Trance is a very easy to do and natural state; entering this state occurs when the physical body falls asleep but the mind remains awake. It's very simple: the frequency of brain waves changes in response to changes in the level of brain activity. The less brain activity, the deeper the trance level. Normal levels of consciousness cause greater bioelectrical activity, which is caused by the waking active surface mind, the so-called beta rhythm. When a trance state is entered, this activity decreases significantly, causing many specific physical and mental sensations. Changes in brain activity can be recorded using an electroencephalograph (or EEG machine).

The human brain consists of two halves (hemispheres); each side performs different physical and mental functions and abilities. The left side of the brain is rational and logical, responsible for problem solving, and the right side is for emotions, creativity, and intuition. I believe that the trance state causes these two hemispheres to begin to work together, forcing them into synchronization, which they are not always capable of in a normal waking state.

The more time spent in a trance state, the stronger the bioenergetic connections between the hemispheres become, and the easier it is for the two hemispheres to work together. When the two hemispheres are in sync, the mind becomes calmer, stronger, more whole and balanced. It increases the quality of thinking, making it deeper and more open to inspiration, while providing greater mental clarity - albeit in an altered state of consciousness. A deeply relaxed physical body with a clear mind remains in a balanced trance state longer.

We all experience this state every night when we fall asleep, even if only for a short time. Most people don't even notice it, but everyone knows how good it feels. Who hasn't enjoyed falling asleep? Likewise, who doesn't love going into a trance state? Trance is a delightfully blissful, pleasant, state of relaxation, similar to immersing yourself in a nice warm physical/mental bath or mineral spring.

If you carefully observe the moment you fall asleep, you may find that you begin to lose awareness among chaotic half-thoughts and impressions. The body becomes heavy, warm and cozy, and thoughts become stupid and meaningless. This happens at the very edge of sleep, just before one loses contact with reality and falls into the seeming oblivion of sleep. The feeling of a heavy body is a sign of entering a trance state. Mental rambling (in the case of entering a trance state while disconnecting) is caused solely by mental and physical fatigue.

As soon as the physical body falls asleep, the center of waking consciousness passes into the etheric body. This is best thought of as an internal type of projection. The feeling of a heavy body in a trance state means that the center of waking consciousness has moved one step up from his physical body - into the first of his subtle bodies - the etheric body. This brings consciousness one step closer to its real-time projected double.

The next time you fall asleep, keep your forearms vertical and your elbows comfortably placed on the surface of the bed. This will allow you to stay awake a little longer than usual. Watch what happens when you fall asleep. You will experience a trance state, although not for much, but longer than usual before switching off, and even longer if you are not too tired and can remain focused. If you relax and use mental breathing techniques when switching off, rather than letting your mind drift and wander, you can slow down the switching off process and remain in a trance state even longer.

As part of learning to project, one must learn how to position the body for sleep to maintain mental alertness and control; in other words, to enter a trance state and remain awake. This may be a little tricky at first, but is not difficult at all if you follow the procedure correctly and practice regularly. The physical and mental fatigue that naturally causes a trance state during bedtime can be replaced by a deep level of physical relaxation and a clear surface mind.

If you allow yourself to react to distracting sounds during a trance, you may produce a normal response, becoming easily distracted and irritated. This can seriously reduce the ability to enter and maintain a trance state. This may force you to use artificial aids such as music or other recordings to create necessary conditions until you can effectively go into trance. This will make the trance state dependent on these conditions. This kind of dependence is an unhealthy habit for trance because it makes the base of trance weak and sensitive rather than strong and elastic.

If you are a beginner who is not used to trance, please follow my advice. Accept the sounds and let them flow through you without any tension, reaction or mental whining. Accept and let in the sounds kindly and without irritation. View inevitable distractions as valuable opportunities to test your powers of focus and concentration, like sound waves gently crashing against you. With patience, this problem will progressively ease over time.

The need for total silence does not make it possible to enjoy trance meditation in nature, among the many wonderful natural sounds: water gurgling over stones, the sounds of wildlife, wind and sounds of a storm, the sound of waves crashing on the shore, the sounds of children playing and the sweet morning choir of singing birds. They are nature's gift to us all, and can be much better appreciated in a state of trance meditation.

Trance levels

I have divided the trance state into three main levels, and have used descriptive names according to the sensations (rather than commonly used technical terms like alpha, beta, theta, and delta) for ease of use and to avoid confusion when working at these trance levels. This will allow you to understand what level of trance you are in simply by noticing the sensations you experience. The three basic levels of trance given here are intended only as a basic guide for beginners.

Light trance

Light trance is the first level of trance, very similar to a drowsy state. When relaxed, the physical body begins to feel warm, comfortable, and lethargic. The eyelids suddenly become heavy, and the eyes begin to glaze over and stick together. A moderate wave of heaviness and warmth flows through you. The mind gradually becomes cloudy and begins to drift. It becomes a little difficult to concentrate on thoughts, especially if you are mentally tired and want to sleep.

Sometimes, during a state of light trance, imprints of light and color appear (hypnagogic images). You can also see with your inner vision if you have clairvoyant potential. A spider web-like tickling is sometimes felt in the face and neck area and is caused by energetic movement through the energy structures supporting the brow and crown centers. (Trance requires an increased flow of energy for its needs, which as a result causes sensations.)

At this level of trance, there is a moderate feeling of warm, comfortable fuzzyness throughout the body and a slight separation between the physical body and the environment. Time seems to slow down a little, and sounds seem a little louder and further away than they really are. Once the light trance has stabilized, it can easily be maintained for long periods of time. In doing so, greater inner mental clarity can be achieved before fatigue sets in. This trance state is usually achieved during early light and heavy group meditations. If this level of trance is accompanied by a state of sufficiently deep physical relaxation, then conscious projection output becomes possible.

This level of trance is as easy to maintain as it is very subtle and easily broken. To maintain a state of light trance while walking and talking, physical movements must be slow and deliberate.

Full trance

The state of full trance has much in common with light trance, but the sensations of trance are more significant. Upon entering full trance, there is a very significant wave of physical heaviness and a very slight sensation of falling. This happens quite quickly, like a warm, heavy wave flowing through you; it seems to drain physical and mental strength while the body falls asleep. To keep the mind at this point - when the body falls into sleep - concentration and mental focus are required. You can feel the passage of time changing, slowing down or speeding up, depending on the level of mental fatigue. If you are tired, time goes faster; otherwise, it slows down. You become noticeably more detached from the physical body and its surroundings.

The feeling of the background atmosphere changes noticeably at the moment of entering a state of complete trance. It feels like the room around has suddenly become much larger, wider and emptier. Background sounds are muffled and removed, as if there is a cardboard box without touching you or disturbing you.

You may feel a dull, deep bone tickling sensation in your arms and legs as you move them to relax the physical body during the trance - as if your arm or leg were numb, but completely painless. Some physical movement is still possible, but it requires a lot of effort and feels like it's in slow motion. If you can stand in a state of complete trance (it is difficult, but possible), you will barely be able to feel your legs. If you can walk (also possible), you will feel as if your legs have become huge pillows. Any type of physical activity tends to reduce the depth of trance if not done slowly and smoothly.

Harsh sounds cause an unpleasant sensation in the stomach and solar plexus that can feel almost like a physical blow if you allow yourself to react to them. (This sound sensitivity can only be reduced with experience gained through regular trance meditation.) Your thoughts become different - more sluggish than usual, but still extremely clear. This is caused by the closing of the surface mind, and the opening of the deeper level of the mind.

Keeping your mind clear and focused is the real trick to keeping yourself awake and able to think. If you don't concentrate and concentrate, you will tend to fall asleep and drift among dull and meaningless thoughts. When you begin to experience trance states, you must concentrate, forcefully keeping your mind awake, without allowing yourself to become tense physically or mentally.

Hypnagogic images are observed under closed eyelids, in the mind's eye, as random visions. REM (rapid eye movement) activity occurs sporadically; when this happens, fragments of dream images are sometimes brought into the mind's eye. This may mean sleep deficiency, that is, the physical mind lacks energy, it has fallen asleep, and is currently sleeping.

It's best to ignore REM if it starts. It usually lasts about a few minutes at a time, sometimes longer. During REM, it feels as if the eyes under the eyelids are fluttering and buzzing. This can be very distracting if it occurs during tarns. If this becomes a problem, rub lightly thumbs on the rest of your fingers and take a few deep breaths, stretching, moving your body a little and shifting it. This small amount of physical activity is usually enough to stop REM and turn off the sleep mind, allowing trance and developmental work to continue. This procedure also helps reduce the level of trance. When REM has stopped, stop all physical movements and continue trance meditation.

You will spend most of your time somewhere between states of light trance and full trance. As you gain abilities and experience, this level will change. The ability to go into a complete trance quickly progresses and becomes more advanced. To do this, you need to work on yourself; thanks to regular practice, this process can be accelerated and become easier.

deep trance

Deep trance begins with signs of complete trance, which then become much more pronounced as one enters a deeper level of trance. There are many other sensations associated with deep trance, which are felt in different combinations: usually a cold sensation throughout the body and a continuous sensation of falling.

The state of deep trance is not dangerous. It cannot be more traumatic than deep sleep. It is very difficult to enter a deep trance state, even intentionally. It cannot happen spontaneously or by chance to someone who is not yet able to enter a state of complete trance. But often the signs of deep trance are so strong that they can be scary - if you don't know what it is.

If you are worried that you have gone too far, simply feel yourself moving upward, slowly moving your head, mouth, fingers and toes, gradually restoring the movement throughout your body until you can pull yourself completely out of the trance. If movement is extremely difficult or if you feel completely paralyzed, then most likely you were projecting, but did not notice the exit from the body; You may have already experienced vibrations. In this case, concentrate on moving only one thumb legs. This will bring back the projected double and the paralysis will end. If all efforts to come out of a deep trance fail, do not panic. Just allow yourself to fall asleep, and soon you will wake up, well rested and no worse off than if you managed to break through paralysis.

Necessary conditions for trance

Entering the trance state requires three conditions: deep physical relaxation, clear surface mind, and mental technique.

Deep physical relaxation: Do all the deep physical relaxation exercises (see Chapter 15) until you are as physically relaxed as possible. For all beginners, some preliminary exercise is recommended, followed by a hot bath or shower to relieve knots of muscle tension.

Clear Surface Mind: Through relaxation exercises, allow thoughts to fade and become calm, then clear the mind by focusing on mental breathing. If you are dealing with any pressing thoughts that the mind may throw up at this time, it will be easier to get rid of it in the following way. Just consider and think about them for a certain time, one at a time, and then let them go. This will greatly relieve their interfering mental pressure.

Mental Technique: The mental fall technique shortens the time it takes to enter a trance state, rather than waiting for the body to fall asleep on its own. Concentrating on it also helps to capture and keep the surface mind clear and awake.

In all the mental falling exercises below, use your imagination to create a falling scenario, to create a feeling as if it were actually happening. Create the strongest inner sensation throughout your mental body that you can achieve. Refer to the memory of something similar that happened to you, or borrow a scene from a movie. Use this memory to recreate the feeling of doing this action with your imagination. Feel the effect of falling, but don't think about it or try to see it in your mind's eye.

Once you reach a level of trance, accompanied by a wave of physical heaviness and warmth, relax and breathe slowly and naturally. Keep your mind clear, stay there and go into trance state X, focusing a small part of your mind on mental breathing. If you need to deepen the level of trance, continue the mental falling exercise until you reach the desired level.

I give several options. Please try them all and find the one that works best for you, or the one you like best. When you find the right one, stick with it. This will help program the reaction of the subconscious, so as to help you move into a trance state easier and faster each time.

Don't overdo it by imagining the details of the scenarios used in the mental fall exercises. The rock wall in the elevator shaft in the following example should only be a vague blur moving upward. This downward movement or falling sensation constructed by your imagination and felt by the mental body causes the brain waves to slow down, thus forcing it into a trance state. This is not an imaginary trick scenario. Deep physical relaxation and the mental fall technique trick the subconscious mind at the onset of sleep, forcing it to work out the sleep program in advance while you are still awake.


Imagine that you are in an elevator, one side of which - the one you are facing - is open, and through it you can see the rock. Feel that the elevator, together with you in it, begins to move down. Imagine seeing the rocky walls of an elevator shaft moving up as you move down, falling deeper and deeper into trance as you go. Imagine that this shaft of rock has irregular textures and features that can be easily seen moving upward past you as the elevator carries you down, down, down...

If you like, imagine seeing a big number as you cross a floor every few seconds, and count them as the elevator moves deeper and deeper. Refer to the memory of riding in an elevator, or take a ride in an elevator and remember the feeling. Be aware of the slight feeling of dizziness that occurs in your stomach as it begins to decline. Recreate that feeling; feel it with your mental body. Continue to imagine and feel this, while making sure that the physical body is not tense. Feel that your body is letting you go and that you are falling deeper and deeper into a trance state as you ride the elevator down, down, down...


Imagine that you are on the stairs. Recreate from mechanical memory the sensations of movement of the mental body, arms and legs, and slowly begin to descend. Move one mental leg and its partner down one step. Then move the other leg and its partner to the next step. If this is too difficult, imagine holding onto the railing of a staircase and going down using only your legs, while the stairs slide easily along the sides, under your palms. Continue down the stairs one step at a time. Feel your body moving down the stairs. Imagine a rock or brick wall in front of your face, next to the stairs. Imagine this texture in front of your face moving up past you as you move further and further down the stairs. Feel that you are going down and falling deeper and deeper into trance with each step you take down.


Imagine that you are standing at the beginning of a long flight of stairs with high stone walls on either side. The steps are large, impressive and steep. Lift one imaginary leg, feeling yourself doing it, and take the first step down. Feel your body move downward as the first step begins. Repeat this action and take another step down, then another and another. As you move down the stairs, imagine seeing textured stone walls on either side move past you upward each time you move one step down the flight of stairs. Continue this action slowly and deliberately, feeling yourself move down and fall deeper and deeper into a trance state as you move. Count the steps, if you like, slowly, as if you were counting your breaths: "Raaaaaz, Twoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.ttc.


Imagine that you are hanging by your hands on a strong rope, securely grasping it with your legs. Your arms are very strong and there is no chance of falling. Move one imaginary hand, then the other, go down the rope, intercepting it with your hands, while the rope easily slips between your legs. Watch the textured rope move up past your face as you climb down it. Continue moving, feeling yourself descending and falling deeper and deeper into a trance state as you move.


Imagine that you are a bird and that you are flying smoothly down from a great height. Feel how you are falling smoothly, recreate the feeling of falling in your mental body with each exhalation. Feel yourself holding your balance and floating in the air as you inhale. Feel the atmosphere around you; imagine strands of textured clouds moving upward as you fall smoothly through them. Continue this, feeling yourself gradually descending and falling deeper and deeper into a trance state with each falling breath. Inhalation and exhalation can be swapped if you prefer.

Smoke rings

This versatile old hit of mine can be done from any position, even while walking. Imagine that your feet are in the center of a dense ring of smoke as thick as your arm. Imagine and feel this ring of smoke rising through your body and disappearing at the top. The smoke rings are very dense and move close to the body. Imagine that you feel how they move over the skin, how they rise. Imagine being able to see these smoke rings as they move past your eyes. The smoke rings should come at intervals of approximately two seconds, one after the other, but the timing can be adjusted individually. Feel with your mental body how the rising rings of smoke regularly billow around your entire body. Feel the inner fall as imaginary smoke rings rise to the surface. Feel yourself falling deeper and deeper into a trance state as each ring of smoke rises, as it rises throughout your body, over and over again, from your feet to your head.

Personalized trance technique

Imagine any falling scenario you are familiar with, or any other type of downward movement or sensation of falling. This could be, for example, an escalator, sliding through water, going down a fireman's pole, skydiving, climbing a mountain, scuba diving, diving - anything that can cause the mental body to experience a downward movement or a natural fall.

Trance litany

Litany- (a prayer containing requests and appeals to God); long enumeration of smth.

Many people find that it helps them, as an addition to the trance technique of mental falling, to repeat repeated simple litanies or mantras in their heads. It also helps to keep the mind clear and well focused and develops a conditioned response to the litany that helps one to tune in. This will trigger the program to begin falling into a trance state whenever the litanies begin. Repeat: "Down, down, down... deep, deeper, deeper" or something similar - slowly and calmly and thoroughly. Say this to yourself many times and feel yourself falling down, down, down... as you say it.

You can make up your own litanies, they should be simple and quiet, using the same litanies all the time. The longer you use the same litanies, the more effective they will become, and the better you will adapt to them.

Most likely trance problems

The most likely trance problems fall into three categories, described below. They are mainly caused by our modern Western lifestyle. These need to be addressed and overcome before you can successfully achieve and maintain a trance state in order to achieve conscious projection output consistently enough.

Falling asleep during trance

This fundamental problem is usually caused by a lack of sleep. Although you may feel great, there's always a chance that you didn't get enough sleep. (Most people don't get enough sleep.) If you're sleep deprived, it's not very a big problem to enter a trance state, even if you cannot achieve a state of deep physical relaxation due to mental fatigue. There is usually trouble in maintaining mental coherence and working in a trance state once it has been achieved. The mind will lack mental vitality and be unable to hold on. You will tend to lose control very easily and will often fall asleep at the most interesting point of trance meditation.

It may be easier to induce a trance state when the body and mind are tired, or when there is a lack of sleep, but mental coherence and control during the trance will be very limited. Forgetfulness of sleep is an omnipresent companion of tired trancers. Overwork itself can easily induce a natural trance state. After all, trance is an extremely natural process that everyone goes through when falling asleep. In this case, due to lack of mental vitality, the trance state is too unstable to give the operator sufficient control to carry out any serious work.

Many people, when they meditate, notice that their meditations naturally end after a certain period of time. They usually have very little idea of ​​time, or even what happened during the main part of their trance meditations. They remember falling into a trance and feeling completely blissful for a while before returning to earth, then feeling relaxed and refreshed. After entering the trance state, they simply had a pleasant, trance-like drowsiness.

The obvious solution is to get enough sleep and then return to trance practice more alert and refreshed. If this is difficult, try changing the time of day when you practice trance exercises. Performing trance exercises in the morning or immediately after a light nap usually resolves trance problems associated with sleep deprivation.

Many people get up an hour or so earlier every day for this purpose. They get up, do simple exercises, take a shower, then do meditation, trance and energy work. Trance meditation is much more successful if done early in the morning, due to the combination of natural deep physical relaxation and the mentally refreshed mood created by a good night's sleep. Deep physical relaxation and a clear, fresh mind are important components of successful trance work.

For these same reasons, projection attempts are also usually more successful at this time of day. For some, projection will be easier if you go to bed early and set your alarm for the night. They awaken, remain in the deeply relaxed state of sleep, and immediately attempt projection. In this case, all the preliminary exercises can be skipped and the projector immediately performs the projection technique - usually with good results. This shows how important deep physical relaxation is for the projection and persistence of the trance state.

Inability to go into trance

The inability to enter a trance state is usually caused by an insufficient level of deep physical relaxation, and/or poor concentration and mental relaxation skills. Regardless of whether you have such a problem or not, examine them and identify weak areas. If there are any, return to the appropriate sections of this book and repeat the necessary exercises until you eliminate these problems.

Practice, practice, and practice again - this is my most best advice. If you have completed all the exercises in this section but find that you still cannot enter a trance state, please do not quit. Go back to the beginning and start again if necessary. Do the lessons and exercises one at a time, and take your time. This may seem like a time-consuming process, but you must be patient. Everyone has a different psychological structure and it is not good to generalize or compare one person's progress to another.

Don't measure your progress against another person's progress. Take your time, work at your own speed. Some people take to trance work like a duck to water, while others must work at it for a long time before achieving the necessary levels of relaxation and mental clarity needed to achieve trance. But you can cope with the trance state if you regularly develop individual skills and practice.

Falling into trance too easily

This is random by-effect long-term development. If a person spends a lot of time in trance, the trance state eventually becomes second nature and can then be achieved very easily. People prone to this may accidentally fall into a trance state many times a day, at the slightest opportunity. If left unchecked, this can lead to frequent episodes of losing the reality of what is happening, which is an unhealthy tendency. This can cause serious psychological turmoil and may require professional treatment if left to chance.

Sleep deprivation makes this problem worse. The best way to stop an occasional trance is to wait for it and not miss the moment, especially during the times in which it occurs most often, for example, while moving, while watching TV, waiting, traveling, and so on. Be prepared to work against it, to pull yourself out of the trance the moment you feel it starting.

To obtain mystical visions and the necessary paranormal information, as well as to reprogram their own state, ancient yogis and mystics used entering an altered state of consciousness or trans...

In this article we will look at the most common techniques for entering a trance.

Techniques for entering trance using visualization

  1. Close your eyes and concentrate on your inner sensations for a minute or two. Take a break from your daily activities and be completely passive.
  2. Concentrate on your breathing. It should be uniform and deep. Focus on exhaling.
  3. Imagine that your mind has several layers. Consciousness is the highest level, the active state; the lowest level is deep sleep.
  4. Move from level to level. Stay at the first level, relax, analyze your state. As you move to subsequent levels, notice the change in your state.
  5. When you are ready, move on to the next level and study it. Stay on each level as long as you want. There is no rush, you should not explore more levels than you want.
  6. In the future, either move to a new level gradually relaxing, or stay where you are most comfortable to get to know this level better.
  7. When you are ready to come out of the trance, concentrate on inhaling and gradually rise through the levels until you reach the highest. Then open your eyes.

Different people have different ideas about these levels. They can be used to better understand yourself.

Safe place and trance state

  1. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  2. Concentrate on exhaling, relaxing more and more with each exhalation.
  3. When you feel ready, imagine a safe place - this could be somewhere familiar to you, somewhere you have been before or somewhere you would like to visit. You can imagine a real place or imagine something of your own choosing.
  4. A safe place can be whatever you want it to be, it can be anything you want. It could be a room, a beach, a clearing, a house. You can be alone in it, or you can surround yourself with people. The only mandatory requirement is that you must feel completely safe and be absolutely sure of it.
  5. Move to a safe place and enjoy the feeling of being completely safe. You can keep this feeling, or you can analyze some aspects of your life from the point of view of the security that the place you choose provides you.
  6. While in a safe place, you should focus on the following feelings: safety, comfort, confidence and control.
  7. Stay in a safe place for as long as you want. Remember that you can always recreate this place whenever you want.
  8. When you feel ready, leave the safe place and return to the real world.

To create a safe place, you can use various parts of the body and, in particular, the heart. You can retire to the world you have constructed at any time you wish.

One of the main points of this exercise is to feel safe and confident, and not what you think is “right” or “should”. Although it may be different each time you fall into trance, the experience is entirely dependent on your desire and creativity.

Rolling your eyes to enter a trance

  1. Sit or lie down with your head resting on something.
  2. Raise your eyes upward, straining them a little.
  3. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.
  4. After 5 seconds, exhale slowly and lower your eyelids.
  5. Hold the exhalation for 5 seconds, then inhale deeply again, open your eyes and lift them up.
  6. Hold your inhalation for 5 seconds, then exhale, slowly closing your eyes a second time.
  7. Again, hold the exhalation for 5 seconds, then inhale, open your eyes and raise them to the ceiling, holding the inhalation for 5 seconds.
  8. Slowly close your eyes as you exhale and keep them closed while you concentrate on the exhalation.
  9. Remain in a state of deep relaxation, becoming aware of the different sensations you will experience. You are plunged into a trance, completely surrendered to the flow of consciousness, thoughts come and go. The outside world is somewhere very far from you.

After 15-20 minutes, begin to concentrate on your breaths, gradually move into a conscious state, open your eyes.

This technique allows you to enter a trance very quickly. It was developed by Dr. Herbert Spiegel, an American psychiatrist who noticed that some suggestible patients rolled their eyes while entering a trance.

Brian Rote "The Language of Hypnosis"

In this section, we will consider a simple classical method of step-by-step entry into a trance state to extract information from the subconscious and foresee the future.

Technique for performing stepwise entry into trance:

Lie down on a hard surface or bed. Do not use pillows and try to keep your back straight. You can also sit in a comfortable chair. Loosen tight clothing.

Relax completely!

Entering trance - Stage 1

While in a comfortable, relaxed position, begin to monitor your breathing. Don't control the breathing process, just monitor it. As you inhale, repeat SO-O-O-O, and as you exhale, repeat HAM-M-M-M. Gradually monitoring your breathing, you will feel that breathing occurs on its own and you no longer need to say SO-HAM to yourself. This means that you are in the first stage of trance. Your thoughts and worries should disappear at this stage.

2nd stage of the technique of entering a trance

Now, continuing to breathe in your natural rhythm, use your will to stop even the slightest movements of your body and muscles. Begin the relaxation phase. Starting from the head, face and neck muscles and gradually to the feet, relax each muscle. Pass your attention over each individual muscle and mentally say: “my eyelids relax, relax, my eyes relax, relax, my shoulders relax, relax, etc.” So mentally go through your whole body from head to toe and relax your whole body.

Repeat the process three or four times. Go through the body again and again until you feel numbness and insensibility throughout the body. It is also possible that you will feel the state of falling into the abyss. Don’t be alarmed, if this comes, it means you are relaxed enough to move to the next level.

Stage 3

When you have balanced your breathing and are sufficiently relaxed, begin to repeat the mantra Ommmmm, Ommmmmm to yourself, while counting Om one, Om two, Om three and so on.

When your mind settles into the attentive repetition of the mantra and any thoughts disappear, this means you have entered the third stage of trance.

Stage 4

At the fourth stage, you continue to repeat the mystical formula Om, and at the same time you need to clearly imagine the shining disk of the sun in the area of ​​​​your eyebrows.

Repeating the OM formula, visualize a bright solar disk, look at it until you see a clear image of the sun, as if you saw it in reality.

It may seem quite difficult at first, but with practice it will get better. Daily exercise before bed can greatly speed up this process.

How to use the trance state?

When the fourth stage is reached, you can imagine any person or object in the place of the Sun, and replace the formula with a question that interests you. By concentrating in this way, you will receive an answer in the form of sound, words or image. This technique applicable to any research or question.

If you are wondering how to enter a trance, then you probably already know what it is. Trance is an altered state of our consciousness and our psyche, caused artificially. It is believed to have beneficial health effects, both mental and physical. Trance allows us to detach ourselves from everything external, material - those distractions that in normal times prevent us from focusing on our inner world and experiences. Some also call it meditation, but in reality this definition is not entirely correct. Meditation is just one popular way to achieve a state of altered consciousness and turn your gaze inward.

There are several interesting, absolutely uncomplicated techniques on how to enter a trance on your own. As well as the types of trance itself. In all cases, the main factor is complete relaxation. It is important that no activities or thoughts distract you during this process. Before practicing any technique, it is necessary to complete all household chores, turn off the phone and choose a place where no one will distract the meditating person every minute. Physical needs should also take a backseat, so you should not start entering a trance when you are hungry or thirsty. Best time for meditation - in the morning, upon awakening, or in the evening, when the body is slightly tired. If you are very tired and there is a risk of falling asleep in the next ten minutes, then it is better to postpone the practice.

The goal of all techniques that tell how to enter a trance is to relax the body to a sleepy state. While the human mind remains fully active. It is this state that helps to recharge with positive energies, replenish the body’s depleted strength, and relieve accumulated stress. You should make your own decision about where to stay. You can sit on a chair, on the floor, a bed or an armchair - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that this place is convenient for you, gives you a feeling of peace and security. Sounds such as the ticking of a clock, if they cause irritation, are best muted. Bright light should also not irritate the meditator: relaxation in soft twilight is much more effective. You can even light a candle and look at it. If its flickering light becomes distracting, you should close your eyes.

Some techniques for entering a trance can be quite exotic. Which does not at all speak in favor of their effectiveness. Below are only basic but proven methods. Here we describe the factors that you should pay attention to. So what will it take to go into trance? Firstly, it is complete relaxation. You need to relax every part of your body, feel how your muscles go limp, as if in the state before going to bed. For greater efficiency, it is better to mentally move from the top of the head to the tips of the fingers. And just as gradually in the opposite direction. The second thing to pay attention to is your breathing. There is no need to control it, to think about how and with what regularity to breathe. The important thing here is to simply monitor your inhalation and exhalation. This technique helps you get rid of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate faster. Speaking of concentration: under no circumstances should you think about extraneous matters, conduct mental dialogues, or, even worse, plan what you will do after meditation. The effectiveness of the chosen technique directly depends on the clarity of your thoughts. It’s better to choose one, but pleasant one, and keep only that in your head, cutting off all the others.

Methods for entering a trance

"Safe place". In this case, the meditator must use his imagination. After achieving the maximum possible relaxation (it may not be possible to completely relax the first time, but this should be strived for), the person should mentally imagine some safe place. It doesn’t matter whether it exists only in his fantasy or is completely real. The main sensations that you need to try to pull out from the subconscious are a feeling of comfort, confidence and complete security. Then you can analyze your life according to these parameters. When you want to return to reality, you should mentally leave this place.

"Ladder". In this case, the meditator seems to be descending a staircase into his subconscious. Each exhalation is one small step down into its depths. If necessary, you can visualize the staircase (if you can’t imagine the process otherwise). But, unlike the first method, this is not necessary. In order to return to reality, you need to imagine your actions in the opposite way: climb the stairs to the top.

"Visualization". Just like the first, this method is suitable for people with a well-developed imagination. During meditation, you need to imagine a certain place or person to whom you intend to come. Then mentally imagine that you are leaving the room where you are currently located and walking towards the designated goal, counting the steps. To return from a trance, you will have to return to the starting point, taking the same number of steps.

"Peering into black space." The main thing in this method is to ensure that your thoughts remain empty. You should not allow any unnecessary feelings or thoughts, or be distracted by sounds. The eyes, of course, must be closed, because... the method implies that a person will peer into a dark space created over centuries.

A sign that it has been possible to achieve a state of altered consciousness is heaviness in the body. Also, the person will not be able to move and will feel as if in a stiff state, which always comes before bedtime. Thoughts will be light and slow at the same time. This state is an important condition for, for example, traveling the astral body. After leaving the trance state, the body will be filled with new strength and energy that can be used to solve pressing problems.

The state of trance itself is very natural for every person, but we often do not even realize that those processes that are common and everyday for us are precisely trance. For example, everyone can remember a situation where his interlocutor, it turns out, has been telling us something for some time to no avail, and we seem to be “not here,” and only when the interlocutor, unable to stand it, pats us on the hand or something otherwise it will attract our attention, we remember that we actually talked to someone before. It also happens that we read a book, run our eyes over the lines, and then realize that we don’t remember a word of what we read. This also includes all cases when we do something on autopilot: a person who has been driving a car for a long time and well does not think about how he drives, he knows that he got in and arrived, but does not remember what happened in the middle . These are all trance states.

Trance is a normal, natural and vital state in which our attention is directed inward and the degree of conscious participation in information processing is reduced.

At the moments when we dream or perform actions automatically, a very important and not at all obvious process occurs for us: the information that we perceived with our conscious mind and senses earlier is restructured by our unconscious and “sorted into pieces.”

Any trance state in itself is beneficial; it allows you to use the resources of our unconscious and do some internal work, bypassing the restraining and limiting mechanisms of the conscious mind. It happens that we are stuck in solving some problem, we struggle and struggle, but we just can’t solve it, and then we put it off, switch to something else altogether, and suddenly the solution appears as if by itself - this is the work of our unconscious. Remember Dr. House? When he couldn’t put all the symptoms into a correct diagnosis, he went to hit the ball and look at one point, and then - ta-dam - it dawned on him, as they say.

Trance can be spontaneous, as it most often happens to us during the day, and directed. When it comes to directed trance, we call it hypnosis. And hypnosis can be carried out either by a specialist or independently. By the way, Dr. House’s move with a ball is no longer a spontaneous everyday trance, but a completely directed self-hypnosis. And anyone can master this technique to obtain resources and use the capabilities of their unconscious.

In this article I will tell you how you can learn to go into trance on your own. It's very simple and efficient technique. Of course, it is worth remembering that we are all different, and some will need more time to master this technique, while others will succeed right away.

  1. Choose a time when no one will disturb you. Turn off your phone.
  2. It is important to get comfortable; sit or lie down. If you want to do this practice lying down, then you need to be prepared for the fact that at first your attempt to enter a trance can easily put you to sleep, but this is completely normal. And for those for whom this suits you, you can choose a time before bedtime when, without leaving your trance, you will immediately fall asleep.
  3. Decide on the time for which you want to go into trance. You can tell yourself: " I go into trance for 15 minutes"You will be surprised how accurately your biological clock works.
  4. You can set a goal for which you are immersed in a trance, i.e. voice a specific request to your unconscious. For example: “Let my unconscious in this trance find optimal ways to use resources to develop my abilities (specify which ones) or solve problems, problems (specify which ones).”

But it is not at all necessary to set a goal, because... the trance state in itself is already a mechanism of self-regulation, and it can be safely entrusted with healing what needs to be healed, harmonizing what needs harmonization, etc. After all, our unconscious is the most powerful positive agency that works for us and for our benefit (not to be confused with the subconscious).

Immersion technique

It is important to focus on your breathing, it should be deep and diaphragmatic. When your breathing becomes calm and deep, do the following breathing practice. Inhale for 3 counts, hold your breath for 3 counts, exhale for 3 counts and hold for 3 counts - this will be one cycle, followed by the same new cycle. Not difficult at all, right? Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes until you feel that your body is relaxed to such an extent that you do not feel its limits. After some time, the breathing cycle can be increased by 4, 8 and 12 counts.

This breathing practice itself is already very effective in immersing you in a trance state, and you may well stop at this stage. But if you want a deeper trance, then I suggest doing a few more exercises.

After completing the breathing practice, return to normal breathing and focus your attention on imagining yourself going down the stairs into the darkness. Here it will be important not just to imagine how you descend, but to feel it. Synchronize your steps with your breathing, for example, as you inhale, feel the step under your feet, and as you exhale, take a step down. Go down for as long as you feel necessary. When you reach the last step, it is important to step into the void and just fall. Yes, yes, the falling effect is what is needed. To recreate this feeling, you can remember how you fell in a dream.

This falling state combined with deep relaxation will take you into a deep trance state. Well, then the unconscious will do all the work itself. necessary work.

It is worth noting that the trance state may be accompanied by images that emerge uncontrollably, or the head may become completely empty - it doesn’t matter. You should not strive for any specific state, since any conscious intervention interferes with trance and ends it. Let your unconscious decide for itself what is better suited to solving your question: an “empty” head or rich images. The state can change from trance to trance, and one trance may be different from another. Therefore, the moment of trusting your unconscious, what it knows best, is key.

Next, when you feel it is time to come out of the trance, you can take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes and continue with your normal activities. The main thing is that you are not pulled out abruptly; this is still not very pleasant. That’s why it’s so important to create an environment where you won’t be disturbed.

Usually, to learn how to enter a state of deep trance using this exercise, 3 to 10 training sessions of 20-40 minutes are enough. Well, as you master this skill, you will be able to enter a trance in a matter of minutes or even seconds.

The ability to enter a trance state is a very important and useful skill. It can be used for relaxation, concentration, getting rid of internal tension, performing various spiritual practices, self-development, learning, etc.

What is a trance state?

If you are interested in how to enter a trance state, then you probably already know what it is. The trance state¹ is an altered state of our consciousness and psyche, caused artificially. It is believed that trance helps to detach oneself from all external and distracting factors that prevent a person from focusing on his inner world.

Many people call this state meditation, but this is not entirely true, because meditation is just one way to move from an external state to an internal one.

There are many simple techniques to enter a trance state, one of which you will read in this article.

Most well-known meditative psychotechniques² are based on deep trance states.

They are well suited for religious and mystical practices, self-development and self-knowledge, but they turn out to be completely useless in conditions when you need to instantly mobilize, for example, in a moment of danger, when there is no time at all to take the “lotus” position or “sit comfortably on a chair in the coachman’s position.”

Methods for entering a trance state

Even in ancient times, Chinese sages, followers of the teachings of Tao³, developed a number of methods for instantly entering a trance state.

These methods differ both in direction and in the specifics of the altered state itself: some of them are suitable for a fight or fight, others for a quick “dash”, for example, to run away, jump over a high obstacle, others allow you to shake off fatigue, drown out pain, and so on.

Based on these already simple techniques, an even simpler system for instantly mobilizing reserve human abilities was developed. The basis for this is a way to quickly, ideally instantly, enter a specific mild condition trance.

It's so easy way, that it may not be realized either by the practitioner himself, much less by the people around him. However, on the basis of this trance, training in the use of various psychophysiological phenomena is already being built.

What results does an altered state of consciousness produce?

For example, weightlifters trained in this method significantly improved their results by lifting weights that were prohibitive for themselves. Boxers and fencers had improved reactions, and psychics had their specific sensitivity and ability to diagnose and treat diseases. For students, both its volume and speed of memorization, etc.

Technique for entering a trance state

The method of entering this altered state is based on two techniques: firstly, maximum concentration of attention on something, and secondly, the rapid dispersion of this attention. It is at the moment of “dispersal” that “immersion” into trance occurs.

To get started, try this method:

  1. You need to draw a dot on a piece of paper and attach it to the wall at eye level. You can choose another object on the wall - a stain from a dead fly, a hole in the wallpaper, or something else in the same spirit.
  2. Take a vertical position, arms down along the body. “Peer” closely at this point in front of you. Don't just look at it, and don't allow your attention to deviate from the object being contemplated. Attention will deviate, but every time it needs to be brought back. There should be no extraneous thoughts. Such concentration should not take more than 1-2 minutes (and this is only for the beginning, then the count will go on in seconds).
  3. As soon as you feel that your consciousness is sufficiently concentrated, close your eyes, relax and quickly disperse, disperse, and reset all your concentration. This must be done instantly, “on the bottom exhale.”

If you did everything correctly, and if you have enough abilities, you will feel that your body “automatically” sways forward, as if some force is pulling you forward. It may just be an inner feeling, or you may have to take a step forward to avoid falling.

If you feel a “craving”, and even more so if it is a real physical action, then the goal has been achieved, and you have entered LMT (light meditative trance), on the basis of which you can already “code” yourself to perform various phenomena, both physical and mental.

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹Trans is a series of altered states of consciousness (ASC), as well as a functional state of the psyche that connects and mediates the conscious and unconscious mental functioning of a person, in which, according to some cognitivist-oriented interpretations, the degree of conscious participation in information processing changes (Wikipedia).

² Psychotechnics is a branch of psychology that became widespread in the 1910-1930s. and studied the application of psychology to practical issues, mainly related to occupational psychology, career guidance and selection (Wikipedia).

³ Dao is one of the most important categories of Chinese philosophy (