You can already feel the warmth approaching, the birds are singing cheerfully and the day is already much longer. The time has come to select clothes, one of important elements considered a headdress. In summer, it is necessary to protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation and your head from sunstroke. Panama hats or hand-crocheted scarves for girls are suitable; the patterns are simple and easy. An excellent product for a beginning needlewoman, it will require a little patience and time.

Protecting children from the sun

For little children, especially girls, things should be bright, fashionable and beautiful. You can buy a cap or a panama hat; they provide excellent protection from the sun's rays. For example, a crocheted summer headscarf will add zest to the look, especially since you can knit it yourself.

Subtleties in preparation

When work begins on making a crochet headscarf for girls, patterns may not be needed. It is very easy and simple to create, knowing only basic things in knitting. First you should learn how to create air loops; for this you will need a hook and thread, preferably cotton. In a circular motion you need to grab the thread and make a knot. This is necessary to secure the product so that it does not unravel when washed. Next, a braid is knitted from loops, its length shows the size of the product.

Material selection

To make crocheting a scarf bring only joy, you should choose bright and favorite colors of thread. For summer, a combination of yellow and green, delicate lilac and juicy pink, purple and white and more is suitable. The most suitable material is cotton, it is natural, allows air to pass through well and does not contribute to diaper rash. You can choose any hook you like; the density of the loops depends on its size. The lower the number on the hook, the tighter the loop and the product itself. It is worth remembering that children grow very quickly, so the item of clothing can be made one size larger.


When the most interesting process begins - creating a crochet headscarf for girls - the diagram shows fairly simple elements. This air loops, double crochets and single crochets. If the child's age is from 3 to 6 years, you will need 70 grams of cotton thread, just in case it is worth having a little more material. If you have other preferences in threads, that’s okay, whatever you like. There are special children's threads, they do not lose color, are made without all kinds of impurities, and do not cause allergic reactions.

It is necessary to tie a braid (from air loops) of the required length, depending on the circumference of the child’s head, and connect the ends. Then a pattern is knitted, it can be anything, alternating double crochets and single crochets to create a kind of mesh.

At the next stage of creating a crochet headscarf for girls, the patterns can be put aside. A thread of a different color is added and a straight row is knitted. Having reached the back of the head, you should measure 10 centimeters in the middle of the product and turn in the opposite direction. In each subsequent row, you need to unknit a pair of loops on both sides evenly. If all the rules for knitting are followed, one loop remains at the end. It needs to be tied well, secured and then cut off the thread, hiding the tail in the rows. The scarf is almost ready, all that remains is to tie all the edges with a single crochet, this will give it neatness. You can knit a separate element (flower, butterfly, leaf) and sew it on the frontal part.

Using hook and thread

When creating crochet headscarves for girls, patterns are practically not used; just look once and everything is clear. The product is unique, exclusive and new. You can tie a lot of scarves, panama hats and light hats and change them every day.

When your hand gets used to the hook, the loops will be even and identical, you should try to knit something more difficult. For example, an openwork scarf is distinguished by the elegance of its pattern; it turns out to be more graceful. When knitting the initial elements, in this case a headband (an element of a headscarf with an open back part), you should choose openwork crochet. This is considered the next stage in the development of knitting, and then you can learn to create hats and other items of clothing. Since ancient times, knitted items have been valued for their quality, uniqueness and practicality.

A headscarf is a universal headdress. All girls wear it: both little ones and serious ladies. You can tie a scarf in such a way that it will suit any style of clothing: a winter quilted jacket or a summer beach dress. Knitting a scarf with knitting needles, the patterns and descriptions of which can be very different, is feasible even for a novice needlewoman.

The basis of any scarf

They can be anything: from airy linen openwork to warm downy canvas with a simple pattern. It turns out that the scarf is primitive - half of the scarf is most often a triangle, if you go into mathematics, then an isosceles triangle. This is what needs to be knitted to get a headdress. However, scarves are worn instead of a scarf, and as a cape, and even tied with jewelry instead of a brooch or tie. In any case, to knit a scarf, you need to knit a triangular-shaped fabric.

The simplest knitting

A very interesting type of triangular headdress is called baktus. This is also a scarf, although in reference books it is often defined as a scarf with triangular shape. Baktus is a special knitting of a scarf. The patterns and description of the work are the simplest, because such an accessory must initially be knitted in garter stitch - only from knit stitches. It is most convenient to knit bactus from a corner. For example, like this:

  • cast on 5 stitches + 2 edge stitches on the knitting needles;
  • these 5 loops can be knitted only with knit stitches, like the rest of the fabric, or you can get a track in knit stitch if you knit these 5 loops in the knit rows facial loops, and in the purl rows - with purl loops;
  • in each row - both front and back - add 2 loops using broaches: before and after the central track of 5 loops;
  • The length of the bactus depends only on the desire of the needlewoman.

Small bactus is often used as neckerchief, the long product is worn as a snood-type headdress.

Two threads at the base

Another simple knitting of a scarf, the diagrams and description of which will now be given, requires two skeins of yarn. They can be the same color, but different in texture, or you can use colored yarn. The pattern consists of 4 rows, which are knitted on circular knitting needles. All odd rows are knitted with yarn 1, and all even rows, respectively, with yarn 2. Moreover, the rows change in 2 rows: 2 purl, 2 knit, regardless of the skein with which they are knitted. The knitting turns out to be transverse - from one tail to the central corner and then to the second tail. Therefore, first, increases are made from broaches at the beginning of odd and at the end of even rows. When the scarf is the right size, decrease two stitches together at the beginning or end of each row according to the shape of the scarf.

Triangular playground for fantasy

Every needlewoman tends to fantasize, to come up with, if not new models, then new drawings. It’s not worth conceiving a global thing for an experiment at first; it’s better to try simple and fancy knitting of a scarf. Schemes and descriptions of such work can be constructed on a notebook sheet, using yarn overs, braids, and moving loops along the pattern. You can make such a scarf using any knitting method: make openwork paths, use braids in the edging, and scatter a pattern of knit and purl stitches across the field. If you work carefully on the scheme, you can probably get something decent.

Balloon shawls

Handicrafts, and knitting in particular, have been developing since time immemorial. Things, hand tied, carry a special energy, and even the most primitive of them are beautiful and cozy in their own way. But craftswomen always strive for perfection, developing and knitting scarves with knitting needles. Schemes and descriptions of the work process can be very, very complex and consist of many components of the drawing. But this kind of work turns out simply amazing. A large scarf, most often light, as if woven from air, openwork, is called a shawl. You need to work on such a product very carefully, avoiding even the slightest defects in the execution of the pattern; if you break the pattern in one row, you can get a spoiled work. Knittingmaking openwork scarves with knitting needles, diagrams and descriptions of which were developed by experienced craftswomen, requires the needlewoman to be able to read the diagram correctly. You need to visualize the drawing, otherwise it is very difficult to control the entire process, especially when the canvas reaches a fairly large size, and the repeats alternate and repeat. In openwork scarves, shawls, patterns of yarn overs, double and triple loops are mainly used, although braids and weaves make such a thing even more beautiful and elegant. The edges of the shawl are processed either with an openwork border or with tassels.

If you want to knit a shawl, but don’t have much experience in working on large-scale openwork, you can use openwork elements, for example, alternating the stockinette stitch and your favorite pattern of yarn overs and crisscrosses.

To make it both beautiful and warm

The yarn from which scarves can be knitted is selected depending on the main purpose of the item: for beauty, for protection from the sun in the summer, for a cool summer evening or for a walk on a frosty day. Down yarn- one of the most interesting materials for knitting scarves with knitting needles. Schemes with descriptions for down scarves most often use openwork elements, because the natural yarn used for such work gives enough warmth, even if the item is openwork. In our country and abroad, Orenburg is famous down scarves and scarves, light, but surprisingly warm, beautiful, elegant, with fabulous patterns along the field and border. This is painstaking work - knitting down scarves. Diagrams and descriptions for such work must be chosen correctly and executed very accurately. If the yarn is very fluffy, then the design can be simpler, but if the fluffy thread is thin and elegant, then the canvas can be made simply magical.

Headscarves, shawls, bactuses are a universal opportunity to complement your image with not only a useful, but also a beautiful accessory.

The headscarf is one of the very first women's headdresses.

In the past in Rus', not a single representative of the fairer sex could do without this unusual thing. But even today this headdress remains the same relevant and beloved item. It is appropriate on the head of a little girl and will perfectly complement the outfit of a business woman.

Especially it concerns knitted products created with your own hands. Let's take a closer look at what beauty and how you can create using knitting needles.

Proper preparation of the knitting process is the key to its smooth flow and achievement of an ideal result. Preparation consists of choosing the model you like, suitable yarn and knitting needles. Unlike other knitted wardrobe items, you don't need to create a pattern. Because a knitted scarf always has a triangular shape and differs only in size. The product can be dense or have an openwork appearance.


The material for the product must be chosen correctly. To do this, you need to decide on the following characteristics.

  • Seasonality. Summer models are made from linen, cotton, silk or viscose fiber. For the cold season, it is better to use wool, alpaca, angora or mohair.
  • Owner's age. For little ones, bright, playful colors of the future item are preferable. And for women it is better to use a monochromatic range of pastel colors.
  • Density headdress. If you want to create a lace version, then take thin threads.

Reference! If you knit this item from acrylic, you can wear it all year round.


Tool selection is another one important step in the preliminary process. Knitting needles are selected according to the thickness of the thread used. The larger the fiber, the bigger size the tool you will need.

To do right choice, fold the thread in half and compare it with the thickness of the knitting needle. It must be identical. You can also use the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the yarn label.

The uniqueness of knitting a women's headscarf

The whole difficulty of knitting this headdress lies in achieving the shape of an isosceles triangle. This can be achieved in several ways.

  • First way. The fabric is knitted from the widest edge with even decreases in stitches along the edges.
  • In the second option to begin with, cast on 13 stitches on the knitting needles. Then mark the seventh and in every second row, one new loop is knitted from adjacent to the marked loops. At the same time, two loops are knitted together at the end of the row. Make the canvas of the required size. Then only additions are performed. This method is especially good when knitting openwork symmetrical patterns..
  • Third option. Differs in the opposite direction of knitting. Cast on three loops on the knitting needles and, to expand, knit three loops from the central one.

All these methods are good because the product can be tried on during the manufacturing process. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the length of the canvas.

Important! Ready product After washing, be sure to secure it unfolded with pins until it dries completely.

This process is called blocking.

Knitting scarf models

There are a huge number of wonderful models of this thing. Some are simple, but there are real puzzles that require considerable skill, imagination and patience to implement. But any of these creations can transform and decorate a woman’s appearance. And also to make her stand out from the crowd or attract the attention and charm of representatives of the opposite sex. This item can also be given as a gift. to a loved one, sharing the warmth of your heart with him. It’s not without reason that they say that a master puts a piece of his soul into his creation.

We offer descriptions that will help you knit a fashionable scarf.

A simple model for beginners

For needlewomen who decided to knit this item for the first time, you should not choose a complex model. It is enough to choose an unusual yarn. An item made from sectional colored fiber looks quite impressive. We offer a model that is quite simple and quick to make.

To implement this you will need the following.

  • Sectional colored wool yarn with parameters 400 m\100 g.
  • Knitting needles 2.5.

Completing of the work

  • Cast on 13 stitches and knit a row.
  • From the next row, knit in stockinette stitch. In every second row, perform yarn overs on the sides of the central loop, and decrease at the end of the row.
  • After you reach the desired width of the fabric, perform only yarn overs.
  • To form a pattern at the desired height, purl two rows and make a “bump” pattern between them according to the pattern.

"Bump" pattern

  • Work six rows of garter stitch at the beginning and end of the fabric at equal distances from the central pattern.
  • For an openwork border, eight rows before finishing work, knit a row with a hem pattern: 2 sts together, knit stitch, yarn over.

If you wish, you can decorate with a hook border. Carry out wet-heat treatment and block the gusset.

Tight headscarf

For the cold season, it is better to use models knitted with dense patterns from bulk yarn or wool. This option will not allow the cold air to pass through and will perfectly protect you from the dampness of late autumn. Moreover, combining simple patterns, you can create a unique variation of the headdress.

Model "Rice and gum"

Required materials: wool yarn with parameters 300 g\100 m and knitting needles No. 3.

Description of work

  • The canvas is done from top to bottom.
  • Having started work, we knit with the “Rice” pattern in accordance with the description (1 r.: 1 l.p. and 1 i.p.; 3 r.: 1 i.p., 1 l.p.; 2–4: loops knit according to the pattern; repeat rows 1–4).
  • At the same time, in the center, knit three loops from the central loop in every second row and include them in the pattern. To give shape along the edges, along with increases, decrease an equal number of loops on both sides.
  • Having reached the desired width, perform only central increases.
  • To form a border, perform six rows with a 1x1 elastic band.
  • Finish the fabric with 10 rows of garter stitch.
  • Carry out WTO scarves.

Advice. Using the example of the pattern of this product, you can knit other variations, replacing the patterns with the designs you like.

Openwork scarf

Not only dense variations can protect you from winter weather; a lace model made of mohair can easily cope with this task. Such a thing, in addition to warmth, has another wonderful quality: an airy charm that gives the scarf a feeling of tenderness. It seems that it softly and weightlessly envelops your shoulders. And knitted from summer yarn, fine linen or silk, it will warm and decorate you on a summer evening.

This item can be made in summer and winter versions. In the first case, for openwork knitting you will need linen or silk yarn, in the second - angora or mohair.

Execution Process

  • Knit a triangular fragment with facial loops: cast on 3 p. and tie 6 p. Then throw on 3 edge loops from the nearest and 2 stitches of the cast-on edge.
  • Continue knitting in accordance with the patterns. We start with diagram A.

  • Then continue working according to scheme B.

  • Then knit according to pattern C.
  • Work eight rows in garter stitch.
  • Close the edge with a picot pattern: add 2 sts with an additional set, bind off 6 sts, repeat these steps until the loops run out.
  • Wash and secure the scarf with pins on a flat surface.

New models: bactus scarf

Fashion does not stand still, and from time to time it gives us interesting knitted items. One of them is a hybrid of a headscarf and a scarf, popular among women. We are talking, of course, about bactus. This original item harmonizes well with clothing of different styles.. It is also much more practical than a simple scarf, since its surface area better covers the chest and neck area. At the same time, it does not cause discomfort when used.

As an example and sample, we propose to consider a rather elegant variation.

Bactus with leaves

To make bactus you will need yarn of medium thickness (300 m\100 g) and knitting needles No. 4.
The product is made according to scheme 1 with a gradual expansion and then narrowing of the canvas.

Increases are made after the blue line. Loops are decreased in the same way as additions. After finishing knitting, perform wet-heat treatment of the product.

And finally, I would like to give a few useful recommendations, which will help you facilitate the work process and achieve a good final result.

  • Before use, wipe the metal tool with a soft cloth. Especially if it is new or just purchased, because an invisible plaque will form on it over time. Not only does it prevent the threads from sliding along the knitting needle, but it can also stain the yarn.
  • Rewind the fiber into a ball before use. Sometimes unpleasant surprises can await you inside the skein in the form of thread breaks or manufacturing defects. This will also prevent the yarn from getting tangled during the knitting process.
  • Always place the skein in an empty container. This will keep the threads from getting dirty and will protect the yarn from getting clogged with hair or pet hair.
  • If you are knitting according to a complex pattern, then make a photocopy and cross out the knitted row. This method will help you avoid getting confused and confused.
  • Do not neglect blocking the product, especially if it is a lace model. With this action, the scarf will acquire a strict shape, clarity of design and external lightness.

I hope you are convinced that it is not so difficult to please yourself or your loved ones with a stylish and attractive update. A knitted scarf will require only desire and a few free evenings. Imagine, create and give your loved ones the warmth of your soul. Even loops for you!

Headscarves, crocheted, not only do not lose their relevance, but on the contrary, they are becoming more and more popular among the fair sex of different ages.

A light openwork scarf is an important item of summer wardrobe, indispensable for long walks on the scorching sun. In particular, a headscarf is needed for little princesses who love for a long time play outside: it will protect the child’s head from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays, and will not allow unruly hairs to interfere with play.

As a rule, crocheting a scarf for a girl is as easy as shelling pears, and even the most ordinary fillet mesh looks truly charming on small heads, but mothers give full rein to their imagination by coming up with exclusive models of scarves.

Crochet scarf patterns are amazing, they are not similar to each other, and if they have something in common, then they have different colors, original finishes and openwork patterns make each product truly unique.

Scarves are crocheted quite quickly; with the right skill, in a few hours of crocheting you can get a new exclusive headdress. The only one important point in preparation for knitting - selection of appropriate yarn: for summer scarves it is better to use cotton yarn (Iris type), spring-autumn models should preferably be made from thin mohair or cotton thread with the addition of wool, which creates an air layer to retain heat.

We invite beginners in crocheting and experienced craftswomen to master classes on knitting a variety of scarves: children's and women's, light summer and warmer ones for the spring-autumn season. Step by step instructions, diagrams and explanatory photos will help you quickly understand the material and crochet a wonderful scarf!

Abbreviations in the text:

  • VP – air. a loop;
  • Runway - air. lifting loop;
  • Art. s/n – double crochet;
  • Art. b/n – single crochet;
  • Art. s/2n – double crochet stitch;
  • PS – half-column;
  • pet. - a loop;
  • flail - chain;
  • PR – previous row;
  • SS – connection column.

Photo tutorial on knitting a simple scarf for beginners

Summer children's scarf with decorative knitted flowers - great way please your baby with a new bright accessory. The process of knitting it is quite simple; it is possible to decorate the headdress with any decorative elements, depending on the flight of fancy of the craftswoman.

For knitting you need no more than 100 grams. cotton yarn (iris, daffodil) and hook No. 1.5.

Knitting progress

We collect the flail. on 5 VP, we connect the SS into a ring.

We recruit 6 more VPs.

Let's start knitting the pattern: 6 VP + 3 tbsp. s/n + 3 VP + 3 tbsp. s/n + 3 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n (this entire combination must be knitted in a ring of 5 VPs).

To knit the second row of the pattern, the knitting must be turned over. Raise 6 VP.

We knit the third and all subsequent rows of the pattern in the same way as the second row, expanding the corner of the scarf with a combination of “3 tbsp. s/n + 3 VP + 3 tbsp. s/n" into the central arch.

We knit the scarf fabric until it reaches a width equal to the circumference of the child’s head.

The next step is tying the product along the non-stretch edge: 2 runways, in each cell - 3 PS s/n. So we will knit several rows.

Tying with an openwork border on the remaining two sides with the following repeats: “5 tbsp. s/n from one loop in the 2nd st. s/n there are three of them, art. b/n – under the chain.”

Completion: knitting ropes (cast on a chain of 50 VPs on each side, knit into each loop using a double stitch), as well as decorative flowers.

We knit flowers according to the pattern:

We decorate the headband with ready-made crocheted flowers, decorate them with pearl beads or other decorative elements (rhinestones, flower buttons, etc.).

Sprinkle the finished product with starch solution and iron it with a hot iron to give it a scarf-like appearance. correct form. Ready!

Openwork scarf for baby daughter

Those who have mastered the basics of knitting scarves can confidently move on to a more complex model - an elegant one. openwork scarf. For knitting you need cotton yarn, as well as a hook No. 2.5.


The scarf is knitted not as usual - from the corner, but from the base.

Row No. 1: pick up the flail. for 33 VP (the number of stitches can be varied, observing an important condition: it must be divided by 3) + 2 VP for the pattern + 1 runway, in each stitch. chains - according to the 1st art. b/n.

Row No. 2: turn of work, 2 VP, skip 1st st. PR, next. pet. – 1 tbsp. b/n, skip 1st stitch again. PR, next pet. – 1 tbsp. b/n, add 3 VP + 1 tbsp. b/n, then we knit with rapports to the end of the row: “skip 2 stitches. PR, next. pet. – 4 tbsp. s/n (between them - 2 VP), skip 2 pets. PR, Art. b/n, 3 VP, art. b/n".

Row No. 3: turn around the work, into the 1st arch from the 1st VP - st. b/n + 3 VP + st. s/n, in the central arch of the fan: st. b/n + 3 VP + st. b/n, rapports to the end of the row: in an arch of 3 VP - 4 tbsp. s2/n (2 VPs between them), to the center. fan arch - art. b/n + 3 VP + st. b/n.

We tie ties: a chain from VP, we tie from one according to the principle loin mesh: 1 VP, through 1 st. - Art. s/n. We smoothly move on to tying the smooth edge of the scarf (the base of the triangle), knitting it with fillet mesh.

Tying the openwork sides of the scarf (top of the triangle): we pass the st. along the entire perimeter. b/n. Then we unfold the work, 2 VP, SS in the next. pet., repeat the rapports to the end: (3 VP in one pet., treble s/2n, SS) x 4 times, 3 VP + SS + 2 VP, after 1 st. PR - SS, 3 VP, through 1 st. PR - SS, 2 VP, through 1 st. PR – SS.

The openwork scarf is ready. Using the principle of this knitting, you can knit a light bactus scarf for a woman; to do this, you just need to calculate the correct number of loops for the knitting base (must be divisible by 3).

For clarity, we present to your attention step-by-step video lessons making a scarf like this:

Crochet air scarf made of square, pentagonal and triangular motifs

Despite all the airiness, this scarf can be knitted from wool and acrylic yarn, which means it can act as a headdress that doesn’t burden your hair or as a light cape over your shoulders in the cold season.

The knitting patterns for scarf motifs are as follows:

For knitting you will need: 170 gr. yarn (wool, cotton, acrylic), hook No. 2-2.5.


Quadrangular motif (5 pieces): we collect a flail. from 8 VP, we close it in the SS ring.
Row No. 1: 1 runway, 11 st. b/n in the base ring. SS.
Row No. 2: 11 rapports: “5 VP, 1 tbsp. with 2/n in st. b/n PR, 5 VP.” SS.
Row No. 3: 6 VP (1 VP, 5 VP), 12 repeats: “1 tbsp. b/n in Art. with 2/n PR, 5 VP.” SS.
Row No. 4-13: knit according to the pattern, ending each with a SS.

Triangular motif (4 pcs.): we collect a flail. from 8 VP, we close it in the SS ring.
Row No. 1: 1 runway, 11 st. b/n in the base ring. SS.
Rows No. 2-13: knit forward and backward according to the pattern.

Pentagon motif (1 piece): we collect a flail. from 8 VP, we close it in a circle with SS.
Row No. 1: 1 runway, 9 st. b/n in the ring. SS.
Row No. 2: rapports 9 times: “5 VP + 1 tbsp. s2/n in st. b/n PR, 5 VP.” SS.
Row No. 3: 6 VP (1 VP, 5 VP), 10 repeats: “1 tbsp. b/n in Art. s2/n PR, 5 VP.” SS.
Rows No. 4-13: continue according to the pattern.

Assembling the scarf: we connect the knitted motifs according to the motif connection diagram (presented above).

Finishing: we tie the base of the scarf according to pattern No. 1 in two rows. Sides (triangle) - according to strapping pattern No. 2 (6 rows).
The original women's all-season headscarf is ready!

Bright women's headscarf made with fillet crochet

For knitting you will need: 350 gr. yarn (cotton - for the summer, wool - for the spring-autumn season), as well as a hook No. 2-2.5.

Knitting pattern:


Central square motif: we collect a flail. for 27 VP (22 VP base + 3 VP + 2 VP).
Row No. 1: 1 tbsp. s/n in the 9th VP chain. from the hook, 7 rapports: “2 VP, 1 tbsp. s/n in the 3rd VP of the base chain.”
Rows No. 2-7: continue in the forward and reverse directions according to the square motif pattern.
Rows No. 8-12: knit in a circular manner according to the pattern. We end each row with a SS.
Row No. 13: to the beginning of work, go through with SS and knit on 3 sides of the square motif according to the row pattern. Next we knit in the forward and reverse directions up to the 28th row inclusive. We cut off the thread.

Back side of the scarf ( green color in the diagram): attach the thread, knit straight and back according to pattern No. 3 main. pattern (rows No. 1-15).

Right side of the scarf (blue color in the diagram): attach the thread and knit straight and back according to pattern No. 2 main. pattern (rows No. 1-31). We cut off the thread.

Left side of the scarf (blue color in the diagram): attach the thread and knit straight and back according to pattern No. 2 main. pattern (rows No. 1-31). We don’t cut the thread, we immediately start tying. We knit along the long side of the scarf - according to the binding pattern.

We tie the side (short) sides of the scarf along the trail. principle: rapports to the end of the row “1 tbsp. non-woven, arch made of 30 VP" (such a harness will replace the need to attach fringe). SS. We cut off the thread. The scarf is ready!

Video tutorials on crocheting scarves

In order to examine in more detail the process of crocheting scarves, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with detailed master classes from famous domestic craftswomen:

Hello, dear mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, in general, all those who have a little princess growing up at home! Summer has come! The sun is shining brightly, everything is blooming around, the birds are singing... the mood is such that you want to sing! Imagine how happy the children are about the arrival of summer! And try to keep them at home! In warm summer weather, they are ready to be outside all day! Play, run, swim - enjoy your childhood! But, caring mothers, we should not forget that the long-awaited sun in summer is quite insidious and children definitely need a light hat. And what it will be like, it all depends on you, and of course on the desires of your little fashionista.

My youngest daughter is very capricious in choosing hats: “I don’t want this, I won’t do this, it’s inconvenient...”, probably many mothers are familiar with this situation. It is generally impossible to put a hat or cap on her. After all, as far as you know, all children's hats for girls are made with a thin elastic band under the neck so that the headdress does not blow off in the wind. So, it is this rope that does not give my child peace. And so, we decided to knit a scarf with our own hands. We chose yarn, selected a model... and started making a masterpiece.

When the work was completed, the result exceeded all expectations. The scarf turned out to be light, delicate, and delicate. Crochet products always look much more elegant. It’s simply impossible to describe how much joy my daughter had! She was spinning around the mirror, not taking her eyes off the scarf, she didn’t even want to take it off.

Try crocheting a scarf for a girl and see how your beauty will transform. The pattern is simple, you only need a little yarn. I bought two skeins, white and blue color. There's even some yarn left. Enough to knit two more scarves. It takes about 3-4 hours to make a crochet scarf. In 3 hours with your own hands, using a hook and thread, you will create a wonderful thing that even the most capricious fashionista will definitely like. Well, let's get started?

Necessary materials for knitting a scarf:

  • 1. Cotton threads white(“Coco”) – 50 grams;
  • 2. Blue cotton threads (“Lacy pekhorka”) – 50 grams;
  • 3. Hook 1.5.

Note: the yarn can be different, the main thing is that it is made from cotton threads. If the yarn is thicker and more voluminous, the scarf will gradually turn into an autumn hat. And if the thread is too thin, then the scarf will look like a cobweb and will hardly protect you from the sun’s rays, and appearance will lose.

How to knit a summer scarf for a girl?

Before you start crocheting a scarf, take a centimeter and measure the volume of the child’s head, this will make it easier to navigate the size.

I found a knitting pattern on the Internet; in principle, it’s clear how to knit. Start over. We put a chain of 4 air loops on the hook with a white thread.

We combine the chain into a ring and fasten it with a connecting loop.

We knit the first row according to the pattern.

Then the second one. At first, the drawing seems complicated and unclear. But later it will be much easier when the drawing construction system is visible.

We knit the third row.

Next are rows 4 and 5.

In the same way we knit all subsequent rows according to the pattern.

So, the number of rows in the drawing (rapports) depends on the volume of your child’s head and the desired length. I got about 16 rows. For a girl of two or three years old.

Fasten the white thread. We cut it off. Add blue. Now we tie the edges of the product according to the pattern. Although, you can perform tying using any technique, it is a matter of taste.

To make the product look more delicate, it is better to last row strapping, make arches from three air loops in every second loop of the previous row.

The central part of the scarf can be tied simply with arches of air loops.