Regina Todorenko has several tattoos on her body. Regina has three tattoos on her left arm, and one on her shoulder blade. She has a total of four designs on her body. Two tattoos are located on the inside of the left wrist and they are a treble clef and a note.

Obviously, the treble clef and note represent Regina's love of music. The third tattoo is on the outside of the hand - and it is a mantra in Hebrew. What this inscription means is unknown. According to Regina, she does not tell anyone the meaning of this mantra and keeps it secret, since it is only her mantra.
Regina's third tattoo is on her left shoulder blade - and these are hieroglyphs. The meaning of these hieroglyphs is also unknown, and Regina did not talk about what they mean. No other tattoos were noticed on Regina’s body. And whether the girl will make new drawings is also unknown. From time to time, Regina's tattoos can be seen in photos that she publishes on her Instagram. A photo selection of Regina's tattoos on her arm and back can be seen on this page.

October 23, 2015

The vocalist and TV presenter from Odessa remembered how she broke into the project two years ago, and counted how many hours a week she manages to sleep

The vocalist and TV presenter from Odessa remembered how she broke into the project two years ago and counted how many hours a week she manages to sleep.

Text: Egor AREFIEV

Few people expected to see it on Channel One. However, Regina was not afraid, and most importantly, she found the opportunity to come to “The Voice,” because filming a travel show takes up almost all of her time. TV Program magazine contacted Regina by phone and found out who came up with the idea of ​​giving the mentors of the vocal project a ram and what her tattoos mean.

Regina Todorenko. Photo: Ruslan Roshchupkin

— Two years ago you already tried to break into “The Voice”...

— At that time I was performing as part of the group Real O, but I wanted a new experience. I tried to act in TV series and hosted a program on Ukrainian MTV. As statistics show, every person once every three years changes their status in one way or another - either gets a promotion, or changes jobs. This is what happened to me too. I wanted to show my individuality and personalize my talent. I started going to different castings, including coming to “The Voice”. True, it remained in stock.

— They didn’t manage to select you for the team?

- Yes, I went through all the circles of hell! (Laughs.) Several castings, choosing songs with editors, group and individual meetings, dress rehearsal for blind auditions. And so the shooting began, I was assigned to perform on the first day, then moved to the second, and then to the third. And just before my exit, while I was standing at the stage with shaking knees, the set ended and the last participant was chosen.

— Are you upset?

“I didn’t walk around like myself.” But then I realized that it was all for the better. Because, firstly, I was not quite ready, and secondly, I went to the casting of the show “Heads and Tails,” which I eventually became the host of. Now I'm back on The Voice. It’s always like this in my life: everything works out the second time.

— How did you spend two years of downtime?

— I started to practice vocals more actively, because I have no musical education: I graduated from the master’s program in the directing department. I work very hard on emotions on stage. I find it difficult to control them. And this begins to negatively affect the vocals. At some point I become too much, I start to worry and make mistakes.

- At the same time, you are lucky. You came to the casting of “Heads and Tails” with a package from “Auchan”...

- No! It was an ordinary package from some other store. Definitely not Ashana. I was just very funny - I came in a hat and a long “bum-style” coat, with painted lips. I passed the casting and was approved.

Regina cannot imagine her life without extreme sports. Photo: personal archive

— The suit was different. It seemed to me that everything should go much calmer. Familiar faces, atmosphere... “Go, Regina, free and confident!” - I thought. But everything turned out to be even more difficult. I didn't want to lose face. Still, over these two years I have become a well-known host of the program “Heads and Tails” (“Friday!”), the audience is looking at me - you can’t go wrong.

— Did you see your performance at the blind auditions later?

— I felt very sorry for myself on the screen. It was obvious how nervous I was. I looked and was even more worried: “Regina! Why are you twitching like that? Calm down". I even lost three kilograms during the preparation. In addition to “The Voice,” I also have constant filming with flights for “Heads and Tails,” and advertising. So the mode is extreme. But when, if not at 25, can one live like this? It's time to move forward, tear and throw.

— At the moment when we are talking, you are in Canada, where you are filming a program, and then fly to the USA. How do you plan to make it to Moscow for filming?

— For now, we are keeping in touch with Polina (Gagarina, the mentor of the vocalist on “The Voice.” — Author) via the Internet: we are discussing which song to choose for the battles, how to sing it. When I fly in, I’ll go straight to rehearsals. I would like to sing a Tina Turner or Miley Cyrus song, Sia would also be quite suitable. Loud, flashy, cheerful compositions. Of ours, it would be interesting and unusual to perform “Wet Girl” by Quest Pistols or “The Very Best” by Yegor Creed.

— At the blind auditions, you were accompanied by a support group wearing T-shirts with your photos. Spontaneous flash mob?

- No, of course, this is a crowd scene. People hired for 100 rubles, for whom I sewed T-shirts at night, that’s why I didn’t get enough sleep. Kidding. These were my parents, brother, sister, friends and PR director. People who sincerely support and love me. They always go with me to all the concerts. If someone cannot come, they will always replace him.

— Is taking and giving fish to mentors also your creativity?

- Ours with mom. (Laughs.) We decided this: television is oversaturated with shocking events, there is nothing to surprise, so we need to please and appease the jury. They, poor people, sit there in the pavilion for three days, hungry. So my mother brought a ram from Odessa - a real one, bought at the import!

Thanks to her participation in the show “Heads and Tails,” Todorenko has already traveled throughout most of our planet. Photo: personal archive

“I managed to sleep 10 hours in a week”

— What is the most grueling journey you have had to overcome recently?

- Just filming Canada - USA. Before I went there, I managed to sleep 4 hours in three days. Over the next three days I slept another 6 hours. Despite the fact that I had a 30-hour flight with transfers and adventures: there was a strike in Munich, there were no flights, then they lost my luggage - everything was as it should be. (Laughs.) Finally, I landed, walked out of the airport doors and immediately started filming. She worked two shifts in a row - 24 hours.

— What about speech gymnastics and yoga, with which you start every day?

- Not always. If I don't have the opportunity, I rehearse on the road. So what to do? I always have a portable keyboard with me, a 2.5-octave mini-synthesizer, and a program for writing music in my laptop. One day it was not possible to sing for about 10 o’clock, just during a long flight, and I had to go to the airplane toilet and sing there. Fortunately, nothing was heard and no one was scared.

— You call every summer a time of crazy behavior. What have you accomplished this year?

— Climb the glacier of Mount Rainier (4392 meters above sea level), which is 90 kilometers from Seattle in the USA, and spend the night there. The director, cameraman and guide and I pitched tents.

By filming in videos and participating in travel programs, the girl tries to experience everything, even the most extreme ones. Photo: personal archive

— You also have tattoos. What are they about?

— I started making them at the age of 19. The first was stamped on the shoulder blade - a Chinese character meaning the word "to win". And then I decided to get a tattoo for every birthday. This was a sign, a kind of summing up. But she soon realized that this did not have a very good effect on her career - she constantly had to cover up or retouch her tattoo during filming. This way I make it harder for myself and others. So I decided to take a break for now. In addition, children look at me and then write on social networks: “Oh, I want the same one!” I don't think this is right.

— They say that for the sake of filming you had to undergo another heroic deprivation: say goodbye to the dog?

- (Almost crying.) Don't talk about it! I had no choice... I miss him very much. Mozart is already five years old, he is a York Terrier and has been living with my parents for the last year and a half. Sent, so to speak, on a long vacation. Here you don’t always have time to take care of yourself, and what can we say about your pet? But I miss him terribly and, when I get home, I record a video with him, and then watch it on the road.

— Do you get around the city on foot, by car or by bicycle?

— On a longboard. It's similar to a skateboard, but you can't maneuver it. This is a stable board for long distance riding. I have to move around Moscow quickly, and to avoid traffic jams, I use it.

Cold, heat, wind, blizzard...Work is work. Regina has to work in a variety of conditions. Photo: personal archive

— Is the young man with you? Or are you taking a break from it?

- He is always with me. And mom too.

- Only if as a member of the jury. (Laughs.) I want more, no matter how loud it may sound. Maybe I’ll launch my own project. I'll make a movie about love. An art-house film that could be sent to the Cannes Film Festival.

read in Ukrainian

TV presenter and singer Regina Todorenko told about the meaning of her new tattoos

© Press service

The famous singer and TV traveler loves tattoos. She has five of them. Most recently, she got new tattoos - on her wrist and finger of her left hand. Editorial I learned their meaning from Regina.

Now I have a Polynesian tattoo. It is stuffed with a wooden stick, the tip of which is either a pork bone or a sharpened shell, and the mascara is driven into the skin with it. But initially the tattoo I got was terrible. I had it remade by a normal master in Tahiti (Mauri Island). They immediately changed my tattoo there, but with a machine.

The symbols on the finger mean courage. I was a little lacking some kind of inner core, and I am sure that drawings on the body somehow attract into life what we want. I also got an image of lavender on my wrist. This is a symbol of tenderness, love, warmth, so as not to always stubbornly stick to your line, but also not to forget that I am a girl and must sometimes be weak.


Let us remind you that we recently told you the TOP 5 secrets of Regina Todorenko. You can read them by going to

Popular TV presenter Regina Todorenko, who traveled around the world as part of the travel show “Heads and Tails,” continues to amaze with changes in her appearance. Not long ago, the girl changed her hair color to bright red. Now the celebrity has a new tattoo on her body, which she talked about on social networks, reports

The presenter shared a photo showing Regina Todorenko’s new tattoo on her Instagram page. The girl admitted that she believes in the power of tattoo images. In particular, the fact that a body pattern can change a person’s entire future destiny.

Therefore, she prepared especially carefully for the new “decoration” that one of the best craftsmen in Purotu made for her. In addition, it is worth considering that she already had a negative experience in this matter once.

Each of my drawings on my body has a certain meaning. Each dot has content. For a long time I doubted whether to get a Polynesian tattoo, and for good reason. It turned out that the advertised artist was just a bait.... He was a bit old and, apparently, had problems with his eyesight... he did such a lot on my finger that I wanted to immediately get rid of the tattoo or the finger. I was offended that I gave up part of my body for the experiment. But from my bitter experience you will understand that you should not trust unverified people. I didn't talk to my team (cameraman, director) after what happened. She just stood up silently, although I wanted to scream and cry, and left. I quickly went to another master on the island, who used a machine to correct the prison blot on my finger and psychologically helped me accept the drawing.

The TV presenter also said that now, looking at a finger with a new tattoo, she remembers that life sometimes teaches useful lessons that should not be forgotten. She also noted, not without humor, that the pattern on her finger reminds her of a crown, and that is why she now considers herself a queen.

By the way, the spontaneous desire to get a tattoo while traveling is not unique to Regina Todorenko. Her equally famous travel show colleague Zhanna Badoeva also could not resist the temptation to get a tattoo inscription in the courtyards of Amsterdam. Zhanna dedicated her drawing under the skin to her 11-year-old daughter Lolita.