Depending on the age of a person, the state of his nervous system and the nature of his diet, the fat content in the skin may change, and it becomes dry. It loses its elasticity, becomes rough, its pattern is expressed more clearly and cracks appear on the surface.


Dry skin can be distinguished by the following signs:

  • at a young age, the skin is elastic, smooth, matte, without wrinkles;
  • in the absence of proper care, it quickly fades, becomes rough, peels and loses elasticity;
  • with age it becomes like parchment;
  • fine wrinkles quickly form on the sides of the cheeks, under the chin, in the décolleté and around the eyes;
  • after washing the skin becomes tight;
  • it peels off quickly, is easily irritated and becomes covered with red spots.


External causes of dry skin:

  • improper care;
  • use of cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type;
  • long exposure to the sun or frost;
  • swimming in a pool or salt water;
  • being in a room with dry, air-conditioned air;
  • smoking.

Internal causes of excessive dry skin:

  • usage medicines;
  • dehydration;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergy;
  • renal failure;
  • stress;
  • ichthyosis;
  • psoriasis.

Rules for caring for dry skin

Dry facial skin is very sensitive and easily inflamed, so care products must be selected very carefully.

If after washing you feel tightness and dryness, then it is better to replace this procedure with rubbing.

In the morning

Rules for caring for dry skin at home:

  • The first step is to cleanse the skin. For this, mild cleansers (milk, lotion, foam or cream) are used. You can also wash your face with warm mineral or alkaline water (a teaspoon of soda per liter of boiled water);
  • then the skin is toned with the help of special lotions, tonics, decoctions or infusions;
  • Apply a moisturizing day cream to the skin and leave it until completely absorbed. After 10 minutes, you can remove the excess with a soft napkin and begin applying makeup.




Floral lotion

Mix equal quantities of rose petals, chamomile, jasmine, and linden blossom. Pour 15 g of raw material into 250 ml of boiling water and let cool under the lid. Strain and store in a glass container in a cool place for no more than a week.

The lotion refreshes and softens the skin, helps get rid of inflammation, and promotes hydration.


Grind a tablespoon of ripe strawberries into a pulp, pour a glass of cold mineral water without gas, stir thoroughly, and then strain. Add half a teaspoon of glycerin to the liquid.

The product has a softening and nourishing effect. It tones the skin and retains moisture throughout the day.

Oatmeal lotion

1 tablespoon of oatmeal is poured into half a liter of boiling water and, after it has cooled, filtered. Use for morning wash.

Has a tonic, nourishing and moisturizing effect.

Chamomile lotion

100 ml of water is mixed with the same amount of milk and brought to a boil. A tablespoon of chamomile flowers is poured into the decoction and infused under the lid. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Use for morning cleansing of dry skin.

The lotion has a nourishing, anti-inflammatory and softening effect. Cleanses dry skin well and removes flaking.

People withdry sensitive skin can be used next option dry skin care:

  • in the morning, after waking up, wipe the skin with cosmetic milk and apply rich sour cream;
  • after 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with a strong stream of water from the shower at a comfortable temperature;
  • at the next stage, wipe the skin with a piece of ice, for the preparation of which they use decoctions of medicinal herbs (a tablespoon of chamomile, calendula, string or sage, pour a glass of water, let it brew for 2 hours, filter and pour into ice molds).

During the day

Dry skin needs special care not only in the morning, but also throughout the day:

  • in order to additionally moisturize the skin during the day, you need to use thermal water, the application of which does not require removing makeup;
  • If the skin is flaky, you may need to apply special moisturizers (emollients) during the day.

In the evening

Particular attention should be paid to cleansing the skin in the evening, because it accumulates on its surface. a large number of dust and dirt containing pathogenic microorganisms. Penetrating into the pores of the skin, they can provoke an inflammatory process.

Skin cleansing occurs in several stages:

  • first of all, you need to remove makeup using special cosmetic milk or micellar water;
  • then you need to wash your face with special means for dry skin, decoctions of medicinal herbs or mineral water;
  • At night, you need to apply a nourishing moisturizing cream to the skin containing plant extracts or vitamins that help restore the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. This should be done at least half an hour before going to bed.

in winter

In winter, dry facial skin requires special care. Cold air can not only cause flaking, but also cause wrinkles. And indoor air dried out by heating systems will only increase the load on the skin.

In order to avoid problems, you must follow these rules:

  • those with dry skin should avoid using scrubs winter period, since this can deprive the dermis of a thin lipid film that retains moisture;
  • Gel-based products destroy lipid structures in upper layers skin, so in winter it is also better to avoid using them;
  • in winter, dry skin does not need contrasting procedures and wiping with ice cubes, because wind, frost, snow and rain already irritate it;
  • Moisturizing creams are applied to the skin at least 40 minutes before going out into the cold.

Video: Useful information

In a beauty salon

The most popular treatments for dry skin:

  • massage. Before the procedure, light peeling is carried out, then using nutrients, do it for half an hour. classic massage areas of the face, neck and décolleté. Complete the process with a nourishing mask. Massage improves metabolic processes and stimulates muscle function. Even if the skin is very dry and not well-groomed, the effect becomes noticeable after 5 sessions;
  • biorevitalization. Using injections, hyaluronic acid or vitamin cocktails are injected under the skin. This helps improve skin condition, moisturizes, tones, and eliminates wrinkles.

At home

Dry skin has an alkaline reaction, so fermented milk products are used for home care:

  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • sour cream;
  • cream;
  • Ryazhenka

For washing, you can use water with a small amount sea ​​salt, diluted with milk or non-carbonated mineral.

Masks for dry skin:



Cottage cheese - tablespoon

Strong black tea – teaspoon

Fish oil – ½ teaspoon

Flaxseed oil - a teaspoon.

Grind the cottage cheese thoroughly, add tea and slightly heated oils and stir until a shiny, homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to previously cleansed facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

The mask has a tonic and moisturizing effect, helps improve the condition of the skin, nourishes it and rejuvenates it.

Fresh chicken egg yolk

Refined olive oil– 50 ml

Sea buckthorn oil – 10 ml

Using a blender, beat the yolk, gradually adding oil. In the process, an emulsion is formed, which is applied to the skin and washed off with warm water after half an hour. This mask is made every other day for a week. You can store the finished product in the refrigerator.

The product nourishes and moisturizes the skin, helps remove flaking and get rid of inflammatory processes on the skin.

Oatmeal – 1 tablespoon

Olive oil – teaspoon

Milk – 2 tablespoons

Vitamin A – 10 drops

Vitamin E – 10 drops.

Oatmeal should be poured with warm milk and left for half an hour, then stir thoroughly and add oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask can be used once every three days.

The mask nourishes and tones the skin, evens out color, enhances regeneration and moisturizes the skin. It eliminates flaking and, with prolonged use, helps get rid of dry skin.

Beans – 100 g

Olive oil – 50 g.

The beans need to be filled with water and boiled until tender, then rub through a sieve. Add olive oil and apply to face. Wash off after half an hour.

Professional care for dry skin

The main problem of dry facial skin is that the sebaceous glands of this type of epidermis do not produce enough fat to form a protective film. As a result, the skin becomes very vulnerable to negative external factors - ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind. And a low level of moisture in the cells of the epidermis leads to peeling, premature appearance of wrinkles and irritation. To avoid all these consequences, dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin requires special care using professional cosmetics. But first of all, you should find out why the skin is too dry, and, if possible, eliminate the identified causes.

Dry skin: causes, care rules

Most often, excessive dryness is caused by the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • age-related changes;
  • certain diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • avitaminosis;
  • using inappropriate cosmetics;
  • lack of knowledge of how to properly care for the epidermis (for example, do not use regular soap and hot water for washing);
  • prolonged exposure to frost or sun.

You should also remember the basic rules for caring for dry skin:

  1. You can wash your face using cleansing gel or foam (not soap) only in the evenings, using cool water.
  2. After washing, you should not dry yourself with a towel - it is recommended to only lightly blot the remaining moisture.
  3. Always choose care products carefully, always with the “moisturizing” label.
  4. Drink at least two liters of clean water a day. Avoid coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol, which remove moisture from the body.
  5. Do not expose the epidermis long-term influence negative external factors, why always use protective creams before going outside.

It is also important to know the basic stages of caring for dry skin and use high-quality cosmetic preparations produced by famous brands.


As noted above, if you have dry facial skin, you should clean it of impurities no more than once a day, in the evenings, since too frequent exposure to water washes away the fatty film and further dries out the epidermis.

Of course, you should avoid regular soap. At home, you should use special cleansers designed specifically for dry skin: gels, foams, lotions. Particularly noteworthy is Janssen facial cosmetics, produced in Germany and belonging to the category of cosmeceuticals, that is, combining aesthetic and medicinal properties.

For example, Janssen's Organics Cleansing Milk, a gentle cleansing milk based on olive and coconut oils and aloe vera juice, is ideal for gentle cleansing. It gently but thoroughly cleanses the face, while preserving the natural protective film and at the same time moisturizing, refreshing, softening and nourishing the epidermal cells.

Hydration and nutrition

The question of how to moisturize dry skin at home is very relevant. For these purposes, you can regularly apply moisturizer, and once a week make special masks prepared according to folk recipes. But experts advise using professional cosmetical tools, providing both hydration and nutrition to dry skin. For these purposes, cosmetics from the Israeli brand Holy Land are optimally suited, and especially moisturizing and nourishing creams, for example, Multivitamin Rich Moisturizing Cream. It contains a complex of vitamins A, B, E, as well as oils and plant extracts. It deeply moisturizes and intensively nourishes, preventing premature aging. Renew Formula Hydro-Soft Cream SPF 12 is a product with UV filters, ascorbic acid, green tea extract, avocado and sweet almond oil. It has a light texture and is quickly absorbed. Provides a moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating and anti-rosacea effect. Lactolan Moist Cream For Dry Skin has restorative, nourishing and moisturizing properties and perfectly restores dry skin after peeling.

Enzymatic peeling

From time to time, as part of complete care for dry and sensitive skin, it is recommended to carry out gentle enzyme (enzymatic) peeling - at home or in the salon.

We are talking about superficial peeling, which uses enzymes rather than acids as the active substance. Enzyme peeling is very gentle. It allows you to carefully remove dirt, traces of sweat and sebaceous glands, and dead skin cells of the epidermis. The skin becomes smoother and acquires an even color; after enzymatic peeling, rehabilitation is not required. The main thing is to choose the right cosmetic product.

Opus Belle Anti-Age Skin Refining Enzyme Peel from Janssen Cosmetics is very popular. This enzyme peeling gel based on the subtilisin enzyme stimulates cellular renewal, smoothes the epidermis, refreshes and perfectly cleanses. Designed specifically for dry skin - dehydrated and sensitive.

Nourishing, vitamin masks

Once a week, it is recommended to apply special moisturizing masks with vitamins and a tonic effect to dry skin. Such preparations can not only saturate the epidermis with moisture, but also significantly improve its condition.

Cosmetics from the already mentioned German brand Janssen are especially in demand. For example, Dry Skin Hydrating Gel Mask is a gel mask that helps retain moisture in the epidermal cells for 24 hours, and also instantly refreshes and gives the face a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

Fasial Cream Masks Moor Cream Masks are a revitalizing cream mask that eliminates wrinkles caused by dryness, moisturizes, intensely nourishes and gives a healthy glow. And Fasial Cream Masks White Tea Moisture Mask is a unique gel mask for very dehydrated skin. It optimizes the moisture balance in the epidermal cells and prevents its rapid loss, having a prolonged effect.

6 main rules for caring for dry skin

1. Create a “cosmetic diet” taking into account the basic needs of dry skin

And this, first of all, nutrition and strengthening of the hydrolipid barrier. The sebaceous glands of dry skin are inactive (and with age, their activity slows down even more!), accordingly, the lack of the skin’s own lipids must be constantly replenished with the help of creams. If in the heat, owners of all other skin types feel most comfortable using cosmetics with gel textures, then dry skin, even in the hot season, is usually more suitable for cream, or in extreme cases, gel-cream products. Cosmetics with a high content of vegetable oils, lipids (primarily ceramides, phospholipids, triglycerides), nicotinamide (also known as nicotinic acid, or vitamin B3) and other components that stimulate protein synthesis in the skin and its its own ceramides - a kind of cementing substances that ensure the strength of its stratum corneum. And it is very thin on dry skin.

2. Pay special attention to skin protection

We all remember very well that dry skin requires the most careful protection in winter, since due to a lack of lipids and a thin stratum corneum of the epidermis, it is especially vulnerable to cold and wind. However, we very often forget that for these same reasons in the summer it requires especially careful protection from ultraviolet radiation. Meanwhile, its antioxidant abilities are much lower than those of normal, combination, and, especially, oily skin: sebum contains fatty acids and other components that protect the skin from free radicals, and dry skin is practically devoid of it. So a high SPF cream is a must from May to September!

3. Use gentle cleansers

To avoid damaging the already thin and weak protective barrier of dry skin, avoid washing your face too much. hot water and too frequent cleansing of the skin - more than twice a day, using aggressive cleansers. If your skin is also sensitive, it is better to avoid cleansing gels based on sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate in favor of products with milder cleansing ingredients, for example, sodium lauryl sulfate, cocamidopropyl betaine ( cocamidopropyl betaine) or soft surfactants, which are obtained from saponified fatty acids of natural oils - cocoa, coconut, etc. For very sensitive dry skin that reacts with irritation to tap water, the solution may be to use micellar water or cleansing milk. And be sure to complete the cleansing process with toning. , the main thing is that the tonic contains no alcohol!

For instant hydration: intense hydration serum Hydraskin, Darphin c hyaluronic acid and plant extracts

For antioxidant protection and skin cell renewal: serum C-10 Serum, Ultraceuticals from 10% L-ascorbic acid and lactic acid

To replenish lipids in the skin: oleogel serum for very dry skin Vitamin F forte, Swisscode with linoleic, linolenic, palimitic acids

Anti-Aging: Facial Moisturizer Idebenone Moisturizing Facial Cream, Priori with idebenone (coenzyme Q10), vitamin A and AHA

For nutrition: ultra-nourishing cream for very dry and sensitive skin Apicosma, Melvita with three types of honey, argan oil and royal jelly

For intensive care of very dry body skin: anti-aging kigelin mask "Restoration" CF3+3, Christina Fitzgerald with fig extracts, kigel extracts and fruit concentrates

To strengthen the protective barrier: restorative, nourishing and moisturizing cream Emollience, SkinCeuticals with a complex of plant extracts and lipid components of natural oils

For recovery and nutrition: nourishing cream for dry skin Nourilys, Methode Jeanne Piaubert with lactic acid, vegetable oils and extracts

For deep hydration of dry and dehydrated skin: cream-gel Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief, Clinique with plant extracts, trehalose, sorbitol, hyaluronic acid

For express care: revitalizing mask for dry and very dry skin "Intensive nutrition" Nutritive Vegetal, Yves Rocher with ash juice, witch hazel extract, sweet almond, macadamia and shea butters

To soften and protect the skin: intensive day moisturizer for very dry skin Vitamin E, The Body Shop with vitamin E and vegetable oils

For basic care and sun protection: nourishing day cream for dry skin, Nivea with almond oil and Hydra IQ moisturizing formula

For gentle and deep cleansing: mask for dry skin “Yellow Clay”, Lovea

For hydration throughout the day: day cream for dry skin "Ginkgo and Olive" Natuderm Botanics with triglycerides and vegetable oils

4. Don't over-hydrate

Despite the fact that proper care for dry skin requires the mandatory use of moisturizers, as numerous studies show, the moisture content in dry (but not dehydrated!) skin is no less than in normal or oily skin. And too frequent use of moisturizers can lead to a weakening of its ability to self-hydrate and retain moisture. If already 20-30 minutes after application an unpleasant feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin appears, the skin “asks” for hydration again - most likely, the problem is a broken hydrolipidic barrier. In this case, pay attention to the composition of moisturizers. Look in the list of ingredients for components such as ceramides, triglycerides of fatty acids, amino acids, lactic acid, yogurt or milk proteins: they not only retain moisture in the skin, but also help restore its moisture-retaining functions.

5. Don't forget about deep skin cleansing procedures

Dry skin, like any other, needs exfoliation and cleansing masks. But since it is thinner and more delicate, do not overdo it and choose cream or oil-based products. A good option To care for dry skin, use enzyme peels and masks with fruit acids, primarily lactic and almond: these AHAs have a very mild effect and at the same time have good moisturizing properties. But glycolic and salicylic acids most often turn out to be too harsh for dry skin.

6. Nourish dry skin from within

An ideal diet for the beauty of dry skin must contain foods rich in vitamins A and E, as well as omega acids - liver, nuts, legumes, vegetable oils, fish oil or fatty fish.

Dry facial skin is a problematic type, as it is prone to frequent inflammation and premature aging. The sebaceous glands do not produce enough lipids, which causes frequent drying and flaking. Dry skin is vulnerable to external irritants and therefore requires special care.

You might be interested to immediately read:

How to make sure that your skin is dry?

In order for home care to be effective and useful, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of skin.

You can find out this yourself using a few simple tests:

  • with strong finger pressure on the skin surface, with a dry type of face still for a long time a reddened imprint remains. To make sure, repeat the pressure on several areas of the face. Dry skin will show marks all over;
  • touch the clean mirror to your face. If there is no greasy mark left on the mirror surface, then your skin type is dry;
  • take an ear stick and draw a line from the center of your face to your chin. A perpendicular mark will remain on dry skin.

Main causes of dryness

  1. genetic factor - if your mother or grandmother suffers from dry facial skin, then it is likely that this feature will be hereditary;
  2. dermatological diseases, as a result of which the secretory function of the sebaceous glands is disrupted;
  3. poor nutrition, which causes a deficiency of vitamins A and C;
  4. polluted environment;
  5. excessive love of tanning and solariums;
  6. use of chemical-based decorative cosmetics;
  7. serious skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
  8. age factor;
  9. pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  10. nervous system disorders;
  11. abuse of deep cleansing and peeling products;
  12. frequent washing under hot water.

General rules of care

Taking care of dry epidermis involves avoiding cosmetics that contain surfactants. Their use entails aggravation of the disruption of fat production in the sebaceous glands. These products dry out the skin surface even more. It is recommended to give preference to specialized cosmetics: soft creams for removing makeup, facial milk with a concentration of saturated fats, hydrophilic cleansers.

Petroleum products have been found in most types of decorative cosmetics. These components are harmful to any skin, especially dry and sensitive, as they form a film on the face that does not allow the tissues to “breathe.”

To care for dry skin, cosmetologists advise choosing delicate cosmetics that do not cause irritation. It is allowed to use scrubs with jojoba granules. It is necessary to exclude film masks containing fruit acids. They stretch the skin surface and reduce its protective barrier.

Effective protection of the epidermis and restoration of lipid metabolism is carried out using cosmetics containing ceramides and free fatty acids.

You can treat dry facial skin without any cosmetics. Foggy weather comes to the rescue here. Air saturated with tiny particles of water is a fairly effective means of additional humidification. True, in our latitudes, foggy weather is quite rare, so use thermal water more often, especially in the hot summer.

Diet has a direct effect on the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a balanced diet rich in vitamins A, D, F, E.

Dry skin types do not like saunas and steam rooms. In such an environment, the epidermis is depleted, as it is not protected by a sufficient amount of lipids. Swimming in pools where the water is overly chlorinated will also not be beneficial.

Caring for dry skin in winter requires special attention. After a long stay in strong wind or frost, you must do nourishing mask or apply lipid cream.

Basic cosmetics that will be required for daily care:

  1. makeup remover milk;
  2. gels for sensitive skin;
  3. tonics that do not contain alcohol;
  4. collagen creams;
  5. day cream - is a necessary base for makeup;
  6. night cream;
  7. nourishing and toning masks.

Step 1 – cleansing

Dry skin types need deep cleansing. At the same time, you should avoid using regular soap, which further dries out the skin surface.

Yogurt and kefir are used as light peeling. These products also restore the lipid barrier.

Facial cleansing should be done several times a day. The best option is to carry out procedures in the morning and evening. Clean skin absorbs more effectively useful material from creams and masks.

Micellar water and tonics are also used for cleansing. You can use both professional and self-prepared cosmetics. A decoction of the following herbs is used as a home tonic: sage, mint, St. John's wort.

Step 2 - nutrition

Taking care of your facial skin at home involves the use of nourishing and moisturizing products. However, their use must be dosed, otherwise you risk causing moisture retention in the tissues, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

If, after applying the cream, after an hour, the skin dries out and requires “additives,” then most likely you are using low-quality cosmetics that do not contain a sufficient amount of useful substances.

When choosing a cream, pay attention to its composition. The main components of quality products: amino acids, ceramides, fatty acids, lactic acid, triglycerides.

In order to bring the sebaceous glands back to normal, vitaminized and biologically active creams are used. If the skin begins to turn red and peeling appears, you should pay attention to decorative cosmetics, which contains vitamin A.

Step 3 - protection

Dry skin types do not tolerate low temperatures, so before you leave the house, you need to protect it with creams. By neglecting these recommendations, you risk causing inflammation of the skin, resulting in peeling.

Great option winter care is the preparation of moisturizing masks:

Egg mask: mix 2 eggs and a spoonful of honey, melt the ingredients in a water bath, apply the mask in three layers with a cotton swab. After complete drying, rinse off.

Curd mask: Mix three tablespoons of cottage cheese with a spoon of honey, add heavy cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the face and neck in a minimal layer. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a napkin and wash with warm water.

Apple mask: Mix the grated apple with two tablespoons of sour cream. Keep for about 20 minutes.

Treatment methods for dry skin

Too dry epidermis, according to cosmetologists, is a skin disease. To treat it you will need professional nutrition. Home care is only an addition to the main treatment. Effective procedures.

In autumn and winter, the skin becomes drier. Wind, rain, hail, snow, low temperatures and central heating only make the situation worse. We manically apply creams, serums and masks, but there is no result. What to do? How to properly care for dry skin?

Read about why skin dries, how dry skin differs from dehydrated skin, how to treat, how to cleanse, and how to choose the right cream for dry skin.

Just as a wall is made of bricks, the epidermal barrier is made of dead stratum corneum scales (corneocytes). These scales hold each other like hands with the help of protein bridges (desmosomes). And the layer (cement) between the bricks of the skin is formed by lipids (also called fats).

When the barrier is damaged, lipids “march” out of the skin in orderly rows. The skin's protective system weakens. Moisture is not retained and intensively evaporates from the surface of the skin.

Other causes of dry skin

  • cold;
  • heat;
  • low air humidity;
  • wind;
  • central heating;
  • air conditioned;
  • age (estrogen levels drop, the skin becomes thinner, sebum synthesis decreases, the protective barrier weakens);
  • heredity;
  • aggressive cosmetics (sulfates, alcohol, strong retinoids);
  • constant contact with water;
  • medications (contraceptives, retinoids, medications for high blood pressure, cholesterol, allergies);
  • chronic conditions (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, vitamin A deficiency);
  • pregnancy;
  • poor diet, alcohol and caffeine;
  • smoking;
  • stress.

Dry skin will experience an acute deficiency of 2 things:

  • lipids;
  • moisture.

Wherein dry leather always needs lipids and not always in moisture. Dry skin is not always dehydrated. What is the difference? Let's figure it out.

Difference between dry and dehydrated skin


    Skin type or temporary condition skin. Dry skin all year round or becomes dry from normal or even oily in winter.

    Dry skin is not enough lipids.

    Wherein amount of water no less than in normal or oily skin.

    There is a feeling of tightness.

    The skin is peeling.

    The skin has difficulty absorbing cosmetics.

    Dry skin is prone to hypersensitivity and irritation.


    Temporary condition skin. Occurs in any skin type (from dry to oily).

    Dehydrated skin lacks moisture.

    There is a feeling of tightness and dryness with visible fat content and inflammation (dehydrated oily skin faces).

    Dehydrated skin instantly absorbs moisture. Moisturizing creams, masks, serums “sink” into the skin.

LaraBar Tips & Tricks

  • At dry For facial skin, choose creams with the word “nourishing” (nourishing).
  • At dehydrated For facial skin, choose creams with the words “moisturizing”, “hydrating” (hydra, hydrating).
  • At dehydrated dry For facial skin, combine moisturizing and nourishing serums, creams and masks.

The main task when restoring dry facial skin is to “repair” the epidermal barrier.

So, what to do if you have dry skin on your face?

  • Cleansing should be (no soap or sulfates).
  • And exfoliation is delicate (gommages and soft peelings).
  • Use moisturizing and soothing toners. No alcohol.
  • Add thermal water to your care.
  • Choose the right cream. It should moisturize and nourish (contain lipids and humectants).
  • Include nourishing serums with ceramides in your care.
  • Be sure to apply SPF protection (skin damaged by the sun is unable to retain moisture, the lipid layer is destroyed, the immune system the skin weakens, regeneration slows down).
  • Add oils (shea, argan, coconut, jojoba) to your care.
  • Take fish oil and flaxseed oil (sources of omega-3 acids).
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Buy a humidifier.

Who to Avoid

  • Soap.
  • Sulfates (alkali and anything that foams a lot).
  • Alcohol.
  • Irritating components (triclosan, menthol, mint, citrus, eucalyptus).
  • Fragrance.
  • Aggressive preservatives (imidazolidinyl urea, bronopol, iodopropynyl butylcarbamate, DMDM ​​hydantoin).
  • Hot water.
  • Scrubs.
  • Loofah sponges and stiff brushes.
  • Rubbing.
  • Frequent swimming in the pool (especially a chlorinated one).

    Remove makeup with milk, cream, rich cream or oil.

    Wash only with gentle sulfate-free cream foams. It's good if your foam contains oils or ceramides. Like, for example, the Rosehip Oil Cleanser.

    If even soft foams cause discomfort, try cleansing with milk or micellar.

    In case of extreme dryness (xerosis, atopy - the skin becomes crusty and cracks), wash with herbal decoctions.

    Instead of scrubs, use gommages or. Best acid for dry skin - milky.

    Use soft sponges and sponges to remove flaking. No loofah or hard brushes.


At dry For skin, choose rich textures based on oils or water. At very dry- thick protective creams based on oils.


The first thing we look for in a cream for dry skin is lipids (aka fats). Lipids restore and maintain the integrity of the epidermal barrier and hydrolipid mantle and “lock” moisture into the skin. Oils, ceramides, fatty acids, cholesterol, fatty alcohols- these are all lipids.


Read more about how to choose an effective cream for dry skin:

Briefly about the main thing

    The main cause of dry skin is a violation of the epidermal barrier.

    Dry skin always needs lipids and not always moisture. Dry skin is not always dehydrated.

    The difference between dry and dehydrated skin is that dry is a skin type or a temporary condition. The skin is dry all year round or becomes dry from normal or even oily in winter. Dehydrated skin is a temporary condition. Occurs in any skin type (from dry to oily).

    To treat dry skin, choose: gentle cleansing, washing without water, competent creams with lipids, moisturizers and anti-inflammatory components, oils (in care and internally). Drink plenty of water and buy a humidifier.

    Avoid: aggressive cleansing, irritating ingredients and preservatives (soap, sulfates, triclosan, alcohol).

How do you take care of dry skin? Share your tips in the comments.

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