The sense of smell is one of the most ancient human senses, which operates on a subconscious level. Perhaps this is the reason why the choice of perfume products is so important to us. When buying any perfume, each time you should pay close attention to both the characteristics of the aroma and its expiration date.

Shelf life of perfumes

To determine the expiration date of eau de toilette or perfume, you need to look at the inscription on the packaging. As a rule, the shelf life of unopened perfumes does not exceed three years. Opened perfumes should be stored for no more than 18 months.

  1. The most persistent and expensive of all types of perfume products are perfumes. Their composition contains a small amount of essential oils and alcohol. That is why the aroma of perfume can boast of increased durability in comparison with other perfumery products. Opened oil perfumes (French) have a shelf life of about ten months. Unopened perfumes have a longer shelf life - about two years.
  2. The shelf life of opened eau de parfum is about 1 - 1.5 years. It contains less essential oils, but this water can be stored much longer.
  3. Eau de toilette has the most unstable aroma. Its composition includes the smallest amount of aromatic components. But opened toilet water can be stored for about two years. And unopened eau de toilette can be stored for four years.

It happens that it is not always possible to determine the expiration date of a perfume based on its packaging. It happens that perfumes are not marked with an expiration date, but with a manufacturer’s code. Not all buyers know that using a code it is also possible to determine the expiration date of perfume.

Usually the code can be seen at the bottom of the bottle.

However, determining the expiration date of perfumes by code does not always provide accurate information; we should not forget that expired products do not bring any benefit and can cause various allergic reactions, dermatitis, and sometimes poisoning. That is why, when buying perfume, it is so important to first check the expiration date of the perfume, and only then choose the scent. Although the period specified for perfumery may be shortened if it is stored incorrectly.

What is necessary for proper storage of perfumes?

  • Avoiding glare
  1. The light source does not matter: sun or electricity.
  2. When exposed to light, the structure of the aroma changes. Do not store perfumes on a windowsill or other continuously lit places.
  3. It is best to store perfume in its original packaging, putting it away after each use.
  • Another pest of perfumes is heat.
  1. When exposed to heat, perfume evaporates. It is not often possible to determine this by eye, but the top notes of the aroma are lost and the original attractiveness of the smell is reduced.
  2. It is undesirable to place perfume close to heat sources - electrical appliances that emit heat, heaters, radiators.
  3. The aroma lasts best in a cool environment. Most people take this literally and store their perfume in the refrigerator. This option is only possible for cologne and not at too low a temperature in the refrigerator. In addition, the refrigerator has many different odors that spoil the aroma of eau de parfum.
  4. It is best to store perfumes at a temperature of 10 to 25C. To do this, just put the bottle of perfume in a box and place it in the wardrobe.
  • Another enemy of spirits is moisture. It is unacceptable to store perfume in the bathroom. High humidity can cause your perfume to deteriorate.

  • Tightly closing the bottle cap will help prevent the aroma from evaporating and weathering.
  • The least evaporation of perfume occurs when the fragrance is in a spray bottle.
  • Another advantage of such a bottle is that it prevents foreign substances from entering the perfume, which can cause the perfume to “sour.” And even the penetration of organic particles, for example, from the skin of the fingers, can contribute to this.
  • The first signs that the fragrance has deteriorated are: thickening of the perfume, a change in its smell and color, and the presence of sediment at the bottom of the bottle.
  • It doesn’t matter whether this happened due to the expiration of the shelf life or under the influence of harmful factors, you should not continue to use them - this is very bad form. But don’t rush to get rid of expired perfume. They can be used as an additive to body lotions or shower gels. Or use it this way: roll up small cotton balls and soak them in perfume, then distribute them on shelves in the closet. This will help give your clothes a pleasant fragrance, a subtle aroma will hover in the room, and moths will fly around your things.

And finally, another, probably the best way to avoid losing perfume is to use it more often. And let the aroma of your favorite composition bring joy to you and your loved ones!

It is unlikely that any of the fair sex will decide for the purchase of skincare or decorative cosmetics “blindly”, that is, without checking. And the situation is completely different with the purchase of eau de toilette, perfume or cologne.

When buying a bottle of fragrance, most girls are confident that expired perfume is not a product that can negatively affect health and appearance.

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Therefore, determining the shelf life in this case is not given due attention. Is this really so? Is there an expiration date for perfumes and eau de toilette? what to do with a product that has expired?

Does perfume have it?

Do perfumes have an expiration date and how long is it? Any perfume has an expiration date, and the manufacturer usually reports this by putting the date on the package.

Often there are boxes that indicate the shelf life from 36 to 60 months.

But foreign manufacturers have a different opinion on this matter and limit themselves to applying it to the packaging only special code. It is in these numbers (and sometimes letters) that the date of release of the product and its shelf life are encrypted.

Having a deadline doesn't have to scare you. Even after the “critical” date, perfumes are suitable for use if stored correctly.

By setting the shelf life of a perfume, the manufacturer tries to protect itself from claims coming from consumers who do not comply with storage conditions.

For example, the perfume of the French brand Chanel is stored from 3 to 5 years in a closed bottle and from 6 to 12 months in an open bottle.

Where is it listed?

If you purchase domestic perfumes, you can easily find the expiration date on the packaging.

This may be the date of production and the number of months allotted for storage, or the month and year of expiration.

On foreign perfume that was brought into the country legally, Rosstandart stickers are present, where the expiration date is indicated. It is similar to the term of the Series Certificate and cannot be more than three years.

How to determine?

If the box does not contain any information about the storage duration, then you can be guided by generally accepted expiration dates:

But thanks to the large proportion of alcohol in its composition, perfume can be stored longer than specified periods. It can be compared to wine, the bottle of which indicates the date of bottling - the older it is, the higher its value.

But improper storage can turn wine into vinegar. The same thing happens with perfumes: if the necessary storage conditions are not observed, they deteriorate.

By batch and barcodes

Is it possible to find out the date of manufacture of perfume and its shelf life, if a specific There is no information on the box?

This can be done by studying the batch code that is printed on the bottle and packaging.

The original perfume is distinguished by an engraved or pasted batch code on the bottom of the bottle or on the side. Two identical codes on the box and bottle indicate that that this is the original.

Then, using a special website, you can decrypt the batch code. To do this, just enter it into the required field and click on the “define” button.

The electronic calculator on the website is available to anyone and with its help you can check the expiration date of any perfume that has a batch code.

Please note that if you purchased a replica (copy) of a fragrance, the codes on the packaging and bottle will most likely be different. And if you see the same code, then when checked, the expiration date will be expired.

Don't panic, the replica was simply copied from an expired bottle, but The perfume itself is unlikely to have expired, since replicas are in great demand and simply do not have time to deteriorate.

Transcript example Batch code for Chanel brand:

  • 50## - February 2004;
  • 51## - March 2004;
  • 52## - April 2004,

where ## is the remaining 2 digits of the code.

Also on the perfume packaging there is coded information in the form of stripes and numbers.

She important for implementers, employees of retail chains and supervisory specialists.

There are sites where you can enter the numbers printed underneath into a special window and find out basic information about the product.

This set of numbers will tell you about the country and the enterprise, where the perfume was produced and will show its code. With its help, you can also distinguish a fake from the original.

Therefore, the opinion that using a barcode you can calculate the manufacturing date of a product is nothing more than a myth.

What is considered late?

The expiration date does not always mean that it is time to throw away the perfume. If the storage conditions are met, the treasured bottle can linger on your dressing table for a long time without losing its original properties. That the perfume has expired The following signs will tell you:

Storage conditions for an opened bottle

In order for your favorite scent to delight you with its enchanting notes for a long time, you must comply with the storage conditions after opening:

  • keep the perfume in original packaging– it does not let in the sun’s rays, which is their enemy No. 1;
  • hide the box away from places with high humidity. A striking example of improper storage is the bathroom, which most women overload with all kinds of cosmetics. It is convenient to keep perfume in the bathroom, but this will negatively affect its quality;
  • places with frequent temperature changes also not suitable for storing perfume, such jumps will lead to its damage;
  • If the bottle is not equipped with a spray, then the penetration of air into the bottle will contribute to the evaporation of alcohol and, as a result, deterioration of the aroma. Therefore it is necessary close the lid tightly after each use.

Spirits love dark places where the air temperature is stable and does not exceed 25 degrees.

An ordinary wardrobe in any room is perfect for this.

In no case do not store perfume in the refrigerator, contrary to popular belief, unless you plan to throw it away after 2-3 months.

Can it be used?

If the shelf life of a perfume has expired, but it shows no signs of deterioration, do not rush to throw it away. Many perfumes can last for decades and remain the same as the year they were released.

It’s not for nothing that in the perfume world there is such a thing as “vintage” - fragrances that are worth their weight in gold decades after their release. Real perfume “maniacs” hunt for them, they are treasured like the apple of their eye.

Perfume that has expired can be used, but only if there are no signs indicating that the product has deteriorated. It turns out that the expiration date of any perfume is a vague concept, storage conditions are much more important.

Therefore, if you have protected the bottle from humidity, sunlight and temperature changes, then with almost 100% probability we can say that the aroma will not deteriorate even after the expiration date.

Those who are afraid of applying expired perfume to their skin can be advised not to purchase many fragrances and limit yourself to a small volume bottle.

About the expiration date of perfumes and how to store them correctly, you can find out from the video:


The officially accepted shelf life of perfume is from 3 to 5 years. In fact, if a perfume is already 6-8 years old, this does not mean that it has deteriorated. High-quality toilet water is made on the basis of special alcohol, which plays the role of a preservative. After all, age is considered a huge advantage for both wine and cognac, although the manufacturer considers it his duty to put an expiration date on the product label. So the perfume only “infuses” over the years.

In addition, there are vintage fragrances made 20, 30, 40 years ago. They are valued much more than consumer eau de toilettes put on the conveyor belt. For example, connoisseurs will not hesitate to pay a tidy sum for the original “Chanel No. 5”, released during the life of the legendary Coco. The formula of the perfume has changed since then, but many people want to touch the first version of the fragrance, which Marilyn Monroe loved so much. Therefore, original vintage perfumes are very expensive, because they are no longer in production. But this does not detract from their quality - if stored properly, perfumes do not lose their qualities. On the contrary, over time the smell reveals itself more and more.

However, the shelf life of perfume may be shortened if it is not stored correctly. You should not use perfume if there is sediment at the bottom of the bottle and bubbles on the walls. The presence of an unpleasant odor indicates that the perfume has deteriorated. In addition, the skin also often signals that the eau de toilette has expired. When applying this scent, a burning sensation or redness may occur.

In order not to destroy the formula and composition of the perfume, you need to protect it from direct sunlight. Many women prefer to display beautiful designer bottles on their dressing table, using them as decorative accessories. If the bottle is empty, there is nothing to worry about. But if there is even a drop of perfume in it, it is recommended to hide it in a dark place. For example, in the far corner of the linen closet.

Also, the shelf life of perfume depends on the temperature. Spirits need a cool place. But the refrigerator is not suitable for storing them. It is worth protecting perfume from both heat and frost. And it is certainly not permissible to store it in the bathroom, where the temperature changes several times during the day.

“The bottle of my favorite perfume has expired, and it’s not even a third of the way used. There is no difference in the aroma, but I heard that such perfumes cannot be used. Howshould I enroll?, - this is the formulation of the problem among millions of users who are worried about the safety of their favorite compositions. What should I do? We share our own experience and knowledge of experts.


Manufacturer's secret

Similar situations arise for almost everyone. There is no reason to worry. Officially, perfumes do indeed have a shelf life, which ranges from three to five years. But you can continue to use the scent, be it the perfume created by Cacharel for the mass market Amor or the niche perfumery Creed, you can continue to use it even after. By indicating the release date, the manufacturing company is only insuring itself against claims that would come from all those who stored the perfume incorrectly (in a drawer, in the bathroom, in the refrigerator) and thereby ruined it.

Expiration date of perfume

Why don't perfumes deteriorate, like creams or lipstick? The fact is that the composition includes a fair amount of alcohol, and it is an excellent preservative. Have you ever noticed that a bottle of wine also has an expiration date on it? But everyone knows that wine not only does not spoil over time, but also becomes tastier (ripens, as the professionals say). True, for this it needs to be stored under strict temperature and humidity conditions (at wineries there are huge cellars filled with barrels and moldy bottles). Collection wines bottled at the beginning of the last century and even earlier are often sold at auctions.

What about vintage?

Vintage perfumes exist in the same way. Bottles that are 15, 25, or even more years old are significantly more expensive. Often, over time, manufacturers change the formula of a fragrance, so only buyers of vintage perfumes have the opportunity to try its previous versions, long discontinued. A striking example of such transformations are:

  • Chanel No. 5 first copies and new versions;
  • Yves Roche Ispahan 1977 and modern interpretations;
  • Jean Couturier Coriandre original and current versions.

How to identify a spoiled aroma?

Perfume that has deteriorated as a result of improper storage can be easily distinguished from those that have infused and become even more interesting:

  1. A noticeable sediment appears (which does not always clearly identify the missing perfume; sediment can occur even if the flair remains unchanged).
  2. The smell becomes unpleasant - you simply cannot put on perfume. A distinct note of rancid oil often indicates that the composition is spoiled.

It is worth noting that vintage perfumes (which are more than 20 years old) sometimes lose individual top notes, usually citrus. But then the composition is revealed in all its fullness.

We take care of your favorite bottles

How to store perfume so that it delights you with its melody for a long time? Your favorite scent has several enemies. Let's take a closer look at the face of each of them and stand up for the defense of art and the olfactory anchors of our own soul in advance.

Enemy No. 1 - light

Of course, many bottles are real masterpieces, and you really want to decorate your dressing table with them. How wonderful the perfume created by Kenzo looks - like a poppy flower on a table! How beautifully a ray of sunshine falls on a purple Ricci bottle or a blue star! Any perfumer will be shocked by such a sight - after all, light triggers chemical reactions in perfumes that lead to spoilage. This is why it is recommended to keep perfumes in a dark closet. In addition, you should not throw away the perfume box - it provides additional protection from light. This is especially important for fragrances in colorless or light bottles - dark glass allows less rays to pass through.

Fragrance Thierry Mugler - Angel

Enemy No. 2 - high or low temperature

You can often find recommendations to put perfume in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, fragrances do not like not only extreme heat, but also cold. Temperature changes also have an adverse effect. Therefore, if you bought a fairly large bottle and plan to use it for several years, it is better to place the bottle, for example, in the bedroom - here the temperature difference during the day is small.

Enemy No. 3 - air

As you remember, alcohol helps preserve the aroma. But alcohol evaporates very quickly, so be sure to close the bottle as tightly as possible. However, with sprays this problem is solved - the atomizer soldered to the neck leaves no chance for air to get inside. All kinds of stoppers and tightly closing lids also often fully cope with this role.

Enemies No. 4 and No. 5 - movement and humidity

Drawers are not the best place to store fragrance. And the bag will not work, because the bottle is not at rest in it either. If you want to keep the perfume with you at all times, look for 10-20 ml (many perfumes created by Dior, Paco Raban Nina Ricci come in this pocket format). The bathroom is also out of the question: the humidity here is too high, not to mention the temperature change.

Simple rules

So, let's summarize. The bottle should be stored in a dark place (but not in a drawer or bag), in its own box at a stable temperature (ideally 20-25C) and humidity no more than 70%. And of course, the spray bottle must be working (that is, sealed). Then the aroma is not afraid of years!