The problem of hair loss in women is easier to solve if it is caused not by hormonal changes, but by a lack of certain vitamins. A number of special treatment complexes have been created that cope well with emerging cosmetic defects.

Vitamins in the form of pharmaceutical preparations for hair loss in women are presented in a large assortment, so it remains to be studied beneficial features everyone and make a choice.

The beauty of hair and its ability to withstand harmful influences environment depend on the condition of the hair follicles and scalp, as well as on the general condition of the body.

If a vitamin “failure” occurs, the hair immediately reacts to this.

Key vitamins that have a direct effect on hair growth and strength:

A lack of one of these vitamins does not greatly affect the deterioration of hair health. When two or more are missing, then loss can begin.

Vitamin E - effect on hair health

Vitamin E is necessary for normal blood circulation and regular cell renewal. Thanks to it, collagen is actively synthesized, and the hair follicles are supplied with oxygen. With a lack of tocopherol, the hair becomes dull, breaks and falls out, and the ends split. The scalp becomes dry and irritated, and dandruff may appear.

At the initial stage, they try to compensate for the deficiency with the help of a balanced diet. Reviewing your diet can help if you have previously followed diets or had a monotonous set of foods.

Sources of vitamin E:

Various leaves and herbs also contain vitamin E. Decoctions of them can be used as an auxiliary herbal medicine, consumed orally or as a hair rinse.

But usually tocopherol is prescribed in the form of pharmaceuticals - so its use will bring a tangible effect. These are capsules and ampoules with liquid vitamin.

Vitamin H (B7) and alopecia

Vitamin H (B7), also known as biotin, is involved in the production of keratin. Its role in metabolic processes is also important; it enhances the effect of vitamin C. Lack of vitamin C in the body leads to irritation of the scalp, dull and weakened hair, which will soon begin to fall out. The sebaceous glands begin to work hard, which leads to seborrhea.

Vitamin H is produced by microorganisms living in the intestines, and to ensure this process is constant, fermented milk products are included in the diet.

Biotin is found in many fresh vegetables:

Fruits containing this vitamin:

  • apples;
  • peaches;
  • melons

Strawberries are especially rich in biotin among berries. The supply of vitamin H will occur if legumes, fish, meat and offal, and eggs are added to the diet.

Biotin is poorly absorbed by the body due to the use of alcohol or antibiotics.

Also, improper processing sharply reduces the vitamin content in products. For alopecia, capsules with biotin or vitamin complexes in which it is present are prescribed. It is added to masks to strengthen hair and promote growth.

Vitamin C for hair loss

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is responsible for the elasticity of the walls of small blood vessels and improves blood circulation. At insufficient quantities in the body, the hair follicles cease to be fully and uninterruptedly supplied with useful substances - the hair weakens.

Plant foods richest in vitamin C:

  • citrus;
  • rosehip decoctions;
  • black currant;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • cherry;
  • bell pepper;
  • cabbage.

At the pharmacy ascorbic acid can be purchased in ampoules or powders. This vitamin is applied to hair as part of masks.

Vitamin A: benefits for restoring healthy hair

Vitamin A (retinol) helps produce keratin, maintains youthful tissues and cells and strengthens hair follicles. If there is not enough of it in the body, the condition of the skin worsens, and alopecia may begin.

Natural sources of retinol:

  • of plant origin: pumpkin, carrots, spinach, grapes, persimmons, etc.;
  • animal origin: liver, fish, butter, meat, eggs.

Liquid retinol in ampoules is added to strengthening hair masks. For internal use, choose capsules or tablets with vitamin A.

Vitamin F for hair

Vitamin F is a group of fatty acids. It consists of linoleic, arachidic and linolenic fatty acids. They are not produced in the body on their own, so the main source is food. When a sufficient amount of linoleic acid is obtained, the synthesis of 2 other acids is ensured.

Vitamins containing fatty acids strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair loss

A group of fatty acids strengthens hair, eliminates damage, helps synthesize and absorb essential fats, normalizes the condition of hair follicles, and makes the scalp healthy.

Sources of vitamin F:

If products containing this vitamin are fried, they lose their beneficial properties.

B vitamins for hair loss

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – has a general strengthening effect and slows down aging. With its deficiency, hair loses vitality and healthy looking, gray hair and dandruff may appear, and hair loss will begin. Plant foods rich in vitamin B1: broccoli, oranges, nuts, raisins, sunflower seeds, etc.

B2 (riboflavin) - improves blood circulation, responsible for adequate nutrition of the bulbs. It is also called growth vitamin. With its deficiency, the scalp becomes oily, and the hair becomes damaged and dry at the ends.

Natural sources:

  • dairy products;
  • meat (beef);
  • eggs;
  • potato;
  • nuts.

B3 (nicotinic acid) ensures rapid metabolism, nourishes and moisturizes. With its deficiency, hair becomes dry and grows slowly.

The body gets this vitamin from:

  • meat and offal;
  • dairy products;
  • peanuts

B5 (pantothenic acid) – actively participates in all processes occurring in the hair follicles. It makes hair strong and elastic by retaining moisture. Responsible for cell renewal. With a lack of vitamin B5, some of the hair follicles may lose activity, hair grows poorly and falls out, and early gray hair appears.

It is difficult to provoke a lack of pantothenic acid because it is found in most foods. This can only happen due to a too limited diet, dieting, digestive problems, or regular alcohol consumption. Vitamin B5 can also be purchased at the pharmacy: tablets - for oral administration, ampoules - to add to masks or give injections.

B6 affects metabolism and increases resistance to infections. Does healthy skin scalp, inhibiting the formation of dandruff. Adds shine to hair.


  • meat (beef, poultry);
  • fish;
  • offal.

B9 (folic acid) activates metabolic processes and controls the activity of the sebaceous glands. If there is insufficient amount of it, the hair becomes weakened, dull, oily, and then begins to fall out. Vitamin B9 reserves can be replenished by adding cereals, nuts, and legumes to your diet.

Folic acid enhances the effect of vitamin B5, so they are often taken together.

B12 is sometimes called the vitamin of youth. It makes hair smooth, even and resistant to damage and splitting, and regulates blood circulation.

Vitamin deficiency leads to loss of healthy appearance and weakening. B12 can be found in fish, beef, eggs, milk, seaweed, spinach, etc.


In women, the use of special vitamin complexes against hair loss eliminates the lack of essential substances faster and more effectively than the constant consumption of healthy foods.

Pantovigar is a vitamin product that supports hair growth and improves its structure. If hair falls out, and it is known that its loss is not associated with hormonal levels, then a three-month course of this drug is prescribed.

The reasons for hair loss can be different: from a lack of vitamins in the body to mechanical stress and damage. In these cases, taking a vitamin preparation will give your hair strength and strengthen it.

The contents of these capsules consist of vitamins B1, B5 and H, keratin, cystine. Take these vitamins 1 capsule three times a day. Duration of admission: from 3 to 6 months. There are also contraindications that must be taken into account before starting use.


Revalid is a vitamin complex that improves hair growth. It is also taken for hair loss not associated with a disorder. hormonal levels. It contains: thiamine and pyridoxine hydrochlorides, zinc, iron, cystine, medical yeast, vitamins B5 and H, copper, DL-methionine, microelements in the chelate complex, plant extracts.

By improving metabolic processes, Revalid slows down hair loss, making it less brittle and more resistant to mechanical stress. Capsules take 1 piece. 3 times a day. In case of excessive hair loss, the single dose is increased for a month to 2 capsules, after which they return to the standard regimen. Course duration: about 3 months.


For alopecia and deterioration of hair structure, it is recommended to take Perfectil.

It contains a complex of vitamins, plant substances and minerals:

Plant extracts include echinacea and burdock root. The standard course lasts a month and is repeated if necessary. Take 1 capsule 1 time per day during or after meals.


Merz - another vitamin complex remedy, which is recommended to be taken to improve general condition and strengthen weakened hair. Studies have shown that after taking the Merz complex, blood circulates faster, which is why the hair follicles are more actively supplied with the substances necessary for nutrition.

Keratin synthesis occurs, damaged fragments are restored, and resistance to negative factors that affect the hair from the outside increases. Over time, hair becomes thicker, grows faster, and its quality improves. For example, excess fat goes away.

Composition of the product:

  • vitamins E, PP, B1, B2, B6, C;
  • beta-carotene;
  • colecalciferol;
  • biotin;
  • cystine;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • calcium;
  • yeast extract.

Standard dosage regimen: 1 tablet 2 times a day. They drink a monthly course, then take a short break (10 days) and continue again.


The Aleran complex is designed to improve the condition of hair and stimulate its growth. Main composition: vitamins E, C, group B, calcium, magnesium, selenium, biotin.

Admission procedure: 1 tablet 2 times a day. Tablets are divided into morning (day) and evening. Duration: month. If necessary, if there is no improvement, the course is repeated a year later. If the result of taking it is noticeable, then the drug can be taken again after 2 years.


The vitamin and mineral complex Vitrum fully supplies the hair with the necessary substances. It contains not only vitamins, but also beneficial amino acids. And also horsetail extract. The drug affects tissues and improves the general condition of the body.

The main composition is represented by vitamins E, C, group B. Among the minerals:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium, etc.

Directions for use: 1 tablet 2 times a day after meals. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 3 tablets per day. Minimum course duration: month.


Vitamins for hair loss in women, even very expensive and consisting of large quantity components often do not bring the promised results.

The Aevit hair complex includes only 2 vitamins, but it effectively solves several problems at once:

  • strengthens roots;
  • protects against harmful environmental factors;
  • enhances growth and adds shine.

Ingredients of the drug: vitamins A and E. Directions for administration: dosage is prescribed by a doctor depending on the specific case. Standard dosage: 1 capsule per day. Duration: 1 month. Then they take a break for 3 months. And if necessary, repeat the course.

Aevit can be used for hair loss as a stand-alone drug or as part of masks

In addition, not only internal, but also external use of this drug is allowed. The contents of the capsules can be added to hair masks.


Complivit is presented with 2 special vitamin and mineral complexes to combat hair problems. This is “Shine” and “Formula for Growth”.

The composition of “Shine” includes vitamins A, E, C, group B is represented by B1, B2, B3. From minerals:

  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • silicon.

Herbal ingredients include green tea extract. The indication for taking this complex is not only deterioration in the appearance of hair, but also alopecia. Take one tablet a day for a month. It is allowed to repeat the course no more than 4 times a year.

“Shine” helps strengthen and stimulate hair growth, and is also used as a seasonal vitamin supplement.

Contains a full set of vitamins that directly affect hair (A, E, C, group B, F), and a number of minerals (magnesium, iron, calcium, etc.) A special feature is the content of vitamin B8 (inositol) in the preparation, which is involved in in recovery. The natural extract contained in the complex fights alopecia.

The course is taken for a month, 1 tablet after meals - 2 times a day. After completing the course, they take a long break of several months.


Indications for the use of Fitoval vitamin capsules are:

  • loss of healthy hair appearance;
  • growth slowdown;
  • dropping out.

The drug includes yeast that replenishes the deficiency of B vitamins, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B5, B9, H (B7), the amino acid cystine and trace elements (copper, iron, zinc).

For hair loss, the Fitoval complex is taken for 20 days: 1 capsule three times a day. For health purposes, the frequency of administration is reduced to 2 times a day, in this case the course lasts 2 months. As a preventative measure, the drug is taken once a day.


Vitamins for hair loss in women are represented not only by pharmaceutical preparations, but also by dietary supplements. The Pyaoliang supplement from TianDe increases the body's strength, thereby improving the condition of the hair.

It contains: a set of vitamins (C, A, E, D3, group B), taurine, cordyceps, selenium, zinc, green tea extract. Take the drug for a month, 1 capsule per day.


For androgenic type alopecia (under the influence of male hormones), it is recommended to use the drug Generalolon. This is a spray that contains the active substance minoxidil. The drug is used externally, sprayed onto dry and intact scalp. It is effective, but has a number of contraindications.

Frequency of use: twice a day. The duration of the course depends on the doctor’s prescription and the appearance of visible results - usually from 4 months or more. It can be used simultaneously with taking vitamins to strengthen hair.

Rating of the best vitamin complexes according to reviews of trichologists

Vitamins for hair loss in women, judging by the reviews of trichologists and their patients, the most effective are:

  • Alphabet;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Vitrum;
  • Revalid;
  • Duovit;
  • Aevit;
  • Perfect;
  • Merz;
  • Alerana.

Inexpensive vitamins for alopecia

There are not very many inexpensive vitamins for hair loss in women, but even among them it is possible to select drugs that will give a positive result in the fight against alopecia.

The main ones are:

  • Centrum
  • Doppelhertz;
  • Complements Radiance;
  • Fitoval;
  • Revalid.

Homemade masks with vitamins against alopecia

Vitamins for hair loss in women in the form of medicinal complexes should not become the only way to combat alopecia. Along with pharmaceutical preparations, it is recommended to regularly make strengthening masks with the addition of active substances.

Masks with vitamins for hair loss:

Tips from trichologists: how to determine what vitamins your hair needs

It is impossible to determine on your own which vitamin deficiency led to illness and hair loss. This is why they contact a trichologist: he will order a laboratory test and, based on the results obtained, prescribe a course of treatment.

In addition, the specialist will answer the question whether hair loss is caused by a lack of nutrients or whether hormonal problems begin, which vitamins are powerless to combat. Making a diagnosis on your own is also dangerous because some physical manifestations of an overdose of vitamins are similar to symptoms of a deficiency.

The role of vitamins against hair loss in women is very important: with their help you can restore damaged hair, restoring their beauty and health.

Video about vitamins for hair loss

Vitamins for hair loss and the order of their use:

Anti-hair loss mask with B vitamins:

Provocateurs of hair weakening and loss include incorrectly chosen shampoos, frequent use of hair dryers and straightening irons, hormonal disorders, poor-quality dye, exposure to cold and heat, and vitamin deficiency. Most often the problem occurs due to the latter reason. Unfortunately, the diet of a modern person cannot be called high-quality and complete. But the deterioration of the hairline can be dealt with; for this you need to use pharmacy vitamins. Today, pharmacies sell a huge number of hair products based on a variety of components.

Vitamins your hair needs

In order for hair to remain beautiful and strong and grow quickly, it needs the following nutrients:

  1. Retinol (A). Provides synthesis of keratin, elastin, collagen structures. With a lack of vitamin, the hairs lose their softness and elasticity, become dull, and begin to split.
  2. Tocopherol (E). Necessary for accelerating hair growth, protecting it from negative influences external factors. A deficiency of the substance causes dullness, splitting and excessive hair loss.
  3. Ascorbic acid (C). Stimulates growth processes, improves blood circulation in the follicles, and prevents baldness. It is a strong antioxidant and prevents free radicals from destroying hair structures.
  4. Thiamine (B 1). Accelerates growth processes, controls the production of secretions by the sebaceous glands, and prevents the development of dandruff and seborrhea. With a lack of substance, the scalp becomes oily and painful, the hairs become dull and thin.
  5. Riboflavin (B 2). Promotes active hair growth, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Vitamin deficiency causes oily hair at the roots and excision of ends.
  6. Nicotinic acid (B 3). Provides complete nutrition and hydration of hair follicles. Regulates cell pigmentation and prevents early gray hair.
  7. Pantothenic acid (B 5). Strengthens follicles, improves their nutrition. Helps restore hair damaged by frequent curling, drying and coloring. Vitamin deficiency causes dull, greasy, brittle hair.
  8. Pyridoxine (B 6). It has a positive effect on the scalp and prevents the occurrence of dermatological diseases. A lack of substance results in dandruff and scalp irritation.
  9. Inositol (B 8). Strengthens the structure of hair follicles and prevents hair loss. Deficiency of the substance causes baldness.
  10. Folic acid (B 9). Required for quick recovery hair structures. Accelerates growth processes, regulates pigmentation. Due to vitamin deficiency, hair falls out rapidly and turns gray prematurely.
  11. Cyanocobalamin (B 12). Increases hair strength and accelerates hair growth.
  12. Biotin (H). Normalizes hair structure, controls the synthesis of secretions by the sebaceous glands. Due to a deficiency of the substance, the hair becomes greasy and looks unkempt.
  13. Unsaturated fatty acids (F). They normalize the functioning of the skin glands and prevent the development of seborrhea. With a lack of acids, hair weakens, looks greasy and unkempt.

What effects do different vitamins have on hair?

Each beneficial compound affects the hair in a certain way and gives a specific therapeutic effect. One vitamin, for example, strengthens the hair structure, another is important to prevent hair from falling out. Therefore, for certain hair pathologies, it is necessary to take specific beneficial substances that can eliminate the problem. Listed below are vitamins that fall into two categories: those that promote hair growth and prevent baldness.

Substances that accelerate growth processes include:

  • retinol – activates the construction of hair structures (collagen tissue, elastin, keratin);
  • ascorbic acid – normalizes blood circulation in the scalp, accelerates the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the follicles;
  • biotin – controls the amount of sebaceous secretion produced, optimizes hair hydration, and prevents hair from getting greasy;
  • nicotinic acid – normalizes the structure of follicles, improves their functioning;
  • riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acids - stimulate metabolism in the tissues of the head, accelerate the construction of hair structures.

The list of substances that strengthen hair and prevent baldness includes:

  • ascorbic acid – normalizes the blood supply to hair follicles;
  • tocopherol – blocks the process of hair loss, protects hair from negative environmental factors;
  • biotin – inhibits hair loss, prevents premature greying;
  • riboflavin – regulates the production of sebaceous secretions, strengthens the structure of hair tissue;
  • pyridoxine – maintains normal metabolism in follicles and hair tissue;
  • inositol – prevents hairs from falling out of the follicles;
  • unsaturated fatty acids – maintain a healthy scalp.

The best vitamin preparations for hair

The most purchased drug that gives excellent results

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 700 rubles

The drug is sold in the form of tablets. The composition contains antioxidants, biotin, carotene, vitamins and yeast extract. Active substances affect the condition of hair, skin, nail plates: eliminate brittleness of nails, stimulate hair growth, improve appearance. Dragee should be taken 2 times a day. One package includes 60 units - the amount required for a monthly course.

  • noticeable improvement in appearance;
  • an optimal set of useful components, no frills;
  • complete restoration of hair structure;
  • elimination of inflammation and peeling of the skin;
  • strengthening nail plates;
  • stimulation of hair growth.

Cons: none found.

The best amino acid set

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1050 rubles

The American vitamin complex is distinguished by its rich component composition. Vitamin A, tocopherol, calciferol, phylloquinone, group B strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition. Iron, magnesium, selenium are microelements that have a pronounced antioxidant effect, weakening the effect of various stress factors on the scalp and hair follicles. Rutin and flavonoids strengthen capillaries and improve blood circulation in the tissues of the head. Amino acids are involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers and keratin - compounds necessary for the construction of nail, skin and hair tissue.

  • richness of component composition;
  • active effect of amino acids and antioxidants;
  • strengthening nails;
  • noticeable acceleration of hair growth;
  • beneficial effect on head tissue.
  • Due to its rich component composition, the drug is not suitable for people with a high-quality and varied diet, as it can cause hypervitaminosis.

Proven quality

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1700 rubles

The famous American company Solgar produces highly effective drugs from natural and harmless ingredients for adults and children. Vitamin C and amino acids stimulate the construction of protein hair structures. Sulfur bound in plant form helps to form keratin. Zinc blocks hair loss. Copper protects the skin tissue on the head from negative external factors.

  • the absence of animal substances, making the drug suitable for vegetarians;
  • inhibition of hair graying and age-related skin changes;
  • strengthening nails;
  • prevention of seasonal alopecia.
  • high price;
  • rare appearance in pharmacies, easy to buy only in online stores.

Excellent digestibility of components

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1150 rubles

Another powerful and high-quality women's vitamins from an American manufacturer, characterized by an optimal component composition. All beneficial compounds are in easily digestible chelate form. The composition contains all the vitamins necessary to maintain the beauty and health of girls’ skin, hair, and nail plates. Flavonoids strengthen capillaries and normalize blood circulation in the skin tissues of the head. Silicon and iodine, extracted from algae and plant extracts, improve the absorption of nutrients.

  • good digestibility of nutrients;
  • various positive effects on the female body;
  • preventing splitting of nail plates;
  • improvement of the condition of the skin;
  • strengthening hair follicles.
  • high price;
  • insufficient number of tablets for a monthly course.

High popularity

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 500 rubles

An actively purchased food additive from a domestic manufacturer. Quickly gets rid of dandruff, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, strengthens the hair structure, and heals split ends. The vitamins and mineral elements contained in the drug have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the follicles, thereby activating hair growth. The complex helps with alopecia caused by hormonal imbalance. But for hormonal problems, it is permissible to take the drug only after a doctor’s permission. You need to drink 2 capsules per day, in the morning and evening. Capsules intended for morning use are colored red, while those indicated for evening use have White color. The therapeutic course lasts a month.

  • naturalness of the composition;
  • various positive effects on the body;
  • ease of reception;
  • effectiveness against hair loss;
  • strengthening nails.
  • quite high cost for a domestic drug;
  • increased hair growth not only on the head, but also on other parts of the body, which makes women need frequent hair removal.

The most used preparation with brewer's yeast

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 1600 rubles

An effective and potent drug that stops hair loss after curling or radiation therapy. The drug quickly restores hair even in a severely bald person, unless alopecia is caused by a hormonal imbalance. The purpose of the product is also to improve the health of thin and brittle nails. The composition contains vitamins, mineral compounds, high concentrations of keratin, yeast and amino acids that are essential for the body. It is recommended to treat hair with the drug for at least 3 months. The medicine is not prescribed to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

  • noticeable benefits for hair growth;
  • a positive result is noticeable after a month of use;
  • restoration of damaged hairs;
  • giving softness and thickness to hair;
  • healing of nails;
  • the ability of beneficial components to accumulate in the body.
  • high price;
  • long-term treatment;
  • the need to consult a medical specialist;
  • possibility of side effects.

Triple benefit

Manufacturer: UK

Average price: 650 rubles

Imported vitamin tablets are based exclusively on natural ingredients. The composition contains vitamin C, biotin, folic acid, iron, iodine, herbal extracts and other substances that are necessary to strengthen and fully nourish hair. The drug is prescribed to quickly solve the problem of baldness; it also activates hair growth, makes nails strong and even, and the skin smooth and radiant. The vitamins and natural substances contained in the composition increase the resistance of the skin to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and other negative factors, and accelerate tissue regeneration. It is recommended to drink the drug for a month. Take 1 tablet per day. A positive result becomes noticeable after a couple of weeks of use. It is acceptable to use during pregnancy.

  • triple benefit - for hair, skin, nails;
  • Ease of use;
  • rapid appearance of a positive result;
  • rich component composition;
  • healing effect;
  • The tablets are inexpensive for their level of effectiveness.
  • the drug causes a feeling of hunger;
  • In the first days of use, there may be a slight disruption of the digestive tract.

Ideal European quality

Manufacturer: France

Average price: 1400 rubles

A high-quality French vitamin complex designed for an active positive effect on the hair. The capsules contain extracts of grapes and green tea, as well as amino acids and trace elements important for hair health in optimal daily doses. The active substances of the drug strengthen hairs along their entire length, prevent baldness, restore the structure of hair tissue, give shine and volume to hair, have a protective effect on the skin and a general tonic effect on the body. According to the instructions, you need to take 2 tablets per day.

  • ease of use, easy to swallow tablets;
  • rich composition;
  • improving the appearance of hair;
  • significant benefits for restoring hair structure;
  • effective against baldness;
  • acceleration of the appearance of new hairs.
  • high price;
  • cannot be purchased at any pharmacy;
  • long wait for an acceptable effect.


Optimal natural composition

Manufacturer: Hungary

Average price: 900 rubles

Good vitamins for strengthening hair, blocking baldness, improving the structure of nail plates and the condition of the skin. The composition contains trace elements, yeast, amino acids - compounds that protect the hair from negative external factors. The drug also contains plant extracts that improve nutrition and hydration of hair and skin tissue. The treatment is long-term; for a lasting positive effect, it is better to drink the complex for 3 months. Pregnant women and patients with nail fungus should use the drug with extreme caution.

  • naturalness of the composition;
  • rapid cessation of hair loss;
  • prevention of premature graying;
  • minimal side effects.
  • high dosage – 3 units per day;
  • rare appearance in the pharmacy chain.

Optimal component composition

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 460 rubles

The German vitamin-mineral complex is characterized by an optimally selected composition, has no unnecessary additives, and includes only substances important for hair. Biotin, pyridoxine and pantothenic acid stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers. Zinc strengthens follicles and is responsible for the construction of hair tissue. The oil extract of wheat sprouts supplies the body with vitamin E and fatty acids, and the extract of millet grains provides antioxidants. You need to take 1 tablet per day.

  • high efficiency;
  • The tablets are cheap for their level of quality;
  • optimally selected components;
  • noticeable hair growth;
  • improvement of nail condition.
  • long wait for a positive effect;
  • one package is not enough for a full course of treatment;
  • the drug rarely appears in pharmacies;
  • The tablets are large and difficult to swallow;
  • an allergic reaction may occur.

The most economical hair product

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 360 rubles

The Russian-made vitamin and mineral preparation has a rich component composition. Each tablet includes 11 vitamins and 8 mineral elements, as well as a tea extract, which is a strong antioxidant. Daily dose – 1 tablet.

  • excellent combination of price and quality;
  • the drug can be seen in any pharmacy;
  • The tablets are small and easy to swallow;
  • the complex is effective against hair loss;
  • improvement of the condition of the nail plates;
  • positive effect on well-being, increased body tone;
  • elimination of minor skin peeling;
  • useful substances in the tablet are in the optimal daily amount.
  • a large number of auxiliary components;
  • the presence of synthetic additives;
  • The lid of the jar is not childproof.

Effective against hair loss

Manufacturer: Denmark

Average price: 900 rubles

High-quality food supplement based on useful substances, responsible for strengthening the structure of hair tissue. The main components are silicon and group B compounds. The composition also contains biotin, which accelerates the formation of hair and nail tissues, preventing baldness, and horsetail extract, which stimulates regeneration processes in cells. The preventive course involves taking 1 tablet per day for 2 months, and the treatment course means taking 2 units per day for 1 month.

  • high efficiency;
  • fast action, positive results are observed within a couple of weeks;
  • carefully selected composition;
  • reduction of hair loss;
  • strengthening hair tissue;
  • adding beauty and shine to hair;
  • restoration of the structure of the nail plates.
  • quite high cost;
  • a package of 60 tablets is not enough for both a preventive and therapeutic course.

Biologically active substances for deep hair treatment

Manufacturer: Italy

Average price: 2100 rubles

High-quality drug in ampoules for intensive hair therapy. A solution with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, herbal components and animal placenta extract is recommended to be used to block the process of baldness and normalize hair growth. The active components are useful for improving blood circulation in the follicles and skin tissues of the head. One pack includes 12 ampoules of 10 mg each. The ampoule solution should not be injected, but rubbed into the scalp. The medicine is distributed over the skin using a pipette included with the ampoules. The procedures are carried out every day for 1.5 months. After the course, you must take a one-month break, then therapy can be repeated if necessary.

  • ease of application with a pipette;
  • no need to rinse off;
  • a positive result is observed quickly;
  • the solution smells pleasant;
  • active substances help eliminate dandruff;
  • noticeable acceleration of hair growth and increase in hair density;
  • Can be used to strengthen eyelashes.
  • very high cost;
  • inability to buy in a pharmacy chain, the product is available only through online stores;
  • prohibited for use during lactation due to the content of placental components.

Noticeable strengthening effect

Manufacturer: Slovenia

Average price: 340 rubles

Good vitamins that have a positive effect not only on the structure of hairs, but also on appearance hairline. The composition contains yeast, amino acids, mineral elements and other compounds that prevent hair loss and stimulate the nutrition of hair and skin tissue. It is recommended to take 1 capsule per day. The course of treatment lasts 2 months. The drug can be found in the pharmacy chain.

  • strengthening the hair structure;
  • acceleration of hair growth;
  • improving the appearance of hair;
  • can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • low cost.
  • inadmissibility of use in childhood.

The best Russian vitamins with added amino acids

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 860 rubles

A popular domestic manufacturer of dietary supplements produces a high-quality remedy for hair loss. The composition contains vitamin C, amino acids, zinc, copper, as well as fucus extract, which is a supplier of microelements to the body. This drug can be chosen as a good replacement for expensive imported drugs.

  • good combination of price and efficiency;
  • reduction of hair loss;
  • eliminating brittleness of nail plates;
  • restoration of weakened and damaged hairs.
  • large tablets that are difficult to swallow.

Mixing vitamins with shampoo

In addition to taking vitamin complexes internally, you can inject solutions of retinol and tocopherol. These two vitamins are recommended to be used in injections when the situation with the hair is deplorable; due to vitamin deficiency, the hair grows very much.

Also, ampoule solutions of vitamins can be added to shampoos. Various substances are used as additives, but it is best to dissolve group B compounds in care products. If desired, you can mix several vitamins into one solution. The main thing is that before using fortified shampoo, it is advisable to do a skin allergy test.

Shampoo enriched with useful substances helps to cope with almost all problems of the hair and scalp. The exception is alopecia caused by hormonal changes and pathologies of internal organs.

Hair masks with vitamins

To prepare masks, vitamins A, E, group B are used in ampoule form. Vitamins, individually or in combination, are added to both homemade and store-bought masks. The optimal dose for a single use is one ampoule. It is best to use retinol, tocopherol, inositol, compounds B 6 and B 12 for masks.


Hair has always been considered a woman's adornment. In our age of chemical dyes and reagents, you rarely see truly luxurious hair. Hair loss is not only a problem for men, but sometimes for women as well. Often, it is primarily the loss of hair that signals a woman’s health status.

Trichologists say that a person loses up to a hundred hairs per day and this is considered normal. But if, when combing and styling, you find a much larger amount on the pillow after sleep, then it’s time to sound the alarm.

Vitamins against hair loss in women

Hair primarily needs vitamins A, E, C, B, and the minerals iron and selenium.

Vitamin C rich in cabbage, potatoes, citrus fruits, black currants, strawberries.

B vitaminsfound in cereals, black rye bread, eggs, nuts.

To fill the deficitvitamin Aeat carrots, pumpkin, butter, green peas, cauliflower, broccoli, peaches, apricots, fish, corn, horseradish.

Source vitamin Evegetable oils are used. Sunflower, olive, flaxseed, preferably unrefined, as well as nuts and seeds.

Of the mineral microelements, an important role is played byiron.With iron deficiency, brittleness, dryness and hair loss are observed. To replenish iron, it is recommended to eat beef liver, sea fish, green apples, buckwheat porridge, and pine nuts.

Seleniuminfluences the maintenance of the healthy state of the horny surfaces. A lot of selenium is found in garlic, oatmeal and buckwheat, porcini mushrooms and champignons.

To stop hair loss, a woman needs to change her diet, add herbs, garlic to her food, eat sauerkraut, carrots, nuts, horseradish.

You also need to use pharmacy vitamins. Among the good inexpensive vitamins for hair loss at the pharmacy you can buy vitamins A and E in oil, ascorbic acid, Selenium-active, Ferritin.

Do vitamins help hair? from falling out?

According to most people who have encountered this problem, yes, they help.

For several years, the top best vitamins for hair loss for women include such complexes as:

💊 Pantovigar— the composition includes keratin, L-cysteine, B vitamins.
Prescribed for diffuse baldness.
A course of 1-2 months is required.
The price in pharmacies is 1500 rubles.

💊 Inneov— revives the bulbs, containing green tea, grape seeds, zinc and taurine.
A course of up to six months is required, the treatment is long but effective.
Price 1400 rubles.

💊 Vitrum Beauty Complex. The active ingredients in the composition actively participate in the processes of collagen formation in the body, which help improve the condition of hair, skin and nails.
The price in pharmacies is 1200 rubles.

💊 Perfectil– improves appearance in 1 month, promotes active growth, contains 25 substances, is produced on the basis of shark cartilage (marine collagen).
The price in pharmacies is 600 rubles.

💊 Alerana– quickly stops hair loss, a Russian drug that costs 500 rubles.
Shampoo and serum enriched with beneficial substances are also produced.

💊 Fitoval— improves blood supply and nutrition to the roots, effectively combats hair loss.
Price 400 rubles.

💊 Revalid- normalizes metabolic processes in the body, as a result, hair becomes stronger and its growth increases.
Price 350 rubles.

💊 Vitasharm— improves microcirculation, normalizes metabolic processes in the scalp.
Price 250 rubles

💊 Complex Complements radiance, complements selenium, complements iron– an inexpensive preparation of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals at a relatively low price of 250 rubles.

You are presented with the best vitamins for hair loss in women. When taken, not only the condition of the curls improves, but also the tone of the body as a whole.

Stress, vitamin deficiency, pregnancy or exacerbation of chronic diseases create unfavorable conditions for growth women's hair. In such a situation, the curls may noticeably thin out. But, if taken in a timely manner, vitamins for hair loss allow you to maintain the attractiveness and thickness of your hair.

The result largely depends on the cause of the problem and the adequacy of therapy. Let's figure out what vitamins our hair needs, how to take them and other treatment methods.

In most cases, excessive hair loss indicates a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body. The following are considered the most important for normal hair nutrition:

  1. Vitamin E, which improves the delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles and eliminates the consequences of insufficient hydration of the scalp - dandruff, itching, brittle hair.
  2. Vitamin A, which strengthens hair roots and activates hair growth.
  3. Vitamin C, which supports the immune system and improves blood flow to the roots.
  4. B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12), which comprehensively improve the condition of hair by activating blood circulation, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands and stimulating the regeneration of hair follicles.
  5. Vitamin H, which affects metabolic processes in the body, helps strengthen hair and create a healthy shine.
  6. Vitamin D, which regulates the absorption of calcium, the lack of which is one of the causes of hair loss.
  7. Vitamin F, which protects curls from the adverse effects of external factors (cold, heat, exhaust gases, radiation), leading to their thinning and fragility.

In addition to vitamins, for strong and healthy hair minerals needed: iodine, iron, magnesium, silicon, zinc, selenium. It is impossible to independently determine which microelements your body lacks. Uncontrolled intake of vitamins is dangerous, because if selected incorrectly, an overabundance of some of them may occur, which will cause additional health problems.

Features of taking vitamins for hair

Any vitamin complex must be taken for a long time, since the effect of its use does not occur immediately. It is recommended to take the drug after eating, washing down the tablets with a sufficient amount of water.

Vitamins belonging to group B are taken in the evening or before bed, as they have a calming and sedative effect. The remaining microelements are best consumed in the first half of the day.

Vitamin complexes will be more effective if you combine their intake with the use of special cosmetics. Strengthening masks and balms deliver nutrients directly to the roots and damaged areas of the hair, minimizing hair loss. It is also useful to review your diet by adding more vitamin-rich foods to it.

What foods contain beneficial vitamins?

Products are a natural source of vitamins. Those who are faced with vitamin deficiency and its consequence - hair loss, should not neglect the gifts of nature. It is recommended to include in the menu:

  1. Sources of vitamin A: orange vegetables and fruits, liver, fish oil, butter, caviar, sour cream.
  2. Foods rich in B vitamins: fish, mushrooms, cottage cheese, cheese, legumes, eggs, nuts, seaweed.
  3. Foods containing vitamin C: rose hips, currants, citrus fruits, apples, kiwi, Brussels sprouts, parsley, dill.
  4. Sources of vitamin E: sprouted wheat, barley and oatmeal, nuts, spinach, sorrel, prunes, sea buckthorn fruits.
  5. Vitamin F, found in walnuts, soybeans, avocados, seeds, almonds, flaxseed oil.
  6. Vitamin D, found in eggs, cream, sour cream, milk, liver.

By following this diet, you can solve the problem of hair loss within a few months. In addition, a balanced diet containing all the necessary vitamins helps improve overall health.

Normal hair loss

If you notice a few lost hairs on your comb, there is no need to panic. Their renewal is a natural process, so losing some is quite normal. Every day a person loses on average from 70 to 120 hairs and this does not apply to pathologies.

The daily rate of hair loss is determined individually, taking into account the pigment contained in the hair, in other words, its color. For blondes, the permissible limit is 120-150 hairs per day, for brunettes - 100-120, for redheads - 70-90.

But when hair loss is more intense, vitamins, and most importantly, consultation with a doctor, are necessary. This can be a sign of both vitamin deficiency and general weakening of the body, and a symptom of serious diseases (fungal infections of the scalp, anemia, oncological processes).

If the amount of hair lost causes concern, you cannot rely only on your own feelings; suspicions need to be supported by numbers. To do this, you should count all the hairs that have fallen during the day that you can notice (remaining on the pillow, clothes, comb).

You can also take a rapid test. To do this, loosen your hair, lean over a blank sheet of paper and run your fingers through your hair several times, like a comb. Attention should be paid to all areas of the head - the temples, the back of the head, the crown and areas near the forehead.

As a result of these actions, no more than 5-7 hairs should fall. If the norm is significantly exceeded, you must visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

Ways to use vitamins for hair

There are several ways to saturate your hair with vitamins. The first, but not the most effective, is changing your diet. But, given that not all hair loss vitamins are well absorbed from foods and it is quite difficult to regulate their amount in this way, additional measures are needed.

In terms of effectiveness, the second method takes the leading position - the use of pharmaceutical drugs. These include vitamins in the form of capsules and powders for oral administration, injections, solutions in ampoules for application to problem areas. At the same time, when choosing a specific product, you need to make sure that its action is aimed specifically at combating hair loss. Another form of using vitamins is medicinal cosmetics.

Many manufacturers offer shampoos, masks and balms to prevent hair loss. It is better to purchase such products at a pharmacy.

And the last one is also quite effective method, – use of vitamin home masks. The basis for their preparation is oils that promote hair growth and strengthening - burdock, sea buckthorn, almond, castor. Some recipes involve the use of pharmaceutical vitamins in ampoules, herbal infusions, kefir, rye bread, and eggs.

Help from a specialist in choosing treatment

The first doctor you should contact if you have severe hair loss (alopecia) is a trichologist. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the scalp. Patients are asked to undergo a number of examinations, namely:

  1. Trichogram is a study of hair and skin using special cameras.
  2. Examination under Wood's lamp - irradiation ultraviolet radiation to identify fungal diseases.
  3. Spectral analysis is the study of the structure of hair in a special apparatus, providing comprehensive information regarding its mineral composition.

In accordance with the test results, the patient is prescribed treatment or further examination by other specialists is recommended. The problem of hair loss is also addressed by:

  • dermatologist, if the cause is a fungal disease;
  • neurologist – in case of depression and stress;
  • gastroenterologist, if hair loss is caused by insufficient absorption of vitamins due to gastrointestinal diseases and metabolic disorders;
  • endocrinologist – in case of malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • gynecologist – for hormonal disorders that can cause alopecia.

After establishing the exact cause of hair loss, the doctor will be able to select a treatment aimed at eliminating it. The achievements of modern science and medicine, with timely seeking help, make it possible to preserve curls for almost any diagnosis.

Professional treatment

With progressive alopecia, professional treatment cannot be avoided. General therapy aimed at preserving hair consists of a number of measures:

  1. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes.
  2. Use of topical hair care products.
  3. Physiotherapeutic methods - cryomassage, ozone therapy, laser exposure, acupuncture, peeling, mesotherapy.
  4. Surgical intervention. It is used in extreme cases if other therapy has been ineffective and involves hair transplantation.

If the cause is any disease, the first priority is to get rid of it. For endocrinological pathologies, hormone therapy is prescribed; for nervous disorders, mild antidepressants are included in the course of treatment. It is also necessary to control the work and rest schedule, avoid overwork, maintain immune system and normalization of metabolism.

During therapy, patients should avoid perm and hair coloring, and carefully follow all doctor’s recommendations. The best results are obtained by combining professional treatment with changing dietary habits in favor of vitamin-rich foods.

Review of popular anti-hair loss complexes

Often, if alopecia is caused by vitamin deficiency, the problem can be solved by replenishing the microelements missing in the body. Vitamins against hair loss, containing a full range of essential substances, are presented on the market in a large assortment. Let's look at the most popular of them.


The drug is sold in packages of 90 capsules for oral administration. It contains a full complex of B vitamins, minerals (zinc, copper, iron), amino acids, millet and wheat germ extract. The drug is taken three times a day.

The therapeutic effect, which consists in strengthening hair and nails, begins to appear after 2 weeks of use. The drug is contraindicated for people with hormonal disorders and mental disorders.


Available in packs of 30 and 90 capsules for oral use. The composition includes extracts of echinacea and burdock, minerals (selenium, manganese, zinc, iodine, copper, chromium, silicon, magnesium, calcium), vitamins C, E, as well as group B, para-aminobenzoic acid. The drug is taken one capsule, without chewing, once a day after meals.

As a result, dry skin, brittle nails and hair are eliminated, and recovery from eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis is accelerated. The effect appears within a month from the start of administration.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and is prohibited for allergy sufferers and people suffering from tuberculosis, rheumatism, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Possible side effects from the gastrointestinal tract are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Headaches and apathy, changes in blood pressure may be observed.


The vitamin complex is produced in packages of 90 gelatin capsules for oral use. The product contains para-aminobenzoic acid, keratin, medical yeast, thiamine, calcium, cystine. You need to take the drug 3 times a day, one capsule.

The components included in the complex activate the growth of nails and hair. The product is effective for alopecia not associated with hormonal disorders, helps restore the structure of curls, increases their resistance to chemicals and UV rays.

The duration of treatment should be at least three months, but, according to reviews, the first results are noticeable after 4 weeks. The drug is contraindicated during the first two trimesters of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects include abdominal pain, nausea, increased sweating, rapid heartbeat, allergies.

Vitrum Beauty

The drug is available in packs of 30 tablets. Its use is indicated for vitamin deficiency, strict diets, thinning and hair loss, and brittle nails. The composition includes amino acids, vitamins C, E, D and group B, folic acid, nicotinamide, rutin, minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, iodine, selenium, boron), flavonoids of citrus origin.

Vitamins for hair loss are taken 2 times a day, one tablet. Vitrum Beauty is recommended to be consumed after meals. The duration of treatment ranges from a month to a year, depending on the doctor’s recommendations. Noticeable results appear after three weeks of taking the drug.

The complex is designed specifically for young women aged 18 to 30 years. Contraindication for use is allergic reaction on any of the components of the product.

Alphabet Cosmetics

The vitamin and mineral complex Alphabet Cosmetic is available in packages containing 60 tablets. They are divided into 4 blisters, each containing 5 daily doses. One daily dose consists of three tablets of different colors. The drug is taken 3 times a day after meals.

In this case, the order of use of the tablets by color is not important. They can be drunk at the same time, but it is advisable to maintain an interval of 4-6 hours. This promotes more efficient absorption of vitamins.

How to take care of curls correctly? Not only women, but also men face the problem of hair loss. If in the weaker half of humanity this process is not too noticeable, then for a man it threatens with baldness in the prime of life. Hair loss is a consequence of physiological processes - hormonal changes in the body or lack of vitamins. In order to prevent the process of hair loss or stop it at the initial stage, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes that will compensate for the lack of nutrients.

Vitamins are special compounds that catalyze all biochemical processes in the body, including hair growth. Each strand consists of a follicle that is located on the skin. For the normal functioning of hair and maintaining its healthy appearance, the follicles need appropriate nutrition, for which vitamins are responsible. Therefore, when they are deficient, curls lose strength, become brittle and fall out.

What elements does the body lack when losing hair?

All of the above vitamins must be taken comprehensively, each type is responsible for nourishing and saturating the hair. The daily dosage may be in food or vitamin complexes. Greatest value for normal height strands have B vitamins. They ensure maximum blood flow to the bulbs, accelerate metabolic processes, and promote active oxygen saturation. In addition, B vitamins provide strength and strength to hair by maintaining the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Gender differences - what vitamins do men and women need?

The vitamins needed for hair loss can vary significantly between women and men. This is explained by physiological differences and differences in hormonal levels. If baldness is observed in the stronger half of humanity, then the culprit is a lack of vitamins A, B1, E and H. The duration of taking medications depends on the degree of the problem and the speed of its elimination.

Taking vitamin complexes should not exceed more than 2 months. If during this time you have not achieved the desired results, then you should take a break for 4 months, after which the vitamin course can be resumed. As a preventative measure, the complexes can be used for up to a month of use with a six-month break.

  • Aminodar;
  • ABC Spectrum;
  • Merz;
  • Hair Expert;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Will direct;
  • Centrum Silver;
  • Duovit.

Vitamins for hair loss for women have a different composition: H, C, A, F, B6, B12, B5. Recommended options for complexes are the following:

The problem of hair loss can occur during or after pregnancy. This is due to a lack of nutrients that were “spent” on the formation and development of the fetus. Special complexes are intended for pregnant and lactating women, the course of which should not exceed 1 month: Bio-Max, Alphabet for Moms, Gendevit, Materna, Undevit, Supradin, Vitatress, Megadin, Femibion.

Review of the best anti-hair loss complexes


A drug of German origin, which contains natural ingredients. The complex is intended to normalize the nutrition of the bulbs, rapid growth and restoration of the structure of the follicles. Externally, the drug is presented in the form of capsules that contain the daily requirement of vitamins B, A, F, C, cystine and. Pantovigar should be taken in the following cases:

The use of the complex is not advisable during pregnancy and is not recommended for children. Side effects can occur only in case of individual intolerance to one of the components of the vitamin. This may manifest itself as dizziness, increased heart rate, and sweating.

The instructions for taking the complex are extremely simple: capsules must be combined with meals and taken 3 times a day. It will take up to six months to completely restore the strands, during which it is necessary to take breaks between courses.

A month of using Pantovigar allows you to eliminate heavy hair loss, improve its visual condition, improve the condition of the scalp,... The complex makes curls more shiny and manageable, nourishing the body with vitamins affects the condition of nails and facial skin.


The “best vitamins for hair loss” rating includes in its list Aevit, a multivitamin preparation that contains 11 vitamins and 6 microelements. It has a wide spectrum of action, due to which it is often prescribed after operations and for functional disorders in the body. The drug belongs to the category medicines Therefore, before use, consultation with a trichologist is recommended.

Action of Aevit:

  • comprehensive wellness;
  • strengthening hair structure;
  • regenerating effect;
  • elimination of problem skin defects.

Aevit has a strong effect on the body, so it must be taken once every 4 days. The complex can be used externally by applying the contents of the capsules to the hair as a mask.

An English product developed in tandem by doctors, cosmetologists and trichologists. Therefore, the complex has a qualitative effect not only on the health of the strands, but also on their appearance. The drug provides the body with essential vitamins, microelements and minerals. It contains a lot of additional components and extracts, which ensures a multi-purpose effect.

Perfectil consists of 30 capsules, which must be taken daily, one piece per day for a month. The complex has a general strengthening effect, regenerates the hair structure, gives it shine and a healthy appearance. Vitamins help rejuvenate the skin by moisturizing and nourishing it.


The complex must be taken twice a day - morning and evening. This schedule will ensure normalization of blood circulation and saturation of the follicles with oxygen in the morning. Vitamins allow you to activate the process of cell division and regeneration processes. Taking the capsule in the evening will restore your hair's natural protection against diseases. Repeated intake of vitamins is a catalyst for follicle renewal at the cellular level.

Contraindications for use are kept to a minimum - taking vitamins should be discussed with a doctor for pregnant and lactating women. Other categories of people can take Alerena at their own discretion.

The packaging of the complex has schematic divisions “day-night”. The package contains 60 capsules, which can be taken for a month. The cost of the drug falls into the budget category.

Hair loss and iron deficiency

A lack of iron in the body also leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of the follicles and, as a result, to abundant loss of curls. It is possible to determine that the body is deficient in this particular component by the following signs:

  1. regular fatigue;
  2. decreased performance;
  3. weakness, tinnitus;
  4. pallor of the skin.

One of the popular drugs that will replenish the body with iron is Ferretab. In addition to the main component, the complex also contains other vitamins in the required daily dose. The drug is allowed to be used by pregnant women. However, before using it, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since Ferretab has a number of serious contraindications.

An alternative to Ferretab is the complex Complivit. The drug is a biological supplement that will fill the body’s “gaps” in trace elements and nutrients. It contains all B vitamins, beneficial acids, biotin, magnesium, zinc, selenium and green tea extract, which tones the body as a whole and has a beneficial effect on maintaining a figure. The complex has the form of an oblong tablet, which must be taken twice a day.

The use of the complex is characterized by the following results:

  1. activation of the vital energy of the bulbs;
  2. qualitative improvement in the condition of strands and nails;
  3. acceleration of collagen synthesis and improvement of skin structure;
  4. tissue regeneration, restoration of damaged follicles;
  5. cleansing the body, eliminating toxins;
  6. protecting curl cells from free radicals.