Stick to it simple rules and ours practical advice, and your nails will remain healthy and ready for your further experiments with manicure.

6 "not allowed"

Any procedure that involves extensions or decoration of eyelashes, hair, or nails goes through the final stage - removal of unnatural fiber or varnish coating. And you also need to do this, especially at home, responsibly and correctly, so as not to spoil your own hair or in this case- nails. We know how to remove gel polish easily and quickly at home.

First, let's find out what not to do:

    Do not try to completely remove the coating with a file at home. You will definitely touch the top layer of your nails, which is extremely undesirable.

    Do not remove the gel layer with a pusher. With prolonged wear, the edges may become prying, but you won’t be able to remove the polish with a whole plate without causing damage to the nail tissue. In general, it is better not to use metal tools, not only for this purpose, but also for manicure.

    Do not remove gel polish at home with an orange stick, scraping it off. It won’t destroy the nail that much, but it will still damage it, and it’s unlikely to cope with the task.

    Do not use acetone. It will dry out the nail plate and skin. The recovery process will increase in time. Use a special liquid (it's not that expensive) or nail polish remover. As a last resort - a liquid containing acetone, but enriched with vitamins and oils.

    Proceed to remove the gel at home only after you have prepared everything you need. Otherwise, you will either overexpose your nails to the liquid or not completely dissolve the coating.

    Do not hurry. Depending on what varnishes and primers the artist used during application, the substance may take longer or faster to dissolve. Test to see if the layer comes off on its own; if not, wrap your finger again.

Even judging by these small prohibitions, you can understand how to remove gel polish more or less safely and correctly at home. But it’s still worth talking about this in more detail.

Removal Tool Set

To ensure that the procedure does not cause harm and that wearing gel polish leaves only positive impressions, take this issue with a great deal of seriousness. Prepare in advance:

    Special liquid (remover) or ZhDSL.

    Foil that we use for cooking. Cut it into pieces that can be tightly wrapped around your finger. For convenience, you can buy medical disposable gloves. Their disadvantage is that it is a little inconvenient to attach cotton wool soaked in liquid to the nail. But after a little training at home, you will definitely succeed. The advantage of this method is that you can treat both hands at the same time.

    Cotton pads, cut into 4 parts (you need a quarter for each nail). You can use pieces of cotton wool, but in this case more liquid will be lost and it will affect the skin to a greater extent.

    Orange stick.

    Medium abrasive file.

    Care product for cuticles, nails and hand skin.

As we can see from the set of tools, the procedure is quite inexpensive.

Detailed instructions for removing gel polish

To get the same result at home as after visiting the salon, you just need to correctly repeat all the steps of the master:

    Print the nail, that is, use a saw to remove the gel polish from the end. It will be enough to easily go over it with a file once.

    Apply a sufficient amount of liquid to a piece of cotton pad and apply one piece to your nails.

    Wrap your finger in the prepared piece of foil - tightly so that air does not circulate inside.

If you use gloves, put them on one finger at a time to prevent the cotton from coming off.

Turn the handles palms down and lift your fingers slightly.

    Wait 7-10 minutes (shellac comes off a little faster), see if the coating comes off completely without any effort on your part. If necessary, wrap the nail for another 3 minutes.

If you are using remover, wait the amount of time indicated in the instructions on the bottle.

    Separate the exfoliated gel with an orange stick and wash your hands in warm water and soap.

Get a hygienic manicure and self-massage. At the end, do not forget to generously apply a care product: oil, cream or make a mask.

Most likely you will find this useful:

    If you get a manicure done in a salon, ask the specialist how to remove gel polish from this particular company at home. Some coatings need to be soaked only in HDSL containing acetone, for some you need to cut off the top.

    It’s better to treat one hand first and then the other at home - it’s much more convenient to be able to answer the phone or make coffee.

    If you want to avoid any aggressive effects on even a small area of ​​skin, before removing the gel polish, apply any fat cream.

    If the option of using foil or gloves at home doesn’t suit you, buy special stickers. They are quite easy to use and are sold in specialized stores.

Video: how to carry out the procedure at home

Removing gel polish is absolutely safe at home, and the result is no different from what you can see after visiting a salon. But only if you do everything right. Now you can save your time and money on this. And how to read on the pages of the site.

Everyone has already appreciated the practicality of wear and the spectacular, neat appearance of nails coated with gel polish. Typically, the average wear time is from 2 to 4 weeks, but it all depends on how quickly your nails grow. And now, when the time comes to remove gel polish from nails at home, you have 2 choices:

  • go to the salon to see a professional;
  • remove gel polish without damaging your nails yourself.

The procedure for removing gel polish from nails at home on your own is simple and not complicated! All detailed rules We describe it step by step below. In addition, it saves a lot of time and money.

How can I remove gel polish?

There are many options, but for home gel polish removal it is only suitable with liquid. This is how you will quickly remove gel polish from your nails without damaging them on your own, without bothering yourself. A common question is whether to file off gel polish or remove it with liquid - frankly speaking, the method of removing it with liquid is the most humane for nails.

How to remove gel polish from extended nails?

Removing gel from artificial nails is even easier than from natural nails, there are only 2 steps:

  1. Take a 200 grit nail file and file off the pigment layer of the gel polish as shown in the photo. Be attentive to the area of ​​the nail plate near the cuticle;
  2. After the gel polish is removed, treat your nails with a buff.

What is needed to remove gel polish at home?

  • File hardness 180/220 grit (side 180 for removing the glossy layer, side 220 for correcting the shape. You will understand by touch which side is softer);

  • Aluminum foil (can be food grade, not professional)
  • Cotton pads
  • Professional gel polish remover

Is it possible to remove gel polish with acetone? What liquid should I use to remove gel polish?

Remember a simple truth: if you don’t value the health of your nails, you can use regular nail polish remover. But we strongly recommend using only professional compositions for removing gel polishes. They spare nails and skin, and carefully remove gel polish by uncoupling it from the nail plate. What regular nail polish remover does not do is it will dry out the skin, nails and in any case leave some gel on the nails - this is a fact! Removing gel polish with simple acetone is most often accompanied by a burning sensation.

  • Metal pusher (cuticle shovel)

  • Buff for natural nails 200/200 or 240 grit (soft)

  • Moisturizing hand cream and cuticle oil (if you do not plan to immediately apply gel polish)
  • Towel or gloves for manicure, paper towel or napkins.

Simple rules, remember before proceeding with withdrawal:

  1. Gel systems and remover compositions do not like the cold, so if you have ever encountered the question “I can’t remove gel polish, what should I do?” remember your hands should be warm, then the gel will dissolve very quickly.

  2. You cannot use a nail file on your nails! If gel particles still remain, remove them only with a buff, directing it only along the growth of the nail from top to bottom! The fact that you can file off the nail polish with nail files and turn them in different directions will cause layering of the nails. You only have a file to remove the shiny layer of gel polish and give shape to your nails.

  3. Soak your nails at the end of the procedure, only if you did not bread them immediately or cover your nails with gel that day.

How to properly remove gel polish at home:

Step 1: Lay everything out in front of you necessary tools, prepare cotton pads according to the shape of your nails, just cut them into squares, separate the foil, it should completely cover your finger. Spread paper napkin, it is for garbage (waste removed gel) do not interfere with you, when you are finished, you just roll everything up in a napkin and it will be clean. Take a 180/220 grit file and remove the transparent layer - shiny gel polish with the side of the 180 grit file.

Step 2: Apply the liquid to the disc, place it with the composition on the nail and wrap it in foil, like both hands. Next, cover your hands with a towel.

How long does it take to remove gel polish? – of course, it all depends on the liquid you use to remove the gel, but the average time is 15-20 minutes.

Step 3: After the time has passed, remove the softened gel polish from your nails one at a time, remove the foil from your finger, take a pusher and carefully remove the gel from top to bottom, it will come off easily, it will take you a few seconds on each nail. Do not remove all the foil at once, proceed one at a time.

Step 4: After cleaning all the nails from the gel polish, treat them with a buff, again from the top into them. Give the edge of the nail the desired shape.

Step 5: The last step is to wash your hands from dust and small particles and apply your favorite care oil to the cuticle and nail plate, using massage movements and, of course, hand cream.

Tip: let your nails breathe a little, don’t cover them right away.

It is important not to forget:

  • Save your materials.
  • 2 cotton pads will be enough for all 10 fingers. Divide the cotton into small parts, 1 disk into 5 parts.
  • Perform all manipulations on nails only according to their growth.
  • You can use this removal system to also remove nail polish with glitter, rhinestones or any other embellishments. But it takes more time to remove them.
  • If there is anything left, do not tear it off, it is better to re-wrap it so as not to damage the nails and cause them to peel.
  • You must remove gel polish on your feet, just like on your hands.

We hope that you will appreciate this method of removing gel polish at home, and you will not have to spend a lot of time and money in a beauty salon.

Removing gel polish at home video:

Owners of long-term manicures with shellac often wonder how to remove gel polish at home, since such a procedure in a salon is quite expensive. The process takes only 30-40 minutes, but requires certain knowledge.

What to shoot with

Before you remove the gel polish yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with all the possible materials that will help you carry out the procedure as harmlessly and quickly as possible.

Professional products

Salons use professional liquids called “removers.” If you are wondering how to remove gel polish yourself, then you just need to purchase this product. Especially if you often do long-term manicures. This will significantly save money on removing gel polish (in the salon the procedure costs about 600 rubles, remover costs about 400 rubles for 400-500 ml). The savings are obvious.


Some owners of shellac manicure remove it with acetone. This is not recommended. Firstly, construction acetone greatly dries out the nail plates. Secondly, there is a risk of causing irreparable harm. You can remove gel polish with acetone, but only if it is acetone, which is part of the nail polish remover. In this case, you need to act according standard instructions, which can be read below.

Nail polish

Yes, this method also exists. It is suitable for those who have neither remover, nor nail polish remover, nor acetone on hand. The method is not ideal, but it can also be used. Before removing gel polish at home, prepare a clear polish, cotton pads or lint-free wipes (wet ones work well). To make everything work, follow the simple instructions. Apply clear polish to your nails first, then wipe it off with tissues before it dries. Helps in 80% of cases. After this, it is still recommended to purchase nail polish remover in order to remove the polish and gel polish normally.

Alcohol or vodka

These products do a good job of removing the top coating on nails if done correctly. For example, alcohol must be diluted with water in a ratio of 50:50, and vodka must be left unchanged. In order for everything to go correctly and the gel polish to be quickly removed from the nails, you need to soak cotton pads in the liquid, then place them on the nails. The fingers are covered with food foil on top to speed up the softening of the material. After 15-20 minutes, you can remove the cotton pads in the same sequence as they were placed. If the gel polish has not softened enough, you need to repeat the procedure. You cannot rip off the material, otherwise there is a risk of ruining your natural nails.

Required Tools

Regardless of the means used to remove gel polish, the set of tools remains the same:

  • orange sticks for manicure;
  • cotton pads or lint-free wipes;
  • soft file for natural nails (200/220 grit);
  • buff for natural nails (four-sided buffs with varying degrees of hardness are ideal);
  • food foil (it can be replaced with other available materials).

How to remove gel polish with remover

The procedure will take about 30 minutes in total. Divide the cotton pads into four parts. Lubricate the skin around the nails with a rich cream (baby cream is ideal) up to the second phalanx of the fingers. This will prevent irritation and accumulation harmful substances in organism. Soak cotton pads in remover and place them on your nails. Since the product evaporates quickly, it is recommended to close it carefully. For example, food foil. After 10 minutes, you can remove the cotton pads in the same order as you applied them. If the gel polish has not completely worn off, you can lightly pick it up with an orange stick, but do not rip it off. After removing the material, the nails must be sanded with a buff, then filed with a nail file.

How to replace foil

To remove gel polish without foil, you can replace it with a patch or special bottles that are placed on your fingertips. The latter are usually used in salons, but they can also be used at home. The bottles can be replaced with regular shot glasses. Pour gel polish remover into them, then dip your fingers into the containers. Do not forget that the skin around the nails must be lubricated with cream, otherwise irritation cannot be avoided.

How to remove gel polish with nail polish remover

This home method not much different from the previous one. The skin needs to be lubricated, and the cotton pads should be divided into several parts. Before removing gel polish at home, prepare all the tools and materials so you don’t have to be distracted later. Soak cotton pads or lint-free wipes in nail polish remover with acetone and apply them to your nails. Cover your fingertips with foil or a plaster (not a rolled one, but a bactericidal one, since it does not allow air to pass through and is easier to remove). Leave your nails like this for 20 minutes. Removing gel polish at home is easy using these instructions, although it will take longer than with a special product. Remove the patch and cotton pad from the first covered nail. Remove the softened material with a buff or an orange stick. Repeat the procedure on all fingers. Sand the surface of the nail plates and file the free edge.

When thinking about how to remove gel polish, analyze everything possible options and consequences. For example, professional products In most cases, they are harmless if used correctly. Basic safety rules make them indispensable in removing gel polish both in salons and at home. Substitutes can harm the nail plates and the skin around the nails. Dilute alcohol may cause allergic reaction, even if you use a rich cream. By using vodka to remove material, you risk causing injury to the cuticle. Especially if it is naturally thin and delicate.

You can remove gel polish at home in a safe way, which, however, takes more time. It is necessary to cut the cotton pads so that they completely match the size of the nails and do not touch the skin around them. This is painstaking work that takes time, but it will help keep the cuticle and side ridges unchanged and healthy.

What to do after removal

After you have removed the gel polish, it makes sense to think about what to do next with your nails. For example, if acetone was used for removal, then the nails require good strengthening and restoration. What can help in this case? Homemade baths and special products. For example, you can strengthen your nails with lemon, orange and sea ​​salt. Mix all ingredients (oil 5-10 drops, salt - a tablespoon) in warm water. Soak your nails for 15 minutes, then dry them with a soft towel. Apply a repair and strengthening product. It is not recommended to cover your nails with colored polish for a week.

When wondering how to properly remove gel polish, give preference to special products that contain not only solvent components, but also protective and restorative ones. Using removers, you can cover your nails with shellac immediately after removing the old coating. That is, the manicure will be renewed, and the condition of the nail plates will be preserved. That is why both private masters and salons recommend not to skimp on special products that protect nails from delamination, damage, and drying out.


Regardless of what exactly the gel polish is removed with, the technology remains the same: wetting cotton pads, applying them to the nail plates, waiting, removing the material. It is noteworthy that the more aggressive the product, the faster it removes shellac, but also the faster it spoils the nails. When using non-professional liquids, you need to carefully monitor the time so as not to dry out the nail plates.

When thinking about how to remove gel polish at home, visit specialized nail art stores. Professional removers are not much more expensive than nail polish remover, and their effect on nails is gentle, unlike improvised substitutes. You cannot remove unsoftened gel polish, no matter what you use to remove it, since you can tear off the top layer from your nails. This will have a detrimental effect on both their growth and health. To prevent this from happening, unsoftened gel polish is re-coated with a remover. The procedure is repeated until the material becomes soft and can be easily removed with an orange stick or cotton pad.

The procedure of nail extensions is considered harmful because it spoils their structure and thins it. In fact, the cause of these consequences is a neglectful attitude towards the process of removing layers of material. In order for the plates to remain healthy and beautiful, you need to know how to properly remove extended nails.

Each type of extension determines the specifics of removing extended nails. However, there are general recommendations which should be observed when removing acrylic, gel, and tips:

  1. Using nail files made of glass and metal is completely impractical - they will deteriorate and will not cope with the task.
  2. When working with a file, it forms a large number of dust, so to avoid inhaling it, it is better to use a mask.
  3. The free edge of the plate should be trimmed carefully, not at the root.

How to remove extended nails: basic products and tools

To remove your nails yourself, you must first shorten them. To do this, you will need either a catheter, or special nippers, or nail scissors.

For the procedure, you should also purchase a file with an abrasiveness of 80-100 grit. Below are instructions on how to file off extended nails at home:

  1. You need to take the file with your thumb and middle finger, and apply pressure with your index finger.
  2. The finger from which the layer of material is removed should be kept motionless - this way the cuticle will not be damaged.
  3. From time to time you should stop and use a brush to remove any dust that has formed and wipe the plate with nail polish remover. When there is little material left, the file should be changed to a soft one - with an abrasiveness of 150-180 grit and the pressure reduced.

The time required to file one nail can be up to 15 minutes. If you do the procedure faster, the plate will heat up.

The procedure for removing the gel coating requires a special liquid, foil and a stick.


To remove, you will need nail clippers; they will remove the free edge of the plate. Then you should cut off the top layer of acrylic. Then you need to follow the following steps:


Gel-extended nails can be removed at home only by filing them. No amount of acetone will help in this case, since the gel cannot be softened and does not dissolve.

To remove extended nails with gel or, you must first cut off the protruding free edge.

The gel cannot be removed with acetone, and the tips cannot be peeled off. To remove you will need:

  • abrasiveness 80-100 grit, this is what cuts off the main part of the gel;
  • file with abrasiveness 150-180 grit;
  • brush to remove generated dust;

You need to file slowly in one direction and evenly, starting from the cuticle to the free edge. From time to time you should check how much the coating has been cut down with a brush to remove dust.

If you run a damp cotton pad over the plate, you can see where the plate borders on the gel.

Then you need to take a softer file and continue working with it, the pressure on the plate should be reduced.

At the end of the procedure, the plate should be treated with a soft buffer and soften your hands with cream.


You can remove extended nails with biogel using foil and acetone, which can be replaced with alcohol diluted with water, but it is better to use special liquid for these purposes.

  1. It is necessary to cut small shapes from cotton pads so that the acetone does not irritate the skin.
  2. Remove as much gel as possible with a file. This will allow the acetone to penetrate the gel faster, and the duration of the procedure will be significantly reduced.
  3. In order not to spoil the condition of the skin around the nail, you should lubricate it with hand cream.
  4. Cotton molds, soaked in acetone, must be applied to the plates and wrapped in foil. Wait 15 minutes, massaging the plates to improve the penetration of liquid into the gel. Then you need to remove the foil and remove the remaining biogel with an orange stick.

Technique for removing extended nails with a device

To remove nails with the device, you only need it yourself. As a rule, the device comes with several attachments: from hard ones made of ceramic or metal to soft ones. The first nozzles remove most of the gel, and the second ones are used to process the plate near the cuticle and remove gel particles.

It is necessary to carefully cut the material, you should move softly and smoothly, while your elbows should rest on the table. Do not press on the plate, it may be damaged. Then you need to take the softest nozzle.

Features of professional products

Available in stores special remedy for removing extended nails. The remover is produced by such brands as CND, OPI, Harmony, etc. They will provide reliable protection of the plates and cuticles from drying out, making the manicure removal procedure harmless.

Liquid for removing extended nails is used similarly to acetone. It is also applied to a cotton pad and secured with foil. However, it gently and carefully removes the gel. Many of them contain vitamin E and oils, which have a moisturizing effect, prevent drying of the plate and cuticle, and prevent the appearance of white spots on the natural plate.

Nail care procedure after removing the coating

After removing the gel, the plates need to be moistened, so they should be treated with any vegetable oil, or use a special oil nail product.

It is imperative to give the plates a “rest” so that they can recover. You can apply a transparent medicinal varnish with vitamins to them for several days.

Thus, you can remove extended nails at home. For this you do not need to have specific skills or special tools.

What is better - cutting off gel polish with a cutter or soaking it with acetone?

Over the past few years, long-term nail polish with gel polish has been at the peak of popularity. But, despite the demand for the material, the question of a safe method for removing artificial turf is still urgent.

Master MyProfi from Moscow will reveal the topic.

What is gel polish?

Gel polish is a hybrid of two polymers: varnish and gel. Varnish dissolves in acetone-containing solutions, gel does not.

Different gel polishes have different proportions of these two components, so some bases are easily dissolved, while others are practically insoluble.

In addition, the procedure for applying the base is different among the masters - some do the leveling with thick bases, others thinly cover with liquid ones.

This is where some ambiguity arises in matters of withdrawal.

What are the dangers of dissolving gel polish with liquid?

I will talk specifically about my technology for applying gel polish and the consequences arising from it, since I consider my method of application and removal to be the most gentle on the nail plate.

I always do a little leveling with a base or top coat, this increases the strength and wearability of the coating.

1. Dry skin

Would you place a cotton pad soaked in acetone on your face for 15 minutes?

No. Why are hands worthy of such treatment? Always remember that our skin is a single organ, and it needs to be protected and preserved equally carefully both on the face and on the heels.

The main reason I decided against soaking was the damage that prolonged contact of acetone with the skin can cause. Acetone is a degreaser and, while destroying fat molecules, it also draws out moisture. The result is that the skin and nail plate are dried out and lack a protective fat layer. And if the water-fat balance is disturbed, the nail becomes dry and brittle.

2. Difficulties in the work of a master

I very rarely use liquid base, because... it requires enormous speed of operation and is quite difficult to level. But, when I have to use it, I apply a thin layer of base and level it with a top coat. The coating is still dense enough to be cut with a milling cutter.
My bases are mostly rubber: dense and viscous. The layer is of decent thickness. Dissolving such a coating is torture for both the artist and the client. This is another plus in the direction of sawing.

3. Injury to the nail plate

Before applying the base, we degrease the nail, removing moisture. The keratin scales of the nail plate open up, and the base layer “penetrates” into the structure of the nail. In this way, adhesion (adhesion of surfaces) is achieved.
When soaking, we have to remove ALL base from the nail and we different ways“scraping out” the base that is well adhered to the nail - and this is a real injury to the nail. Evidence of this is white spots on the nails. The so-called leukonychia, which is caused, among other things, by mechanical stress on the nail.

Why is it better to cut down?

1. When cutting, I only touch the top, color and only part of the base coat. The base layer, well adhered to the nail, remains. Thus, I minimize the impact on the nail plate itself. Clients' nails remain strong and look healthy from coat to coat.

2. Cutting can cause damage. natural nail. And this is a big minus.
You can cause a burn or thin the nail plate. You can protect yourself from this if you understand that manicure is a cosmetic procedure, but it requires certain skills and experience from the master.

Let's sum it up

Clients need to take a responsible approach to choosing a specialist. And masters must definitely explain to clients that no pain should be tolerated during a manicure, and any discomfort must be reported to the master immediately. Then you will reduce to a minimum the possibility of causing pain and injury to a person. Believe me, your clients will appreciate such care.

Which withdrawal method to choose is up to you to decide. I made my choice based on many years of experience and a detailed analysis of both options.