How to make a heart from beads with your own hands step by step with photos

Tools and materials.

Large red beads
Small yellow beads.
Wire d=0.3 mm
Wire cutters

Heart weaving pattern.


1. String 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 yellow beads onto a 60 cm long wire.

2. Insert the wire into the first red bead and tighten.

3. We string 1 yellow and 1 red bead on the left end of the wire, and 1 yellow bead on the right end.

4. We insert the right end of the wire into the red bead and tighten both ends.

5. We perform another row in the same way.

6. We string 2 yellow beads onto the left end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads onto the right end.

7. We insert the left end of the wire into the red bead and tighten both ends.

8. We perform another row in the same way. It turns out to be a small reversal.

9. We string 3 yellow beads onto the left end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads onto the right end.

10. We insert the left end of the wire into the red bead and tighten both ends, making a turn.

11. We string 2 yellow beads onto the left end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads onto the right end. We repeat the row twice.

12. String 8 yellow beads onto the left end of the wire.

13. We insert the left end of the wire into the first of 8 beads.

14. Tighten the bead to create a loop.

15. We string 1 red bead on the left end of the wire, and 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 yellow bead on the right end.

16. We insert the right end of the wire into the red bead of the left end

17. Tighten both ends. The result is the left half of the heart.

18. We string 2 yellow beads onto the upper end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads onto the lower end.

19. Tighten the beads.

20. We string 2 yellow beads onto the right end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads onto the left end. We insert the right end of the wire into the red bead and tighten it.

21. We string 3 yellow beads onto the right end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads onto the left end. We insert the right end of the wire into a red bead.

22. Tighten the wire.

23. We string 2 yellow beads onto the right end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads onto the left end and secure. We repeat the row twice.

24. We string 1 yellow bead on the right end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red bead on the left end and secure it.

25. Repeat the row 3 times. We string 1 yellow bead and 1 red bead on the right end of the wire, and 1 yellow bead on the left end.

26. We insert the left end of the wire into the red bead of the 1st row of the heart and thread 1 more yellow bead onto the left end of the wire.

27. We insert the left end of the wire into the red bead at the right end of the wire. Tighten both ends of the wire.

28. It turned out to be a heart.

The heart can be used as a keychain. DIY beaded heart in master classes (video)

DIY beaded heart in master classes (video)

Such a wonderful gift as a beaded heart can be given for different events: for Valentine's Day, on a birthday, or just for your loved ones. This does not require any special knowledge or specific skills. This task can be simple for beginning needlewomen, and most importantly, very exciting. You just need to be patient and stick to this lesson, which we have provided with photo and video materials.

Volumetric heart made of beads

Required materials:

  • large beads;
  • large Czech beads;
  • wire measuring 0.3 mm;
  • wire cutters.

Before you start weaving a heart, it is better to study the description. The work will be carried out in the style of “monastic cross-stitch needlework”. You need to take a piece of wire 120 cm long, close it in half, put a bead on both edges and move them down. The second bead must be threaded with wire ends on both sides and pulled tightly so that the model is filled. As the diagram shows, the result is a triangle made of beads. Now you should string one bead on each of the bases, and insert the third bead with the ends of the wire from both directions, and also tighten the beads. The diagram of the heart shows that the result is a real cross of four beads. This step must be repeated until the 8th step.
Then you need to make a turn of beads for the next piece of the heart - two beads are put on the right end of the wire, and one on the left. And one of them must be passed through two wire edges from both bases of the heart. Adhering to the pattern, you should weave seven simple crosses before pumping the line. To get an unfinished cross in the previous element, two beads are strung on the right side, after which the last bead is threaded with ends from the two edges of the heart. The video shows everything in detail.

At the 16th stage, an increase is made: first, two beads are put on the wire thread on the right, and one on the left, which is pushed through both points of the wire from both directions, so that the bead hearts turn out to the left side.
Next, work continues with the heart crosses, although on the left the existing beads will be used to weave the main row. You need to create seven steps and turn upward. To do this, in the left direction, thread the wire parallel into both beads and take another, threading it with two wire edges from both points of the heart.
Now the weaving of the heart continues according to plan up to the 53rd step. The bead hearts are made smaller by turning to the left, two beads are placed on the metal thread on the right, the outermost one is passed from both bases with both ends of the wire. You need to finish it to the point of the line, make an irregular cross from three pieces of beads, fix the wire thread with wire cutters, and trim off the excess edges. You need to weave two similar hearts from beads. After completing both hearts, you should tie them together with crosses along their length. To do this, take a special piece of wire thread measuring 60 cm, as shown in the diagram, and interlock all the emerging beads with crosses.
At the end, you need to keep the open cross to fill the heart with mainly large beads to add dimensions. Next, close the final crosses, tighten the wire and hide the remaining edges deep into the heart. In the photo we see the resulting voluminous beaded heart.
The entire process of weaving such a voluminous heart can be studied in detail using a video tutorial on creating an original decoration.

Video: Weaving a pendant in the shape of a voluminous heart

DIY embroidered beaded heart

Necessary materials:

  • leather or felt;
  • beads sizes 11 and 15;
  • material for hanging the heart;
  • small stones;
  • nylon thread No. 50;
  • cotton wool;
  • scissors;
  • bead needle.

The first thing to do is color the felt. acrylic paint. Then draw a heart on paper, cut it out, trace it on a stencil and glue the rhinestones. Now you can start embroidering the outline of the heart, stringing 2 beads, as the photo demonstrates. You need to go back along the collected beads and put on 2 more. As a result, the entire contour of the heart is sewn on. You should go over the silhouette again, straightening the line. It is necessary to try to make seam to seam. Next, cover the stones with size 15 beads identical to the pattern, go through the thread one more time and cut over the rhinestones again. You can also use mosaic to strengthen the heart. Now a line of beads is embroidered around the circumference of the row of cuttings.

The most exciting part begins - filling the hearts with beads and embroidering them in a chaotic sequence. The scheme of the second side is as follows: you need to sheathe it along the outline in the same way. Now you can make a wonderful rainbow of heart: carefully cut off the unnecessary fabric closer to the applique, without removing 1 mm of seams. The photo shows how the halves turned out. Now you can bring them together and lead the thread to the outside of the heart. Next, collect two beads and return to the same edge, insert the needle through the second bead, string another one, pierce the material and pass the needle through the collected bead. This is how beaded hearts may look like in advance. To make the heart lush, you need to fill it with cotton wool and move further, sheathing the base to the end. A beaded heart can also be made smooth, that is, without filler.

The lining of the heart is completed by sewing on the remaining bead. Advice, especially for beginners: at this step it is better to keep a gap between the beads and move them later, rather than sew the last bead next to each other, where they will “find” each other. The photo shows everything in detail.

Now all that remains is to create a loop on which you can attach a beaded heart. You need to bring the thread a little above the central point of the heart or wherever you want. String 10 beads and always pass the needle through the beads on the rest of the heart, strengthen the loop with several passes of thread (about 3-4 steps).

The finished heart-shaped craft can be used as a keychain or pendant on a Christmas tree or bag, or it can be presented as an addition to a gift.

Beaded heart pendant

Materials for work:

  • Czech beads in ruby ​​tones;
  • hook for weaving No. 1.25;
  • ordinary threads.

Approximately you should put beads on the thread. Then start knitting both hemispheres of hearts from beads. During needlework, you should not weave the rise columns - the craft is knitted along a curve. The entire heart weaving technique will proceed as follows:

  • The 1st line creates a circle of 3 columns;
  • 2nd line – 6 columns to the penultimate ring;
  • 3rd line – 12 tbsp. to the next column of the previous line;
  • 4th line – 18 st.;
  • 5th line – 24 st.;
  • 6th and 7th lines – column to column, no movements, 24 st.

The remaining threads of the first hemisphere of the heart must be cut off. The second part of the bead hearts is made in the same way, although at the end the thread remains to knit 4 columns that will close the two halves. The photo shows what should come out.

Now you can make a loop to decorate the heart. For this you need to use pins and pliers. The loop is fixed inside until the parts of the beaded heart are combined together.

Now you can start piecing together the two accessories, knitting the remaining space of the heart along the back. The photo shows an example of knitting a heart:

1st and 2nd lines - column to column. As a result, there are 44 loops. Then you should reduce the number of loops; to do this, they are divided by 4. It turns out that in any next line the 10th and 11th loops are knitted together. The procedure of weaving the heart continues until there are only 4 loops - they must be closed and the thread removed. While the heart is being knitted from beads, it needs to be filled little by little with some kind of filler.

Such a wonderful craft as a heart made of beads can become not only a pendant for a phone or backpack, but also an original gift.
We hope we've helped you with ideas for creating romantic gift. Watching the following video lessons will show in detail the technique of making various hearts.

Video: Learning to weave hearts from beads


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Romantic decorations, fashionable accessories and symbolic additions to gifts - all this applies to beaded hearts. Agree, it’s nice to wear a skillfully woven pendant or elegant heart-shaped earrings on a date. A cute keychain made of Czech beads will wonderfully decorate a flash drive or phone case.

How to weave a heart from beads and what materials are needed for this?

Let's start with one of the simplest options

We will need:

  • some medium-sized red beads;
  • monofilament (1.50 m);
  • beading needle;
  • scissors;
  • lighter or matches;
  • ready base for the keychain.

The heart can be woven using the cross stitch method

Let's focus on the cross-weaving method. It will not be difficult to master it. Here are several diagrams, each of which will help you understand how to make a cute heart from beads. Like any product made using this method, the craft should begin with the so-called “chain”.

Divide the piece of monofilament into three equal parts. It should be noted that monofilament (or fishing line) can be different types and, accordingly, different thicknesses. Therefore, if you already have a thin monofilament thread in a spool intended for bead embroidery, use a beading needle. If the fishing line is thicker and does not fit into the needle (but passes through the bead several times), you can work without a needle. In this case, the heart will be more rigid and will hold its shape better.

Detailed diagram of weaving a heart from beads

Execution order

  1. As shown in the diagram, you should start with a set of three beads. To do this, we collect 3 beads on one of the segments and close the resulting ring, bringing the opposite end through the third bead. We tighten the line.
  2. Then we collect three more beads and repeat the procedure. We repeat these steps until the row is completed.
  3. To move to row No. 2, the fishing line needs to be “unfolded.” In Fig. 2 and 3 in the proposed weaving pattern the next stage of weaving a heart from beads is shown: the fishing line is brought out to the left side and the next row is woven (similar to the first).
  4. We continue weaving the next rows, following the tips in Figures 4-6. The first part is ready.
  5. We make another heart in a similar way.
  6. We “sew” two parts together, using one additional bead for each row (Fig. 7-8).
  7. When the craft is ready, securely fasten the fishing line in an inconspicuous place. We cut off the excess and “weld” the ends of the fishing line using a lighter. All this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the entire work. So, the cute beaded heart is ready!
  8. Now all that remains is to connect to finished product base for the keychain.

Using this pattern, you can make not only a keychain, but also a pendant, brooch, earrings or a pendant for a bag - everything will depend on your imagination. You can experiment by using round shiny beads with a diameter of 6 mm or sparkling bicones - copies of Swarovski. Modern craft stores offer such a wide selection of materials! You just have to choose them correctly - and with the help of a simple diagram you will create a unique thing.

Important! If the beaded hearts are too small, change the pattern by increasing the number of beads. For example: Figure 2 shows that the main row consists of 15 beads. Make it longer! Weave a chain of 24 beads and continue as indicated in the diagram (just remember to add the required amount). For convenience, you can draw a new pattern and weave decorations based on it.

Flat beaded keychain

We offer one more simple model for beginners.

Using this pattern you can weave a heart keychain

Weaving such a keychain is not at all difficult - how to make such a heart from beads shows detailed diagram. We will need:

  • beads of three similar shades;
  • key ring;
  • durable and flexible fishing line of medium thickness.

According to the diagram, we begin weaving by securing the ring. Having made a knot, we cross the ends of the fishing line in one light bead. Then:

  1. We collect 2 pink and 2 light beads on each end.
  2. We pass the line back through the pink ones and get “squares” on both sides.
  3. We tighten the fishing line and collect one more light bead.
  4. On one side we additionally string 9 more pieces of different threads (according to the diagram) and pass the opposite end of the fishing line through them. The third row is ready.
  5. We perform rows 4-8 in the same way, using the figure.
  6. We secure the ends of the fishing line and hide them inside. The keychain is ready.

Exquisite decoration for the more experienced

The next keychain can be made by those who have mastered the technique of weaving a square rope. It requires:

  • thin but strong monofilament;
  • beading needle;
  • Czech beads (two colors).

Cute beaded heart

We weave fourteen rows using the “square strand” technique - for one half of a beaded heart; the second will consist of 11 rows (it should be woven perpendicular to the previous one). The finished strips are given the shape of a heart and fastened together, creating another layer of the plait. We use other beads to finish the beads, additionally holding the white together. The craft is ready!

Starting to weave with beads is quite simple. With its help you can create a unique little thing. Usually, beaded hearts are prepared for Valentine's Day. But they are also suitable for themed holidays as a souvenir and a romantic gift.

Heart keychain

The beaded keychain is made from a three-dimensional heart; to make it you will need:

  • large beads;
  • fishing line;
  • connection ring;
  • large ring for keychain.

Schemes with descriptions are presented below.

For the first row, a chain is created using the “cross” weaving method. 4 crosses are made and the fifth one is made without one bead. The line is pulled out to the side.

The bead is put on the fishing line on one side. The second edge of the fishing line is threaded through the beads in the bottom row. In the figure, this is point A. This is how the second row turns out.

Thus we make the third row. When finished, the line is drawn into a bead (point C in the figure).

The bottom picture shows the return to mark C.

Let's start the fourth row from this point. It consists of three crosses, and the fishing line is displayed at mark D.

The fifth row is knitted from an incomplete link, as shown in the figure below.

For a voluminous keychain, you need to weave the second part using the method described above.

The two parts of the heart are stacked on top of each other and intertwined with fishing line as follows. The bead is put on a fishing line, the edge of the fishing line is threaded to the point marked in red in the figure.

The second bead is strung on a fishing line and laid in a cross on the other side. Two parts with the addition of beads are sewn along the orange dots.

The keychain is almost ready, all that remains is to secure the fishing line and attach the rings.

Heart earrings

To make earrings you will need:

  • fishing line;
  • elongated and round beads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • two small rings;
  • fastenings for earrings.

This version of heart weaving is suitable for beginners.

A fishing line 60 cm long is cut. One end is secured in a knot. The elongated beads are strung on a fishing line in a circle. As a result, the beads take the shape of a flower. Next, the fishing line is pulled out behind the flower along the inside through a bead. 4 elongated beads and 1 round bead are strung on it. Holes are woven in a circle through the inner edge of the fishing line. Then the fishing line is pulled back through the round bead. An elongated bead is strung on a fishing line and brought out to the other side. To obtain the second circle, 7 more beads are added.

Round beads are inserted between the elongated ones to support the shape of the heart, in a circle. We thread a fishing line through the outer edges and string round beads between 2 elongated ones. The first heart is woven, for the second earring another one is made in exactly the same way.

A small ring is attached at the top, the same is done with the second part. The earring mounts are added to the rings and the earrings are complete.

Heart pendant

To make a heart-shaped pendant you need:

  • fishing line;
  • small beads;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

This pendant is woven using the brick weaving method.

The fishing line is cut (size 50-60 cm) and inserted into the needle. Three beads are put on it, the needle is passed back through two and the thread is tightened.

Next, we put on two beads, thread the needle under the fishing line between the two beads of the triangle and pull through the last strung bead. And again we do the same with another bead. In total, you should get two bricks of 1 and 2 beads. This is how a triangle of 3 lines of beads turned out.

To expand the next row, a brick of 2 beads is made in the first loop, and one in the last loop.

Another row is made. It should have six beads.

The upper part of the pendant is woven as follows. Five beads are taken, passed through one loop of the row, then the fishing line is passed through the third from the edge and tightened. If everything is done correctly, the beads should refract beautifully at the exit. We pass the fishing line through the next bead of the top row.

We repeat the same with five more beads. The fishing line needs to be tightened so that there is no strong tension and secured.

To ensure that there are no visible gaps in the decoration and it looks uniform, you need to add beads. The fishing line is threaded from bottom to top into the bead located in the middle of the loop and pulled out. The bead is put on again and threaded in the opposite direction.

We transfer the fishing line to the section of the next weaving. The needle is pulled up and down through the beads that are separated from the 2nd loop. Then the second loop is filled, and the thread is passed along all edges of the product and tightened.

In today's master class with a weaving pattern we offer you volumetric heart made of beads that can be worn as a pendant, phone pendant or keychain. The work will not take much time, but the result will please your loved ones.

Tools and materials Time: 1 hour Difficulty: 4/10

  • large beads (or small beads, bicones;
  • fishing line for beads;
  • bead needle.

Step-by-step weaving instructions

A distinctive feature of this pendant model is that it can be made from both large beads and beads, including bicones. In any version, the heart will look interesting and attractive. Good idea for a keychain or pendant for a holiday.

Step 1: weave the first cross

The method of weaving is simple to the point of disgrace; it is a cross that has already become familiar to us. This is how it looks schematically.

Step 2: make several rows

This is the style in which we weave several rows.

Step 3: round the top of the part

As a result, you will get something like this, which resembles a heart in its shape.

It is noteworthy that the workpiece consists of small squares, without curves, and it will not be difficult to repeat it. The only exception is the upper parts of the heart, but this point is clearly visible in the diagram.

Step 4: connecting two parts

You will need two of these blanks in total.

Now we collect them, our voluminous heart. This is also extremely simple to do - we just take flat hearts and sew them along the edge line. Since during the stitching process we use the remaining bicones, the final row for our keychain is formed.

By the way, it is not necessary to use beads or beads of the same size that we used to form both blanks. You can choose a smaller option, this will not spoil the final version at all. Rather, on the contrary, it will make it more interesting and unusual, especially if you choose a material of a different color scheme.

Step 5: Attach the Loop

Now all that’s left to do is attach a beaded loop to our ready-made heart. This way you can painlessly tag the keychain to its rightful place - the keys, on the rearview mirror in the car, or even on the phone. And there is no shame in giving such a product; your friends or acquaintances will appreciate the souvenir.

Such a voluminous heart made of beads will become a good souvenir For dear people. Therefore, share this master class and weaving pattern with your friends, so that they too can please their loved ones with a gift.