The health of children should always come first. And everyone knows that nothing strengthens it more than physical education. Therefore, love for it must be instilled from a very young age. In order to somehow get children to move more and, most importantly, usefully, they need to be interested. Non-traditional physical education equipment will just help them look at sports from a different perspective and turn classes into fun game. This will significantly diversify a child’s life. In addition, you can make non-traditional physical education equipment with your own hands.

What it is

Various exercises are very important for children to help develop fine motor skills. This, above all, has a positive effect on their psyche and reduces the incidence of illness. Non-traditional do-it-yourself physical education equipment, a photo of which you can see in our article, puts the emphasis on such exercises.

The big plus is that with the help of such equipment you can play games of various types:

  • training;
  • entertaining;
  • adversarial.

In principle, if you use your imagination, you can even prepare a special performance with interactive inserts (for example, how to defeat Koshchei using physical education classes).

How to make non-traditional exercise equipment with your own hands and at home

This equipment is very easy to make. Do-it-yourself non-traditional physical education equipment is made from available materials: bottles, caps, ropes, Kinder surprise packaging and other things that can be found in every home.

It doesn't take much time to make. You can also involve children to help. They will be very interested. When creating products, you should try to use your imagination and come up with something of your own. There are no restrictions here. But, of course, you can take advantage of already known developments in this area.


Everyone knows the game where a ball tied to a stick needs to be thrown into a special bowl. This is bilboke. Making such non-traditional physical education equipment with your own hands from available materials is as easy as shelling pears. For this you will need:

  • plastic bottle with cap;
  • wool thread;
  • packaging from Kinder Surprise;
  • decorations.

First you need to cut off the bottom of the plastic container. It is advisable to do this so that there are no pointed ends left. Using an awl, a hole is made in the yellow Kinder egg through which the thread is threaded. To prevent it from jumping out, a knot is tied at its end. The second end of the rope is threaded through the neck and screwed together with the lid. In order to make the bilboke more colorful and attractive, it should be covered with bright tape. You can use printed pictures, glitter and beads.

Games with bilboke help develop reaction and coordination of movements.


It would seem, how to use it? But it can be found in many applications. For example, bags can be placed on the head so that children maintain their posture at all times. Since problems with spinal curvature are becoming more common, such exercises will be very useful. You can sew a bag from ordinary thick fabric. The filler will be salt or sand.

Magic bottle

A very simple product. To create it you will need a transparent plastic bottle, a cocktail straw, confetti or foil.

You need to make a hole in the lid. A tube will be inserted there. Small confetti, cut foil or large glitter are placed in the bottle itself.

The child should inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth into a tube. This is how he masters correct technique breathing and watches the cheerful “fireworks” inside the bottle.

Air football

A very interesting and simple game. You don’t need a lot of materials to create such non-traditional physical education equipment with your own hands. All you need is a large box lid (or just cardboard), a plastic cup, colored paper, glue, tubes and a small ball.

It is also easy to do. The lid of the box (if it doesn’t exist, you can simply make the sides out of cardboard) is covered with green paper on the inside. This will create something like a field. The gate can be made from halves of a plastic cup. They score goals on such a field using straws. You need to use a stream of air to drive the ball into the makeshift gate.


With it you can create a whole obstacle course. To create a tunnel you need a large piece of fabric and thick wire. First, the fabric is stitched. Then a few more small strips are attached on top across the tunnel. They will hide the wire so children don't get hurt.

Beast racing

By using regular tape, a beautiful stick and a soft toy can make an exciting game that will help develop fine motor skills in a child’s hands. At one end it is tied soft toy, and the other end - to the handle. It is important that the ribbons are all the same size. The task is simple: you need to twist the handle, winding the rope around it. This way the toy animal will slowly move towards the baby. You can organize whole competitions.

Robin Hood

With the help of non-traditional physical education equipment, you can organize an entire throwing tournament with your own hands. You don't need a bow and arrow to become a real Robin Hood. Just a tray of eggs, paints and Kinder packaging is enough. We decorate the tray so that it looks like the target. That is, in the center there should be a small square painted red. This will be an apple. Next is a slightly larger yellow circle, and then a green one. Instead of throwing arrows, you will need to throw Kinder packaging. Such interesting game Helps develop coordination, accuracy and dexterity.

It is very important for every parent that in kindergarten the child not only spends time when adults are busy, but also develops. To do this, we will make non-standard equipment for physical education and our children will achieve high results.

Exactly until school age All vital processes in the body are formed in the child. Therefore, physical education classes and children's educational games are of great importance in kindergarten. In this article you will find useful tips how to create original objects for children's development. The most important thing is that they are created with your own hands from available materials that can be found in every home and are completely safe. And most importantly, if you are resourceful and active parent, you can even make such masterpieces for the development of your baby at home or in the country.

3. To develop fine motor skills. Various winding sticks are made. These are ordinary wooden sticks, where one end of a rope or ribbon is tied, and on the opposite side some trinket.

4. To develop dexterity. You can build two towers from durable material and mugs from plastic boxes from kinders. Or make balls from socks filled with sand and plastic targets. The main task of the baby is to hit the target, you can complicate the tasks according to the color purpose. You can use plastic bottles (to make pins out of them) and the same bags of sand for throwing at the pins.

5. To develop breathing Bottles with a straw inside are made. The bottle contains foam. When the child blows into the tube, the foam will rise. Or a table football field for blowing paper balls into the opponent’s goal.

6. To develop dexterity and synchronize movements use the game "Catch the Ball". They are made from a plastic bottle and a ball (kinder base) on a string.

7. To prevent visual impairment- visual track.

8. For exercise: dumbbells from plastic bottles, jump ropes made from yogurt bottles and laces and a metal bow.

Non-standard physical education equipment, with the right approach, will help the child even in kindergarten develop and grow. Make it yourself and contribute to the future of your children.


Usage : for the prevention of flat feet, massage of the feet, physical education, gymnastics after a nap,

Development : coordination of movements, balance, strengthening the strength of the legs and arms, prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Soft sticks-circles and ring throws

Material : foam rubber, upholstery fabric, yogurt bottles, self-adhesive film.

Usage :

Development : accuracy, dexterity, attention, eye, speed of reaction.


Usage : for general developmental exercises in physical education classes and morning exercises.

Development : strengthening the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle,

formation of correct posture.

Materials : multi-colored Kinder Surprise cases, wooden sticks, cement mortar.

Funny men

Material : air balloons, cereal (semolina).

Usage : for performing general developmental exercises, throwing and throwing.

Development : fine motor skills, eye, dexterity, attention, reaction speed.

Arc from kinder surprises

Usage: for stepping, jumping, climbing, overcoming obstacles, for balance exercises.

Development: stimulation of energetic actions, various physical qualities, agility, balance.

Materials: solid wire, Kinder Surprise cases, cement, plastic buckets.


Materials : oilcloth, self-adhesive paper

Development: ATS, a sense of balance, attention, dexterity, strengthening the musculoskeletal system of the legs and torso, training the eye, coordination of movement.

Usage: in individual work, games, relay races.

Ball made from plastic cups

Material: plastic disposable cups, glue.

Development: agility, coordination, running skills.

Usage: in relay races, during sports holidays, for competitive games.

Funny rattles

Usage : for general developmental exercises in physical education classes. Rattles give the exercises the character of specific tasks (pick up, put down, rattle)

Development: muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms and back.

Materials : cases from “kinder surprises”, handles from plastic buckets, cereals.


Usage : For individual work, physical exercises, in relay races, physical education festivals.

Development : general coordination of movements, stretching and relaxation of the spinal column, strengthening muscle tone.

Material : elastic band, fabric, bottle handles vegetable oil.


Material: plastic mayonnaise buckets, strong yarn, self-adhesive paper.

Usage: for individual work, for games - competitions, exercises for balance and coordination, relay races, sports leisure.

Development: sense of balance and height, coordination of movements, development of dexterity in coordination of movements, strengthening of the vestibular apparatus, strengthening of the muscles of the back, arms, legs.

Do-it-yourself non-standard equipment for physical education classes in kindergarten made from waste material

Goal: making non-standard equipment from waste material with your own hands for physical education and using it in classes and games
Objectives: to create interest in non-standard equipment, to involve teachers and parents in its manufacture; develop creativity and imagination when using non-standard equipment; motivate children to be physically active through the use of non-standard equipment in independent activities
“The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the organization of physical education in kindergarten and family...”
The equipment offered to your attention is made with your own hands to supplement the subject-development environment. At first glance, these are just crafts made by me and my parents, but they are indispensable assistants in work. Children are interested in various innovations positive emotions and this tones the body as a whole. Joint production of equipment activates parents and motivates them to cooperate with teachers.
The production of such manuals does not require large expenses. I mainly used a variety of waste material: everything that is probably found in any home from the category of unnecessary things. Minimum costs and time! The result is very bright, eye-catching aids. They help develop the muscles of the arms and legs, coordination of movements, accuracy, dexterity, and attention.
Non-standard equipment must be:
Maximum effective
Convenient to use
Technological and easy to use

"Non-standard physical education equipment in preschool educational institutions"


Figures made of colored polyethylene, stuffed with batting. Satin ribbon (1m) attached to a wooden stick (30cm). Used to develop dexterity, fine motor skills hands, coordination of movements.


The equipment is intended for children aged 3-7 years.

Made from laces of different lengths, Kinder Surprise capsules. Used to strengthen leg muscles, coordination of movements, attention and prevention of flat feet.

"Tricky Target"

The equipment is intended for children aged 2-7 years.

To make it, take a cup of yogurt. A kinder surprise capsule (shuttlecock) is attached to the edge using a rope or cord (20cm). Designed to develop dexterity, attention, eye, reaction speed, the ability to regulate and coordinate movements, and the formation of self-control skills.


The equipment is intended for ages 3-7 years.

Made from wooden stick or a pencil, cut strips of bright polyethylene are wound on top. Designed to regulate breathing and form lung volume.


The equipment is intended for children aged 3-7 years.

Bags are sewn from cotton fabric(15x10), filled with sand (beans, peas, buttons, etc.) with low weight. Designed to maintain balance on a limited surface, develop fine motor skills, dexterity, accuracy, eye, and form correct posture.


The equipment is intended for children aged 3-7 years. Made from leftover fabric, tights and clothesline. The braid is being braided.

Strengthening leg muscles, coordination of movements, attention and prevention of flat feet.

The equipment is intended for ages 2-7 years. It is made of linoleum (child's foot shape), buttons are sewn on. Strengthening leg muscles, coordination of movements, attention and prevention of flat feet.

"Breeze in a Bottle"

The equipment is intended for ages 3-7 years. A picture (for example, forest, street) is glued to the inner bottom of the plastic bottle, small foam balls are poured into it, and a cocktail straw is inserted into the cork. Used for proper regulation of breathing and to form lung volume.


The equipment is intended for ages 2-7 years. It is made of satin material, cut into strips 15cm long. Used to develop attention, observation, and the ability to control one’s body.


The equipment is intended for ages 2-7 years. Made from satin material. Handkerchiefs 20x20cm are sewn, with a loop. Used to develop attention and imagination.

"Massage track"

The equipment is intended

for ages 2-7 years. It is made from: the base is any washable material, to which pigtails made of polyethylene are sewn. Walking on massage mats helps to form the arches of the feet and prevent flat feet, reduce fatigue and increase immunity.

Another Health Month event in our kindergarten is a competition of non-standard physical education equipment. It was enough to imagine one thing, but having discovered a mass interesting ideas on the Internet, I wanted a lot! Therefore, without inventing anything, we repeated an already existing experience.
Having tried our simulators on children, I agree that the colorful multifunctional aids delight children! They enrich motor experience, allow you to diversify movements in a new, more interesting form, develop a sense of shape and color, imagination and creativity. Thanks to them, the children's interest in physical education has increased, and all the children join us during exercise!

We present to you non-traditional physical education equipment, made from improvised (or simple) materials with your own hands and with the help of parents.

Theater "Friends of Moidodyr", which will help strengthen children's hygiene skills: Soap, Sponge, Towel, Handkerchief and Microbe. An entertainment script for children with the participation of parents has already been prepared. Unfortunately, I didn't save the link.

"Get into the Cup" - allowance for the development of hand motor skills and eye, consolidation of knowledge of primary colors. Made from cardboard laminated with tape, plastic bottles and colored self-adhesive tape. Knitted balls- tactile (soft and “crispy”). link

Benefit "Blow the butterfly off the flower" helps increase breathing volume, develops the ability to perform smooth, long exhalation. Material: discs, self-adhesive tape, electrical tape, colored paper. link

Benefit "Colorful Snakes". Goal: prevention of flat feet in children, development of fine motor skills, development of mathematical skills. Material: covers,

Tactile bags made from fabrics of different textures, filled with nuts, pumpkin seeds, pasta and cereals.

Soft floor checkers, throwing bags with sand, massage button mats, "Golf of the future", "Twister 0+" with left and right prints, Elephant ring thrower for rolling the ball, Snake, knitted Giraffe ring thrower with a basket for throwing balls, tactile mat for practicing forward bends.