On a large colored carpet
The squadron sat down,
It will open, then it will close
Painted wings.

(Answer: Butterfly)

It flutters and dances over the flower,
He waves a patterned fan.

(Answer: Butterfly)

Not a bird, but with beautiful wings.

(Answer: Butterfly)

Not a bird, but with wings:
Flying over the flowers
Collects nectar.

(Answer: Butterfly)

Variegated leaf
Sat down on a flower
I sat and sat -
And he flew into the distance.

(Answer: Butterfly)

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up
He moved, he started,
I didn’t want to sleep anymore -
He soared up and flew away.

(Answer: Butterfly)

What kind of bows are flying?
Over meadows and fields?

(Answer: Butterfly)

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he took off and flew away

(Answer: Butterfly)

I fly, I flutter
Looks like a flower.
I'm so beautiful
Darling, pretty!

(Answer: Butterfly)

I'm fluttering over the cabbage
Tired of not knowing.
I will lay eggs thickly.
Who will recognize me?

(Answer: Cabbage Butterfly)

Who jumps higher than himself?

(Answer: Flea)

Which cow, tell me bye
Have you given milk to anyone yet?

(Answer: Ladybug)

Red wings, black peas.
Who is this walking on my palm?

(Answer: Ladybug)

Hairy, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Although there are many legs,
Still can't run.

(Answer: Caterpillar)

Can he climb into an apple?
And then eat it:
Everything that is tasty is eaten away
And crawls back out.

(Answer: Caterpillar)

That green “girlfriend”
You're not a frog at all.
Crawling along the head of cabbage
And he keeps chewing on the leaves.

(Answer: Caterpillar)

Although it has many legs,
Still can't run.
It crawls along the leaf,
The poor leaf will chew it all off.

(Answer: Caterpillar)

We crawl along the cabbage,
We nibble the apples a little.
We are enemies for them and you.
Maybe someone will recognize us?

(Answer: Caterpillars)

I'm sitting on a branch
Letter "F"
I keep saying:
Knowing this letter firmly,
I buzz in the spring and summer.

(Answer: Beetle)

It flies, buzzes, makes noise,
Sits on the ground
And no one is afraid.

(Answer: Beetle)

I don't buzz when I sit
I don't buzz when I walk
I don't buzz when I'm working,
And I buzz when I'm spinning.

(Answer: Beetle)

Cheren, but not a bull,
Six legs without hooves
It flies and howls,
He sits down and digs the ground.

(Answer: Beetle)

Cheren, but not a raven,
A horn, not a bull,
It flies, not a bird.

(Answer: Beetle)

What kind of bullet is it flying and buzzing?

(Answer: Beetle)

Fly, squeak,
Long legs dragging.
The opportunity will not be missed:
He will sit down and bite.

(Answer: Mosquito)

(Answer: Mosquito)

A bird is flying
Not winged
Not feathered
The voice is thin
The nose is long.
Who will kill him?
He will shed blood.

(Answer: Mosquito)

Flies, squeaks,
Long legs dragging.
The opportunity will not be missed:
He will sit down and bite.

(Answer: Mosquito)

This little one is not afraid
No ministers, no kings.
It sucks blood, which is bad.
Get to know him soon.

(Answer: Mosquito)

Not an animal, not a bird, but a nose like a knitting needle.

(Answer: Mosquito)

Not a beast, not a bird,
Nose like a knitting needle.
Where it sits
Blood may be shed.

(Answer: Mosquito)

He offends everyone
And he flies and complains about everyone.

(Answer: Mosquito)

You yourself cannot be seen, but the song can be heard;
It flies, squeaks, and does not miss an opportunity:
He will sit down and bite.

(Answer: Mosquito)

(Answer: Mosquito)

Sometimes there are a lot of us
flies off in the evening
To drink human blood,
A lot of people die.

(Answer: Mosquitoes)

From the branch to the path,
From grass to blade of grass
The spring jumps -
Green back.
Jumping Champion
Jumps and jumps across the meadows.

(Answer: Kuznechek)

I took the name from the blacksmith,
The color is cucumber.

(Answer: Grasshopper)

A violinist lives in a meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

(Answer: Grasshopper)

He jumps in the green grass
And he doesn’t hide his mustache.
He chirps in his grass.
He wants both goodness and peace!

(Answer: Grasshopper)

It will rattle, it will rattle
And he will quickly jump onto the grass.
He carries ears on his feet,
But he won’t understand you and me!

(Answer: Grasshopper)

From the branch to the path,
The spring jumps -
Green back,
Through the grass and blades of grass -
He will also jump over the path.

(Answer: Grasshopper)

I carry my ears in my knees,
But they don't bother me
And jump, and even jump:
Everyone recognizes me now!

(Answer: Grasshopper)

Multi-colored patch
Sat on a small flower
The aroma inhaled him
And, satisfied, he flew away.

(Answer: Moth, Butterfly)

He is in the grass, his dear,
He carries a little brushwood.
Please answer us as soon as possible:
-Who is the hard worker? … .

(Answer: Ant)

The strongest on the planet
Runs among the grass.
The best house in the world will be built
On the edge of a pine tree.
This is a little hard worker.
Do you know the solution?

(Answer: Ant)

I have a big family
How many are there? I have no idea!
Our house in the forest is simple
Located under a pine tree.

(Answer: Ant)

Near the Christmas trees made of needles
A house was built on a summer day.
3 but he is not visible to the grass,
And there are a million residents there.

(Answer: Anthill)

Men without axes cut down a hut without corners.

(Answer: Anthill)

Working people
He's busy all day,
He is building a house near a stump.
This is a house with a thousand windows!

(Answer: Anthill)

In a clearing near the fir trees
The house is built from needles.
He is not visible behind the grass,
And there are a million residents there.

(Answer: Anthill)

In the forest near the stump there is running and bustling:
The working people are busy all day,
He wants to build a higher house.

(Answer: Ants)

Who is there, near the spring,
Did you build the house out of ruscus?

(Answer: Ants)

The men came without axes,
They cut down the huts without corners.

(Answer: Ants)

We build near the Christmas trees
House of needles.

(Answer: Ants)

You won't find a saw here,
We didn't cut down the trunks,
They didn't knock with an axe,
And a house grew under the spruce tree.

(Answer: Ants, Anthill)

Who's upside down above us?
Walks - not afraid,
Not afraid to fall
Flying all day long
Does everyone get bored?

(Answer: Fly)

I'm sitting on the ceiling
I walk on the wall.
And I buzz near my ear -
"Darling" … .

(Answer: Fly)

Not a bird, but a flyer
With a proboscis, not an elephant.

(Answer: Fly)

Flying all day long
Everyone gets bored
The night is coming
Then it stops.

(Answer: Fly)

I'm very annoying
But in verse, by the way,
I'll tell you without embellishment:
The mosquito saved my life.

(Answer: Fly)

I'm flying around the room
Unpleasant to the ear.
Sorry, but that's how I am

(Answer: Fly)

There are more of us on Earth,
And we are proud of this!
There is something for us to eat, but aphids -
The leaf was born.

(Answer: Insects)

Winged fashionista,
The dress is striped.
Though small in stature,
If he bites, it will be bad.

(Answer: Wasp)

Not motors, but noise,
They are not pilots, but they fly,
Not snakes, but if you offend them, they will bite you.

(Answer: Wasps)

Lives in a dark corner
Weaves a silk thread,
He sneaked in here
Build new house got ready.

(Answer: Spider)

Eight legs are like eight arms
Embroider a circle with silk.
The master knows a lot about this.
Buy silk, flies!

(Answer: Spider)

Dolgoruky old man
I wove a hammock in the corner.
Invites: “Mid flies!
Relax, little ones!

(Answer: Spider)

Like a fisherman he weaves a net,
But he doesn’t go fishing.

(Answer: Spider)

It will tangle, it will weave, it will sit and wait for prey.

(Answer: Spider)

Not for fish, but for setting nets.

(Answer: Spider)

Not a fisherman, but a net setter.

(Answer: Spider)

Lots and lots of threads
But it won’t roll into a ball,
He doesn’t sew clothes for himself,
And the fabric always weaves.

(Answer: Spider)

He has no hands and no machine
Weaves fine silks.

(Answer: Spider)

He lives in our corner,
Weaves an openwork network.
As soon as it weaves, it will freeze.
He is waiting for winged “guests”.

(Answer: Spider)

He prepares the nets like a fisherman,
But he never catches fish.

(Answer: Spider)

I'm walking on a thin thread,
But I mostly sit in the corner,
Waiting for flies and midges,
I look with all my eyes!

(Answer: Spider)

Weave nets -
He's a great master.
And he doesn’t catch a fish,
And I'm not a fisherman myself.

(Answer: Spider)

He will weave a strong network,
And hiding, the midge waits.

(Answer: Spider)

He set up a net in the forest -
Not like a wolf or a fox,
And for flies and mosquitoes -
He's ready to catch them all!

(Answer: Spider)

First weaves
Then he weaves
Get tired -
Prey awaits.

(Answer: Spider)

I'm sitting, sitting, sitting,
I'm looking at you from the corner.
If it's a fly, wait a while,
I’ll tell you about myself later!

(Answer: Spider)

Eight legs in the corner await six legs on the ceiling. Who is this?

(Answer: Spider Waits for Fly)

On the ceiling, in the corner
Hanging sieve
Not made by hand.

(Answer: Web)

The mesh is dense
Doesn't release flies.

(Answer: Web)

The fly gasped first:
- Oh, what lace!...
Poor thing, as if in mud,
Stuck in...

(Answer: Web)

Meeting her is a disaster
The nose is like a sharp needle.
He'll hide in the crack, like he's sleeping,
Just touch it and it will buzz.

(Answer: Bee)

Flew over the lawn
Will fuss over the flower -
He will share the honey.

(Answer: Bee)

Flew over the lawn
Will fuss over the flower -
He will share the honey.

(Answer: Bee)

Yellow vest
Flying over a chamomile.

(Answer: Bee)

The furry one is flying,
Flying for sweets.

(Answer: Bee)

The furry one flies and buzzes,
Fly, fly for something sweet.

(Answer: Bee)

A little dog
Doesn't bark, doesn't bark,
And it bites painfully.

(Answer: Bee)

Winged fashionista,
The dress is striped.
He's just tiny in stature,
If he bites, it will be bad.

(Answer: Bee)

I've been buzzing since morning
I wake up the flowers.
I'm circling and circling,
I carry honey.

(Answer: Bee)

All day long it circles and flies -
All flowers are pollinated.
At the same time, as a gift from God,
Nectar is gathering!

(Answer: Bee)

In a dark hut
Chernushki live
Knitting lace
No corners and no loops.

(Answer: Bee, Honeycomb)

In an empty hollow -
A hundred houses each
One hundred boilers each
In the middle there is a fair.

(Answer: Bee Hive)

In a dark dungeon
Working girls
No threads, no knitting needles
Knitting mittens.

(Answer: Bees)

To the native house
They are in a hurry.
They buzz with concern.
They bring it from the gardens, from the fields
Sweetness, wax and aroma.

(Answer: Bees)

Even though they sting painfully,
We are satisfied with their work.

(Answer: Bees)

He doesn't mind sleeping all day.
But as soon as night comes,
His bow will sing.
The musician's name is...

(Answer: Cricket)

Not the sun, not fire, but shining.

(Answer: Firefly)

Not the sun, not the fire, not the light bulb,
And at night it glows.

(Answer: Firefly)

I need so many boots
Which sometimes makes you feel hot.
On a rainy day,
On a fine day -
I put on twenty pairs.

(Answer: Centipede)

Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion.

(Answer: Dragonfly)

On the daisy at the gate
helicopter landed
golden eyes.
Who is this?

(Answer: Dragonfly)

She chirps all day long
And she doesn’t want to be silent:
He will tell you everything, discuss everything,
It will make everyone angry, it will wake everyone up.

(Answer: Dragonfly)

What kind of animal takes off like a helicopter,
Hangs in the air and easily flies far away

(Answer: Dragonfly)

Whispering helicopter
Suddenly he took off.
He flew over the meadow,
I was resting on the flowers.

(Answer: Dragonfly)

What kind of helicopter is this?
Takes flight
Over lakes, meadows,
Over flowering fields?

(Answer: Dragonfly)

I love to bother everyone
Moustache wiggles.
I crawl under the bed
I share blood with you.

(Answer: Cockroach)

Fell from the ceiling into my cup,
Apparently he decided to swim.
Help yourself with a mustache
There will be a red-haired “champion”.

(Answer: Cockroach)

Two antennas on the top of the head, and she sits in a hut,
He carries her on himself, crawls very slowly.

(Answer: Snail)

Horns are climbing along the path -
You won't butt?
I touched them a little -
The horns hid again.

(Answer: Snail)

It chirps in the grass all day -
Niki doesn't want to remain silent.

(Answer: Cicada)

Without arms, without legs, he crawls.

(Answer: Worm)

You can't tell my tail from my head,
You will always find me in the ground.

(Answer: Worm)

Under the ground he digs a passage,
But not a mole!

“Corrugated tubes” - Remove the single corrugated tube from the stick. Single corrugated tube. When winding the second stick, hold the first one with your hands. Seven-flowered flower. Crepe paper in different colors. Double corrugated tube. Corrugated tubes - this is the name of the technique for making products. Children's work using the corrugated tube technique. Development of artistic and visual abilities.

“Do-it-yourself paper flowers” ​​- Petals. We will make 5 colors. We begin to assemble the picture. Make a gift composition. Flowers bloomed in winter. The picture turned out beautiful. Making a gift painting with your own hands. Decoration. Description of work. Folds. Glue the flowers. 2 squares of lilac color. Works. Practical use.

“Working with paper” - And gifts made with your own hands are the best! Colored paper glue it to the cardboard. Tools and materials: Use scissors to curl the petals. Petals can be made different shapes! A sheet of colored paper is 5 mm larger than a sheet of cardboard on each side. From the history of the holiday: Everyone loves gifts. From the history of the holiday Tools and materials Progress of work Conclusion.

“Crafts for fairy tales” - Crafts Reports Decorations for scenes Musical accompaniment Photographs. Tiger. Baby's sister. Pierrot. What should happen? King. Tasks for groups. Princess. Protection of crafts. Ivan Tsarevich. Forms of project implementation. Baba Yaga. Koschei the Deathless. Pippi. Craft templates. We design the head. An artist from the flower city.

“Paper Flowers” ​​- Raise the corners up. Module "Shamrock". Rotate the module. Tuck the corner in. Ready module. Bend towards the middle. A square piece of paper. Glue the third module. Take a wire 23 cm long and a strip corrugated paper. Wind the strip, making a thickening at the end. Lubricate the left small petal of one module with glue.

“Paper toys” - Information. Cat and dog. Markozova Margarita Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes, school 521 of the Krasnogvardeisky district. Folding paper toys. Make a square from a rectangle. Content. Folding flower. Choosing a paper shape.