Many beautiful girls dream of becoming models, but not everyone succeeds. Because beauty is not the most important thing for a model; often it is not needed at all. But the girl’s model appearance constantly attracts and attracts many men. So what does a girl need to become a model?

Parameters and standards for model appearance

Yes, a girl’s model appearance and the parameters of a woman’s figure must meet specific requirements. For a model walking along the catwalk, very specific parameters are needed - tall height, at least 170 centimeters, long, even and slender legs, a certain thinness, even sometimes “dryness”. But the most important thing for a girl with model appearance is the ability to present all her “parameters” from a certain angle.

Photo models have slightly different parameters: height does not matter as much as on the catwalk, the main thing is the expressiveness of the face. Mandatory parameters for all models are long, thick and well-groomed hair and natural, beautiful eyebrows.

For catwalk models who show lingerie, the parameters are also slightly different. Height must correspond to the podium, that is, be no lower than 170 centimeters, but there is no question of thinness here. On the contrary, fairly “prominent” shapes of the breasts and hips are welcomed to demonstrate underwear.

There is a clear connection here with the standard phrase “demand determines supply”! It is this very demand that determines the parameters of a girl’s model appearance.

One of the main qualities of a girl’s model appearance

But there is one main quality for any model, both on the catwalk and at photo shoots - a face like a “blank sheet of paper”. This means a face on which you can “draw” anything you want. These are clearly defined cheekbones, a high forehead and clear facial skin. During any shooting, every flaw on the girl’s face will be clearly visible! Every model should also have perfect teeth.

Nowadays, many people work on each model before a show or shooting - stylists, makeup artists, cosmetologists. But the material they have to work on must necessarily meet the "blank slate" standard.

Often, models become unattractive at first glance girls who, at first glance, do not evoke delight and admiration. But after the work of the same stylist, they become simply beauties, and each time different - today Cleopatra, tomorrow Marilyn Monroe. This is the most important thing in a girl’s model appearance – to become the canvas on which you can paint any image.

Another main quality of a girl’s model appearance is her own “zest” that distinguishes her from others! And this is a mandatory quality, otherwise it is impossible to win a place under the “model sun”. Moreover, this zest does not have to be innate; it can also be “acquired,” that is, developed in oneself.

For example, a feature of head tilt, neck bend or shoulder turn. But without such a “zest” you will never become a real model.

Character for a girl with a model appearance often becomes the determining factor.
Probably everyone has heard about the “bitchiness” of models. But the point is not this very “bitchiness”, it’s about such character traits as assertiveness, the desire to achieve one’s goal and self-control. The work of models is very difficult!

Many people think that there is no difficulty here - they walked on the catwalk or “exposed themselves” in front of the camera, that’s all the work, what’s so difficult about it. But the whole point is that you need to prepare yourself to work as a model from childhood, and prepare yourself quite harshly. And it’s not even a matter of the notorious competition and “survival” among one’s own kind, it’s a matter of constant total control over oneself.

This control often simply exhausts all strength, destroys the nervous system, and you need to be prepared for this. Constant dieting to stay in shape, training, rehearsals, sleeping at a certain time, the inability to live your own life, a ban on many pleasures available to other girls of the same age - all this is very difficult.

Even more difficult for such girls is the contrast between this rigidity and pliability for those for whom they “work.” You need to be an “iron lady” inside and “soft wax” in the hands of a stylist or photographer, carry out not only all their commands, but sometimes literally change gears on the fly.

Moreover, this “perestroika” should be almost instantaneous, and try to express your dissatisfaction here - your career is over. And when you are tired after many hours of work, it becomes difficult to contain this very dissatisfaction.

The modeling business is very cruel, and everyone knows it. The life of the model is short, but what next? Poor health, frayed nerves, a lot of illnesses - this is the least that a girl of model appearance can expect. But if you have a great desire and a lot of enthusiasm, then why not try yourself in this matter?!

You just need to clearly know what is needed for this and what you have to deal with. Girls are not born models, they become models! - this is a terrible force. And everyone who has the parameters of a model appearance can still become a model, you just need to carefully and constantly work on yourself!

Canons, rules, division of markets. Somehow intimidating, isn't it? But what does this mean? In this article I want to tell you about model types and the differences between them.

Some models, while in European cities, sit without work, but at the same time, when they fly to Asia, they earn good money. Most likely, the point here is precisely in the type that each model should know for herself. Don’t indulge yourself with illusions again. Earn money and experience, and you can see Paris, and even “die” there, at any free time, and with all the amenities.

In China, cute faces with porcelain skin are accepted. In Japan - children's ones are round. In Turkey they want 93 cm hips. Still, the modeling business remains a business, there is no escape from supply and demand.

Strong face

Wild look, sharp cheekbones and very expressive facial features, long legs and enviable thinness. According to many, he is the “coolest” type. Beginning models, and not only those, strive to look like this, sucking in their cheeks until bruises appear, and even manage to do this on snaps. It looks ridiculous. Girls, owners of this type do not need to cast wild glances and somehow deform their faces, this is how Mother Nature created them.


I have heard many times that this is now the most popular face type in modeling. Typically large expressive eyes, neat nose, small, pouting lips, round face. They're like dolls. Looking 15-16 years old, even if you are already in your twenties, is a common thing for them.

Strange look

The pursuit of this type of face never stops. If you hear from your friends: “Which model are you? Your face is strange!” - quickly run to the agency. Scouts are trying to snatch a model with this type. These girls may be ugly, and may not have strict facial features, and, at first glance, may not be commercially in demand. But there is something exciting about them. I’ll give examples and you’ll immediately understand what I’m talking about.

Commercial face

The very word “commerce” speaks for itself. This is advertising and making money. Such faces are considered beautiful according to the laws of society, both in modeling and in life. You can hear this version from those who didn’t eat enough carrots and didn’t exercise as children, in short, they didn’t grow up: “Well, there are models and fashion models, the latter are owners of commercial entities.” They are mistaken; there is no such division. It’s just that this particular type has an ideal, precise face that radiates feminine beauty and charm. They are the ones you see in advertisements for perfumes, cosmetics and various brands. They attract attention, which means they sell the product they advertise well.

Look carefully at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your chances, determine your type and the country in which you can really make money. Better yet, my advice to you, is to find yourself a good maternal agency that will do everything much more professionally. How I did it when I got into The Personal Model Management. I always thought that I had a baby-face, but here it turns out – commerce with a touch of classics. Yes, and it happens, we are all so different and unique. We can combine many types, which allows us to work in many markets and in many countries.

P.S. I wanted to apologize. For what? I think many, based on my promise in the previous article, expected the topic of cooperation between Asia and the Big Four countries. But don’t be upset, we will definitely consider all the nuances of this issue.

Conquerors of the world's catwalks... However, before this, more than one casting of girls is held. And this is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Those who want to connect their lives with the modeling business must meet certain parameters. Let's take a closer look.

Model appearance - what should it be like?

Where to begin? Of course, a model’s appearance means, first of all, tall stature and a thin body constitution. In addition, the image must be holistic and universal. That is, a model’s appearance should be accompanied by a certain charisma and zest.

Height and weight are especially important for a girl on the podium. When photographing a fashion model in various magazines, catalogs and advertising campaigns, the external parameters of the face are much more important.

In principle, the most important criteria in this regard for almost all girls are well-groomed beautiful hair, perfect smile, natural eyebrows. The future model must monitor her figure from the very beginning. early age. Excess fat deposits are by no means necessary. The skin also requires a lot of care. Even the most minor flaws will be visible under bright spotlights. Naturally, professional image makers, makeup artists, and stylists work with models at shows. They are able to transform a girl's appearance. Therefore, the types of model appearance have some similarity. The face should not distract the viewer from the clothing itself. However, it is also necessary that it looks holistically with her.


Model appearance has clear requirements regarding the selection of girls. It is by these that their prospects in this area are determined. The standard of beauty has changed regularly since the fifties. Today, there are specific standards for model appearance.

For example, the face should be without any flaws, symmetrical. models are usually complete. The eyes are large and expressive. Cheekbones are high. The nose is neat and straight. Of course, even the most beautiful models They cannot be completely ideal. However, the closer to the standard, the greater the chances of achieving success.

Height, volumes, proportions

The next stage that greets any casting of girls is “in the numbers.” The height of the model should be 174-181 centimeters. Although in Asian countries the requirements are much simpler. Models need to be 170-172 centimeters tall. There are, however, exceptions. For example, Kate Moss is incredibly famous with a height of 168 centimeters. A height of 168-175 centimeters is also suitable for a fashion model.

The girl's slimness is also important. The standard is considered to be 90/60/90. That is, chest, waist and hips. The key parameter is the last one. For European catwalks, hip circumference should not exceed 90 centimeters. In Asia - 94 centimeters is acceptable.

If extra pounds do not affect the necessary parameters, then they do not play a special role. However, if a thickened layer of fat is noticeable on the body, some measures must be taken. In addition, it is very important that all parts of the body are proportional to each other, combining harmoniously with each other.


It is best to start a modeling career at the age of 14-17 years. However, if your parameters coincide with all of the above, you can try yourself in this business at 20-22 years old. A model's career usually ends at the age of 25-28. However, this is not considered a rule. These are just statistics. The most important thing is how the model looks visually. In order to prolong your career, you need to lead healthy image life. That is, take care of yourself, eat right, exercise. Although many factors also depend on heredity.

Is it really that easy?

And finally. Do not forget that a girl’s model appearance is not all that is necessary for this profession. Think carefully about how difficult it is to walk this path. Achieving your goals is not so easy. You have to go through a lot before you get that coveted status of a famous model.

In a word, this business is a huge job. It would seem, at first glance, that this work is very simple and fun. In reality, these are daily grueling assigned tasks. There are many aspiring models, and the competition is very high. Therefore, in order to become famous, so that your name is recognizable, you need to regularly take part in various castings, agree even to small fees for contracts, in general, for almost all the work offered to you. And even if in a day you have to travel around dozens of studios located in different parts of the city, getting up at 5 am and returning at 2 am, you should under no circumstances show your fatigue or bad mood.

So, weigh the pros and cons before deciding to become a model. Think about the fact that you will always need to look perfect, regardless of any circumstances. If you are ready for this, and your appearance meets all the above criteria, welcome to the modeling business!

First, let's find out what exactly is meant by this term. Baby face is a face with soft features that resembles a child’s: big eyes, plump lips (not to be confused with pumped ones), wide cheekbones, round cheeks (especially with dimples) - in general, sheer cuteness.

Gigi Hadid

The trendsetter for the baby face is Gigi Hadid. According to the author of, the model “looks fresh, new and expressive.” The girl often posts selfies without makeup and looks great in them. But at her age (23 years old) this is not surprising.

Natalya Vodyanova


But 36-year-old Natalia Vodianova has practically not changed in ten years and looks like a young lady. This is another feature of the baby face - it is difficult to say how old their owners are.

Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr is 35 years old, but her adorable baby face with full lips, big eyes and dimples allows her to remain one of the most sought-after models.

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon is 42, but look how cool she looks. Fresh and young Reese is not much different from Legally Blonde, and yet (attention!) 16 years have passed since the film was released.

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson has changed her haircut and style, but still looks very young. The actress’s sweet, childish face, plump lips and slightly upturned nose play a big role in this.

Jennifer Lawrence

Apple cheeks are about Jennifer Lawrence. Not only her acting talent, but also her appearance helped her conquer Hollywood. Now Jennifer is 28 years old, but the oval of her face remains as childish as it was five years ago (when the first part of The Hunger Games was released).

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez is commonly said to “look like a child in grown-up clothes.” Can not argue! The singer seems much younger than her peers thanks to her chubby cheeks. True, Selena herself believes that they do not allow her to be sexy... We disagree!

Ellen Page

Ellen Page is the star of Inception and Juno. The actress looks and dresses like a teenager, but in fact she turned 31 this year! How much-how much?

Emilia Clarke

Well, would you give the Mother of Dragons more than 25? And the charming Lou from “Me Before You”? The 32-year-old actress looks younger than her age thanks to her cute baby face. She looks equally good with light and dark hair, with bright smokey hair and in a no makeup look. It's impossible not to fall in love with Emilia Clarke!

Kate Hudson and Katie Holmes

Both actresses are 39 years old, but they have not lost their youthful charm and have not changed much in appearance. The cheeks make the difference!

Baby face effect

If chubby cheeks, a dimple on the chin and other signs of a baby face were the reason for your complexes - relax. Firstly, you are in trend. Secondly, researchers from the scientific journal Psychological Science found that those with “baby faces” are more successful in work and in their personal lives.

By the way, you can create the baby face effect yourself.

  • Use creams and serums that have a powerful moisturizing effect (especially formulas with hyaluronic acid).
  • Avoid too thick textures in makeup.
  • Choose products that give your skin radiance: highlighters, transparent lip gloss, pearlescent shadows.
  • Forget about black eyeliner, bronze blush, chiseled cheekbones and defined lines.
  • A fresh pink blush is the best option.
  • Replace lengthening mascara with voluminous mascara to create the effect of doll eyelashes.
  • Use pastel shades in your makeup.

If you haven’t learned how to do hard contouring like Kim Kardashian, don’t be sad, soon it won’t be in soda. According to the editors of, a chiseled chin and sunken cheekbones, which make girls look visually older, are about to become irrelevant. Representatives of a reputable online portal believe that “babyface” or, if translated literally, “baby face” is coming back into fashion again. And I must admit, this is a wonderful trend.

What is a baby face?

For those who come across the term “baby face” for the first time, we consider it necessary to explain that this is how they describe a type of face that resembles a child’s. That is, soft facial features, large eyes (a naive look or its illusion), plump lips (not to be confused with lips pumped with fillers), plump cheeks and the like. Such faces can be safely called cute, and they are the ones who are coming back into fashion. In addition, as proof of the demand for baby faces, below are some stellar examples of such faces.

Popular model Gigi Hadid is one of the star owners of a baby face. “Kim Kardashian has sparked a boom in the use of contouring products and sharp, rugged features, while babyface Hadid looks fresh, new and expressive,” says a writer.

How to create a baby face?

Avoid contouring first, or at least avoid creating the illusion of deep shadows on your face. In makeup, use the most voluminous and lengthening mascara to achieve the effect of doll eyelashes. Use pearly pink shades on your lips, just like on your cheeks - the blush should be delicate, fresh and may contain a small amount of shimmer.

Please note that creating a baby face does not end with makeup. And the most important component of this upcoming trend is smooth, delicate skin, which can only be achieved with careful care. In addition to peeling, moisturizing, nutrition and other steps of skin care, don’t forget about vitamins.

So which star is the brightest representative of the baby face?

The already mentioned Gigi Hadid

Selena Gomez

Jordan Dunn

Drew Barrymore

Miranda Kerr

Jennifer Lawrence