Fever is a typical sign of infectious diseases. At the same time, parents have different opinions about whether it is necessary to lower the temperature, when and how to do it. What does E. Komarovsky think about fever and how does he advise to act when it appears in young children?

Why is the temperature rising?

By increasing the temperature, according to Komarovsky, the body activates the production of substances that resist pathogens. One of the main such compounds is a special protein called interferon, which has the properties of neutralizing viruses. The amount of synthesized interferon is directly related to fever - the higher the numbers on the thermometer, the greater the amount of interferon produced. Its maximum level in the blood is observed on the second or third day of elevated temperature. Komarovsky emphasizes that it is during this time that most viral infections end.

In cases where the baby’s body is so weakened that fever during ARVI is not observed, or the parents lowered the temperature at the very beginning and did not stimulate the formation of interferon, the disease lasts much longer. In such situations, the virus is destroyed by antibodies produced in the child’s body, and recovery occurs around the seventh day.

When should you lower your temperature?

The famous doctor emphasizes that all children are individual, and therefore tolerate fever differently. There are kids who don’t mind playing at 39 degrees, and there are kids who feel very bad even at 37.5. That is why Komarovsky emphasizes that there is no universal recommendation at what levels of fever an antipyretic should be given.

How to act if a child has a fever?

According to Komarovsky, the main goal of parents should be to provide the baby with conditions in which his body can lose heat. Heat loss occurs in two ways - when the air that he inhaled warms up in the baby’s lungs, and also when sweat evaporates from the baby’s skin. Taking into account these ways, a popular pediatrician definitely recommends that all children with fever:

  1. Provide cool air in the room. Komarovsky calls the most optimal temperature for a nursery +16+18 degrees. In this case, the clothes on the child should be quite warm so that the skin vessels do not spasm.
  2. Give a lot to drink. This will allow the child to sweat more and eliminate blood clotting. Komarovsky advises feeding babies under one year old with raisin decoction, and older children with dried fruit compote. The doctor does not recommend giving tea with the addition of raspberries, which is popular among the people, to babies of the first year of life at all, and for children older than one year of age to use it only as an additional drink, since raspberries strongly stimulate sweating.

If the child refuses any drink, Komarovsky recommends giving any drink that the baby agrees to. The temperature of the liquid to drink should be approximately equal to body temperature, then it will be absorbed faster in the digestive tract.

What not to do?

A popular pediatrician does not advise using physical methods to cool a child's body, for example, using heating pads with ice, cold wet sheets and the like. All of them cause spasm of blood vessels in the skin, which leads to slower blood flow, reduced sweating and reduced heat loss. In this case, you will only reduce the temperature of the baby’s skin, but the temperature inside the body will still remain high, which poses a significant danger.

Komarovsky also strongly opposes rubbing with vinegar or alcohol. A sweating child already loses enough heat, which leads to a decrease in temperature. Rubbing with alcohol-containing solutions, according to the pediatrician, additionally causes alcohol poisoning for the baby, and rubbing with vinegar increases the risk of acid poisoning.

Komarovsky also does not advise trying to increase the evaporation of sweat using a fan. This also causes vasospasm. According to the doctor, when a child is sweating, you just need to change him into warm, dry clothes and calm down.

Antipyretic drugs

Komarovsky names situations where:

  1. The child has a severe fever.
  2. The baby has concomitant pathologies of the nervous system, which increases the risk of seizures.
  3. The reading on the thermometer is above +39. Such a high temperature, according to a popular pediatrician, has more negative effects than advantages.

Komarovsky notes that failure to comply with conditions that help the child’s body waste excess heat reduces the effectiveness of any medications and increases the risk of adverse reactions.

The most optimal antipyretic for childhood The pediatrician calls it paracetamol. Komarovsky considers its main advantages to be safety of action and ease of use, since the drug is available in many forms.

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An increase in body temperature is a normal protective reaction of the body to any infection. . Even if, when measured with a thermometer under the arm, the temperature is normal, where the infection has settled, the temperature will certainly rise. At temperatures above 37 degrees C, most pathogens (both bacteria and viruses) either die or stop reproducing (and die out quite quickly). And an increase in body temperature significantly speeds up all processes in the body, including the immune response, which will be very useful during ARVI.

What temperature to lower? Should I lower the temperature?

If your child is sick and has a fever, be sure to call a doctor who will make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment and explain how to carry it out. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), Initially healthy children should not lower their temperature below 38.5 degrees C . The exceptions are children at risk who previously had convulsions due to elevated temperature, children in the first two months of life (at this age all diseases are dangerous due to their rapid development and sharp deterioration in general condition), children with neurological diseases, chronic diseases of the circulatory and respiratory organs , with hereditary metabolic diseases. Such babies, already at a temperature of 37.1 degrees C, should be immediately given antipyretic medications. In addition, if a child’s condition worsens against the background of a temperature that has not reached 39.0 degrees C, chills, muscle pain, and pale skin are noted, then antipyretic drugs should be taken immediately. In addition, fever exhausts and depletes the body's capabilities and can be complicated by hyperthermic syndrome (a variant of fever in which there is a dysfunction of all organs and systems - convulsions, loss of consciousness, disturbances in respiratory and cardiac activity, etc.). This condition requires emergency medical attention.

It is recommended to bring down a temperature above 39 degrees C in a child. As Dr. Komarovsky writes in the book “ARI: a guide for sensible parents”: “... at a body temperature above 39 pathological losses are so great, the increase in oxygen demand is so noticeable, and the negative impact on the functioning of internal organs in general and on the functioning of the nervous system in particular is so real that any temperature above 39 degrees should not be tolerated."

How to bring down a child's temperature. How to bring down a child's fever

The child should be kept cool. Warming a child with a high temperature using blankets, warm clothes, or a heater installed in the room is dangerous. These measures can lead to heat stroke if the temperature rises to dangerous levels. Dress the sick child lightly so that excess heat escapes freely and maintain the room temperature at 20-21 degrees C. At the same time, the sick child should not freeze! The air humidity in the room should be at least 40-50%. Those. the air should be moist and cool.

Because high temperatures increase fluid loss through the skin, the child needs to be given plenty of water . The optimal temperature of drinks is equal to body temperature. Older children should be offered diluted fruit juices and juicy fruits, water, green tea. Read more about this in the section “Principles of Eating at High Temperatures” below. Babies should be latched to the breast more often. Encourage frequent, small drinks (from a teaspoon), but do not force the child.

Heat The child has. Use of antipyretics

Only one group of medications reduce fever - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Their other specialty is pain and inflammation. So you'll laugh but fastum-gel that grandfather uses to treat radiculitis, ketanov, which you use from time to time for toothache, and children's panadol“they can” do about the same thing. True, and side effects they are also the same. So if your child, God forbid, has bronchial asthma or gastritis, then antipyretic drugs will need to be handled with extreme caution. Now that you've been warned, let's figure out who's who in this company.

In pediatric practice, they are most often used paracetamol (calpol, panadol, cefekon, efferalgan), ibuprofen (Nurofen) And analgin (metamizole sodium). Aspirin prohibited for use in children under 15 years of age.

All of the listed NSAIDs (let's agree to call them antipyretics) have the same side effects. These include: irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, bronchospasm (which is why they are not used for bronchial asthma), disorders of blood clotting, liver and kidney function. It is because of this that all of the above It is better to use antipyretics not internally (even soluble effervescent forms and syrups), but in suppositories . Firstly, the drugs used in suppositories are almost instantly absorbed into the blood and begin to have their effect, and secondly, absorption bypasses the liver (that’s how the body works), and, therefore, the likelihood of at least some of the undesirable effects of these drugs comes down to zero. True, this does not apply to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, the risk of gastritis and exacerbation of bronchial asthma - these undesirable effects are inherent in the very mechanism of action of all antipyretics.

That is why I urge you to take seriously the contraindications to the use of antipyretics listed in the annotations and, if possible, not to use them for more than three days.

Now it's time to see which of them is capable of what.

Paracetamol (calpol, panadol, cefekon, efferalgan)

Paracetamol has two main effects - antipyretic and analgesic. It is considered the safest of the entire series of antipyretics. The use of paracetamol may be accompanied by allergic reactions and side effects from the liver (most often), kidneys, and hematopoietic system. Side effects are rare, but their likelihood is closely related to the doses and duration of use of the medicine. That is why it is strongly recommended not to exceed the permissible dose and duration of use.

Maximum permissible duration of use:

Children under 6 years old - 3 days;
- children over 6 years old - 5 days.

Paracetamol is produced by hundreds of companies under hundreds of different names in dozens of forms. The effectiveness of the drug is determined primarily by the dose, and not by the release form, the beauty of the packaging or the commercial name. The difference in price is often tenfold.

Paracetamol suppositories are an ideal dosage form for children in the first six months of life.

And in conclusion of the story about paracetamol, the most important thing: “the effectiveness of paracetamol is very high specifically for acute respiratory viral infections (viral infections). Paracetamol has virtually no anti-inflammatory effect, so in case of bacterial infections or complications of the same ARVI, paracetamol helps for a short time or does not help at all. In short, in case of any serious infection it is not possible to achieve a significant reduction in temperature with its help. This is why paracetamol should always be in the house, because it helps parents correctly assess the severity of the disease: if after taking it the body temperature quickly drops, then with a high degree of probability we can conclude that the child has nothing terrible (more terrible than ARVI). But if there is no effect from taking paracetamol, then it’s time to make a fuss and don’t put off seeing a doctor.” This quote is taken from Dr. Komarovsky’s book “ORZ: A Guide for Sensible Parents.”

Commercial names of paracetamol: adol, akamol, aminadol, acetaminophen, acetofen, bindard, volpan, dainafed, Daleron, dafalgan, deminofen, dolo, dolomol, ifimol, calpol, medipirin, mexalen, napa, opradol, pamol, panadol, pacimol, paracet, perfalgan, pyranol, prodol, sanidol, sofinol, Strimol, Tylenol, flutabs , cefekon D, efferalgan.


Unlike paracetamol, it has not only analgesic and antipyretic, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.

In terms of the speed of onset of the therapeutic effect, the severity of the antipyretic effect, the likelihood of adverse reactions and the risk of overdose, it is almost identical to paracetamol.

Not used (contraindicated!) in children under the first 6 months of life.

There are no strict restrictions on the duration of treatment, i.e. if indicated, it can be used for significantly longer than 5 days.

Commercial names of ibuprofen: Advil, no pain, bonifen, bren, brufen, blizzard , takes a long time , Ibalgin, ibupron, ibuprof, ibutop, Ibufen, iprene, macrofen, motrin, nurofen, profen, profinal, solpaflex , faspik.

"1. Neither paracetamol nor ibuprofen treat acute respiratory infections. Ibuprofen and paracetamol reduce the severity of a specific symptom - elevated body temperature.

2. Neither paracetamol nor ibuprofen are used routinely, i.e. strictly by the clock, for example, “1 teaspoon of syrup 3 times a day.” Medicines are given only when there is a reason to give. High temperature - they gave it, returned to normal - they didn’t give it.

3. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are compatible with each other, but medical science has not yet formulated an unambiguous attitude towards such a combination. Some write that paracetamol and ibuprofen can enhance the antipyretic effect of each other. Others report that coadministration increases the risk of adverse reactions. In any case, it makes no sense to give both drugs at the same time, but if there is no effect after an hour of paracetamol, it is quite acceptable to give ibuprofen (and vice versa!). It is very important to observe the intervals between taking the same medicine! We remind you that paracetamol can be reused no earlier than after 4 hours, and ibuprofen no earlier than after 6 hours.

4. There are many options for paracetamol and ibuprofen in pharmacies (see lists of commercial names of drugs above). It is very important, I repeat again, very, very important, that you do not buy the same thing, but under different names! You must know for sure (!) WHAT the active ingredient is in this bottle, you must be absolutely sure that an hour after paracetamol you will not give paracetamol again, but under a different name.

Analgin(metamizole sodium)

The widespread use of analgin as an antipyretic is not recommended by WHO, because it inhibits hematopoiesis and can cause serious allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock). Prolonged loss of consciousness is possible with a drop in temperature to 35.0-34.5 degrees C. In a number of countries around the world (USA, Australia, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Norway), the use of analgin is prohibited, in some it is strictly limited. In our country, there is no ban on the use of analgin in children; at the same time, the recommendations adopted in countries such as Greece or Israel should be considered optimal: analgin can be used, but only when other antipyretic drugs do not allow achieving desired result. If paracetamol and ibuprofen do not help or are contraindicated, then analgin can only be used in a hospital setting, for the shortest possible course and in the form of injections.

Let us note that ambulance and ambulance doctors are very fond of injecting analgin mixed with suprastin (or diphenhydramine) intramuscularly if they are called due to a high temperature. Such a mixture can lower the temperature lytically, that is, in an hour by two or three degrees, for example from 39.5 to 37.5 °C, and for a very long time.

Principles of nutrition at high temperatures

Pediatricians recommend that in order to increase a child’s resistance to illness, his nutrition should be complete, varied and age-appropriate. It is not recommended to limit a child’s nutrition for a long time, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Modern medicine has already abandoned fasting treatment for diseases associated with fever. After all, at high temperatures, the intensity of metabolism increases, and the patient needs adequate nutrition, and fasting weakens the body. Food should contain enough vitamins and not be too high in calories. B vitamins and vitamin C are especially important, since their functional role increases with temperature.

However Under no circumstances should a child with a fever be force-fed . If at the moment the body is directing all its forces to fight the infection, then it may be too much for it to expend energy on digesting food.

Obviously, parents need to exercise common sense. If the high temperature does not last long, a few days, and the child stubbornly refuses food, we will give him vitamin drinks and light fruits. The missing amount of food must be replenished with liquid. Typically, the duration of such a fasting diet is no more than 4-6 hours. After unloading, children are given slimy pureed soups, liquid porridges, and jelly. At the end of the acute period, food is made as varied as possible, although light, in order to make up for all the losses incurred.


Increased sweating causes the body to need large amounts of fluids and minerals. For all diseases that occur with elevated temperature, the patient should drink a lot of fluid, as it quenches thirst.

Fruit, fruit and berry and fruit and vegetable juices, compotes, fruit drinks, tea (finely chopped apple into tea), raisin decoctions, dried apricots are very useful at temperatures.

The temperature of the liquid should be equal to body temperature.

Ready-made oral rehydration solutions are ideal for drinking. They are sold in pharmacies and should be there: rehydron, humana electrolyte, gastrolit, etc. Buy, dilute according to the instructions, drink.

To reduce intoxication, it is necessary to consume sufficient amounts of vitamins, especially C, P, A and carotene. Vitamins C and P strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so it is useful to include in your diet foods rich in both vitamins, for example, rose hips, black currants, chokeberries, lemon, etc.

Vitamin A and carotene promote the regeneration of the epithelium of the respiratory tract. Therefore, during elevated temperatures, it is advisable to use plant products containing them, primarily in the form of drinks.

Products containing vitamin A: pumpkin, carrots, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, raspberries.

If possible, you should use honey rather than sugar (if there is no allergy). You should alternate as often as possible different types drinking.

You should drink little by little, literally 2-3 sips, since drinking too much at a fever can cause vomiting.

Need to:

You definitely need protein: lean meat (veal, chicken, beef), as well as lean fish. Meat can be boiled in vegetables or made into meatballs in cases where swallowing is difficult due to a sore throat.

Products containing a lot of protein: cottage cheese, cottage cheese, eggs (they are best boiled soft-boiled).

Sometimes, due to the serious condition of a sick child, it is necessary to feed exclusively liquid food for some time. In such cases, we serve him milk, yogurt, kefir, and not just tea, juices and compotes, since dairy products contain protein that is urgently needed during this period.

Boiled and pureed vegetables, seasoned with a piece of butter, are useful.

Raw vegetable juices are useful; they can be mixed with fruit juices, for example, carrot with cranberry or blackcurrant.

The only fats allowed are butter and olive oil, as well as cream, but all fats are given in small quantities, since their excess can adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural aspirin: food that reduces fever and relieves symptoms

At high temperatures, it is recommended to consume oranges. These fruits are rich in vitamins (A, C, P, group B, D) and microelements, especially iron and copper, which are necessary for weakened immunity and anemia. Orange fruits and juice quench thirst during febrile illnesses.

It is good to use blackberry fruits and juice as an antipyretic: they quench thirst and reduce temperature.

Raspberry berries and juice are a good antipyretic for feverish conditions. Raspberries contain organic acids (including salicylic acid), which is why raspberries have an antipyretic effect.

Red currant berries and juice quench thirst well during fever and are used as a diaphoretic.

Watermelons perfectly quench thirst during fever and help remove toxic substances from the body.

In addition, the following products act as natural aspirin: dates, blueberries, peppers, garlic, prunes.

Products that heal

Products to fight the virus

Broccoli, avocado, garlic, red grapes, pineapple, plums, raspberries, seaweed, soy and its products, strawberries, green tea, blueberries.

Products with antibiotic properties

Bananas, eggplants, figs, garlic, ginger, peppers, red grapes, honey, mustard, horseradish, pineapple, plums, seaweed, green tea.

Strengthening Products immune system

Garlic, seaweed, fresh raw fruit, lean meat, lean fish (boiled, not fried), cereals, extra virgin olive oil, yogurt or one-day sour milk.

(c) Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

A child’s temperature of 39 should cause alarm: how to bring it down (Komarovsky advises to be careful with folk remedies), we will find out further.

Parents face a dilemma: a high temperature can be life-threatening for the baby, but if you bring it down, you can significantly prolong the illness and delay recovery. Of course, the decision to use antipyretics should be made by the pediatrician, based on the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the child.

A high temperature is difficult for a child to tolerate: the baby rolls his eyes, groans, and breathes heavily. Loving parents cannot calmly look at the torment of their child and grab antipyretic drugs. Komarovsky, in response to the question of how to bring down a child’s temperature, be it 39 or higher, says that it is impossible to prescribe the correct treatment in absentia. Some children can withstand high temperatures, others almost faint from 37.5.

It is necessary to assess the child’s condition and do this, if possible, soberly. If the high temperature lasts for more than an hour, and the child’s condition causes concern among the parents, then an antipyretic drug should be taken immediately.

How to reduce a child's temperature

There are specific indications for which it is necessary to reduce the temperature. These include:

  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • temperature exceeding 39 degrees,
  • heat intolerance,
  • addition of other symptoms (shortness of breath, convulsions, etc.)

How to bring down a child’s temperature if the thermometer shows 39 or higher, Dr. Komarovsky will answer. The pediatrician suggests trying non-drug forms of treatment before giving your baby antipyretics.

Few parents are ready to create the necessary conditions for a child, which will help normalize the temperature naturally. The pediatrician suggests reducing the room temperature to 16-18°C. This number is scary for some parents. In everyday life, it is believed that the sick person needs to create warm and comfortable conditions: wrap him in a blanket, close all the windows to avoid drafts, and avoid being in the fresh air. It is these steps, according to Komarovsky, that are fundamentally wrong. The pediatrician emphasizes that it is possible to reduce body temperature only by creating the necessary conditions so that the body has the ability to forcefully lose heat. But many parents believe that placing a sick child in a room where the temperature is only 18 °C is a real crime.

If the fear of overcooling the child is too strong, then you can at least lower the room temperature to °C and increase the humidity. To do this, you should wash the floors in the room more often, use automatic humidifiers or indoor fountains. Without drinking plenty of fluids, it will not be possible to reduce a child’s temperature. If the baby is too small to persuade him to drink more, you will have to force the liquid into his mouth. This must be done carefully, making sure that the baby does not choke.

What to offer your baby as a drink? A raisin decoction is suitable for babies in their first year of life. For children preschool age You can offer warm milk, tea, dried fruit compote. Raspberry tea is widely used among people. It really promotes profuse sweating. But if the baby is already dehydrated, then raspberry tea will only worsen the situation. Therefore, first the little patient is offered compote, fruit drink or plain water, and only then raspberry tea.

What not to do

It is believed that you can reduce the temperature by offering your child a hot drink. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion, since hot liquid is not absorbed by the stomach, and the same can be said about cold drinks. The best solution is a liquid whose temperature is as close as possible to body temperature.

You cannot cool your baby outside. This leads to the fact that the blood vessels narrow, the skin cools down, and internal organs warm up. Heat transfer decreases, and the little patient’s condition becomes worse. Use ice and cold water extremely dangerous for the health and life of the child.

The greatest harm to a baby's health comes from rubbing with vodka and acetic acid. Harmful substances enter the baby's blood through the skin, further aggravating his condition. According to Komarovsky, poisoning with alcohol or vinegar due to illness can even lead to death. You should also not do cold enemas, ice compresses, and the like. Such measures can only be taken if the child has been given medications that eliminate vasospasm.

How to reduce a child’s temperature and is it worth doing?

If a child has a high temperature, it means that the mother is on the verge of hysteria. She has no strength to look at the dry, cracked lips, cloudy eyes, or the arms hanging helplessly on the pillows. I want to help as soon as possible.

And I heard that it is impossible to lower the temperature, that in this way the body fights infection. But where is the line when it is not only possible, but also necessary?

We bring down the high temperature if

There are babies who calmly continue to play at 39 degrees, but sometimes it’s only 37.5, and he almost loses consciousness, says Dr. Komarovsky in his book Child’s Health. “Therefore, there cannot be universal recommendations regarding how long one should wait and after what numbers on the thermometer scale one should begin saving.

Sometimes an increase in temperature is dangerous because the child has some kind of disease of the nervous system, and high body temperature can trigger seizures. And a temperature above 39 degrees, which lasts for more than an hour, has no less negative effects than positive ones.

Let your child drink more! © flickr.com

Therefore, three situations can be distinguished when it makes sense to use medicines, reducing high temperature:

2. Diseases of the nervous system

3. Body temperature is above 39 degrees.

Reducing fever without medication

When body temperature rises, everything must be done to ensure that the body has the opportunity to lose heat. Heat is lost in two ways - by evaporation of sweat and by warming the inhaled air.

Therefore, perform two mandatory actions:

1. Drink plenty of fluids – to have something to sweat with

2. Cool air in the room (optimal degrees).

If both of these conditions are met, the body will probably cope with temperatures up to 39 degrees on its own.

What to drink when you have a high temperature

The optimal drink for a child of the first year of life is raisin decoction. For older children - dried fruit uzvars.

Remember! Tea with raspberries increases sweating, so before raspberries you need to drink something else (the same compote) so that you have something to sweat with.

If a child is capricious (I will be, but I won’t be), then let him drink at least something: any compote, tea, rose hip decoction, currants, etc. than not drinking at all.

An important nuance: the drink should not be cold or hot, but warm. After all, cold food is not absorbed by the stomach until it warms up, and hot food is not absorbed until it cools down.

Attention! When the body comes into contact with cold, skin vessels spasm. It slows down blood flow, reduces sweat formation and heat transfer. The temperature of the skin decreases, and the temperature of the internal organs increases! And this is extremely dangerous!

You cannot use heating pads with ice, wet cold sheets, cold enemas, etc. at home. In hospitals and under the supervision of a family doctor - you can, because Before prescribing, for example, an enema, the doctor gives special medications that eliminate spasm of skin blood vessels. Therefore, fans and rubbing the body with alcohol or vinegar solutions are unacceptable!

People! You can’t even imagine how many children paid with their lives for these rubbings! - says Dr. Komarovsky.

If the child sweats, the high temperature will drop on its own. If you rub dry skin, this is crazy, because through the delicate baby skin, what you rub with is absorbed into the blood. Rubbed with alcohol - added alcohol poisoning to the disease. Rubbed with vinegar - added acid poisoning. The conclusion is obvious - never rub anything!

If you can't get rid of a runny nose, use our recipes to treat a runny nose.

Follow the link to the article How to help a child with diathesis from sweets, if this problem is relevant for your child.

The article Does your baby have a rash? The article will help you navigate the different types of rashes.

A child has a high temperature, what should girls do?

Tell me, plzzzzzzz, in the morning the child’s temperature was 38, she called the doctor, she said that the throat was a little loose, but not red, she wrote a lot of everything, the whole day they took everything as needed, but after about 5 hours the temperature did not drop 39, they took Nurofen - no changes . There is still a whole night ahead, I just took my temperature - 39.5 WHAT TO DO.

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How and with what to bring down a child’s temperature of 39 quickly and effectively

Most often, those parents who are closely faced with the problem of severe hyperthermia in their children call a doctor to their home.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases are often accompanied by high fever, sometimes developing up to thirty-nine degrees.

In general, babies tolerate this difficult condition well, but if a serious illness occurs, there will also be accompanying symptoms that complicate it.

The most common symptoms include migraine, chills, or respiratory symptoms. Only a doctor can decide on the treatment of the baby, but parents should clearly know how to bring down the temperature of 39 in the child before his arrival.

Causes of fever up to .5 in children

Most often, significant hyperthermia in a child develops due to:

  • Bacterial infection;
  • introduction of viruses into the body;
  • respiratory infections;
  • food poisoning;
  • allergic reaction;
  • teething;
  • overheating;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • oncological diseases;
  • immune response to vaccination, etc.

These factors cause a strong fever in the baby, which reflects a sharp activation of the body’s defenses.

Should the temperature be brought down to 39?

The vast majority of domestic and Western pediatricians are of the opinion that when hyperthermia reaches an alarming level of 38.5 degrees, then there is no point in waiting for further developments.

It needs to be lowered. Otherwise, various serious complications can occur, the most common of which is a seizure.

In the case of a serious infectious or inflammatory disease, the question of prescribing antipyretic drugs should be decided only by the attending physician.

If there is no particular danger or, on the contrary, the pediatrician has not arrived yet, and the thermometer readings increase more than 39 degrees, then they need to be reduced.

To do this, it is necessary to clearly understand that a significant increase in temperature is a direct reflection of the body’s resistance. It is the heat that helps him actively fight the infection.

However, its manifestations that are too strong can have a negative impact on the baby, completely robbing him of his strength and leading to dehydration.

How to bring down a child’s temperature of 39 and help him survive this serious condition? First of all, you need to provide him a large number of liquids.

To prevent dehydration, you should constantly give your baby water.

Various fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks or decoctions of medicinal plants are well suited for this. The drink must be tasty, otherwise a sick child may refuse it due to poor health.

It is better to give him liquid from a spoon or a convenient bottle. When parents are confused because their child has a temperature of 39, Komarovsky believes that this is the only way to bring it down.

Famous pediatrician Komarovsky also recommends, if hyperthermia develops, to replenish the lost balance of electrolytes in the body. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the lack of microelements. In such a case, raisins, figs, dried apricots and other dried fruits will help.

According to Komarovsky’s advice, it is strongly recommended to give the child a drink that has cooled down, but still retains heat. Therefore, before you start treating it with diaphoretics, you first need to provide the child’s body with a sufficient amount of fluid.

If only the baby’s forehead is hot, but his legs and arms are cold, this indicates the development of a negative vascular reaction.

In this case, you should know that it is permissible to give a child at a temperature of 39 degrees antispasmodics (Drotaverine or Papaverine) in a pediatric dose, clearly indicated in the instructions for the drug.

It is imperative to open the window completely and achieve significant cooling of the room where the patient is lying. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the thermometer in it should show no more than twenty, or at most twenty-two, degrees.

This helps to balance the body's thermoregulation with the help of the air inhaled by the baby's lungs and the air released by them. In addition, it is worth making the air stream wet.

It is advisable to wet the curtains, place a large basin of water in the room, or place a damp cloth everywhere.

  • There is intense heat, which has already exceeded thirty-nine Celsius and is approaching forty degrees;
  • diagnosed with heart disease;
  • there is vascular pathology;
  • there is a tendency to seizures, etc.

All this puts him at significant risk. The heat, which has reached 39.9 degrees, no longer brings any benefit to the body, but causes coagulation of proteins, of which the human body largely consists.

In addition, it creates a significant burden on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

If the fever develops significantly, you should know that you can quickly bring down the temperature of 39 in a child by wiping with water at room temperature. It is not advisable to add any substances to it.

You need to remove everything unnecessary from the baby to avoid overheating. You should leave him in cotton pajamas or a nightgown made from natural fabrics. It is better to cover it with a light sheet.

You should not allow your child to run or scream if he is in an excited state, but it is also undesirable to force him to bed.

Any nervous and physical stress will only increase hyperthermia. It is necessary to sit him in a comfortable place, read to him or distract him with something interesting.

How to bring down a temperature of 39 in a child?

It is possible to reduce the manifestations of fever with the help of appropriate medications only if the child’s temperature of 39-39.5 is not brought down by rubbing and drinking.

It should be remembered that for children under 5 years of age, suppositories, syrups and suspensions are preferable to tablets.

There are special medicines, which include syrups, suspensions or tablets. They contain the appropriate doses:

  1. Ibuprofen;
  2. syrup or suppositories with Nurofen;
  3. Candle with Viferon;
  4. Paracetamol;
  5. Calpole;
  6. Panadol;
  7. Efferalgan or Cefekon in the required dosage.

They should be taken strictly according to the instructions that come with the medicine. These are effective drugs that can reduce fever for a fairly long period. In addition, they produce an operational effect.

The safest choice in this case is Paracetamol.

It quickly helps bring down the temperature, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, has a minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions, and also does not have a noticeable effect on the hematopoietic system and the central nervous system.

The dosage in tablets for fever in children from 3 to 6 years is 800 mg / day.

From 6 summer age, the permissible dose is multiplied by 1.5-2. The minimum interval between medication doses is 4 hours.

If the temperature does not decrease, the tablet can be given again. If the child’s temperature remains at 39 even after repeated doses, then other medications or home remedies are used.

Ibuprofen-based medications also help quickly relieve fever, but they are less effective in providing other benefits to the body.

However, their advantage is that the antipyretic effect lasts for a very long period. The child should also take them no more often than every six hours.

For patients aged 3 months to 2 years, suppositories, syrup and suspension are used in accordance with the instructions. And for children over 3 years old - tablets.

The dosage is 10 mg/kg body weight at a temperature of 38.5 - 39.2, and if the temperature is below this indicator, then 5 mg/kg. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 30 mg/kg body weight.

How not to lower the temperature

Many parents are horrified when they see numbers on a thermometer that stop at thirty-nine degrees. Therefore, they lose their heads and begin to do things that only worsen the child’s situation.

It should be noted that in medicine, elevated temperature is divided into:

  1. White, when there is a hot forehead, and the palms and feet are cold, while the face is pale;
  2. red when the heat covers the whole body.

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the temperature in different ways.

  • In the first case, it is not recommended to massage the child’s limbs, completely undress him, or apply wet and cool lotions to his body. The baby’s condition is due to vascular insufficiency and these measures will only strengthen it.
  • When red hyperthermia is observed, these actions can help, since in this case vascular spasm is not observed; on the contrary, they are dilated.

If a child’s temperature is persistent at 39 and does not react to anything, then you should not rub the baby with an alcohol or vinegar solution, as it contributes to dehydration of the body and negatively affects the condition of the skin.

If there is a large amount of the substance, or if there is damage to the body, it can enter the bloodstream and cause even more damage.

Also, you should not give your child hot drinks with raspberries, linden or honey, and then wrap them tightly.

In this way, parents cause a diaphoretic effect and at the same time clog the air exchange, preventing the thermoregulation system from working at full strength.

In addition, plant substances contribute to the creation of a diuretic effect, which, together with the diaphoretic effect, creates all the conditions for blood dehydration.

Many parents panic when they see that their child’s temperature is 39.4; they don’t know how to bring it down. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that one should not strive to eliminate the heat by any means.

Medicines prohibited for use by children

Under no circumstances should you give your baby drugs such as Amidopyrine, Analgin, Antipyrine or Phenacetin.

They are contraindicated for a child’s body, otherwise intoxication is quite possible, which will make the patient’s condition critical.

  1. Since babies often have a fever, parents should be prepared for this and know the basic measures that should be taken to help them.
  2. Even if the child is still an infant, the mother needs to prepare in advance for what she can and should do if he develops hyperthermia, since she will often have to deal with such a problem.
  3. And, of course, self-medication when a young patient develops a fever is simply unacceptable. All necessary therapy is carried out only by a doctor.

What to do if the temperature does not go down to 39

There are also cases when everything has been tried, but hyperthermia does not disappear. Therefore, if a child’s temperature does not drop to 39 degrees, then this is a signal that specialist help is needed.

An urgent call to the Ambulance is necessary when:

  • The heat increases;
  • the child does not eat anything;
  • he refuses to drink;
  • he is getting worse;
  • his limbs twitch;
  • the child constantly vomits;
  • he has severe diarrhea.

If you don't call in time Ambulance, then the onset of a convulsive attack, cardiac or vascular failure, or organic brain damage is possible.

These symptoms indicate serious metabolic problems, rapid approach of dehydration, as well as the presence of dysfunction of internal organs, and most likely the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic.

While the medical team has not yet arrived, it is advisable to wrap the child in a wet sheet for about five minutes. Then he should be dried and dressed in a dry nightgown. In addition, the baby at this time needs to drink plenty of water at room temperature. The window must be open.

The need for a child to reduce his temperature, which has reached thirty-nine degrees, is very urgent for parents. But this must be done extremely competently and carefully so as not to aggravate his condition.

Intense fever indicates that the immune system cannot cope with a significant amount of pathogenic flora and the infectious process is gaining strength.

All this provokes the development of severe inflammation, and often also allergies, which, in turn, contributes to the preservation and intensification of hyperthermia.

You also need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, because they are the ones that indicate the presence of a certain disease. High temperature is only one of them and in itself cannot give a specialist a complete answer to the question of what the child is sick with.

Related materials:

Head of the otolaryngology department, candidate of medical sciences, ENT doctor of the highest category.

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All materials on the site, including medical reports and any other health-related information, are provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any specific situation. Use of the site and the information contained on it does not constitute a call to action. Always seek the direct advice of your health care provider with any questions you may have regarding your own health or the health of others. Do not self-medicate.

Reasons for the increase

A normal temperature is considered to be between 36 and 37.2 degrees. Its indicator is not a constant value and fluctuates throughout the day. Thus, the thermometer numbers may change after eating, vigorous physical activity and taking water procedures, but then the temperature fluctuates within its normal readings.

When viruses and bacteria enter the body, it begins active activity to combat them. It is the presence of temperature that indicates that not everything is all right with the child, even if there are no other manifestations of the disease. They will appear later, and the body is already engaged in protective activities. The temperature often rises in the evening, but can rise several times a day.

In addition, hyperthermia in a child can be observed due to overheating, when choosing inadequate clothing; in the presence of foreign bodies; if the child cries a lot and for a long time or is nervous; Allergic reactions can also trigger it. If the baby does not have any other symptoms, and the temperature periodically rises, then it is worth ruling out cardiac pathology.

Congenital heart defects can be manifested by changes in temperature during stressful situations and climate changes. Very often, teething and vaccination are accompanied by a short period of hyperthermia.

What temperature should you lower?

All babies experience fever differently. Some people don’t even notice when the temperature rises, even up to 39 degrees. They are active, noisy, and from their behavior one cannot conclude that the child is unwell. Others, even with low-grade fever, become tearful, refuse to eat and drink, and complain of pain in the head and limbs. The famous TV presenter Dr. Komarovsky advises not to lower the temperature if it is below 38, or even 39 degrees.

With such indicators, the child’s body actively produces interferon, an immunity factor that provides protection against viruses. If a child does not tolerate fever well, then we must begin to fight it at the first complaints. A rise in temperature to high numbers (over 39) is often accompanied by convulsions. Which is especially dangerous for children with neurological pathologies. Therefore, significant hyperthermia should be avoided in such children.

Video “Fighting fever”

How to lower the temperature at home

Evgeniy Komarovsky offers an algorithm of actions for parents when their child’s temperature rises.

  1. calm the baby down if he is nervous or actively moves and plays, put him to bed;
  2. provide cool air in the children's room. The temperature in it should not exceed a degree;
  3. Give the baby plenty of water. It is better to use raisin decoction or dried fruit compote; if this is not available, then just water. Moreover, this must be done even against the child’s wishes. These measures are aimed at ensuring maximum heat transfer in a febrile child;
  4. cover the cub with a blanket, leaving the legs and arms open;
  5. Physical methods of fighting fever (wraps and lotions) can only be used if it is of the “red” type. At the same time, the baby has hyperemic skin, wet hands and feet, rapid breathing and no changes in behavior. With this course of hyperthermia, you can wipe with slightly warm clean water the places where large vessels come to the surface of the skin (inguinal and axillary folds, elbow and knee bends, neck and temporal areas). Dr. Komarovsky strongly does not recommend using vinegar and alcohol for rubbing; this can lead to poisoning with these substances, since dry and hot skin will absorb them from its surface;
  6. Temperatures of the “pale” type are more dangerous and more difficult to bring down. It increases to high numbers and occurs more often during the day. With it, the child experiences pale skin, cold extremities, dry skin and bluish lips, and changes in behavior. All these are indicators of spasm of superficial vessels, which prevents the normalization of heat exchange. Dr. Komarovsky notes that it is difficult to bring down this type of temperature on your own, so you often have to seek help from doctors.

According to Komarovsky, paracetamol is the best drug for use in children. It will not harm the baby even if the parents accidentally make a mistake with the dosage, and will become an indicator of the severity of the disease. As a rule, paracetamol works great if a child's fever is of viral origin. If he cannot bring the indicators down to normal or for a long time, then the disease moves towards complications or has a different nature.

And this is a signal for parents that they cannot cope on their own and they should involve specialists. An additional advantage for paracetamol is that it is available in all known dosage forms and is very convenient to use for children of any age.

Traditional methods

All means that increase sweating will be good in the fight against hyperthermia. These include: cranberry juice, linden and raspberry tea, lingonberry and red currant juice, rose hip decoction. Dr. Komarovsky recommends taking products that promote sweating after the child’s body is already sufficiently flooded, that is, the baby has drunk a lot of liquid, because you need to have a large amount of moisture in order to turn it into sweat.

In addition, a well-known pediatrician advises that drinking should correspond to body temperature, that is, approaching forty degrees. Komarovsky explains this by saying that before absorbing a cold substance, the body will “warm it up” to its optimal levels, and it will have to “cool down” the hot substance. Be sure to change your baby into dry clothes after he has sweated.

External remedies in the form of wraps and lotions can be used only when the baby’s skin is hot to the touch. Moreover, it is recommended to use only clean water for them. It should be two to five degrees cooler than the body and in no case cold. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a child who is in a fresh room and has drunk a sufficient amount of fluid will cope with the temperature on his own without medication and additional measures in two to three hours.

Video “Fever in a child”

What to do if your child complains of a high temperature? To understand which methods will be optimal in the fight, we recommend watching the following video.

Temperature 39 and cough in a child Komarovsky

On Friday, March 17, I took him to kindergarten in the morning for 3 hours, when I picked him up, it turned out that the child had intense snot. They came home, gave me something to drink, and put me to bed. After 4 hours, in addition to the snot, the temperature was: 39. She gave 5 ml of Nurofen. But the daughter’s condition was depressing. Previously, at this temperature it remained active. And then there's a misty look. It looks like the body is intoxicated. In addition: coughing, sneezing, snot flowing constantly. There is no snot in the morning. Stodal was given for cough. After 6 hours I put on an Efferalgan suppository. But the temperature was still high at night. They wiped it with vodka, but the result wasn’t great either. Maximum temperature increase: 39.6. Bottom line: Efferalgan/nurofen are almost ineffective (they only provide short-term relief). Rubbing with water/vodka too. Condition: my daughter sleeps almost all the time, 0.5 liters of water per day, but does not sweat. The condition is sluggish all the time.¬¬¬ Only stodal helps (coughs a little). Urine tests will be ready in about a day. It is clear that this is not an acute respiratory viral infection (antipyretics do not help), 3 months ago I was hospitalized with acute infectious pyelonephritis (a complication after vaccination). After this, an ultrasound of the kidneys was not performed; urine tests were normal.

We are thinking: should we wait for the urine results or call an ambulance? The situation is not simple, we are afraid that antibiotics will be prescribed without tests. BUT: if antipyretics do not bring down the temperature, then what should I use? Ice pack on top of head? Temperatures tend to rise all the time.

The last time they gave me Nurofen, an hour later the temperature was 38.9.

Thanks for any help!

Concomitant vascular spasm (to eliminate the spasm, you need to add No-shpa to the antipyretic)

Don't drink enough (and half a liter of water per day at high temperatures is very little!)

worth it if he drinks. If he doesn’t drink, give him any liquid (not carbonated).

based on paracetamol - no more than once every 4 hours (this is an extreme case), in general - once every 6 hours. In any case, no more than 4 times a day.

Perhaps that’s why efferalgan didn’t help. Even at high temperatures, the candle may not work.

Paracetamol - after 4-6 hours, ibuprofench.

Do not force feed the child, give plenty of water, rinse the nose with saline solution, and humidify the room where the child sleeps.

NEVER do this again! Vodka is absorbed through the skin into the blood - do you also need alcohol poisoning? Read Doctor! http://www.komarovskiy.net/navigator/orvi.html

This fact is indicative only in the fact that our medicine is far from NORMAL, civilized, which is very sad.

How? I draw your attention to the fact that glucose and alkaline drinks are needed, the child has a deficiency of glucose and fluid due to high temperature, hence the acetone. Acetone causes intoxication, which in turn maintains a high temperature. In your case, the temperature needs to be lowered above 38.5

Blood - general analysis with leukemia formula.

I do not agree. Intoxication and high temperature are not interrelated things. Or rather, they are not always interdependent. Acetone does not maintain high temperatures on its own.

Otherwise I agree

1. Genferon-Lite, 2 suppositories for 5 days.

2. Isofra 1 spray in each nostril, 3 times a day for 5 days.

3. Stodal 7 days 3 times.

4. Eriskal 7.5 ml 3 times a day before meals for up to 7 days.

5. Furagin half a tablet per day.

morning urine collection:

1. Leukocytes 7000

2. Red blood cells 3000

3. ALS cylinders (in my opinion, this is how it is written, manually)

that the diagnosis of ARVI in a child with acute pyelonephritis

She did not prescribe anything more than the above list of medications.

We give glucose 2 tablets a day.

(the cough doesn’t seem to be dry) - maybe the disease has spread to the lungs?

During the day the temperature remained

within 37 degrees. But the daughter was still somehow weak (which is not typical for her). It turns out that the temperature was 37 without antipyretics for a day.

and I have this concern.

adequate a/b therapy. Furagin, of course, is a uroseptic, but I’m not sure whether it will be enough in this situation.

If you doubt the diagnosis, try consulting a pediatrician in a hospital. There is a possibility?

here you can already see pyelonephritis

You are comparing 2 different analyses. The previous urine test was a general one, where leukocytes and red blood cells are counted and written in the “field of view” of the microscope, but in today’s analysis they were counted in 1 ml of urine, which is why the difference is so huge. Normally, 1 ml contains up to 4000 leukocytes and up to 2000 erythrocytes. You have an excess of leukocytes almost twice, erythrocytes - 1.5 times. There is no need to retake it, so everything is clear. Retake after a course of antibiotics

My daughter coughs often.

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treatment of colds

  • Respiratory diseases
    • Cold
    • ARVI and acute respiratory infections
    • Flu
    • Cough
    • Pneumonia
    • Bronchitis
  • ENT diseases
    • Runny nose
    • Sinusitis
    • Tonsillitis
    • A sore throat

Cough and temperature 39 in a child

Why does a child have a cough and fever?

Children suffer from respiratory diseases much more often than adults. A child's cough and fever can be symptoms of bacterial and viral diseases. Coughing is a protective reaction of the body. It is most often caused by inflammation of the airways (bronchi, lung tissue, trachea) or their obstruction. The cough can be productive and dry. Temperature is also an adaptive reaction. This is the main sign of intoxication of the body. If the temperature is less than 38.5 degrees, there is no need to bring it down. What diseases cause a child’s body temperature to rise and a cough to appear?

Etiological factors

Fever and cough can have different origins. Hyperthermia is a sign of an infectious disease. Similar symptoms in children can be observed with the following pathologies:

A coughing child can be a source of infection. This happens with influenza, whooping cough and other pathologies. Less commonly, the cause is tuberculosis infection. Each disease has its own specific characteristics. For example, with the flu, the cough is dry, intense, accompanied by pain in the chest.

Cough and fever with influenza and ARVI

A child's cough and fever may be caused by a viral infection. Most often, such symptoms are detected with ARVI and influenza. Differential diagnosis of these diseases is difficult. To make a diagnosis of influenza, laboratory testing (virus isolation) is required. Due to the fact that influenza has now reached pandemic proportions, laboratory diagnostics are rarely carried out. Today there are 3 types of influenza virus known: A, B, C. They are constantly changing. Young children are more susceptible to the disease. Crowding of teams contributes to this. Flu symptoms are most common in the fall and winter. The incubation period is up to 3 days. The main symptoms are:

  • sudden increase in body temperature up to several degrees;
  • chills;
  • myalgia;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth;
  • dry cough.

The temperature in children with the flu most often rises in the evening. It can be observed for several days. In most cases, flu symptoms subside within 3-5 days of infection. A runny nose with the flu is rare. Flu is dangerous for children because of its possible complications. These include the development of pneumonia, lung abscess, distress syndrome, the development of sinusitis, otitis media, myocarditis, and inflammation of the brain substance.

As for ARVI, the symptoms are very similar to those of the flu. Children may complain of nasal congestion, malaise, cough, chills, muscle and joint pain.

Often with ARVI, the lymph nodes become enlarged. The cough associated with ARVI is most often dry and barking. It occurs periodically in the form of attacks. Less often it is moist with light sputum. Children may experience sore throat, watery eyes, and difficulty breathing through the nose.

Whooping cough infection

A cough combined with a fever may be a sign of a serious childhood illness such as whooping cough. This is an infectious disease with a predominantly aerosol transmission mechanism, which is characterized by paroxysmal cough.

In children under 2 years of age, this pathology often causes death. The causative agent of the disease is Bordetella pertussis. In its course, whooping cough resembles ARVI. The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • spasmodic cough;
  • bulging neck veins;
  • discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • change in skin color;
  • signs of lack of air;
  • hemorrhages;
  • convulsions.

Whooping cough cough is very specific. It has the following features:

  • paroxysmal;
  • at first dry and sparse, then becomes longer;
  • gradually intensifies;
  • may continue for a month.

Coughing attacks consist of several coughing impulses. During an attack, the child makes a characteristic whistle (reprise). During an attack, children have a pained expression on their face. Cyanosis is often observed. In young children, this condition is dangerous due to respiratory arrest. Today, mass vaccination of children is carried out against this infection. Vaccination against whooping cough is included in the national calendar.

Inflammation of the bronchi in children

Cough and hyperthermia can be the main manifestations of bronchitis. The latter can be acute or chronic. The main reasons for the development of acute bronchitis in children are:

The duration of acute bronchitis in children is most often 1-1.5 weeks. Patients may experience cough, malaise, and fever. At first the cough is dry, then sputum is discharged. In the case of obstructive bronchitis, mucus can accumulate in the bronchi, causing moist wheezing. Body temperature remains within normal limits or increases slightly. When bronchiolitis develops in young children, cough may be accompanied by other symptoms: dry mouth, disturbances in appetite and sleep. If such signs appear, you should consult a doctor and rule out a more severe pathology (pneumonia).

Pneumonia as a cause of cough and fever

The most dangerous disease for young children is pneumonia. It is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue. The most commonly diagnosed pneumonia is caused by pneumococci. Depending on the volume of tissue damage, focal, segmental, lobar, confluent and total pneumonia are distinguished. A type of lobar pneumonia is lobar pneumonia. In addition, pneumonia can be community-acquired or hospital-acquired. Typical signs pneumonia in children are:

The temperature lasts for several days. She's pretty hard to knock down. In most cases it exceeds 38 degrees. The cough is constant and productive.

In lobar pneumonia, it is characterized by the discharge of rust-colored sputum. Pneumonia often develops in newborns and infants.

Diagnosis and treatment

To relieve your child of cough and fever, you need to see a doctor. It is important to establish the underlying disease that caused these symptoms. Diagnostics includes:

  • careful history taking;
  • percussion and auscultation of the lungs;
  • visual inspection;
  • blood pressure and heart rate measurement;
  • X-ray examination of the lungs;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • general blood and urine analysis.

To identify the causative agent of the infection, sputum may be taken for subsequent examination. After the diagnosis is made, a course of treatment is carried out.

The temperature should be brought down if it exceeds 38.5 degrees.

Paracetamol can be used for this. If a child is diagnosed with whooping cough, he is subject to hospitalization in case of severe disease and complications. Children early age are also treated in an inpatient setting. To eliminate cough and destroy bacteria, antibiotics from the group of macrolides, protected penicillins, and 3rd generation cephalosporins are used. These include Sumamed, Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav. When choosing a drug, the baby’s age and weight are taken into account. Treatment also includes massage, physiotherapy, and providing rest for the child. If necessary, mucus suction is organized.

Treatment of acute bronchitis involves drinking plenty of fluids, expectorants in the form of syrups and mixtures (marshmallow syrup, Ambroxol), and inhalations. Expectorants are used for wet coughs.

For bacterial etiology of bronchitis, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Thus, cough and fever in children can indicate a variety of pathologies of the respiratory system.

Dry cough and high temperature 38, 39 in an adult: treatment, diagnosis

Cough with fever is the first manifestation of most colds.

Such symptoms indicate that an inflammatory process has begun in the body.

As a rule, the virus is localized in the upper and lower respiratory tract:

A dry cough and with it a temperature of 37, 38 and 39 can occur due to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, pharynx and adenoids. In addition, the factors of their appearance may be false croup, allergic cough, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, tracheitis, whooping cough and atypical pneumonia.

The sudden onset of a cough may indicate that a foreign body has entered the trachea or bronchi, which is life-threatening. Therefore, immediate medical attention is necessary.

At the same time, cough with fever appears not only with pathologies of the respiratory tract. These symptoms are also characteristic of cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal disorders.

Moreover, a dry and severe cough often occurs due to polluted air, for example, the presence of tobacco smoke in it.

This symptom occurs without other manifestations characteristic of acute respiratory viral infections, that is, a runny nose, malaise and a temperature of 38 and 39 degrees.

Types of cough

There are these types of cough:

An acute cough can last up to 21 days, and a chronic cough can last more than 3 weeks. During the year it appears several times, while other cold symptoms do not appear.

Dry (non-productive) and wet (productive) cough is a protective reaction of the body, the main task of which is to free the airways from irritating factors (smoke, dust, mucus, foreign bodies).

When sputum is not coughed up, such a cough is called unproductive, and if it is coughed up, it is called wet. When coughing, the temperature can rise to 37, 38 and 39 degrees. Breathing problems and loss of appetite may also occur.

In addition, the causes of cough are:

  • non-infectious (asthma, foreign body in the respiratory tract);
  • infectious.

But to establish the exact cause, you need to consult a doctor who can reliably determine the factors causing cough.

Moreover, to clarify the diagnosis, the therapist can refer the patient to an allergist, otolaryngologist and cardiologist.

How to treat cough with fever in adults and children?

Treatment for cold symptoms can be varied. Medicines used for these purposes fall into three categories:

  1. calming;
  2. cough intensifiers – expectorants;
  3. mukalytics - to thin sputum.

As a rule, the causes of cough in children lie in hypothermia or viral infection, concentrated in the lower or upper respiratory tract. Moreover, due to hypothermia, diseases of the nose and throat can develop. Infectious diseases often affect:

With any parallel illness, a cough and fever appear, which can have varying intensity and, accordingly, varying degrees of danger. It is worth noting that the lower the lesion occurs, the more difficult the course of the disease will be.

Due to hypothermia, the nasal mucosa, the back wall of the pharynx and the ring of the tonsils become inflamed. As a result, mucus drains from the nose into the larynx, causing it to become irritated. This is how a cough appears, the main task of which is to eliminate foreign substances from the larynx and trachea, infected surrounding mucus and microbes.

Consequently, doctors insist that in this case the cough is a protective reaction and can be left untreated for some time. Therefore, antitussive drugs and remedies are prescribed only when the cough is strong and dry, which prevents a person from breathing normally and resting during sleep.

If the patient feels satisfactory with a cough and low fever (37°C), then he can do his usual activities. But during the illness, it is important to give up sports and physical activity.

At the same time, it is necessary not to overcool the body, as this can aggravate the progression of the disease. And the youngest patients should be provided with bed rest.

To prevent the cough from recurring, it is necessary to follow preventive measures. To this end, you need to strengthen the immune system in every possible way - harden yourself, take vitamins, give up bad habits and not come into contact with a person who has the flu and other colds.

Why does high fever and infectious cough occur?

Factors in the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms of diseases may include the presence of:

  • false croup;
  • whooping cough;
  • hypothermia or viral respiratory tract infection;
  • bronchioliga (inflammation of the bronchioles);
  • inflammation of the epiglottis, trachea and larynx;
  • pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi).

In addition, a strong or dry severe cough and fever in an adult or child may occur due to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, adenoids and pharynx. In addition, a cough may indicate the presence of bronchial asthma. With such a disease, a severe cough manifests itself as attacks of suffocation.

A sudden cough may occur due to a foreign body entering the trachea and bronchi. And this threatens the patient’s life, and therefore requires immediate medical intervention.

Moreover, high fever can occur with diseases of the respiratory system. For example, temperature is often observed in patients with heart disease and gastrointestinal pathologies.

Another factor in the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms may lie in a high concentration of harmful substances in the air (tobacco smoke, gas pollution) and dry or excessively hot air in the room. More rare causes include psychogenic reflex cough, which occurs with inflammation of the middle ear and wax plugs in the ears.

This phenomenon is not characterized by high temperature (maximum 37 degrees).

Why are coughs and fever dangerous?

The influence of any factor on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which can be infectious or non-infectious, can cause the development of acute inflammation. Consequently, this will lead to the patient developing a fever and a dry or wet cough.

During the course of the disease, the number and area of ​​distribution of cells producing sputum significantly increases in the patient. At the same time, the viscosity and amount of sputum increases, which makes breathing difficult and the mobility of mucus is impaired. As for dry cough specifically, we recommend trying inhalations for dry cough - an effective and efficient method.

It is worth noting that cough, the main task of which is aimed at clearing the respiratory tract of harmful accumulations and foreign bodies, is not accompanied by high temperature. As a rule, inflammation occurring in the mucous membranes of the respiratory system is characterized by a deterioration in the functionality of the bronchi, and then the lungs.

As a result, the sick person’s body lacks oxygen, so metabolic processes are disrupted, which contributes to the occurrence of temperature (°C) and malaise. In addition, if this phenomenon is not treated, then the immunological protection of the DP is reduced, which can lead to long-term inflammation, which has every chance of becoming chronic.

Cough and fever are discussed in the video in this article from the point of view different methods treatment.

Cough and temperature 38: reasons, what to do

Symptoms such as cough and temperature of 38 are two very serious indicators that in no case should be ignored. Most often, they serve as a sign of a viral infection entering the body, but they can signal the occurrence of other pathologies.

What can a cough, temperature 38 and headache indicate?

ARVI, familiar to everyone from childhood, is almost always accompanied by quite severe symptoms. Temperature 38, cough, runny nose are considered traditional signs of this disease.

In the initial stage of development of the disease, bronchospasms are dry and quite painful. Fever may not occur at this stage.

As the disease progresses, a temperature of 38 appears, and a severe cough develops from dry to wet. The transition of reflex spasms of the airways to a wet state is actually a very good sign. After all, along with the secreted sputum, pathogenic microorganisms that develop in it come out.

Temperature 38, cough, snot, which arises against the background of ARVI, can last about a week and, of course, require treatment. In its absence, the pathological process can spread to the respiratory system and cause acute bronchitis.

In this case, a cough and a temperature of 38.5 will be accompanied by wheezing, difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath. After a few days, the high fever subsides, and bronchospasms continue to occur. for a long time even with successful treatment. After all, the damaged bronchial mucosa restores its normal functioning quite slowly.

A temperature of 38.5 and a cough may be signs of sinusitis. In this case, sharp, spasmodic exhalations are caused by dry throat, and the following are added to the symptoms:

  • Prolonged runny nose, accompanied by the discharge of purulent mucus.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.
  • Malaise.
  • Impaired sense of smell.
  • Swelling of the eyelids and cheeks.

When you have a sore throat, a cough, or a temperature of 38, then you may be suffering from acute laryngitis. In this case, unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by painful sensations in the throat:

Bronchospasms during laryngitis occur due to a narrowing of the glottis and are initially dry in nature, and later develop into wet ones. One of the clearest indicators of this disease is a strong change in voice. It can sound rough, hoarse, and sometimes disappear completely.

Severe cough, temperature 38 - what to do?

If the symptoms described above occur, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible or call him at home. After all, only a doctor can correctly determine the reason why the temperature is 38, cough (strong or weak), and sometimes a runny nose.

Before an examination by a specialist, you should adhere to certain recommendations, the implementation of which will not aggravate the patient’s condition, and in some cases even alleviate it:

  • Drink as much liquid as possible. This simple technique helps relieve coughing and moisturize mucous membranes. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms, their waste products and toxins are naturally eliminated in this way.
  • If you have a cough, sniffles, a temperature of 38, but the thermometer does not creep up any further, then you should not bring down the fever. At such levels, the body produces interferon, a virus-destroying substance.
  • If you have a runny nose, cough, and the temperature stays at 38 and does not fall, you should under no circumstances drink alcoholic drinks and coffee. The use of warming medical procedures: mustard plasters, compresses, steam inhalations is strictly prohibited.
  • When you have a temperature of 38, a runny nose, a cough, you should under no circumstances wrap yourself up or dress too warmly. During this period, the body tries to cool itself, preventing possible overheating. This is why increased sweating occurs.
  • If a person has a cough and a temperature of 38.5, this does not mean that one should be afraid to open windows. On the contrary, systematic ventilation, especially in combination with air humidification, significantly facilitates the patient’s breathing and helps reduce the intensity of bronchospasms.

If you immediately go to the hospital and follow all the specialist’s recommendations, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms in a fairly short time. The main thing is to carry out all medical prescriptions regularly and comply with the required dosages of medications.

A child has a temperature of 38 and a dry cough: causes and treatment

Does your child have a temperature of 38 and a cough? What is the reason? How to act in this situation?

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body designed to remove irritants from the respiratory tract. A dry (or nonproductive) cough is a cough without sputum. Normally, it can occur in young children in the morning or occasionally during the day, and if it is not accompanied by other signs of the disease, it is not considered a pathology. It can also be a sign of an incipient inflammatory process in the respiratory tract. For example, a barking cough with laryngitis, a “metallic” cough with tracheitis - such a cough feels exhausting and intrusive.

Also, an attack of dry cough can occur when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, an attack of bronchial asthma, or allergic diseases. It should be noted that in newborns the cough reflex is very weak and does not allow coughing properly.

When does fever occur?

An increase in temperature, like a cough, is one of the body’s protective reactions, and it occurs quite often in children. It can be caused by infections, allergic reactions, diseases of the nervous system, overheating, teething, or a reaction to a preventive vaccination. An increase in temperature to 38.5 degrees is not considered dangerous and does not require treatment with antipyretic drugs, except in cases where the high temperature is accompanied by chills, pain in the muscles and joints, if convulsions have previously been noted with an increase in temperature (febrile convulsions), or if the temperature has risen in a child under two months old.

How to get rid of hyperthermia without drugs?

If a child has a severe cough and a temperature of 38 degrees or higher, in addition to medications, it can be reduced by a set of measures called physical cooling methods. They improve the child’s well-being and prevent further increases in temperature. First of all, it’s worth saying that you don’t need to wrap your child up, as this can lead to heat stroke. The temperature in the room should be comfortable, clothing should be light, made from natural fabrics that transmit heat well. You can use wiping with warm water to quickly reduce the temperature (it is not advisable to use cold water or alcohol; vinegar can only be used in older children). They wipe the face, hands, neck, chest, legs, do not wrap the child after wiping, as this can cause the opposite effect.

Cough and fever

The most common reason that can cause a dry cough and fever of 38 degrees in a child is viral respiratory tract infections (ARVI or influenza). These diseases are considered one of the most common among children, and, despite their apparent harmlessness, they can cause quite dangerous complications - false croup, pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic respiratory tract infections, damage to the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system.

Therefore, if a child has a temperature of 38 and a cough, then it is impossible to let the disease take its course. You need to urgently contact your pediatrician. According to various sources, cough and temperature of 38 in a child (Komarovsky, Shaporova and others) are the most common reasons Parents visit a clinic or call a doctor at home, and most often in such cases a diagnosis of “ARVI” or “flu” is made.

ARVI and influenza

ARVI is caused by various viruses that affect the mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx, oropharynx, larynx and trachea (adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses). The disease does not always occur with a high temperature, but a dry cough and runny nose appear from the first days of the disease. Most often, children get sick in the off-season, in autumn or spring, when changeable weather is conducive to colds.

Unlike acute respiratory viral infections, influenza is one of the most early symptoms- headache, weakness, weakness, muscle pain, and only after three or four days the child develops a temperature of 38, cough and snot. During the epidemic season (February-March), up to 30 children out of 100 thousand suffer from influenza. Complications of influenza, primarily pneumonia, caused by both the influenza virus itself and the accompanying bacterial flora, can be very severe and even lead to death.

Medicines for treating influenza

Children are absolutely not allowed to carry the flu on their feet, as many adults do, and if a child has a temperature of 38 and a cough, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Antiviral drugs (Remantadine, Algirem, Tamiflu, Relenza) are primarily used to treat influenza; they are the main means of control. The doctor will also prescribe interferons and interferon inducers (popular drugs Kagocel, Arbidol, Grippferon). According to indications, symptomatic medications will be prescribed (Theraflu, Coldrex, etc.). It should be noted that symptomatic therapy drugs will help relieve a dry cough and fever of 38 in a child, but do not have any effect on the influenza virus and viruses that cause ARVI, so they are not enough for complete treatment.

Drugs for the treatment of ARVI

As you know, if a cold is not treated, it lasts for seven whole days, and if treated, it lasts only one week, so in the treatment of ARVI, preference should be given to symptomatic therapy. First of all, these are vasoconstrictor sprays and nasal drops (their range in pharmacies is huge and varied), antipyretic drugs, of which Paracetamol and Ibuprofen (Nurofen) are usually used in children, as well as expectorants (Lazolvan , “Bromhexine”, “ACC”).

It should be remembered that children under three years of age are often unable to cough effectively, so expectorants should be used with caution. Antitussives containing codeine have not recently been used for children. Also, drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and metamizole sodium (analgin) are not used for them because of their negative effect on hematopoiesis.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, as this can be harmful to the child’s health. All medications must be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment regimen

When treating ARVI or influenza, when a child has a temperature of 38 and a cough, compliance with the treatment regimen is very important. You shouldn’t force your baby to stay in bed if he doesn’t want to, but you shouldn’t allow excessive physical activity either. You need to maintain a comfortable temperature in your child’s room and make sure that the air is not dry. For dry coughs, steam inhalations, inhalations with medicinal plants (chamomile, eucalyptus), and plenty of warm drinks (weak tea, sweet juices, fruit drinks, compotes) help. To reduce the temperature, the physical cooling methods discussed above are used.

When is urgent medical attention needed?

You should consult a doctor immediately if:

  • The child’s temperature rose to 40 and above.
  • Dry cough and temperature of 38 in a child last longer three days despite the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
  • Against the background of fever and cough, other symptoms appear - rash, vomiting, diarrhea, or the child’s condition worsens as recovery begins.
  • Allergic reactions to the drugs used have occurred (often they can be caused by flavoring additives in tablets and powders).
  • The child has chronic diseases, and fever and cough cause their exacerbation.
  • The child refuses to drink, there are signs of dehydration (dry pale skin, crying without tears, rare urination).

Fever, cough, runny nose in a child

Every mother several times a year encounters various manifestations of colds in her child. Most often, fever, cough and runny nose affect a baby during the period when significant climatic changes occur in nature, that is, in early spring and late autumn. However, such symptoms are often caused by a virus or infection entering the body, which should be treated immediately.

In this article we will tell you what factors can cause fever, cough and runny nose in a child, and how to treat this condition.

Why does the child have a temperature of 37, a runny nose and a cough?

With a slight increase in temperature, cough is most often a symptom of respiratory tract diseases. A runny nose in such a situation usually occurs as a manifestation of a mild allergic reaction. In most cases, such ailments are caused by reasons such as bronchial asthma, pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and rhinitis.

Causes of cough, runny nose and fever in a child

A significant increase in body temperature, accompanied by a cough and runny nose, in most cases indicates an acute respiratory infectious disease. Viruses and bacteria entering the baby's respiratory tract irritate their mucous membrane. As a result, an inflammatory process occurs in the child’s body.

The baby's nasal mucosa swells, his ears become blocked, and he becomes unable to breathe. When the cells of the immune system begin to fight the disease, the body temperature rises sharply. The cough usually starts a little later – on the second or third day after infection.

How to treat such symptoms?

Any acute respiratory infection accompanied by high fever, especially in infants, must be treated under the supervision of a pediatrician. If handled incorrectly, it can cause serious complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media or sinusitis. If your baby's body temperature is only slightly higher than normal, you can try to cope with the disease yourself.

Approximately 5-6 times a day it is necessary to rinse the nose with saline solution, after which oil drops, for example, Pinosol, should be dripped into each nostril. In addition, using a nebulizer, it is useful to inhale with saline solution, fir oil or sage infusion.

A popular remedy helps with a severe debilitating cough traditional medicine– black radish juice with honey. You can also give your child antitussive syrups such as Lazolvan, Prospan or Gerbion.

In any case, you should not get too carried away with self-medication. If your child's general condition does not improve within a few days, consult your doctor immediately.

A 4-year-old child has a dry cough and a temperature of 39.5 days! nothing helps, only worse (((


Olga Klimova

antibiotic what day? . toilet your child's nose. . what kind of cough? Sinecode and plantain? here's a cough for you. from snot. . change the syrup. . wipe the body.. swaddle. . in a damp towel..

Amalia Tsarskaya

Oh how familiar. If you can’t bring down the temperature (with ibuprofen, etc., etc.), put an analdim suppository (this is diphenhydramine with analgin, which is injected when the ambulance arrives), it is designed for every age. And the doctor also told me about it. And sinekod is a remedy that should be taken when it is necessary to “put off” a cough. He just seems to lower it (the doctor's explanation). In general, if you really can’t bear it, call an ambulance. make sure that the acetone does not rise in the urine. (there are special stripes for identification). but in general, from personal experience, drink more (if you don’t want to drink every minute from a syringe without a needle, give warm compote, tea, water cubes) and moisturize and ventilate.

An X-ray of the lungs must be taken. And urgently. There may be pneumonia if there is a dry cough and such a temperature.

Children get sick at any age. The temperature rising to 37.5°C does not cause much panic. But what to do if the thermometer is already 39°C? What to do when the thermometer reaches the mark

38°C, but there are no other signs of illness? The answers are given by Dr. Komarovsky, a pediatrician with 30 years of experience, whose opinion is carefully listened to by mothers of children of any age.

How to lower a high temperature using the Komarovsky method

According to the doctor, a temperature of 39°C is considered critical and parents should be extremely attentive to the baby’s well-being. Further increase in heat can cause serious harm to the child's body.

“It is unacceptable to limit yourself to self-medication - a high temperature is always a serious reason to call a doctor”

But if there are signs of an infectious disease, then how to bring down a child’s temperature of 39? Komarovsky believes that it is possible to help a child both without medications and with their help. However, there are a number of cases when medications are given without delay:

Reducing fever without medication

If the baby feels normal - he does not have delirium, inappropriate behavior, or difficulty breathing, then you can wait to take medications. The main thing is to create special conditions that will help the baby cope with the fever. To do this you need:

Cool air and plenty of fluids are the main allies in the fight against high fever.

Cooling occurs through breathing and sweating. Tea with raspberries, honey or linden blossom is given only after the child drinks more than a liter of regular compote. Otherwise, the baby will have nothing to sweat with and the temperature will rise even more.

Rubbing with cold water is also not beneficial. They provoke vasospasm. The skin cools down, and the internal organs, on the contrary, overheat even more. If the child’s condition worsens, then it is necessary to move on to the next stage - taking medications.

Reducing fever with medications

According to Komarovsky, parents can only give their children paracetamol or ibuprofen in the dosages prescribed in the instructions.

At high temperatures, suppositories do not have the desired effect, but liquid products are absorbed quickly. However, there are times when even syrup cannot cope with intense heat due to spasm of the mucous vessels. The only way out is an injection of an antipyretic drug, which will be given by a doctor.

“Remember! You should not give your child aspirin or analgin - these medications harm the liver and blood-forming organs."

Paracetamol is given at intervals of 4 hours, ibuprofen - 6 hours, but no more than 4 times a day. Medicines are compatible with each other. When paracetamol does not work, you can give your child ibuprofen 40 minutes after paracetamol. If the temperature does not subside within 30-40 minutes after taking antipyretics, you should call a doctor.

Temperature without symptoms

As Dr. Komarovsky’s practice shows, a high temperature in a child without symptoms of an infectious disease causes even more bewilderment. Causes of high fever may include:

If your temperature rises and there are no symptoms, you should definitely see a doctor. Perhaps the doctor will see what is hidden from parental eyes. Perhaps it will simply confirm guesses, for example, about growing teeth.

If the doctor throws up his hands and does not find any visible signs of the disease, then Komarovsky suggests waiting 3-5 days and observing the child. After this period, it is necessary to take blood and urine tests to exclude hidden inflammatory processes.

Summing up

Komarovsky considers a high temperature with signs of an infectious disease or a child with a temperature of 38 without symptoms to be a good reason to immediately call a doctor at home. Parents should help the baby cope with the fever - drinking plenty of fluids, cool air in the room and, if necessary, taking antipyretic drugs will help do this. Analgin, aspirin, vodka, vinegar and cold compresses should be excluded from first aid remedies.

Causes of temperature in infants according to Komarovsky

An increase in body temperature in a child is typical for ARVI, but also for any viral disease. An increase in temperature ensures stimulation of the body, as well as the production of elements that can effectively fight the pathogen.

Children's perception of temperature rise varies. Some do not show concern at 39°C, others faint at 37.5°C. This determines the lack of clear recommendations regarding actions to save a child when his body temperature reaches a certain value.

Other reasons for an increase in a child’s body temperature include teething, stress or nervous shock, excessive hypothermia, or overheating in the sun.

Komarovsky: fever, cough in infants

A child’s cough in combination with a high temperature indicates that the child is exposed to a cold virus or some kind of infection. In addition, it is possible following reasons happening:

  • entry of viruses and bacterial infections into the child’s respiratory tract;
  • the occurrence and initial stage of development of allergic or infectious diseases, in particular bronchial asthma;
  • acute form of bronchial irritation by chemicals, in particular paint or gasoline;
  • severe overheating of the child’s body due to an allergic reaction.

Depending on the established cause of the cough, ways to eliminate it are determined.

Cough in an infant without fever, Komarovsky

Komarovsky identifies two main types of cough: allergic and infectious. In addition, the doctor says that with the help of coughing, the child’s body eliminates the infection that has entered it. A child may have a hard time with his parents purchasing fresh perfume or a new means of cleaning the house.

If a child’s cough without fever is caused by intestinal infections, it will go away on its own. The main point in this case is the separation of sputum from the bronchi. It is necessary to constantly ventilate the child’s room and give him plenty of water. Also, do not overfeed it.

A dry cough without fever is much more dangerous than a wet cough. But both should not be left unnoticed. For high-quality sputum discharge, it is necessary to use special means. However, only a doctor has the right to prescribe such treatment methods. You should consult a specialist if the cough lasts more than three weeks.

Komarovsky: runny nose, fever in infants

According to Dr. Komarovsky, he has a runny nose infant in combination with temperature, it manifests itself due to a decrease in the level of his immunity. Simply put, the child’s body suffers from a lack of resources to resist pathogenic bacteria that block its nasal passages. In a child, they are quite narrow and therefore a minor viral infection is enough to cause a runny nose. In this case, the child is guaranteed to have a runny nose at an elevated temperature.

According to Komarovsky, a runny nose in a child with a fever can be the result of a strong temperature difference in the child. There may be a strong separation of sweat when the child’s body overheats, and the result will be a decrease in the protective function of the child’s body. Hypothermia can also harm a child.

A runny nose with fever can also be the result of allergic reactions. In this case, the face may swell, tears will flow, and severe itching will appear in the nose.

High temperature in infants, Komarovsky

A sharp increase in a child’s body temperature most often occurs due to exposure of the infant to viral and infectious diseases. In addition, the temperature may rise as a result of teething in the child, severe nervous shock that he is experiencing, as well as an allergic reaction or the consequences of stress.

Komarovsky advises parents not to panic if their child’s body temperature suddenly rises. A baby's high body temperature indicates that his body is working normally. There is no need to immediately try to solve the problem by using fever reducers. Fever itself is an effective protective mechanism of the child's body.

First of all, you should give your child plenty of fluids. Compotes made from dried apricots and dried fruits are best suited for this. A child’s drink must be heated. According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is necessary to saturate the child’s body with fluid, after which sweat production should be stimulated with the help of hot drinks.

The result will be profuse sweating of the child. The heat transfer from the baby's skin surface increases. Eventually your body temperature will drop.

Komarovsky: baby has fever without symptoms

In some cases, mild fever is a normal reaction of the child’s body to external irritating factors; in other situations, there are certain dangers. The reasons for fever without additional symptoms should be known to parents in order to monitor the situation and make the right decision.

The reasons for an increase in temperature without additional symptoms may be the following:

  1. Overheating of the infant's body. This may be due to the baby being in the sun for a long time or in a stuffy room, his clothes being too warm, or as a result of long, intense games with him. In this case, the child’s body temperature may increase to 38.5°C. The child should be placed in the shade and unnecessary clothes should be removed. If the cause of the high temperature is overheating, its value will be restored within an hour.
  2. A baby's body temperature may increase as teething occurs. In such a situation, it is possible for the temperature to reach 38°C within three days. The situation can be eliminated by using special gels to reduce fever, stopping intense games, as well as drinking plenty of heat and drinking.
  3. Impact of the virus. Without symptoms, the situation is observed only on the first day. If the temperature reaches high levels due to the effect of a viral infection on the child, after three days the child begins to have redness in the throat, he coughs and has a runny nose. You should not rush to lower your baby’s body temperature with medications. It is necessary to guarantee the child constant access to fresh air, wet wipes, a constant ambient temperature of 22°C and plenty of drinking. No need to take antibiotics.
  4. Consequences of vaccination. In some cases, the child’s body shows an individual reaction to the administered vaccine. It is possible for an infant's body temperature to rise to 38.5°C, after which it lasts for three days.

Measures must be taken individually, depending on the situation. It is recommended that if a baby’s body temperature rises, consult with a competent doctor and prescribe adequate measures, if necessary.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that if a child has a high temperature, the child should be provided with conditions in which his body will lose heat. This happens when the air inhaled by the baby warms and sweat evaporates from the baby’s skin. The doctor recommends following two conditions for children with fever:

  • providing cool air in the room. It is best that the temperature in the child’s room is between 16-18°. The child must have warm clothes to avoid spasm of its blood vessels;
  • the child should drink a lot. As a result, he will sweat and his blood will not clot. Raisin decoction is best for infants; if the child is a little older, dried fruit compote is recommended.

If the child does not want to drink at all at the moment, it is best to find a suitable drink for him later. To quickly absorb the liquid you drink, the child’s body temperature should be approximately equal to the temperature of the liquid itself.

Komarovsky: how to reduce the temperature of a baby?

Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that each child is individual and does not tolerate high temperatures in the same way. Therefore, it should be knocked down using various methods. One child can play fully when it is 39°C, another faints at 37.5°C. Therefore, there cannot be precise recommendations as to when exactly a child should be given a fever-reducing medication.

Komarovsky does not recommend rubbing a child with alcohol or vinegar. Sweating itself leads to a decrease in the child’s body temperature. Rubbing causes an additional risk of intoxication of the child’s body with alcohol or acetic acid.

Also, in order to avoid spasm of the child’s blood vessels, Komarovsky does not recommend increasing the evaporation of sweat using a fan. The child just needs to be put to rest and dressed in warm clothes.

Dr. Komarovsky advises reducing the temperature with antipyretic drugs in the following cases:

  1. The baby does not tolerate increased temperature well.
  2. The risk of seizures increases with concomitant pathologies of the infant’s nervous system.
  3. When the child’s body temperature exceeds 39°C. There will be more benefit than harm.

Dr. Komarovsky calls Paracetamol the best way to lower a child’s body temperature. It is completely safe to use and comes in many forms.