There are so many women in the world to sleep with, and so few women to talk to.

There are people with whom we waste time. And there are those with whom we lose the sense of time...

The money you have is an instrument of freedom; those you are chasing are instruments of slavery.

There are people with whom you constantly discover flaws in yourself and desperately try to correct them. And there are people with whom you are simply happy.

There are no people with whom it would always be easy to live. But there are those with whom you want to overcome difficulties.

There are people with whom you grow wings. And there are those who will do everything to make their hands give up.

There are people with whom you can only have one thing in common - distance!

Love is the stimulus for life, its meaning, its content. Without love, you lose the taste of life, the taste of desires, the taste of passion. Loving is both difficult and easy, both bitter and sweet. But it is so necessary!

There are people on earth with whom you talk like you drink the sun. You begin to glow from within.


I immediately remembered all the characters I've been freaking out about lately. Like that bank employee who came at me because she (!) had problems with paperwork due to her banal carelessness and negligence. As a result, I closed the account, and the woman fought in hysterics for a long time, trying to force me to bring again the documents that I had already brought once, but she was the same cool colleague refused to accept them, finding fault with an insignificant detail. As a result, she feels bad too - if the auditors find a lack of documents, they won’t pat her on the head - well, I lost count - although this is not such a problem as to say, I’ll open it in another bank, but it’s still extra trouble. It’s simply amazing to argue with a person from whom you need something because of your own mistakes.

Or those smart guys who bought a car from me without bothering to transfer it to themselves, as a result - I received fivefold bills for their unpaid fines - as a result, despairing of getting them to resolve this issue, the case ended up in court. As a result, the guys will have, at best, - big problems, at worst - very large, since our court is the fairest court in the world, or I’m just very lucky. But it was possible to come to the meeting at least once and resolve the issue amicably? Apparently the guys decided that I would save their car for them, although I have never seen such clever people in my life - buying a car from someone without having a single document for it, despite the fact that one of the previous owners managed to get fines. Now they will have to pay not only fines - but also explain to the police why they violated points five of the existing legislation - despite the fact that at least one of them attracts a fine of 500 bucks. Although it is difficult for me to say how much I suffered in this case, I got acquainted with our judicial system and learned how to file claims on my own, which is already some benefit.

Or that next driver, who, in the intention of quickly turning, drives into the oncoming lane, narrowing the path for me along which I must pass - as a result, so as not to hit him, God forbid, I slow down, as a result of which the man waits at the entrance longer than he should It would have been if it had been positioned correctly.

These are thousands of those guys who don’t fasten their seat belts out of principle - like, this wasn’t enough yet. Lying in the hospital for six months due to a traumatic brain injury while your family sells their house to find money for treatment is an excellent choice. Or this fashion of not turning on turn signals - why, a crumpled car is the best landscape for an artist.

Or our Prime Minister, or whoever it was, made this decision about a sudden tax increase of ten percent, as a result of a very cleverly thought out pension reform. As a result, there is not a single person left in the country who would be loyal to the existing government. Well, you have to take it like this and, in one fell swoop, cross out everything that was done before. And the problem is not even the tax - but the fact that there was an agreement between the authorities and business - they whitewash salaries, and the state streamlines taxation and behaves decently. For 14 years, the agreement worked perfectly, until someone’s greed clouded their eyes. How many concessions do you think will have to be made in relation to business subsequently - by the next authorities - in order to smooth out the consequences of this decision? Why next? Because I wouldn’t bet a penny on the current ones in the current conditions.

“A leadership position, a single mother, the need to always make decisions yourself and always be responsible for everything. I was sure that all these were the reasons that I had forgotten how to be a Woman...”

“Then I was looking for a “straw,” not even believing in a miracle. My family was falling apart. I have 15 years of marriage, two sons, and a prestigious job. And then, like a bolt from the blue, my husband has a mistress!..”

“My son is going through adolescence... Every parent faces difficulties: panic, a feeling of his own powerlessness, anger at the child, anger at himself for not restraining himself, useless advice from grandmothers...”

“My mother is a psychologist. But they don’t turn to their own people - professional ethics. As a result, for 1.5 years I tried to cope with my difficult relationship with my mother-in-law on my own. Did not work. And it wouldn’t have worked out..."

“There was a difficult period in my life, problems rained down from all sides. I wanted someone to listen, support and look at the situation with an open mind...”

“I came for a consultation with a painful issue. I didn't have good relationships with men. Age is running out, I want a family and children, my parents are hinting at grandchildren, but I still can’t. Monotonous weekends, work, rare novels and a lot of loneliness..."

“I am very grateful to fate for meeting Natalya Babukh! Unobtrusively, subtly sensing my condition and mood, she taught and continues to teach me, first of all, to listen to myself, understand myself, value myself, trust myself and work on myself...”

“On the advice of a friend, I turned to Natalya. The relationship with my husband was unbearable and reached a dead end. I understood that I had to leave, but I just couldn’t decide to take the last step...”

“I saw myself and my life in a different way, was able to clearly formulate my desire, and found attitudes and programs that prevent me from achieving what I want. And most importantly, I was able to remove the interference. I have a clear desire, a clear plan for its successful implementation..."

“Three hours of working with Natalia for me was comparable to a dozen constellations and several months of work with a psychologist. Thanks to Natalya, I received a powerful impetus and, in fact, a plan for further personal development...”

“I worked with Natalya on issues of professional self-determination and problems of career advancement... The topic turned out to be much deeper than just work... I looked at my life from a completely different angle, most likely I will change the job itself, and not just myself At work."