A birthday party does not require any special skills, so it can be organized by the parents themselves at home. In principle, the script does not include negative characters, and the program combines outdoor games and intellectual tasks, which will allow parents to control their children. At the same time, the program contains many outdoor games, which makes it dynamic. >

Number of children - 4-10.
Duration - 1 hour 15 minutes.
Props - 2-3 balloons, 2-3 pieces of foam plastic, two small hammers, sheets of letters, a crossword blank, a durable blanket, old magazines, tape.
Animators - Buratino, Malvina.
The doorbell rings, on the threshold are Pinocchio and Malvina. MALVINA:
Who woke up at dawn?
What suddenly happened?
And to whom did the children all come with gifts today?
We came up with a lot of games and congratulations along the way!
Birthday boy in this house?
Will you let us pass?
And say without embellishment,
Do you have a cake for us?
MALVINA: Wait, Pinocchio! So impolite! Well-mannered children first say hello, then go to wash their hands, then congratulate the birthday boy and only then sit down at the table. Pinocchio: Are you raising me again?
MALVINA (shakes her finger): Well, what to do if you just can’t learn good manners.
BURATINO (waves his hand in defeat)’. Okay, let's do everything according to the rules. Where do you wash your hands?
Pinocchio leaves to wash his hands.
Let there be a birthday!
Let the congratulations ring out!
We will bring joy into the house!
Friends in bright outfits brought gifts.
And a treat awaits everyone at the festive table!
Children go to game room. Pinocchio returns.
Pinocchio: My hands are clean, let's play!
MALVINA: What are you talking about, you need to do all your homework first. Pinocchio: What lessons? It's our birthday!
MALVINA: And what’s wrong with that? If it's a birthday, should you be lazy? But don't worry, we'll make a fun lesson - a game with letters!
Letter hopscotch game
Any letters written on sheets of paper are laid out on the floor: A, O, Z. Each letter is one less than the number of children. The children are running around the room, suddenly Malvina says, for example: “Ah!” Children need to stand on the named letter as quickly as possible. But there are not enough letters for one player, and he must say a wish to the birthday boy. Then the game continues.
There are no losers: no one is eliminated during the game, so it can be continued as long as children remain interested.
Pinocchio begins to read the poem, and the children repeat the endings in chorus.
Well, where is our stomach? (points to his leg) (That's it.)
Is there water in my ears?
(Yes Yes Yes.)
Does (says the name of the birthday boy) have any friends?
(Me, me, me!)
Pinocchio: How great! Our birthday boy has so many friends!
Cheerful music is playing. Children dance the monkey dance. Pinocchio shows the movements and comments on them, and the children must repeat them as accurately as possible. The movements should be funny: twirl your butt like a bee over a flower; rub your hands together like a fly seeing jam; make a face at Karabas-Barabas, etc.
MALVINA: And yet, Pinocchio, making faces and grimacing is very ill-mannered.
Pinocchio: What do you suggest?
MALVINA: I propose one more lesson - a lesson in studying Colors and shades of color.
Pinocchio: Why are you such a bore, Malvina - study, study. I was at school - it was terribly boring there! You need to write something, read something.
MALVINA: And we will prove to you that lessons can be fun! So, now we will have a lesson on color tags!
Color tags
The driver stands in the middle of the room, and the players stand around him. The driver names any color loudly and slowly counts to three. For example, the color yellow is named, and all the children, while the driver is counting, must urgently grab something yellow in the room. You can grab other children's clothing, but you can't grab your own clothes. Only two children can grasp the same object. When the count is over, the driver goes to catch the children who have not yet found the yellow object. If the driver manages to make someone look bad, then he becomes the driver.)
Pinocchio: I liked it! And what other fun lessons are there?
MALVINA: First, sit down and calm down. Pinocchio! Not all lessons allow you to jump and jump! So you say that reading is boring. This is exactly the bad thing - you’ll never be able to solve our tricky crossword puzzle, the crossword puzzle about the birthday boy.
Tricky crossword
Compose any crossword puzzle according to the children's knowledge level. The birthday boy does not participate in solving the crossword puzzle; he is the judge. Questions may be: who is the birthday person according to their zodiac sign? What is the birthday boy's favorite color? What animal would he like to have at home? What kind of car would he like to drive? Or for a girl: what color ballgown would the birthday girl wear to the ball if she were Cinderella.
This crossword puzzle should consist of 10-12 questions. Of course, it must be drawn up in advance with the direct participation of the birthday person.
MALVINA: You see how great it is to be able to read. Now with this crossword puzzle you can find out everything about the birthday boy! So if you can't read, you won't learn a lot!
Pinocchio: And by the way, although I don’t read well, I can do a lot with my hands. This is also important, especially for men!
MALVINA: It’s important, I don’t argue. It’s also important to remember to wash your hands!
Pinocchio: You're doing it with your own hands again! I'm tired of it already! MALVINA: Hands must be clean.
Pinocchio: No. Hands must be golden.
MALVINA: How is that?
Pinocchio: For example, my dad Carlo has golden hands. After all, my dad Carlo is an excellent carpenter. He knows how to make cabinets, shelves, tables and chairs from wood, and he even made me. He also knows how to hammer nails better than anyone else and taught me this. And I will teach you!
Pinocchio is trying to show on a piece of foam plastic how he hammers nails,’! but nothing works out for him - the nails fall out of his hands and bend. Pinocchio hits his finger and jumps in pain.
To make the nails bend, make pseudo-nails from aluminum wire. The main thing is to show all this action in a funny way and with funny comments. For example, like this. Pinocchio: “That's right, now I'll show you... Oh, why is that nail bent... Well, okay, I'll take another... Where are you going, nail, oh, here, it rolled under the chair... Listen, nail, it's a hammer, and I am Pinocchio. And I’ll kill you right here now! Come on, listen, otherwise I’ll give you to Malvina, and she’ll make you wash your hands... Oops, the hammer hit my fingers! This is probably an enchanted hammer. He rushes at people himself. For some reason I'm afraid of him. Come on, you hold it... Now you... What? Didn't he rush at you? And he rushes at me...”
Pinocchio (throwing away the nails, hammer and foam): Wrong nail! Stupid hammer!
MALVINA: Ay-ay, what words! Come on, go to the corner. And now the guys and I will show you how to drive nails correctly!
Pinocchio goes to the corner and makes faces from there. MALVINA plays the game by dividing the children into two teams.
Game "Drive a nail"
You need two pieces of foam, large nails and two small hammers or stones. The game is a relay race, a team game, so each child is given a nail, and foam and a hammer lie on a chair about three meters from the start. The first players from each team, at a signal, run to the chairs, hammer in the nails, return to the team, and the second players immediately run. The team that hammers the nails in the fastest time wins.
If all the children are closer to nine years old, you can complicate the game by giving a shoe with a thick wide heel instead of a hammer.
Pinocchio: How fast and skillful! Just like my dad Carlo! This team needs to be rewarded! (Hands out prizes.) MALVINA: And I think that this team should be rewarded. (Points to the losing team.)
Pinocchio: Why is that?
MALVINA: Although they were slower, they scored more accurately. And I respect neatness. (Distributes prizes.) Pinocchio: Maybe I won’t go to the corner anymore, otherwise it’s somehow strange to stand in the corner on a holiday.
MALVINA: Okay, we will forgive you, but only if you offer us an interesting game.
Pinocchio: It’s my pleasure! Do you remember how you and I rode on Artemon when we were fleeing Karabas-Barabas? So I propose the game “Jolly Riders”.
A durable blanket is required to play. The player sits on the blanket, and Pinocchio and Malvina drag him around the room, in a circle, deliberately jerking the blanket in different directions without warning. If the player does not maintain balance and/could not sit, he loses. Then you can let j children act as “horses” themselves several times.
MALVINA (sits on a chair, fans herself) -. Oh, I'm tired! Pinocchio: Then sit down, and the guys and I will play some more!
First, kids need to make their own beats. Take an old magazine or newspaper, roll it into a tube, wrap it with tape - the bat is ready. Two are issued balloon. Blue for one team, red for the other. The music turns on, and the children must throw the ball with bats and keep it in the air for as long as possible.
If the music ends and the children manage not to drop the ball even once, then there are no losers.
MALVINA: Oh-oh-oh! What have we done! Now I have to put myself in a corner. (He walks dejectedly and stands in the corner.)
Pinocchio: What are you doing?
MALVINA covers her face with her hands and begins to whine.
Pinocchio: Stop it! I can't stand it when girls cry. What's happened?
MALVINA: We are so impolite - it’s terrible!
Pinocchio: Why? What did we do wrong? MALVINA: We forgot to give a gift!
Pinocchio: Oh, that's all? So why are you standing in the corner? Just because you stood there, the gift won’t appear, we need to bring it and give it!
MALVINA: And you're right!
MALVINA and BURATINO bring out a gift from their parents.
MALVINA: Happy birthday! Let's all shout in unison.
Be beautiful everyone!
Pinocchio: Everyone be playful! MALVINA (shaking her finger):
And hardworking!
Pinocchio and MALVINA (together):
Be happy!
Pinocchio and MALVINA say goodbye.

Yuliana Galyamova
Scenario children's party"Birthday"

Scenario for a children's party"birthday"with pinocchio and malvina

Music is playing "With day birth» children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Presenter: What's happened Birthday?

Everyone around knows this!

Dancing, games, laughter and singing,

Music cheerful sound.

Chocolate candies,

Waffles, gingerbread, marshmallows,

Guests festively dressed,

The whole world is smiling!

How much (child's name) turned years old?

Children's answers.

Presenter: IN birthday The birthday person is supposed to be congratulated, given good wishes, speak pleasant words, and we have prepared congratulations for you.

Congratulations on the day birth! (Yes Yes Yes)

Everyone is in a bad mood! (No no no)

Be, Matveyka, kind and sweet! (Yes Yes Yes)

Naughty and pugnacious! (No no no)

So that mommy loves! (Yes Yes Yes)

And she fed me ice cream! (Yes Yes Yes)

Be healthy and smart! (Yes Yes Yes)

Like a green crocodile! (No no no)

May success await you! (Yes Yes Yes)

You, (Name of the child, are the best! (Yes Yes Yes)

Presenter. Guys, I have a secret: Pinocchio’s golden key was stolen, and in order to find it, you need to buy the clue that is in the primer for 10 gold coins.

I will tell you riddles, only you answer them correctly and receive coins for your answer.

1. Alexey Tolstoy once

Gave the book to the kids

"The Adventures of Pinocchio",

there is Pierrot in it, and there is…. (Malvina.)

2. Papa Carlo is surprised:

He hit the log -

And the twig became a long nose -

Thus was born... (Pinocchio.)

3. There were many adventures

With Pinocchio in a fairy tale that:

Old Tortilla gives

A key for him... (gold.)

4. White poodle Artemon

He was fearless and smart

He wasn't afraid of anyone:

He fought the rat easily,

And he roared in a deep voice in battle

For the villain... (Karabas.)

5. Hooligans in the area

Cat Basilio with his friend

Pretended to be a kind fox

Sly Fox …. (Aliska)

Music from the film is playing "Pinocchio", Buratino enters the hall.

Pinocchio: Hello guys, here I am! Oh, don’t you know how to say hello?

A game "Say Your Name"

Pinocchio: Who is our birthday boy here? What serious future businessman is he probably? Let's introduce ourselves - I'm the funniest boy in the world, what's my name? That's right, Pinocchio! And what is your name? (guys answer) Well, I came to you for holiday for that, to cheer you all up, otherwise you are very boring. Do you agree? I also brought interesting caps for all of you.

Pinocchio puts on his caps.

Pinocchio: Well, now everything is ready for holiday, but it seems someone is missing. Let's all invite you to our holiday my girlfriend, who knows what her name is? That's right, Malvina. Three- four: "Mal-vi-na".

Beautiful music sounds, Malvina enters the hall.

Malvina: Hello, kids, girls and boys, hello, Pinocchio, what a birthday without you? Guys, did Pinocchio behave well? Did you play a prank? Didn't fight?

Pinocchio: What are you talking about, Malvina, I’m now the most obedient boy in the world, the smartest, handsome, hardworking, diligent….

Malvina: Stop, stop, stop, Pinocchio, it seems to me that I taught you everything except modesty. Is it possible to praise yourself like that? Today birthday is not yours, and this wonderful boy (girl, whose name is... Say it all together!

Children say the name of the birthday boy in chorus.

Malvina: Well, that's all Nice words, today you need to talk to him. Guys, tell me, is the birthday boy your friend? What good words can you say to him today? So, our birthday boy... the kids call good qualities birthday boy (good, brave, beautiful, etc.)

Malvina: For some reason, it seems to me that our birthday boy is sad - we need to cheer him up, let’s, together with the adults, all sing him his favorite birthday song "Loaf" .

Malvina and Buratino line everyone up in a circle, the soundtrack of the song plays "Loaf" in modern processing.

A game "Seas and Islands"

Malvina: Tell me, guys, do you like to have fun? Something is hard to believe. Let's play fun game, which is called "Seas and Islands"? Has anyone been to the sea? Great.

To play, colored gymnastic hoops are laid out on the floor - these are "islands", one less than participants.

Pinocchio: Now we stand in a large circle and start dancing merrily on command "Seas".

Malvina: But as soon as the word is spoken "Islands"- you all need to quickly jump into these hoops, for someone who doesn’t get one island, he’s out of the game.

A game "Tricky Jump Rope"

Pinocchio: And now it’s a game "Tricky Jump Rope". Let's all line up in one column. Malvina and I pull the rope, and you take turns crawling under it.

Malvina: But our jump rope is not an ordinary one, it is tricky, it will constantly fall, and you will need to manage to pass under it without using your hands.

Cheerful music plays, the guys complete the task, the jump rope gradually lowers, and which of the participants touches the ground with their hands is eliminated from the game.

Pinocchio: And now we will dance.

Dance is an attraction "Dance like Pinocchio"

Malvina: And now we’ll check how smart our birthday boy is.

"Game of Collect the Word"

(Word ABC)

Pinocchio: It seems to me that our clue is very close, and we will soon figure out where "Golden Key".

Malvina: Let's exchange our coins for the ABC. Maybe there is a hint in the ABC?

(They take out the ABC, and put coins in its place; in the ABC there is a picture with a window and it lies there "Golden Key")

Pinocchio: Hooray! We found "Golden Key". Where's the chest? Ahhh, here he is (The chest is also hidden just nearby)

(Children together with Pinocchio open a chest with sweets and gifts)

Pinocchio: Now let’s congratulate everyone together birthday boy: "With day birth» !

Malvina: And for all our guests - festive disco!

Publications on the topic:

Analytical report on the activities of preschool educators for the 2014–2015 academic year MBDOU Lyambirsky kindergarten No. 2 “Rodnichok” Voronina S. N. - teacher of the MBDOU Lyambirsky kindergarten No. 2 “Rodnichok” p. Lambir of Lyambirsky.

It also happens that Baba Yaga has a birthday, and not just, she is a thousand years old! The preschool children of our kindergarten congratulated us very festively and cheerfully.

Stepanov Vladimir - “What do we call Motherland?” To the words of V. Stepanov, the song "Motherland" music by Elena Osmanova "Musical Director" No. 4-2004.

“Happy anniversary, Rodnichok!” - script for a holiday in kindergarten HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, “RODNICHOK”! (name day of kindergarten) Children enter the hall in pairs and disperse in different directions, lining up diagonally from the center.

Pinocchio and Pierrot come to Malvina, but they immediately have to flee along with Malvina and the poodle Artemon.

When the sun rose over the rocky mountain peak, Pinocchio and Pierrot crawled out from under the bush and ran across the field where they bat took Pinocchio from the house of a girl with blue hair to the Land of Fools.
It was funny to look at Pierrot - he was so eager to see Malvina as soon as possible.
“Listen,” he asked every fifteen seconds, “Pinocchio, will she be happy with me?”
- How do I know...
Fifteen seconds later again:
- Listen, Pinocchio, what if she’s not happy?
- How do I know...
Finally they saw a white house with the sun, moon and stars painted on the shutters.
Smoke rose from the chimney. Above him floated a small cloud that looked like a cat's head.
The poodle Artemon sat on the porch and growled at this cloud from time to time.
Pinocchio didn't really want to return to the girl with blue hair. But he was hungry and from afar he smelled the smell of boiled milk.
“If the girl decides to raise us again, we’ll drink milk, and I won’t stay here for anything.”
At this time Malvina left the house. In one hand she held a porcelain coffee pot, in the other a basket of cookies.
Her eyes were still teary - she was sure that the rats had dragged Pinocchio out of the closet and eaten him.
As soon as she sat down at the doll's table on the sandy path, the azure flowers began to sway, butterflies rose above them like white and yellow leaves, and Pinocchio and Pierrot appeared.
Malvina opened her eyes so wide that both wooden boys could have jumped there freely.
Pierrot, at the sight of Malvina, began to mutter words - so incoherent and stupid that we do not present them here.
Buratino said as if nothing had happened:
- So I brought him, educate him...
Malvina finally realized that this was not a dream.
- Oh, what happiness! - she whispered, but immediately added in an adult voice: - Boys, go wash and brush your teeth immediately. Artemon, take the boys to the well.
“You saw,” Buratino grumbled, “she has a quirk in her head - washing, brushing her teeth!” It will bring purity to anyone from the world...
Still, they washed themselves. Artemon used a brush at the end of his tail to clean their jackets...
We sat at the table. Pinocchio stuffed food into both cheeks. Pierrot didn't even take a bite of the cake; he looked at Malvina as if she were made of almond dough. She finally got tired of it.
“Well,” she told him, “what did you see on my face?” Please have your breakfast calmly.
“Malvina,” Pierrot answered, “I haven’t eaten anything for a long time, I’m writing poetry...
Pinocchio shook with laughter.
Malvina was surprised and opened her eyes wide again.
- In that case, read your poems.
She rested her pretty hand on her cheek and raised her pretty eyes to the cloud that looked like a cat's head.
Pierrot began to recite poems with such a howl, as if he was sitting at the bottom of a deep well:
Malvina fled to foreign lands,
Malvina is missing, my bride...
I’m sobbing, I don’t know where to go...
Isn't it better to part with the doll's life?
Before Pierrot had time to read, before Malvina had time to praise the poems that she really liked, a toad appeared on the sandy path.
Her eyes bulging terribly, she said:
- Tonight, the crazy turtle Tortila told Karabas Barabas everything about the golden key...
Malvina screamed in fear, although she did not understand anything. Pierrot, absent-minded like all poets, uttered several stupid exclamations, which we do not reproduce here. But Pinocchio immediately jumped up and began stuffing cookies, sugar and candy into his pockets.
- Let's run as quickly as possible. If the police dogs bring Karabas Barabas here, we are dead.
Malvina turned pale, like the wing of a white butterfly. Pierrot, thinking that she was dying, overturned the coffee pot on her, and Malvina’s pretty dress turned out to be covered in cocoa.
Artemon jumped up with a loud bark - and he had to wash Malvina's dresses - grabbed Pierrot by the collar and began to shake him until Pierrot said, stuttering:
- Enough, please...
The toad looked at this fuss with bulging eyes and said again:
- Karabas Barabas with the police dogs will be here in a quarter of an hour.
Malvina ran to change clothes. Pierrot desperately wrung his hands and even tried to throw himself backwards onto the sandy path. Artemon was carrying bundles of household items. Doors slammed. The sparrows chattered desperately on the bush. Swallows flew over the very ground. To add to the panic, the owl laughed wildly in the attic.
Only Pinocchio was not at a loss. He loaded Artemon with two bundles with the most necessary things. Malvina, dressed in a pretty traveling dress, was placed on the bundles. He told Pierrot to hold on to the dog's tail. He himself stood in front:
- No panic! Let's run!
When they - that is, Pinocchio, courageously walking ahead of the dog, Malvina, bouncing on the knots, and behind Pierrot, stuffed instead common sense in stupid verses - when they emerged from the thick grass onto a smooth field - the unkempt beard of Karabas Barabas poked out of the forest. He shielded his eyes from the sun with his palm and looked around the surroundings.

There are unchanging works, plots and heroes that remain with us even when new characters and stories appear around us. So Buratino is with us forever. And today we invite you to make him the main character of the children's holiday “The Adventures of Buratino for his Birthday.”
Of course, you can get stories for adventures from the children's book “The Adventures of Pinocchio” with wonderful illustrations by the artist Leonid Vladimirsky, and we will give you some ideas for inspiration right now.


Surely, all your guests are aware of all the adventures of Pinocchio. Therefore, one of the options for a fairytale birthday is a quest. It can be led by any fairy tale hero - Buratino himself, Malvina, and even Artemon. It all depends on the plot. The most common is the search for the golden key. But we don’t have to stop there. Children can look for Pinocchio himself, whom Karabas Barabas stole and hid, or save the puppet theater actors. Or maybe it’s worth going in search of the Magic Land?

The quest must have some kind of main key in which you need to write down all the moves - letters, which then add up to the right words, or numbers, which then point in the right direction. Or maybe it will be a puzzle made from a photograph of the place you need to find. The beginning could be a secret letter in which the letters are incorrectly placed or written in reverse. This letter may contain hidden text based on knowledge of the fairy tale. For example, the text mentions that you need to find something under the fallen letter from the name of the tavern. So, first you need to remember the name of the tavern. And just in front of the entrance to the kitchen there is the name of the tavern “Three Minnows”, where the letter “P” hangs crookedly. You need to find this letter and see what is hidden under it. Record the find in our main key. One of the steps in the quest may be solving a crossword puzzle (possible items: the vessel in which he hid main character in a tavern; a cheerful and mocking theater actor; drawing on the door to the theater; a cat pretending to be blind; a book sold to buy a theater ticket, etc.). Quest tasks can be not only about knowledge, but also about ingenuity, logic and creativity. For example, come up with options for how Pinocchio can still get out of the barn. The birthday storyline can be not only a quest, but also simple games. At the very beginning, you can give everyone roles from a fairy tale and go, like the heroes of the fairy tale, in search of the golden key. Along the way, friends cope with various difficulties: they find a hidden primer, depict letters of the alphabet, save little puppet actors from the evil Barabas, cross a pond, hide in a tavern, sneak into a secret place and pull out a golden key from the terrible mouth of a lion (improvisation).

Holiday decoration

For this holiday it is worth depicting Papa Carlo's closet. This will be easy to do using whatman paper, paints and shavings. Draw a pot on a fire on whatman paper, hang it on the wall, place a handful of wood shavings and an onion nearby. You can put a chair and a table, and make a hole in the wall where the rat lives.

To turn your little guests into fairy tale heroes, just add some elements of clothing: a cap for Pinocchio, a blue wig, or just elegant dress for Malvina, a silk bow on the neck for Artemon, a shirt with long sleeves for Pierrot, a bright suit for Harlequin, a beard for Karabas Barabas, an eye patch for Basilio the Cat, a handbag for Alice the Fox, large glasses for Tortilla the Turtle, etc.

You can make a golden key from cardboard or salt dough. Let the birthday boy draw a template for the magic key, and you create it from scrap materials.

A puppet theater will look great in the interior. It’s not difficult to depict; to do this, just hang puppets on nails, build a curtain from curtains, hang pictures from performances.
And if you have cardboard box, you can make a real puppet theater. Take a box, cut off the excess parts, build a magic door from the bottom of the box that closes with a lock and opens down, and attach a curtain inside with a fishing line. Add fairy-tale elements from cardboard and cover with paint.
If you want to make another theater, use our tips in the article

For the holiday, you can create little puppet theater actors. Try making them yourself. Children will enjoy playing with puppets at their birthday party. You can show a puppet show and later give the actors to children to play on their own. Or you can invite the children to show a performance and give them dolls.

If the puppets are not ready, then you can make them right at your birthday party.
Take a padding polyester and make it out of it a cylinder with a diameter of about 8 cm. Pull it with a thread to form a head and torso. Throw a silk scarf on top, also tie it around your neck and straighten your face. Determine where the hands will be, and where the palms should be, sew or attach wool/wood/iron balls. If you have time, you can make a headscarf, peeking locks of hair, or additional items of clothing. The main thing is not to forget to draw the face.

When the main elements of the interior are ready, you can proceed to the details. So, we’ll turn the kitchen or holiday table into the “Three Minnows” tavern, we’ll make Malvina’s house in the nursery or just on the sofa, a dark closet in the bathroom, a pond on the carpet, and we’ll build a bridge from stools or chairs.

Visiting Malvina. Wildflowers made of corrugated paper

Tortila Turtle Pond

Lumber room. Web from a trash bag

Festive table decoration

When decorating the table, use decorative details– golden key, letters, wild flowers, Balloons. The main combination can be a bright and contrasting interaction of yellow, red and green colors.

You can attach an image of Pinocchio to cocktail tubes, and portraits of other fairy tale characters to different skewers. You can make pinocchio sandwiches using canned corn instead of a nose.

On the cake there can be both the heroes of a fairy tale and its symbols - a golden key, a puppet theater, a pond with Tortilla, Pinocchio's alphabet.

Egorka's birthday.


As gifts, prepare chocolate coins, a map of a magical city, beautiful keys and, of course, sweets for the children.

Let everyone find their key to fun at the “The Adventures of Pinocchio” birthday!