Compiled by Elena Ivanovna Bekren, deputy director for educational work of the State Educational Institution “Zhirovichi Secondary School of Slonim District”

(Poems are heard in the background of music)

There were many stars in the sky
Warm clear night.
Jesus Christ slept quietly
On the straw in the manger.

Virgin Mother, bending over Him,
She hummed tenderly
The night shimmered golden
Starry blanket

(Girls in white dresses take turns taking the stage. At the end of the words, they read poetry against the background of music)

1. Look, there are many stars burning in the heights of heaven,

But one shines joyfully brighter than all of them.

2. Christ's messenger of birth,

Shining with beauty

The star of salvation is burning

Over the suffering land.

3. And the star burns and shines in the sky, pouring rays like the sun in the distance.

4. The stars have never shone like this anywhere, ever

Since the creation of the earth itself.

1. And there was a miracle on earth,
And there was a miracle in heaven:
Like the sun, it flashed in the rays
A star in the midnight darkness.
2. She floated over a world of tears,
And her light shone
And he told the poor shepherds,
That Christ was born.
3. And to Bethlehem the wise men followed her
They carried their gifts,
And they found it on the straw
They are the King of Kings.

4. The words of the prophet came true;
Angels descended from heaven

The star rolled from the east;
The world awaited redemption -
1. And in the poor manger of Bethlehem
To the song of praise of Eden

The wondrous baby shone...

(Song “Jesus Slept Quietly”)

Presenter 1. Our joy is the joy of the shepherds,

But Herod’s worries are not ours.

God has come to us, the first day of Christ

Decorated with stars in a dark world.

Presenter 2. And the Star of Bethlehem continues to shine on us these Christmas days.

Presenter 1. And the whole world seems to be hiding and waiting for a great miracle, because Christmas is a holiday of love and light that unites all people.

HisBoth children and adults are waiting.

Presenter 2. The further into the future we go,
The more we value the past.
And we find beauty in the old,
At least we belong to something new.

Presenter 1. Merry holy, wonderful Christmas
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
In the vastness of the heavens
The star floats in silence.

(“A star shone in the sky”)

Presenter 1. It snows at Christmas
Falls like God's mercy.
It's snowing - and magic
It could happen on this day.

Presenter 2. On this day we say
About the birth of Christ.
On this day they cannot be silent
Our children's lips.

Presenter 1. And hearts want to praise,
Without stopping for a moment.
Glorify God with us!
Don't be silent - He is great.

(Song “Oh, what a beauty”)

(Music sounds. There are 2 chairs on the stage. Izba. Evening. Christmas tree. Grandmother looks out the window. Boy and Girl decorate the Christmas tree)
The night is transparent and clean.
Tell us about Christ!
What is “bright paradise”?
Tell me, grandma, come on!
Grandmother (approaches the guys).
Okay, listen up guys:
God a long time ago... once upon a time
Created the first two people
And then he said to them: “For your benefit I give
Life is beautiful in paradise.
Daughter Eve, son Adam,
Birds and animals serve you,
Flowers are always blooming here,
And gardens grow for you,
Pears, plums, grapes
I’m glad to give it to you with love.”
Did they have a job?
Was there any concern about food?
The Lord gave them everything in paradise,
And Adam didn’t have any trouble.

But the Lord asked: “Love,
Live in obedience
There is no denying you anything,
But I give one prohibition:

The apple tree grows in paradise,
She brings Evil with Good,
Don't eat these apples
Don't pick the forbidden fruit!

This is the tree of knowledge
May bring suffering.
If you break the ban,
I will punish sin in return."
What happened next, grandma?
They forgot about the ban
Ate the apple of the ban
God punished them for this.
Have you forgotten about the dangers?
Why weren't they forgiven?
The first sin was committed
Mortal on Earth for everyone!

Obedience is our path to God,
There is no other way to Him.

God asked them to obey
And apologize for your sin?

Yes, but Eve and Adam are in scandal,
They didn’t give repentance

They forgot about love
This angered God.
God banished them to Earth,
Death has since ended life.
Didn't they die in heaven?
Next to God, death was unknown.
Where was Christ then?


It's too early to ask a question.
God expelled Adam, Eve
To our empty Earth.
They have known hard work
Then they got their bread.
Where did people come from?
It will be difficult for me to explain...

Children of Eve and Adam
All the peoples of the world gave.
And the sin of Eve and Adam
People on Earth have known.

Grandma, what about Christ?

It's too early to ask a question.
People went to hell
God suffered, He was not happy.

God loved people, believe me,

To save people from death,
God sent his Son to earth.
Without sin, alone, innocent,
He suffered for the sins of people,
He gave immortality to people.
Is this how an innocent person suffered?
You, baby, are so naive...

This is the mystery of the Lord.
It is not easy for children to understand everything.
Saving people from sin,
Opening the path to immortality,

The Son of God himself dies,
Blood washes away the sin of people.
Having atoned for the guilt of the people,
He resurrected, opening the way to God.
Did people strive for God in heaven?
So, dear, thank God,
Since the time of Adam, Eve
People were waiting for fulfillment
People were waiting for the Savior,
Every day, counting weekdays.

The hour has come and then one day
(This day is the most important!)
Christ was born in a stable!

He brought happiness to the world!


And I read about it.

The stars twinkled in the sky,
All the gardens were fragrant,
Streams rang on the ground,
The angels in heaven sang.

He told the shepherds the news.
The world glorified the birth of Christ!
Bring gifts to Jesus
With firm faith in salvation.

The sages come from the East,
So that, on bended knees,
Offer gifts to the Baby
In swaddling clothes on fresh hay.

They gave a scroll of gold,
Thus the recognition was reflected,
Fragrant incense was given,
They recognized God as such.

The Magi gave the third gift -
Smyrna - the prediction of the century:
The Lord has come to earth,
Like all of them, human.

Glorifying Jesus with the Word,
Christoslavs sang everywhere,
And prayers of grace
Started to shine with Merry Christmas!
What a gift it is for me to become Christ!
What will I offer Him?
Our gift is obedience
And, of course, repentance.

Remember my story, children,
There is Good and Evil in the world,

May the Son of God protect everyone,
After all, the salvation of the world is with Him!

(Music sounds. Children come out)

1. If on this day for a while

Will any of you remember

About the Child in Bethlehem

A wonderfully joyful story;

2. If the heart beats inside him,

Like a bird outside the window,

As if the strings would touch him

An angel with a gentle wing;

3. If suddenly, like the smell of a garden,

Like the breath of the breeze

Gentle joy to the heart

It will fly from afar.

4. And in the soul it is light and creepy,

It's like someone is walking there -

This is the Little Christ Himself

I knocked on your heart.

(Song "Baby Jesus")

Presenter 1. A great miracle took place that night,
God sent us a Savior.
In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger
The baby, the Son of God, was lying down.

Presenter 2. The star above the cave is like a guiding light,
She shone to the learned wise men,
And the loud song of the shepherds majestically
And harmoniously rushed towards the heavens.

Presenter 1. With people, all nature rejoiced that night.
Noisy leaves on the trees
They praised God in a mysterious whisper,
And the flowers smelled stronger.
Presenter 2. Three trees - palm, olive and fir tree -
At the entrance to the cave they grew.
And in the first days, in proud delight,
They bowed to the baby.

Presenter 1. A beautiful palm tree overshadowed Him
With your green crown,
And from the tender branches of the silver olive
The fragrant oil dripped.
Only a modest Christmas tree stood sadly,
She had no gifts
And people’s eyes were not captivated by beauty
Her unchanging cover.

Presenter 2. The Angel of the Lord saw it,
And he said to the Christmas tree with love:
“You are modest, you don’t complain in sadness,
For this, you are destined to be rewarded by God.”
He said, and the stars from the sky
They rolled down onto the tree one after another.
And everything began to shine, and the palm tree and olive
She eclipsed me with her beauty.

Presenter 1. And since then we remember every year
And we devoutly honor Christmas.
Whether a child or an adult, everyone is happy about the holiday,
And there is a celebration in every family.

Presenter 2. Where the children are, there is a Christmas tree! Richer, poorer -
But all in golden lights.
And how much delight, and how much fun
In the kind hearts of children.

(Song “A bright star is burning in the sky”)

1. In hope, in joy and in light

The star lit up for Christmas

The children laughed with happiness,

And my heart felt so warm.

2. She opened their path to the Magi,

But the path to the Savior is not easy,

And she gave her light to the baby

Named Jesus Christ.

3. And the sky was filled with stars.

From the milky golden rays,

And it was revealed to people on earth.

That the world has become better and kinder.

4. And people all became family,

And their soul became childish,

And the golden stars sang

Over the baby's cradle.

5. Those stars rocked the cradle,

And the shepherds came to the manger,

And they saw the heavenly light,

And the Magi brought their gift.

6. In the January darkness, on a cold evening.

The earth is wrapped in warmth,

And on a wonderful, endless journey,

The first star is reaching.

(Song “Angel is flying”)

(Scene “Angel” - without announcement)


Little Angel on Christmas Eve
God sent it to earth.
“How will you go through the spruce forest,”
He said with a smile,
You cut down the Christmas tree for the little one,
The kindest on earth,
The most affectionate and sensitive,
Give me as a memory of Me!"
And the Angel was embarrassed - meekly:

"But who should I give it to?
How to find out which baby is wearing
Will there be God's grace?"

"You'll see for yourself!" - God answered.
And the heavenly guest went.
The month has already risen; the path was bright
And it led to a huge city.

Festive speeches are everywhere,
Happiness awaits children everywhere.

Throwing the Christmas tree over your shoulders,
The angel goes with joy.

Look through the windows yourself
There is a big celebration there.
The Christmas trees glow with lights,
As happens at Christmas.

And from house to house hastily
The angel began to cross,
To find out who he owes
Give God's Christmas tree.
Both beautiful and obedient
He saw a lot of children.
All, at the sight of God's Christmas tree,
Forgetting everything, they reached out to her.
Who shouts:

Child 1.

"I'm standing up for a Christmas tree!"

Who reproaches him for this:

Child 2.

"You can't compare to me,
I'm kinder than you!"

Child 3.

"No, I deserve a Christmas tree,
And more worthy than others!"

The angel listens calmly
Looking around them with sadness.

Everyone is proud of each other,
Everyone praises himself
At your opponent with fear
Or looking with envy.

And out into the street, drooping,
The angel came out:


"My God!
Teach who I could
Give Your priceless gift."

And meets you on the street
Little angel - he is standing,
He looks around at God's Christmas tree,
And the gaze lights up with delight.

Child 4.
"Christmas tree, Christmas tree, -


he clapped his hands, -

Child 4.

I wish I
I don't deserve this tree
And she's not for me.
But take it to your sister,
What lies with us is sick,
Make her so happy
It's worth a Christmas tree.
Let us not cry in vain,"

The boy whispered to Angel.
And with a clear smile Angel
He handed the Christmas tree to the baby.
And then, by some miracle,
The stars fell from the sky
And, sparkling with emerald,
They dug into the branches of the Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree sparkles and shines,
She was given a heavenly symbol.
And trembles with delight
Amazed little boy.

And having learned such love,
Angel moved to tears
Good news to God
He brought it like a priceless gift.

(Song “In the Palm of God”)

Leading 1. The great holiday has already arrived again;
There is fun, feasts, celebration everywhere...
Let us remember what word he told us
The one whose Christmas is celebrated now:
"Let everyone always be merciful
To the weak, orphans, poor, sick!
What he has, he shares with the poor
And he will call him his brother!”
So, friends, show your participation:
Many will face Christmas in need...
A good deed is great happiness,
This is a sacred celebration of the soul!

Leading 2. Let's forgive each other's offenses,
Let's look at the heights of the sky,
Let's leave our hearts open for love,
Let's wait for the Star of Bethlehem.
Let's celebrate Christmas
In solemn and kind silence,
And we will listen to every word,
With whom He comes to you and me...

Presenter 1. Christmas is a magical holiday,
Everyone knows this from childhood,
Anyone who is a romantic at heart,
Loves the magic of the neighborhood.

Presenter 2. Twilight... And as if by magic,
The world is illuminated with a wonderful light!
This long-awaited moment -

Presenter 1. Most main holiday Christian,
And, as before, at the appointed hour again
A star lights up in the sky...
Merry Christmas!
I wish you happiness for many years to come!

Presenter 2. Now let's do it together
We're a Christmas song.

(Song “Christmas Nativity”)


Start: 14.00

Compiled by: A.I. Kuragina

An hour before the start of the event, New Year and Christmas songs are played in the foyer and on the street. There are exhibitions in the lobby.

The curtain is closed

In the auditorium and on the stage the lights go out completely, music sounds and against its background the words, at the same time the curtain opens:

Scattered in the background and in front are children with candles (battery-powered candles), who make certain movements throughout the prologue. On the backdrop there is an arch framed by spruce branches, in it you can see the silhouette of a sitting woman in a half-turn. All participants are dressed in white clothes.

And there was a miracle on earth, and there was a miracle in heaven:

Like the sun, a star flashed in the rays of the midnight darkness.

A luminous star is projected onto the backdrop.

Those were the times of miracles, the words of the prophet came true;

Angels descended from heaven, a star rolled from the east;

The world awaited redemption - and in the poor manger of Bethlehem

There's the faint bleating of a sheep, followed by the cry of a child.

To the song of praise of Eden, the wondrous Child shone forth!

The melody fades away and begins again, the woman gets up beautifully and comes out, holding her in her arms like a baby. white fabric, makes several movements, comes back, makes a turn inside the arch and a boy appears in front of her. Coming out of the arch a little, she pushes the boy forward, but she herself remains in place, waiting for his return. Returning after an impromptu walk, they again hide for a moment in the arch. Children with candles make movements, at this time a girl who came out of the arch merges with him. After a couple of seconds, a young guy comes out of the arch, walks across the entire stage, stands in a designated place and freezes in a certain position.

The introduction (1) to the song “Christmas” by E. Nedorubov begins to sound.

The young man sits down, and the children sit opposite him (some sit on their knees, some just stand). At the first chorus, everyone stands up one by one, makes a few final movements and leaves behind the young man. At the end of the song you can let it snow a little.

The New Year's melody sounds and the presenters come out.

The light on the stage increases, but not completely.

1: Good evening!

2: Good evening, dear friends! The new year 2016 has come, and with it the purest, most beautiful, brightest and great holiday Christmas!

1: The joyful thing is that Christ is near us - he is in every heart, in every home, and gives us strength, faith, and love.

2: Happy holiday to you! Happy New Year …

1: ... and Merry Christmas!

A short pause for possible applause, the music becomes louder

The light is added completely.

1: According to good tradition, sum up the results of the past year, outline plans for the next, congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2016 and Merry Christmas!

The rector of the church in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the miracle worker, Archpriest Nicholas, congratulates you on the holiday.

Solemn music sounds.


Against the background of a modern New Year's melody, voices can be heard behind the stage, in a half-whisper, as expected during a concert.

Interlocutor: Excuse me, where are you going?

Ogurtsov: There!

Interlocutor: You can’t go there, the Christmas concert has started there.

The last phrases of both are heard through clenched teeth. The sounds of a soft struggle can be heard.

Yes, you can’t, I say, go there...

Ogurtsov: What is this...

Ogurtsov comes out of the arch, culturally waving his manuscripts at the hands clinging to his suit. His face changes and he walks importantly to the microphone, straightening his jacket. Almost immediately after him, the presenters come out of the last curtains with folders, look at each other, make blank looks, shrug their shoulders, then, against the backdrop of underlined words, they begin to have a conversation with each other.

OGURTSOV: Hello comrades! I heard that I was given the floor..., sorry..., I was delayed.

He looks angrily back to where he came from.

I came to you not empty-handed, as you see, but with a report. Please pay attention!

Getting ready to read, putting on glasses.

He listens, takes off his glasses, and makes a dissatisfied face.

What is that strange melody that sounds?

Turns to the sound engineer.

Comrade sound engineer, change the melody immediately.

The soundtrack of the song “Five Minutes” plays in the background.

This is another matter!

And so, all last year, right up to this Christmas, we followed a difficult, unbeaten road, were not afraid of difficulties, you know, we worked, studied, our motto in the year of the goat was simply like a challenge: “No matter how many horns we make, we lived cheerfully and culturedly with you!” Why is there noise in the hall?

Conversation against the backdrop of underlined words:

2: I don’t understand anything, where did he come from?

1: You know, he somehow reminds me of Comrade Ogurtsov from the movie “ Carnival Night».

2: It can't be!

Surprised extras (several concert participants) begin to approach the presenters.

Extra: He speaks quite quickly. How could he! After all, 2016 has been declared the year of Russian cinema. And for the film “Carnival Night” it became an anniversary. He turns exactly 60 years old. Here is your explanation about the appearance of Comrade Ogurtsov.

The underlined word should be heard against the background of Ogurtsov’s question.

The presenters, one after another, run up to Ogurtsov.

1: Comrade Ogurtsov, we are having a festive Christmas concert...

The surprised extras shrug their shoulders and disperse.

OGURTSOV: What concert, where is your pass to the stage, (says to the second) where is the program of your concert?

The 2nd presenter takes him by the arms, speaks in a soothing voice, and takes him backstage.

2: Comrade Ogurtsov, we have a program, let’s go backstage, there we will explain everything to you.

The first presenter walks behind them, then turns to the audience and speaks in a satisfied, mysterious voice.

1: In the meantime, Christmas troubles are on stage! Leaves.

(2) “The holiday is coming to us”

(3) "Forget-me-nots"

(4) Shirshova N. “Dream”

Ogurtsov and the presenters run out behind him.

OGURTSOV: That's what you're explaining to me? Instead of listening to a report on the topic “Prospects for the development of the culture of the region... do you understand here...

(an ensemble of spooners begins to emerge) ... and what else is this?

2: Comrade Ogurtsov, this is the presidium of the ceremonial meeting.

OGURTSOV: Why was he so late, why in folk costumes? Come out quickly, comrades.

The presenter shrugs. Ogurtsov begins to read.

So, chapter one - “analysis of achievements”, my insinuating and inquisitive mind made the main conclusion, everything is fine, comrades. Life has become more joyful and fun...

2: ...Or maybe we’ll spice up your report with music..., songs..., well, dancing?

Ogurtsov first thinks, then looks suspiciously, then agrees.

OGURTSOV: This is a constructive proposal! Do you have anything serious, cultural, touching the delicate strings of the people?

2: Of course there is, because we live in a cultural area.

(5) Choir of the RDK “Love rolled in like a wave”

Exit of the 2nd leader for Ogurtsov.

The choir member lingers, realizes that something is wrong, goes backstage, returns again and does the following: attracts the attention of the second leader, points to the container and gestures that she needs to cover her nose.

OGURTSOV: This is real art! I told you everything is fine! The instruments are tuned, the button accordions are not torn, although there were plenty of reasons for this. As for our youth and children, they continue to absorb culture like sponges. In the coming years we will deepen and strengthen this, because we, comrades, are moving in the right direction.

He folds the report and puts it in the inner pocket of his jacket.

A choir member blows on a jar.

2: Fans Ogurtsov with his hands. Christmas songs and dances!

OGURTSOV: Where is the water? Continues to cough.

2: There! He points his hand towards the wings and pushes Ogurtsov there.

The choir member remains on stage, watching them leave, and a clown runs up to him...

CLOWN: Well, what happened?

Choir member: Still peering into the wings... I guess not.

Turning to the clown... A-a-a-a (inhaling), listen, all hope is in you, make the report disappear! A?

The clown shows with a gesture that everything will be done like a clown

goes backstage, followed by a member of the choir.

(6) Semyonova K. “Just don’t lose heart”

(7) Arina “At Christmas”

(8) Bezrukova I. “White Snow”

(9) Nedorubova E. Sorokin Y. “Blizzard”

(10) “Constellation” art. gr. "New music"

Ogurtsov and others come out of the second curtain.

OGURTSOV: Well, what kind of repertoire, what kind of outfits, this smacks of dissidence, why are there no staged songs, poems, no traditional Christmas greetings, and in general, where is my report?

He puts his hand into his inner pocket and takes out many multi-colored handkerchiefs tied together.

HOSTS: - No, you understand everything wrong!

I think you're just in a bad mood!

He puts his hands in his pockets, pulls out streamers from one and confetti from another.

OGURTSOV: What kind of mood can there be when everything is not going as it should be?

there are no high feelings, there is no holiday and there is no report. The report I suffered through is gone, the masterpiece is gone! Listen, this is simply outrageous! This is a provocation, comrades, remember the faces of these criminals who are preventing culture from reaching the masses.

1: Well, let's look behind the scenes together.

2: Let's look!

They calm him down, stroke his arms and shoulders, and again try to take him backstage.

OGURTSOV: Let's go without it?! And I ask you not to touch me with your hands! What's on your program there?

1: There is a wonderful number, girls dance it!

OGURTSOV: Who are they, why don’t I know?

2: They are so young, beautiful...

OGURTSOV: Are they Komsomol members? Athletes? Activists? Do they have the characteristic...?

1 and 2 together: Interrupt. Of course have! Everything is!

OGURTSOV: Okay, let the girls in.

(11) “Fantasy” “Winter Fun”

Ogurtsov comes out to the children during the last movements. They surround him, and from behind the scenes everyone gives signs for them to take him backstage.

OGURTSOV: Well, that’s another matter! Now I am completely calm for you and your fate, but the height of your raised legs, the amplitude of your movements - this is a reason for constructive criticism.

The words written below sound muffled from behind the scenes.

We can be artists of small and big stages good example for imitation.

2: While a master class by generalist Ogurtsov is going on behind the scenes, we will rock!

(12) “Fun” “Gossip”

(13) Chukhrova A. Mashin A. “A blizzard again”

The second presenter goes on stage, calls the second one with her hand and joyfully addresses the audience.

At the same time, VIA, where Ogurtsov is a guitarist, comes out during the conversation of the hosts, they look at each other, show with facial expressions and gestures that everything will be fine.

2: Dear friends! It seems that Comrade Ogurtsov is preparing a surprise!

1: Don’t you think so?

2: No. Today a real miracle happens to him. He changes before our eyes better side. But look for yourself!

Points towards VIA with his hands.

OGURTSOV: Dear friends, wonderful songs performed by wonderful artists continue to be heard for you!

(15) Clerks "Winter Garden"

(16) Petrukhina T. “The January blizzard is ringing”

(17) Chkalov P. “Anastasia’s Waltz” + dance. gr "Fantasy"

OGURTSOV: Wonderful, amazing, well, finally I felt the presence of the New Year's smell and the Christmas spirit! I'm sure Christmas is being celebrated all over the country today! It seems that I have overestimated the values ​​of life. To hell with the report, let's write a new one! The main thing is that everyone is healthy and happy!

Addresses the leaders...

1: Comrade Ogurtsov, song!

2: Final!

The first presenter quickly takes Ogurtsov to the right side, the second presenter goes to the left side of the wings.

(18) Medley “Spring”

It would be nice if, for every two lines of the medley, groups of performing concert participants came out, had fun, danced and stayed on stage until the end.

Background music is playing

Lyrics for "Spring":

Katya: Dear friends, from the bottom of our hearts we wish everyone happiness...,

Olya: ... goodness, peace, prosperity!

Anya: Live in abundance,

Ogurtsov: ... and may your home be full of joy!

Together: Happy holiday to you, Merry Christmas!

The background music volume increases.

The curtains are closing.

Natalia Emelianenko
Scenario for the holiday "Christmas"

Sounds festive bell ringing.

Hello guys, dear guests. WITH Happy holiday to all of you! WITH Merry Christmas! Hear the bell ringing. He announces to us great joy: birth Our Lord Jesus Christ! More than 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus, the promised Savior of the world, was born Christ. And since then people celebrate Christmas and rejoice at this bright day.

Clear night. Quiet all around.

A star burns brightly above the cave.

The choir of angels fell silent behind the hill,

Blue light pours from the cracks.

The Baby Savior lies in the manger.

Thousands of years have been awaiting his arrival.

Happy will be the one who hastens to him.

Happy people, nature rejoices!

1 child And in Christmas midnight

Appeared in honor Christ

Lit up, sparkled

There is a bright star in the sky.

A star girl runs out.

2 reb. Star, you have been around for many years

You shine for people on earth

I'll ask you a question:

How was born into the world Christ?


Oh, I remember everything perfectly.

That star, my sister,

I told everyone,

That he came to Bethlehem.

That night the shepherds were in the field

They tended their flocks diligently.

The Angel was the first to reveal it to them,

Appearing in the midst of the night elements,

Like a light shining in the darkness

That God was born on earth.

Look, here are the shepherds coming towards us. (Music sounds, shepherds come out)

1st An angel appeared to us from heaven

And said: « Christ was born!

We came glorify Christ

And you and congratulate you on the holiday.

2nd I don’t know how to write yet,

But I know that the holiday has come-

Day birth of jesus christ!

(Music sounds. Angel girls run in).

I, God's Angel.

I want to announce great joy to you

Our Savior - the Lord - was born.

Celebration on earth and in heaven

Christ God Christmas.

Celebration, celebration

Today Christmas holiday.

Angels fly from the sky

And they begin their dance.

(Angels' dance is performed).

Holiday Christmas reminds us of our attitude towards each other, of mercy and love for our neighbor. Jesus Christ was born on our land to show us an example of love and care for our family, friends and even strangers. God wants us to be obedient to our parents and educators, to be merciful to the weak, orphans, and the sick, to love and respect each other. Listen to how a boy looked for happiness



Scene 1

The grandmother is busy in the kitchen, the grandson is sweeping the room, straightening the garlands, i.e. cleaning. Grandma goes behind the screen and brings out the dough.


Look, grandson, how the dough has risen. You can already bake pies.

The grandson wearily sits down at the table. The broom falls out of your hands.


Yes, grandma, I have almost everything ready too.

He takes a broom, gets up, and sits down again.


I'm kind of sad. Tired, probably. How do you not get tired of working all day?


What are you doing, honey? I see my happiness in this.


Strange. Your happiness is in the kitchen, where you fuss all day, and if I cleaned all day, then my happiness lies in this. Should there be a broom?

Grandmother picks up the broom and puts it in place.


Happiness comes in different forms, and most importantly, everyone must find it for themselves. You know what, go for a walk while I manage here.

He sees him off and goes in the other direction.

Scene 2

Forest. The boy walks alone.


I wonder how everyone has their own happiness? And how to find it?

Lamb comes out from the other side.


Tell me, little lamb, have you found your happiness?


I'm happy when I'm warm, and you?


I do not know yet.


Take my scarf and you will be warm too.


They bow to each other and disperse. A goat comes out.


Hello boy.


Hello, goat. Tell me, honey, do you have happiness?


I'll remember now. Probably not at home. Absolutely not! But I have very tasty milk. Take it on the road.


Thank you. Now I won’t be afraid of any fatigue on the road.

They disperse. A boy passes by a hollow, a nut flies into him, then another.


Oh, what is this?

Picks up a nut.


Who's throwing nuts there?

Belchenok:(going out to stage)

Who-who! It's me, little squirrel. I'm putting things in order before holiday. What are you doing here?


You see, I want to find happiness. You don't have one, by any chance?

Belchenok: (looks into the hollow.)

I'll take a look now. There are nuts. (looks in) There are mushrooms. (shrugs) And there is nothing else.


OK. Happy stay.


Wait, take my nuts for the road - they will come in handy.

Gives you a bag of nuts.


They disperse. The boy walks and stumbles upon a mountain of snow. The slide is moving. The boy begins to rake it.


Oh, so much snow!

A bear suddenly crawls out of a snowdrift. The boy jumps back.


Who woke me up?


Sorry, bear, I didn't mean to disturb you.


What are you doing here?


I wanted to see luck. You don't have one, by any chance?


Let me think. No. I don't have one. But there is wonderful honey. Here you go.

Gives it to the boy.


Oh, I really want to sleep. (lays down and falls asleep)

Boy: (sits nearby)

Round dance of stars.

Angel comes out.


Don't sit and sigh

But hurry up.

In a clearing at the edge of the forest

There is only one Christmas tree,

The girl is crying bitterly there

She got lost here.

Take her to the guys

That we have gathered for the celebration,

Where is already dressed up

Christmas tree to Christmas.


How can I find this “one” Christmas tree? There are so many of them in the forest!


This star will help you.

He brings the star to the boy.


She will show you the way.

The little star takes the boy by the hand and leads him to the tree under which the girl is sitting.


But this is Alenka from the neighboring house! How did you end up here?


I was collecting fir branches and got lost. And now I'm cold and hungry.


I have a lot of food. Look. This is from a squirrel, this is from a goat, this is from a bear.

Gives her gifts.


And this lamb scarf will save you from the cold. Well, let's go to Christmas holiday.


How will we find the way?


We will show you the way.

In these Christmas Every day we want to give each other joy, to do good, so we will show you the way and on the way we will please each other with kind words.

(The game is being played "Sweet words").

Love, children, Christ the Child.

Your entire childhood will be happy.

Love you people Christ's appearance:

Great holiday-

His Birth!

Light Christmas holiday.

Singing pours from the sky,

To God be the glory and praise

Behind Christ's birth»

The goal is to promote faith in the Savior Jesus Christ, to introduce children to the traditions and customs of folk culture.

(A. Malinin’s song “Christmas Rus'” sounds)

Presenter 1 and 2 come out:

1 - Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!

This holiday is celebrated by millions of people around the world. They have one thing in common - faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas has become an event for humanity. Now we count years from the birth of the Savior.

2 – At our holiday we will tell you the story of Christmas and introduce you to the culture of our ancestors. Of course, there is no need to idealize the past. But we still need to honor and respect the traditions and customs of our people, understanding that a person of that time was brought up by the environment and the way of life in which he found himself. Our ancestors had a lively Christmas tradition of waiting for and performing a miracle. And miracles really happened.

(they leave; the reader comes out)

Here comes the Christmas holiday -
The Christmas tree was cut down.
And in the clothes of the celebration
They dressed up magnificently.
There's a row of candles on the Christmas tree,
Twisted lollipop,
There are juicy grapes in the bunches,
Gilded gingerbread.
Suddenly there were fruits
Dark branches
The Christmas tree was brought into the room -
Have fun kids!
The mother works for the children,
He reads toys to them,
Remove the tree for them -
Busy day and night.

2nd presenter:

In the old days, preparations for the holiday began in the last week before Christmas. In the evening, the whole family glued toys and painted nuts on the Christmas tree in silver and gold.

Decorating a Christmas tree is the most enjoyable experience. We dress her up with bright balls, garlands, and rain. And earlier, just a few 200 - 300 years ago, the Christmas tree was decorated with vegetables from the garden, which were previously decorated.

(decorate a small artificial Christmas tree, show the children how our ancestors decorated the Christmas tree).

What vegetable was hung on the Christmas tree?

Potato. At first these were silver-plated and gilded potatoes. Then they learned how to blow glass balls, and the art of making them was kept in the strictest confidence and passed down by masters. These balls were expensive and beyond the means of many.

Nowadays the good tradition of hanging sweets on the Christmas tree has already been lost, but it is much tastier and more tempting for children to remove sweets from the tree and eat them than to get them from the table.

What sweets were used to decorate the Christmas tree in Rus'?


Previously, children in Rus', even in rich families, did not eat sweets randomly and almost every day, but received them for the holiday, in a little bag. Sometimes sweets were hung on the Christmas tree, and then the children received them as a prize.

First, they hung ruddy apples on the tree, then tangerines, then gilded and silver nuts, crackers and, of course, gingerbread cookies.

What is the main toy of Christmas? Or is it also called the good news of Christmas?

Of course, an angel. It was very expensive to buy this toy in a store back then, so they made it themselves. Literally everything was used: cotton wool, silk, tulle. paper, fluff, feathers.

New Year and Christmas cards also have their own history. The postcard first appeared in Russia a little over 100 years ago (1898). Money from the postcards sold went to charity. Artists tried to make them not just beautiful, but sometimes real works of art. It was covered with gloss, velvet, and the snow was made from boric acid and was surprisingly similar to the real thing. The themes of the drawings were different: these are cheerful children sledding down the mountains, young people caroling with the Star of Bethlehem, funny little animals, angels, candles on Christmas trees.

There was a time when the Soviet government banned the production of Christmas cards. She did not recognize the holiday of Christmas, and only very recently cards appeared with the joyful inscription: “Happy New Year!”, “Merry Christmas!”.

Do you know the first biblical Christmas tree decoration? Name it.

This is the Star of Bethlehem. It was a special joy to make the Star of Bethlehem, which was to crown the forest beauty. The legend says: “When the Divine Child was born, everyone around rejoiced, everything rejoiced. At the entrance to the cave where Christ was born, there were 3 trees: a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree. They also wanted to offer their gifts to Christ.

The palm tree laid a luxurious leaf at the baby’s feet, the olive filled the cave with a fragrant aroma. One tree has nothing to give. Out of embarrassment, she bent her branches low to the ground. But suddenly a thousand multi-colored stars descended on the branches of the Christmas tree. She became so elegant and beautiful that when the baby woke up, his eyes fell on the beautiful shining Christmas tree. He smiled and extended his hands to her.

An angel descended from heaven and said to the tree: “Let this be your reward for your humility. You will always be clothed in evergreen, and every year you will glorify Christmas with the brilliant stars that will adorn your branches.”

Sprouted grains of rye (zhita) were also placed under the tree along with gifts - a symbol of new life and a generous harvest.

1st presenter: (against the background of folk music)

The day before Christmas was called Christmas Eve (January 6). By January 6, that is, by Christmas Eve, the huts were heavily cleaned, the floors were polished with juniper, and the tables were covered with clean tablecloths. Until January 6, we observed fasting and ate only kutya with honey and juice. Only in the evening, with the appearance of the first star, did the fast end. People kneaded pies, made pancakes, kneaded dough for donuts. The festive table was being prepared. So that the baby Christ could look into the house, all kinds of toys were placed on the window.

The stove was well heated in the house. The stove played a major role in the house. There was even a saying: “dance from the stove,” that is, start from the main thing. The stove was used for heating the room and cooking. They slept on the stove, stored things, dried grain, onions, and garlic. In winter, poultry and young animals were kept near it. According to popular belief, the Brownie lives under the stove or behind it - the soul of the hut, the patron hearth and home, kind and helpful, if there is harmony and love in the house. In the old days he was affectionately called “master” or “grandfather.” And they imagined him in the guise of a little man with a gray beard. The main responsibility of the brownie is to look after the household and help with housework.

Diagonally from the stove in the hut there is a red corner. It was a holy place - icons were placed in it. That is why the place was called “holy”. In the red corner, daily prayers were performed, from which any important undertaking began.

They tried to keep the red corner clean and decorate it elegantly. The name “red” means beautiful, good and bright.

There was also a table in the red corner. All significant events family life were celebrated in the red corner, there were benches and benches along the table. All this was festively decorated for Christmas with Christmas tree branches.

Angel: A golden star has lit up in the sky, this star is not at all easy!
I bring you great joy that will be for everyone!
Today the Savior of the world Jesus Christ was born. Do you see the light?
He brought love into the world. And each of you felt it in your heart.
God wanted to become a man in order to die for us. To say with this: “I am. I love you".

Star: (dances to the music)

My path is long. The sun will rise -
I will merge with the heavens.
I'll wait for the night - I'll light up again
Before human eyes.
(sings the song “Christmas”)

That night the earth was in turmoil...
The light of a big strange star
Illuminated all the mountains and villages, cities, deserts and gardens.
And in the desert the lionesses watched how they were full of wondrous gifts.
The chariots moved silently, camels and elephants walked importantly.
And in the brow of a large caravan, with his eyes fixed on the sky
Three kings in intricate turbans were riding to bow to someone.
And in the cave, where the torches did not go out all night, blinking and smoking
There the lambs saw a beautiful child sleeping in a manger.
That night the whole creature was in commotion.
Birds sang in the midnight darkness, announcing goodwill to everyone.
The coming of peace on earth.


In the tender warm palms of the earth
The City of David sleeps peacefully.
And from afar the wise men brought gold, incense and myrrh.
The stars of Bethlehem echo the rays of angels in the wondrous scherzo
A quiet motive, like an echo, sounds in a pure shepherd’s heart.
Night reigns, dawn is still long, the sky is like the belly of a vessel.
And light pours out from the manger - a miracle uncovered by darkness.
Herod suffers from insomnia. Fear writhes in the velvet of folds.
And a child in his mother’s arms has a serene and sweet sleep.
And to this day the signs of his visit are clear to everyone
Sleeps like a baby wrapped in dreams
The world is in the cradle of forgiveness.

Wanderer: (against the background of music)

I will tell you a story that happened more than 2 thousand years ago. This is the story of how the son of God Jesus Christ was born on earth. His mother was the girl Maria. Even before her birth, Mary’s parents made a vow to dedicate the girl to serving God. When Mary was 3 years old, according to tradition, she was brought into the temple for the first time. From a young age until her girlhood, Mary should have lived at the temple. She was raised there for 12 years. Having reached adulthood, the girl had to leave the temple. The priest, as expected, chose a “betrothed” for her - an elderly widower, in whose house she, keeping her vow, would run the household. The choice fell on Joseph of Nazareth. After the betrothal, Mary settled in Joseph's house, where an event took place that the church reveres as one of the greatest holidays - the Annunciation. An angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to the Son of the Most High.

Jesus was born a simple person and grew up in an ordinary family. Christ was born to atone for the sins of all people. He brought goodness and light into the world. Jesus healed suffering and illness: the blind began to see, the deaf began to hear, and the lame began to walk.

Jesus wanted people to become better people, so that we could become like God.

(song “Christ is born”)


All Orthodox Christians celebrate the biggest holiday on earth - Holy Christmas.

What is the divine meaning of this holiday? The first people were immortal and pure until they committed original sin. People have forgotten God. The world has plunged into evil. But the star of Bethlehem lit up in the sky. The Lord sent His Son for our salvation. People again became sons of God. Jesus Christ atoned for our sins with his death. This holiday is called the mother of all holidays in the world. He teaches us to believe, educates our hearts so that we learn to forgive, sympathize, understand each other, tolerate the shortcomings of others - in a word, so that we learn to love the people around us. Every person will definitely come to faith, but everyone has their own path. Faith grows from the very depths of human nature. A person cannot live without faith, without support. His world must necessarily include a sense of faith: in God, in salvation, in happiness. To goodness, to yourself. And if there is no faith, a breakdown occurs in the soul. A person becomes bitter, angry, and cynical.

From time immemorial, our people have been distinguished by their strong faith. He was close to God.

2 presenter:

The 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany are called Svyatki - holy days. The first week, from Christmas to New Year according to the old style, was spent in sheer joy, there were festivities, people went to caroling. Our ancestors believed that in the cold of December the sun dies and then returns again.

Kolyada was the celebration of the reborn sun. Children and youth gathered, went from house to house singing carols, and the hosts treated the guests. According to custom, carolers must be greeted with food and given generously. There is such a sign: the better the treat, the better the year.

(there is a Russian hut on stage, the owner is at the table.

Carolers enter with a star)


Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas!
Give me the cow, the oil head!
And God bless whoever is in this house!
His rye is thick, his rye is tight!
He gets an octopus from an ear, and a log from a grain.
Half-grain pie. The Lord would grant you
And life, and being, and wealth!
And may the Lord create even better things for you!

You are a good uncle! Give me money for the passage!
If you give me away, you won’t give me away, we’ll wait, stand at the gate!
Golden head, silk beard!
Give me a pie for the sake of the holiday of Christ
A pie - at least fresh, at least sour, and even wheat!
(they help themselves and leave)

The children put everything that was given in the houses into a bag, and then ate it together. This is how we had fun from January 7 to 14, according to the new style.

The kids will dress up in whatever way they like: beggars, old people, they’ll take a basket and go home, they’ll go into the house and let’s dance, praising the owners.

(carolers come in)

1 caroler:

Kolyada! Kolyada! Holy carol!
We walked, we looked for the holy carol.
We found a carol at Ivan's yard.
Ivan's yard on 7 pillars, on 8 versts,
The pillars are turned and gilded.
The lady lived here, the empress lived.
She served us some pie.
Serve me a pie - a whole yard of my belly,
If you don't serve me the pie, I'll drive you out of the yard!

2nd caroler:

Carols - carols, the snow is flowing sharply,
An early star rises and lights up the Christmas trees.
The snow crunches under the windows, the ice is smooth,
If you are not greedy, you will be full: serve carols
Sweet Christmas Eve!
The ancient wisdom is holy and glorified in carols:
If there is kindness in the heart, there will be more in the bins!
Carol - carol! The cold is no problem with you!
Conjure a Christmas carol for a wedding.
May the Lord send you a fruitful year.
Yes, bread on the table and peace on earth!
(they bow, eat and leave)

Our ancestors believed that words have a special mysterious power. If you come to a house and sing a song to the owner calling for happiness and harvest, then these wishes will certainly come true. It happened that the owner was greedy or did not give anything, then the carolers sang mischievous carols with comic threats:

1 caroler:

If you don't give me the pie, you'll make an enemy.
If you don’t provide kvass, you’ll make yourself sad.
If you don’t blink, there will be poverty for centuries!
Serve, don't break, don't bite!
If you don't give me the pie, we'll take the cow by the horns!
(the caroler quickly leaves; the owner leaves the stage)

1 presenter:

There is no other holiday in Rus' that is accompanied by such a rich set of customs, rituals and signs as the Christmas holiday.

Christmas time is a mixture of pagan and Christian rituals. The pagans of Ancient Rus' glorified Kolyada, the god of feasts and peace. During Christmas time it was customary to dress up in various costumes and wear masks. This tradition has been preserved to this day: going from house to house and singing carols. Similar rituals were carried out three times during Christmas time: on Christmas Eve, on New Year and on the eve of Epiphany.

Well, on the night from the 13th to the 14th the Orthodox New Year begins. This holiday is usually celebrated with dumplings, but not simple ones, but with surprises. “Surprise” is a prediction of the future. It was important to chew the dumpling carefully so as not to swallow the surprise. If an owl gets into the dumpling, it means intelligence, wisdom; heart - mutual love; barbell - strength, health; thread - road, grain - wealth; flower - happiness; button - renewal; sugar - sweet life; pepper - spicy sensations; salt - quarrel.

Well, of course, who doesn’t want to know their future? And although this is not encouraged by the Christian religion, on the night of January 13th to 14th everyone was guessing.

From time immemorial, fortune telling has been an integral part of the culture of rituals, part of the most ancient ritual culture. The most suitable days for fortune telling were Monday and Friday; Thursday was known as the day of the Sabbath of all evil spirits. According to legend, on Black Thursday the demonic council decided to destroy Jesus Christ. The ancient Slavs used circles to tell fortunes. They painted wooden mugs black and white. They threw it on the ground and saw what color the circle would be.

There was also such a sign: whoever sneezes on New Year will live a great year. On this day we tried not to drink wine or swear. After all, it was believed that how you spent New Year’s Day would be like that for the rest of the year.

2 presenter:

Here's another fortune telling. On this day, they brought a sieve with snow into the hut and put as many marked spoons on it as there were people in the family. Then they filled the spoons with water and took them out into the cold. In whose spoon the water freezes evenly, he will live a long time. On New Year's Day it was not customary to borrow or lend, and chickens were not fed. They looked for grains under the table - if they found them, then this meant a good life, a bountiful harvest.

They often told fortunes on a platter. The young people, who wanted to know what awaited them next year, took a large dish. They poured water into it and threw rings. They sang in chorus, and one person, without looking, took someone else’s ring out of the cup. What was being sung at that moment was what awaited the owner of the ring. After telling fortunes on a platter, the girls ran out into the yard and threw the shoe over the fence. Where he points, in that direction is the house of the future husband.

Yes, there are a lot of fortune telling in the world. Here’s the simplest thing: go out the gate and ask the first person you meet for their name. Whatever name he gives, that’s what the groom will have. They told fortunes on Christmas time alone. The girl placed a basin of water in front of her and launched 2-3 boats: one with her name, the others with the names of the grooms. Whose boat catches up with her will be the groom.

And at midnight the most terrible fortune telling began. A girl sits in front of a mirror, candles are burning on the sides. And he sits, doesn’t move, peers carefully into the darkness. Will someone else's image be reflected? If he appears, you need to quickly cover the mirror with a handkerchief, otherwise, according to legend, someone will hit you hard.

(scene with fortune telling)

1 presenter:

In the villages there was such a fortune-telling: before going to bed, a girl would put 4 splinters of wood, folded in the form of a quadrilateral, under her pillow. This was called “putting a well under your head.” At the same time, she says the usual phrase: “The betrothed is a mummer, come, water the horse!”

They often told fortunes in the baths. This is the only place where there are no icons. They sat in front of the mirror, lit candles, froze in fear, peering until they fainted into the mysterious darkness. They also told fortunes like this: they brought a chicken, put a mirror, a ring, a piece of bread, and water in front of it. If she started drinking water, it meant that the husband would be a drunkard; if she looked in the mirror, then the husband would be a dandy, and if a chicken pecked at a piece of bread, it meant that the husband would be a good master.

Leaders 1 and 2.

1: But everything, as they say, comes to an end. With the arrival of the Epiphany holiday, the fun with mummers and fortune-telling ends at the ice hole called Jordan. The ice hole cools down the heated ardor and washes away all sins. Houses, buildings, and gardens were sprinkled with holy water, driving away all evil spirits from them.

According to legend, Jesus Christ was baptized at the age of 30 by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. The rite of Baptism - washing with water symbolized the beginning of the feat of Jesus Christ in the name of the salvation of mankind.

2: During Baptism, as the Gospel testifies, the Savior prayed to his Heavenly Father. During the prayer, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Savior in the form of a dove and a voice was heard: “Behold, my beloved son.” This is how the appearance of the Heavenly Father Jesus Christ took place - the Epiphany. Hence the second name of the holiday - Epiphany. It is believed that if a person is baptized on the feast of Epiphany, he will be happy and will be protected by the Mother of God.

1 presenter:

Once again, happy holiday to you! Happiness to you, joy!

2 presenter:

Love, patience, peace!

(participants come out and bow).

Larisa Nikolaevna Lutsenko
Script for the holiday concert “A Christmas Tale”

The curtain is closed and a poem is played in the background of music.

Under the cover of soft, snowy everything in Lebedyan is white.

All the roads, all the paths were covered in a whirlwind of snow.

The snow is silver under the sun,

Hello, holiday, light, clear,

Majestic and beautiful,

Christmas holiday!

1st. Christmas Christ's Day is the brightest and most joyful day for many people.

2nd. It was on this day that the Virgin Mary gave birth to a son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

1st. Christmas! Christmas!

Marvelous holiday in our yard!

It brought light and joy to every home, both to you and to me!

2nd. IN Christmas candles are lit.

How I love to meet Christmas!

On this joyful festive evening I want to feel the magic.

Sounds christmas music, the curtain opens. On there is a table on stage, chairs. Voices are heard in the distance. On girl Julia comes out on stage.

Julia. What a bore! It's cold outside! Darkness! And not a single star in the sky! There’s nothing to watch on TV, I’m tired of the computer, and my parents have left. It's called Christmas. And who invented it if it's so boring?

(a soundtrack of bells and laughter can be heard)

Julia. And so there is no mood, they are also having fun on the street! Let me sit here alone!

Julia. Let's shout here! (stomps his foot) That's it, no more Christmas! (sits on a chair offended).

The star lights up and magical music sounds. Mummers are walking across the entire hall. Yulia rubs her eyes, cannot understand what is happening. While the mummers, laughing to the music, walk to stage, behind the scenes the presenter reads text:

Children! It is ordered for you to bring the decree at this hour,

Prepared by myself

Our mother - Winter!

Every year, on this day,

As the guide says,

People of the city and village Come to holiday!

Everyone must definitely be on Winter holiday!

(the mummers rise to stage)

1st. Hey, hurry up everyone here!

Kolyada came to visit.

We will joke, make faces,

Run, jump, have fun

2nd. Carols have come to you for Christmastide!

We came to you for some fun!

Like our great-grandfathers once did, like our great-grandmothers once did!

Zy. Your neighbors are close to you,

Not high and not low,

Not wide, not narrow All boyars are purely Russian!

4th. We did not come to you with any hindrance,

And with joy and fun.

Have fun guys

Sing carols!

Julia (perplexed) Oh, who is this? (addressing the mummers) Who are you? How did you get here?

The mummers don’t see or hear her. One of them comes forward mummers:

5th. We sow, we sow, we sow,

WITH Merry Christmas to you!

May you be healthy

May they live for many years!

6th. I sow, I sow, I sow,

Congratulations on Kolyada,

I wish you happiness and joy!

I sow, I sow, I sow,

I sprinkle barley with rye!

Yulia Well, they've littered me here! I ask, who are you?

Caroler (without noticing her)

7th May God grant him

Who is in this house?

The porridge is delicious for you too,

Honey on your lips too!

You and buns with cottage cheese,

And a house full of wealth!

Julia (walks among the mummers, pulls them back, but they don’t pay attention to her) Well, thanks for the buns, just what do you need in my house and how did you get here?

The mummers bow to the spectators, they come forward "goat breeder".

8th. Come on, girls!

Come on boys!

Stand in line.

I'm leading a goat!

Who will pet her?

He will add happiness to himself!

Julia (stroking "goat") Yes, that’s exactly what I lack happiness for. and understanding. (judiciously) Because I don't understand anything!

1st. Kolyada-Kolyadin,

I have only one knee-deep casing with my father,

Give me some pie, uncle!

2nd. Shchedrik-schedrik!

Give me the dumpling.

A cup of porridge

A circle of sausage.

And it’s still not enough - give me some lard!

Zy. Carols, carols, carols!

Pancakes are good with honey!

And without honey it’s not the same,

Give me some pies, auntie!

4th. Who will give us some pie?

There's a barn full of cattle.

Sheep with oats, stallion with a tail.

Damn and a flatbread in the back window!

5th. Whoever does not give the pie will receive a chicken leg, a pestle and a shovel, a hunchbacked cow.

6th. Who won't give a penny -

Let's close the loopholes!

7th. Who won't give you some flatbread -

Let's block up the windows!

8th. Who will not give bread -

Let's take grandpa away!

1st Who won't give ham,

Then we will split the cast iron!

Julia (angrily) Let's shout here! No to gifts on give a holiday, so they ask themselves for treats! And they even threaten!

Mummer: Oh, and I laughed heartily! Where are the owners of the house?

Julia: As where? Yes here I am

Mummer: Aw! Is anyone home?

Julia (no longer cares) Yes, here I am, here.

Mummer: Yes, apparently the owners are not at home. Guys, let's go caroling at Makarov's yard!

(they leave laughing).

Julia: I don’t understand anything! (confused) I have never seen people walk like this in Lebedyan. How funny they are! (with a smile, thoughtfully) What are they called? Looks like mummers. (perplexed again) But why don't they see me? How did they even get here? (guess) Or maybe I ended up in the past, or they are in the future.

(The text is read behind the scenes against the background of music)

Once on Epiphany evening Girls were guessing:

A shoe behind the gate,

They took it off their feet and threw it away.

We listened, fed the Counting chicken grain,

The ardent wax was drowned,

They laid a gold ring,

Earrings, emeralds.

They spread out a white cloth and sang in tune over the bowl, sublime songs.

Julia: Oh, it looks like someone is coming again. So, this is already interesting!

(fortune teller girls come out).

1st. Christmas today, A Christmas holidays are the most fun! Well, girls, what are we going to do?

2nd. Like what? We were going to guess! It will be interesting to find out what will happen next year.

Zya. Oh girls, I'm scared! They say that no fortune telling is complete without evil spirits! Maybe we shouldn’t guess after all?

4th. You might think that you are not interested in finding out whether your betrothed lives far or close, whether he is rich or poor, whether you will get married soon or not at all.

Zya. It’s interesting to find out, but it’s precisely in Christmas all sorts of miracles happen and all sorts of devilry happens! Scary!

4th. There's nothing scary. You just need to be enchanted.

Zya. How is it to be mesmerized?

4th. All together in chorus say: “We are in a circle, the devil is in a circle!”

(They say)

5th I know one fortune telling, my grandmother told.

Julia That's great! Maybe they will tell me something too?

5 It's been like this for a long time:

The girls were guessing.

A shoe behind the gate,

They took it off their feet and threw it away.

(takes the boot, pretends that he wants to throw it)

1st. Oh, what a shoe!

A whole lot of shoes!

Such a boot will hit you and kill you!

(takes away the boot)

5th Why did you take the boot?

I'm guessing!

Where should I wait for matchmakers?

How will I know now?

1st. They'll come and you'll know

Only you don't think so.

(throws his boot backstage)

5th So, where can we expect matchmakers?

It's clear now

But what does the groom look like?

Black or red?

Put your comb under the lock,

Well, in the morning you’ll see what kind of hair there will be.

This is how you find out the color.

5th So, I need to find a comb.

Here's another concern!


Zya. You can also guess like this - throw the belt on the pipe and say“GToyas, show me the train with destiny!”

And at night you will dream of your betrothed, and then look at who and what.

5th (comes out from behind the scenes, shows everyone the comb)

I still found the comb,

She put me under guard.

Well, how do you find out what kind of person he is?

Young or widowed?

Or just single?

i i. Walk along the fence

Count all the planks:

"Young, rich, poor,

Bald, widowed, average height"

It's like telling fortunes with chamomile.

Julia I know, I know! Can I try? (the girls don’t hear or notice her) What a disgrace! And these people don’t see me either!

4th. And also the women said:

You need to look in the mirror.

Light candles on the sides.

Zya. (laughing) And see the devils there!

With a mirror underneath Christmas And sit with him in the bathhouse.

Isn't it hard to sit there all night?

Until the morning comes!

Julia My God, what passions!

2nd. I know another way!

Bring a red rooster home in the morning,

Yulia Where can I get it, in the apartment?

2nd (continues without noticing)

Sprinkle cereal in front of him.

Bread, coal, ash Put some water and coins and watch what Petka bites!

4th. If bread means being rich,

Coal - you'll spend time among the girls,

Well, if you drink water, you’ll please a drunkard!

5th Fall backwards into a snowdrift And roll away quietly - If the trail remains smooth,

Life will go easy.

Well, stripes or folds -

Your life will not be smooth!

1st. Oh, girls, I'm tired of all this fortune-telling! Is it better to sing a song or suffer?

2nd. Oh, girlfriends, look, there are no visible stars in the sky!

Zya. A Rozhdestvenskaya the star burns brightest!

4th. Let's go sledding down the mountain!


Julia And they didn’t notice me, (sits on a chair)

The sound effect of magic, Yulia looks around, realizes that she is left alone in the room.

Yulia Oh, what was that? Was I sleeping? (opens his palm, there lies a star) Truly a miracle! How wonderful Christmas holiday!

(sounds christmas melody, a curtain)

On Christmas only the closest friends gather, and we are glad to see you today on the kindest and most magical holiday. “Glory to God in heaven and on earth, peace and goodwill to people!” Thus sang the starry choir of angels over Bethlehem.

In village alleys and castle halls people sang Christmas carols, gave each other cards and gifts.

If you have a desire to give gifts or invite guests, it means that the spirit has come to you Christmas and you want to give your friends happiness and joy.

And we want to give you a gift. Sings for you


I sincerely congratulate S Merry Christmas to you all!

I sincerely wish you happiness in this bright hour!

Christ was born into this world,

The good news travels fast.

Congratulations on Merry Christmas!

Congratulations on your new life!

We wish you that all your friends, family and people close to you come to congratulate you!

t And on the street you could hear: "WITH Merry Christmas! WITH Merry Christmas

We want to wish you happiness and goodness. So that every couple can have happiness here. This is a wish for young and old!

So that children obey their parents, So that girls and boys grow up healthy.

So that guys marry our girls, because there are no more beautiful girls in the world than ours.

So that your neighbors are not judged harshly, so that there is no discord, but little swearing.

Let with Merry Christmas peace, tranquility and health will enter every home!

Today's concert was prepared for you by the municipal budgetary cultural institution "City Center of Culture and Leisure" director Vyacheslav Chernyshev.

- screenwriter - Larisa Zhdanova

Musical arrangement Alexander Pronin

Computer support Yulia Beloglazova

Decor scenes Alexey Karastelin -Today's the concert was with you:

Ours is over holiday. We say goodbye to you.

See you again!

Until new holidays.