During the seven months of my pregnancy, many changes took place in me. It would seem that this time is enough to get used to all the changes, but I never cease to discover something new in myself and be surprised by these discoveries. One of them was a change in the emotional background - a hormonal explosion!

I began to react completely differently to everyday things. It was as if all emotions began to pass through a magnifying glass. I began to feel the slightest changes in mood, notice sudden changes in desires, be capricious, find fault with any little things, and even cry out of the blue...

As an emotionally reserved person, I did not like such changes. It's quite difficult to control yourself when hormones are playing. And the husband was clearly not ready for such emotional swings and did not understand how to help cope with them.

Many women experience similar emotional outbursts during pregnancy. And I, as a medical psychologist, understood this perfectly. But as a pregnant girl, she couldn’t always keep her emotions under control.

From a scientific point of view, mood swings are explained by the fact that in our body there is a sharp jump in the level of hormones, which, in a way, “turn off” control over experiences. This does not mean that we absolutely cannot cope with emotions. It’s just that the ability to manage your feelings is so reduced that all the emotions you experience become more intense. At this moment, they are aimed at creating the most comfortable conditions for you and the unborn child. Therefore, at such moments, the support and attention of others is most important.

Only the knowledge that such a bizarre state is natural did not reassure me much and pushed me to start looking for options on how to survive this emotionally vibrant period.

It turns out that all the emotions that we experience during pregnancy can be reduced to a few of the most striking and common: irritability, impressionability, a feeling of loneliness, a feeling of inexplicable joy.

Increased irritability - this is a signal to the expectant mother that she needs to learn to relax. I can note that this skill will help not only during pregnancy or at the time of childbirth, but will also have a positive impact on later life. Each of us has our own relaxation methods: some listen to our favorite music, some read books, some walk, many even meditate, and some relax when they clean the house or cook. It is important to understand what is right for you. Walking in the fresh air and moderate physical activity help me.

Heightened impressionability during pregnancy is a reason to take a fresh look at the world. Remember what the baby perceives the world through you, through your sensations and experiences. So go ahead to concerts, exhibitions, museums and theaters. Besides, this great way take your mind off sad thoughts.

Feeling lonely will help you look deeper into yourself, analyze your life experience, evaluate it, and maybe reconsider your life values. Use such moments for self-knowledge, but do not isolate yourself: share your thoughts and conclusions with loved ones, talk with other pregnant women, consult a psychologist. Remember that you are no longer alone, there are at least two of you.

And finally, feeling of incredible joy, flight, euphoria. Enjoy it to the fullest, share a smile and charge others with positivity and lightness.

Fighting emotions during pregnancy and trying to somehow suppress them is absolutely pointless. Trying to block the sensations that arise will only lead to even greater irritation and a feeling of helplessness.

To begin with, I suggest you try to talk with loved ones and explain to them that sometimes it is difficult for you to cope with the emotions that arise. This period is temporary, and their support is very important to you now. Such confidential conversations really helped me maintain an excellent relationship with my husband throughout the seven months of pregnancy. I constantly felt supported by him, and this made it easier.

Also trust your intuition: during pregnancy it becomes most pronounced. Try to listen more to yourself, to your feelings: what emotions are you feeling now, what caused them. Sometimes when we start to wonder why we are angry or upset, we realize that the feeling arose out of nowhere. And it disappears as quickly as it appeared. This method is not suitable for everyone, since many find it very difficult to think rationally during a period of emotional upsurge. But it's worth a try.

Let every day begin with warmth in your soul, a smile on your face and bright sensations of a new life inside you!

Pregnancy is a magical period.But, unfortunately, not all mothers manage to constantly remain in a joyful and peaceful state...

Source: Getty Images

Of course, not all pregnant women exhibit irritability. And yet the situation is quite common; it worries both the expectant mother herself, who feels that she cannot control herself, and everyone at whom her aggression is directed. What is the reason?

Why dear and affectionate girl suddenly becomes an uncontrollable and angry, irritable and touchy vixen? In fact, there is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon, and not even one, but several at once.

Hormones or genes?

Experts believe that one of the reasons for sharply occurring and pronounced irritation during pregnancy is our genetic memory, that is, the transmission of vital important information from generation to generation. Our distant ancestors were forced to constantly defend themselves from a hostile and dangerous world, constantly fight for their lives, for which a quick reaction and good physical shape were necessary.

Since the strength and speed of reaction of the expectant mother decreases, our pregnant great-great-grandmother had to compensate for their lack with aggression and outbursts of rage. This was the only way she could protect herself and the child.

The modern world is not so dangerous, and yet genetic memory, albeit occasionally, influences our behavior and mood. And so, future mom even to a frivolous conflict he reacts with a flash of rage.

There is another reason. A woman feels a connection with her child from the first trimester of pregnancy. Already during this period she feels like a mother. But a man usually realizes that he is a father much later. Misunderstanding arises... The woman wants, almost on an unconscious level, for the future father to share with her all the difficulties of pregnancy, because this is their common child. And such a desire is often expressed in increased irritability.

Another reason is hormonal changes (not easy for everyone). And you shouldn’t discount genetics - ask your mother how she felt during pregnancy.

Source: Shutterstock

Anger is suffocating!

What to do if “anger is choking”? First, realize that attacks of aggression are one of the manifestations of the restructuring of the body. It's unpleasant, but normal. Well... something like toxicosis - a physiological reaction characteristic of many expectant mothers, associated with hormonal fluctuations.

If irritation is a natural reaction, does it mean that the husband and other loved ones will either have to put up with it or accumulate retaliatory grievances? But no. You can fight attacks of anger.

Always take care of your psychological state- this is the simplest and effective way. Learn to relax and forget about problems not directly related to pregnancy and health.

Source: Shutterstock

Make yourself happy!

For example, communicating with nice people, interesting activities in preparation for childbirth. Any hobbies that do not harm the baby are suitable. Funny stories, films, and videos on the Internet also perfectly reduce psychological stress.

Make peace! During your quiet period, try asking for forgiveness from those you accidentally offended. You will definitely feel better. Well, so do they. Warn your loved ones that you sometimes have difficulty keeping your emotions under control. They will understand and support you.

Have relaxation sessions. They are held in a comfortable position, accompanied by calm music, often with lit candles. You can simply look at the flickering flames. Usually one relaxation session each evening is enough to become calmer.

Source: Shutterstock

Just what the doctor ordered

Consult your doctor who is caring for your pregnancy. You can ask him to recommend a soothing tea or a vitamin complex. According to the latest data, omega-3 fats have a beneficial effect on the emotional background (they affect the synthesis of serotonin, which is responsible for mood, reduce anxiety, stress and aggression, and resist depression).

If you don't eat fish regularly, your doctor may recommend that you take fish fat or an omega-3 complex.

Source: Instagram @__producton__

Test: Can you manage your emotions?

1. Is your pregnancy not going as smoothly as you dreamed?

A - Yes B - No

2. Are you suffering from insomnia?

B - No A - Yes

3. Do you sometimes have the feeling that everything is falling out of your hands?

A - Yes B - No

4. Do you feel like no one understands you?

B - No A - Yes

5. Do people around you often talk to you in such a way that you cannot contain negative emotions?

A - Yes B - No

6. Did difficulties in communication begin to appear during pregnancy?

B - No A - Yes

7. Do you often have hysterics?

B - No A - Yes

8. Do you often show stubbornness?

A - Yes B - No

9. Are you often tormented by a feeling of helplessness in the face of problems and troubles that arise from time to time?

A - Yes B - No

10. Are you looking forward to the end of your pregnancy?

A - Yes B - No

More Answers A: You don't always manage to control your emotions. This means there is something to strive for. Fitness, breathing exercises, walks and consultation with a perinatal psychologist will help you become calmer and more confident.
More answers B: Everything in your family is not so bad. The emotional background is not disturbed, there is no reason for concern. Just remember to enjoy your pregnancy! Remember, your emotions are transmitted to the baby in your tummy.

Pregnancy- we manage emotions.

When a woman comes to see a gynecologist and, worried, says, “I want to have a baby,” I am always happy for her. Expectant mothers are special, one might say, our most beloved patients. Among the many questions that arise when planning and bearing a child, there are not only medical ones, and often we have to become a little psychologists. I want to talk about the influence of the emotional factor on the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn baby in this article.

It's good when pregnancy begins with planning. It is possible to solve health problems before conception, get tested for potential dangerous infections. If treatment is required, the drugs used will not harm the unborn child. It would seem that there are only advantages, but one tiny disadvantage of responsible planning still exists. This is fear and anxiety, “what if you can’t get pregnant.” For women who are emotional, suggestible, and have a high level of anxiety, this can become a real problem. If menstruation is experienced as a tragedy every month, the body is in a state of chronic stress, which prevents pregnancy. There is a completely scientific basis for this: any stress increases the level of the hormone prolactin, which, in turn, blocks the regulatory function of the ovaries, and the likelihood of pregnancy decreases.

A healthy couple has only a 15% chance of getting pregnant in the first cycle. You need to give yourself time, at least six months, to wait quietly. Gynecologists believe that there is a problem if pregnancy does not occur within a year. Set yourself up for the good, enjoy each other’s company with your future dad, regardless of the day of ovulation. After all, the positive side of the planning period is that you finally don’t have to worry about birth control, you have time for yourself and your spouse. The psychological situation directly affects the ability to get pregnant.

One of the first questions that women planning a pregnancy ask at an appointment is: “How?” And so, as soon as you get out of a stressful state, the body itself begins to carry out the main program embedded in it.

“When I found out that I was pregnant, I was happy and so delighted that many asked, what lottery did I win a million in? But after a certain time, the euphoria passed, and after studying articles on pregnancy in smart books and the Internet, I became scared - there are so many dangers for my unborn baby. Of course, I began to take better care of myself - eat right, rest, not take medications, but I still constantly worry about the child, am I doing everything right, what if something goes wrong?- Pregnant women often come to us with such questions.

I would like to answer: you are doing everything right, except for one thing - you are constantly worried. Of course, pregnancy, especially the first one, is a reason for countless worries: fear for the health of the child, fear of changes in appearance, fear of the upcoming birth, the list can go on for a long time. It is worth taking into account the changing hormonal background, which makes women more vulnerable and emotional. All this cannot but affect the well-being of the expectant mother and baby. Under stress, toxicosis is more pronounced, and the risk of developing pregnancy complications increases: anemia, high blood pressure, gestosis.

"Smile and wave!" This should be the attitude of a pregnant woman towards all troubles. Maintaining this attitude is not easy; due to altered hormonal levels during pregnancy, any little thing can throw you off balance. It is impossible to remain calm and unperturbed for all 9 months, but if these situations arise periodically and do not last long, they have practically no effect on the child.

Severe and constant anxiety and prolonged chronic stress are harmful. When we are stressed, we begin to breathe incorrectly, and along with you, your baby also “breathes” incorrectly and suffers from a lack of oxygen. As a result, fetal development may be delayed and respiratory system problems may occur immediately after birth. If the mother is calm, blood circulation is normal, the baby receives enough nutrients and oxygen. If the mother is tense, excited, and the child begins to worry, he actively moves, stirs, reacting to the mother’s state. Such a seemingly intangible thing as emotions directly affects the baby’s physical condition. In addition, the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, increases, which, passing through the placenta, can affect the development of the nervous system, imbuing it with a negative perception of the world.

Constant anxiety can lead to insomnia, which makes it difficult to enjoy your situation and prevents the body from recovering. It suppresses the immune system, and no magic kefir will help the immune system while you are in a nervous state.

Light exercise, gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming, yoga are very useful for a positive attitude. At the same time, this will prevent your muscles from losing shape, prepare your body for childbirth, and speed up recovery after it.

An active cultural life is also a good way to distract yourself. If your health allows, it’s good to attend exhibitions, concerts, and travel out of town. In general, do everything that brings pleasure to you and your baby, of course.

The influence of various factors, including emotional ones, on the development of the child depends on the duration of pregnancy:

· At the very beginning of pregnancy, in the first 2 weeks, a fertilized egg (and this is not yet a baby) migrates to the uterus. Since the egg does not yet have a common blood circulation with the mother, external factors it has almost no effect. During these weeks, the process follows two paths: 1) the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus and begins to develop 2) if something goes wrong, the fertilized egg dies. Usually at this time the woman does not yet know about her pregnancy.

· The first trimester (3rd - 13th weeks of pregnancy) is a critical period when the formation and formation of all organs and systems of the fetus occurs, therefore exposure to various harmful factors can cause developmental defects. So at this time you need to take care of yourself as much as possible.

· In the second and third trimesters, i.e. From the 14th week of pregnancy until birth, these organs improve, as does the baby’s growth. At this time, damaging factors (stress among them) will no longer cause serious malformations of organs, but can cause disruption of their functioning.

A good mood is directly related to good physical well-being and creates an optimistic mood for the upcoming birth. However, most expectant mothers are subject to sudden mood swings, their emotions manifest themselves faster, stronger and brighter; joy can be followed by sadness, and peace can be followed by irritability.

Psychologists and doctors have found that the emotions experienced by the mother during pregnancy (both positive and negative) affect mental development child. If a woman endures pregnancy with great nervous stress, then the child is born unbalanced, tearful, and it is more difficult to restore him to calmness, since it takes time and a lot of patience from the mother. If the expectant mother is calm, then the child is born calm.

The influence of maternal condition on the development of a child was known two thousand years ago in Ancient China: in those distant times, pregnant women were freed from all work and stress. The main activity that pregnant women indulged in was walking through the garden among the flowers and listening to beautiful music.

What can you do to make pregnancy bring more positive emotions than negative ones?

  • Try to protect yourself from stressful situations and conflicts. Don’t be captured by negative emotions, don’t accumulate them. It's better to get rid of them.
  • Listen to light, pleasant music during pregnancy. Music invigorates, calms, relaxes. It helps to express feelings: sadness, joy, sadness, fun. Through music, your child establishes contact with the outside world. You can not only listen to music, but also sing songs. Singing songs is one of the most ancient methods of self-regulation.
  • All women benefit from relaxation exercises. Relaxation brings feelings, emotions, thoughts into harmonious balance, normalizes the state of the nervous system, relieves stress, fatigue, nervous tension, and improves mood.
  • Take time to relax and try to alternately feel first the cold, which strains and keeps the body in good shape, and then the warmth, which relaxes and soothes. When you learn this, you will be able to easily cope with nervous and physical overload. Relaxation exercises are best done with calm music.

We offer you relaxation that can be done anywhere.

The main thing is that no one bothers you. The optimal time for this relaxation is 10-15 minutes.

  • Close your eyes. Take a comfortable position. Try to relax as much as possible. Relax the muscles of your arms, legs, torso, neck, and face one by one.
  • Take a few deep breaths in and out. Watch how the air touches the nostrils, passes on, fills the lungs, and then leaves.
  • Now imagine that you are sailing in a beautiful boat on the sea, far from home. All worries and problems are left far behind, and you feel good, free and relaxed. You enjoy this feeling of peace and well-being. You look at the little waves, how they rise and fall up, down, up, down. you feel pleasant warmth sun rays. You are calm and relaxed. You feel your breath - inhale, exhale. Warm, soft peace envelops your body. You are calm, relaxed, free...
  • Your gaze slowly slides across the horizon, and in the distance you notice a small island. You are drawn there. There you seek a place of peace, relaxation, contentment and security. Your boat glides easily towards the island. The sea is calm and the waves gently and slowly carry your boat towards the island, your place of safety. As you approach the island, you can make out thickets, palm trees and fine sand. You go ashore. You feel the fine sand under your feet, pleasantly warm and soft. You lie down and enjoy peace, warmth and relaxation. You inhale the scent of flowers.
    You feel it on your lips sea ​​salt. You look at the clouds, they slowly float by, and you feel the warmth of the sun.
  • Enjoy the feeling of peace relaxation, safety. You feel confident, calm and relaxed. This is a place where you can always return whenever you want, whenever you feel the need for peace. This place gives you strength, confidence, security.
  • Stay in this state for a while then say goodbye to this place. And go back. Stretch and slowly open your eyes...

It is very important to use the time of pregnancy to prepare your body and mind for the upcoming birth and have time to say goodbye to your fears and anxieties before the baby is born. You can master the simplest methods yourself. But this can be done most effectively with the help of professionals - a psychologist, psychotherapist, pediatrician, physical education specialist in special classes at the School for future parents.