Nowadays everything comes down to money. And so that money is always with you and in the right amount, I found several signs and conspiracies on the Internet. Maybe it will help someone.

They say 5 kopecks or 5 rubles for a coin and carry it with them everywhere. A month later they get rid of it and make a conspiracy for a new coin.

I'm going to trade as a merchant,

I’m returning on the sable a fine fellow.

I'm bringing the treasure home.

God grant me so much money

So that there is nowhere to put it.

Conspiracy to the starry sky.

At midnight on the full moon, go outside and, if the sky is starry, say, looking at the stars:

There are so many stars in the sky,

How much water there is in the sea,

So in my wallet

There was a lot of money and there was always enough.

So that there is always money.

Speak only on Friday, looking at the birds flying in the sky:

No matter how many feathers are born on them, so much money is not transferred to the wallet.

A conspiracy to renew, so that there will be more often.

Having purchased new thing, pronounce the following spell over her:

In the middle of the merchant's shop there is a golden table,

And this is not a table, but this is my new throne.

I’ll sit with my back on it and look at all the merchants.

As fortunate are your deeds, so fortunate is my destiny.

Money leads to money, and renewal leads to renewal.

For the seller to give in on price.

Say to yourself while bargaining:

Break off a piece of yours, merchant, and half will be enough for you. Amen.

Plot for change in a store.

You need to give money with your right hand, and take it with your left. When accepting change in a store with your left hand, say to yourself:

In our wallet - your money, your treasury - my treasury! Amen.

From lack of money.

Relieves, among other things, lack of money caused by damage.

Take a white wax candle and melt it in an iron mug over a fire.
When the wax boils, throw a coin there and read the spell:

God has a paradise, a garden in paradise.
The devil has a boiling hell.
You boil, candle, boil,
you save up my wealth, save up.
While this wax money is with me,
all wealth will come to me.
An angel stands at the Garden of Eden,
the devil stands at the boiling hell.
There will be no department for my case.
I close, I close.
I lock it, I lock it.
I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

When you say I remove, remove the money from the wax with a slotted spoon so that it is covered in wax.
When cooled, you will get a wax cake that you need to carry with you everywhere.

And more signs:
Folk signs for money:

All the change in your wallet must be spent on Sunday or given to the poor, otherwise you will only be rich in small money (a stable working folk sign for money).

When a debt is repaid to you, keep the fig in your pocket (do it with your left hand).

The debt must be repaid in the morning for the money to flow (it does).

You cannot lend money or bread in the evening - there will be neither one nor the other in the house (salt should not be given to neighbors at all).

Don’t lend money on Monday, otherwise all the money will leave the house (there is folk wisdom, which reads: Don’t lend money).

Anyone who eats a lot of blueberries is not afraid of poverty (a folk sign promises money, doctors guarantee good health to a person who regularly eats blueberries).

Changing rubles into small change means tears, large bills into small ones means spending money (it’s better to spend money without changing it).

The sun has set - don’t sweep the trash out of the house, you’ll sweep away the wealth (a very correct sign).

After guests leave, shake the tablecloth outside so that the money can be found.

Don't sit on the table, it leads to poverty.

If a beggar asks you and looks you in the eye, give him a coin and say: pray to Jesus Christ, he will give you more.

The beggar must be given silver, the beggar copper, so as not to become poor. You cannot give paper bills to the poor (a very true sign).

You can't whistle in the house - you'll whistle all the money (an old sign).

If you give someone a kitten or a puppy or another animal, you need to take money as payment.

Empty bottles on the table cannot be kept to ruin (to grief, to quarrel, to tears).

If you want money to arrive, keep all paper money in your wallet facing you (a very good sign).

To have more money, put an aspen leaf in your wallet (this sign is considered folk wisdom).

To keep money in the house, put a coin in each corner (the main thing is not to touch them later).

When big money comes to you, put aside some banknote and always carry it with you so that it attracts other money to you. Never waste it or exchange it.

If your nose starts bleeding, drop it on the largest bill in your wallet, several of them will come.

To make money flow into the house, place the broom with the handle down (superstition).

Seeing excrement in a dream means money. The more excrement, the more money you get.

Don’t stand on the threshold, otherwise it will be difficult for money to enter the house (folk sign).

Trim your nails on Tuesday or Friday to help keep the money flowing.

Do not put money on the table, it will lead to financial losses (more of a life observation than a sign).

When left hand itches, unexpected money will come.

The bird from above marked you, to a big cash receipt (sign).

To make big money come, on the young moon, stroke a gray cat with white paws through its fur and scratch its whiskers, and say: “Little cat, give us some money, maybe we’ll get some more.”

To attract wealth, you can perform one simple and powerful ritual - a coin spell. There are several variations of its execution.

The essence of the ritual

Coin spells are a type of ritual to attract money and good luck. They are carried out on the full moon. Absolutely anyone can perform such rituals.

It is important that all points are met, otherwise the plot will not work. This will help attract money and establish a flow of luck.

Compliance with the necessary rules

  1. If in fact you do not have a strong need for enrichment, and your goal is a small increase in monetary profit, abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bperforming the ritual. You won't be able to achieve what you want. On the contrary, your financial situation may be shaken.
  2. Under no circumstances should the ritual be performed on pregnant women.
  3. If someone makes a conspiracy for you, do not forget to express sincere gratitude, but not with money, this can affect your luck in the matter.
  4. A week before the plot is carried out, fast and do not conflict with relatives.
  5. No one should know about the ritual.

Rituals performed on Saturday or Sunday will bring good luck. Or on holidays: on Christmas Eve, on Easter Day, with the arrival of Palm Sunday, on Maundy Thursday, etc.

The most popular conspiracies

For 3 coins

1 option

Take a few kopecks, preferably 3 gold coins, and place them at the doorstep of your house. During these actions, read the following text three times:

“Gold reaches for gold, and silver for silver, for this threshold into this house.”

If you live in an apartment, place coins differently. You can place them under the rug front door outside the apartment. The text is also read.

Option 2

This conspiracy is great for attracting money and getting rid of debt. Some people read it to improve their trading. To carry out, take at least 3 coins of different denominations. It is better to perform the ritual on Tuesday morning. There shouldn't be any people nearby.

Read the words:

“Just as a bird pecks a grain, so I collect coin after coin and attract it. Just as new seed grows in the fields, so my wealth grows every day. Just as seed feeds birds, so coins redeem all debts and failures, I call on my wealth. Let it be so!".

Read them three times and then scatter them at the nearest intersection.

For 5 rubles

The ritual is performed using a 5 ruble coin. It will be especially lucky if you find some money.

On a night with a full moon, take a coin, place it under a tree (oak works well) and sprinkle it on it. Next, start saying the text:

“As the old tree grows, so will my wallet grow in breadth. Twelve months will pass, they will bring me money, year after year, day after day, I will be happy now. Amen".

Return to the house and immediately start preparing bread products. Such actions are carried out 12 times (always on full moon). This will allow you to consolidate the result, but you will not be able to achieve what you want quickly.

You will have to wait a little, but be prepared, the wait may last for a couple of months.

For 7 coins

Such a conspiracy is carried out over 7 days. To perform the ritual you need:

  • ceramic pot (can be a flower pot);
  • green candle;
  • candle holder for standard candles made of any material except wood.

The pot is placed in a visible place. It is advisable to often walk next to him. Every day, put 1 coin in it, but of different denominations in ascending order. On the 8th day, begin the plot itself.

Imagine that you are already rich and have a lot of money. Place the pot next to the candlestick on the table. Take the candle in your hands. Imagine the paths and opportunities that will open up for you after gaining wealth.

You need to light the candle, looking at the flame, think about the power of money. Don't think about debt or money difficulties. Imagine wealth and how you will manage it.

After 10 minutes, put everything back into the pot; you will need to add coins there for a few more months.

Conspiracy by date of birth

To carry out such a conspiracy, you need to write your date of birth on a piece of paper and put a few kopecks on it. When night falls, moonlight, take them in your hands and stand by the window.

The following words are pronounced:

“A rich man walked along the road, and behind him a merchant. I followed that road too. And behind me is the money and her relatives - mothers and aunties, daughters-in-law and godmothers, sons-in-law and uncles. Let them come to my house! Let it be so. Amen".

For some time, coins were worn as an amulet. This is necessary to support the ritual. As soon as it takes effect, you can remove it.

Green candle spell

This spell is performed using a ceramic pot and a green candle. It's better to take a few coins. They are placed inside the container.

“money, flow, money, sparkle, money, grow, wish to make me rich.”

The candle is placed in a candlestick located next to the pot. Objects are left like this until it goes out on its own. Place a circle of coins around it. When it goes out, they are returned to the container and left there.

Spell for a coin sewn into the hem

Sew a small coin into the hem of your clothing. Use a shirt, t-shirt, or whatever suits the season. This should be something you will wear for the next few months. Sew it up so that no one can see it.

At this moment, it is necessary to recite the text of the conspiracy several times:

“Like thread and needle, money is with me. As a thread follows a needle, wealth also reaches out to me. I sew up the hem - I sew wealth onto myself. Come to me different kinds of money, small and large, silver and copper, paper and gold, for my joy and God’s grace.”

When the coin is sewn up, the item must be placed in the closet without being touched overnight. It is allowed to wear the charm the next morning. Wear for several days in a row. Take out the coin and place it in your wallet. As a result, money will flow to you.

Moon conspiracy

Another money ritual. Try to choose a day of the waxing moon, new moon or full moon. Take a place opposite the window, take 1 ruble and, looking at the Moon, say:

“A rich man goes, a merchant follows him, and there I will go. Let this coin become my helper so that money will come to me.”

This powerful plot must be read 3 times while looking at the moon. When reading, you need to take a ruble coin in your right hand and move it along the other hand in the wrist area. Do this counterclockwise. Next, with the same coin, holding it in your right hand, touch your forehead three times.

After this, you need to wash your hands with soap. The coin is placed in the wallet and is not removed from there for 3 days. Then spend it on something that you have been wanting to buy for a long time, but have been putting off this moment.

Conspiracy in the sun

Place the gold coin near the window, under the sun for 3 hours. Read the words of the prayer:

“The sun’s rays warm not only the body and soul, but also the money so that it grows quickly and does not decrease.”

Then place it in the pocket of clothes you wear often or in your wallet. Try to wear it everywhere.

Water spell

Take a copper nickel. It should be shiny, you can replace it with a silver heel. Perform the ritual during the day, preferably in the morning.

Find 2 identical glasses. Fill them with water (from the tap). In one it needs to be spoken, but in the last - no, no words can be uttered while pouring it.

Place your hands and a silver penny into the charmed liquid. Then the nickel is placed in the second glass and they say:

“Silver water flows, it will carry away sorrows. When the water stands, it brings wealth.”

Vanga's ritual

To carry out an effective ritual and attract wealth, you will need to charm a copper five-ruble coin using:

  • black bread crust;
  • an old penny of any denomination: if available, you can use old coins from another era, Chinese.

You can’t eat 2-3 hours before. The ritual must be performed in silence and alone. A crust of bread is placed on the table and a coin is placed on it. You need to look at the crust and say:

“Bread feeds us, as always, because... he is the head of everything. Feed everyone now, bring the money to us. May everyone in my house be well-fed and have enough money.”

If you don’t know the person’s name, call him/her the offender(s). You will go out to the nearest intersection, and there you will carry out the conspiracy. Position yourself in the center of the intersection and say the words:

“To the offender there are deep wounds and burning tears!”

Throw the penny with the lowest denomination through the left side. If there are several coins, then the rest are thrown with the words:

“Paid in excess!”

Make a left turn and head home. This has an almost immediate effect on a truly evil nature. He may start having various problems.

    Now, of course, this method of conspiracy is difficult, since ten paper rubles are no longer produced, and you can’t find that kind of money anymore... If you just put up an ad and ask who has it and exchange it =) But the conspiracy is good, I like it, I need to look for dozens . Although I’ll try to make a spell on a five-ruble coin, there are plenty of them! In a month it means I’ll be rich =)

    It turns out that this is the secret of wealth, and I’m sitting reading smart books! By the way, they still produce ten-ruble notes and often give change with them, so if anyone needs them, just ask around at grocery stores! I even have a couple of pieces in my wallet now, I can try it, if I get rich, then I will officially admit that I owe the authors of this site!!!))))

    If people believe in talismans, then why not believe in conspiracies? Because talismans probably speak the same way. It seems to me that this is the same, and there is nothing to be afraid of. It’s just that conspiracies have always been in our lives, it’s just that now everything is encrypted, for example, in prayers. These are also conspiracies in their own way. At least that's my opinion. If you work day and night and end up not seeing any money, this is considered the norm. Then why not try conspiracies and deceive the system of life?

    There were some financial problems. And then, as luck would have it, you have to pay for the loan.. In general, I couldn’t think of anything better than reading conspiracies to attract money. Moreover, I’ve heard a lot about it, and at least the same money tree. I decided to try the ten-ruble method, and you know, I didn’t buy myself a lombargini, but I managed to solve my current money problems. Therefore, my advice to you: do not neglect such ways to improve your financial situation)

    She made a conspiracy to increase capital. I also read on the Internet that you don’t know exactly how the conspiracy is implemented. So they didn’t want to give me a loan, but today one of the largest banks called and said that I could come get a loan. Happy and very grateful to you))

    I also sometimes use conspiracies. Helps.

    I have actually read and tried many conspiracies, but money ones are the most effective! Honestly, I tried quite different things, went to fortune tellers and grandmothers, but the long-awaited capital never grew. And the fact is that I am not asking for a money tree or coins from heaven, just a constant state of need and the opportunity to buy toys for the children that drives me to despair! Conspiracies work! The main thing is to find the one that suits you!

    Of course, you want to live in abundance and get everything you want from this life. But it happens, especially in our country, that there is never too much money. It’s very sad that I can’t even go on vacation. So I decided to use spells, what if I got lucky? . It really worked.

The magical method of getting rid of debts

If it does happen that you find yourself in debt, and creditors are stressing you out, then turn to magic for help.

Debt tails are an unpleasant thing, and they interrupt your cash flow. The main thing here is to relax and not think that you owe it, but what if creditors remind you? There is a fairly simple way to do this magic method, allowing you to divert the attention of creditors from you for a while, and you can quickly receive money to repay the debt.

On the aging moon (22 – 28 lunar days), and only for this phase, take a blank piece of paper and write a list of people or organizations to whom you owe money, indicating the amount of your debt next to each name. Then burn the paper, carefully watching how it burns - this is your debts being burned. Throw the ashes outside. And from now on you can forget about debts.

Such manipulation distracts the attention of creditors, and a person has more time to calmly collect money to repay the debt.

Under no circumstances should you perform this procedure on a waxing moon, and especially on a new moon. The effect will be exactly the opposite!

Unchangeable ruble

Take a banknote of a sufficiently large denomination that you can now afford to put aside as an irredeemable ruble. It must be a currency that is freely circulated in your country. For example, for Russia: five hundred rubles, one thousand rubles, fifty dollars, one hundred dollars, one hundred euros, five hundred euros. Either carry this bill with you everywhere in your wallet in a separate pocket, or keep this bill at home in that large wallet where you save money for a major purchase.

A non-changeable ruble can replace simply carrying a sufficient amount of money in your wallet at all times. But this amount should not cause discomfort.

From lack of money. Relieves, among other things, lack of money caused by damage

Take a white wax candle and melt it in an iron mug over a fire.

As the wax boils, throw a coin in there and read the spell: God is a paradise, in paradise there is a garden. The devil has a boiling hell. You boil, candle, boil, you accumulate my wealth, accumulate. As long as this wax money is with me, all the wealth will go to me. An angel stands at the Garden of Eden, the devil stands at a boiling hell. There will be no department for my case. I close, I close. I lock it, I lock it. I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to change in a store

You need to give money with your right hand, and take it with your left. When accepting change in a store with your left hand, say to yourself: In our wallet - your money, your treasury - my treasury! Amen.

Conspiracy for gifts and donations

When you give someone a gift or provide sponsorship, say to yourself: Let the hand of the giver never fail.

Coin spell to make money multiply

They say 5 kopecks or 5 rubles for a coin and carry it with them everywhere. A month later they get rid of it and make a conspiracy for a new coin.

I go to trade as a merchant, and return on a sable a fine fellow. I'm bringing the treasure home. God grant me so much money that I have nowhere to put it. Amen.

Conspiracy to the starry sky

At midnight on the full moon, go outside and, if the sky is starry, say, looking at the stars: How there are many stars in the sky, How there is enough water in the sea, So that there is a lot of money in my wallet and there is always enough.


Money plot

Women need to perform the ritual on even days of the week, men on odd days.

In the evening, stay alone in the room, close the windows and doors. If there is a large mirror in the room, it should be covered with thick dark fabric. Light two thick red candles.

For the ritual you need a large wallet, two small mirrors and three coins of the largest possible diameter (it is best to take modern tens, you can also use ancient coins).

Place mirrors opposite each other to create a “corridor of mirrors.” And place the coins so that they are reflected in both mirrors, which are reflected in each other. You will get a money mirror corridor. Say: From mirror to mirror along the path, Walk for me, servant of God (name), Walk to collect money, Ten rubles and rubles, Collect money, Put it in my wallet, Don’t know the needs. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner, save and preserve me, do not judge me for money-grubbing, but help me collect my money. Now and ever I glorify Your name and evermore the Virgin Mary.

After this, put both mirrors in the wallet, coins between them. Always carry your wallet with you. You will have plenty. Don’t forget to read the Lord’s Prayer nine times after talking about money and your wallet before going to bed.

Ritual for the safety of money

This ritual should be carried out on the day when you are repaid a debt or given a salary. Wait until evening. Stay alone in the room, light a church candle. From the money received, take a medium denomination bill, place it on a smooth surface (this can be a wooden table surface or the surface of a good expensive green cloth - green cloth, for example) and close your eyes. For three minutes (time is counted offhand, not by the clock, but by your own feelings), stroke the bill with the tips of your index, middle and ring finger right hand

: first in length, then in width. Hold the money with your left hand.
Answer from Empress Happy[guru]
Any coin worth five kopecks or five rubles will suit you; it is not advisable to use a coin of fifty kopecks. As soon as you are given such a coin as change, mark it and put it in your wallet with other money. When you put the coin in your wallet, don’t forget to whisper on it: “I’m going to trade as a merchant, I’m returning on a sable as a fine man. I'm bringing the treasure home. God grant me so much money that I have nowhere to put it. Amen." Carry the coin with you for a whole month, and then be sure to pay with it. ..
Money plot for a coin on an even day
Take a coin of any denomination and say the following words on it: “As there is a lot of dirt in the swamp, and fish in the water, so there is a lot of wealth for me. Month, grow and grow, and give me, the servant of God (name), wealth. Amen. Amen. Amen." The plot can only be read on an even day and on a waxing moon. After you cast the spell, put the coin in a corner and do not touch it for 7 days. If someone takes it out of the corner or moves it, you will have to start all over again. After 7 days, take the coin and spend...

Answer from Yotrekosa[guru]
Everyone would be rich long ago if they shared this. I shared it here, so those who made money from it started sending me 1. Yes, my nerves were shaken by the calls. The desire to help everyone disappeared. I wish you to become rich from the bottom of my heart! But a spiritually rich person would be much calmer.

Answer from Yulia[guru]
On Wednesday, looking at your wallet and lightly stroking it, say:
There are so many stars in the sky,
how there is enough water in the sea,
so that my wallet has a lot of money
and there was always enough. Amen.
or so
As soon as you see the horns of the new moon in the sky, read while looking at it forty times:
The moon is young, your horns are golden,
You walk across the sky, counting the stars.
Day by day you grow and improve.
So my money would grow and arrive,
And they were always in my house, and in my pocket.
My word is strong, my deed is tenacious,
I sign an Amen, I close with an Amen.
The Spirit is always holy and I am always rich.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: conspiracies for wealth. Share, who knows.