Children are very active, inquisitive and quite easy to teach, and therefore there should be no difficulty in getting them interested in a new type of entertainment. And besides, this would help channel their boundless energy into a peaceful direction. Moreover, this is one of those activities that the whole family can do. Teaching children to roller skate is a serious matter and requires preliminary preparation, especially if you yourself are not a master of skating. Now we will look at the main stages of study.

When to teach?

An equally pressing question that often arises among parents who decide to introduce their child to this sport: at what age do children start roller skating? According to experts, the most early age- this is five years when a child can begin to be educated. But it is still recommended to do this closer to seven years.

Preparatory stage: selection of rollers

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the different models of roller skates and types of protection. In addition, you need to find out the physical capabilities of your child. Because if his leg has not grown to minimum size rollers, then it’s worth holding off on purchasing them.

Well, if the purchase is still not postponed, then the first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing rollers is the manufacturer. You need to look at children's roller skates from companies such as Roces, Fila, Powerslide, K2 and Rollerblade. You can, of course, choose models from another company, but they are often of poorer quality.

If you want your child to be able to wear roller skates for several seasons, then you should buy sliding ones. In addition, good producers always like this. The smallest size you can find is 25. But most companies have been producing them since the 29th.

How to choose?

It is important not only to choose the right ones, but also their convenience. Therefore, you need to take them with preliminary fitting. And since often a child cannot determine for himself whether he is comfortable or not, there are several ways to help you:

  1. The roller boot should hold your foot well, preventing it from dangling or falling over. Also, nothing should be pressed anywhere.
  2. The rollers should be light - the less they weigh, the easier it will be for your child to ride.
  3. Sliding should not affect (reduce) their comfort. It is best if the toe is pulled out at the same time, then the child will not have to learn how to distribute the weight relative to the frame again.
  4. The rollers must have replaceable bearings and wheels. The fact is that models for children are equipped with slow bearings and wheels of smaller diameter. This is done so that while they are learning, they do not drive at high speed into anything hard.
  5. An integral part is a protective kit: knee pads, elbow pads, handheld pads and a helmet. It is important that they stay in place and do not slip off your knees and elbows.

Taking the first steps

How to quickly teach a child to roller skate? Often in reviews you come across that the young skater just got up and went. Perhaps this was the case, but it would be best to help your child, and first teach him the basic stance. Then in the future it will speed up learning. It looks like this: toes apart, heels together, knees slightly bent, and the entire body tilted forward. It is important that the entire body is tilted, not just the shoulders. This stage of training is best done at home on a carpet or in a park on the lawn - here the surface will not allow the rollers to roll, which, in turn, helps you get used to maintaining your balance correctly.

Afterwards, you can swing in different directions, then lift one leg at a time above the ground. Already at this stage, most likely, there will be falls. But this is for the better - at the same time teach the future roller skater to stand up. To do this, he needs to make the following movements: first place one roller on the ground with all four wheels, and lean in front of him on both hands, then pull up the second leg and place it perpendicular to the first also on all wheels. Now you can get up.


How to teach children to roller skate? Next, let's look at exercises that will help you move forward. The first of them - flashlights, starts from the position of heels together and toes apart, in order to move, you need to lean forward a little. It will be better if you secure the child from the front, holding his outstretched arms. Further, as you move, the rollers will move apart, and at the same time you need to slightly bend your knees. They finish the maneuver by pointing their toes inward, but without bringing them all the way down. And at the end of the resulting circle, you should straighten your body.

To teach a beginning roller skater, there is also an exercise called the snake. The starting position here is this: the legs should be parallel to each other, and the movement should begin by pushing off with the heels. At the same time, roll, wagging from side to side, your legs should be close. When the child learns to do this exercise, it will be possible to complicate it - learn to do the snake backwards.

We figured out how to teach children to roller skate, we also need to teach them how to fall correctly to avoid unnecessary pain. To do this, you need to clearly explain to your child that you shouldn’t fall back on your back and the back of your head - it’s more painless to fall forward, first on your knee pads, then on your elbow pads, and finish with protection on your hands - this will absorb the force of the blow. Be sure to do test falls on the lawn.

Learning to slow down

Now that we've figured out how to teach children to roller skate, all that's left is to teach them how to brake. There are about a dozen ways to do this, but it’s unlikely that your child will be able to master them right away. Therefore, at first he will have to use the available brakes, such as mom and dad, benches (you need to approach him from the side, not head-on) or simply drive out onto the lawn - roller skates don’t go on the ground. And the two mentioned are the simplest of them.

We brake correctly. Good options

But let’s look at a few more basic methods of braking:

  1. Using a standard brake made of plastic and rubber. This is not the most effective way, but suitable for beginners due to its ease of learning. It is performed like this: the child rolls on rollers and chooses the correct stance. Then he pushes the skate with the brake forward, lifting the toe towards himself - the brake will come into contact with the asphalt and it will stop. But you need to keep in mind that you should start braking in advance, since you won’t be able to stop right away on skates.
  2. The plow is another method for a beginning roller skater and will also be easy to remember. This braking is like the finishing part of the flashlight. Only here, with the help of muscle strength, the legs are not allowed to converge, but are kept at an angle to the direction of movement, keeping a certain distance between them.
  3. T-stop - the disadvantage of this method is that with frequent use, the wheels wear out faster on one side. In addition, it is suitable for those who have good balance when riding on one leg. The braking itself consists of the following: start one roller after another so that all four wheels of it stand perpendicular to the direction of travel.


Now you know how to teach children to roller skate. In conclusion, we note that for training, choose places with a smooth asphalt surface, where there are no cars and not many people. It is important that your child wears full rollerblade protection for children and has insurance in your face. Also, one last piece of advice: to be on the safe side, it is better to stay behind the roller and a little to the side - this way you will have time to help the child maintain balance or catch him when he falls.

Roller skating has gained mass popularity relatively recently. Children especially like this sport, but many parents are wary of it. Often, fathers and mothers simply do not know how to protect their child from injury.

Best age to start under parental guidance

There are no strict prohibitions or boundaries regarding the age of a beginning roller skater. As a rule, children begin to be interested in rollers at 4-5 years old. The smallest sizes (26-28) correspond to this age and the structure of the child’s legs. Roller skates sizes 23-26 (Combo Jet) for 3 years are extremely rare - they are produced in limited quantities. You cannot buy rollers for growth. Riding in such shoes is fraught with an increased risk of injury and can lead to pathology in the development of the foot.

In recent years, you can see children of 3 and even 2 years of age on the paths of parks, who are very stable on roller skates. Most often these are children of rollerblading parents. In such families, children learn skating skills immediately after they learn to walk. In any case, kids should not exercise for more than 15 minutes a day. At what age can you go to roller school?

Experts advise not to teach your child yourself if you yourself do not know at least the basic techniques of roller skating and safety rules. If you cannot afford full-time classes at a specialized club or school, find a qualified instructor for at least a few introductory lessons. The correct stance, the ability to maintain balance and fall correctly are very important.

Rolling schools and clubs invite you to junior groups children from 4 years old. But there are trainers who train children under this age. In this case, individual lessons with an instructor are offered.

Training begins with demonstrating the correct stance. It is very important for maintaining balance and skating speed. Without learning the basics, it is impossible to perform complex elements and achieve good results in competitions. Experienced teachers begin to teach the correct stance without rollers.

During the first lessons, the instructor teaches you how to fall correctly. Without mastering and perfecting these skills, the risk of injury is very high.

Participation in competitions

Children are allowed to participate in amateur races from the age of 4. This is not a professional competition. Anyone who can stand and move on roller skates can take part in them.

If your child is seriously interested in skating and shows outstanding abilities, it is worth considering professional classes and competitions. A qualified coach must prepare a child for competitions with an impressive prize fund and determining the child’s skill level. Official schools and clubs offer such services.

There are different approaches to the formation of systems for determining age categories. But usually they look like this: 7-9, 10-12 and 13-16 years. Children 4-6 years old do not participate in serious competitions.

Health benefits of roller skating

During skating, all muscle groups develop. Active spending time in the fresh air enriches the blood with oxygen - this is very important for maintaining the health and mental development of the child. Regular roller skating improves posture, has a positive effect on joints, blood vessels, heart and respiratory organs, and trains the vestibular apparatus.

Roller skating develops coordination of movements and increases agility. This is very important for his safety, because it allows him to avoid injuries in everyday life.

Contraindications for roller skating

Doctors do not recommend engaging in this type of physical activity for children diagnosed with first and second degree flat feet. If your child has suffered a head injury or has vision problems, consult your doctor - in some cases you should stop riding until completely cured. Contraindications include a number of diseases of the spine and joints.

This article is devoted to the topic: how to teach a child to roller skate, tips and mistakes for beginners.

You bought roller skates for your child, now there is one thing left: how to teach your child to roller skate correctly and safely.

Let's start with the fact that you need to buy skates for your child, if you have already done so - well done! Now there is a large selection of rollers on the market and therefore there should not be a problem with the choice (if problems still arise, consult the consultants of this store). Your child will also need protection, namely: knee pads, elbow pads, a helmet and wrist protection. (The code word for the competition is Button).

Do you know how to roller skate yourself?

If you don’t know how to roller skate yourself, how can you teach your child? So can you do it or not? If not, then it is better for the child to be taught by a person who has experience (this could be an instructor, coach).

Video on the topic:

If you know how to roller skate, then everything is great! You only need a flat area with asphalt, and so that there are no cars or people there.

I will teach my child myself!

If you decide to teach your child to roller skate, then we only wish you to be patient, as you will need it.

1. Not all children can get on roller skates and start skating right away, but there are some :)

2. You need to teach a child through play, so that the child finds it interesting and fun.

3. Teach your child easy exercises first, then when he learns, move on to complex ones.

4. First you need to learn the correct stance. This is the most important part of basic training. If a child learns to stand correctly, then in the future it will be easier and faster for him to learn to ride. The correct stance looks like this: toes apart, heels together, knees slightly bent, tilting the entire body forward (It is important not to tilt the shoulders, but the entire body!!!).

5. When the child understands what kind of stance is needed for skating, you need to fix it, ask him to walk “here” on the lawn in this position, then go to the asphalt and consolidate the skill of the stance there.

6. Is your child not confident in roller skating? Take him by the hand and give him a ride! Explain to him that his legs should be parallel to each other.

Here are some training exercises:

Exercise 1.

Flashlights. Draw circles on the asphalt with chalk, your child will have to drive around them, supposedly these are car tires. Where to begin? The movement needs to start - heels together, toes apart. Then the skates diverge evenly, go around the circle drawn on the asphalt and converge again. Explain to the child that he should not bring his legs all the way together, since there is a next circle (tire) and he also needs to go around it.

Exercise 2.

This is an exercise commonly called the "snake". The legs are parallel to each other, while we push off with the heels, we wiggle from side to side, the legs are next to each other. When the child learns to do this exercise forward, you can teach him to do the snake backwards.

Exercise 3.

Figure Eight - This exercise is similar to Exercise 1. In this exercise, your legs need to be crossed.

First you need to teach your child simple exercises, as they are much easier. If you start teaching your child more difficult exercises he won’t succeed, he will fall, get nervous and abandon this business without starting.

Exercise 4.

To make it less painful for a child to fall, you need to teach him how to do it correctly! Explain to the child that when he falls, he should not fall on his back (spine) and the back of his head, but, as it were, turn out and fall on his front. How do we fall? If you lose your balance, you need to land first on your knee pads, then on your elbow pads, and then on your wrist guards (this will soften the blow when you fall). It is important to do fall training on the lawn!!!

Exercise 5.

This is an exercise in braking! If a child has more or less learned to roller skate, then he also needs to learn how to brake. There are several types of braking, let's look at them.

- The first, but not the most effective method braking is braking using a standard brake, which consists of plastic and a rubber lining. How to do it? We roller skate, choose the right stance, push the skate with the brake forward, while lifting the toe towards you, then the brake will come into contact with the asphalt and you will slow down. It is important to understand that you need to brake in advance, since you won’t be able to stop quickly on roller skates.

- Second way. We are rollerblading, imagining that we are going around a car tire, but at the same time we are finishing the detour with effort, we also need to take into account that the knees must be bent and the toes of the rollers are turned inward.

- The third way. T-stop braking Watch a video:

In conclusion of the article I would like to recommend you the book by Ekaterina Kes (Buslova) - “How to set rules and boundaries of what is permitted for a child”. This step by step guide for parents of children from 2 to 8 years old. A professional psychologist with 15 years of experience will reveal simple steps, which will allow you to explain to your child any rules and restrictions so that he understands them, accepts them and begins to follow them.

Have you ever encountered the fact that your child seems to not hear you? Has it ever happened that a child breaks the rules out of spite? Has it ever happened that you explain over and over again, but the child still does everything his own way? If yes, then after reading this book you will learn what to do in such situations. Enjoy reading!

That's all I have I advise you to subscribe to update the site.

Once the correct stance is mastered, you can proceed directly to skating. Explain to your child that you need to try to ride like a duck.- as if shifting from one leg to the other.

In this case, the support should be on the riding leg. If you can’t yet keep your balance and ride on your own, take your child by the hands so that he feels supported.

I fell well - I didn’t break anything!

Learning to roller skate and falling are inseparable concepts, so be sure to teach your child how to group correctly. This will help you overcome your fear of falling and avoid serious injury.

If possible, you should only fall forward - first on the knee pads, then on the elbow pads, and lastly on the palms (the fingers should be extended and raised up).

Thus, the main blow will be on the defense, and not on the spine and back of the head. Teach your child not to put his arms straight when falling backwards.

And the most important thing: Don’t forget about protection - your child should ALWAYS have it on while riding, otherwise, even if the baby falls correctly, he will not avoid torn knees and elbows.

The technique of falling must be brought to automaticity, so it is worth practicing falling separately, for example, on a soft lawn.

Honing our skills

Once the child feels confident enough on roller skates, encourage him to master more complex elements - "Christmas tree", "lanterns" and "snake".

"Herringbone"- this is one of the basic movements, which consists of pushing off with one leg and riding with the other. In this case, you need to learn to shift the center of gravity from foot to foot during movement. Essentially it's the same "duck".

When performing the exercise, make sure that the child’s knees are bent, his arms are extended forward and slightly to the sides, and the leg with which he was pushing is moved slightly to the side and back - this will help to take the correct, balanced body position when riding.

"Lanterns"- To perform this exercise, plastic cups will be useful, which need to be placed in one line at a distance of about one and a half meters from each other.

Now invite the child to go around these obstacles, but so that the legs diverge evenly, as if describing a circle and going around the glass on both sides, and then converge again.

“Flashlights” are the basis of one of the methods of braking on roller skates, so pay special attention to practicing this movement.

"Snake"- in this exercise, as in the previous one, it is necessary to place cups-obstacles in a line, which the child will have to go around, imagining himself as a slalom skier.

Don't forget about the stance - your knees must be bent and your body slightly tilted forward. The legs stand parallel to each other.

In addition to these exercises It’s worth learning how to do squats on roller skates to better maintain balance and balance when riding. You need to start doing roller squats with support, gradually trying to do without it.


The ability to brake properly on roller skates is no less important than the ability to skate. The easiest way - braking using the standard brake.

This is a plastic device with a rubber lining that comes complete with the rollers and is attached to the back of the right roller.

To use the standard brake, you need to bend your knees, stretch your arms forward, push your right foot with the brake forward about half a shoe and slightly lift your toes.

This braking method, although not the most reliable, is well suited for beginner roller skaters skating at low speeds.

Having learned to do the “flashlight” exercise, the child will easily master Another method of braking is “plough”. To do this, while riding, we spread our legs bent at the knees to the sides and then bring them together in front of us, as if describing a circle.

How to teach a child to roller skate. 1 part. Mom's school. TSV

How to teach a child to roller skate. Part 2. Mom's school is school. TSV

Let's sum it up

So, the basic part of the training is over, and your fidget can already skate quite well on roller skates in the company of friends.

However, before letting the child roam the expanses of the nearest park, do not forget to tell the young skater the basic safety rules:

  1. You cannot drive onto the roadway.
  2. You cannot drive through puddles, wet asphalt and sand (this damages the rollers and reduces the grip of the wheels on the road).
  3. You should not ride in places with large crowds of people and on steep slopes, and you should not accelerate to the second space speed in order to prove your toughness in front of your friends.

And be sure to finally wish us a smooth road and great rides!

Roller skating is fun and interesting. But many people give up this business at the learning stage. A child puts on roller skates in anticipation of a fun activity, but nothing comes of it.

And parents, no matter how hard they try, cannot help and only escalate the situation with useless advice and reproaches, further discouraging the desire to ride. To master videos easily and quickly, follow these simple tips.

Time and place to learn roller skating

Five years is a perfectly acceptable age for teaching a child to roller skate. Some children master this type of activity earlier, others later. It all depends on the child’s temperament and his desires.

There is no point in insisting on riding. If the child is afraid or doubts success, unobtrusive psychological preparation can help. Watch children standing confidently on roller skates and talk to them.

A positive attitude, as a rule, works one hundred percent. Always go roller skating with joy, looking forward to having a good time.

It is better to learn to roller skate when the child is healthy, full of strength and in good mood. Whims, runny nose, fatigue after an eventful day can become tangible obstacles on the way to your goal.

Then roller skating will be perceived as relaxation and entertainment. In the meantime, you will have to make some efforts. Choose a nice day so the asphalt is dry. Keep in mind that at least once the child will fall.

Agree that walking in wet pants is not very pleasant. Usually they start roller skating when the snow melts. Choose clothes that your child will feel comfortable in.

It is better to learn to ride on smooth asphalt away from roads and footpaths. The quality of the coating is important, since the rollers do not like even slight rockiness and unevenness. Fresh asphalt is what you need.

Choose a deserted place. The child will be able to concentrate on learning if he does not have to be distracted by unnecessary obstacles. And inappropriate exclamations, assessments, and advice from random “well-wishers” are also useless at this stage.

The training place can be a stadium, park paths, or a children's playground.

Three stages of teaching a child to roller skate

So, you have chosen the place and time of training. We put on skates and other equipment. By the way, don’t neglect protection. Knee pads, hand pads, elbow pads and a helmet are required.

They should be comfortable, sized, and fit well. The child will fall anyway. Even a slight fall on the palms of your hands on the asphalt can cause pain and discourage a child from any desire to roller skate.

Some refuse a helmet, thereby saving on its purchase, citing the fact that children do not fall on their heads. In a sense, they are right.

But you must admit that even one blow to your head on the asphalt, which is not at all impossible, can have unpleasant consequences. Therefore, protect your child to the maximum.

Learning to roller skate can be divided into three stages.

1. Roller walking

At this stage, the child’s feet become accustomed to these unusual shoes on wheels. It is better to roller skate on grass or on the ground. On a soft surface, the wheels do not spin, making it easy to maintain balance.

The first step can be taken with the support of an adult, and let the next step be independent. Stability and, as a consequence, confidence are the main results of the first stage.

The child can stand on the rollers, bend back and forth, thus feeling his body and understanding how to maintain balance correctly.

Roller stand

2. Like on a scooter

Have you learned to walk on grass? Get out on the asphalt. First, just wait. Explain to your child that the surface is smooth and walking on asphalt is unlikely to be possible. Ask what changes the little student feels and whether he is comfortable.

The child needs to be given a little time to get used to it. Then push off with one foot, leaving the other one standing still. Ride like a scooter. Only one leg is active, left or right.

Thus, the child will more easily master new movements. At this stage it is worth getting to know the brake in action. Stopping in time is an equally important skill.

3. Like ice skating

Roller skating is similar to ice skating. You need to bend your knees slightly and push off with both legs alternately. Usually the second and third stages are not distinguished.

Having mastered the “scooter”, the child, without noticing it, begins to push off with one or the other leg. It’s more convenient, easier, and the rollers roll faster. Make sure that your legs follow a herringbone pattern.

Experts give a few more tips that will help you teach your child to roller skate faster and more painlessly.

  1. Get on the roller skates yourself and ride with your child. The example of mom or dad is the best motivation for learning.
  2. Do not roll your child by the hand, thereby creating uncertainty and anxiety. Over time, he will most likely learn to ride on his own. But that first experience of riding by hand, rather than on your own, will affect how you feel. The first experience is imprinted most clearly in the subconscious.
  3. Praise for any success, encourage, try to avoid negative assessments. Moral support is worth a lot. It increases self-esteem and increases the chances of success.
  4. Don't forget that rollers are dangerous. There is no place for pampering and whims here. This rule must be learned by the child. As soon as strange tricks begin, the videos need to be filmed. Falling only forward - this way the defense will work better.
  5. Learn to put on and take off skates yourself, thereby forming an idea of ​​the seriousness of skating. As practice shows, even a five-year-old child can cope with this with a little help.

Roller skating is not only enjoyable and fun, but also beneficial for physical and psychological health person. First of all, this is active movement, without which the normal development of a child is impossible.

While sliding on a smooth asphalt surface, attention, perception, thinking, and imagination are activated. And how many positive emotions happen after such a walk!

For children, roller skating becomes a favorite pastime. Once you learn how to ride, a whole world of adventure and pleasure will open up.

Let's learn to roller skate. Video