Birthday scenario with Fairy, mischievous fox and caterpillar

(for children 5-7 years old)

Target: Instill the tradition of celebrating birthdays, the culture of congratulations, and accepting gifts.

Tasks: develop motor activity; a sense of competition, collectivism, joy for a comrade,

Material: Parents prepare gifts and treats for children. The music room is being decorated.

Children enter the hall to the music “Let them run clumsily...” and sit on the chairs.

Music sounds, a Fairy enters the room with some notes in her hand.

Fairy: Hello, hello guys! Did I mix something up? Did I arrive correctly? Is this kindergarten No. 2 “Brusnichka”? Well, then everything is correct. Otherwise I was so worried, so worried that I wouldn’t make it in time. Oh, I didn’t introduce myself to you! I, the Fairytale Birthday Fairy from the Kingdom of Dancing Butterflies! What, you thought this couldn't happen? It happens, it happens! I always fly from a fairyland to wish happy birthday to good girls. So you have a birthday girl here today, I know, right? Where is she? I brought her gifts.
Fox enters with a huge bag and sits down on a chair in the middle of the hall.
And here I am!
Fairy: Oh, wait, wait... ( looks at papers) Who are you? It says here that today is the birthday of......
Fox (interrupts): It's my fox's birthday. Give me your gifts!
Fairy: Well, no, these gifts are definitely not for you...
Fox: Why is this?
Fairy: How why? Because it says “congratulations” here good girl"... stop, GIRL! But are you a girl?
Fox: And who is it, a boy or what?
Fairy: No, you are a fox, and girls and boys are sitting here!
Fox: No, no, don’t confuse me, the gift is definitely for me!
Fairy: Wait, I’ll carefully read what they wrote to me in the order... Happy birthday to a good girl... (name of the birthday girl) So you don't... (name of the birthday girl)!
Fox: Well, since you don’t like me, look for your own birthday girl...
Fairy: I'll try to guess who she is now. I invite all the girls to the clearing to dance a gentle dance of flowers.

Dance of Flowers

Fairy:(chooses the birthday girl) - Beautiful girl, but not her. And this is not the birthday girl... Here she is, the most beautiful and tender. What's your name, sweet girl? Is it true that today is your birthday? How old are you? ( Gives the birthday girl a medal). Now let's all shout together to our... Happy birthday. Hooray!

(all children shout “Happy Birthday” 3 times and at the end “HURRAY!”)
Fox: Your “Hurray” is kind of weak...
(The fairy encourages the children to shout “Hurray” three times so that it comes out together.)
Fox: Yes, it’s fun here. Perhaps I’ll stay here with you...
Fairy: You won’t bother us?
Fox: No, I’ll sit on the bench myself, with my tail under the bench...
Fairy: Well then, of course, stay, we’ll all celebrate the birthday together... (name of the birthday girl), you and I will have more fun. And now we will sing the most birthday song for our Birthday girl


And now I want to invite you and all the children to the Kingdom of Dancing Butterflies. Are you ready to go with me? I’ll now turn on magical music - you all should dance to it, and we will find ourselves in the Kingdom of Dancing Butterflies!

(The lights go out, a couple of candles in beautiful candlesticks. The music of Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker” is playing! While everyone is dancing, the Fairy brings out the birthday girl and turns her into the Butterfly Princess. He puts a butterfly hairpin on her, attaches her wings, draws a heart on her cheek with makeup, and hands her a magic wand.)

Guys, here we are and we find ourselves in the Kingdom of Dancing Butterflies!

Look, a miracle happened, our birthday girl turned into such a wonderful butterfly princess!!!

There will be miracles on your birthday!

On your birthday we will dance,

Play, laugh, sing and have fun!

And we wish you that you

She was cheerful, sweet and beautiful!

And may your dreams come true!

And be kind! And be happy!

And now the princess will perform for us a wonderful song “Birthday”

Song "Birthday"

Fairy: You guys know, you and I flew to a flower meadow. But this morning a breeze frolicked in the clearing and mixed up all the flowers. You and I will play and find out what kind of flowers grow in this clearing.

Game: “Collect a flower”

(After the game they call the flowers).

Fairy: Dear Mashenka, in our fairy-tale kingdom we also celebrate the birthdays of butterflies, beetles, dragonflies

Fairy: Today the court Butterflies and Beetles came to congratulate our Butterfly Princess. And we will congratulate our princess in an unusual way.

Relay “Congratulations to Beetles and Butterflies”

(Put the birthday girl on a chair. Children form into two teams, boys are beetles and girls are butterflies. Boys - beetles in a hat, run and kiss the birthday girl's hand. Girls in horns - butterflies run and kiss the birthday girl on the cheek).

Fairy: And now in honor of the birthday girl, a congratulatory song!

The music sounds “Let them run clumsily” to the syllable “Zhu-zhu-zhu! »

Fairy: Dear princess, did you like the congratulations?

Music sounds: The Caterpillar is coming

Caterpillar: Well, you mean, have fun, sing songs, everyone was invited, but almost like a butterfly, the first beauty was not invited. Now I’ll ruin everything for you, burst your magic balloons and you won’t fly anywhere! (pops balloons)

FAIRY: What have you done, shame on you!

Caterpillar: Oh yo-yo-y! I'm not ashamed of anything! Let's see what fell out of your balls.

The fairy takes turns picking up flowers and reading riddles.

Caterpillar: Wow, how smart and reasonable.

But I'll ruin everything for you anyway. Look how many delicious balls you have here, I’ll eat them now!

Fairy: Stop! Do not touch! Where is my magic wand? Freeze!

The caterpillar freezes.

Caterpillar: Oh! What's wrong with me? I can't move!

Fairy: Well, are you going to play some more pranks?

Caterpillar: Will!

Fairy: Shame on you! You're ruining our birthday!

Caterpillar: What's your birthday?

Fairy: Today is the birthday of our princess, Mashenka.

Caterpillar: Well, forgive me, I won't do it again! I'll play with you, new one, interesting game I'll show you!

Fairy: One two Three! Ottomy!

Caterpillar: Phew! Well, what are we going to play?

Music sounds: Relay race - game: “Centipede”

Fairy: And now a competition is being announced for the best dance with a ball.

The music sounds: “Dance with a Ball” (“Barbariki”).

Fairy: Guys, let's bring our balloons to life, turn them into funny little people, or better yet, draw a portrait of our birthday girl.

Music plays: Children draw on balloons.

(the balls are removed to the side).

The music plays, the fox blows soap bubbles.

Fairy: Guys, look at this fireworks display in honor of the birthday girl. Make wishes and pop bubbles. And now it’s time for the best wishes in the world for our...! I will wish, and you will shout loudly in response: “Yes!” or shout in unison: “No!”
Open your mouth wider,
And... congratulations!
Happy birthday! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Everyone is in a bad mood! (No no no!)
Be,..., kind, sweet! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Naughty and pugnacious! (No no no!)
So that mommy loves! (Yes Yes Yes!)
And she fed me ice cream! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Be healthy and smart! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Like a green crocodile! (No no no!)
May success await you! (Yes Yes Yes!)
You are the best! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Fairy: Let's bake a cake for our birthday girl! Children, hold hands and line up in one long chain. Let's start baking!
If there are few children, involve adults. The Fairy is in front of everyone, the leader or mother is behind. On command, the children begin to “bake a cake”: the Fairy turns around itself, winding the entire chain. The fairy spins until a large “cake” is formed. The condition is not to release your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around the birthday girl, you should stop. Some music plays during the game.
Fairy: This is how the cake turned out! Children, why do we have it?
Children's answers (with jam, with cream, with bananas...).
Fairy: What's missing from a birthday cake? Of course, candles. All hands raised up. That's a lot of candles! And now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake.
Children hug themselves with their arms and run in different directions.
Fairy: Wow! We had so much fun, played enough, joked! (proudly)

But it’s time for me to leave and finally I want to say a few words to the mother of this wonderful princess. After all, today is not only our birthday girl’s birthday, but also her mother’s.
Everyone stands in a circle, the birthday boy and mother are in the center, dance in a circle and sing the song “Mom is the first word, the main word).
Fairy: Guys, today I have prepared a surprise for you! With the help of my magic wand, I will now create a small miracle (points to the ball). In that magic ball to each of the guys sweet gift. Pops the ball (Distributes sweets to children).

Children, listen to your parents, study hard, learn everything new and interesting, don’t get sick, and most importantly, always smile! Goodbye. Happy birthday… !

Birthday boy


Number of guests

ideally 7 people


up to 5 years

Duration of the holiday

1.5 - 2 hours


House and garden

Holiday colors

7 colors of the Rainbow in various combinations and interpretations


chrysanthemums, asters, roses, gerberas


colorful Balloons, paper flowers, bright umbrellas, garlands, rainbow caps


Rainbow cake, layered jelly, rainbow fruit skewers, cherry muffins, white chocolate muffins, cookies, colorful ice cream

Themed entertainment

rainbow cooking, tag, guess it, bright darts, rainbow bowling, color secrets, musical rainbow, riddles, dancing


pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, creativity kits

The main characters of the children's rainbow festival

In fact, I thought many times about making a surprise holiday for my beloved and only (for now) Sonechka. When she turned three, we invited clown animators, hoping for something grandiose. Alas, the guys worked according to a standard and soulless program. For our 4th birthday, we carefully selected a specialized entertainment center (and paid a lot of money). But the holiday was again ruined by indifference. Then the situation was saved by the attractions and our girl’s beloved friends. And now I decided: stop experimenting! No one but me will do it better, and, most importantly, with love, taking into account all the habits, dreams, desires and character of the birthday girl. And the topic itself came up. We were just (still in early spring) returning with Sonechka from the garden and saw a bright rainbow in the sky. She was so happy! She started jumping and clapping her hands! And then - in almost all of my daughter’s drawings - the rainbow took pride of place in the sunny sky. In a word, closer to July (namely, in this juicy summer month, our baby’s name day), I gathered my courage and began preparations...


First of all, I determined the circle of invitees. Among Sonechka's friends and girlfriends there were just 6 five-year-old tomboys. This figure suited me perfectly! To make everything beautiful, I sent them real invitations. Their design and format were absolutely simple, understandable and appropriate to the theme.

1. Invitations to the Rainbow Festival

Option 1. Rainbow after the rain

For such a cute card you will need:

0.5 sheets of pink and white cardboard;

Thin finishing tape (7 rainbow colors) 10 cm each;

Scissors, glue, black marker.

How to do it?

Fold half of the pink cardstock in half vertically. Then, in a random order, draw a cloud on white cardboard and outline its edges with a black marker (for contrast). Cut it out.

We cut seven multi-colored 10 cm pieces from the ribbon rolls.

Glue the ribbons to the cloud.

Then we transfer the entire design to the front side of the pink card. We sign and send to future lucky guests.

I made exactly these cards for our holiday. It took me about 40 minutes to do everything. However, then I found a few more simple, but very effective rainbow invitations. I’m sharing my find!

Option 2. Rainbow accordion

Making such a card is also very simple. The basis is ordinary, known from labor lessons primary classes, envelope. True, for beauty, you can round off its edges a little with scissors. An accordion rainbow is a seven-colored piece of colored paper glued together (although here you can also save time on cutting and buy a roll of ribbons for quilling). Well, a cloud cut out of white stationery paper. Glue everything together and - voila! - the postcard is ready!

Option 3. Caramel rainbow

Such a rainbow will create festive mood your guests long before the start of the holiday! Well, it will save you from unnecessary troubles, of which there will already be a lot before the holiday. All it needs is a bright caramel on a stick and a simple postcard from the nearest store. However, the only caveat: such an invitation should not be sent by mail. It’s better to give it to your future guest personally.

Well, the invitations have been sent, your most important flower, the flower, is playing peacefully in the sandbox, suspecting nothing about the future holiday, and time confidently begins to play against you. It's time to tap into hidden reserves - dads, grandmothers and girlfriends - and start preparing rainbow decor for the room (or even the whole house) where the holiday will take place.

2. Decoration and decor for a multi-colored children's party

Balloons. Nothing echoes the rainbow from the Heavens more than light and bright air balloons. Don’t skimp on this weightless and colorful abundance, combine colors and decorate everything with balls - from the walls, stairs and ceiling to the clearing in the yard!

By the way, huge balloons filled with helium in combination with multi-colored flowers look unique and simply attract a festive atmosphere to the house. corrugated paper.

Another very effective and absolutely simple way to decorate a room for children's party- make simple garlands from multi-colored paper. The shape for repeating chain elements can be chosen arbitrarily. It doesn’t matter whether it will be flags, circles or simple squares, the main thing is to add as much of the colorful beauty of the solar spectrum into the atmosphere as possible!

A wonderful element of rainbow decor! Emile Zola invented multi-colored umbrellas suspended open from the ceiling for his “Ladies' Happiness.” Thanks to him, today France idolizes this attribute. And young ladies also cannot imagine a walk in the rain without a beautiful umbrella. Thus, the rainbow on earth complements the rainbow in heaven. A fascinating sight!

Windmills made of thick glossy cardboard or plastic in transparent glasses filled with small bright candies are simply a fabulous phenomenon! This is exactly how boys and girls who unconditionally believe in all kinds of miracles will perceive such a simple decoration! In addition, this decoration can be eaten very well by everyone together at some point during the holiday!

Flowers. Bright asters, chrysanthemums, and gerberas will perfectly complement the sunny atmosphere of the holiday. Although, it is the snow-white, cloud-like flowers in transparent vases filled with water tinted with food coloring that look amazing.

I believe that this decor will be quite sufficient for a children's party. There is no need to “overthink things.” After all, what is too much may not fill, but ruin the holiday!

Well, if you have too much creative energy, direct it towards making a festive, enchanting dress for your birthday girl! And at the same time, tell your guests what they can wear for the children who are going to your rainbow holiday!

3. Rainbow Party Costumes

A rainbow in combination with a fairy-tale childhood suggests a bright outfit, rich in all kinds of details. For girls the most simple option will be a dress with a rainbow tulle skirt with an elastic band. Beautiful, rosy and for a matinee kindergarten It will work well as a carnival costume in the future!

By the way, such a dress can be complemented with equally bright accessories. For example, the same rainbow leg warmers, beads or a wreath.

Another option for a rainbow outfit made at home is a tunic made from ribbons.

Advice. Satin ribbons It is better not to sew them together, but to glue them together using adhesive-based lining tape.

But you can surprise everyone present at a rainbow children's party with this outfit made of felt with a foam cloud as a bottom trim. True, to make such an outfit you will need to spend a little more time, and you must have minimal sewing skills.

The mother of one of our little guests chose an economical option for a holiday outfit. Although, the ensemble looked amazing! She dressed her baby in a snow-white dress, wearing rainbow trousers underneath, making a wreath of bright flowers, and adding all this with baubles and beads.

They must be at least a little magical, so before the start of the birthday party or its playful part, be sure to reveal a little secret that will help set little dreamers in a mysterious and positive mood:

Every time a child laughs or on a warm spring (summer) morningflower opens- a fairy is born!

Approximate entertainment plan for a fairy's birthday:

Additional entertainment

Transformation into fairies

After changing clothes, you can preen yourself a little. A little makeup - lip gloss, sparkles, blush and eye shadow, tiny shiny rhinestones-stickers for the face will cheer up the girls.

Come up with names for the Fairies (Fairy Smile, Fairy Joy, etc.) and offer to do fabulous face painting - draw a picture on your face or hand. Take care of templates for face painting in advance. While doing face painting, you can turn on fairy-tale music.

After the magical transformation, it's time to arrange a photo shoot for beautiful and elegant fairies.

Creative moments

During creative moments after active games, you can offer the fairies:

  • decorate magic wands, for example, various beads or rhinestones.
  • make fairy dust- mix different kinds glitter in layers or mix and use a paper funnel to pour them into a small bottle or flask. Glitter can also be mixed with powdered sugar to make more glitter. Attach tags and a string so that you can hang it around your neck. Be careful that children don't blow glitter into a friend's face or accidentally swallow it. For children preschool age It’s better not to play this game; if you wish, you can give bottles of magic dust as a souvenir at the end of the holiday! by Market1

  • make a magic (magical) liquid- according to the principle, you can make a magic liquid - a small bottle with a stopper or cap, distilled water, glycerin and a lot of glitter different shapes. If you use a cork instead of a lid, glue it at the end with hot glue.
  • silhouette of your favorite fairy- cut out silhouettes of your favorite fairies from cardboard, distribute glue and glitter. Tell them to coat the silhouette with glue and then sprinkle it with colored glitter.
  • fairy tales- come up with a fairy tale with your children or tell them your favorite fairy tale.
  • Fairy coloring pages.

Treasure Hunt

Magical or enchanted - this is a great idea for a “Fairy” birthday game. Variants of this game can be very different - they differ in hints to the main goal (gifts).

Enchanted messages

Make enchanted messages that must first be disenchanted. Using secret ink (or thick paper on which you write clues with a sharp object, you can decipher them using eye shadow) make clues to find the treasure.

Magic marks

Tell the girls a story that just recently a fairy flew here and was so focused on the young and beautiful fairies that she did not notice how her magic accessories fell out. Ask the girls to help collect them, saying that if fairies lose their things, they find them using magic marks. By pkgurl

Magic marks can be anything - for example, leaves, butterflies, brightly colored bags, or pieces of a fairy puzzle that needs to be assembled.

Sleeping fairies

All the fairies lie down on the floor and close their eyes as if they were asleep. One fairy moves around the "sleeping" fairies and tries to wake them up. She cannot touch any sleeping fairy, but she can come close and make them laugh - tell jokes, giggle.

The fairy who was awakened joins the first fairy and helps her wake up the others. The last fairy to be awakened is the winner.

Catch the gnome

Little fairies must chase the gnome, who must be bewitched using a magic wand. When the fairy touches the gnome with her magic wand, his feet “freeze” and he must throw away the candy to free himself from the spell. The fairies start collecting candy, and the gnome runs away from them again.

The game continues until the gnome is touched, for example, 5 times. An adult should become a gnome; it will be much more pleasant for girls to disenchant him.

Musical competitions-games

Pass the treasure

While the music is playing, the fairies must walk around the treasures, wrapped in several layers of gift paper. Every time the music stops, the fairies must unwrap one layer of packaging.

The game continues until all layers of packaging have been opened. Treasures can be small chocolates, dolls, hair bands, etc.

Musical flowers

Cut out flowers from paper or cardboard in advance, one less than you will have invited fairies. Place them on the floor and turn on the music. Tell the fairies that if the music is playing fast (loud) then they should run around the room quickly, if it is slow (quiet) then they should walk gracefully around the room. When the music stops, they must quickly “fly” to their flower. If the fairy doesn't have time, she leaves the game (don't forget to give her incentive prize, for example, candy).

Prizes, awards, souvenirs

  • children's tiaras
  • magic wands
  • glitter glue
  • stickers or tattoos on a magical theme
  • fairy initiation diplomas

The youngest daughter turned 3 years old - another reason for a holiday.) Initially it was planned to do it at the dacha, so I wanted to do something on the theme of flowers (as well as the colors of the rainbow), but then, as always, everything changed, moved to the apartment, The script was rewritten, and the task of watering flowers with sponges was crossed out. 3 girls about 3 years old and 2 older sisters almost 7 years old took part.

I really liked the format of the holiday “performance - helping the heroes - a clear result,” so at the beginning I told the children a little story about fairies:
"Fairies of flowers lived in the same country.
Red - fairy of roses. The wisest, she always advises and helps everyone.
Orange - calendula fairy. Calendula is a healing flower, and the orange fairy always healed everyone and helped flowers and animals.
Yellow - the buttercup fairy - is the most cheerful.
Green, the fairy of field herbs and flowers, is the most sociable and friendly; it was in her field that all the fairies often gathered in a round dance.
Blue is the fairy of water lilies, she loves water and always shares it with other flowers.
Blue - the cornflower fairy - is the most resourceful and inquisitive.
Violet is the lilac fairy, the most serious and reasonable.
All the fairies were very friendly, their flowers bloomed, butterflies flew over them, but then one day it started to rain in their country.
Weak at first.
Then harder.
And then a real downpour began.
And he walked for so long that he began to wash away all the colors, and everything in the magical land began to turn white. The fairies were very upset from the constant rain, and when the fairies get upset, then various wrong things begin to happen around them - somewhere butterflies and bees have disappeared, somewhere flowers have stopped blooming.
And only a rainbow flower, in which all the petals are of different colors and form a rainbow, can cheer them up and stop the rain. But the fairies themselves are so sad that they cannot get together to get it.
Let's help them - let's go through all the countries, collect a petal from each fairy to get a magical rainbow flower."
I glued pictures with fairies and flowers to the closet with special pads like chewing gum, and after the rain I replaced them with almost the same ones, but uncolored.
We went around 7 countries, received from each fairy a petal made of colored paper (in order not to lose them, a clip on a string was hung on each child’s neck), glued flowers, and when we came back to the “stage” - a rainbow had already appeared there, and the colors returned (though not in the right order; the older children tracked them))), and magical flowers as a gift to the children grew on the floor.

Standard tasks:
1. Red - rose - flowers were made from corrugated paper (squares folded like an accordion and tied with thread).
2. Orange - calendula - they returned the missing insects, calling them in their language (they repeated the movements of various insects, including playing centipede).
3. Yellow - buttercups - flowers were made from marzipan and edible beads.
4. Green - grass - the country was flooded with a swamp, so we walked through the hummocks, drained the swamp from compote, got seeds to replant it (shelled green peas - the most successful task!), ate strawberries.
5. Blue - water lilies - they made flowers that bloomed on the water.
6. Blue - cornflower - by touch we looked for Lego flowers in a bag with other parts.
7. Purple - lilac - climbed through the web, and then caught paper bugs with sticks with plasticine.

1. I know that for a 3-year-old this is a lot of tasks, but in all previous holidays my games went twice as fast as I planned, and only here they stretched out.) The birthday girl was quite fine, but the two younger girls at the end tried to run away.
2. It was not possible to buy fresh marzipan, but the old one was poorly molded and did not stick to the sticks. However, they still ate it right away.
3. It was lucky that I cut out a lot of blanks for blooming flowers, because while one girl carefully and perfectly painted her flower, the rest managed to color and fold many others, and it turned out to be quite a fun activity for them.
4. Strawberries and overripe green peas brought from the dacha were very usefully inserted into the script.)
5. The apartment is still a bit cramped; it is impossible to organize access to the bathtub for 5 children.(

An unforgettable rainbow party will turn gray everyday life into bright colors with a breath of fresh air and a ray of warm sun! This original idea for a holiday with friends, within any budget and for holding in any room. A rainbow extravaganza of colors is a suitable party theme for children, teenagers, and those who want to escape from the everyday worries of adults.


Boring transparent glasses will effortlessly turn into bright “striped” ones - acrylic, a brush and an hour of time. Color the salt with crushed chalk and place it in layers in transparent bottles. If it's autumn, color it Maple leaves. Drop gouache into water, pour it into jars and place plastic umbrellas or flowers on top - simple and completely in keeping with the theme.

To decorate the place in the style of a rainbow party, use:

  • paper garlands;
  • pompoms, corrugated paper flowers;
  • bright ribbons, fabric;
  • multi-colored cocktail straws;
  • Balloons;
  • buttons of different sizes and shapes;
  • bright beads (can be assembled from painted pasta or the same buttons);
  • “ribbed” colored pencils (glue perfectly onto cardboard, making original stands, frames for posters or photos).

Almost all available materials are suitable for invitations: a rainbow accordion in an envelope, an applique of colored buttons or cereals, a striped card in a cup with M&M's or Skittles, rainbow lollipops or popsicles. Such invitations, even if they are paper, will certainly excite the taste for the holiday and set the mood for active fun!

Inverted multi-colored umbrellas under the ceiling and bright rubber boots instead of flower vases look funny. And if you are planning a children's rainbow party, add elements of a fairy tale to the festive interior:

  • fairies in colorful buds;
  • ponies with striped manes and tails (if there are many girls);
  • bright huge swallowtails, mushroom birds;
  • hide the leprechaun's treasures in secluded places - chests with chocolate or candies in gold foil.

Make a paper cloud and rainbow raindrops. Kids can leave handprints or wishes on the cloud if this is a party for older children.

Children can never have too much color– what is too much for adults, causes great delight in children! But for teenagers and adults, a rainbow party can be decorated concisely and stylishly - a few bright elements on the main background. Of course, take into account the mood of the guests and the degree of desire to fool around.


One of the organizers’ favorite options is to ask guests to come in clothes of the chosen color (they need to be distributed in advance, evenly covering the entire palette). As a rule, no one has any questions about what to wear - a rainbow party assumes a relaxed dress code and comfortable outfits: T-shirts, light dresses, shirts. The photos turn out great! Especially if you ask everyone to stand like in the rhyme about the hunter and the pheasant.

Another option is a rainbow in the sky. Blue will act as the sky denim– trousers, skirts, shorts. And the top is white T-shirts (clouds) with the image of a rainbow or, again, the shade chosen for the guest. An interesting “planetary” option: a green bottom and a blue T-shirt with a rainbow.

The look will be complemented by homemade accessories - striped ties, bow ties, horns, bows, wigs and glasses. Matching makeup and colored mascara will enhance the effect!

If you're planning a rainbow party for adults or teens, the third option will be quite time-consuming. Guests must be striped from toe to head! There will be no problems with socks, but the rest can confuse the guests. But for children, buying or sewing such outfits will not be difficult; you just need to give parents time to prepare.


Multi-colored plastic dishes, colored napkins, skewers and straws, a striped tablecloth - The rainbow style of the party should also resonate in the table decoration.

Let it be just a few elements for integrity, and let the festive design be completed with bright treats:

  • tomato and bell pepper salad(red, green, orange, yellow!), red onions and purple beans;

  • fruit slices and kebabs, canapés, tartlets;
  • slides of dragees and sweets in transparent vases;

  • colored cocktails, juices in transparent carafes and bottles with flirty bows, ice cubes made of colored water;
  • colorful slides of marmalade and huge lollipops, ice cream, cookies and cakes.

Sprinkle the cakes with fine confetti or douse them in colorful frosting. And to color dough, clear drinks and sweets, use food coloring, jam and colored juices. This is how easy it is to make rainbow themed treats for your party:

Colored popcorn– sugar, water, dyes. Prepare liquid caramel (melt sugar and water), add coloring, pour over popcorn and mix well.

Rainbow jelly– jelly bags, water, dye or juice. Just add water as written on the bag, but colored in desired color. And then cool the jelly in layers: the first layer has set - pour the second one, and into the refrigerator, then the third, etc.

Striped fruit ice– sprite, dye, molds. Like jelly, you need to freeze it in layers. Add pieces of colorful fruit or small gummies. Delicious fruit ice is made from freshly squeezed juice with pulp.


A rainbow party hardly needs a strict script– the theme is conducive to unbridled fun and a bit of madness! Adult guests will almost certainly enjoy competitions from childhood: hitting a bottle with a pencil, tearing a newspaper with their bodies while dancing, biting off an apple on a string, reaching the finish line with an egg in a spoon, etc.

And here a certain scenario is important for children– this way the rainbow party will remain in the kids’ memory longer:

- Guys! The evil leprechaun has stolen our rainbow! He says that he won’t show it to such lazy and bad children. Let's prove to him that you are not lazy at all, but very dexterous, smart and good?!

It's great if one of the parents plays the role of a harmful leprechaun. Let there be seven competitions, like the colors of the rainbow:

  • Red(symbolizes strength) - tug of war, bursting balloons with the butt, knocking down targets with plush balls.
  • Orange(energy) - obstacle course, blindfolded racing, dodgeball.
  • Yellow(observation) – riddles about colors, quickly name objects of the hidden color, etc. Rest after active competitions.
  • Green(flexibility) – “The sea gets rough once...” is perfect. And for teenagers and adult party guests, organize a rainbow twister (the one in which you have to take funny poses on the floor, getting your hands and feet into circles of the desired color).
  • Blue(dreamy) - let the children answer unexpected questions: “What would happen if you and your parents changed places, if all the trees became chocolate, if people could turn into anyone?” One more minute of rest.
  • Blue(organization) – it’s time to divide into teams and quickly color a picture, assemble a puzzle or build a costume (from paper, colored fabric, etc.).
  • Violet(creativity) - write everyone together a congratulation in a rainbow style to the hero of the occasion (with colored pens or over a drawn rainbow, for example).

At the end of each contest, give guests a matching colored ribbon or large cardboard letters to fold into a rainbow for a photo to remember the occasion. After completing all the stages, announce that now no one will doubt that the guests deserve a bright, rainbow life and Have a good mood every day!

- Well done boys! You are all strong, energetic, observant, etc.

Play the ending as a congratulation - the leprechaun returned the rainbow in the form memorable gifts to all guests (crayons, pencils, paints) and mountains of gifts for the birthday boy (collect everything in advance, wrap it in colored paper and attach stickers with the name of the donor). Or maybe the return of the rainbow will be a huge striped cake or colorful fireworks?!