What to do, if a child of 5-6 years old does not pronounce sizzling - W and F. About, how to teach a child to pronounce the letters Ш and Ж correctly, we read in one of the issues of “Family and School”:

The sounds “sh” and “zh” are complex in their articulation, so babies master them relatively late and often even towards the end preschool age pronounced incorrectly or unclearly. There are many options for incorrect pronunciation of these sounds: they are either omitted altogether, or pronounced unclearly, or replaced by others (most often “s” and “z”). Without dwelling on the reasons for these distortions, we will briefly talk about how to teach a child to pronounce “sh” and “zh” correctly.

How to teach a child to pronounce the sound Ш

The normal position of the speech organs when pronouncing “sh” is as follows: the mouth is open, the lips are slightly rounded and protruded, pushed forward (forming a “mouthpiece”). The teeth are somewhat closer together (the distance between them is 1-2 millimeters). The wide tip of the tongue is raised to the front of the palate, but does not touch it; in this case, a narrow gap is formed into which a strong exhaled stream of air is directed. The lateral edges of the tongue are raised, tightly pressed against the upper molars. The back of the tongue is lowered (the position of the tongue as a whole can be compared to a shovel, cup, ladle).

Unlike the voiceless “sh,” the vocal cords are involved when pronouncing the voiced “zh.” The exhaled stream and the tension of the tongue with this sound are weaker than with “sh”. The tip of the tongue trembles and vibrates a little under the influence of the air stream. Before starting classes, you need to check whether the baby’s phonemic hearing is sufficiently developed, that is, whether he can distinguish hissing sounds from other, similar sounds (it is the lack of this skill that often turns out to be the cause of various speech defects). To test and train phonemic awareness, it is useful to invite the child to come up with words with the sounds in question, select pictures whose names contain these sounds, and work out with the child the meaning of words that differ in one sound (for example: Mishka - bowl, Mashka - mask, roof - rat, eat - bite, etc.). Such exercises will prepare the correct pronunciation of sounds.

If the child’s tongue is not mobile enough or is sluggish, then specially selected preparatory exercises are necessary. Here are some of them:

  • stick out a widely spread tongue with a curved tip and raised lateral edges,
  • raise and lower the shovel-shaped tongue to the upper and lower teeth, to the upper and lower lips, etc.

It is useful that the child not only perform certain movements with the tongue, but also that he maintain certain articulatory positions for some time. The child should do all exercises in front of a mirror so that he can control the position of his tongue, teeth, and lips.

After these preparatory exercises, you can proceed to the main ones:

  • First of all, you can try to develop the correct pronunciation of “w” and “z” in your child by imitation. You clearly pronounce words with these sounds several times, emphasizing the sound of “sh” and “zh” with your voice, and invite the baby to repeat it right away. Sometimes this is enough for the child to begin to pronounce correctly.
  • If that doesn’t work, you can use special techniques for making the “sh” sound. The child should stick out his tongue, put it in “position”, and then slowly retract it. When such articulation is combined with a strong exhalation, the sound “sh” sounds.
  • You can get the correct "sh" sound from the "s" sound. To do this, at the moment of pronouncing the sound “s”, the tip of the tongue gradually rises and moves slightly back. To lift the tongue, spatulas, the end of a spoon, and the handle of a toothbrush are used (of course, everything must be clean). With such mechanical assistance, the sound “s” turns into “sh”. Simultaneously with lifting and moving back the tongue, it is necessary to move the lips slightly forward - this is done by lightly pressing the fingers on the cheeks. It goes without saying that if a child has any deficiencies in the pronunciation of whistling sounds (s, z, z), then they should be eliminated before working on hissing sounds (sh, zh, ch, sch).
  • Correcting the sound “zh” after eliminating the shortcoming of pronouncing “sh” is not difficult: the voice is included in the correct pronunciation of the voiceless “sh”, and with mechanical help the sound “zh” is obtained from “z”.
  • The correct sound is fixed in syllables, words, phrases. The child learns poems, songs, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters rich in the sounds “sh” and “zh”. Consolidation of sounds goes faster if it happens in the game.

Violation of the sounds “sh” and “zh” is in most cases correctable, and often the defect is eliminated relatively easily. But an indispensable condition is always the regularity, systematicity of the exercises and the desire of the child himself to correct his speech and begin to pronounce Sh and Z correctly. Both the child and the parents must be patient and persistent. If the results of independent studies are not great, then you need to contact a speech therapist.

Humans have a unique ability: they can share their thoughts and feelings with other individuals through the speech apparatus. This is also facilitated by a specific symbolic-sign system, that is, the alphabet. Every person learns correct pronunciation from the very beginning. early childhood. At the same time, many parents are thinking about how to teach their child to pronounce letters. The point of all learning is that letters and sounds form words from which sentences, texts, and statements are built that have semantic significance. Children often have trouble articulating all letters correctly. Most often, problems arise with the correct pronunciation of the letters “sh”, “r” and “l”.

This is due to the imperfection of the children's speech apparatus, which lacks training.

The first thing parents can do to help their baby quickly learn the correct pronunciation is to stop “lisping” with him. Adults, moved when communicating with a child, often distort their words. The child perceives this and later begins to reproduce these “wrong” expressions. Watch your speech, try to pronounce words loudly, clearly and distinctly. Turn your face when talking to your baby so that he can see your articulation.

If there is a severe problem with pronunciation, a speech therapist will come to the rescue. These specialists know everything about speech defects and will help eliminate them. It often happens that all you need is a consultation with a speech therapist. At the meeting, the specialist will assess the level of the child’s speech defect, recommend special exercises to perform at home, or schedule the next meeting with the child if the defect is very large and there is no way to solve the problem on your own.

The reason for an incorrect reprimand may be the individual characteristics of the physiological structure of the child’s speech apparatus, for example, the baby may have insufficient tongue length or a too short frenulum. In case of physiological reasons, the baby will have to undergo a series of medical procedures or undergo surgery.

For other reasons, you often just need to work hard with your baby. But don't correct him every time he mispronounces a word. Repeating one word three or four times, but very legibly and clearly, will be sufficient for memorization. You can speak at a slower pace at first, but gradually return to your normal speaking rate.

Articulation gymnastics provides invaluable assistance in teaching the correct pronunciation of letters. Speech therapists have created many different methods and manuals that will help in the fight against incorrect pronunciation.

Start training in the second to fourth years of your baby’s life. By the age of five or six, the speech apparatus is already fully formed and it may be too late.

Classes must be carried out in a light game form, which does not burden the baby. Do exercises to properly position the tongue and improve its mobility with your child.

It is best to perform the exercises in front of a mirror so that the baby can see how his tongue moves and can compare it with his mother’s tongue.

First, demonstrate the correct execution of the exercise, and then ask the child to repeat it.

  1. Place your tongue at the edge of the upper row of teeth and ask your baby to repeat.
  2. The baby must perform the exercise by holding the tongue for fifteen to twenty seconds.

Take a break and repeat the task two or three more times. This exercise will help make the hyoid ligament more flexible, which will help in pronouncing problematic letters.

The letter "r" is very difficult for many children. There are also special exercises to correct pronunciation. One of them is the “Woodpecker” task, when the child must forcefully hit the upper teeth with the tips of his tongue and simultaneously pronounce the letter “d.” The baby trains the tip of the tongue and correct articulation.

Words with “t” and “d” can help you pronounce the letter “r”. All these letters require the tip of the tongue to rest on the upper palate at the very edge of the upper dental arch. The letters "d" and "t" rarely cause problems in their pronunciation. Speech therapists use this to teach the correct articulation of the letter "r". Try to repeat with your child more words in which “r” follows “t” or “d”, for example, tractor or firewood.

You also need to be patient, because screaming and swearing can only discourage your child from learning anything at all. The parent's calm, balanced tone and clear diction will help to correctly perceive letters by ear. The baby will create a sound picture of the correct pronunciation and will then adjust his pronunciation to the correct sounds he hears.

You can use toys that depict the alphabet in teaching, or hang a beautiful, bright alphabet chart in the children's room. Favorite cartoon characters “hiding” behind the letters on the wall will arouse the child’s interest and help in learning.

For the little ones, you can find soft puzzle mats in the store. There are options with the alphabet, that is, the rug consists of squares with letters inside. In the future, you can use such a puzzle mat to teach reading, and if you choose the option that also contains numbers, you can use it to teach counting.

You can make an educational game yourself. To do this, cut out cards from cardboard and glue or draw letters on them. Invite your child to draw an object whose name begins with this letter. Then simply take out the cards and say the letter out loud, supporting the pronunciation with examples of object names, for example, “l” as in “lamp” or “i” as in “needle”. Try to use simple and one-syllable words. Don't overload your child's brain with terms and long words.

Teaching a child to pronounce letters correctly is not so difficult; all you have to do is be patient. The main thing is to conduct classes regularly to train your speech skills and improve pronunciation.

How can an adult learn to pronounce the letter “R”? And is it difficult? What is necessary? First you need to understand what kind of problem this is. Is it a matter of physiology or is it the fact that once upon a time you were not taken to a speech therapist? Have you noticed your speech problems?

If the reason is the first, then the problem, in principle, can be solved simply. After all, often the problem is only a shortened one. Such a defect can easily be corrected using a simple surgical procedure. If the reason is different, then you will probably have to either go to a speech therapist who will help you learn to pronounce words starting with the letter “R”, or start practicing this yourself.

For the first one, you just need to overcome the often existing psychological barrier, just like, in fact, for the second one. After all, how can an adult who is simply not ready for this learn to pronounce the letter “R”? And it is much more comfortable for a person to do such exercises alone with himself than with someone else, even a professional in his field.

How can an adult learn to pronounce the letter “R” if you don’t start with simple exercises with tongue twisters? This allows you to return correct position pretty quickly. In addition, there are all sorts of different and accessible methods for children, which, nevertheless, can be used in solving this problem by adults. One such way to regain the ability to correctly speak words starting with the letter “R” is the “Cup” exercise, which must be performed daily.

The scheme for its implementation is simple:

  • first step: shape the tongue into a “cup”;
  • second step: pressing the tip of the tongue to the palate;
  • third step: push off from the palate and with effort pronounce another letter - “D”;
  • during this, you need to ensure that the teeth are tightly clenched and the jaw does not move;
  • the tongue should remain only at the top, and the exercise itself should be performed in front of a mirror;
  • fourth step: quickly move a clean finger from left to right, tugging the hyoid frenulum;
  • You need to perform the “Cup” every day and several times for 10-15 minutes;
  • after repeated repetitions day after day, vibration of the tip of the tongue should appear.

Now you know how to say the letter "R". This is just one of many ways. Another great technique is to repeatedly pronounce the letters "D", "T" and "L" as well as "D", "T" and "D" at a faster and then slower tempo. The latter must be pronounced by placing the tongue between the teeth, just as the British and Americans do when pronouncing “Th”. This is the only way you will understand how to say the letter “R”.

Another easy, convenient and simply good technique is to repeat words that are difficult for you many times. In particular, with the letter that you do not pronounce, that is, with “R”. There are a whole lot of such words: “Roerich”, “ore”, “conquered”, “expanded”, “rudimentary”, “advertised”, “parade” and so on.

How can an adult learn to pronounce the letter “R”? This requires great patience and willingness to overcome the internal barrier that stands in the way of correct speech apparatus placement. And once all this becomes possible, the results will be immediate.

Each child develops differently. Some people read poetry at the age of two, while others only master the pronunciation of certain sounds by the age of four. However, there are certain generally accepted standards for mastering speech sounds. One of the last sounds a child develops is “R”. Under favorable conditions for the baby's development, this occurs in the fifth year of life. Some children have it much earlier - at three or even two years. But still, if the sound is absent in speech by the age of five, this can be considered a speech pathology.


Predisposing factors to incorrect pronunciation of “R” may be the following:

  1. Short hyoid frenulum. It is able to limit the upward movement of the tip and front of the back of the tongue.
  2. Insufficient air pressure when pronouncing this sound.
  3. Limited mobility of the tongue muscles which leads to the inability to take the correct articulatory position and perform voluntary movements with the tongue.

At the beginning of work on producing this sound, parents need to find out from a specialist whether at least one of the factors applies in your case.

Short frenulum of the tongue

If the child has a short frenulum that does not require cutting, then work must be done to stretch it. It includes massage and articulation exercises. It is quite possible to perform a massage at home. You need to grab the bridle with your large and index fingers at the very bottom under the tongue and rub with pressing movements. It is necessary to knead the bridle along its entire length, trying to stretch it. But be careful not to damage it. Do several of these movements. After some time, you will see that the frenulum has increased.

As an example of articulation exercises for stretching the frenulum, we offer you the following:

  • “Reach your tongue to your nose.” You need to smile, open your mouth. Raise the wide tip of the tongue up to the nose and then lower it to the upper lip. In this case, the tongue should not narrow, and the jaws should remain motionless.
  • “Reach your chin.” Smile and open your mouth. Try to reach your chin with your wide tongue. Make sure that the jaws are motionless.
  • "Painter". Smile and open your mouth. Use the tip of your tongue to stroke the roof of your mouth from your teeth to your throat. The lower jaw is motionless.

There are rules that parents need to remember so as not to harm their child during exercises:

  1. You need to open your mouth as wide as possible, but at the same time the child must reach the alveoli.
  2. All exercises should be performed slowly, close to the limit of what is possible. Remember, during exercises the tongue may get tired, the frenulum may begin to hurt, so it is necessary to give the child a rest.

Trimming the frenulum is done only if it is short and consists of dysfunctional connective tissue. But a decision on this issue should only be made by a specialist.

Insufficient air flow force

As mentioned earlier, the reason for the violation of the pronunciation of the sound “P” may be insufficient strength of the air stream. We offer you exercises aimed at increasing it:

  • "Blow up the balloons." Inflate two cheeks and hold the air in them.
  • "Rolling Balls" Puff out your cheeks and roll the air from one cheek to the other.

  • Place your wide tongue on your lower lip. Fold the edges of the tongue so that a groove is formed. It's easy to blow through the groove.
  • Blow on pieces of cotton wool tied to a thread; blow on a pencil on the table to make it roll, blow on a dandelion, blow soap bubbles.

Weak tongue muscles

Strengthening the muscles of the tongue and the development of articulatory motor skills are facilitated by exercises in which the tongue rises up to the palate. Here are some of them:

  • “Horse” - click your tongue, stretching the hyoid ligament.
  • “Turkey” - you need to quickly touch your upper lip with the end of your tongue and accompany these movements with sounds similar to bl-bl-bl
  • “Accordion” - pull the tongue to the palate. Hold it in this position while alternately lowering and raising the lower jaw.

The result of the work described is an elastic tongue. If you have achieved this, then the next technique will be to easily “set” a capricious sound.

Setting the sound "R"

This sound is produced by vibration of the tip of the tongue. In order to cause it, there are two techniques that can be used at home. Just don’t forget that this should be preceded by preliminary work on strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, described above.

  1. The first technique: you need to lift the tongue up, press it to the alveoli and blow hard on it, imitating a sound similar to zzzz. A jet of air formed between the tip of the tongue and the alveoli can cause the tip of the tongue to vibrate.
  2. Second technique: pulling the entire tongue towards the palate, stretch the hypoglossal ligament and inhale through the nose. Next, blow strongly on the tongue, keeping it pulled in, as with the sound “T”, the end of the tongue should remain behind the upper teeth. The result is a vibration of the tip of the tongue - trr.

When producing the sound “R”, the main thing is the ability to hold the tip of the tongue with a strong air stream. Notice if during your sessions with your baby you have developed an unwanted guttural sound, which is much longer and more difficult to get rid of.

Most often, the throaty “R” is obtained when parents force the child to pronounce this sound without prior preparation and demonstration of correct articulation.

If your child gets the vibration, then the next step will be to consolidate the resulting sound in syllables. Remember, when pronouncing syllables, the sound “R” must be pronounced for a long time, stretched out. Later, when the sound comes out well, it will need to be gradually shortened.

Consolidation in syllables

Open syllables:

  • RA-RA-RA
  • RO-RO-RO
  • RU-RU-RU
  • RY-RY-RY
  • RA-RA, RA-RO, RO-RY, RA-RU, RO-RO, RY-RO, RY-RU, etc.

Closed syllables:

  • AR, OR, UR, YR
  • ARA, ARO, ORA, URO, ORU, URA, ARA, ORA, etc.

Consolidation in words

First you need to use words in which the sound “R” will be at the beginning of the word: rainbow, plant, grove, ditch, mouth, rye, hand, stream, shirt, pen, market, fisherman, lever, saffron milk cap.

Next, to consolidate the sound, you will need words in which “P” is in the middle of the word, but it is surrounded by vowels. Here is an example of similar words: mountains, city, heat, hole, headlight, pair, balls, choirs, deliberately, forty, etc.

Now - the sound “R” is at the end of the word: dispute, chorus, motor, heat, mosquito, samovar, peace, etc.

The next stage will be consolidation in words, where the sound will be in the middle of the word in combination with consonants: tap, firmly, throw, holiday, laundress, jump, hail, decanter, snowdrift, fence, pear, hillocks, grass, tram, winds, island , construction, etc.

But to pronounce words of this group, preliminary work is required to practice syllables in combination with a consonant sound:


These syllables should be pronounced both horizontally and vertically.

In order to diversify your activities with your baby, you can use onomatopoeia tasks. For example, “Tell me, how does a car engine work?” - trrr, “How can you stop a horse?” - trrr, “Imagine a cat that purrs” purr-murr, “Caw like a crow” karr-karr, “When you are cold, how do you say?” brrr. These games will certainly please the child and will distract him from the real task for which they are used.

Soft "R" sound

When pronouncing the soft sound “R”, the position of the organs of articulation changes slightly. The back of the tongue rises higher to the palate than when pronouncing a hard “R”. In addition, the tongue moves forward towards the teeth.

Consolidation occurs in the sogas in the following order: RI, RE, RYA, RIO, RYU.

You can ask the child to repeat a syllable and then a word with that syllable. For example, RE-RE-RE - rivers, RYU-RYU-RYU - ryusha, RI-RI-RI - Rima, etc.

We offer words that can be used to reinforce the soft sound “R”:

  • roar, hazel grouse, drawing, turnip, radish, carriage, lanterns, sailor, exercise, birch
  • fry, goalkeeper, beast, door
  • alarm, crackling, trick, bonus, surf, order, log, brigade, fortress, hook, mud, comb, mushroom

Sound differentiation

The "R" sound can be confused with sounds such as the soft "R", the "L" sound, and the soft "L". In order to teach a child to distinguish between these sounds, words are used that differ only in one sound that interests us. For example:

  • One - laz rad - row
  • Lie - rye ball - ball
  • Injection - reproach marriage - breakpoint
  • Cancer - varnish heat - fry

In this article, we described in detail the work on making the sound “R” at home. We really hope that this information will be of real benefit to those who care about the full and comprehensive development your child. And in the next video, an experienced speech therapist will tell you how to teach a child to pronounce the letter R.

In the next video, an experienced speech therapist will tell you how to teach a child to pronounce the letter R.

From about 15–18 months of age, a child is able to pronounce phrases of two or more words, and by the age of 18–20 months, his vocabulary should include about 60–100 words. During this period, the baby’s articulation intensively develops, and the correct pronunciation of sounds largely depends on family members: they must speak clearly to the child and in his presence, without distorting the words. But even if this rule is followed, in the future the child may still have difficulty pronouncing individual letters.

Classes with a child for correct pronunciation can be carried out at home, without resorting to the services of a speech therapist. However, if your baby has problems pronouncing many sounds, you will still have to consult a specialist, since some speech development disorders may be associated with the peculiarities of the articulatory apparatus. In this case, a training program for correct pronunciation should be developed by a professional speech therapist.

To practice independently with your child at home, you need to select special articulation exercises. Articulatory gymnastics includes breathing exercises, as well as exercises to develop the articulatory apparatus and practice certain positions of the tongue, lips and soft palate.

Breathing exercises. Such activities can be carried out with a child in the form interesting games. For example, you can blow on cotton balls and, together with your baby, push them into an improvised “gate” (for example, into a box), or inflate balloons.

Exercises to develop lip mobility. “Tube - Smile”: ask the child to stretch out his lips with a tube, and then stretch them into a smile. “Piglet”: the lips elongated into a tube need to be moved to the right and left and rotated in a circle. “Fish”: clap your lips together, making a dull sound. “Duck”: extend your lips and squeeze them with your fingers so that thumbs were under the lower lip, and stretch your lips forward, trying to imitate the beak of a duck.

Exercises for lips and cheeks. “Hamster”: inflate both cheeks, and then inflate them in turn. Pull your cheeks in tightly. Then inflate your cheeks again and hit them with your fist so that the air comes out with noise.

Static exercises for the tongue. “Chicks”: a relaxed tongue lies in the oral cavity, the mouth is wide open. “Cup”: the mouth is wide open, the lateral and anterior edges of the tongue are raised and do not touch the teeth. “Pipe: the rock is open, the lateral edges of the tongue are raised. “Spatula”: a relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip. “Arrow”: the mouth is open, the narrow tongue is pushed forward.

Dynamic exercises for the tongue. “Candy”: the mouth is closed, the tense tongue rests on one or the other cheek. “Brushing teeth”: mouth closed, tongue in a circular motion outlines the space between the lips and teeth. “Snake: the mouth is wide open, the narrow tongue moves forward with force and sharply retracts back. “Watch”: the lips are stretched into a smile, the mouth is slightly open, the tip of the tongue reaches in turn to the corners of the mouth.

Articulation gymnastics exercises should be performed 2–4 times every day. Exercises for the development of lips, cheeks and tongue are performed in front of a mirror. For one lesson, 3-5 minutes are enough, during which it is recommended to perform no more than 2-3 exercises with the child. Each exercise should be performed 5–7 times, and static exercises, in which the child needs to maintain a certain articulatory position, are done for 10–15 seconds.

How to teach a child to say the letters R, L and Sh?

Sounds that the child does not respond to at all should be worked on separately. As a rule, the most big problems a child may have problems with letters such as R, L and Sh. A child should learn to pronounce the letter R at the age of 4–6 years, and should start thinking about how to teach a child to say the letter L when he is 5–6 years old. It is necessary to teach your baby the correct pronunciation of hissing sounds when he already pronounces other consonant sounds well enough. How to teach a child to pronounce letters that are difficult to pronounce? In addition to pronouncing words with these letters, it is necessary to do special articulation exercises.

How to teach a child to say the letter R? “Brushing your teeth”: the mouth is wide open, the tip of the tongue “cleans” the upper teeth from the inside, while the lips are stretched in a smile so that the upper and lower teeth are visible, and the lower jaw is motionless. “Painter”: the mouth is slightly open in a smile, the tip of the tongue moves across the palate, making movements back and forth, while the lips and lower jaw are motionless. “Drummer”: the mouth is slightly open in a smile, the tip of the tongue knocks on the upper alveoli, a hard “d” sound is pronounced, and the tempo of pronunciation gradually increases.

How to teach a child to say the letter L? “Jam”: the mouth is slightly open, the wide front edge of the tongue is licked upper lip movements from top to bottom. “Steamboat”: the mouth is slightly open, the child pronounces a long sound “y”, while the tip of the tongue should be in the depths of the mouth and be lowered down, and the back of the tongue raised to the palate. “Horse”: open your mouth slightly and click the tip of your tongue, first slowly, and then faster (make sure that the lower jaw is motionless). 4.8 out of 5 (9 votes)