Roller skating is an exciting activity, so many kids start asking their parents to buy them roller skates. However, for most mothers and fathers, especially if they themselves are not inveterate skaters, such a child’s desire is caused by fear. After all, a child who does not know how to ride can fall and get injured.

However, if the child insists, the parents will have to give in. But first you will need to find out how to teach your child to roller skate. This issue will need to be taken seriously, since not only the acquired skill, but also the safety of the child depends on proper training.

When can I start training? The question is not an idle one. For example, at 2 years old or even 3 years old it is too early to do this. At this age, the baby’s arch has not yet completed its formation, so placing the child on roller skates so early can have a negative impact on health.

If the child does not lag behind in physical development, then education can begin at 4 years old. But if the baby’s coordination of movements is not yet very well developed, then it is better to postpone the training time for at least a year, starting it at 5 years old.

Of course, there will be nothing wrong if training starts later. On the contrary, a child aged 6 years will be easier to teach.

Moreover, young children under 7 years of age need individual education. And from the age of 8, you can conduct training in groups by sending your child to a special section.

Security measures

When planning to properly teach a child to roller skate, you need to first of all take care of safety. To do this you will need:

  • choose the right roller skates;
  • buy a helmet and protective equipment;
  • psychologically and physically prepare the child for riding.

How to select videos? Firstly, you should not purchase them on the market or in an online store. The fact is that counterfeit goods are often found in markets, and when purchasing from an online store, it is impossible to try them on.

Read also: How to teach your child to sleep in his own crib. Advice for young parents

Of course, you don’t have to buy your child the most expensive model, but you definitely shouldn’t buy a product of unknown origin.

Before purchasing, you should try on several suitable models to choose the one that is most comfortable for the child. The boot should provide good ankle support. It is necessary, without fastening the shoes, to ask the child to stand up, of course, insuring him from falling. If the child can stand confidently, then this model has good lateral support. Then you need to fasten the boot and make sure that your foot does not roll in. Nothing should interfere with or cause discomfort to the child; the boot should fit comfortably and tightly on the foot.

When choosing rollers, you need to purchase high-quality protection. This is definitely not worth saving on. The child must be convinced that it is impossible to stand on roller skates without first putting on a helmet and protective equipment.

As for psychological preparation, you need to explain to your child that in the early stages of learning you can’t do without falling, so you shouldn’t be scared, but you definitely need to learn how to fall correctly.

It is important to teach how to fall forward without fail, so that the main impact falls on the knees and hands, which are protected by pads. If you fall backwards, there is a high risk of spinal injury.

How to conduct training?

First of all, it is worth deciding how the training will take place. A coach can competently and quickly teach a child to roller skate. However, not all parents have the opportunity to take their child to training.

However, if mom or dad are inveterate roller skaters themselves, then training will not be difficult. It will be much more difficult to teach a child to roller skate if you don’t know how. Indeed, teaching something that you yourself have no idea about is quite strange. But, nevertheless, it is quite possible to cope with this work.

You need to take your first steps on roller skates on a level surface. It is best to conduct the first lessons at home, of course, if it is possible to remove fragile precursors from the path of the beginning skater. It is better to ride on a flat wooden floor or linoleum; training on rugs is less convenient.

Read also: How to teach a child to crawl? Everything parents need to know

If the first classes are held outside, then the ideal place for training will be a flat area covered with grass. It's not a good idea to start learning on asphalt.

First of all, you need to learn how to stand on roller skates correctly. It is necessary to keep your legs parallel, shoulder-width apart. The joints of the legs should be slightly bent, the arms should be held in front of you, bent at the elbows.

It is very important that your feet in the boots are parallel, not diverging either inward or outward. The knees must be kept bent at all times.

After the child learns to stand correctly, you should ask him to move a little, stand on one leg, while maintaining balance. Then you can try to move forward while maintaining the correct stance.

At the first stages of training, you should not let your child ride where there are crowds of people. You should not allow your child to speed up or go onto sloped areas. All this can be mastered later, when the first standing exercises will be performed easily and naturally.

It is imperative to teach your child to slow down. To do this, you need to move your right foot (the standard brake is installed on the right boot) forward and raise your toe. The child must know that it will not be possible to stop instantly, so you need to brake in advance. The second braking option: you need to gradually turn your toes inward, while describing a small arc. In this case, it will be possible to brake more smoothly.

Exercises to help you learn to roller skate faster

The first thing that trainers recommend mastering is an exercise called “Flashlights”. When performing this exercise, you must first gradually increase the distance between your legs and then narrow it. To make it easier and more interesting for a child to master this method of driving, it is recommended to draw circles on the asphalt with chalk. Now you need to set the task of driving, passing circles between your legs, and at the distance between them, bringing your legs together again.

Having mastered this technique, you can begin to learn how to ride a snake. You need to stand in the basic stance (feet in boots are parallel, knees are bent).

Having mastered the art of roller skating, it is not easy to give up this sport. With the help of skates on wheels, you can increase the speed of movement by 2-3 times, they make the body more plastic and flexible, and coordination of movements improves.

It is not surprising that parents wonder how to teach their child to roller skate. Usually kids support this idea with great enthusiasm.

From this article you will learn

At what age can you start training?

Supporters of developing any skills from the cradle recommend starting as early as possible: at 2-3 years. For this purpose, models of sizes 15-16 on four wheels are even produced. If you ensure complete safety for your little one and regular training, the first successes can be achieved within a month or two.

Rollersport is not only useful, but also a very traumatic form of movement. When wondering at what age to teach a child to roller skate, you need to know the following:

  • ankle ligaments are forming up to 4-5 years, incorrect actions during training can lead to disruption of this process;
  • the older the children, the They have better coordination;
  • muscles of a very tiny child unable withstand significant load;
  • Older children will understand faster safety regulations.

Therefore, according to experts, start teaching children roller skating at the age of 4-5 years – the best option. Starting the process earlier will require a significant investment of time and effort from parents.

Teach yourself or with a trainer

When planning when to start training, you need to think about how, where and with whom to conduct it. If mom or dad are great skaters themselves, they will be able to tell the child what he is doing wrong. If there are no such skills, falls and lack of quick results are possible, which will reduce the child’s motivation for further learning. If a child masters the wrong skating technique, it will be difficult to retrain him.

An experienced instructor will not allow this. During the lesson, he will point out typical mistakes of a beginner roller skater and suggest performing corrective exercises. A good trainer always has several techniques in stock that allow you to quickly master the skill. A non-professional will not even notice that a beginner is performing the movements incorrectly.

Individual lessons are quite expensive; visiting a section would be a good solution. If it’s not possible to take your child to a trainer, it doesn’t matter. Watch training video tutorials, instructions with photos, study the materials and start training.

For learning to be effective and enjoyable, please adhere to the following conditions:

  • Preparation should begin with. Skates must fit your feet You can’t take them for growth to avoid injury. Most children's models are adjustable, increasing by 2-3 sizes, and their lacing and Velcro adjust the boot to the fullness of the foot. Always make sure your child has fastened their shoes properly!
  • Provide protective equipment. There are sets in which a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and palm protection are included with skates. Explain to your child that protective equipment must always be worn.
  • Choose tracks with good coverage . Poorly laid tiles, cracked asphalt, busy sidewalks - these factors will negate all efforts. If it’s damp outside, cancel the lesson: the wet path is too slippery.
  • Avoid riding in puddles and sand. If grains of sand get into the bearings of the roller, they will break the roller or may jam the wheel, leading to an unexpected fall and injury. At the bottom of the puddle there may be a pothole, a stone, a manhole cover - anything, a fall in this case can lead to complete abandonment of further training.
  • Teach yourself to fall correctly in advance.: only forward, as in this case the protection will work. You can practice falling without rollers on the lawn.
  • Avoid cars, dogs and small children during training.

Where to study

The place for skiing should be safe, uncrowded, and have a flat surface. Suitable for this purpose:

  • Roller rink or skating area. This is an ideal place to learn skating, with two big drawbacks: firstly, not every city has it or it’s a long way to get to it, and secondly, there are almost always a lot of people skating here.
  • Zones in parks and squares.
  • Just a flat, wide sidewalk, a lawn with artificial turf.
  • Stadium, city or school, if there are no mass training sessions there.

There should be no holes, bumps, sand or puddles on the surface. When training, be careful: avoid small children and people walking dogs. Teach your baby to look around while moving. Do not ride near a parking lot or road: the child may not be able to cope with the situation.

Advice. For training, dress your baby in loose clothing that covers his arms and legs. Protective means put on top. Buy sports socks - advanced roller skaters buy those made specifically for skating.

Preparing for training

In order for a boy to quickly begin to master slides and feints, and a girl to master freestyle slalom, they must have motivation. Usually, when kids see bright roller skates, they become eager to learn how to ride them and perform various tricks.

If older brothers or sisters have mastered science, you can also involve them in the process. Enthusiasm also arises when watching videos, after watching children ride.

So, everything is ready for training. When taking the first steps, follow a certain algorithm:

  • Start at home. Put on the rollers and protection and let your child stand on them. Then offer to take a step with support: a wall, stable furniture, or better yet, support him yourself.
  • Don't rush to ride right away: First teach your baby how to do a roller stand. In this position, the heels should be brought together, the toes apart, the legs slightly bent at the knees, and the body tilted slightly forward. To consolidate the skill, let stay in this position for several minutes.
  • Support the little roller as much as he needs. Wait until he can stand on his own and lets go of your hand.
  • Tell your child that in order to gain speed, you need to lean forward. Teach how to fall correctly(this will be discussed below).
  • Switch to asphalt training when The baby will learn to keep balance, perform a stand, squat on rollers, take the first steps.
  • Celebrate all achievements and praise for them, laugh and joke together.


To develop the skill, several simple exercises have been invented:

You can see all these exercises and more in this video.

Don't make mistakes

If, after lengthy training, your child does not succeed, check to see if he is committing one of the common violations:

  • It is difficult for a beginner roller skater to ride on straight legs. If the child's feet are not parallel to each other, this will also make movement difficult.
  • The child's foot is not firmly secured in the shoe. Inexperienced athletes, trying to find balance, hold their legs incorrectly. In an unnatural position, the leg muscles get tired faster and the risk of injury increases. The ankle should work exclusively in a vertical position.
  • The baby's parents supported the child from behind. Therefore, out of habit, he leans back. In this position, there is a danger of injuring your back and head if you fall.

Let's fall right

Before your child goes for a ride, explain to him that everyone falls: both small children and professional athletes. You just need to be able to do it correctly. You can't fall on your back: it will be very painful. Since the arms and legs are protected, if the baby feels like he is falling, he should try to fall forward or at least to the side.

The knee pads should take the first blow, then the elbows and hands in defense. It is advisable not to straighten your arms when falling. To get your baby to automatically fall forward, start teaching him at home, on a soft surface.

Learning to slow down

Having to stop moving often frightens a child. There are three ways to brake properly:

  • Using the device on the right shoe. The stop occurs if the baby moves his right leg forward and transfers his body weight to it. The left leg should be slightly bent, and invite the child to stretch his arms in front of him. You need to brake by making scraping movements on the asphalt. True, you won’t be able to brake sharply with this method.
  • « Plow" The method is similar to the “Flashlights” exercise: slightly bent legs move apart in different directions and sharply, with force, bring the toes inward.

  • « T-stop" Roller technique for those who have learned to skate decently. Stopping occurs as follows: the body moves down, the knees are bent, the whole body needs to rest on one leg. Braking is carried out with the second foot turned across, and you cannot put one foot in front of the other while moving to avoid falling.

To prevent learning from turning into torture, use game techniques: small competitions or relay races with the same beginners. A short warm-up before training will help your child get into the right frame of mind and warm up his muscles. Roller skating is not only good for health, but also a pleasant relaxation, so have fun exercising!

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Roller skating has gained mass popularity relatively recently. Children especially like this sport, but many parents are wary of it. Often, fathers and mothers simply do not know how to protect their child from injury.

Best age to start under parental guidance

There are no strict prohibitions or boundaries regarding the age of a beginning roller skater. As a rule, children begin to be interested in rollers at 4-5 years old. The smallest sizes (26-28) correspond to this age and the structure of the child’s legs. Roller skates sizes 23-26 (Combo Jet) for 3 years are extremely rare - they are produced in limited quantities. You cannot buy rollers for growth. Riding in such shoes is fraught with an increased risk of injury and can lead to pathology in the development of the foot.

In recent years, you can see children of 3 and even 2 years of age on the paths of parks, who are very stable on roller skates. Most often these are children of rollerblading parents. In such families, children learn skating skills immediately after they learn to walk. In any case, kids should not exercise for more than 15 minutes a day. At what age can you go to roller school?

Experts advise not to teach your child yourself if you yourself do not know at least the basic techniques of roller skating and safety rules. If you cannot afford full-time classes at a specialized club or school, find a qualified instructor for at least a few introductory lessons. The correct stance, the ability to maintain balance and fall correctly are very important.

Rolling schools and clubs invite you to junior groups children from 4 years old. But there are trainers who train children under this age. In this case, individual lessons with an instructor are offered.

Training begins with demonstrating the correct stance. It is very important for maintaining balance and skating speed. Without learning the basics, it is impossible to perform complex elements and achieve good results in competitions. Experienced teachers begin to teach the correct stance without rollers.

During the first lessons, the instructor teaches you how to fall correctly. Without mastering and perfecting these skills, the risk of injury is very high.

Participation in competitions

Children are allowed to participate in amateur races from the age of 4. This is not a professional competition. Anyone who can stand and move on roller skates can take part in them.

If your child is seriously interested in skating and shows outstanding abilities, it is worth considering professional classes and competitions. A qualified coach must prepare a child for competitions with an impressive prize fund and determining the child’s skill level. Official schools and clubs offer such services.

There are different approaches to the formation of systems for determining age categories. But usually they look like this: 7-9, 10-12 and 13-16 years. Children 4-6 years old do not participate in serious competitions.

Health benefits of roller skating

During skating, all muscle groups develop. Active spending time in the fresh air enriches the blood with oxygen - this is very important for maintaining the health and mental development of the child. Regular roller skating improves posture, has a positive effect on joints, blood vessels, heart and respiratory organs, and trains the vestibular system.

Roller skating develops coordination of movements and increases agility. This is very important for his safety, because it allows him to avoid injuries in everyday life.

Contraindications for roller skating

Doctors do not recommend engaging in this type of physical activity for children diagnosed with first and second degree flat feet. If your child has suffered a head injury or has vision problems, consult your doctor - in some cases you should stop skating until completely cured. Contraindications include a number of diseases of the spine and joints.

Many children are interested in roller skates; they ask their parents to buy them one and teach them how to skate. Most mothers and fathers, often far from such an activity, begin to fear possible injuries and do not know where to start learning. Both the safety of roller skating and the achieved level of skill largely depend on the correct start of training.

If you organize your training regimen correctly and follow safety precautions, you can avoid injuries.

When to start?

The question of at what age should you put your child on roller skates and start teaching him how to skate depends on many factors. In 2-3 year old children, the formation of the arch of the foot is still ongoing, so starting classes at this age can harm the child’s health.

From the age of 4 you can start teaching your child to roller skate. You can do this at this age, but only if physical development The child is normal and has no problems with coordination. If at least one of these conditions is not met, then it is worth delaying the start of training for a year - until you are 5 years old.

It’s not too late to start teaching your child to roller skate at 6-7 years old; rather, on the contrary, it will take even less time until the first confident steps are taken. It is worth keeping in mind that children under 7 years of age need individual training, but starting from the age of eight, group classes are also suitable.

Child school age He already has better control of his body, so he can get on roller skates quickly enough

Security measures

When planning to teach your child to roller skate, take care of his safety. To ensure this you need:

  • choose the right roller skates;
  • purchase a helmet and protection (knee pads, elbow pads, etc.);
  • conduct physical training;
  • set the child up for the learning process.

It is important to explain to your child that it is impossible to learn to roller skate without falling, so you need to be able to group yourself and fall correctly. This must be done forward, putting your hands in front of you, so that the main blow falls on them and your knees (that is, those places where there is protection). Unlike landing on your hands, falling backwards is fraught with injury, including damage to the spine.

Who will teach a child to ride?

First you need to decide how the classes will be held. You can teach your child to roller skate either independently or by contacting specialists or by enrolling him in the appropriate section.

The most effective way would be to seek help from a trainer - in this case, it will take the least amount of time before taking your first confident steps. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to regularly take their child to training, so it is worth considering other options.

Parents themselves can teach their child, especially if they share a passion for rollerblading and know how to skate on them. Those who have never skated can also try to teach their child to stand on roller skates themselves, but it will be much more difficult for them to do so. A variety of training videos can help in this case.

If adults are rollerbladers with extensive experience, training can be carried out independently. In other cases, it is advisable to seek help from a trainer.

Where to start?

Best for first steps a large one will do flat area. It would be a good idea to practice at home first, if the size of your home allows, and only then go outside. For home training, you should choose rooms with wooden floors or linoleum, but it’s better not to try it on carpet. On the street, you should start your classes on the grass, then move to the asphalt.

  • The first lessons should be devoted to the ability to stand on roller skates correctly. Your legs should be parallel, approximately shoulder-width apart and bent at the knees, your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows and extended in front of you.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the boots are parallel and do not allow the toes to turn outward or inward. You cannot straighten your legs.
  • The next step is to be able to roller skate and lift your legs without losing your balance. Only after this can you begin to learn to roller skate forward, paying attention Special attention correct stance.
  • Another important stage in mastering roller skating skills will be braking. This should be done as follows: the right foot (since the standard brake is located on the right shoe) is pushed forward and placed on the heel.

You won’t be able to stop instantly on roller skates, so you need to prepare for this in advance. There is another way of braking - with it, the toes of the boots gradually turn inward, and the stop itself is smoother.

Of the special exercises, Flashlights are the first to be studied. During its implementation, the distance between the legs must first be gradually increased and then reduced. You can make training easier by drawing markings on the asphalt for your boots to follow. After mastering this exercise, you can begin to learn how to perform a snake.

Common errors

When learning to roller skate for a long time, pay attention to whether your child makes the most common mistakes. These include:

  • Wrong stance. Trying to ride without bending your knees or constantly tilting the toes of your shoes to the sides will lead to the fact that even the slightest unevenness will cause a loss of balance, since the chosen position is extremely unstable. If this is your case, you need to start working on the correct stance, and only then continue training.
  • The ridge falls onto the inner edge. The cause of this error may be boots that are the wrong size and in which the foot is not securely secured. Also, such an error may appear due to constant attempts to catch balance, since by tilting the skates, the child feels more stable. This error must be addressed as it can lead to injury due to the unnatural position of the ankle. It is very important to control whether your legs are in an upright position to avoid unpleasant consequences. Special exercises to strengthen the ankle will help you cope with the second reason for rollers falling inward when skating.
  • Leaning back. Often, when riding, a child begins to fall backwards, but this position is uncomfortable and requires constant tension in the back muscles. The consequences of such an error can be falling on your back and, as a result, injuries to the spine and head. You can only fight by constantly working on the correct stance.

How to teach a child to roller skate? The answer to this question is actually not that complicated. Contacting a trainer is the best option, but you can cope with this task on your own. When learning, the main attention should be paid to the correct stance; after mastering it, progress will not be long in coming.

Be sure to teach your child safety rules. He must remember well that he is not allowed to roller skate on the roadway.

Once the correct stance is mastered, you can proceed directly to skating. Explain to your child that you need to try to ride like a duck.- as if shifting from one leg to the other.

In this case, the support should be on the riding leg. If you can’t yet keep your balance and ride on your own, take your child by the hands so that he feels supported.

Fell well - didn't break anything!

Learning to roller skate and falling are inseparable concepts, so be sure to teach your child how to group correctly. This will help you overcome your fear of falling and avoid serious injury.

If possible, you should only fall forward - first on the knee pads, then on the elbow pads, and lastly on the palms (the fingers should be extended and raised up).

Thus, the main blow will be on the defense, and not on the spine and back of the head. Teach your child not to put his arms straight when falling backwards.

And the most important thing: Don’t forget about protection - your child should ALWAYS have it on while riding, otherwise, even if the baby falls correctly, he will not avoid torn knees and elbows.

The technique of falling must be brought to automaticity, so it is worth practicing falling separately, for example, on a soft lawn.

Honing our skills

Once the child feels confident enough on roller skates, encourage him to master more complex elements - "Christmas tree", "lanterns" and "snake".

"Herringbone"- this is one of the basic movements, which consists of pushing off with one leg and riding with the other. In this case, you need to learn to shift the center of gravity from foot to foot during movement. Essentially it's the same "duck".

When performing the exercise, make sure that the child’s knees are bent, his arms are extended forward and slightly to the sides, and the leg with which he was pushing is moved slightly to the side and back - this will help to take the correct, balanced body position when riding.

"Lanterns"- To perform this exercise, plastic cups will be useful, which need to be placed in one line at a distance of about one and a half meters from each other.

Now invite the child to go around these obstacles, but so that the legs diverge evenly, as if describing a circle and going around the glass on both sides, and then converge again.

“Flashlights” are the basis of one of the methods of braking on roller skates, so pay special attention to practicing this movement.

"Snake"- in this exercise, as in the previous one, it is necessary to place cups-obstacles in a line, which the child will have to go around, imagining himself as a slalom skier.

Don't forget about the stance - your knees must be bent and your body slightly tilted forward. The legs stand parallel to each other.

In addition to these exercises It’s worth learning how to do squats on roller skates to better maintain balance and balance when riding. You need to start doing roller squats with support, gradually trying to do without it.


The ability to brake properly on roller skates is no less important than the ability to skate. The easiest way - braking using the standard brake.

This is a plastic device with a rubber lining that comes complete with the rollers and is attached to the back of the right roller.

To use the standard brake, you need to bend your knees, stretch your arms forward, push your right foot with the brake forward about half a shoe and slightly lift your toes.

This braking method, although not the most reliable, is well suited for beginner roller skaters skating at low speeds.

Having learned to do the “flashlight” exercise, the child will easily master Another method of braking is “plough”. To do this, while riding, we spread our legs bent at the knees to the sides and then bring them together in front of us, as if describing a circle.

How to teach a child to roller skate. 1 part. Mom's school. TSV

How to teach a child to roller skate. Part 2. Mom's school is school. TSV

Let's sum it up

So, the basic part of the training is over, and your fidget can already skate quite well on roller skates in the company of friends.

However, before letting the child roam the expanses of the nearest park, do not forget to tell the young skater the basic safety rules:

  1. You cannot drive onto the roadway.
  2. You cannot drive through puddles, wet asphalt and sand (this damages the rollers and reduces the grip of the wheels on the road).
  3. You should not ride in places with large crowds of people and on steep slopes, and you should not accelerate to the second space speed in order to prove your toughness in front of your friends.

And be sure to finally wish us a smooth road and great rides!