endless process of radiation of this information-energy is the immortal Spirit - immortal life.

And if everything visible and invisible, manifested and unmanifested is information-energy in different states and emanations (from the Latin “outflow, outflow, outpouring”), then everything is God and Spirit, which form a single whole. God and Spirit are not the same thing, but They are inseparable.

The Creation itself takes place on an incomprehensible, gigantic release of information-energy - Light. Therefore, God is Light.

But if everything is God, then why Darkness?

For knowledge , which is the essence, the driving force of development.

Everything, even the Supreme Mind/Absolute/God knows itself and develops through its opposite. Therefore, we, His creations, carry within us both a spark of His Light-Spirit and at this level we become identical to Him, as well as His antithesis - darkness - ignorance.

This spark of Light directs and helps, through comprehension and rethinking, to transform darkness into Light. Thus, we grow and transform, and the Creator knows Himself through us.

This is the ascent on the spiritual path: we, created as the Microcosm, return to pure awareness and begin to realize the inescapable possibilities of the Macrocosm - the Creator. He is for expanding self-knowledge through us. We are there to know Him within ourselves.

Think about it: our every thought, word, conversation, action, if they are performed at the frequency of the Spirit, becomes a channel for manifestationCreator! What recognition of us, respect and trust of the Creator! And what happiness it is to express the unexpressed, to live in the joy of creative ups and downs.

Why do we suffer?

Because our earthly hypostasis in its narrowed personal consciousness is separated from its own Divinity and therefore remains in 3D distortions. "It is this separation- says Sri Aurobindo in Integral Yoga, - is the cause of all suffering. All suffering in the universe is the result « separation of individual consciousness, which remains unidentified with the source - the Supreme consciousness, its individual beginning".

How is communication with the Creator carried out?

How to restore connection with your Source - Supreme consciousness?

To do this, you need to understand how It is connected with its creations and how the Supreme Mind distinguishes us.

Imagine the Universe as a circle, the Creator as its center. Myriads of rays emanate from it. These rays are us as an information-energy frequency. By their radiation, the Almighty learns about the condition of each of us. According to them, responding to prayers and requests (when they come not from the ego, but from the Soul), He sends us, His children, Protection, Help and Salvation in difficult situations.

  • We are given a lot, but we accept only what corresponds to our frequency of radiation.

That is why the growth of one’s vibrations is so important—purity of thoughts, kindness, sincere dedication, the transition from mental representations of ignorance to vision, that is, awareness.

Awareness in us occurs in a flash of the Light of the Spirit. It removes darkness and illuminates the knowledge hidden behind it, which is known to be power. This is the Power of consciousness raised to the level of Oso-Knowledge - the mastery of knowledge.

This Power brings enormous uplift. For spiritual growth, creativity, fulfillment of tasks outlined by the Soul, to overcome obstacles on the Path. To reunite with the Almighty. This is the Power with which the SPIRIT fertilizes the Soul. In us, it manifests itself as an incomprehensible, mystical rise of inspiration, and in its materialization, some experience a quantum leap in perception, while others are born with the most valuable discoveries or imperishable masterpieces.

In the Power of Awareness, the race for the power of achievement, money, power seems childishly naive - illusory in its unreliability and dependence on external circumstances. It has nothing to do with self-confidence, high self-esteem, or self-esteem. This is Power combined with unshakable Calm. This is the Light that we let through and adapt. And the higher the consciousness, the more Light and the sooner we open to Who we Are, or I am the Present - the vibration of the Spirit that is unchanged in all incarnations.


They talk and write a lot about the Real Self and the Higher Self, and everyone does it differently, since these are hypostases from another dimension, inaccessible to 3-dimensional consciousness. In this matter, without claiming the truth, you can only share your own experiences, understandings and what was suggested by the Cosmic Teachers.

The Present Self is directed into our depths, into the great Silence, from where the Spirit proclaims: I Am God in you. I-You are present in the World I created as a Microcosm in the Macrocosm!

We have more than one lifetime to discover this greatness as an inexhaustible potential. The first step in it is the revival of your Divine aspects, identification with them and bringing these frequencies into your daily life.

The vibration of the Real Self, that is, the Spirit, is present in every atom of our multi-level system. This is a tuning fork by which cells are tuned, cleansed and healed; combine into a whole physical and subtle bodies. The Soul creates on this energy.

How to feel the Real Self?

- An unwavering intention to raise consciousness to unconditional Love;

By staying in your original frequency,

The feeling of your center, pulsating: “I Am your Real, I am Who you Are.”

It lives in our depths and is always with us. And if this frequency is lost, nothing prevents you from returning to it. Lost - restored. Disappeared - renewed. From it - listen, speak, act, live.

The criterion that we are in our Present Self is that:

  • The division of the World into external and internal immediately disappears. They become one Whole, a boundlessness in which their Presence is felt.
  • Habitual judgments and assessments give way to contemplation and awareness.
  • This is a look from the depths, when everything is seen from the inside, in the essence that is behind the form.
  • We experience a state of Love and Unity, and every being is you: you feel it as yourself.

Higher Self

The Real Self and the Higher Self are inseparable and function at the same frequency. This is the Spirit in us, and He radiates energy both inward and outward. The Higher Self is a manifestation of the Real Self in Being: It carries out our connection with the World - with the information layer of the Earth - the Akash Chronicles, with any higher entity, if we are not in an illusion, but actually reach its frequency. And with the Creator. This vibration of ours is present on all planes of existence - from the core of the Earth to the Primary Source. Thanks to this Self, we, as an individualized Spirit, are present everywhere - in different time zones, and outside of time, in all spaces and beyond, in all dimensions and at any point in the Universe.

But if both selves are directed in opposite directions, what connects them into a single whole?

The point from which radiation starts. The point that is God in us.

Are both selves equally important or is there some inherent priority between them?

Both selves do not exist separately. They are equally significant and complement each other, such as the Masculine and Feminine Principles, which are the same energy, but with the opposite sign. When we are at the frequency of our Spirit, both parts of the Self, acting in different directions, are simultaneously active: we evenly distribute attention inward - otherwise this vibration cannot be maintained - and outward, because we are looking at something, talking to someone, - we do. At the same time, the Spirit prompts the most precise actions or words, and they sound very weighty, convincing and insightful, reaching the heart of the interlocutor.

The Light of the Self radiates Love, and when people find themselves in such a space, they automatically calm down, become cheerful, experience elation, and perceive what happened differently. For some, this becomes a source of transformation or motivation to work on themselves. It is no coincidence that true Masters attract so many listeners, students and followers.

Try to establish a connection with your Self from Sahasrara (chakra above the head), where the energy is the most subtle.

Does the Higher Self function in everyday, everyday life?

The Higher Self is the Spirit, and He is always present in us, at every moment of our earthly and unearthly existence. This energy can be concentrated as your unshakable core, focused in every energy center - vital (Hara center), heart or mental, at any chakra or point of the body. This Self is always ready to talk with us, give wise advice, answer questions, clarify the reasons for what arose in the subtle plane, and explain what consequences this can have in the material world. This not only protects against rash actions, but also leads to increased awareness and, of course, the development of consciousness. The question is whether we are on this frequency, that is, His frequency, in order, on the one hand, to be in contact with Him, to act and talk from Him, and, on the other hand, to hear His explanations.

View from the Higher Present Self

Imagine any negative situation as a circle. Rays come from its center; these are the characters. And the center is you at the frequency of the Higher Self-Real, and you perceive everything with a pure, detached consciousness. And that irreconcilable struggle of the participants, which just caused awe and shudder, is suddenly seen not as a war, but... as a movement for mutual, complementary growth. It is for him that the Soul sometimes plans painful experiences, so that, having gone through them, the consciousness will evolve as much as possible in this incarnation.

But if everything is the choice of the Soul, does Karma exist?

At one level of development, a person needs God as a punishing Force, so that fear restrains his manifestation of aggression, hatred and malice.

At another level, this is Karma as cause-and-effect retribution: what you sow will sooner or later return to you. It really exists for those who believe in it.

And when we realize that everything in life happens according to the consent of the Soul, and everything is for the sake of the development of consciousness, we strive for this development. Another thing is that being in the physical world, a person does not always cope with difficult trials and breaks down and is destroyed. But if he stands, then, without betraying the Soul, he really grows and moves towards God, towards the Light, which is Love and Awareness. Moreover, no matter how strong his Faith is, he receives such help from the Forces of Light.

Opposites here are seen as integral: minus and plus are one. The negative contains potential: the Light of God, always and everywhere present, but initially weakly manifested, which gradually gains strength and decompresses the darkness—energy density. Otherwise there would be no development. And having become positive, He carries within himself minimal chaos, which at first supports dynamism, and then develops into negative, carrying the grain of positive as an impulse for new growth. Thus, in an invisible spiral, eternal movement and inevitable progress occur.

At the frequency of the Higher Self-Present, we find the key to dissolving the ego, rebuilding any relationship and our entire life. On its vibration of Love, becoming Sincerity and Purity, we restore Harmony not only in our personal Universe. We become a portal for those Cosmic energies that help everyone contribute to changing the collective consciousness so that Peace and Prosperity return to the planet.