Getting a new pair of shoes or boots made from artificial leather, you can’t always be sure that they will be comfortable to wear after some time. When trying on, such products look good, but with daily wear it becomes clear that some discomfort is felt. This is due to the fact that they simply turn out to be cramped.

Features of shoes made of leather substitute

Artificial leather is quite popular among consumers because it has a low price compared to natural materials. Shredded scraps are used to make it. genuine leather, which are then mixed with water to a semi-liquid state, and then formed into sheets. After this, the prepared material is pressed, resulting in sheets of varying thickness. At this stage they can be painted in any color.

The components of artificial leather may include different ones, therefore the types of artificial leather will differ from each other:

  • leatherette. This is a fabric coated with a layer of nitrocellulose;
  • vinyl leather. The main component is a thermoplastic polymer, but such material is not intended for severe frosts;
  • fat. The basis is several layers of fabric coated with a special chemical composition;
  • stretch leather. This is a cotton fabric that is coated with a composition of polymer and elastane, hence its tensile properties;
  • polyurethane. It is a synthetic product similar to rubber, but with higher strength.

Each of the presented types of leather substitutes will have its own characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to take this fact into account when wanting to stretch artificial products.

Basic methods

An important feature of artificial materials is their susceptibility to influence. external factors. That is, artificial shoes can be mechanically manipulated to make tight shoes more comfortable. Basically, you can cope with this task yourself, at home. Here's what experts advise:

1. You can use special products designed for these purposes by purchasing any of them at a shoe store. To do this, you just need to follow the instructions on the package, and then your new, but tight shoes will become much more comfortable. They are available in the form of sprays, aerosols or foam.

They contain special chemicals that make it possible to stretch artificial leather shoes. There are also special shoe lasts; they are necessary so that after treatment with the composition, shoes can be put on them, and not directly on the feet.

2. Exposure to heat. This great way for shoes made of leatherette, since under the influence of heat it will take on the required shape and become comfortable to wear. To do this, you will need to heat the shoes with a hairdryer, for example. When it becomes warm and soft, put it on your foot, maybe with a thick sock. Walk like this for a while

3. Exposure to water. The most ordinary water can help deal with issues such as tight shoes. Because it is moisture that can contribute to the expansion of artificial shoes. To do this, shoes should be wetted with water. To remove from it excess water, you can put paper inside. Then put on your shoes and wear them until completely dry. Then your favorite shoes will get the right size.

4. Exposure to laundry soap. The components of the soap can have a softening effect on the leatherette, stretching it. Laundry soap must be mixed with water until a paste is formed. Then, spread the resulting composition onto the problem areas of the product, from the inside. Leave it in this state for several hours; it is advisable not to wait for the paste to dry completely. Then you need to remove the paste with a damp cloth and put the boots on your feet. It is advisable to wear them until they are completely dry.

5. Exposure to alcohol. It will also have a softening effect on artificial material. Very convenient way for home use, since alcohol-containing products will not be difficult to find. The inside of the shoes must be moistened with an alcohol-containing liquid, then put on, and walk in them until completely dry if possible.

6. Water and alcohol. It is necessary to mix the ingredients in equal proportions, and lubricate the selected product with the resulting solution. You can also pour the solution into a bottle and put a spray bottle on it. So, it will be more convenient to use. You can moisten the product in this way as many times as necessary to obtain the desired result.

7. Using a shoe stretcher. There are special devices in which the product is placed and fixed until the pair reaches the desired size. You can purchase such a device in specialized stores. Or use the services of a shoemaker. You can find such devices in the arsenal of any shoe store. This method is well suited for winter shoes, which is more difficult to stretch.

There is another rather unusual method that is used to stretch a leatherette product. To do this you will need:

  • grain is poured into shoes and filled with water;
  • leave it in this state until the morning;
  • all contents are disposed of, and the boots are put on the feet for at least a few hours.

How to wear leatherette shoes?

What practical methods are used to break in such shoes:

  • wear the purchased product on bare feet around the house for several hours;
  • put ice packs in the shoes and put the product in the freezer, after a few hours, take out the bags and remove them from the shoes;
  • You can use Vaseline; to do this, you need to lubricate the problem areas on the product with it, and putting a thick sock on your foot, try on the shoes. Walk around the house for several hours to achieve the best effect;
  • Wet socks worn on your feet under your shoes also help a lot. After all, moisture does a great job of stretching shoes. Must be worn continuously for several hours;
  • Instead of socks, you can use wet newspapers, which are tightly packed into the product and remain there until it dries. The method is simpler and safer, since from wet socks, for example, you can very easily get a cold.

Is it possible to stretch faux leather shoes so that they don’t cause discomfort when worn? Yes, if you use the tips given and try the chosen method in practice.

Usually, to achieve an ideal result, one procedure will not be enough. You will need to repeat the selected method several times. Then shoes made of artificial leather will become convenient and comfortable to wear.

No. 1. "Pregrada"

Price – 93 rubles. Spray-stretch for shoes made of leatherette, artificial/natural suede, leather. The product is designed to increase the size and adjust shoes to a person’s foot. Softens tight areas so shoes fit as they should. It’s as easy as shelling pears to apply: spread it from the inside, then pull the shoes on your feet and walk around.

No. 2. "Saphir Oke"

Price – 550 rubles. The stretcher is suitable for absolutely all materials, but it works best on leather and substitutes. Adjusts products to fit in those places where shoes rub and squeeze the most.

Price – 450 rubles. Another product that helps to stretch both artificial leather and natural leather shoes. Influenced by the warmth of human feet. The product is ideal for use at home.

Price – 163 rubles. Cheap and excellent stretch for shoes made of various materials. The positive qualities are that the shape and size of the shoes are adjusted fairly quickly. Hard areas are softened, it is possible to stretch only the heel or toe. In addition, the composition does not leave contour lines or stains after drying.

Price – 293 rubles. Premium stretch, gentle on shoes made of any material. Suitable for suede, textile, leather products and shoes made on a leatherette basis. Must be used according to manufacturer's recommendations.

Artificial leather is often called artificial leather (leatherette). It is made from scraps of genuine leather. They are crushed and mixed with water until a semi-liquid fibrous mass is obtained, from which sheets are created. They are pressed, resulting in material of varying thicknesses.

Sheets can be painted in any colors. Modern manufacturing methods involve coating the surface of the finished artificial leather with polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane. They give the material strength.

There are several types of leatherette for shoes, differing in the components they contain:

  • Granitol (leatherette). The material is also called nitro artificial leather. Dermantine shoes are based on fabric with a special nitrocellulose layer;
  • Vinyl leather. Made from thermoplastic polymer. The material is resistant to solvents, acids, alkalis. But it does not tolerate low temperatures well;
  • Fat. It consists of several layers of fabric coated with special chemicals that create a film. You can create any pattern on it;
  • Stretch leather (stretch vinyl). This is a cotton material covered with an artificial polymer with elastane. This coating provides additional stretch;
  • Nitrocellulose. It is made from long-staple cotton with wood cellulose impurities;
  • Polyurethane. A synthetic material that is considered a rubber substitute. In comparison, polyurethane is more durable.

Each type of leatherette requires special care. Therefore, when stretching the product, you need to take into account the characteristics of the material.

Many people know what it’s like to buy shoes that fit perfectly on your feet in the store when you tried them on, but when you first went out, they caused a lot of inconvenience and pain. To the question “What to do?” There is always one answer - spread it.

New shoes often rubs and can press the leg in a variety of places. And it’s not surprising, because everyone has different instep, width and other parameters of the foot, and shoes are made in production according to standard measurements.

There are three ways to deal with the problem:

  • Contact specialists- hand over your shoes for stretching. But you also need to take into account the professionalism of the chosen master. It turns out that not everyone can handle patent or suede leather, and besides, special equipment is needed to stretch such a delicate material. Before handing over your new item, ask the technician where and how he plans to solve your problem.
  • Go to the store for special means, which helps soften shoes in areas of rubbing and stretch them a little. The inconvenience of this method is that you need to find a suitable composition for the material of your shoes, and no one can guarantee that it will work exactly as you need. It may be a waste of money and time.
  • Contact people for advice. For a long time, people have figured out how, with the help of objects and things that are in every home, they can stretch their shoes and not suffer from wounds and dropsy.

You can stretch your shoes, boots or sandals at home in unusual ways. But best advice- do not wear shoes for the first time on a long working day or take a spare pair with you. Walking for 12 hours in new shoes without chafing is very difficult and not everyone can do it.

Suede and artificial leather are not so easy to adjust, so when experimenting with such shoes you need to be as careful as possible so as not to spoil the new thing.

Oddly enough, fabric shoes can also be stretched, but with drastic measures you can easily damage the texture of the fabric, which will lead to torn areas over time.

Can be useful for stretching shoes

  • just water;
  • freezer;
  • socks (wet);
  • socks (dry thick);
  • paper;
  • alcohol;
  • vodka;
  • and, of course, your readiness for any action.

It is quite possible to stretch your shoes wider. Length is a controversial issue; you can make them a little looser, but you won’t be able to stretch the shoes to size even with drastic methods.

One of the most popular ways to stretch your shoes is to walk around the house in shoes and thick (usually wool) socks. There will be no immediate results, but a week of walking around the apartment may be enough. In fact, the method is so-so, but you don’t need to “bother” - put on your socks and go ahead and drive around the expanses of your home.

Leather shoes stretches when wet, but it is very important not to overdry it afterwards, because everything will return to normal.

  1. Prepare enough material (fabric, paper).
  2. Wet the selected material.
  3. Pack your shoes.
  4. Let sit until the material is damp but not wet.
  5. Then try on the shoes with socks.
  6. If you don’t feel tight anywhere, you can walk around the house a little more (socks will absorb the remaining moisture).
  7. If the shoes are tight, repeat the procedure.
  8. Let it dry and test the shoes again.
  • You can stretch your shoes with alcohol. Cologne, moonshine, vodka or alcohol will do. Apply the liquid to areas causing discomfort, put on socks (preferably cotton) and walk around in your shoes at home until they dry.
  • Put on wet socks and tight shoes and walk around the house until they are dry.
  • Just use a hairdryer, but you need to do this carefully, as artificial leather can crack if overheated. Heat your shoes with a hairdryer to keep them warm, put on your socks and walk around the house. Can be repeated several times.

Patent leather shoes are the most difficult option in terms of stretching, so try to consider all the nuances when purchasing. You can stretch patent leather shoes only in width and provided that they are made of natural soft skin.

  • Break in your shoes gradually, 2-3 hours a day.
  • It is better to cover areas that may rub in advance with a band-aid.
  • The backdrop can be lubricated with alcohol, Vaseline or castor oil. These compounds will make it softer.
  • To stretch suede and patent leather, it is better not to use options with hot water, steam and freezing.
  • Alcohol for breaking in shoes can replace table vinegar.
  • Instead of boiling water, you can use beer, which is no less effective at softening the skin and stretching the shoes.
  • After rain, do not place shoes on the radiator. It is better to dry it with a hairdryer (cold air).
  • The method with wet socks will work better if you wet them not with cold water, but with hot water.
  • Buy shoes after lunch, when your feet are already a little full and tired.

Leather shoes can be worn in, but sometimes it can be quite difficult. Problems arise with leather products made from large animals, such as bull. Here simple socks may not be enough. Let's try to do something else.

Freezer to the rescue

You can stretch your shoes with ice

We insert a thick plastic bag, or better yet two, into the boot and fill it with water so that it is evenly distributed inside. We wait for the water to turn into ice, as a result of which it will expand itself and at the same time stretch the shoes from the inside.

Leatherette shoes can be stretched, but with great care

To the question: “How to stretch leatherette shoes?” There can only be one answer: “Gently!”

Folk remedies for stretching leatherette shoes

Hardware and shoe stores offer a wide range of sprays for stretching artificial leather shoes. The unique composition of these products promotes rapid softening of the material. Spray your new shoes, wait until it dries, and walk around the house in your new shoes.

Since you can stretch your shoes using homemade products, we recommend using them at home.

No. 1. Newspapers

1. Before stretching your faux leather shoes, wet newspapers and crumple them very tightly. Stuff your shoes and wait for the paper to dry in your home (natural) conditions.

2. Do not speed up the drying process by using a hair dryer or heating radiators. Otherwise, cracks may appear on the leatherette due to sudden expansion of the material.

1. Otherwise, this stretching method is called cowboy stretching. It is suitable for boots, short boots, sneakers and other high-instep items. A grain that swells when combined with water is suitable.

2. Insert bags without holes into your shoes. Pour in the grain, pour water into it and leave for 14 hours to swell. Then remove the grains, put on your shoes and walk around for a couple of hours.

No. 3. Wet socks

1. To understand how to stretch tight shoes, we recommend using thick socks at home. It would be better if they were wool.

2. Soak the socks in warm water and put them on. Pull the shoes tight and fasten all laces/clasps tightly. Wear your shoes until the boot is dry.

No. 4. Castor oil

1. Oil should be used if the shoes are made of dark leatherette. The problem is that stains often appear on a light surface.

2. Generously treat the outside of those parts of the shoes that are very tight. Put on your boots and walk around for a while. Wipe off the remaining castor oil with a napkin.

No. 5. Petrolatum

1. Since you can stretch your shoes with Vaseline, you should use this product. Alternatively, use baby cream.

2. Generously lubricate the inside of your faux leather boots. Leave the product at home for several hours to soak.

3. Remove any remaining composition with a napkin. Wear your shoes for at least 45 minutes. If necessary, repeat the procedure or use another product.

If you want to stretch your shoes yourself, it's worth considering everything possible options. Boots can be treated purchased funds or use traditional methods. Decide what will be best for you.

Sometimes when trying on shoes, they feel comfortable and fit all parameters. But with further wear, discomfort begins to be felt. If a thing is created from, it is easier to stretch it than its artificial counterpart. But this can be done in any case, only for leatherette it will require more effort and care. Let's look at how to stretch leatherette shoes at home.

Artificial leather is often called artificial leather (leatherette). It is made from scraps of genuine leather. They are crushed and mixed with water until a semi-liquid fibrous mass is obtained, from which sheets are created. They are pressed, resulting in material of varying thicknesses.

Sheets can be painted in any colors. Modern manufacturing methods involve coating the surface of the finished artificial leather with polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane. They give the material strength.

There are several types of leatherette for shoes, differing in the components they contain:

  • Granitol (leatherette). The material is also called nitro artificial leather. Dermantine shoes are based on fabric with a special nitrocellulose layer;
  • Vinyl leather. Made from thermoplastic polymer. The material is resistant to solvents, acids, alkalis. But it does not tolerate low temperatures well;
  • Fat. It consists of several layers of fabric coated with special chemicals that create a film. You can create any pattern on it;
  • Stretch leather (stretch vinyl). This is a cotton material covered with an artificial polymer with elastane. This coating provides additional stretch;
  • Nitrocellulose. It is made from long-staple cotton with wood cellulose impurities;
  • Polyurethane. A synthetic material that is considered a rubber substitute. In comparison, polyurethane is more durable.

Each type of leatherette requires special care. Therefore, when stretching the product, you need to take into account the characteristics of the material.

Stretching methods

The question often arises after purchasing whether it is possible to stretch shoes made of artificial leather if they are too tight. Before you start stretching, you need to consider some nuances. In order for the item to take the shape of a leg, you need to perform the procedure several times. It is important to make sure that the material used to make the shoes is of high quality.

The methods considered are not suitable for varnish coating, because it may crack. To prevent calluses from appearing when worn in, you should carefully treat the back of the product with paraffin.

When treating with heat, cover the surface of the shoes with a scarf to avoid damaging the material.

Heat treatment is quite effective. To stretch faux leather shoes at home, you will need:

  1. Put on warm socks, try putting new shoes on top;
  2. Using a hairdryer, slowly heat the problem areas. To prevent damage to the item, set the temperature to medium;
  3. Walk around a bit.

If a hairdryer is not available, heat treatment is used. Hold the shoes over the steam and walk around in them.

You can use the opposite method - exposure to cold. You need to proceed as follows:

  1. Fill with water, put in tight shoes, put in the freezer;
  2. Wait until the liquid freezes and remove the shoes from the freezer.

Impact low temperatures Suitable for autumn or winter options. The material on summer ballet shoes may crack, especially if the quality of the product is poor.

Spring attachments help stretch low-top shoes

Water has properties that help stretch leatherette:

  1. Wet the product from the inside. Place dampened paper tightly inside to remove excess moisture;
  2. Take out the paper, put on your shoes and walk around until it dries;
  3. To give correct form you will need to repeat the procedure several times.

Note: If you don’t want to walk in wet shoes, you can leave the paper in them until they dry.

Alcohol is often used to stretch shoes, as it has a softening effect on leatherette. You can use products containing alcohol (vodka, cologne), as well as vinegar.

  1. Carefully treat the specific area causing discomfort;
  2. Walk until dry;
  3. Repeat several times.

It is important to ensure that alcohol-containing products do not come into contact with the external part of the product. Otherwise, stains will appear on it or the color will deteriorate.

Simple physics will help stretch uncomfortable, tight shoes

You can apply castor oil or Vaseline oil to the product. Then put on your socks and walk around. This should soften the material.

Laundry soap has been helping in solving everyday problems for many years. Shoes stretch due to its softening effect. Let's look at how to wear leatherette shoes, which are too tight, at home:

  1. Pass the soap through a grater. Mix with water to form a paste;
  2. Apply inside the product and wait up to six hours. The item should not dry completely;
  3. Remove the mixture with a washcloth or sponge;
  4. Put shoes on your feet with socks.

Important: To maintain the effect after stretching, fill the product with paper and leave overnight.

Potatoes are also used for this purpose:

  1. Peel several small tubers and wash;
  2. Wrap in paper and put in narrow shoes. As the fruit dries, the shoes will stretch;
  3. Wipe the inside of the product with a damp cloth.

You can use the "cowboy method". With its help, you can pull out low shoes or boots at the lifting point. Let's look at how to wear faux leather shoes:

  1. Pour grain (millet, oats) into shoes that crush, pour in water;
  2. Wait a quarter of an hour until it swells. During this period, the liquid will be absorbed into the grain, due to which it will increase, stretching the shoes;
  3. Remove the grains and walk for an hour.

Also used for breaking in cotton fabric, previously lowered into hot water. You can wet your socks with beer or boiling water and then walk around in your shoes.

There are store-bought products that will help you cope with this task. You can purchase special wooden or plastic blocks. They will allow you to stretch leatherette shoes in length or width.

Use of the pads requires careful handling as the material may develop cracks. They are also used for storing and drying products.

Types of shoe lasts

If there is a risk that the last will cause damage to your shoes, you can purchase foam or paste at the store. Apply it to the product and leave for several hours. After this, the discomfort when wearing it will go away. The products contain chemicals that affect artificial leather.

To get results quickly, you should use sprays and creams. These products will make the leatherette more pliable. Sprays do not leave marks on the surface of shoes. The product will need to be sprayed onto the area that is rubbing.

It is important to consider the following nuances when using:

  • Sprays will help stretch the shoes a little. This method is not suitable for increasing shoes by a size or more;
  • The can must be shaken before application;
  • Apply only to problem areas;
  • Shoes should be put on immediately after application.

Salton Promo is considered an effective spray. It should be used for natural leather, but it is also suitable for leatherette. It must be sprayed inside the shoes. It not only stretches the boots, but also makes them even more comfortable to wear.

When choosing a spray, pay attention to what materials it affects

When working with sprays, you must follow safety rules. Wear protective gloves and ventilate the room. Do not spray near open flames. It is necessary to keep products away from children.

Advice: If there is no result from the above methods, you can contact a workshop. Specialists will lengthen or stretch the shoe width using a professional last.

In cases where the exchange and return of new, incorrectly sized shoes made of artificial leather suddenly becomes impossible, it makes sense to use the most effective methods correcting its size at home. These include the use of special means (chemical and mechanical) purchased in hardware and shoe stores, as well as improvised materials that can be found in any home.

Stretching boots or shoes made of leatherette without the risk of damaging the structure of the material is a difficult task. It can only be done in cases where the discomfort caused by the purchased pair is considered minor. During the drawing process, damage to the fibers of the material may occur. As a result, the product takes on a worn look, and its service life is significantly reduced. But if the difference between the sizes of your feet and shoes does not exceed the size, it still makes sense to resort to techniques for stretching shoes at home.

Correcting sizes using newspaper

Cheapness and availability are the strength of the most common method of stretching wide. The newspaper is disassembled into sheets, moistened in warm water, wrung out, crumpled and stuffed tightly (all the way) into the product. Then they are left to dry for several days, but with the only important condition: drying must be carried out in a natural environment, away from heating devices.

By the time the contents of the boots are dry, they should be the desired size. If this does not happen, you can repeat the procedure again.

Alcohol-containing products

Alcohol, cologne or vodka are used to stretch a specific area (nose, backside). Treatment is carried out using a cloth or swab soaked in alcohol-containing liquid. It is rubbed into the desired places of the product, which is then put on and worn until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Instead of alcohol, you can use 3% vinegar. But it must be applied exclusively to the inside. At the same time as vinegar, you can use a special stretching foam.

Castor oil

Stretching with castor oil is suitable for dark-colored leatherette (unsightly stains may remain on a light surface). Those parts that are pinched are lubricated with oil on the outside, then shoes (for example, boots) are put on and worn in for a while. Excess castor oil is removed with a napkin. Before using the method, you should weigh the possible risks, since oil stains are difficult to remove.


A thick plastic bag is filled exactly halfway with water, then tied tightly and placed inside the shoes. They must be placed in the freezer or placed on the balcony (subject to sub-zero temperatures outside the window). As the water freezes, it expands and stretches the boots. And in order to then remove the frozen package, you will need to leave them in a warm apartment for 20 minutes until the ice thaws.

Wet socks method

You can break in boots using old socks. Dense, thick hand-knitted items are perfect for this. During the breaking-in process, the following procedure is followed:

  • The sock is moistened with warm water and put on the foot.
  • The boot is put on (all fasteners must be fastened, the lacing is tightened) and worn around the house until it dries.

The thicker the sock you choose, the more the internal volume of the boots will increase.


To stretch a new thing with Vaseline (or rich baby cream), you need to generously smear it from the inside and set it aside to soak for several hours. Then wipe off the remaining cream with a napkin and wear the pair for about half an hour. If during this time the size has not increased, you must repeat the previous steps or resort to other methods.

Wet grain method

This technique is otherwise called the “cowboy method.” It does an excellent job of stretching boots or low shoes at the instep. To do this, pour grain (oats, millet) into them and fill them with water, leaving them to swell for 12-15 hours. During this time, all the water will be absorbed into the grain, increasing its volume, thereby expanding the tight rise. After removing the grains, the boots are broken in for an hour.

Laundry soap

The shoes are rubbed with soap from the inside and waited for 5 hours, after which they are removed with a damp sponge. Then thick socks are put on your feet and the shoes are worn in until they are completely dry.

For individual problem areas on shoes, break the soap into small pieces (you can grate it), dilute it with water to form a paste and apply it to the required areas. After 3-4 hours, remove all the soap paste with a sponge, and wear a new pair until it dries.

Hot air

Stretching your purchase with a hairdryer is a fairly gentle technique. There are several options for using it:

  • Socks and shoes are put on your feet. Hot air is directed onto the leatherette until it warms up. Then it is recommended to walk around the house a little and, if necessary, repeat.
  • Before putting on the product, the leatherette is heated with a hairdryer for 2 minutes (not until it gets hot). Remove after cooling.
  • If you don't have a hairdryer at home, you can use steam. The steps are the same: keep the boots over steam, and then break them in.


Paraffin is suitable if the new pair presses in the heel area, as well as in the instep. First, the product needs to be warmed up with warm air, and then lubricate all problem areas with melted candles. When the paraffin has cooled, break in the shoes by putting them on a warm sock (repeat for 1-2 days). This method will help not only adjust the size of your shoes, but also soften particularly rough areas.

Wet towel

A gentle method suitable for summer shoes (shoes, sandals, ballet flats). The towel is moistened with warm water, wrung out well so that the moisture does not drain from it, rolled up and placed in the shoes. The last action should be performed so that they do not lose their natural shape. After a few hours, take out a towel, then put the product on your feet and wait for it to dry. At the end, the pair should mold to the shape of your foot and stop rubbing.

Carefully! This method is only suitable for stitched shoes. The glued one will almost immediately become unusable.

Stretching foam

A foam product specially designed for correcting the shape of shoes in length and width can be purchased at the store. The product is applied to the inside of the boots completely or in places where particularly tight areas are marked, and then worn in for half an hour. The described procedure is repeated as many times as needed to achieve the desired result.

Mechanical stretch

In almost any shoe store you can purchase special lasts, the purpose of which is to help fit the purchase to your foot. Most often they are made of wood and complemented with a screw mechanism that regulates the expansion force. Along with the pads, it is recommended to purchase three-dimensional stickers designed for spot correction of tight spots.

You need to adjust the last before inserting it inside the shoe. Otherwise, there is a risk of creating excessive tension and causing the heel seams to separate. Restoring the latter on your own will be very problematic.

Important: few people manage to stretch leatherette shoes the first time. The best solution would be to use several methods in a row.

In the salon, the shoes seemed comfortable, but on the very first day they began to rub their feet to the point of terrible blisters? This kind of problem often happens even with shoes made from natural materials. The reason is the wrong size, the characteristics of the legs and the desire to show off in a new thing before it becomes as comfortable as possible. Before testing new boots, it is recommended to prepare them - stretch them a little at home.

The wool socks method

A universal way to break in shoes is to put wet woolen socks on your feet, slip into your shoes and walk around the house. The method is not the most pleasant, but effective. In a few approaches you will be able to make the boots a size larger.

How to use damp socks to make shoes comfortable:

  1. Wet wool socks and put them on your feet.
  2. Put on a new pair.
  3. Walk like this until your socks are dry.
  4. At one time, boots can stretch half a size.

Method with newspapers

One of the most budget-friendly methods that is suitable for most materials. Newspapers are often delivered to mailboxes for free, or can be purchased inexpensively.

How to stretch shoes with newspapers, who presses:

  1. Crumple newspaper sheets, wet them and stuff them very tightly into a pair of shoes.
  2. Wait until the paper dries on its own. Do not speed up drying with a hair dryer, batteries or sunlight- this deforms weak materials. Usually newspapers in boots dry out within a day.
  3. Newspaper ink sometimes prints onto the lining fabric, so an alternative method is printer paper or paper towels.

How to stretch genuine leather shoes: three ways

Genuine leather wears out well, so this pair will be the easiest to adapt to your feet.

How to make genuine leather boots comfortable, three ways:

  1. Alcohol will help to quickly stretch a new pair. The method is suitable for both smooth and patent leather. Prepare a solution of alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:2. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the product onto the inside of your boots. Now you need to put on your shoes and walk around the house in them for two hours until the alcohol evaporates. To speed up the stretch, wear thick socks on your feet. Attention: wiping the outside of shoes with alcohol is highly not recommended - it will ruin the appearance.
  2. A way to stretch narrow sneakers: place a tight bag in each, pour cold water into it and tie it. Now you need to put the shoes in the freezer. When water freezes, it expands and stretches the boot material. After 8 hours, remove the sneakers from the freezer, let them thaw a little and carefully remove the ice. The method is suitable for thick leather, suede and high-quality leatherette; thin material may crack.
  3. The third way to widen tight boots is to use boiling water. You need to act quickly and carefully so as not to get burned. Pour boiling water inside the boot and pour it out after a few seconds. Now you need to put on a pair and walk around for at least half an hour - the material will cool down, taking the shape of the foot. The method is suitable for leather products.

Advice! Do not try to stretch faux leather shoes with boiling water - this material cannot withstand high temperatures.

Hairdryer method

A hairdryer will help you quickly stretch a pair of shoes. You'll have to be patient a little, but it's worth a try:

  1. Wear thick socks and boots.
  2. Blow the hairdryer over your shoes until they are hot.
  3. Without removing your boots, wait until they cool down.
  4. Ready! The boots stretched to fit the shape of the foot.

This is how good artificial leather stretches. If it becomes deformed from boiling water and ice, then from moderate heating it increases by 0.5 sizes without consequences.

Fatty substances for artificial leather

An easy way to wear down your faux boots is to lubricate them with something greasy and walk around the house for a couple of hours. Vaseline will do vegetable oil and even fish fat. How to proceed:

  1. Grease the inside of the shoe.
  2. Put it on over a thick sock and walk around for a few hours.
  3. Finally, you need to clean the shoes from grease.

Advice! If walking around the house in shoes is not an option for you, try buying special stretching pads.

If you are afraid to act on your own, a shoe specialist will help you. With the help of special stretching devices, pinching and rubbing shoes become looser and more comfortable.

In a shoe store, buy a special stretching spray for a new pair of shoes. Usually he solves the problem in a couple of days. The spray is shaken and applied to problem areas - the heel, sides, toes. It is better to spray the product on the inside of the shoe or on an inconspicuous area, since the spray may influence the color of the material. For convenience, use a cotton pad. After treatment, you need to wear tight shoes and walk around the house in them for at least half an hour.

Important! Different materials have their own stretching sprays.

General rules for choosing shoes and stretching them at home:

  1. If there is nowhere to rush, then boots are processed no more than one to two hours a day.
  2. Trick: if the back rubs, apply a little hot wax or paraffin there. The layer will wear off in a few days, and the shoes will become more comfortable.
  3. You can easily soften hard boots made of high-quality leather without any products. It is enough to bend them in different directions. Good material will not become covered with creases.
  4. Suede shoes are the easiest to break in, so they are bought strictly in size. Ask a relative or friend with feet a little larger than yours to walk around the house in their boots for a couple of hours. You can wear suede yourself at home without special tools, but it will take a little more time.
  5. After heat treatment, it is recommended to lubricate the shoes with a moisturizing conditioner.
  6. Textile shoes are extremely difficult to stretch. The best option is freezing. But it is best to buy fabric shoes in your size.
  7. Helpful tip: Buy shoes in the afternoon. At this time, the legs swell a little. This way you will protect yourself from suffering in the evenings due to suddenly tight shoes.
  8. To avoid having to stretch winter boots, try them on only with warm tights or socks.
  9. If only one shoe in a pair is rubbing, check to see if your feet vary in length. Often one foot is longer or wider than the other by a couple of millimeters. Trying on and purchasing should be done based on the leg that is longer/wider.

If the shoes are smaller than a size, this is not a reason to refuse them. At home, there are many ways to stretch a pair and adapt it to the characteristics of the legs. Some methods seem extreme, but there is nothing you can do to ensure that the pair you like wears comfortably.