Cosmetology knows several skin types: dry, oily, normal, combination and sensitive. This article will focus on the latter subspecies. You will learn how to care for sensitive skin. Also find out what features this type has. We will also mention what products for sensitive facial skin are offered by modern manufacturers.

Skin on the face

Despite the fact that cosmetology distinguishes the sensitive type among the types of skin, it can be combined with the rest. So, there is a dry face, an oily face and a combination face. Moreover, each of these subspecies has its own characteristics and characteristics. Let's look at each type of skin separately.

Dry sensitive skin on the face

This type most often belongs to white-skinned ladies belonging to the winter color type. So, they have a thin rash that is prone to peeling and the appearance of a rash. IN winter time Over the years, dry sensitive skin is prone to chapping and redness.

During this period, she requires some protective care. Must use nourishing masks. Some of them can be prepared independently or purchased at cosmetic retail outlets. In addition, it is important to apply a protective cream or oil for sensitive facial skin. Such products should be used several hours before going outside. Only in this case will you be able to avoid weathering and stains.

Oily sensitive facial skin

This skin type is very common among teenagers. So, in adolescence girls and boys begin to experience hormonal changes. As a result, sensitive skin on the face may become covered with acne and red spots.

How to care for sensitive skin in this case? Cosmetologists strongly recommend using various soothing and cleansing masks. It is imperative to wash your face daily. If necessary, you can use a scrub for sensitive facial skin.

Although oily skin produces a lot of fat, it needs to be moisturized and nourished. To do this, you should choose the appropriate ones or prepare them yourself.

Combination or normal (sensitive) facial skin

Very sensitive facial skin can be combination. In this case, the woman has a mixed type: the skin of the forehead, nose and chin may be prone to the appearance of oily sheen and acne. The cheeks, cheekbones and area around the mouth will be dry at this time.

How to care for sensitive combination skin? It can be quite difficult for the owner of such a cover to choose the right product. However, preference should be given to products designed specifically for this skin type.

Common Features of Sensitive Skin

Regardless of the type, sensitive facial skin has the same symptoms. Dry or oily, she reacts strongly to external factors and the lifestyle of its owner.

So, if a woman uses something that is not suitable for her cosmetic product, she may have an allergic reaction. With an incorrect lifestyle, problems with appearance. Fatty and salty foods with a lot of spices can cause rashes and blemishes. Often, swelling appears in the eyelid area and

Also, sensitive skin reacts strongly to changing weather. In summer, women with such cover are forced to hide from the sun's rays under wide brimmed hats or a layer of protective cream. Otherwise, severe burns and pigmentation may occur.

In some cases, the skin may react to certain medications. Sensitive skin changes greatly during the course of antibacterial therapy, after anesthesia, and so on. In such situations, it will have to be restored with the help of appropriate drugs.

How to care for sensitive skin?

A daily care routine for this type of skin should include several items. Only if you follow all the rules can you achieve beautiful and smooth skin that will radiate radiance and health. Let's consider the main points that should be included in a program for caring for sensitive skin.

First step: washing

Sensitive skin needs daily cleansing. Even if the dermis peels and dries, it needs to be cleansed. Select the appropriate cosmetic gels or foam.

For oily skin, the composition should include extracts of cucumber, aloe and celandine. If the cover is dry, then give preference to soft foams containing decoctions of chamomile, string and other herbs. Some women like to wash their faces with regular soap, but this is not entirely correct. This type of cleansing can lead to dry skin. Cleansing products have a particularly detrimental effect on the dermis. The only exception to the rule is Dove soap. It gently cleanses the face without removing excess fat.

Dove soap should not be used by women who are allergic to honey and milk. Some types of this product contain exactly these ingredients.

You need to wash your face very carefully. Wet your face with clean water and apply a small amount of gel or foam. Massage into skin, avoiding lip and eye areas. After this, rinse your face with clean water.

Second stage: toning

All representatives of the fair sex who want to look good should use a tonic. For sensitive facial skin you need to choose a special product.

Those with dry or combination sensitive dermis should give preference to a tonic that has a softening and soothing effect. If your skin is prone to oily shine and acne, then you need to choose a lotion that has healing and cleansing properties.

Apply tonic only to previously cleansed skin. Immediately after washing, pat your face dry with a clean napkin and wipe it with a sponge soaked in a suitable solution. Tonic or lotion does not need to be washed off. Wait until it is absorbed and move on to the next step.

Third stage: moisturizing

No matter what type of sensitive skin you have, it requires hydration. Many women mistakenly believe that oily dermis cannot be lubricated with creams. Thus, they only aggravate the aging process of the skin.

After the lotion or toner has dried, you need to apply the cream. For dry skin, you should use nourishing formulations, which are divided into night and day. If you have oily skin, then give preference to gel-like substances that are quickly absorbed and give a matte finish.

Additional care products for sensitive skin

In addition to the main complex daily care, there are products that need to be used once or twice a week. These include masks and scrubs. Also, some women use peeling and gommage.

Dry and combination skin needs nourishing and softening fortified masks. They should only be applied to well cleansed skin. Always follow the instructions for use of such products. Also, dry and combination sensitive skin requires deep cleansing. It should be done no more than once a week. Otherwise, you may get irritated. Give preference to soft peeling. If you have very sensitive skin, you should choose gommage.

There are also masks for oily sensitive skin, but they are not aimed at nourishing the dermis, but at cleansing it and narrowing the pores. Quite often you can find film substances for oily dermis. They are applied to the skin and dry in a few minutes. After this, they need to be carefully removed by pulling the edges.

Oily, sensitive skin should be cleansed regularly, since the sebaceous glands in this case work with increased load. That is why give preference to scrubs or peels with deep action.

Brand names

If you have never used cosmetics for sensitive skin, then take a closer look at the products of the brand " Clean line" The manufacturer uses only natural decoctions and herbs to prepare skin care products.

The Green Mama company is also very popular. It produces a special line of cleansing and moisturizing products for the care of sensitive and allergy-prone skin.

It is impossible not to mention the familiar Dove soap and cream. These products cleanse, soften and nourish sensitive, allergy-prone skin.

Among decorative cosmetics, companies such as Maxfactor and Lumine can be distinguished. Their products are hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types.

Making your own products for sensitive skin

Many women are sure that making their own skin products is always better. And indeed it is. However, such products can be stored quite a short time and only in the refrigerator. Be sure to consider the possibility of an allergic reaction.

For washing, you can use decoctions of chamomile or string. They will soften and soothe sensitive dermis. To cleanse and whiten your skin, use lemon juice and a slice of cucumber.

For moisturizing, you can use natural orange and others.

If you have sensitive skin, then you need to remember a few important rules. By adhering to them, you can always maintain your beauty at the desired level.

  • Choose hypoallergenic decorative cosmetics. At the time of buying foundation, powder or other products, give preference only to well-known manufacturers who guarantee the absence of allergies.
  • Don't use other people's cosmetics. Never borrow cream or mascara from your friends and relatives. Otherwise you may not only get allergic reaction, but also become infected with some diseases.
  • Always wash off your makeup. After a long day, cleansing your face is a must. Don’t be lazy and carry out the whole range of procedures. Only after this go to bed.
  • Do not use masks and oils before bed. If you decide to treat your skin with a mask or oil, then you need to do this no later than a few hours before going to bed. Otherwise, you may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling in the morning.
  • Apply natural remedies. Of course, nowadays it is very convenient to purchase care products in beautiful jars. However, don't forget about grandma's old recipes. Make your skin happy natural masks and decoctions.
  • Visit a cosmetologist regularly. If you have sensitive skin that is prone to frequent irritation, then you should know an experienced esthetician. Don't try to pop a pimple or bleach it yourself. age spot. Trust a specialist in this matter.


Now you know what features sensitive skin has. Be sure to follow all the rules mentioned above and you will always be beautiful. If you still haven’t figured out what type of face your face is, then contact a cosmetology office. A specialist will examine you and tell you what features your particular type of dermis has. Take care of yourself and always be healthy and beautiful!

Ekaterina Dobrydneva, medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand, told us how to understand whether your skin is really dry and sensitive, and how to choose the right care for it.

Should you call your skin sensitive?

There is a general definition of sensitive skin - it is hyperreactive skin, characterized by an excessive reaction in response to the influence of provoking factors. To put it simply, the phrase “sensitive skin” means that the epidermal barrier is damaged, and, as a result, it reacts more sharply than ever to all external or internal irritants such as cold, wind, a new beauty product, taking medications, or even just fatty foods. That is, if the skin of your face reacts to all the so-called irritants listed above with redness, peeling, itching, and the like, then your skin is truly hypersensitive and you do not fall into hypochondria at all.

Additionally, there can be no doubt that your skin is sensitive (and therefore requires special care) if you suffer from allergies.

Is it possible to “cure” sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin is not a specific type, but a specific skin condition on the face. And increased sensitivity can be characteristic of any type. And oily skin can be sensitive, especially if a person is undergoing acne treatment, for example. Therefore, in order for the skin to become normal, in addition to external care, it is necessary to act from the inside.

Drink enough water (the optimal amount for a healthy girl is 1.5-2 liters per day), also try to eat a balanced diet and not neglect high-quality dietary supplements (in particular, at least with collagen and hyaluronic acid).

Contrary to stereotypes, from hypersensitivity girls with oily skin types are more likely to suffer from facial skin problems than those with dry skin.

In addition, it is important to understand that skin sensitivity can be congenital (and this can manifest itself both from birth and in adulthood, for example, due to negative impacts environment).

Skin damage can also occur as a result of aesthetic procedures. If carried out regularly, this will increase the skin sensitivity threshold, and in the future it will take less time and effort to restore the stratum corneum and lipid mantle.

Vegans and vegetarians often suffer from hypersensitive skin because they do not consume animal fats that are so necessary for the body, which, as a result, reduces the protective functions of the skin.

Features of sensitive skin care

An important step in caring for sensitive skin is cleansing, since makeup residues and environmental pollution (factory emissions, air in big cities, exhaust fumes, etc.) provoke inflammation and oxidative stress (metabolic disorders, accumulation of free radicals). In combination with ultraviolet radiation– rosacea, hyperpigmentation and photodamage. Removing this “incendiary mixture” from the skin, eliminating the consequences of aggressive effects without damaging the protective hydrolipid mantle is an important task of cleansing.

To cleanse sensitive skin, it is recommended to use micellar water or soft milk. It is advisable to wash your face with bottled water rather than chlorinated tap water. Instead of hard sponges, give preference to a konjac sponge.

To relieve tingling and pinching sensations throughout the day, use thermal water, fluids and/or gels to soothe the skin and restore a sense of comfort.

The main goal of care is to protect, moisturize and reduce sensitivity of facial skin.

When choosing a cream for sensitive skin, first of all you should pay attention to the composition, which should not contain alcohol, phthalates, parabens and essential oils. In turn, it is desirable that hyaluronic and linoleic acids, panthenol, phytosphingosine and antioxidants be included in the composition.

Do not forget that at night, hypersensitive skin needs additional protection, since a large number of free radicals accumulate during the day and in the evening the production of histamine increases, causing itching and irritation on the skin. Choose products with antioxidants and soothing ingredients that will restore comfort and repair to your skin.

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Moisturizing soothing gel for sensitive skin Phyto Corrective, SkinCeuticals. The product with hyaluronic acid and plant extracts soothes, softens and moisturizes irritated sensitive skin, evens out complexion. Recommended after aesthetic procedures.

SOS cream, cocoon product for sensitive skin, Guerlain. The balm will instantly soothe minor scratches, minor discomfort, inflammation, irritation and burning.

Moisturizing cream for sensitive skin, 24K Sensitive Skin Moistrizer, Orogold Cosmetics. Delicate cream created specifically for very sensitive skin. Contains 24 carat gold.

Soothing moisturizer for sensitive skin from Force Vitale, Swiss Line. Enriched with ceramides to strengthen and improve the condition of hypersensitive skin.

Balm for sensitive skin with Centella Recovery Skin Salve, Kiehl’s. The product was created for regular care and protection of sensitive and dry skin, as well as for the restoration of damaged and irritated skin. Provides hydration and protection all day long.

Soothing moisturizing protective cream for hypersensitive skin based on Toleriane thermal water, La Roche-Posay. The product has a calming and softening effect, relieves irritation.

Exfoliating lotion for problem skin Anti-Blemish Solution Clarifying Lotion, Clinique. The formula has an exfoliating effect and removes excess sebum, cleanses pores and controls oily shine.

Soothing protective serum Remedy Serum, Comfort Zone. A product with an intense calming and restorative effect.

Restoring mask "Aloe" with aloe vera extract Aloe Rescue Cream Mask, The Body Shop.

Delicate nourishing facial oil, Weleda. An unperfumed product can be used as an additional source of skin nutrition or as an alternative to cream. Suitable for facial massage and eye makeup removal.

Taboos in the care of sensitive skin

For care, it is best to choose cosmetics labeled “for sensitive skin” or “for allergy-prone skin.” They must undergo clinical trials.

Moreover, since decorative cosmetics not always adapted for those with allergic skin; make-up products must be used carefully. It is important to choose cosmetics for yourself together with a dermatologist or consultant in a store, having first tested it on the back of your hand, and if no obvious reactions appear, only then apply it to your face. Also, dermatological brands often have special makeup ranges for girls with sensitive skin.

Avoid dense ones oily textures and cosmetic oils. They create a film on the skin, which causes the skin to lack moisture.

Dry facial skin:

Dry skin is usually very thin, dull in color, and prone to flaking and irritation.

Dry skin is prone to premature aging and the formation of early wrinkles. Even with age normal skin can become dry, so even those who did not have any special skin problems in their youth need special care.
Dry facial skin reacts sharply to adverse environmental influences: a too hot or too dry climate makes it even drier, and the dryness of our apartments with central heating is also unfavorable for it.

With dry skin, after 25 years, the first wrinkles around the eyes may appear. After being in the sun, in windy weather, when exposed to low temperatures irritation appears on the skin, and after washing, a feeling of “tightness” appears. But acne practically does not appear on dry skin. For fresh-looking skin, you need to constantly moisturize your skin, otherwise it becomes dull and unattractive. The pH of dry skin ranges from 3 to 5.5.
But dry and dehydrated skin are not the same thing. Any skin can be dehydrated, including oily skin. Dry skin lacks not only moisture, but also fat. Those with dry skin have insufficient function of the sebaceous glands; sebum usually forms a protective film on the skin and protects it from adverse external influences. You cannot force your skin to produce more sebum, but with proper care you can significantly improve its condition and appearance.
If you don’t properly care for dry skin or don’t care for it at all, then you are guaranteed to get premature wrinkles. But dry skin does not tolerate excessive care; it is very delicate.

The daily motto for caring for dry skin is less is more!

Anything that can lead to even greater dehydration has an adverse effect on the condition of dry skin: alcohol, smoking, taking laxatives, rapid weight loss, chlorinated and sea ​​water(before swimming in chlorinated pool water or sea water, you must apply water-resistant sunscreen). Hardening masks, scrubs and alcohol-containing products are contraindicated for dry skin. Intense peelings can ruin the skin, and intense tanning can age it prematurely. Intense physical activity associated with increased sweating, sauna, hot weather also have an adverse effect on dry skin. The dry microclimate of our apartments causes dry skin to age faster, so a humidifier or being indoors won't hurt large quantity deciduous plants, aquarium. It is better not to walk in dry, windy weather. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to replenish moisture loss (but not strong tea and coffee, they contribute to moisture loss).
Starting from 25 - 30 summer age It is necessary to apply creams to care for the skin around the eyes.

Dry sensitive facial skin:

Dry skin is usually very thin and has a dull tint. Very often, dry skin occurs in blondes and redheads with green eyes. They are also the owners of the first skin phototype, which is especially prone to frequent irritations. This skin is usually called dry sensitive skin and requires very careful care. Dry sensitive skin often reacts with redness, peeling, and tightness to many external irritants.
Caring for dry sensitive skin should be regular and simple.

Frequent changes of cosmetic products are not recommended.
Preference should be given to low-component preparations and do not apply several products to the skin at once. Specialized care products for this skin usually say “for dry and sensitive skin.” It is desirable that these cosmetics contain: panthenol, calendula oil, bisabolol from chamomile, herbal and essential oils(including aromatherapy for dry skin), vitamins A and E.
When choosing a new product to care for dry sensitive skin, you must first test the product on the crook of your arm to avoid an unwanted reaction. It is advisable to select a series of products from one company and use the same products for at least two months. The best time to try out new cosmetics is in the spring or fall, when your skin is less prone to irritation.
Early wrinkles are the main problem for those with dry sensitive skin. You need to know that the sun's rays age the skin the most, so the use of sunscreen is simply necessary, and if you spend a long time in the sun, you need products with UV 25+ and higher.
Attention! Frequent and intense peeling is not recommended (causes additional intense dehydration of the skin); a course of facial massage can only be carried out in a good salon by an experienced specialist.
Cleansing: It is advisable to use soft or mineral water for washing; the use of soap is excluded! To cleanse dry skin, special foams, gels or milks are suitable, which are then washed off. After washing, the skin is not wiped, but blotted with a napkin or left to dry on the face.
When using fatty creams or moisturizing gels, excess should be removed after 20 minutes with a napkin; excess product interferes with normal skin breathing.
The most beneficial for dry skin are ceramides (cerebrosides, sphingolipids), polyunsaturated fatty acids (primrose oil, evening primrose oil, Omega-3, black currant oil, flaxseed oil, etc.) substances such as nanosomes, nanospheres, thalaspheres are very effective.

Sensitive skin is the most delicate of all types and requires special care. all year round. Use our tips and forget about problems with your face.

Delicate skin can be much more capricious than its owner. The slightest change in air temperature or humidity, cold wind or summer sun, sea water or precipitation on the face, a new cosmetic product or face masks made from natural products - the skin often reacts to all this with redness, inflammation, increased dryness, peeling or itching. Proper care of sensitive facial skin will help preserve beauty and youth for many years.

Morning cleansing and tone

Comprehensive facial skin care includes cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. Sensitive skin does not like contrasting procedures, so do not wash it hot or too hot. cold water, and even more so wipe with ice cubes. The water should be at room temperature, preferably using purified or still water.

If the skin is irritated, then before contact with water it is recommended to lubricate it with cosmetic milk or vegetable oil - this will protect the skin from the aggressive effects of water. For the same purpose, you can use special mineral oils. For some girls, milk diluted with water or chamomile decoction is ideal for washing.

Moisturize and nourish throughout the day

Daily care for very sensitive skin must include moisturizing and nourishing. When choosing a cream, you should pay attention to products labeled “For sensitive skin.” Conscientious manufacturers do not include components that cause irritation in these products: fragrances, dyes, alcohol, fruit acids and mineral oils. It is good to use creams whose list of ingredients includes wheat germ oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, vitamin E and panthenol.

The cream should be worn immediately after washing, after absorbing any remaining moisture with a soft towel. If the skin is not very dry, then it is recommended to use light moisturizers as daytime products that do not interfere with cell respiration. At night, it is better to pamper the epidermis with restorative nourishing compounds.

Makeup and protection for sensitive skin

You can make your skin beautiful with makeup only on those days when it is absolutely healthy. Women with a capricious face are better off not skimping on cosmetics, otherwise all the advice on caring for dry and sensitive skin will be useless.

On sale you can find liquid and decorative products aimed at skin prone to irritation - this should be preferred. You can reduce the risk of unpleasant phenomena if you use light blush and eye shadow, use black mascara and eyeliner, and mercilessly throw away all jars that have not been finished within a month.

Makeup, by the way, serves not only as a weapon of beauty, but also as a shield to protect the epidermis from street dust, gases, dry air and other aggressive enemies. Therefore, women who prefer to remain natural in any setting are strongly advised not to give up foundation, and in order not to spoil their magnificent complexion, use transparent foundations.

Evening routine before bed

In the evening, the face awaits cleansing of makeup and impurities - hygiene care should in no case be left unattended. You shouldn’t delay this moment, but immediately after coming from the street, especially if the air temperature differs sharply from room temperature, you don’t need to run to the bathroom.

It is recommended to cleanse sensitive skin of makeup using oils or cosmetic creams. For washing it is better to use cream soap or special means. After cleansing, be sure to apply to your face. night cream, it is better to choose a nutritious one with a calming effect.

Soothing care for sensitive skin

In those unhappy moments when sensitive and dry skin becomes covered with red spots, itchy pimples and flaky patches, it needs emergency help. Flaxseed helps cope with irritation very well.

To prepare a life-saving remedy, flax seeds (sold in a pharmacy) are poured with boiling water and left for about 30 minutes, periodically vigorously shaking the vessel. The resulting mucus is applied to the face and left for 10 minutes. Instead of mucus, you can use flaxseed oil, which, by the way, is an excellent substitute for nourishing creams and makeup removers.

Additional care: masks and peeling

Capricious skin does not always respond gratefully to masks, the reason is that it does not like prolonged exposure to nutrients. In order not to irritate delicate skin, it is recommended to reduce the procedure time specified by the manufacturer and not to apply the product in too thick a layer.

Sensitive skin is very thin, so you should not cleanse it with coarse scrubs. On sale you can find peelings with microparticles and gommages that gently cleanse the skin of peeling caused by the death of the top layer. You can use abrasive products for cleansing care only after all irritations have healed, otherwise the result will be the opposite and instead of smoothness, your face will be covered with new irritation.

Nutrition from the inside with vitamins and fats

Sensitive skin often results from poor nutrition. Do not forget about fermented milk products, fish, which are important for the body. vegetable oils, fresh vegetables and fruits. Women on a diet are advised to take balanced vitamin complexes.

If you can cope with sensitive facial skin with home care, contact a specialist, maybe he will find the cause of the problem and help eliminate it.

Sensitive facial skin is not one of the types of integument. It is a pathological reaction to the action of internal and external stimuli: slowdown in cellular metabolism, genetic predisposition, sun, wind, low temperatures. Sensitivity of facial skin manifests itself in irritation, peeling, inflammation and is a real problem for its owner that requires a systematic solution.

A distinctive feature of sensitive dermis is its strong reaction to the components contained in care compositions. This raises the question: what to do with irritated skin? For warning side effects and soothing the integument, it is necessary to carefully select store-bought products and ingredients for homemade mixtures.

Rules for caring for sensitive skin

When cleansing the dermis, which is prone to irritation and rashes, it is unacceptable to use chlorinated tap water. For morning washing, you should use mineral or filtered liquid. To remove the dirt accumulated during the day from the face, use hypoallergenic milk. After the cleansing procedure, to add elasticity and eliminate tightness, wipe the face with a cotton pad soaked in tonic. Products prepared at home are good for refreshing the skin.

To maintain the tone of sensitive skin, it needs high-quality hydration. Saturation with moisture is carried out using a hypoallergenic cream made on the basis of thermal waters with the addition of mineral elements. When choosing a moisturizer, you should carefully study its composition. Cream enriched natural ingredients, does not always cope with the problems of damaged integuments. Thus, the presence of calendula, nettle or arnica in the composition irritates the dermis even more. .png" alt="moisturizers for sensitive skin" width="450" height="360" srcset="" data-srcset=" 712w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Good caring cosmetics for sensitive skin, in addition to moisturizing, have a softening and protective effect. When choosing it, you must be guided by the simplicity of the components and the minimum number of ingredients. Good cream for the face contains the following components:

  • vitamins A, C and E, nourishing the integument and restoring its protective layer;
  • allantoin and panthenol, which are part of most healing ointments;
  • components of SPF sun protection;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • extracts of herbs and fruits that have a calming effect.

To cleanse, nourish and moisturize the irritated dermis, it is recommended to use creamy formulations with the addition of hypoallergenic components. It is unacceptable to use hardening or gel-like film masks, which further tighten the thinning skin. Home remedies for sensitive skin are prepared using the following ingredients:

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When deep cleansing sensitive skin, it is unacceptable to use harsh products with abrasive particles. It is distinguished by its thinness, fine porosity and weak protective layer. Exposure to aggressive agents thins it even more, leading to the appearance of small ulcers and inflammations. Gommages with a creamy structure help to care for such dermis. They gently envelop thinned skin and gently remove impurities from the pores.

For more information about the rules of caring for sensitive skin, watch the video:

Recipes for soothing masks

Care for sensitive skin includes the use of mixtures based on cottage cheese, cream with the addition of softening fruits: peach, plum, pear, etc.

Quickly eliminates redness and softens skin banana mask. You need to grind 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, mix it with 2 tbsp. l. milk and 1 tbsp. l. banana pulp. The compound is distributed along the massage lines and left for 15 minutes. After its removal, the face is treated with a soothing tonic and nourishing cream.

Used to soften and eliminate flaking egg mixture. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. l. crushed oatmeal, pour a small amount of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. for swelling. After this, the ingredients are combined with egg yolk and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. The product is applied to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. and is removed with a cotton pad. The surface is treated with tonic and nourishing cream. .png" alt="Soothing mask for sensitive skin" width="450" height="272" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 813w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Effectively fights irritations rice flour mixture. Add 1 tsp into the container. warm milk, glycerin and flour in the amount necessary to form a creamy composition. This recipe is used to eliminate extensive areas of inflammation and peeling. It is recommended to apply it at night. The ingredients are removed with a cotton pad, after which the surface is treated with tonic and cream.

Used for quick whitening of sensitive skin. yogurt based mask. You need to mix 1.5 tbsp. l. oat flour, 1 tsp. melted honey and yogurt without additives until a creamy structure forms. If you are allergic to honey, replace it with the pulp of any “soothing” fruit: banana, pear, avocado, etc. The mixture is applied to a cleansed face for 20 minutes. and washed off with warm water. .png" alt="mask for whitening sensitive skin" width="450" height="299" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 906w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Caring for sensitive skin is unthinkable without herbal masks. A popular recipe for soothing irritated dermis is a mixture of horse chestnut flowers, chamomile, yarrow, horsetail and potato starch. The ingredients are poured with warm water until a creamy consistency is formed. The herbal mixture is wrapped in gauze and applied to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. After removing it, wipe the face with chamomile infusion and moisturize with cream.

Peeling at home

For the face and sensitive skin, the use of gommages is recommended, which delicately remove dirt without damaging the skin. A simple recipe peeling is coffee. A thick layer of nourishing cream is applied to the cleansed face, after which, using ground grains, you need to massage it with gentle movements for 1 minute. Special attention should be given to the T-zone, which is most often subject to peeling. You should not press intensely on the covers; all movements should be made along the massage lines. After removing the gommage, the face is treated with tonic and moisturizer. .png" alt="Coffee gommage for sensitive skin" width="450" height="275" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 855w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Has a quick cleansing effect on sensitive skin semolina peeling. To prepare its base, the cereal is poured with warm water and left to infuse. After this, add 3 tsp to the container. ground oatmeal, 1 tsp. lemon juice, apple, a few drops of vitamins A, E. Add 3 tsp. swollen semolina, 1 tbsp. l. kefir and mix thoroughly. Peeling is applied with massaging movements for several minutes and washed off with warm water.

Another effective combination of cereals is orange gommage. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. semolina, oatmeal and 1 tsp. chopped citrus zest. A cleanser is added to the composition in the amount necessary to form a creamy consistency. Peeling is applied to the surface with gentle movements for a few minutes and washed off with warm water.

Oily, irritated dermis gains tone after use barley mixture. You need to mix 2 tbsp. l. crushed barley groats, 1 tbsp. l. rice flour, cream and milk in the amount necessary to obtain a creamy consistency. Apply gommage onto a cleansed face using massage movements and wash off with warm water.

Has a gentle cleansing effect cream peeling. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. l. the whipped product is mixed with 3 tbsp. l. dried coconut milk and 0.5 tsp. pectin. The product is applied to the cleansed dermis and left for 3-5 minutes, after which it is removed with warm water. .png" alt="Home peeling for sensitive skin" width="450" height="257" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 913w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Homemade tonic recipes

Very sensitive facial skin gains elasticity under the influence of herbal solutions. The acceleration of cellular metabolism, giving the dermis greater elasticity and density is facilitated by the use of mint, linden flowers, St. John's wort, horse chestnut, horsetail, etc. These components are used separately or, to achieve a better effect, in combination with each other.

To prepare a simple soothing composition you need to pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Strained and cooled, apply to cleansed face 2 times a day. To eliminate peeling and inflammation, simmer over low heat a composition of plantain, linden, and immortelle leaves mixed in equal proportions. Herbal tonics are stored in a cool place for no more than 3 days.

To give cheerfulness and feeling of coolness irritated dermis is recommended to use a mint solution. It is necessary to boil the composition of chamomile and St. John's wort over low heat. Grind the washed mint leaves and pour boiling water for 30 minutes. The strained solutions are mixed and cooled. The resulting composition is used to treat inflamed skin covered with microtraumas several times a day.

For soothing and moisturizing For irritated skin, use birch tonic. You need to mix 3 tbsp. l. kidneys, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice Wipe the cleansed face with a cotton pad soaked in tonic 2 times a day. The solution is stored for no more than 2 days in a cool place. .png" alt="Homemade toner for sensitive skin" width="450" height="393" srcset="" data-srcset=" 635w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Proven recipe cleanser is pink lotion. You need to prepare a base of roses: 100 g of petals are washed, crushed, poured with an alcohol solution prepared in a ratio of 1 tsp. ethyl for 3 tsp. water, and leave for 2 days in a cool, dark place. After enriching the liquid with the nutrients of the flower, the composition is filtered, a few drops of wheat germ oil and the juice of half a carrot are added to it. Shake the tonic thoroughly before use.

Refreshes Strawberry tonic for thinned skin. You need to chop and squeeze 100 g of fresh berries to obtain juice. After this, it is mixed with 3 tbsp. l. mineral water and a few drops of oil tea tree or grape seed. The tonic is stored in a cool, dark place for no more than 3 days.


The effectiveness of working with sensitive skin is achieved through regular toning and soothing procedures. Skin care is a multi-stage process that involves the active use of anti-inflammatory natural ingredients.