The question of who is cooler - blondes or brunettes, perhaps, can be classified as eternal and not requiring a final answer - we are all beautiful in our own way. But it is a fact that hair color affects the first impression. And scientific.

The career portal assessed the “color” preferences among our compatriots. And here there is a split: 29.9% are for dark-skinned women, 28.96% prefer blondes, 10% go to brown-haired and red-haired women, and 15% of male Russians cannot decide at all. With age, the statistics change funny: from 20 to 30 years old, Russians prefer brunettes, and after that blondes take the lead, with a noticeable margin of 10%. What hair color and what type of men do you like?

Let's figure it out together with scientists.


Here men are not original. They still sincerely believe that a girl with red hair is easier to seduce than a reserved, inaccessible blonde. Maybe this is how genetic memory works - after all, once upon a time green-eyed and red-haired people were mistaken for witches, and who, if not them, is ready for all sorts of atrocities?

Therefore, the expectations in bed are appropriate - redheads have long been recognized as sex goddesses. And with good reason: according to a study by the University of Hamburg, on average goldilocks sex life more saturated than that of brunettes and blondes. Also, according to scientific research from the University of Westminster, red-haired people are found to be more temperamental, assertive, and impudent. And most importantly, men are even a little afraid of them.

What kind of men like. For those who want an easy relationship. Perhaps this is a man of a creative profession. Or a young man. Or married. He sees you as a mystery and an adventure. And it seems to him that this is exactly what you want: sex without obligations.

Brunettes and brown-haired women

There is good news for dark-haired girls too. One of the largest dating apps, Badoo, analyzed data and found that brunettes and brown-haired women receive significantly more “likes” than blondes and redheads.

When it comes to brown-haired women, the words “moderation”, “restraint”, “calmness” are increasingly found in the description. Researchers at the University of Florida found that brunettes are actually perceived as more reliable and permanent companions. In 2012, the British received no less interesting data. Participants in the experiment were shown photos of the same girls with different hair colors. And what do you think? Brunettes were considered more seductive and physically attractive.

What kind of men do they like? For those who love competition. Dark-haired women are traditionally considered careerists, so men who want to have a muse or partner next to them are more likely to meet them and build relationships. Most often, equality reigns in such couples. The plus is that he will also cook and wash the floors. The downside is that he most likely does not think that he should fully support you.


Blonde heads actually attract more attention. Scientists University of Southern Brittany conducted an interesting experiment: 20 pretty girl volunteers in the same clothes changed wigs and observed the male reaction. Namely, walking past strangers in the form of a blonde, then a brunette and then a brown-haired girl, the girl had to deliberately drop her glove and see what would happen. The result was predictable: 76% of 100% rushed to give the glove to the blonde, and only half of the passers-by paid attention to the dark ones.

Why is this happening? Nothing personal, just primitive instincts. Scientists explained that the male brain associates blonde hair with high levels of health and fertility, meaning a blonde can bear healthy offspring. It turns out that even when holding out a glove, a man unconsciously reads your possible compatibility.

Another study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, found that blondes are more likely to be met in bars. One of the respondents, for example, commented on his preferences as follows: “Blondes have big needs, but it’s easier to communicate with them...” Scientists also found that light-headed men tend to perceive light-headed men as needing help, inaccessible, and most interestingly, introverted, that is, domestic.

What kind of men do they like? Those who are ready to start a family. Usually these are adults over 30 years of age who are ready to seek attention and care. Their special feature is the desire to patronize. Such a man is unconsciously looking for a woman-child who will look at him with admiring eyes and... You can dress her up like a doll and show her to friends. And she will also sit at home and cook delicious borscht.

Men prefer blondes. This is exactly how dissatisfied young ladies, to whom someone preferred a fair one, and girls with dry and burnt hair, justify themselves. How are things really going?

Who do men like more - blondes or brunettes?

Surveys conducted among men give very mixed results - as a rule, those who prefer dark women are only slightly less numerous than those who prefer blondes. However, psychologists always refer to several facts according to which, from the point of view of men, a fair-haired woman is more attractive.

Blondes are gentle and submissive

Whatever one may say, men are the stronger sex who want to be obeyed. Blondes, in their entire appearance, look much more docile than women with dark hair, who make you expect a complex and difficult character. The bright temperament that is felt behind the appearance of a brunette often turns out to be genuine.

Kind blondes

Although this quality definitely does not depend on hair color, blondes are often kinder, especially those who are naturally fair and do not darken their hair. These women do not have extra ambitions and willfulness, which often characterize brunettes, and dealing with them often turns out to be much more pleasant. True, this usually does not apply to standard beauties who specifically lighten their hair.

Blondes are dumber

This, of course, is a stereotype that has taken root very tightly in our society. It would seem, what is the use of this, and what is the attractiveness of a stupid woman?

In fact, a man who is destined by nature to be in a leadership position really does not want to lose his superiority. What will certainly happen if he suddenly meets too smart woman, which will also demonstrate her character to him. That is why he subconsciously strives to find a woman who is ready to be in a subordinate status, and blondes look much more promising in this.

What kind of men like blondes?

What do men's preferences tell us about their character? According to psychologists, men who like blondes have a soft character. They see a woman as a guardian hearth and home, an ideal housewife and faithful wife.

Such men most often turn out to be caring family men who sincerely love their family and always take care of them reverently. Such men do not approve of adultery and almost always remain faithful to their significant other. Therefore, if you are blonde, you have an excellent chance of finding the love of your life and being happy.

Natural blonde is a rather rare phenomenon: it is believed that there are less than 2% of such people on our planet. Perhaps this is why many ladies seek to artificially change their natural color hair, adding white strands: it’s nice to feel special after all!

And such efforts do not go unnoticed: often men first of all pay attention to those with blond hair, and only then to girls and women whose hair color is closer to the shades of light brown that are more familiar to us. We tried to understand the reasons why men like blondes.

Reason one: stereotypes

The first reason why men prefer blondes is ordinary stereotypes. It is believed, for example, that blondes are frivolous, flighty and “available” creatures: it is logical that men who are not in the mood for serious relationship(of which, unfortunately, the majority) will choose ladies who do not particularly expect to fit into a wedding dress within the next month.

In addition, the very opinion that men adore blondes is sometimes nothing more than a stereotype. Perhaps this stereotype appeared at a time when blond hair color was at the peak of its popularity: even ladies who had previously not been particularly interested in their own appearance began to try coloring. It is likely that having only once tried such a simple procedure as hair dyeing, women began to pay attention to other methods of caring for themselves. And which man wouldn’t like a well-groomed, attractive lady?

Reason two: personal preference

In addition to common stereotypes, there is at least one more reason why representatives of the stronger half of humanity may have a weakness for blondes. This reason lies in the personal preferences of men: some love brunettes, redheads or brown-haired women, while others, on the contrary, are partial only to those with blond hair.

As you can see, men can like blondes for a variety of reasons. Sometimes fair-haired young ladies find themselves in the center of male attention only because of popular stereotypes associated with blondes, sometimes it is just a matter of personal tastes and preferences.

However, the blonde is not the only type that causes a stir among men. We have previously found out whether men prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads: find out more about these types.

Tell us what you think: are blondes popular with men now or not?

If an equally attractive blonde and brunette walk in front of men in opposite directions, most will turn towards the blonde. It is a fact.
Blonde actresses look at us from TV screens, and they are more popular among men than women with dark color hair. That's why many girls want to do it for themselves.
Marilyn Monroe, Pamela Anderson, Madonna, Barbie doll, after all, became famous partly due to their hair color!
Still, do men prefer blondes?

Why do men prefer blondes? It's all about attractive looks!
It is believed that blondes look more delicate, their facial features are prettier. This makes blondes seem affectionate, kind, soft, flexible; their light hair color is associated with small children. It is the blonde who can be imagined as a little cutesy, capricious and pouting. Agree that, all other things being equal, a brunette would not be forgiven for a single sweet stupidity.

On a subconscious level White color Hair is associated with purity and purity, so a man feels more masculine just like a blonde.
Why do men prefer blondes? Hormones are to blame!
Natural blondes have more estrogen in their blood, which, on the one hand, is responsible for a woman’s fertility. On the other hand, the more estrogen, the less ability to perceive mathematical logic. That's why jokes about the stupidity of blondes are so common.
As a result, most men feel more confident, smarter and stronger when they find themselves face-to-face with a woman who is obviously dumber than them. Men also associate blondes with girls who are easy to communicate with and more approachable.

But what about girls of a different hair color?
Is it really because gentlemen prefer blondes that they like brunettes, brown-haired women and redheads less? It turns out, no less!
Indeed, most men prefer to have close relationships with blondes, but they want brunettes and brown-haired women as their wives!
Blondes are considered frivolous and not very smart by men, and women with dark hair are perceived as passionate lovers, as stronger and more responsible women.
After all, brunettes have more testosterone in their blood, and this hormone is responsible for the sexual sphere. Thus, blondes appear more feminine to men, but brunettes appear more permanent. Like men, brunettes are more likely to want to have sex and are more relaxed in bed.

It’s not for nothing that the brunette is considered the femme fatale!
What also speaks in favor of brunettes is that blondes have inflated self-esteem and inflated demands, which not every man tolerates.
And yet, why blondes?
But along with all this, blondes look younger, and their external weakness continues to attract men!
It has also been noticed that at work, brunettes are asked more strictly and demand more from them, and success is taken for granted. While blondes are more often praised (although, it would seem, for nothing), they receive more compliments, and they often get creative work rather than routine work. And blondes often get away with it! Well, be patient, brunettes, since they have proven themselves to be strong women!

It is a well-known fact that men prefer blondes. There is even a corresponding rule - “gentlemen prefer blondes.” So why do fair-haired women have such an advantage over others?

To solve this riddle, experts quite seriously advise that we first turn to ancient icon painting, almost from Byzantine times. What do we see there? Imagine, almost all heavenly angels were painted by ancient artists with clear blue eyes and flaxen-blond hair. Many saints also have Blue eyes And blonde hair. Pay attention to the fact that artists also usually give romantic heroes a similar appearance.

A number of serious researchers express a well-reasoned opinion that for the majority of residents of the countries of Northern and Central Europe, and this is especially typical for Eastern Europe and Russia, the image of a woman with dark eyes and dark hair at the level of the subconscious and genetic memory can involuntarily be associated with images of enemy conquerors from the East. Rus', for example, fought for centuries against the bloodthirsty and treacherous steppe inhabitants. And Europe more than once experienced devastating raids by the Turks and the Crimean Horde.

A man has always looked for certain external signs by which he could identify a woman with whom he would be able to live a completely calm and happy life. family life. Obvious brunettes and brown-haired women could belong to “foreign tribes,” so the gaze settled on their own - fair-haired and blue-eyed. Remember the children in Central Russian villages: blue eyes and flaxen heads, like cornflowers in rye. These were also signs of preserving the genetics of “one’s own” tribe: there is no foreign blood in a woman!

But is this the only thing that attracts men to blondes? Modern scientists asked themselves this question and tried to answer it.

Imagine, studies have shown that, from a purely psychological level, fair-haired ladies are more stable, are distinguished by genuine spontaneity and have a more cheerful and even disposition than women with a different hair color. They are distinguished by greater kindness and are more often capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one. Do ancient legends and fairy tales really not lie?!

If we talk about the female mind, then the conversation moves onto rather slippery ground. But in fairness, let’s say that among the outstanding women who left a significant mark in history, there were many natural blondes. For example, the grandmother of Ivan the Terrible, the wife of Ivan III, the Byzantine princess Sophia Paleologus, whose intelligence was recognized by all of contemporary Europe. Elizabeth I Tudor, the Virgin Queen of England, was a reddish blonde, like the unforgettable “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher.

More in-depth studies generally led to very interesting results. As it turned out, blondes differ from women with other hair colors - naturally, we are talking only about natural blondes - in many different parameters. They have more hair on the head: blondes have about 140-150 thousand, and dark-haired ones have almost fifty thousand less! Blondes mature sexually a little later, but they retain youth, health and excellent appearance longer than others.

The skin of blondes is much more firm and elastic than that of other women, and this greatly helps them maintain youthfulness for many years. Moreover, blondes even smell differently and release more specific hormonal substances into the space around them that excite males!

It even became clear why southerners love them so much - in the East and South they do not recognize thin women, and blondes, in order for their attractive beauty to fully blossom, need to go a little over their weight. Then they never tire of pleasing our eyes with the pleasant roundness of their forms, so attractive to temperamental southerners who are ready to lay down their souls for this.

However, this is not the most interesting thing. No one could have expected what the experiments would show, but they irrefutably testified: by changing their hair color, even burning brunettes began to acquire the psychological traits of blondes! No, their skin or weight did not change, but their character changed! For psychologists, this remains an unsolvable mystery: why does a dyed brunette begin to behave like a natural blonde?