Preparing this display took us a lot of time. We have tried to collect here all the recipes for preschoolers known to us that have ever been released on the market. Some of them have not been used in educational institutions for a long time, but this does not make them ineffective in teaching children to write.
With the help of letters and numbers, your child will learn the basics of writing and literacy, and will be able to independently write numbers on paper in a square or line.

In mathematics (numbers)

Mathematical copybooks are an indispensable assistant in preparing for school. Practice shows that children with whom their parents studied how to write numbers correctly more often become excellent and good students in primary school.

Kolesnikova E.V. for 5-7 years old math by cells


Kolesnikova E.V. for 4-5 years old math steps

Download link

Shevelev K.V. for 6-7 years old mathematical copybooks

Part 1
Part 2

Pererson L.G. and Suvorina E.A. - learning to write numbers for 3-4 years and older

This book is in two parts from famous authors for free download. In the preparatory group kindergarten it is often used by teachers. It never hurts to practice with your child.

Part 1
Part 2 The manual will teach your child how to spell numbers, which is so necessary for learning mathematics in the 5th grade. It also contains tasks for the development of graphic skills, and for a mathematical bias - geometric shapes.

Nefedova and Uzorova 3000 exercises for preschoolers

This manual contains not only a sample and an example of what this kind of manual should look like, but also a full cycle of teaching how to spell numbers. Perhaps these are the best copybooks..
Download for free and without registration

Russian language and literacy (letters)

Russian workbook for 5-6 years old, checkered

This literacy guide is intended for children. senior group kindergarten. Funny copybooks for children, main character in which there is a duckling, will help teach future first-graders how to write the elements of letters. The entire alphabet in the form of a copybook is in front of us.

Printed and written letters Fedosov N.A. for 5-7 years

These copybooks will teach any child how to write uppercase and lowercase letters. They comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. Designed for use in preschool educational institutions.

Lunkina - preparation for school 5-7 years literacy training

In these copybooks, the author Lunkina teaches children to read and write in an entertaining way. First sticks and hooks, and then the whole alphabet, then letter combinations. And all this with a workbook with tasks.

Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronin O.V. by letter

2 parts of a textbook from famous authors for preparing for school. With their help you can learn to deduce printed letters. We ourselves learn to write letters with their help.

Download and print part 1
Download and print part 2

Developing letters from Nyankovskaya N.N.

Helps to form a graphic representation of letters and their connection. An interesting and educational guide for preschoolers. Most of the book is devoted to hooks, dashes, shading, ticks, and lines. Only then does learning move on to letters.

First and correct! With shading

This manual contains the whole alphabet. 98 pages to learn how to write all the letters of the Russian alphabet. Everything is depicted quite large. A great idea both for preparing for school and for younger preschoolers.

Denisova, Dorozhkin for preparatory group

Literacy lessons for kids from the domestic publishing house of copybooks.

Zhirenko, Kolodyazhnykh - elements of letters, basic writing

An excellent tool for developing writing skills in preschool children.

Vowels and consonants. Author: Zhukova

We did not post the copybooks of the authors Ilyukhina, Kozlova, Vasilyeva, Belykh and Nishcheva, due to the fact that we have already heard stories about complaints from copyright holders about sites where files for downloading are posted. We hope for your understanding and are constantly working to improve the content of the site.
In an oblique ruler

Copybook pictures (templates)

Letters of the Russian alphabet

The letter a

Nowadays, we don’t often have to write by hand - more and more we use a keyboard, and recently technologies such as voice input have appeared. And it is not surprising that writing is becoming a problem - every year there are more and more children who find it difficult to learn to write capital letters, and more and more adults who have lost the skill of beautiful handwriting. How can I fix this? This manual “Learning to write letters by dots” will come to the aid of both adults and children.

Many people believe that handwriting depends on natural talent. And if your handwriting is clumsy and unclear, there is no way to fix it. But it has long been proven that if you really want something and try your best, then everything will definitely work out. We will give you some tips on how to develop your handwriting so that it becomes clear and beautiful.

Most effective way– develop your handwriting one letter at a time. This is very painstaking, but not meaningless work. Write one letter many times until you like the result. This may take more than one sheet of paper, but your efforts will definitely bring results.

Using copybooks it is easiest to learn to write letters using dots. Working with them, you will have correct and even handwriting. It is worth going through the registration in full and, possibly, more than once. It’s not difficult to study according to the recipes - everything is clear and clearly shown there, you just need to diligently repeat it.

To write beautifully, you need to sit up straight and not slouch. This is very important, because if you sit in the wrong position, it’s unlikely that anything will come of it. Also, many people think that when you write, only your wrist is involved. But that's not true. Our shoulders also help us write.

Try writing in the air by drawing lines. Experts say that after you transfer this to a piece of paper, your handwriting will become more accurate and smoother. Soon he will be absolutely perfect.

Search the web for fonts that you like. And you can carefully copy them.

These recipes are suitable for classes with preschoolers 5-6 years old, but should not be given to younger children. In 3-4 year olds, the hand is not yet sufficiently formed to print such small elements as letters and numbers. Do not rush, otherwise you may overstrain small muscles, which will lead to further problems with the development of handwriting in the child. For children, we recommend using special ones.

You should also distinguish between copybooks for left-handers and right-handers. This material is suitable for right-handed children. If you or your child writes with the left hand, download special ones.

Remember: you can achieve beautiful handwriting only through your own work and diligence, and the copybooks “Learning to write letters by dots” will help you with this. Good luck!

Copybooks- special albums and manuals for training the correct writing of letters and preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing. If earlier we, parents, only knew copybooks at school (these were notebooks in which first-graders learned to write letters accurately), now you can find special copybooks for toddlers and preschoolers. Copybooks for children: figures, numbers, letters teach kids to write beautifully and train their hand.

There are recipes that are intended for a certain age of the child. On store shelves you can find recipes for children 3-4 or 5-6 years old.

In this article, I have prepared for you sets of copybooks that you can download for free and print out yourself. You can save the necessary pictures and give your child a new copy sheet every day.

Recipes for kids

Do you think that copybooks are only for preparing for school? This is not entirely true. Young children can trace simple pictures or large letters along the outline or dotted lines. These are recipes for kids. There is almost no text in such copybooks, because the child cannot read yet. But they are very large, and the pictures are funny. Why not invite your child to trace the dots around the cheerful cockerel or color the duckling.

Children 4-5 years old can be invited to play with - these are also a kind of copybook. In such copybooks you will not find numbers or letters; they are still difficult for a child. But tasks on logic or precision of movements will be required. Outlining shapes, drawing curves and straight lines the child masters a pen or pencil, learns to press and draw without looking up from the paper.

Among the copybooks for children, a special group of copybooks can be distinguished - these are shading. They are drawings that need to be filled in with straight or dotted lines, depending on the task.

Recipes for children 5-6 years old

For children 5-6 years old, the copybooks will have more complex tasks. They include printed and written letters, as well as sticks, hooks and other parts from which written letters are constructed. But the dotted lines in these copybooks remain. The child traces the letters using them, learns to draw a line evenly and without interruption. It is better to trace the letters in the copybooks with a good pen, because when working with a pencil, the child may press too hard on the pencil, and this will tire the hand.

Using such copybooks, the child will not only become familiar with the letters of the Russian alphabet, but will also begin to remember them better, and will also learn how to write them in writing. Numbers are also often found in copybooks for preschoolers. A preschooler gets acquainted with numbers and counting.

Recipes for children 5-6 years old can be divided into:

  • copybook ALPHABET,
  • copybook NUMBERS.

Copybooks for schoolchildren

In order for a child to learn to write beautifully, and for his handwriting to be preserved and not spoiled, you need to practice a lot. At school, teachers do not attach much importance to correct hand positioning when writing and handwriting. But parents can try to work with their child themselves using special recipes for schoolchildren.

Calligraphy writing is a good skill that every child can develop. Download and print the copybooks and practice with your student in writing beautiful letters. IN

Please note that there are no pictures or shading in these copybooks. Basically, these copybooks are aimed at training good, beautiful handwriting.

During classes, pay attention to how the student holds the pen and how he draws lines. Make sure your child writes the letters without taking them off the paper. Don't scold your child if he can't write beautiful letters right away. Make sure that the child starts writing the letter from the right point, and not the way he likes. For example, they begin to write the capital letter P from bottom to top. Keep an eye on this. Now many copybooks even have arrows and dots - guidelines for children. Show them these arrows and explain what they are for.

I hope the copybooks will help your child learn to write beautifully and correctly!

Every parent strives for their child to have beautiful and understandable handwriting. Copybooks come to the rescue. The notebooks for written work contain calligraphic samples of letters, syllables, and numbers. They help children learn proper writing by outlining the principles and basics of calligraphy. Adults also resort to copybooks. With regular practice, they correct sloppy handwriting.


Adults rarely write by hand, often only when absolutely necessary. Writing has been replaced by computer text. This is convenient, but the handwriting of adults deteriorates due to lack of training. Children in schools and kindergartens are taught to write correctly and beautifully, regularly consolidate the skill, train their hand and learn to write using special aids at home.

The simplest copybooks are made independently; they are suitable for children 2 years old and 3 years old. You need to take a notebook in a box and draw simple shapes with dotted lines: lines, squares, triangles. And the kids, with the help of their parents or on their own, will trace the figures. Examples for beginners are presented below. There are copybook templates in pdf, word and other formats on the web.

For preschoolers

Children 3 – 4 years old

45 years

5 – 6 years

For the preparatory group

By points

Patterns: sticks - hooks

For 1st grade

For 2nd grade



For adults

The printed alphabet is simpler than the written alphabet because the letters are not connected to each other. Such educational notebooks are suitable for kindergarten, when children are just being introduced to the alphabet. Coloring books in game form They will introduce the child to the alphabet when he colors a picture starting with a certain letter. For example: a watermelon, when we are talking about the letter “A” or a hippopotamus, when we are talking about the letter “B”.

When learning the printed alphabet, the child should explain what vowels and consonants there are, how hissing sounds differ from voiced sounds, hard from soft.

Calligraphy letters

The capital alphabet is studied before school. These are complex characters where spelling capital letters different from lowercase. In this case, it is important to connect the symbols correctly. Parents and teachers use modern views textbooks or copybooks from Soviet times.

Adults and children of high school age can use wide-lined copybooks; for children, narrow-lined notebooks are used. You can print out a copybook with all the letters on one sheet - this will help you quickly remember the sequence of letters in the alphabet.

How to write numbers

Mathematical symbols are easier to write because there are significantly fewer of them: only 10 numbers versus 33 letters of the alphabet, and the numbers are not connected to each other. For copybooks, checkered notebooks are used, where each number is clearly limited and does not go beyond the limits.

School copybooks with numbers are equipped with shading, arrows and other signs that help you understand at what point the symbol begins and the writing algorithm. Printouts with examples of numbers are used for teaching both preschoolers and school-age children.

Handwriting Workbooks

Teachers and educators recommend purchasing special notebooks designed to prepare your hand for writing. The best copybooks were developed and created by domestic teachers, which include the Nekin simulator, working copybooks by Bortnikova, Zhukova, Kolesnikova. The manuals are designed for children of different ages.





How to prepare your hand for writing

To prepare the hands of future first-graders, teachers have compiled a list of special tasks.

Regular exercise trains fine motor skills in children of any age:

  1. They will help you prepare your hand. finger games, but you should not give priority to only one hand, regardless of whether the child is right-handed or left-handed. The limbs should be equally used.
  2. Coloring pages are a fun pastime that develops creative imagination and gets your fingers ready to write.
  3. Special notebooks for future schoolchildren. The authors suggest tracing pictures or large letters at the dots, drawing lines without lifting the pencil from the paper (labyrinth).
  4. Copybooks - first teaching aids developed for children 4–5 years old, 6–7 years old, for grades 1-2, for grades 3, 4. Copybooks introduce kids to printed and capital letters and syllables. There are also mathematical textbooks with figures and numbers, notebooks in Russian, English, German, French and other languages.

Older child preschool age learn by writing. They can be purchased at stationery stores, bookstores, or downloaded for free online.

How to fix handwriting

Many people believe that beautiful handwriting is formed in school age, and adults will no longer be able to fix it. In fact, it can be improved regardless of age: both a first-grader and an adult are able to place a hand. However, this is the result of long and regular training.

It is important to follow the rules and take into account the nuances:

  • A comfortable place for writing - good lighting is necessary, choose a table with a hard surface, a chair with a back. These conditions are especially important for toddlers, children 3-6 years old, and primary schoolchildren, but are also recommended for adults.
  • When working, you cannot rush; maximum concentration on the process is necessary.
  • Suitable stationery. Previously, experts argued that to succeed in calligraphy and develop good handwriting, you need to use a fountain pen. Today, ball-type ones are also allowed, but with a thin rod.
  • Educational material - children use copybooks for the appropriate age. They learn to write using dots, hatches or dotted lines. Adults can keep a notebook in a narrow line and practice in it. If desired, download ready-made online copybooks and learn to correctly write combinations of letters, their elements, syllables and sentences.
  • Initially, you should write straight and parallel lines, circles and other simple shapes. Then move on to letters and syllables.
  • If necessary, turn to calligraphy masters, they will tell you how to write letters and connections that contain errors. They will recommend exercises that improve fine motor skills and handwriting.

Don't expect quick results. Calligraphy will improve with hard and regular practice.

How to learn to write correctly and beautifully

Teach a student right away beautiful handwriting easier than relearning and correcting mistakes later.

Parents of preschoolers and first-graders will benefit from advice from experienced teachers:

  • Calligraphic handwriting is impossible without developed finger motor skills. To do this, you need to draw with pencils more often, sculpt from plasticine, do origami, and beadwork. Games with cereals will be interesting and useful for the little ones. To do this, an adult needs to mix a little buckwheat and rice, and the child will sort them out.
  • Beautiful handwriting is directly related to straight posture. The baby should not hunch over while he is writing in copybook. The back should be straight; for this, he is seated on a chair with a hard back. However, computer and swivel chairs are not suitable.
  • High quality writing pen. It is necessary to select stationery with a thin rod. When choosing between gel and ballpoint pen the latter is preferred because it does not scratch the paper. The finger grip area should be made of rubber. Such a handle will not slip in children's hands, unlike a plastic or metal analogue.
  • Handle grip. Correct position in hand: the pen rests on the middle finger, thumb and forefinger it is held, and the ring and little fingers are pressed against the palm. If you grip incorrectly, you cannot achieve beautiful handwriting.

Following the rules of calligraphy will help your child learn to write letters from A to Z, words, numbers and numbers beautifully.

In the "Copybooks" section, you can download for free teaching materials for the development of writing skills, intended for schoolchildren and preschoolers. Also, with the help of copybooks, you can correct your own handwriting or learn to write in a different handwriting.

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Yu. Astapova

The copybooks are intended to prepare preschool children for writing in notebooks. The tasks will help develop fine motor skills and hand coordination, and develop the child’s graphic skills and imagination. Copybooks will help children learn to navigate on a sheet of paper using a narrow oblique ruler, tasks will develop visual perception and logical thinking. You can study according to these recipes either individually or in a group.

N.V., Masberg

Here are the recipes, by practicing which the baby will be able to train the small muscles of the hand and achieve correct coordination of the fingers when writing.
The material in the copybooks is presented in the form of fascinating tasks for attentiveness, accuracy and coordination of movements. The child must learn to draw various curly and continuous lines evenly and beautifully, and try not to lift the pencil from the paper. By completing such tasks, he will learn to carefully trace along a dotted line, easily master the first skills of writing and drawing, and gain dexterity when working with a pen and pencil.

Astapova Yu.

The copybooks are intended to prepare preschool children for learning to write.
The exercises in the notebook introduce the child to the configuration of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Children remember the name of the letters and their configuration, learn to fit the shape of a letter into a working line, observing its proportions, write letters at equal distances from each other, start work at the beginning of the line on the left, observe the size of the line, and use hygienic rules of writing.

Publishing house "Dragonfly"

Coloring books that are designed to help develop small hand muscles and proper finger coordination when writing in young children. By completing tasks, the child will master the first skills of drawing, writing, tracing, and will also learn to think and fantasize. For primary school students.

Trifonova N.M., Romanenko E.V.