Today it is difficult to imagine washing clothes in a machine without using conditioner. With it, washed items always become softer and more fragrant. Despite such benefits of the substance, its cost is quite high, and not every family budget is comfortable purchasing it for frequent washing.

How to make things soft and fragrant? Experienced home economists were able to create a recipe for an excellent air conditioner at home. According to some characteristics, it is in no way inferior to the store product.

DIY remedy

The very idea of ​​making air conditioner at home inspires many housewives. After all, now you can get soft things without significant costs for the family budget.

Purchasing a product in a store at a high cost did not always please housewives. Often there were problems with the chosen aroma (some family members might not like it) or, even worse, an allergy to the components included in the composition might develop. Therefore, many women did not use store-bought products, but dreamed that things would be more fragrant.

With the advent of homemade air conditioners, everything has become much easier. Now, from the available means at hand, you can make a fragrant composition that will not only suit all family members, but will also be practically safe for everyone.

Most homemade remedies may contain vinegar. If the hostess or her family members don’t like it, then you can use recipes without it. Modern methods of making rinses have improved so much that the resulting product is no worse than store-bought. The aroma imparted by home conditioner lingers on things for a long time after washing, delighting the household.

You can make laundry softer after drying in the sun using a mechanical method. Wash balls are good here.

In other words, the main advantages of using homemade rinses can be considered:

  • Budget savings;
  • Safety for the family;
  • Making your own flavor;
  • Long lasting;
  • Does not cause allergies.

Tip #1: Before cooking, carefully read the recipe and select all the ingredients. Strictly observe the necessary proportions so that the resulting product meets your wishes.

Vinegar based

There are several recipes for making your own mouthwash.

Recipe No. 1: Lavender
To prepare such a remedy, you should prepare about four liters of acid and about twenty drops of lavender oil. Pour the vinegar and the corresponding aromatic oil into a deep container and mix thoroughly. The conditioner for softening and aromatizing laundry is ready!

Add about one cup of this product when washing white clothes, when rinsing to a full machine load. When washing fewer items, add half the specified amount. When washing colored items, add half a cup. To achieve the best results, the specified concentrations should be observed, otherwise things will become a little “small” due to the “dragging” effect of the vinegar. The product can be stored for about sixty days, the main thing is to protect it from direct sunlight.

Recipe No. 2: Mint
The recipe is very simple! It is enough to take three liters of vinegar and mix it with twenty drops of mint oil. After thorough mixing, the product for adding fragrance and softness to linen is ready!

At maximum load washing machine It is worth adding one glass of this conditioner to achieve the desired result. Pour the prepared rinse aid into a sealable container with opaque walls and store for about two months in a dark place. Keep away from children!

Recipe No. 3: Vinegar
A very simple recipe for making pure vinegar. It can be used if you don’t have aromatic oil or don’t want to cook anything. Take plain table vinegar and add a little of it to the container before rinsing. The softness of the linen will be guaranteed. To get rid of the smell, hang your laundry outside to dry. In addition to being soft, the products will become safer against diseases, since many pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria die in the acidic vinegar environment.

Recipe No. 4: Soda and essential oil
To prepare such a rinse, you need about a liter of water at room temperature, 140 milliliters of 9% vinegar, half a glass of baking soda, and a little oil.

Pour water and vinegar into a deep bowl and mix them together. Then carefully add the specified amount of soda, sprinkling it in a thin stream.

Tip #2: be careful, because vinegar and soda begin to actively interact with each other, resulting in foam and a hissing sound.

After mixing the three indicated ingredients, add a little essential oil available in the house, and then mix everything again.
Add rinse aid half a glass at a time into the special compartment. Your things will be very tender and fragrant!

Recipe #5: Hair product and vinegar
To prepare the product using this method, you need to take three parts vinegar to six parts water and two parts regular hair conditioner. If desired, the finished product can be additionally flavored with any oils.

Mix the required ingredients in the indicated concentrations with each other until a homogeneous mass is formed. Pour it into a sealable container and store it in a dark place. Add half a glass to the machine.

The following vinegar-based recipes will help you make your clothing items:

  • Soft;
  • Fragrant;
  • Easy to iron;
  • Safe (many pathogenic bacteria die in vinegar);
  • Not electrified.

Based on borax or soda

If you don't like vinegar, then you can make a mouthwash without it.

Recipe No. 1: Soda
To prepare, you will need regular baking soda. Take half a tablespoon of baking soda and add it to the machine. Stir a little so that the soda dissolves, and put the laundry items in it.

The active components of soda, of natural origin, help soften water and make fabrics soft. In addition, deodorization of clothing is observed.

Recipe #2: Borax
To prepare conditioner to soften the texture of clothes, you need to measure out a quarter of a glass of borax and add it to the water when rinsing. The substance helps soften the structure of tissues, which becomes noticeable after the first applications.

Borax can also be used to soften hard water used in laundry. To do this, you need to take half a glass of this product and add it to the machine.

Thanks to the active compounds of borax, not only the fabric fibers are softened, but also they are completely cleansed. In addition, borax kills dust mites, fungi and mold. Things become more fragrant and pleasant to the body. The substance must be used strictly in the specified concentrations, since an excess of its components can cause irritation on the skin.

These recipes will help you soften your favorite items safely and economically. In addition, water softening is observed, which facilitates more accurate removal of difficult-to-remove stains when washing from clothes and other things.

Tennis balls

Few people know that using regular tennis balls when washing can replace conditioner. This is an excellent alternative to most industrial air conditioners. Using balls helps remove static from clothes and things, as well as artificial fabrics, which has a beneficial effect on subsequent wear.

The main material used to make balls is rubber, which is largely safe for human health. In addition, its use when washing leads to a softening of the structure of clothing.

Take a few of these balls and put them in the dryer compartment of the washing machine, where you will later put the laundry. Due to the endless rolling of the balls over the clothes, they will become softer and more pleasant to the body.

By the way, the smooth surface of tennis balls is absolutely safe for the fibers of delicate items and does not cause them any harm. In addition, after using tennis balls when drying on clothes, there are no holes left, which cannot be guaranteed from using prickly balls.

From all of the above, we can conclude that balls are effective in making laundry soft after washing. In addition, they have a low cost, which makes their use beneficial for the family budget.

The benefits of natural conditioners are immediately visible. Excellent softening effect, safe for health and beneficial for the budget.

Method number 1. Many homemade products have a liquid consistency. This rinse aid, unlike its analogues, has a powdery structure. It is also very easy to prepare!

To prepare a powdered product, you need to take about twenty drops of any essential oil and about four tablespoons of the existing powdered conditioner. Mix these ingredients together and add to the machine. The product must be poured into a special compartment. The machine requires at least 4 tablespoons to fully load. The laundry will become much softer and more fragrant. This method is good because you can choose your favorite scent for your things.

Method number 2. To prepare a natural mouthwash according to this recipe, you need to take a little soda ash, warm water and acetic acid. All these ingredients must be in equal concentrations so that the resulting product imparts equal softness and aroma to things. Place all of the above ingredients in one container and mix thoroughly. It is advisable to stir with a wooden or glass object.

To prepare it, you need to take clean dishes, preferably plastic or enamel. The fact is that the acid is quite aggressive and therefore can interact with the components of the container, which is highly undesirable.

We flavor the resulting mixture with a few drops of the essential product whose aroma you like most. After adding the oil, stir it into the resulting mixture until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
Place the resulting rinse aid in a clean container with a lid and store it in a dark place out of reach of children. It must be used when rinsing, pouring it into a special container.

Method No. 3. This preparation method is obtained from sodium chloride or ordinary kitchen salt. Take a small amount (four glasses) of salt and add about twenty drops of essential oil. Mix everything well until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

We put the product in a special compartment of the machine when washing, in the amount of four tablespoons. Store in a tightly sealed container away from sunlight. After use, things become more fragrant and brighter.

Method number 4. To prepare, you need regular hair rinse, as well as new tennis balls. We add hair conditioner to the machine when washing, and place the balls in the dryer.

Method No. 5. An excellent hair product will come from a softening shampoo. We take a small amount of it, mix it with ginseng oil and add it to the machine when washing. You are guaranteed a positive effect from use.


For those who want to visually study the process, we suggest watching the video:

You probably already had the opportunity to learn about all the harmful ingredients that are stuffed into the fabric softeners that we buy. However, what then should be used as a replacement? What safe mouthwash should I use if there are small children or allergy sufferers in the family? Nothing could be easier! Let's make homemade fabric softener with our own hands.

Homemade fabric softener No. 1 - table vinegar

The most simple natural mouthwash. Cheap, accessible, non-toxic, very effective, and vinegar has antibacterial properties. And as a bonus, vinegar removes all residues of used detergent.

Pour approximately 50-100 mg of vinegar into the rinse compartment before washing. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to provide a fantastic aroma. The result is excellent! After washing, things become soft and the colors become brighter!

Homemade fabric softener No. 2 - baking soda + vinegar

The main ingredient is sodium bicarbonate - regular baking soda. This is a safe natural ingredient, in addition, baking soda will help wash clothes better and freshen them. Add 140 ml of 9% table vinegar to one liter of water, add soda to it - half a glass of soda will be enough, mix everything and use 120-240 ml of the resulting product per wash. You can add a couple of drops of any aromatic essential oil if desired to give things a pleasant aroma.

Home air conditioner for linen No. 3 - water + vinegar + hair balm

This recipe for a rinse with the addition of hair balm is one of the most popular: you need to take six parts of water, three parts of 9% table vinegar, two parts of hair balm. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and use 120 ml (or a little more) for each wash. This fabric softener with hair balm has received greatest number positive reviews from women who used it.

Do-it-yourself fabric softener at home is, first of all, safe for health, which is especially important when there are small children or people with allergies in the family.

Today, the use of various water softeners and rinse aids in washing has become commonplace. But few people know that you can make fabric softener with your own hands, which is much more profitable than constantly buying such products. And in terms of the quality of the result, our own mixtures are in no way inferior to industrial ones.

What will you need?

If you read the composition of air conditioners that are presented in stores, the list will be impressive. And not all ingredients are good for health, especially for a child’s body. Of course, there are good mouthwashes on sale - natural-based, hypoallergenic. But their price will be high.

The good thing about a homemade mouthwash is that all the ingredients in it are always at hand, are inexpensive and do not harm your health. Of course, one should not exclude allergic reactions and these ingredients, but they happen much less frequently than in the case of industrial air conditioners. And such a composition is prepared in just a few minutes. But how long it will last depends only on you. You can immediately prepare a spare rinse aid; it stores well.

In order to make an air conditioner at home, you will need the following components:

  • vinegar;
  • baking soda (can be replaced with baking soda);
  • Epsom salt - sold at the pharmacy, regular salt will not work here;
  • warm water;
  • essential oil (lavender, orange, lemon or any other with a pleasant smell);
  • hair conditioner (not conditioner or conditioner);
  • container in which the conditioner will be stored (you can even take a bottle from a purchased product).

As you can see, no complex or rare ingredients are required. You probably have all this at home. If not, then a visit to the pharmacy or store will help fill in what is missing.

Manufacturing process

If you decide to make fabric softener at home, you can do this either in advance or immediately before use - it is prepared quickly.

Now all you have to do is choose a mouthwash based on the ingredients you have at home, and you can start making it. Once you try to make such a product once, you are unlikely to return to industrial options. Homemade formulations are cheaper, safer, and soften laundry no worse than those bought in a store.

Conditioning things is a necessary process. The industry produces mouthwashes that have different compositions and aroma. Finding and buying what you need is not always possible. Sometimes the reason for refusing to purchase may be the high cost of the product. There is a way out of this situation. You can make your own fabric softener.

The need to condition linen and clothing

When faced with fabric air conditioners, the question arises: why is it needed? Rinse aids, which are produced industrially, contain surfactant components. When rinsed, they spread over the surface of things, forming a kind of film. It has a number of positive aspects:

  1. Things become soft and comfortable while wearing.
  2. The electrostatic effect is removed from fabric, especially wool.
  3. Thanks to their softening, ironing becomes easier.
  4. Colored items do not lose their color.
  5. Holds dirt on the surface of things, preventing it from penetrating the fiber structure.
  6. Industrial air fresheners come in a wide range of scents.

The presence of these qualities indicates the need to use conditioners for things.

The disadvantage of industrial rinses is the presence of harmful components in them. This may be benzyl alcohol, ethanol, pental, ethyl acetate, linalool, terpineol. These components are mostly used as flavoring fillers. But they can cause headaches, nervous disorders, and drowsiness.

How to rinse things without harming your health? To do this, you need to prepare fabric conditioner yourself.

Self-production: advantages and methods

Making your own mouthwash has a number of advantages. These include:

  1. Financial savings.
  2. Manufactured from environmentally friendly fillers.
  3. There is an opportunity to create your own scent.
  4. No irritation or allergies after conditioning.
  5. Cleans clothes efficiently from washing powder.
  6. Perfectly softens the structure of fabric fibers.
  7. It can be stored for a long time and retain its properties.

There are several ways to make fabric softener at home. It can be made:

  1. Using acetic acid.
  2. From a mixture of borax and soda.
  3. Using tennis balls.

Each of these methods is characterized by its uniqueness. The use of any method depends on personal preference.

Vinegar conditioner

By adding various fillers to vinegar, you can prepare a special conditioner that will restore the quality of your clothes. It will become soft and have a unique aroma. Clothes will be easy to iron and will not be electrified. The absence of electrification will eliminate the need to purchase antistatic drugs. In addition, the vinegar solution destroys a significant part of bacteria and harmful microorganisms. There are several options for making rinse aid for a home automatic washing machine.

Option 1. With the addition of lavender oil

To prepare such a conditioner, you will need 4-4.5 liters of vinegar solution and lavender oil. Pour the vinegar into a container, add 20-25 drops of lavender oil and mix well. The finished solution will add softness and aroma to washed laundry.

If you are washing white clothes and the washing machine is fully loaded, then during rinsing it will be enough to add 200-250 grams of solution. The volume of the solution can be reduced depending on the decrease in the volume of laundry. When washing colored items, the volume of added solution must be halved.

You can store the finished rinse aid in an opaque container for 1.5-2 months in a dark place.

Option 2. With the addition of mint

This option is identical to the lavender option. The difference is the smaller volume of vinegar for conditioner. To prepare the conditioner you will need 3-3.5 liters of vinegar. Pour the vinegar into a container, add 20-25 drops of mint and mix thoroughly.

The volumes of addition for rinsing white linen and colored clothes are similar to the first option.

Option 3. Using baking soda and essential oil

To prepare this homemade fabric softener, you will need 1.5 liters of water, 150 ml of vinegar, essential oil, 120 ml of baking soda.

Add vinegar solution to the prepared water and mix thoroughly. After mixing, add baking soda in a thin stream. After mixing all the components, you need to add 15-20 drops of essential oil to the solution and mix the solution thoroughly again.

It is necessary to introduce soda into the solution carefully. Vinegar and soda are active substances and interact with each other. As a result of their connection, foam is actively released. The foaming process is accompanied by a hissing sound.

Air conditioner is added to the washing machine through the filler compartment. To fully load the machine, 100-150 ml of rinse aid is enough.

Option 4. With the addition of hair conditioner

To prepare this freshener, you will use water, vinegar and hair conditioner. The concentration of the components of the finished solution is: 6 parts water, 3 parts vinegar, 2 parts conditioner. All components must be thoroughly mixed together. You can add any aromatic liquid or oil to the prepared solution.

Air conditioner is added to the washing machine through the filler compartment. To fully load the machine, 100-150 ml of rinse aid is enough. You can store the prepared solution in an opaque container in a dark place.

Option 5. Plain vinegar

This method is used when there are no aromatic liquids, oils or other fillers. An ordinary vinegar solution serves as a conditioner.

Before rinsing, vinegar is poured into the washing machine tank through a special compartment. Given the high concentration of pure vinegar, it is recommended to pour it in small quantities. Approximately 50-100 grams for a full machine load. This volume will give softness to linen and clothes. In addition, vinegar will destroy bacteria and microorganisms.

Rinsing linens and clothes with pure vinegar preserves its smell after drying. Therefore, it is recommended to dry clothes and linens in a ventilated place, for example, outside.

Borax and soda conditioner

The smell of vinegar or its residue often causes discomfort. In this case, you can prepare a freshener without adding vinegar. The ingredients for the conditioner will be borax and soda. They will serve as a substitute for vinegar.

Option 1. Soda solution

For refreshment, use ordinary baking soda. 120-150 grams of soda is stirred in water until completely dissolved and poured into the washing machine tank. After this, things are scrolled in a soda solution.

Soda softens water due to its chemical properties and makes clothes and linen soft.

Option 2. Borax

Borax is a type of baking soda and can also replace vinegar fabric softener. 50-100 grams of borax must be stirred in water until completely dissolved and poured into the tank of the washing machine. After this, we scroll the things in the prepared solution. Borax makes the fabric soft. After drying, clothes and linens are easy to iron.

To remove stains from collars and sleeves, leave your clothes in the conditioner for half an hour before putting them in the washing machine. Problem areas can be moistened with vinegar.

A distinctive quality of borax is its ability to significantly soften hard water. To do this, before washing clothes, it is recommended to add 100 grams of borax diluted in water to the tank.

The chemical properties of borax make it possible not only to make clothes and linen soft, but also to achieve their maximum cleanliness. Borax solution fights well against mold and fungal growths, bacteria and small insects.

Baking soda and borax will help you safely make clothes and linens soft and save money. They can perfectly replace a vinegar rinse. Their chemical properties allow for additional cleaning of things and removal of difficult to remove stains.

A good conditioner can also be obtained by mixing softening hair shampoo and a small amount of ginseng oil. This will give things a special softness and a subtle pleasant aroma.

Conditioning with tennis balls

A significant part of the population associates tennis balls with sports game. Few people know that instead of fabric softener, you can use tennis balls to freshen clothes.

Their surface structure allows them to be used as an alternative to other rinses. The uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that electrification is removed from the surface of linen and clothing, the hardness of the fabric fibers is reduced and the fabric becomes much softer. This affects its subsequent drying and ironing. The material used to make the surface of the balls is rubber. It is an environmentally friendly product and does not harm clothes and linen.

The principle of air conditioning is quite simple. Place 3-5 tennis balls in a drum with washed laundry or clothes. The number of balls depends on the volume of the washing machine drum and the number of items inside it. After the balls are loaded, you need to turn on the washing machine. Constantly rolling, the balls hit the fabric fibers of things, making the clothes soft. The delicate surface of the balls protects clothes from damage. Sometimes rubber balls with bulges are used for conditioning. The result of such use may be partial damage to clothing or fabric ruptures.

Tennis balls can be used for conditioning delicate clothes without harming her.

Considering the above, it can be understood that tennis balls are effective means, which will make the linen soft and delicate. Their low cost is an important argument for replacing industrial rinses with them.

Knowing how to make a homemade mouthwash, you can start making it. Our own production will give the desired effect, and experience and time will tell you which air conditioner is more suitable for the family.

It's hard to imagine washing without detergent or fabric softener. And just a few decades ago such a variety household chemicals there was none, and the linen was taken care of using “folk” remedies. We will tell you how to make fabric softener with your own hands so that you can protect your skin from allergic reactions, your laundry from wear and tear, and your machine from breakdowns.

How to make fabric softener at home

If you decide to make laundry softener, you don't have to buy special ingredients. Everything that can be used in the product can be found at home or in the nearest hardware store. Let's look at the most common recipes.

Table vinegar has long been used for rinsing clothes - it is the most affordable and harmless softener. It can be safely used for woolen items, and as a bonus, it preserves the bright colors of clothes. For hand washing, the solution can be used in its pure form, but for automatic washing it is worth mixing it with other substances so as not to harm the SMA.

Important! When mixing conditioner components, do not violate the proportions.

Recipe No. 1

Take a liter plastic bottle(for example, from an old remedy). Pour a liter of vinegar into it and add 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Shake well and use one glass at a time to rinse. If the load is half, pour half a glass of product into the cuvette. This natural conditioner does not deteriorate for about 2 months.

Recipe No. 2

The recipe is similar to the previous one, but instead of lavender oil, use peppermint drops. It is recommended to store the liquid in an opaque bottle for no more than 8 weeks.

Recipe No. 3

To make washing machine conditioner, mix 3 ingredients:

  1. soda (regular or soda ash);
  2. warm water;
  3. vinegar.

The proportions of the components must be equal. An enamel saucepan and a wooden spoon (or spatula) are suitable for mixing. If you wish, you can refresh the product by dropping any essential oil into it. Store up to 60 days in a dark place.

Another recipe that can be easily replicated at home: you will need 3 ingredients. Take:

  • vinegar essence – 300 ml;
  • distilled water – 600 ml;
  • hair conditioner – 200 ml.

Mix and enjoy! Despite the fact that this home option is the most expensive, it has the highest ratings among housewives.

Important! Acetic acid perfectly disinfects laundry and machine surfaces, and also washes washing powder. The main advantage is the price. This vinegar-based rinse won't break your budget.

Scented mouthwashes

If you don't like the smell of vinegar, you can make your own aromatic products from familiar ingredients. Next, we will consider the composition of such air conditioners.

Option 1

Go to the pharmacy for Epsom salts (magnesia) - you will need about 250 g of it. Drop 10-15 drops of orange essential oil into it. Place the product in the powder receptacle (2 tablespoons per wash cycle). If you are preparing the air conditioner for future use, ensure that it is stored airtight.

Option 2


  • 1 glass of warm water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. soda;
  • sandalwood or jasmine essential oil.

Option 3

Need a thick mouthwash? Take hair conditioner (5-6 spoons), add twice as much sea ​​salt and add any essential oil. This product will soften the laundry and will not harm the machine or your skin. Use 3 to 5 tablespoons of this product per wash. Now you know how to make air conditioning manually and at the same time save a lot, protect yourself from skin rashes, and protect your machine from breakdowns. We brought to your attention those recipes that have collected only positive reviews.

If you're wondering how to soften laundry without conditioner, follow the advice of experienced housewives who use tennis balls for washing and rinsing. These balls, when the drum rotates, constantly move among the laundry, delivering soft blows to it, as a result, your clothes are shaken and become more pleasant to the touch.

Attention! Balls will not replace fragrant mouthwashes, but if you are not a fan of smells, this is what you need.

By the way, the balls do not affect the operation of the washer in any way, unlike a solution of vinegar or borax. Therefore, when choosing what to replace purchased product, give preference to tennis balls - they do not harm the machine, are not an allergen and perfectly soften clothes. Exactly what is needed! To summarize, let’s look at the advantages of home-made air conditioners:

  • affordable, unlike analogues from store shelves;
  • vinegar products disinfect linen;
  • make ironing easier;
  • are washed out of clothes and help the powder wash out;
  • people suffering from allergies will choose suitable option from a variety of famous recipes.

You can use vinegar instead of conditioner; tennis balls are also effective. All that remains is to make the right choice.