Wheat is a cereal crop that is rich in nutrients and microelements. It produces not only a huge variety of food products, but also oils rich in fatty acids and vitamins. It has been proven that sprouted grains and their sprouts contain many times more amino acids and tannins than regular wheat.


Wheat germ oil is used both for external use and consumed internally. As cosmetologists explain, the extract gives an excellent effect when used on both dry and problematic dermis. It promotes the elasticity of the epidermis and improves its overall condition. With frequent use, the skin rejuvenates and glows from within.

Vitamin composition of the oil:

  • vitamins A, E, D– when complemented together, they literally have a healing effect: they stop the development of skin diseases and improve the overall appearance. Vitamin E prevents premature aging and improves metabolic processes inside the skin;
  • niacin(or vitamin PP) – has a powerful antioxidant effect and protects cell membranes from damage;
  • B vitamins– normalize fat and water-salt balance, eliminate peeling and smooth out minor irregularities in the dermis;
  • allantoin compounds– regenerates damaged tissue, eliminates stretch marks and other skin irregularities (for example, scars). They also have a mild analgesic and softening effect;
  • amino acids – participate in the formation of collagen and elastin building fibers. Improves the overall tone of the epidermis. In addition, amino acid molecules capture moisture from the surface, deliver it to the deep layers and retain it inside. Eliminate dryness and sagging, slightly tighten the dermis;
  • mineral compounds (phosphorides, potassium, calcium citrate, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and copper) – a set of nutrients that prevent skin diseases (pimples, acne), remove toxins, restore the natural protection of the skin and improve complexion. Thanks to calcium, rapid cell regeneration occurs, and with the help of potassium, swelling goes away. Iron improves blood circulation in the body, saturating the skin with oxygen.

General beneficial properties of wheat germ substrate:

  • antiseptic;
  • drainage;
  • regenerating;
  • antimicrobial;
  • cleansing.

Wheat germ oil can be used for complex treatment. It is suitable for all types of dermis - aging, oily, dry and those that have lost elasticity.

Wheat germ extract is useful for facial dermis:

  • renews the epithelium - restores its functions;
  • improves the general condition and normalizes the functioning of any skin type;
  • softens;
  • nourishes;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • refreshes the epidermis, promotes its rejuvenation;
  • fights germs and inflammation;
  • regenerates – heals minor injuries, wounds and bruises;
  • eliminates skin diseases(eczema, dermatitis and others);
  • gives tone;
  • restores delicate eyelid skin;
  • treats dryness and damage to the lips.

The benefits of using the oil can be reflected throughout the skin. For example, using oil as a base for compresses or massages, you can eliminate sagging skin, tighten pores and smooth out unevenness. Wheat germ ether is also used for problems with dehydration of the dermis.

The oil acts as a general tonic: the skin is cleansed of toxins, the production of collagen fibers is stimulated, and the walls of blood vessels and capillaries are strengthened.

The product can rid the dermis of stagnant fluid and eliminate swelling, remove peeling and irritation of sensitive skin. The oil is recommended for use by pregnant girls: it prevents skin aging, improves its elasticity and tone. In this case, it is applied in its pure form to the skin. The product also prevents minor breakouts and evens out the tone.

The extract is used for vitamin deficiency to nourish the epithelium with useful components. For aging skin, it gives softness and supports oxygen exchange in tissues. With expression wrinkles, deep regeneration and restoration of collagen fibers occurs. Wheat germ substrate also fights rough skin, moisturizing and nourishing it. Dry lips are eliminated after several applications of the oil.

For oily skin types, it is necessary to add peach, almond or apricot concentrate to masks based on germ extract - such a compound will give a real boost of energy, deeply nourish the dermis and make it matte (thanks to restoring the water-salt balance). For dry and dehydrated epidermis, you should mix wheat germ extract with burdock, coconut or jojoba oil. In this case, the protective functions and natural protection of the epithelium are restored, due to which peeling and tightness disappear.

Even more about the benefits of wheat germ oil in the next video.

Features of choice

When choosing oil, you should remember that there are several types.

The extract can be obtained by cold or warm pressing. The last option is practically not used at present, since in this case all useful material. This oil practically does not give positive results when used.

Cold pressing is most often used to extract cosmetic and edible oils. It is better to give preference to it, since all nutrients and trace elements are retained in the composition.

Wheat germ extract can be found:

  • in capsules for oral administration– in this case, the oil is used daily, several tablets before meals. It is a biologically active food supplement and is used for the complex treatment of both skin and internal diseases;
  • in its purest form. It should be remembered that there can be two types of oil: edible and cosmetic. The first can be taken orally as capsules and used to season dishes and salads. The second must be applied only to the skin, used in masks, wraps and creams;
  • on the air. This type of oil has a high concentration of active substances, so it should not be used in its pure form. Wheat germ essential oil is used in cosmetology to improve the nutritional properties of essential oils.

When choosing a product, you need to evaluate the packaging, expiration date and consistency. Since the substance has a heavy structure (due to unsaturated fats), its consistency is viscous and viscous. As a rule, yellow or amber in color, without impurities. Cosmetic oil has a light herbal odor, while essential oil is transparent, with a pronounced aroma.

For oily skin types, the extract should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio with peach and olive oil. And for dry and damaged skin - with grape seed, burdock or avocado oil.


  • allergic reactions. To check your body for allergies, you need to rub a drop of oil on the skin of your wrist or elbow. If redness, itching or irritation occurs, the oil should not be used;
  • individual intolerance.

Application and recipes

The oil is versatile - you can use it to create your own beauty recipes. Wheat germ product is used in cosmetology as the basis of care products, masks and compresses for facial skin. Sometimes can be used for a deep lifting effect.

Mask with a rejuvenating effect

Wheat germ extract must be mixed with sour cream (the proportions should be the same), then wait a few minutes and apply to the face. Leave the product on the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. The effect of such a mask is immediately visible: the dermis is moisturized, looks fresh and rested. According to reviews, this method helps smooth out fine wrinkles and prevent premature aging of the epidermis.

Compress for eyelid skin

For a miraculous composition that eliminates dark circles under the eyes, you will need to mix equal amounts of basic wheat oil, jojoba and add liquid from several capsules of vitamin E. After this, use your fingertips to gently massage the mixture into the dermis, and after half an hour, it can be removed with a damp cloth. It is best to massage before bed or apply the product throughout the night. The epidermis relaxes, regenerating functions are activated, and nutritional components affect the deeper layers.

Concentrate for epithelial tone

In order to tighten the oval of the face, it is necessary to use a special mask every two days. You will need to mix wheat germ substrate (15 ml) with mint, sandalwood and lemon ether (one drop each). The mixture must be distributed over a napkin or cotton swab and applied to the face for 25 minutes - this way the components will moisturize the dermis as much as possible. After the time has passed, the napkin needs to be removed, but you should not wash off the remaining product.

Compress for inflamed skin

To remove inflammation and minor skin damage, doctors recommend making the following mixture: add a drop of cedar, clove or lavender ether to the wheat germ substrate (15 ml). Use the product as a mask or instead of a cream.

Pigmentation removal mask

If you need to even out your complexion, you should use an unusual, but effective recipe: mix a teaspoon of basic oil with lemon, juniper and bergamot ether - just one drop each. According to reviews, regular use gives amazing results. You need to wipe your face with the product several times a week for 15 minutes.

Wheat germ oil for the face is one of the most common natural cosmetics. As the name implies, it is made from sprouted wheat grains using the cold pressing method. It is after the appearance of the sprout that the grains contain the highest concentration of beneficial vitamins, minerals and microelements, which were intended by nature for the future plant. This explains the extraordinary benefits of wheat germ oil.

Wheat germ oil for face: Composition

Wheat germ oil contains vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and minerals.

Vitamins: A(and other carotenoids), B, E, PP, F(Omega-6)

Minerals: selenium, zinc, iron

Due to its composition, wheat germ oil for the face can be used as a basic treatment.

Properties of wheat germ oil

Beneficial features wheat germ oils

  1. Nutrition. Wheat germ oil contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the beauty and health of your skin. The oil improves blood circulation, which also helps saturate the skin with the necessary nutrition.
  2. Hydration. Linoleic and linolenic acids normalize the hydrolipid balance in cells, eliminate flaking and prevent irritation.
  3. Preservation of youth and slowing down the aging process. Carotenoids and vitamin E, being natural antioxidants, provide protection against harmful effects environment. By restoring and strengthening the protective membrane of each cell, wheat germ oil helps maintain youth and slow down the aging process.
  4. Gives a healthy appearance, increases firmness and elasticity.
  5. Cleansing. Suitable for caring for problematic and sensitive skin. Wheat germ oil eliminates inflammation and prevents the formation of new ones, tightens and protects pores. In addition, this oil can be used to remove makeup and cleanse the face.
  6. UV protection, SPF20. In terms of UV protection, wheat germ oil is not inferior to day creams, and therefore can become a natural replacement.

Wheat germ oil has all the properties necessary to maintain health, beauty and youthful skin.

Using wheat germ oil on the face

Wheat germ oil has a wide range of uses in cosmetology. It is well suited for dry, aging, sensitive and problem skin.

!For oily skin Wheat germ oil is best used in a mixture with lighter oils. For example, with apricot or grape seed oil.

Wheat germ oil for the skin around the eyes

Wheat germ oil for the face will be an effective means of caring for the skin around the eyes at any age. For young skin, the oil will be good at nourishing, moisturizing and protecting against premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. For mature skin, wheat germ oil is an excellent anti-wrinkle remedy. It can improve the condition of aging skin, even with deep wrinkles, helping to gradually smooth out the latter. Of course, you shouldn’t count on an instant magical effect in this case, but after just a few uses, your overall condition will undoubtedly be healthier and your appearance more attractive.

Using wheat germ oil for the skin around the eyes

By personal experience, wheat germ oil for the face can be used in its pure form. It is easy to apply, absorbs well and does not create any unpleasant sensations such as an oily film.

Not a large number of The mixture can be applied morning and evening to the skin around the eyes. You can also make applications once every 2 days. To do this, apply a mixture of oils generously to the skin around the eyes, leave for 10-30 minutes, and remove with a dry cotton pad. Or the mixture can be applied to a cotton napkin and placed on the face for 10-30 minutes. If desired, a napkin soaked in oil can be placed in the refrigerator for a few minutes before applying.

The following recipe is perfect for caring for the skin around the eyes and smoothing out wrinkles:

  • 5 ml wheat germ oil
  • 5 ml apricot or peach kernel oil.

The mixture can be applied using the methods indicated above, both on the area around the eyes and on the entire skin of the face and neck.

Wheat germ oil for face against wrinkles

The following compositions in small quantities can be applied at night to problem areas with massage movements, smoothing out wrinkles. Wherein important apply oil along every wrinkle, and rub across. Thus, wrinkles are smoothed out faster by enhancing the beneficial properties of the oil with massage movements. Compresses with wheat germ oil also help against wrinkles. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of oil or a mixture of oils to a cotton pad and apply it to problem areas for 10-30 minutes.

For more intensive smoothing of wrinkles, aging skin, to restore elasticity and tone:

  • 5 ml castor oil
  • 5 ml wheat germ oil

Another effective recipe for an anti-wrinkle mask with wheat germ oil:

  • 10 ml wheat germ oil
  • 30 ml macadamia oil
  • 1 drop essential oil sandalwood
  • 1 drop sweet orange oil
  • 1 drop Damask rose oil

!Important! Maintain the specified ratio of base oils and essential oils. Excess essential oil content can cause unpleasant painful effects.

!Important! This mixture, as you probably already guessed, is enough for more than one application. Its shelf life is up to 2 months. This mask should not be heated so as not to lose the beneficial properties of essential oils.

This anti-wrinkle mask is applied in the usual way, the oil is distributed evenly, after 20-40 minutes, the remaining oil is removed with a dry cloth or cotton pad. When using this mask for oily skin, you can remove the oil with chamomile infusion or rinse your face with it after removing the oil with a napkin.

For aging facial skin A vitamin face mask with wheat germ oil will be useful. For it you will need:

  • 30 ml wheat germ oil
  • 1 drop liquid vitamin A
  • 1 drop liquid vitamin E

This mask is applied in the usual way, the oil is distributed evenly, after 20-40 minutes the remaining oil is removed with a dry cloth or cotton pad. When using this anti-wrinkle mask for oily skin, you can remove the oil with chamomile infusion or rinse your face with it after removing the oil with a napkin.

Wheat germ oil for oily and problematic skin

For acne-prone and oily skin, wheat germ and grape seed oil are often used. For example, in the following composition:

  • 5 ml wheat germ oil
  • 15 ml grape seed oil
  • 2 drops clove, ylang-ylang or lavender essential oil

This mixture can be applied in small quantities morning and evening or only in the evening. The texture of wheat germ and grape seed oil in a 1:3 ratio is ideal for oily skin. Natural ingredients oils tighten pores, protect the skin from harmful environmental influences and pollution.

Wheat germ oil for cleansing skin

Wheat germ oil can also be used to cleanse the skin. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to a cotton pad slightly moistened with warm water and wipe your face. This procedure is recommended to be carried out every evening.

Wheat germ oil contraindications

For external use of wheat germ oil on the face, the main contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components indicated in the recipes. Therefore, before using any of them, it is necessary to check the selected composition for personal intolerance. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of the selected mixture or oil to the area of ​​skin on the bend of the elbow or on the wrist, wait 10-30 minutes, if no unpleasant sensations arise, the composition can be used.

Maintain your beauty with natural cosmetics!

Natural oils are an important component of quality skin care. They concentrate the maximum amount of valuable chemicals necessary for restoration, hydration, intensive nutrition and cell rejuvenation. Wheat germ oil is considered a very valuable product - its use on the face is due to its amazing antioxidant properties due to the high content of tocopherol or vitamin E, which is vital for any female body.

What are the benefits of wheat germ and sprouted cosmetic oil for the face?

The described product produces a large number of positive effects on the skin:

  • relief leveling;
  • color improvement;
  • healing of minor injuries;
  • smoothing;
  • protection from ultraviolet rays;
  • acceleration of regeneration;
  • prevention of premature aging;
  • hydration;
  • maintaining tone;
  • elimination of irritation and peeling;
  • correction of facial oval;
  • lift;
  • fight inflammation and acne;
  • strengthening capillary walls;
  • softening;
  • nutrition;
  • cleansing pores.

How to properly use natural wheat germ and germ oil for the face?

This product contains almost record concentrations of vitamin E and fatty acids, and therefore has a very dense, “heavy” consistency. Because of this, wheat germ oil is not used in its pure form; it should be mixed with less saturated, “light” products and esters.

There are quite a few ways to use the oil in question, but only two have gained popularity – oil mixtures and masks. Let's take a closer look at them.

Recipes for mixtures with wheat germ and germ oil for different types of facial skin

The described product combines well with most esters and base oils, as it does not react chemically with them.

Blend for restoring dry skin and eliminating flaking, including chapped lips


  • wheat germ oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • ether – 1 drop;
  • lemon balm ether – 1 drop.

Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Several times a day, without rubbing, lubricate dry areas of the face with the resulting oil.

Mixture for the treatment of acne and subcutaneous pimples, combination or excessively oily skin


  • sprouted wheat oil – 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • cedar ether – 1 drop;
  • clove essential oil – 1 drop;
  • lavender essential oil – 1 drop.

Preparation and use

Add the remaining ingredients to the wheat butter and mix well. Soak a cloth with warm water, wring it out, and then moisten it with the resulting mixture. Apply the compress to your face for 15-17 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle facial mixture with natural oil wheat germ, including the skin around the eyes


  • rosehip oil – 3 teaspoons;
  • wheat germ oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • sandalwood ether – 1 drop;
  • neroli ether – 2 drops;
  • limetta ether – 1 drop.

Preparation and use

Prepare a base of rosehip and wheat oils, add the remaining ingredients to it, and shake. To rejuvenate the entire face, soak a napkin in the mixture and apply to the skin for about 20 minutes. For wrinkles around the eyes, simply apply the product, lightly tapping it in with your fingertips.

Face rejuvenation masks with purified wheat germ oil

Multi-component masks with the presented product are generally recommended only for aging, tired skin with existing and developing wrinkles.

Anti-aging mask recipe

Anyone who cares about the health and youth of their skin will certainly be interested in information about wheat germ oil. The use of a valuable product in cosmetology is completely justified.

A rich set of vitamins, fatty acids, minerals and biologically active substances transforms the skin, removes fine wrinkles, tones and nourishes. The oily product fights stretch marks, cellulite, and is suitable for massage. A bottle of this miracle product will help solve many problems of the epidermis.

Beneficial properties and effects on the skin

Dense, heavy oil is obtained from wheat grains by cold pressing. The result is a healing mixture with a high concentration of valuable substances. The grain gives up its full power.


  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, without which the aging process of the body accelerates;
  • octacosanol, phospholipids, triglycerides, glycolipids;
  • vitamins A, F, B, E, involved in metabolic processes, cell building, epidermal regeneration, maintaining water balance;
  • useful minerals – zinc, iron, selenium. Natural antioxidants maintain youthful skin and fight free radicals.

Note! High concentrations of vitamin E were found in the natural wheat product. It is no coincidence that this substance is called the “vitamin of youth.” A lack of tocopherol quickly leads to aging, loss of skin elasticity, and metabolic disorders.

A natural product with a rich wheat scent penetrates well through pores and is active in the deep layers of the dermis. The benefits for the body have been proven by scientists, cosmetologists, and doctors.

Effect of wheat germ oil on the skin:

  • stimulates metabolism;
  • heals wounds, microcracks;
  • maintains the elasticity of the skin;
  • rejuvenates the epidermis;
  • improves complexion;
  • treats household, ;
  • fights inflammatory processes;
  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • actively cleanses the surface of the epidermis and deep tissues;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevents development;
  • has an effect.

Important! Healing product suitable for daily care for the skin.

Read an interesting article about the use, beneficial properties and contraindications for the face and body.

How to do Japanese gymnastics to rejuvenate the face and neck? Find out the answer on the page.

Contraindications and general information

The oily liquid extracted from young wheat grains does not exhibit aggressive properties and is well tolerated by the body. The wheat product is recommended even for pregnant women. The natural remedy can be taken orally.


  • individual intolerance (extremely rare);
  • urolithiasis, cholelithiasis.

The magical elixir of youth and beauty, extracted from wheat, is sold in any pharmacy. The healing product can be ordered at an online pharmacy. The cost varies slightly depending on the manufacturer.

Approximate price of wheat germ oil:

bottle 20 ml – 44 rubles;
bottle 50 ml – 110 rubles;
bottle 115 ml – 146 rubles.

Every cell of the body should feel the beneficial effects of a wonderful remedy:

  • treat your face and hands with the nourishing composition;
  • use to massage problem areas;
  • rub into the stomach, thighs, chest when they appear and for their prevention;
  • when applying an anti-inflammatory agent to each pimple;
  • lubricate chapped lips, inflamed areas, and the area under the eyes with undiluted oily liquid;
  • use to combat.

Note! The natural product made from wheat grains is quite dense and belongs to the category of “heavy” oils. To treat large areas and prepare masks, be sure to dilute the valuable product with lighter oils. The optimal concentration of an oily wheat product in mixtures is 10%, no more.

Face mask recipes

Before starting the course, please note recommendations from cosmetologists:

  • Use undiluted healing agent only for application to inflamed areas, lips, and the area around the eyes;
  • in all other cases, make sure that wheat oil makes up 1/10th of the total amount of the nutrient mixture;
  • make masks twice a week. The duration of the procedure is 15–30 minutes depending on the skin type. Full course – 10 procedures;
  • after removing the composition, wash with a herbal decoction or cool water, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Proven recipes:

  • from wrinkles, swelling, dark circles under the eyes. Prepare a nutritious, refreshing mixture. Combine oils: wheat germ - 1 tbsp. l., sandalwood and neroli - 1 drop each (or roses - 2 drops). Lightly massage the oil mixture into the area around the eyes. There is no need to wash your face after the procedure. Blot off excess mixture paper napkin; (Recipes for anti-aging masks are described on the page);
  • for aging, sagging skin. Ingredients – 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, half a teaspoon of wheat oil, 1 drop each of sandalwood, orange, mint esters. Spread the thick mass over the skin, cover with gauze. After 20 minutes, wipe off the mixture with a cotton swab, rinse your face, apply nourishing cream; (Recipes nourishing masks find out the articles);
  • from freckles and age spots. Base – 4 tbsp. l. grated cucumber pulp. Fillers: wheat oil product – 1 tsp, bergamot, lemon, juniper esters – 1 drop each. The duration of this pleasant procedure is 15–20 minutes. Remove the mixture with a cotton swab, wash, moisturize the epidermis; (Recipes for cucumber masks are described; read about bergamot oil; read about lemon oil);
  • from wrinkles. To two dessert spoons of wheat germ oil, add a drop of mint and orange esters. Rub the enriched mixture into problem areas near the eyes, on the forehead, and treat the area around the lips. Do not wash off the composition;
  • against acne. Treat each inflamed comedone with an anti-inflammatory composition. Preparing a healing mixture is simple: combine 2 des. l. product extracted from young wheat grains, cedar, clove or lavender esters - 2 drops each. (Read the address for recipes for masks against blackheads).

Nourishing blend for dry lips

Lubricate chapped, chapped lips with undiluted oily liquid. For greater effect, add a drop of rose and lemon balm oils. Apply the nourishing mixture in the morning three times a day. After a few days, the delicate skin will soften and the cracks will heal.

Wheat germ oil for cellulite

Ask your therapist if you can have a massage. This effective procedure Contraindicated for varicose veins, hypertension, and many skin diseases.

After the doctor’s conclusion, begin a course of procedures that improve the condition of the epidermis. Treat problem areas every other day.

Components to combat orange peel:

  • basic wheat oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • a mixture of juniper, lemon, geranium, fennel esters - 5 drops;
  • Another option: add 4-5 drops of a mixture of orange + tangerine + grapefruit essential oil to the base.


  • Treat the lumpy areas with an anti-cellulite composition and perform a fairly firm massage;
  • Pinching areas affected by cellulite has a good effect;
  • After the procedure, blot the remaining oil mixture, apply orange peel cream.

Fighting stretch marks

Composition of the nutrient for stretch marks:

  • oily product obtained after squeezing young wheat grains – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • orange or grapefruit essential oil – 4 drops.

Mode of application:

  • mix the ingredients, thoroughly rub the composition into problem areas;
  • lubricate stretch marks or areas where they may appear for five minutes daily.

Note! Expectant mothers can safely treat their breasts, thighs, and abdomen to prevent stretch marks. elastic, healthy skin has more elastic connective tissue. This reduces the likelihood of stretch marks that disfigure the body.

Use of wheat germ oil in medicine

The unique composition was appreciated by doctors from different fields. The natural product is used to treat many diseases.

Pay attention to the remedy for:

  • anemia;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes of the epidermis;
  • burns, wounds, microcracks;
  • after a course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • acne;
  • weak cardiovascular system;
  • dull, lifeless hair;
  • thinning hair, alopecia.

Important! Pregnant women, after consulting a gynecologist, can consume a wheat oil product rich in vitamin E to maintain women's health and normal fetal development.

Every day the number of women who prefer natural cosmetic compositions in skin care is increasing more and more. Wheat germ oil is one of the well-known miracle products that women enjoy using as care products. Thanks to the incredible number of vitamins, acids, microelements and active ingredients that are beneficial for the skin, it is widely used in various cosmetic fields, in particular in facial skin care.

Benefits of wheat germ oil for facial skin.
From the name of the product it is clear that it is obtained from wheat germ or sprouts. It is considered a leading means of skin rejuvenation, maintaining and preserving its firmness and elasticity, since it contains everything necessary for its beauty and youth, including vitamins E, A, group B, vitamins D, PP, fatty acids and a lot of active substances that have the best effect on the external and internal condition of our skin. Its daily use on the face has an activating effect on the processes of regeneration and restoration, as well as rejuvenation of the skin at the level of its cells, which, of course, cannot but improve its structure and quality.

It is important to note that this most valuable product of nature has no contraindications (except perhaps individual intolerance) and can be used by owners of any skin type. Cosmetologists especially recommend it for the care of excessively dry skin with signs of peeling, aging and wilting. Its regular use has a lifting effect, tightening the oval of the face, smoothing out wrinkles, and increasing skin tone. In addition, it effectively smoothes the surface and evens out the skin texture, and also improves the complexion, which gives it a fresh, rested and radiant look.

Wheat germ oil is an amazing product that helps soften, moisturize and nourish all skin types. In addition, this product is most effective, and most importantly, natural remedy to cleanse the skin of impurities and makeup. Impossible not to note useful action oils in binding and removing toxins and other harmful substances from skin cells. It is this ability of oils that is used in the production of cosmetic products.

Wheat germ oil also has a beneficial anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect on sensitive, oily and problematic skin, relieving inflammation and eliminating irritation. In addition, its effectiveness in the fight against pimples, blackheads, various pustular formations, damage and skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, etc.) is simply amazing. By the way, it can also be perfectly used in caring for the thin and sensitive area of ​​the eyelids; with regular use, it eliminates “crow’s feet”, which, one way or another, (albeit at different ages) appear in almost every woman. It is also effective in caring for delicate lip skin, especially during cold periods of the year. It perfectly heals cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth or jams, eliminates peeling, restoring smoothness and elasticity to the skin of the lips.

Ways to use wheat germ oil for the face.
Due to its dense and heavy structure, wheat germ oil is not intended for use undiluted on the face; it is mainly combined with various vegetable oils with a lighter structure. Despite this, it is possible to use it in its pure form, but only on rough and flaky small areas of the skin, as well as directly on areas of inflammation, irritation, and skin damage. Plus, it can be applied directly to areas of deep wrinkles in the nasolabial folds, forehead and corners of the eyes (but not under the eyes). But for the area under the eyes, it is recommended to combine it with rosehip, olive, apricot, avocado, peach, sweet almond, and grape seed oil, in a ratio of one to three. This mixture can be used every day.

In addition, it is recommended to add it to ready-made cosmetical tools(three drops per serving) and remedies homemade(creams, balms, massage oils, etc.). In this case, add three drops of a suitable essential component to 15 ml of oil. For example, it is recommended to add mint, rose, and orange oil to products for dry and aging skin; for oily and problematic skin - cedar, clove, cajuput, and lavender oils.

It is also effective to add this oil to homemade face masks. About a teaspoon is enough for any mask recipe.

Recipes for face masks based on wheat germ oil.
Masks and applications based on this amazing and valuable product of nature are especially effective for the face. Here is a recipe for an excellent anti-aging product for aging skin with wrinkles. To prepare it, you need to enrich three teaspoons of wheat germ oil with mint, orange and sandalwood oil, just take one drop of each. Blot a paper towel with the resulting mixture and place it on your face. After twenty minutes, remove the towel, but there is no need to rush to wash your face after the procedure. Wait about five minutes, during which time the remaining oil will be completely absorbed into the skin. If you still feel uncomfortable, you can blot your skin a little with a paper napkin.

To treat oily and problematic skin with pimples and blackheads, it is recommended to combine wheat germ oil with lavender, cedar or clove oil, just take two drops. The method of application is the same as in the previous recipe.

For the corners of the eyes, as well as to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead and nasolabial folds, it is recommended to use wheat germ oil in its pure form. Soak cotton pads in it and apply to problem areas of the skin; it is recommended to place compress paper on top.

Another wonderful property of wheat germ oil is its ability to lighten freckles and dark spots. For this purpose, it is mixed in the amount of three teaspoons with lemon, grapefruit or juniper essential oils, which should be taken one drop at a time. Lightly moisten a napkin in this mixture and apply it directly to the stains. The duration of the procedure is no more than twenty minutes, carried out twice a day. The effect will be noticeable after ten procedures.

To care for the skin around the eyes, as well as to smooth out wrinkles in this area, it is recommended to apply daily with light patting movements a composition of a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and a drop of neroli essential oil, or you can add two drops of rosewood oil. The same composition is useful for lip care and treatment of cracks and jams.

For dry skin, add one drop of lemon balm and rose oil to a teaspoon of wheat germ oil to the mask. Apply this mixture to dry areas several times a day.

To eliminate crow's feet there is one very effective remedy: Combine 5 ml of wheat germ oil with 15 ml of grape seed, add 4 drops of vitamin E in oil form, 4 drops of vitamin A in oil, as well as three drops each of grapefruit and rosemary oil. It is necessary to apply as follows: first moisten two cotton pads in warm water, then apply a couple of drops of the mixture to them and apply to the area around the eyes. Leave for fifteen minutes. Carry out the procedure at night. After two or three such sessions, you won’t recognize your skin. No wrinkles, I guarantee! In any case, I used it when mixed skin. The effect is simply superb!

The following mask will help improve the condition of tired skin and restore it to health: dilute two tablespoons of chopped oatmeal with a small amount of warm milk. As soon as the mass disperses and becomes similar to non-liquid sour cream, add a teaspoon of this miracle oil to it. Apply the composition to previously cleansed facial skin and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can also add linseed and grape oil to the composition.