Take a blanket or square piece of fabric of a suitable size. The poncho can be of any size with a length from the waist to the floor. However, most ponchos should hang down to your wrists, with your arms hanging freely at your sides (and be a little longer in the front and back). To determine if a piece of fabric you have is the right size, place the blanket or fabric over your head, allowing the fabric to hang about head height above where you want the finished poncho to end.

  • Most adults require a piece of fabric the size of a regular sofa blanket, while children will undoubtedly require a smaller amount of fabric. Arrange for a larger piece of fabric rather than one that is too small. It is much easier to shorten a poncho than to sew fabric onto it to lengthen it.

Fold the fabric in half. Fold the fabric in half so that the top and bottom sides match. Lay your fabric out on a table or a clean, clear area of ​​the floor.

  • If you want an asymmetrical poncho (one that hangs more in the front or back), do not fold the fabric so that the sides meet. Make sure that the bottom layer is longer than the top one.
  • Cut a hole for the head. Using scissors or a fabric knife, carefully cut a slit along the fold of the fabric. The slit should be centered on the folded edge. You'll probably need a measuring tape to find the exact center before creating the slit to ensure the poncho sits evenly on your shoulders. The size of the slot can be whatever you want, it just needs to be large enough for your head to fit through. Usually it is about 30 (15 cm on each side of the center), which is quite enough.

    • Head hole not obliged be a boring slot. To make a slot of a specific shape, cut out the shape you need in the center. For example, for a round hole, cut a semicircle centered in the middle of the fold. To make a diamond, cut out a triangle in the center.
    • This is the only place in the entire process where there is a chance of making a serious mistake - defects in the slit may be visible on the finished poncho. However, if your opening is large enough to fit your head through and not too big that the poncho falls off your shoulders, then there is no need to worry, your poncho will not escape you!
  • If desired, tuck and stitch the edges of the opening to prevent the fabric from fraying or curling. At this stage, your poncho is mostly “ready”, it can be worn and will perform its function. However, if you have the time (and inclination), you can put a little more effort into strengthening your poncho. The raw edges of the opening are subject to wear and tear over time, and you may notice that the fabric begins to fray. To prevent this, turn and topstitch the edges of the slit to strengthen the material and extend the life of your garment.

  • If desired, add additional touches to appearance poncho. When it comes to making a poncho more functional or attractive, there are a whole host of options. possible options! Below are some of them.

    • Sew on the pockets. Sew small scraps of fabric to the front of the poncho, leaving the top edge unsewn so you can fit your hand through it. Pieces of fabric for a pocket can have any shape, for example, square, semicircular, heart-shaped.
    • Create a pattern around the perimeter of the poncho. Try cutting a repeating pattern around the perimeter of the poncho for a stunning, wild west effect. The options may be different, for example, you can use a zigzag, or cut fringe along the edge of the fabric.
  • Hearing this word, everyone immediately has associations with the Indians and cowboys who wore them. In everyday life, a poncho, depending on the fabric from which it is made, is worn as a coat, sweater, blouse, and even bolero.

    In the article you will learn how to sew simple poncho coats with your own hands, since they do not require patterns, but you can use the diagram presented in the figure:

    Master class on making a coat-poncho with your own hands

    • dense and warm cloth for the autumn version (wool) or light for the spring-summer version (fleece);
    • leather clasp with buckle;
    • 40 round rivets or stasis, which are secured with teeth;
    • scissors;
    • chalk or piece of soap;
    • measurements: product length (D1), length from neck to wrist along the arm (D2).
    • glue.

    Our poncho is ready!

    Master class on making a poncho coat with an asymmetrical neck

    You will need:

    • half-woolen fabric - 1.75 m;
    • scissors;
    • threads and pins;
    • sewing machine.

    Using these master classes as a basis, you can sew beautiful poncho coats with a belt and other details. It looks good if you make a contrasting edging along all edges of the product, cut or sew fringe, braid, fur and other decorations along the bottom edge. You can sew a zipper or sew buttons on the front, and a collar or hood to the neck.

    To make a poncho coat with a belt, you need to calculate the half-circumference of the waist and the distance from shoulder to waist. On the front of the semicircle of the poncho, set aside half of this length from the center and draw two vertical lines with chalk. Measure the waist level from the top and at the intersection points (both front and back) make two vertical holes into which a leather or fabric belt will be inserted. The loops for it must be processed so that the fabric in these places does not fray from friction.

    This is gorgeous poncho cashmere is an excellent alternative coat and a hit of the coming autumn. The beauty is that the material poncho- cashmere, very soft and warm, drapes well, and sewing something like this poncho according to our pattern possible in a few hours. Moreover, in this poncho you will not go unnoticed wherever you go!

    Cashmere poncho pattern

    Rice. 1. Poncho pattern. Click to enlarge

    Rice. 2. Poncho collar pattern. Click to enlarge

    How to sew a cashmere poncho

    Open the poncho:

    IMPORTANT! If the width of the fabric does not allow you to cut out the front and back of the poncho with a fold along the shoulder lines, you can make a shoulder seam on the poncho.

    It is necessary to cut out - in front of the poncho and the back of the poncho with a fold along the shoulders - 1 piece;

    Poncho collar - 1 piece;

    2 long narrow stripes fabric for trims, 3 cm wide and about 80 cm long each (the trims will be threaded into the drawstrings and tied on the sides of the poncho).

    How to sew a poncho - job description

    Sew the poncho collar along the short edge. Press seam allowances.

    Place the collar into the neckline, the seam should be in the center of the back of the poncho, stitch.

    Fold the open side of the poncho collar 1 cm, baste into the seam, and stitch.

    On poncho Tuck up the sleeve and hem allowances and stitch.

    Combine front and back poncho along the shoulders, bottom, sweep the drawstrings, sweeping the front and back of the poncho together. Sew as shown on the pattern (the drawstrings are indicated by dotted lines).

    Sew bindings about 1 cm wide from thin long strips of fabric.

    Place the trim into the drawstrings of the poncho, slightly gather the sides of the poncho, and tie a knot at the bottom.

    Poncho - a discovery of the twentieth century

    Hippies - the first admirers of ponchos

    Fashion designers “discovered” the poncho only in the 60s of the 20th century. The first people who fell in love with ponchos were hippies. They liked the loose fit of the poncho and its comfort, the ability to keep warm or use the poncho as a bedding. With them light hand The national symbol of South America - the poncho - has spread throughout the world.

    Wide ponchos are the dream of every fashionista

    It’s no coincidence that fashionistas fell in love with these clothes: a wide cut can hide any “errors” in the figure, making a woman’s image even more feminine and mysterious. In addition, a poncho looks much more elegant than, for example, a bulky sweater. And the feeling of security will not leave you when you are wearing a poncho.

    The first designers to become interested in ponchos

    One of the first designers to become interested in ponchos was the American Michael Core, who used knitted fur for his models. Poncho models were created from knitted fabric with multi-colored stripes from Vince, and in traditional checks from the house of Burberry. Stella McCartney suggested replacing the scarf with a short, tight mini-poncho a couple of years ago. And John Galliano preferred a warm and soft poncho-cloak with a luxurious brooch clasp. And the House of Dior especially distinguished itself by creating an airy translucent poncho with openwork knitting and long tassels, which became the main decoration for the evening.

    Materials for ponchos

    As you can see, completely different materials are used for ponchos - from light silk, decorative fabrics, knitwear to raincoat fabrics, fleece, drape. You want a poncho, but you can’t afford the creations of great designers, and you don’t have a trip to Mexico planned? Knit or sew your own poncho! Drawing and decor also matter. On your canvas, using patterns, appliqué and embroidery, you can write your own chronicle, no worse than that of the ancient Incas.

    Secrets of the poncho

    Once upon a time, ponchos were a canvas on which Indians painted a message to anyone who could read it. Ten centuries later, we are unlikely to be able to completely unravel their code. But today all poncho admirers can at least lift the veil of these secrets.

    You always want to be beautiful and stylish - in winter, summer, spring, and autumn. And since it’s already the end of summer and autumn is about to take over, it’s time to take care of a new coat. we offer you several simple options coats that can be sewn in one evening.

    How to sew a coat

    To do this, we buy a suitable fabric that we like. It is better that the fabric is double-sided wool (cashmere, wool blend), this means it will look beautiful and impressive on both the front and back sides, because our coat will be without lining.

    Without a pattern, we can sew simple coat styles, without darts, folds, without a strong fit to the figure - the simplest is a coat with a straight silhouette with one-piece sleeves. The pattern is schematic, so determine the length of the sleeves and coat yourself.

    For such a coat, we only need to know the girth of the hips and neck, the width of the shoulder, the length of the sleeve and the garment. The rectangles of the back and front of the coat are equal in width to the half-circumference of the hips plus three to five centimeters for the freedom of fit (add as much as you want this freedom).

    To build a one-piece sleeve, measure the width of the shoulder plus the length of the sleeve from the neckline. It’s easy to make a stand-up collar; you need to take a strip of fabric with a length equal to the neck of the coat and the desired width (stand height).

    We sew the side seams on the seam. machine, we process and sew in the stand-up collar, bend the bottom of the sleeves and the bottom of the coat. In order to make a fastener (buttons, buckles), you need to process the sides of the shelves (folded to the wrong side and stitched or treated with braid. You can leave the coat without fasteners, but then from the remnants of the fabric
    make a belt.

    It’s very easy to sew a coat, cape or poncho; you don’t need any special skills or measurements.

    A cape is a piece of fabric with finished edges, the desired length and width. The cape can be rectangular or round, without a collar or with a hood - to your taste.

    Coat cape

    As you can see, the coat is extremely simple. The main thing is that the width should be no less and no more than the length of the arm, and the height can be varied based on the length of the product that you ultimately want to achieve.

    It should be remembered that the fabric should not be too dense so that it can be thrown over the shoulder.
    Also, after cutting out the product, it is necessary to completely trim all edges.

    We also offer a choice of several patterns that are so simple that they do not require any explanation.

    Cape coat

    What would a coat like this look like in a different fabric?

    Similar model with collar

    With stand collar

    Long version of the coat

    I really liked the poncho coat. This coat suits almost everyone and can be worn with or without a belt.

    Options for the coat-poncho

    Option for a child

    Master class: how to sew a poncho coat with your own hands

    So, to sew a poncho coat you will need:

    • a warm scarf or thin blanket;
    • scissors;
    • threads;
    • plate;
    • chalk;
    • sewing needles;
    • sewing machine;
    • meter;
    • big ruler.

    Fold the source material in half, as shown in the photo.

    Measure with a meter and mark the center of the structure with a chalk. Attach a flat plate to the resulting line at the top so that half of it is on the fabric. Cut the top of the folded blanket down to the plate, outline it with chalk, and cut out a semicircle.

    Paste on sewing machine zigzag stitch.

    You can use a regular overlocker. Here everything will depend on the source fabric. Finish the edges of the product.

    Fold the edge of the product and pin it with sewing needles, then stitch it. You can use a decorative stitch for this.

    Measure and mark on the fabric the marks of your waist, and the places where you will make slits for the belt. Make the cuts. Finish the edges of the loop either by machine or by hand. Do not touch the back.

    Your homemade poncho coat is ready. Put it on yourself, thread the belt through the slots. The front of the product will be fitted, while the back will remain free. If you want the edges of the poncho to close at the neck, pin the edge with a brooch.

    How to sew a fashionable demi-season coat in one evening

    We found the exact same coat as from a fashion boutique on the Internet in a video with a detailed step-by-step story - How to sew a new coat from start to finish in the evening:

    How to sew a coat without a pattern in one hour

    Today we will look at many models, but we suggest starting with an easy one.

    Chiffon poncho pattern

    A poncho with an unusual combination of colors and textures of chiffon and silk fabrics looks very chic:

    The pattern of this poncho is very simple, you can cut it out very quickly.

    It is important to cut off the finishing details on the pattern and cut them separately.

    Required chiffon parts:

    • One piece of the front half of the poncho;
    • One piece of the back half of the poncho;
    • Two parts with a fold of the poncho sleeve pattern.
    • One piece of trim for the bottom front of the poncho (cut out double) with a fold;
    • One piece of trim for the bottom back of the poncho (cut out double) with a fold;
    • Two pieces of trim for the poncho sleeves (cut out double) with a fold.

    Required silk parts:

    This is a poncho pattern with sleeves

    How to sew

    Baste the back and front pieces to the back and front pieces respectively. Baste trim along the bottom of the sleeves. Baste and stitch shoulder seams, trim seams and press seams. Using a double needle, stitch seam allowances along the neckline. Baste and stitch the sleeves. Sew the sleeve seams with one seam, as well as the side seams. Fold the free seam allowance in half with the wrong side facing in, turn it under, and then hand baste it.

    Poncho-coat pattern

    A poncho coat will look just as unusual and elegant, especially if you sew it yourself, and a poncho coat pattern will help you do this


    Draw two lines from point B, one vertical down, the other horizontal to the left. Along the horizontal line from corner B, retreat one third of the half-circumference of the neck +1.5 cm and down one-third of the half-circumference of the neck +2 cm. Draw out the front neckline according to the pattern.

    To cut the neckline on the back, step down 2.5 cm from point B. Draw the cutout along the pattern.

    Set aside the length of the shoulder plus the length of the sleeve and coat according to the measurements from the resulting points. Add a turn to the hem and fastener.


    You need two parts for the front halves with a fold over the fastener, one back piece with a fold without going over the fastener, one piece with a fold for the stand-up collar of the coat. Two parts 10? 20 cm for the belt.


    From the lining fabric, cut two pieces of the halves of the front of the coat (up to the blue line), one piece of the back with a fold, and one piece with a fold of the stand-up collar.

    How to sew

    Sew shoulder seams on the front and back pieces from the lining and main fabric.

    Press seam allowances. Turn the one-piece collar over to the wrong side and iron it.

    Place the lining and the product face to face, and baste along the longitudinal seams to the hem.

    Stitch and turn right side out. Fold in the seam allowances along the bottom edge and hem by hand.

    Strengthen the stand-up collar with an adhesive lining, fold it face to face with the lining collar and stitch along the short and top edges.

    Turn and iron, then topstitch. Sew the collar into the neckline, place the lining on top and sew in one line, stitching the lining along the neckline.

    Sew 2 belts.

    Sew the loops and sew on the buttons.

    You can use any material you like, but such a poncho, sewn from drape, will not only provide warmth, but also add chic to its owner.

    Poncho with hood

    What is necessary

    Fabric, knitted adhesive interlining and bias tape 6 cm wide.

    Seam allowances are needed for double contours on patterns; for single contours, seam allowances are not needed.

    At the bottom of the sleeve and the garment, allowances are 2 cm, and the rest are 1 cm.

    The pattern of a poncho with a hood is almost no different from other types of ponchos, therefore it is also simple and does not require much time.


    Main fabric:

    Back, front, front and back of the sleeve, large and small burlap, leaflet, 2 pieces of the back and 1 front of the hood.

    This poncho coat will fit perfectly on a plump woman.

    How to sew

    Duplicate the leaf with non-woven fabric, bend it outward in the middle with the front side and iron it. The location of the pocket is also duplicated with non-woven fabric. Mark a longitudinal line on the leaf, which will determine the width of the finished leaf. Sew small burlap onto the inside of the leaves. Sew the leaf with the burlap down to the front side of the shelf, aligning the marking lines on the pocket and on the leaf. For short marking lines, finish the ends of the lines. Sew a large piece of burlap to the top marking line on the pocket. Cut an entrance to the pocket between the marking lines. Straighten seam allowances, then press. Stitch the edges of the burlap, securing the corners of the pocket.

    Stitch the middle section of the back, overcast and iron the seam, overcast the bottom section of the front and back. Fold the bottom edge of the front parts, then stitch with a double stitch not reaching the side seam 16-20 cm.

    Place both shelves and fasten them together to process them as one piece.

    Sew the front part of the sleeve to the front, make a notch near the seam mark, overcast and iron onto the front. Do the same with the back of the sleeve, only stitch it to the back.

    Sew the front and back along the shoulder edges, overcast and press the seams onto the back.

    At the same time, sew the sleeve sections and the side sections of the back and front. Serve and press back seams.

    Sew the back of the hood to the front, overcast and press the seams to the front. Stitch the middle section of the hood, overcast and press the seam. Cut the bias tape to a length equal to the hood neckline plus 2 cm. Stitch the binding into a ring, fold it right side out lengthwise and iron it. Stitch, placing a strip on the front side of the hood, fold it over and stitch along the main part along the fold, iron the seam.

    Sew the hood into the neckline, overcast and iron the seam.

    Overcast the bottom edge of the sleeve, fold it to the wrong side, iron and topstitch. Fold the bottom edge of the back and stitch it with a double stitch. Iron the seam.

    Patterns for capes and ponchos are very easy to create yourself. To do this, you need to take a pattern for a jacket or blouse, if the pattern for a blouse is, for example, like this:

    then you will need to add width.

    You need to cut the pattern from point G to the bottom line and close the upper chest dart.

    To build a sleeve, this pattern is suitable http://kroikashitie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/rukav1.jpg, which needs to be divided into the back and front parts and glued to the appropriate places.

    The neckline needs to be increased, the depth by 2-2.5 cm, and the width by about 1.5 cm.

    Cut the back pattern according to the relief, put the sleeve on and push it apart according to the shelf. The back is the same as the shelf, only without an allowance for the fastener, only the neck needs to be increased in depth by 1 cm, and in width like the shelf by 1.5 cm.

    Such capes or ponchos can be sewn from the fabric that you like.