1 part.
Educator: Guys, a letter has arrived to our kindergarten, from the land of fairy tales. Kolobok writes to us. Do you want to know what's in the letter? The teacher reads the letter:
Trouble happened in a fairy tale!
The animals disappeared and scattered in all directions.
Help! Return the little animals to the fairy tale, I, Kolobok, sent you a hint."
Educator: Do you want to help the animals? Do you know in which fairy tale the disaster happened?
Children: No!
Educator: We have to find out. Today you and I will conduct an investigation like detectives: solve riddles, think, search. Let's remember the Russians folk tales, where the main characters are animals.
Exercise “Name a fairy tale”
Children: “Three Bears”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Winter Hut of Animals”.
Educator: You named a lot of fairy tales, but it’s not clear which of them had trouble? We need to get to the land of fairy tales, and a hint, a magic map sent by Kolobok, will help us with this.
We take the card out of the envelope and examine it on the table.
Educator: What do you see on the map? Children: Numbers, pictures, directions. Children name numbers. Educator: What number should we start the search with?
They look around, looking for the first symbol in the group.
“Magic Stone” and the inscription “Land of Fairy Tales”. Nearby there is an inscription and arrows indicating “right” and “left”.
Educator: This is a magic stone that opens the way to the land of fairy tales. If we do right choice- let's find ourselves in the land of fairy tales. Listen carefully to what is written here.
“If you go to the left, you will lose everything and disappear yourself.
If you go to the right, you will find what you are looking for!”
Part 2.
Go right, find the second symbol. A chest with the number 2 on it.
Educator: This is a fabulous chest with riddles. Let's open it. The one who solves the riddle will take a picture of his hero.
1. Small stature
A long tail.
Collects crumbs
Hiding from the cat. (Mouse)
2. White in winter,
Gray in summer.
Doesn't offend anyone
And he himself is afraid of everyone. (Hare)
3. Prowls through the forest day and night.
Searches for prey day and night.
He walks and wanders silently.
The ears are gray and erect. (Wolf)
4. A cunning cheat,
Red head.
Fluffy tail is beautiful,
Who is this? (Fox)
5. Who lives in the deep forest,
Clumsy, clubfooted.
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)
Educator: Now guys, put the pictures on the table. What fairy tale do you think these animals are from?
The children answer. "Kolobok" "Teremok". (If “Teremok”, why is there no frog)
Educator: It’s not clear, which fairy tale is in trouble? What is the next number on the card? They go further, find the number three and an envelope with an assignment from “Kolobok”.
Game "What's extra"
Four pictures with the plot of the fairy tale “Kolobok” and one “Teremok”.
The teacher lays out the pictures on the table and looks at them with the children.
Educator: Find the extra picture. Why is she redundant? Now, can you tell me, in which fairy tale did the disaster happen? You speak somewhat uncertainly. Listen to the hint:
Once upon a time in a dense forest
A house grew up under a bush.
What kind of miracle house is this?
Animals settled in it.
The mouse and the bunny are happy,
And the fox, the top is happy.
This is a fairy tale (Teremok).
We identified a fairy tale in which trouble happened. There is only one problem left: how to return the animals to the fairy tale? Let's look at the Kolobok map. Number 4 is the hint symbol “Forest Workshop”. The children look around and find the Forest Workshop.
Part 3.
Educator: This is the “Forest Workshop”. But there is no master. Look, there are “animal heads” blanks, but no body. We will make the body. Sit down at the tables. Let's get our fingers ready for work.
Finger game
I have ten fingers (show fingers)
How much can I do!
If you want, I’ll show you (fingers open, turn your hands, towards you, away from you)
And I’ll tell you about it.
I can clench my fists (we clench and unclench our fists)
And then open them,
I can intertwine, (interlace fingers, clasp hands together)
Or I can hide them (put them behind my back)
I can fly (lift up, bend and straighten my hands)
And then fall (down and shake your tassels)
And then I’ll fold it quietly (we fold our hands on our knees in a boat, putting one into the other) On my knees, like a kitten.
Educator: What is on the table? (paper - according to the color of the animals, glue)
We will assemble the figurine of the body according to the master’s model.

Developed by: Lyubov Sergeevna Fedotova, teacher at MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 399 combined type" g.o. Samara

Goals: expand children's understanding of bridges, their purpose, structure; practice building bridges, the ability to independently select necessary details by size, shape, combine them. Learn to negotiate and do things together.


Educational: Developing the ability of children to analyze a building diagram, highlighting its parts, plan the stages of creating a building, independently selecting the necessary construction material. Expanding ideas about the world of adults.

Developmental: Development of constructive skills in the construction of beautiful, durable, sustainable buildings. Development fine motor skills hands, attention, observation.

Educational: Cultivating accuracy, independence, and a culture of verbal communication with peers. Encourage the ability to plan your activities. Fostering friendly relationships between children.

Preliminary work: Didactic games "Wonderful bag" , “Build according to the scheme” , individual work on design, memorization of a poem.

Program content: expand children's understanding of bridges, their structure, purpose; practice bridge design, improve design skills; learn to select parts using diagrams.

Material: building material, trees, figurines, fabric, cars, Pinocchio toy, Malvina porcelain doll

Integration: cognition, safety, design.

Dictionary: bridge builders, bridge, walkway, supports, slopes, canvas.

Techniques: immersion in a game situation, a surprise moment - the appearance of the Pinocchio doll, riddle, questions, examination, practical activity, research activity, search and play activity.

The course of direct educational activities.

Connect the tables and lay them out "river" (blue ribbon strip)

Progress of the lesson:

1 part. Organizational and motivational

The teacher invites the children to solve the riddle:

If the river is wide,
And steep banks
To reach your goal,
And stay dry, too,

You don't need a plane
Helicopter and lunar rover.
After all, the answer to the riddle is simple:
They are building across the river...

Children: Bridge.

Teacher - That's right. Guys, today we have a design lesson.

Part 2. Modeling and resolving a problem situation

Surprise moment. Buratino appears, there is a knock on the door.

Educator - Look who came to visit us! Hello, Pinocchio, come in.

Pinocchio: Hello, guys!

Children: Hello!

Pinocchio - I didn’t come to visit, I came to you for help.

Educator - What happened?

Pinocchio - In our town there was a very strong wind, even a hurricane. And he broke everything as he went. And now we are suffering greatly from this: how can we cross from one bank of the river to the other, how can cars cross the railway, how can we cross the ravine? And most importantly, how can these bridges be restored? After all, on the other side, Malvina was left all alone. We need to bring her back to our city.

Educator - Guys, how do you think Pinocchio can help Malvina return home? Who remembers how Pinocchio appeared in a fairy tale?

(children's answers)

Teacher - that's right, Pinocchio in the fairy tale is made of wood, and you and I know the property of wood - it does not sink in water. Pinocchio could swim across the river and help Malvina return, but our Pinocchio is not made of wood at all, but of fabric.

Pinocchio - Yes, even if I were made of wood, I wouldn’t be able to do without your help, because the river is so wide and deep that, I’m afraid, I wouldn’t have enough strength to get there.

Educator - Guys, what? Shall we help Pinocchio?

Educator - Yes, Pinocchio, children can really help you, we have already learned to build bridges with them. They will teach you too. Just be very careful.

Pinocchio - Okay, I will be very attentive, thank you!

I give the children a riddle: “I lie above the river, I hold both banks” (bridge) I propose to answer the question: Are the same bridges being built? (different: high-low, wide-narrow, long-short).

Today you are all builders, but not just builders, but bridge builders who will build different bridges.

Pinocchio: Then guess my riddle first:

To overcome the obstacle,
To be on time,
To deceive the river,
Step over it.

The master solved the question this way:
He made it across the river...
Children's answers: bridge.
V-l: Correct. So, what is a bridge and what is it for?

Children's answers.

V-l: You all answered correctly - a bridge is a structure erected over some obstacle (river, cliff). By the way, the bridge is one of the oldest inventions of mankind.

Let's see what types of bridges there are - draws the children's attention to the board - showing pictures about various bridges (drawbridge, railway bridge, etc.)

V-l: And today each of you will build a bridge. But first we'll play a game "Which? Which? Which?"

Bridge for cars - what kind of bridge? – Car bridge
Bridge for transport – Bridge for transport transport
Bridge for railway– Bridge for railway railway - road
Pedestrian bridge – Pedestrian bridge

Concrete bridge – Concrete bridge
Metal bridge – Metal metal bridge
Wooden bridge – Wooden bridge made of wood
Bridge made of ice – Bridge made of ice ice

Brick bridge – Brick bridge
Stone bridge - Stone bridge

V-l: Well done. You will build a pedestrian wooden bridge from building parts. And before construction, you need to remember what construction parts are and what they look like.

The game is being played "Find out the details" (type "wonderful bag" ) .

V-l: Well done, you named all the details. What do you think are the parts of a pedestrian bridge?

Children's answers.

Question: That's right, a pedestrian bridge must have supports, a ceiling, steps, and railings. Now you can start building the bridge.

Fizminutka "Pinocchio"

Part 3. Independent creative activity

You and I learned what types of bridges there are, and now I propose to become builders.

I suggest you break into groups and agree among yourself which bridge you will build. It is necessary to build bridges across the river to save Malvina (a porcelain doll).

V-l: To build a bridge, builders need a diagram or plan, I offer you the diagrams. Consider and tell us about your construction, how many parts and what kind?

Children look at the diagrams, name what material they will need, in what sequence they will carry out the construction, and discuss in the group who will build what.

V-el: Now select building materials for this diagram and begin construction.

During construction, the teacher provides assistance, advises, and monitors the children’s activities. (their interaction in joint construction, as agreed, distributes functions).

V-l - Before you start building a bridge, Pinocchio, listen to what you need to know. The guys will tell you now. Shall we tell Pinocchio?

Children - Yes!

Educator - What types of bridges are there according to their purpose?

Children - There are pedestrian bridges, automobile bridges, bridges on which cars drive and pedestrians walk.

Educator - Name the parts of the bridge.

Children - Supports, ceilings, slopes.

Educator - What is the most important part?

Children - The most important part of the bridge is the supports.

Educator - Why?

Children - The supports determine what kind of bridge the bridge will be: high or low, wide or narrow.

Educator - And the supports must be very strong, because they must support the entire structure of the bridge, people and vehicles that move along it. Therefore, from what parts is it better to build supports?

Children - It is better to build supports from bars or large cylinders.

Educator - That's right, these should be stable parts. What kind of descents can pedestrian bridges have?

Children - Steps.

Educator - Well done, guys. And also, Pinocchio, bridges always have railings, and if it is a pedestrian and automobile bridge, there are curbs that separate the roadway and the pedestrian one. Yes, guys?

Pinocchio - Oh, guys, I think I'm confused!

Educator - Don’t worry, we’ll now make you a model of the bridge so that you understand and remember better.

Children - Yes!

Two children are modeling a pedestrian bridge with steps and a road bridge.

Educator - Show the supports... ceilings... slopes. Where do we start building the bridge? Remember?

Pinocchio - I remember. Thank you! Now I definitely won’t forget!

Educator - We, guys, have been staying too long with you. Stand in a circle and let’s do some exercises.

Physical education minute

We close our eyes, these are the miracles. (Close both eyes)

Our body is resting and doing the exercise. (We continue to stand with our eyes closed)

Now let’s open our eyes and build a bridge across the rivers. (Open your eyes, draw a bridge with your hands)

We will draw a large letter U on the bridge. (Index finger draw the letter U)

Let's raise our hands high and lower them down easily. (We raise our hands up, lower them down)

Let's turn right, left. (Turns the body to the right and left, hands on the belt)

We will begin to build the bridge again.
Children build bridges.
-Violetta, read the poem
"This is my doll

walks across the bridge,
To all passersby she
Helps you find your way"
- Denis, read the poem:

“The red car is rushing along the road,
She needs to appear at the place as soon as possible.
There is fire to extinguish the avalanche,
Everyone calls the red fire truck."

And now we need to show Pinocchio how to use the bridges. For this, we have a separate table where there are cars for road bridges and new residents who will walk along the pedestrian bridge. And you show them.

Children place figures of island residents and cars.

Well done, you completed the task. Pinocchio and the Islanders are grateful to you.

Educator - Pinocchio, do you remember how to build bridges?

Pinocchio - Yes, thank you guys, now I definitely remember everything, but I’ll take the drawings with me! And now I have to run, Malvina has been waiting for me! Goodbye!

Educator - I’ll take you, Pinocchio, and you guys, follow us, take the cars, the inhabitants of the Island and let’s go play. Well done guys, you worked hard today and helped Pinocchio.

So you became bridge builders. Did you like building different bridges?

Now let's all play together.

Part 4 The result of joint activities


Educator: The bridge has supports to stand on (shows),
There are spans to hold (shows),
There are grates to get into the water
Don't let the pedestrian fall (shows).

Free activities for children.

Arrangement finished products for Game.

Educator: Tell me what you built?

Children's answers

Educator: What did you like most today?

Educator: Did you like being builders?

Educator: Well done, guys, you did a good job. And now what do you want most?

Children: play.

Children take small toys and cars and open the game. To go to the story role playing game You can propose to build houses, businesses, etc. near the bridge, that is, to develop the area around or near the bridge.


  1. Raising children in middle group kindergarten: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden/Antsiferova A.A., Vladimirova T.A., Gerbova V.V.; comp. G.M. Lyamina. - M.: Education, 1982.
  2. Construction: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden – M.: Education, 1981.
  3. Kutsakova L. Classes on designing from building materials in senior group kindergarten. Lesson notes. -M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2010.




Lesson notes

on design

"My house, my street"

in group No. 6 (cerebral palsy)

(older age)

Prepared and conducted:



Satlykova E.K.



Topic: “My house, my street” (city microdistrict)

Target: Continue to teach children how to make buildings from building material.


    correctional educational- teach children to identify their functional parts in real objects (foundation, walls, roof, ceiling, windows, door) and determine their spatial location, construct a building using plates for flooring, teach children to compare a graphic model with a ready-made model, continue to teach how to build in a certain sequence, consolidate the names of building parts in speech, develop the ability to independently select the building parts needed for construction and build according to a plan-drawing, learn to analyze your work and the work of your comrades;

    correctional and developmental- develop visual-motor coordination, spatial orientation, attention, visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking, reasoning skills, development of general motor skills and manipulative function of the hands;

    correctional and educational- to cultivate interest in design activities, perseverance, the ability to complete the work started, responsiveness to the difficulties of other people, respect for the work of adults.

Vocabulary work: cube, brick, prism, plate, foundation, below (above), between.

Material and equipment: illustration for the fairy tale “Gulliver and the Lilliputians”, a letter in an envelope, a plan-drawing for each child, a magnetic board, a set of building materials for each child, small toys for playing with, a “su-jok” massage ball.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “Gulliver and the Lilliputians” (or watching a cartoon), d/i “Building a house” (highlighting the main parts of the house), conversation “What are houses built from” (stone, brick, wood, clay, sand, water), planar design houses from geometric shapes, sketching a house construction plan, memorizing words for exercise. "Builder".

Methodical techniques: creating a favorable atmosphere in the group, normalizing the tone of the muscles of the body, arms, breathing, warm-up tasks, a surprise moment, solving a problem situation, conversation, game tasks and exercises, reminders, explanations, analysis and evaluation of work.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment

Positive emotional attitude towards the lesson

Guys, I'm very glad to see you again.

2.Preparatory stage

Exercise “Neighbor” (normalization of breathing)

Children are given instructions: “Sit in a circle. Lift up right hand. Place it on the shoulder of your neighbor on the right. Remember his name. Inhale through your nose and raise your arms up to your sides. Leaning to the right, exhale, saying the name of your neighbor as you exhale.” The exercise is performed in a circle, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

With increased muscle tone

Hand relaxation exercise

    "Let's say hello." Smooth shaking of the child’s hands (the adult alternately shakes the right one, and then left hand child from the shoulder).

    Imitation movements for the hands:

- “shaking off water”;

- “rinsing clothes”;

- “stroking the cat.”

    Massage and passive movements for hands and fingers:

Kneading movements of each finger from tip to base;

Stroking and patting the forearm with the back of the hand;

Movements of supination (raising the arms with an open palm up) and pronation (lowering the arms with an open palm down);

Hand massage using a Su-jok ball

With decreased muscle tone

Activating passive-active and active exercises

    massage of hands and fingers with a stiff brush;

    squeezing a spiked rubber ball and rolling it between your palms;

    stringing a metal spring ring “Su-jok” alternately along each finger from tip to base and back;

    drawing geometric shapes with your finger on a sheet sandpaper of various thicknesses.

For hyperkinesis

Use of weights (sandbags)

3. Main part. Practical design

A game "Guess what's in the bag?"

The bag contains several geometric bodies (a ball, a cube, a parallelepiped (brick), a cylinder, a cone, a triangular prism (roof). Children take turns identifying, naming and removing them from the bag. The teacher confirms the correctness of the definition or explains the error.

A game "Find the right figure"

The correlation of geometric bodies with geometric figures) is similar to a detail (sphere-circle, cube-square, parallelepiped-rectangle, prism-triangle). Each child takes turns pairing up.

A game "Define the color and find your place"

The child determines the color of the geometric figure, looks for a chair with the same figure and the same color, and sits down in his place.

Surprise moment

A letter from little residents of one distant country who ask for help to build them new house.

Shall we help them? (Yes).

Solving a problem situation

Do you think this kind of house will suit them? (Showing a finished sample of a simple one-story house)

What should we do, what kind of house should we build so that all the residents can live in it? (multi-storey, with several entrances)

Working with a house construction plan

Children are given instructions: “Look carefully at the plan drawing. It is proposed to determine how many floors there are in the house, how many entrances; remember and name the main parts of the house (foundation, walls, roof); what parts we need (cube, parallelepiped (brick), triangular prism (roof)."

Constructive game “Building a house”

Children independently select parts for construction and build houses in accordance with the drawing plan. The teacher provides the necessary guidance when difficulties arise.

Musical accompaniment (upbeat music).

A moment of rest

Giant pose- standing on your toes, stretch your arms up.

Pose "Dwarfs"- squat down, stretch your arms forward, back straight.

Exercise with a hoop or gymnastic stick “Builder”

(movements with hands up, to the sides, down)

Look, this is what it is

The house is tall and big

All friends will be accommodated

In the house that I built!

4. Analysis and evaluation of work

Children are asked to evaluate the quality of the work they have completed and compare the result with the drawing. Children's buildings are discussed from the point of view of fidelity and strength.

Let's see whose construction turned out to be stronger and more durable.

Vova, which one do you like best?

And you, Olya, whose did you like?

Well done boys!

You tried very hard to help the little residents. All the buildings turned out to be strong, durable and very beautiful. I think they will be pleased.

5. Consolidation of the material and summing up the lesson

For whom did we build houses?

What are the main parts of the house?

What parts did we need to build houses?

Well done boys. You are very attentive and smart, you coped with a difficult task - very quickly you were able to build not just one house, but an entire city for the small residents of a distant country.

The little residents thank you for your help and give you these notebooks so that you can sketch new projects and house plans in them.

Notes on the construction of a “Cat and a Dog” for children in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Integration educational areas – cognitive, speech, social-communicative, physical and artistic-aesthetic development.
Target: to form a spatial and visual understanding and consolidate knowledge about domestic animals.
- expand children’s understanding of pets;
- consolidate the ability to identify the main parts and characteristic details of structures;
- act according to the algorithm based on the diagram;
- act according to verbal instructions;
- improve the dialogical form of speech, encourage attempts to express one’s point of view;
- cultivate hard work, a conscientious and responsible attitude to the work performed, and the ability to cooperate with other children.
Material: cat and dog toys, TIKO “Baby” construction set - 1 set for two children, individual cards - diagrams of planar figures “Cat” and “Dog”.
Forms of organization: group, frontal, individual.
Preliminary work: games with the TIKO constructor, reading fiction about pets, learning the physical exercise “The cat woke up.” Educator: Guys, this morning I met two friends near our kindergarten. They were sad on the street and they asked to visit you. But they are shy and want you to call them, and to do this you need to guess who came to you.
- Even on an iron roof
He walks quietly, quieter than a mouse.
Will go hunting at night
And how he sees everything during the day.

Often sleeps, and after sleep
She washes herself.
- Well done! But the cat did not come alone.
- Tell me who my friend is
Sleeps without a pillow, eats without hands,
In winter he walks without felt boots,
And if he’s happy, does he wag his tail?
- Well done! You guessed who came to us. But they didn’t just come, they brought something.
The teacher asks the attendants to hand out individual cards to the children - diagrams of the plane figures “Cat” and “Dog”.

You guessed who is depicted on the cards.
- Let's see what parts you will need from the designer.
- Which geometric figures will you need?
The teacher suggests selecting the necessary parts to build a cat or dog. Children take out from the kits the parts needed for construction.
Before starting work, the teacher suggests warming up a little with the help of physical exercises.
Kitty woke up
(children are squatting, sleeping),
Sweetly stretched
(stand on their feet, arms to the sides),
Standing on tiptoes
(stand on tiptoes)
Raised my paws up
(raise their hands up).
I saw a mouse
Run after the mouse - 2 times
(children run in a circle)
Jump, jump, jump
I didn’t catch it!
(spread their arms to the sides).
The teacher invites the children to start working. Children design a cat or dog using a card - a diagram. At the request of the children, the designs can be supplemented with additional crafts made from TIKO (paths, bowls, kennels). At the end of the work, the Cat and the Dog, the teacher and the children examine and discuss each craft.
The teacher asks the children what they did today. What did they like most?

located towards the road);
  • secure ability to build buildings for various purposes;
  • contribute formation the ability to analyze your construction;
  • secure knowledge about construction professions;
  • promote the development of imaginative thinking, imagination, initiative.
  • Material: pictures of various buildings according to the number of children, construction sets, models of trees, toys, illustrations on the topic, the song “Everyone in the world needs a home” from the film “The Three Little Pigs”.

    Progress of the lesson

    1. The word of the teacher. The teacher offers to listen to a fairy tale.

    – Children, I want to tell you a fairy tale about the brick wizard.

    Bricks were brought to the construction site and unloaded next to the foundation. The bricks rustled with displeasure. - No respect for us! - they thought with resentment. “If they hadn’t folded us neatly, otherwise they would have dumped us into a shapeless brick mountain and even broken many of us in the sides.” But we are the building material from which they are going to build a building!

    Suddenly the bricks saw a tall, strong man in construction overalls heading towards them. He looked at the carelessly loaded building materials and shook his head:

    “Yes, bricks, they built you poorly,” said the master, “but don’t worry: you won’t lie around like a shapeless mountain for long, soon you will become a smooth, strong wall of the house.”

    “He’s probably a wizard,” the bricks thought hopefully. – Turning a pile of bricks into a new house is something only a sorcerer can do!

    2. Conversation with children.

    • Children, tell me, who approached the building materials? Who can turn a pile of bricks into a new home?
    • And to build a house, what professions will be required?
    • Who is an architect? (That’s right, this is a person who conceives and develops a project for a house or street.) ? Where does the construction of a house begin?(The construction of a house begins with a drawing created by an architect.)
    • What should buildings be like? (beautiful, durable, stable).
    • Let us become builders today and build a city street, beautiful buildings according to the drawing from parts of building materials.
    • What buildings do you think need to be built to make the residents of our street comfortable? Why do we build a theater, a school, ? And so on.
    • But before we start construction, we will make a design for our street.

    3. We design the street.

    A teacher and children are designing a street. – We need to build a street to make it cozy.

    Examination of illustrations on the topic. Draw children's attention to the fact that there is a distance between the buildings so that people and cars can pass.

    Each street has a name. What streets do you live on? What should we name the street?(Children come up with the name of the street.)

    Distribute with the children who will build what (illustrations of various buildings). Draw the children's attention to the sequence of buildings on the street (where the school will be located, or on which side the store is from the residential building.)

    At the beginning of the road, along the upper edge of the sheet, we will place a cinema; at the end of the road, along the bottom edge of the sheet, we will place a post office. We will locate a residential building along the road on the right (left) side of the cinema. On the right side of the road after the residential building down we will build a hospital, opposite the hospital we will build a pharmacy. On the right side of the road after the hospital we are building a residential building, on the left side of the road after the pharmacy we are building a residential building. After the residential building, on the right side of the road we are building a school, on the left is a kindergarten. After kindergarten we build one residential building, and after school 2 residential buildings. (On which side of the road will you build your house?) What Building do we have left? Where will we build the store?

    -Before we start construction, we will play with you.

    4. Physical education minute.

    We received gifts.
    Bricks, bars and arches
    From the box we take
    We are building a beautiful house.

    (Children pretend to put objects out of the box.)

    We build quickly, we build soon
    No cement, no mortar.
    House eaves, chimney and roof.

    (Children squat down, gradually straightening up, as if laying bricks with their hands.)

    5. Street construction.

    Children make drawings of their buildings and begin construction. The song “Everyone in the world needs a home” from the film “The Three Little Pigs” is playing. Then the children analyze their buildings. Supplemented with tree models.

    6. Summary of the lesson.

    - What a beautiful street you have turned out to be. Today you were both architects and builders, but want to be educators? Exchange your drawings with your neighbor and analyze each other's constructions.

    The street is built!
    At the gate, the toy people are waiting.
    Come on, turtle,
    Crocodile and Cheburashka,
    And Parsley and matryoshka,
    And a toy cat!
    Rejoice, toys, animals,
    Open windows, doors,
    Start a housewarming party
    Sing, jump, play!

    Children are given the opportunity to play around with the street.