The main symbol of the New Year can be made with your own hands using scrap materials. A Christmas tree made from threads, PVA glue, cardboard beads or sequins looks original. This art tree will decorate your home or office, and will also become an interesting souvenir for friends and colleagues. Involve the children in the creative process, and the whole family will have a few pleasant evenings.

Take the master classes below as a basis, add imagination, and you will get a unique Christmas tree made of threads. Materials for creativity can be found in every home. And the instructions for making such a craft are extremely simple.

For inspiration, look at photos of decorative Christmas trees made from threads. The craft can be not only green, but also red, blue and even multi-colored. Lots of ideas!

Universal method

The first option on how to make a Christmas tree from threads is to use a cardboard cone as a base. Before starting work, prepare:

  • dense green threads (you can dye white ones yourself);
  • PVA glue;
  • elements for decoration: beads, seed beads, sequins, charms;
  • tape and a sheet of cardboard for the base;
  • scissors;
  • glue brush;
  • compass or round template.

To begin, draw a circle on cardboard, divide it in half, cut it out and roll it into a cone. Cover the cardboard base with tape. This must be done so that the future Christmas tree does not stick to the cardboard and can be easily removed from the workpiece.

Next, form a frame of threads, winding them around a conical base. You can do this in any order. The frequency of winding will depend on whether you want a more airy or, conversely, dense tree.

Then generously coat the thread workpiece with PVA glue. Place it in a warm, well-ventilated place. After it is completely dry, carefully remove the craft from the base. The result will be an airy and light Christmas tree.

The final stage is decoration. Glue or tie beads to the finished decorative Christmas tree made from threads. You can attach one large bead to the top. Using the tips given in this master class, you can experiment with decoration, the color of the future Christmas tree and the winding density.

Christmas tree on a plastic base

Another way is to use a plastic cone as a base for a thread tree. The instructions for making the craft are similar to the first option.

To make such a Christmas tree with your own hands, you will need:

  • knitting threads;
  • thin transparent plastic folder;
  • PVA glue;
  • various decorations;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • container for glue.

To begin, we twist a fragment of a plastic folder into the shape of a base for a future art tree. Secure the cone with tape. We trim the bottom edge so that the workpiece is stable.

After the tree has dried, carefully remove the plastic and decorate the resulting airy craft to your liking. Christmas tree threads are ready!

There are interesting videos where foil and cardboard are used as the base for a thread tree. You will need the following materials:

  • foil;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • dense threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • beads for decoration;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

Cover the cardboard base with foil. Then the threads moistened with glue can be easily removed when dry.

Don't like felled trees, but does a Christmas tree made from synthetic needles seem boring? There is a great option - to make a Christmas tree from threads.

It's very stylish, playful, and, most importantly, completely uncomplicated.

You can make a dense “woolen” Christmas tree with your own hands from threads, or you can make an openwork one. Let's consider both methods.

1. Stages of making a “wool” Christmas tree

Prepare in advance:

- thick cardboard;
- glue;
- woolen threads - maybe green, but the Christmas tree can be red or white;
- stapler;
- pins;
- beads, beads, small toys, buttons (for decoration).

First we make a support cone

Choose the size of the cone yourself, but it is better if such a Christmas tree is no higher than 40-50 cm.

We take a sheet of cardboard, roll it into a cone and glue it along the joining line. Additional fixation with a stapler will not hurt. The resulting cone should be stable and stand firmly upright. To do this, you can cut out a round bottom-foundation from cardboard and glue it to the base - this will be more reliable. After the cone is ready, coat its entire outer surface with glue for gluing the threads.

We wrap the cone with threads

We just press the threads tightly against the cardboard so that the Christmas tree doesn’t come out “bald.” We move in a circle. Carefully remove excess glue from the threads. In the end, after we wrap the entire cone, we get a woolen Christmas tree.

Decorating the Christmas tree

Here everything is left to the will of your imagination. If you want, secure the toys on the Christmas tree with pins. If you want, glue beads or buttons, beads. Decorate your Christmas tree with a star, or wrap a small garland around your wool tree.

2. Stages of making an openwork Christmas tree

Prepare in advance everything the same as for a woolen Christmas tree, plus tape and a beautiful ribbon.

Making a support cone

We cut the cardboard and roll it into a cone in the same way as in the first case. We also glue it and make it stable. But! – we don’t make a bottom-foundation, and we don’t coat the finished cone with glue on top, but we cover it with tape. At the bottom, we cut the cone to a depth of a centimeter and a half, every two centimeters around the circumference. We will pull the threads through these slits.

Wrap with threads

This is quite painstaking work. First, dilute the glue in a bowl to the consistency of a liquid dough, then dip the threads in it and wrap them around the cone. This can be done chaotically, in different directions, creating from threads openwork pattern, you can also use different shades. When the entire cone turns into a filament Christmas tree, let it dry.

Separating the cone

We cut off the bottom edge with the slots, rotate the cone inside the Christmas tree and carefully remove it. We process the bottom with a ribbon - the easiest way is to quilt it with a stapler. Openwork Christmas tree ready from threads.

Decorating the Christmas tree

Everything to your taste - buttons, beads, toys, stars. Note that inside an openwork Christmas tree made of threads, a garland will shine magnificently, casting fancy patterns.

Before New Year holidays We create a cozy atmosphere in the house, decorate the interior with original elements and elegant decorations, including those made by ourselves.

We suggest making the main symbol of the New Year, a Christmas tree, in an unusual way, from threads.



green threads;
PVA glue);

An art tree made using this technology will be a wonderful decoration for both the office and home. It can also be a great gift for friends and family.


Take some cardboard and draw a circle on it. Then divide the figure in half, cut and twist the cone. Cover the cardboard base with tape. These manipulations are necessary to christmas tree did not catch on the base and was easily removed from the layout.


Form the frame of the Christmas tree from threads - randomly wind them around the base in the form of a cone. What the winding structure will be depends on the desired density of the tree (massive or airy).

photo: @stasymos
Cover the thread blank with PVA glue. Then place the future tree in a warm room with good air circulation. After drying, carefully remove the product from the cardboard base. The result will be a weightless and airy Christmas tree.

Decorate the Christmas tree with beads, sequins - just glue or tie them. Attach one small bead to the top of the tree.


Another method of creating a Christmas tree is to use a plastic cone as the basis for a future New Year’s craft.


loose threads;
thin plastic folder;
PVA glue;
all kinds of accessories for decorating the Christmas tree;
small container for glue.

Twist a piece of plastic folder to create a base for your homemade Christmas tree. Secure the cone with tape, align the bottom edge so that the workpiece is stable.
Pour glue into the prepared container, this will make it easier to wet the threads.

An original solution is to make a Christmas tree from green threads of different shades. To do this, when winding the tree, change colors one by one.

After the Christmas tree has dried, carefully remove the plastic base and dress up the New Year's beauty.


Often, to create original Christmas trees from threads, cardboard and foil are used for the base.


PVA glue;
beads for decoration;

Make a cone out of cardboard and attach foil on top of it. This method makes it easy to remove the Christmas tree from the threads after they dry.


Wrap the threads soaked in glue randomly around the frame.


After the Christmas tree is dry, remove it from the cone frame and decorate it with beads.

photo: @zlatovratskaya_daria
A little patience, effort and imagination - ideal Christmas tree ready!

Herringbone made of knitting threads

Thanks to this method, you will get a “woolen” Christmas tree that will look great and stand out from others.


wool threads for knitting;
small jewelry, beads, buttons.

Make a cone-shaped base for the Christmas tree. The optimal cone size is 45 cm in height. Roll the cardboard into a cone and secure it with a stapler. You can make a bottom for a cone to give the base more stability.

Coat the outer surface of the base well with glue.

Then wrap the workpiece with threads, pressing them tightly to the base. Do this in a circle. If glue bleeds through the threads, carefully remove it. This will give you a woolen Christmas tree.

Now you can start decorating the Christmas tree. Attach beads, buttons, and small beads to it. Additionally, sprinkle the Christmas tree with glitter to give it a New Year's fairytale feel.

It becomes a tradition for many. But in the holiday bustle it will be difficult to find time to make Christmas trees and items for. It’s better to prepare in advance, making sure to involve the whole family in the creative process. One of the amazing ideas that will require very little time and money is a DIY Christmas tree made from threads and glue. It’s enough to look for fluffy threads in your grandmother’s and make them out of cardboard, and then completely trust your imagination. . Believe me, all guests will be fascinated by the unusual design and decoration of the interior.

Christmas trees can be used to decorate the photo area with New Year's gifts

What will you need at work?

For work you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • cardboard;
  • thick threads, preferably with a small pile;
  • for the trunk you will need a small stick;
  • decor;
  • a yogurt cup;
  • and scissors.

Operating procedure

The operating procedure is as follows.

Step-by-step master class on making your own Christmas tree in the shape of a cone from threads and glue

It will become beautiful volumetric herringbone made from threads. The manufacturing principle is quite simple; you can make a whole New Year’s composition on the windowsill and additionally decorate it with lights.

What you need to prepare for work

For work we will need:

  • new or old fluffy threads green or any suitable color. It could be mohair, grass, twine;
  • wallpaper glue or PVA - if it is thick, you can dilute it a little with water;
  • glue gun;
  • cardboard or a finished plastic cone;
  • tape or polyethylene for wrapping the cone. It can subsequently be easily removed from the finished Christmas tree;
  • decorative snowflakes, beads, rhinestones, ribbons, small buttons with which we will decorate the finished product;
  • scissors and a brush for adhesive;
  • a jar or container that will serve as the basis for the Christmas tree;
  • wooden clothespins, popsicle sticks will also work.

Two ways to make a blank cone for a Christmas tree

If you don’t have a cone-shaped container on hand suitable for making a Christmas tree from threads and glue, you can make a template with your own hands. To do this, use the following diagrams.

1 way

Roll a thick sheet into a cone shape, secure it with glue or tape and trim off the excess at the base.

Method 2

Prepare a circle of cardboard, cut out a segment in it and glue the edges.

Step-by-step process for making your own Christmas tree using thread and glue

After preparatory work You can start making our beauty.

Illustration Description of action

Wrap the Christmas tree in cellophane or tape and secure it to the body.
Prepare an adhesive composition in a wide cup, dip a thread in it and wrap it around the workpiece in a chaotic manner. You can pre-soak it completely with glue.

There is another option for impregnating a thread with glue: take a plastic cup, make a small hole in the base, thread the thread from the outside in and pour in the glue. When pulled, the thread will be completely saturated with the composition. To prevent the glue from staining, the container should be placed on a pallet.

After wrapping, you must additionally coat the entire Christmas tree with glue.
After the adhesive has completely dried, remove the cone along with the polyethylene.

Glue the top with a glue gun.
Glue the decorations in any order.

Take the clothespins into two halves and cover the base of the jar with them.
Glue a decorative ribbon around the jar, which will additionally hold the clothespins.

Place the Christmas tree on a decorative jar.

The decorative Christmas tree will become real. For a more detailed master class on how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from threads and glue, watch the video:

Related article:

: step-by-step master classes with photos of making using origami, quilling, quilling and others techniques original ideas- see our publication.

How to fasten and wind a thread to obtain an openwork or dense coating

To make a tighter winding, you must first secure the thread in several places with needles. It will not slip and will allow the adhesive to set. Winding can be done in a circular motion sequentially, circle by circle, in a spiral upward or in a chaotic manner, passing the thread under the base.

Advice! It’s okay if gaps remain - they do not affect the strength of the Christmas tree in any way. At the end of the work, you can place a small garland with a power supply, which will beautifully decorate the room on winter evenings.

How to remove a blank from cardboard

4 hours after the adhesive has completely dried, you need to carefully cut the threads at the base of the Christmas tree and remove the cardboard cone from the workpiece. It is the cellophane wrapping or tape that will help you remove the template without much effort. The threads will hold their shape firmly, since they are completely saturated with glue and act as a frame for the Christmas tree decorations.

Advice! If glue is visible in the spaces between the threads, it can be cut off with nail scissors or decorated with beads.

Ideas for decorating a Christmas tree

To decorate the Christmas tree they use tinsel, colored buttons, sequins, rhinestones - here the craftswoman’s imagination has no limits. You can make an interesting or toy Christmas tree on legs made of cardboard or a Kinder Surprise shell, and additionally decorate it with small or winter hats. A wire star is suitable for the top, and you can also plant a miniature angel.

For inspiration, we have prepared a whole selection unique ideas Christmas tree decorations made of threads for the New Year.

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Bright green Christmas tree - how to do without it New Year! An elegant, spectacular Christmas tree made of threads and PVA glue is just such an option! Our step-by-step master class designed for making this New Year's craft with your own hands together with children. Let's get started!

Preparing materials for a Christmas tree made of threads

To complete the job you will need:

  • Paper scissors. If children are small, be sure to have rounded edges, not sharp.
  • Threads. Options are possible: thick woolen threads will give the Christmas tree a cozy and cute look, while thin and tight ones will make the fake neat, but it will take a little longer to tinker with it. Threads of white, green and red colors will look great, but this part is entirely given to your preferences and tastes.
  • Glue on water based. This is usually PVA, but you can also use wallpaper. Just dilute it so that the consistency is not too thick.
  • Cardboard. Choose thick, thin cardboard white. It should bend well.
  • Food foil. You can replace it with plastic film or tape.
  • Decor. Beads, bows, tinsel, star-shaped sequins - everything you can find in the house. Match the decorations to the color of the threads: this way our Christmas tree will be stylish and beautiful.

How to make a Christmas tree from threads and PVA glue for the New Year (master class)

  1. From a purchased sheet of cardboard we make a cone, 21 cm high, with a base diameter of 8 cm. This is the base for the Christmas tree. We roll the sheet into a funnel, carefully gluing all its sides. Cut off the protruding parts. The bottom must be stable.
  2. Wrap the cone in foil, folding the excess inward. Don't glue the foil! If there is no foil, wrap the base with film or tape. The main thing is that our finished craft easily removed from the base.
  3. Preparing the glue for convenient use: in a PVA bottle we make a hole with a needle through which we thread a thread.
  4. We take the selected threads and apply them in a circular motion from top to bottom onto the Christmas tree base, passing them through a bottle of glue. Do not leave large distances, this will make the future tree unstable and fragile.
  5. We are waiting for everything to dry.
  6. When the glue has hardened, remove the Christmas tree from the cone base. All that remains is to decorate it with tinsel, beads, etc. We wrap it on all sides with ribbons. We sculpt a star on the top of the head.

If you have any questions, watch the video instructions on how to make a Christmas tree from threads and PVA glue.

You can also complicate our craft: add LED lighting. Here's a video from detailed description how to make a Christmas tree from threads with LED lighting:

Now we put the tree in a prominent place and wait for the holiday! We wish you a great New Year!