CLAY in soap self made helps create very useful, and in some cases even healing, soap. Clay has been used in cosmetology for a very long time and folk medicine. Moreover, it is used both externally in the form of masks or any compresses, and internally, to remove toxins from the body. What can I say - clay is an excellent sorbent! Nature has given us clay of different colors. The whole palette is yellow, red, white, blue, blue, green, gray, black, pink. And each of the flowers is responsible for its unique natural composition of microelements. But how lazy we are sometimes to make masks! How great it is to take handmade soap with clay and take care of your skin without much effort. Clay in handmade soap is used only for the purpose of obtaining beneficial qualities, and not for the purpose of adding color.

Regardless of color, all types of clay contain silicon and have therapeutic effect, but the strength of the healing effects of clay depends on its type.


The main property of white clay- cleansing and drying the skin. It absorbs excess sebum and sweat gland secretions, eliminating impurities that are on the skin. Clay enhances the bactericidal effect of certain substances, so it is added to anti-inflammatory ointments and masks. This type is also used in decorative cosmetics in powders and dry deodorants. Kaolin is especially good for women with oily skin. White clay itself can be used as a mask at home. But it is not suitable for dry skin in its pure form.

Hair mask: strengthens weak hair, prevents hair loss .

Dilute 50 g of white clay with water, adding 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar And colorless henna. Apply the mixture to your head, gently rubbing it into the skin. Put on a cellophane cap and wrap a towel on top, after warming it up on the radiator (under the influence of heat, the beneficial substances of the mask are activated and penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin). Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water, and dry without using a hair dryer.


Pink clay contains large amounts of pure silicon. Thanks to its balanced mineralogical and chemical composition (silicon, iron, magnesium, calcium), clay restores and stabilizes the functioning of skin cells, enriches them with microelements necessary for normal functioning. Pink clay is one of the most powerful natural remedies for combating skin irritations, brittle nails and hair. Recommended for delicate skin care, disinfects and smoothes it. Included in shampoos for normal hair.

Baths using pink clay have a very good effect on the skin, have a tonic effect on the entire body, remove toxins and heal the circulatory system.

Mask for dry irritated skin:
Gently move 3 heaping teaspoons of pink clay, 3 tablespoons of milk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to well-cleansed skin. After 20 minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.


Cosmetic properties of green clay due to its rich microelement composition (especially high silver content), which ensures the normal course of metabolic processes in the cell, prevents its aging, strengthens the epithelium, hair and nails. In addition to silver, green clay contains: magnesium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, cobalt, molybdenum. It has been used for masks and baths in a mixture with aromatic oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs, and olive oil since the time of Cleopatra. Gives the skin special softness and velvety, acts as a gentle peeling, preserves the beauty and attractiveness of the skin for many years.

Green clay is intended for oily and combination skin face and head, helps narrow pores, improves the function of the sebaceous glands and has a tonic effect.

A mask for dry skin gently cleanses pores, makes it smooth and elastic, and saturates it with nutrients.

Mix 50 g of green clay with chamomile decoction. Add 1 teaspoon unrefined olive oil first spin Mix thoroughly. Apply a thick layer to the face (except for the area around the eyes and lips), neck and décolleté for 10-15 minutes. The mask must be washed off before it dries. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate your skin with nourishing cream.


This clay differs in content large quantity cadmium and cobalt salts and others useful substances, has cleansing properties and disinfects the skin. Activates blood circulation and enhances the metabolic process in skin cells.
Blue clay- an effective anti-inflammatory agent. It cleanses and tones the skin, fights acne, whitens, and has an anti-cellulite effect. Used in folk medicine to combat baldness.

A mask for oily skin tightens pores and prevents inflammation:
2 tbsp. Dilute blue clay with mineral water or tea leaves to the consistency of thick sour cream. You can add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to a cleansed face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Keep the mask on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer that suits you.


It occupies a special place among other healing clays; the biologically active substances it contains correct the function of the sebaceous glands, normalizing fat metabolism in the cells. Mud therapy with black clay improves blood and lymph circulation and metabolic processes, regenerative processes in the body.

Wraps help burn fat deposits:
Dilute 500 g of black clay with mineral water to the consistency of sour cream. Take a shower and massage problem areas (for example, using a massage mitten). Dry yourself with a towel. After warming up the clay a little, apply it in a thick layer to the problem areas, wrap it with plastic wrap and a woolen scarf on top, and wrap yourself in a blanket. After 20-30 minutes, rinse the clay with warm water and pat your skin with a towel. After this, rub anti-cellulite cream into problem areas. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to carry out at least 10-12 procedures (every other day).


Suitable for dull, tired skin. It removes toxins very well and saturates the skin with oxygen. Makes the skin firmer and more elastic. Perfectly relieves fatigue


Makes the skin more elastic. Relieves inflammation and redness, smoothes fine expression wrinkles. This clay in handmade soap is great for dry, sensitive skin prone to allergies. Well nourishes and moisturizes the skin, saturating it with vital energy and shine.

The beneficial properties of clay have been known for a long time. Since ancient times, it has been actively used for both medical and cosmetic purposes. One of the most famous uses of cosmetic clay is masks. They are truly effective when used regularly. Indeed, among the wonderful properties of clay is the ability to well and, most importantly, carefully exfoliate dead skin cells, absorb excess sebum, cleanse, and relieve irritation. We will use these properties of clay when making homemade soap.

Not every clay can be used in cosmetology. You cannot go to the nearest quarry, collect clay there and make masks from it or add it to soap. Clay lying close to the surface absorbs a lot of frankly harmful and dangerous substances and cannot be used on the skin. Good cosmetic clays are mined in special quarries at enormous depths. This clay has passed all tests for the absence of toxins and other harmful impurities, is thoroughly cleaned and prepared for use in medicine and cosmetology.

There are several types of clay, and each of them has its own characteristics. Let's briefly go over some of the most famous types:

White clay (kaolin)- Suitable for caring for oily and combination skin. Absorbs excess oil and tightens pores well. Has antiseptic properties.

Black clay- Suitable for oily skin, as well as normal and combination skin. Tightens pores. Absorbs all toxins and harmful impurities from the skin.

Green clay- softens the skin and relieves irritation. Dries the skin, cleanses pores and eliminates oily shine. Improves capillary blood circulation.

Pink clay- suitable for any skin type. It is believed that it has a rejuvenating effect, as it restores elasticity to the skin and tightens the contour.

Blue clay- especially good for oily skin. Has antiseptic properties. Good for preventing acne and pimples. Cleanses the skin, makes it elastic and firm, smoothes out small expression wrinkles.

Homemade soap with cosmetic clay perfectly cleanses the skin, perfectly exfoliates dead skin cells and does not dry out the skin. This soap will be a very soft scrub (for those who do not like “hard” scrubs).

The clay in the soap creates a lovely texture as it settles to the bottom of the mold. Sometimes you just want to emphasize the relief of the mold without using multi-colored filling, and here clay comes to the rescue. If you want to make soap without dyes, try using clay - it will give the base pleasant, natural shades.

I would like to give you a recipe for another base soap. The recipe is simple, but for people with combination and oily skin, this soap will be very useful! The whole secret is to add white clay to the soap. I think many are familiar with it, but I will still make a “lyrical digression” about its properties, because... not all people benefit equally.

Let's begin with White clay is included in baby powder, which indicates that it is at least not very harmful to the skin. Clay looks like gray or yellow tint, slightly greasy to the touch. A distinctive property of white clay is its ability to dry and cleanse the skin. White clay particles absorb moisture, sebum, and impurities from skin pores well. White clay increases blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, stimulates the production of natural collagen, which makes the skin more elastic and firm. Due to the fact that white clay has a warming effect, it is used in the fight against cellulite. White clay is also good because it is inexpensive. Of course, you need to buy such clay at the pharmacy!

Now let's move on to the soap:

Required ingredients:
  1. white soap base, 100 gr.
  2. white clay, 2-3 tsp. You can do more, but the soap will then foam very poorly.
  3. honey, 1 tsp. (optional). Honey makes soap softer
  4. extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp.
  5. Essential oils of orange and essential oil grapefruit 7 drops (to achieve and enhance the anti-cellulite effect). Be careful with essential oils if you have allergies!
Cooking method:

Grate baby soap (or base) on a grater. Heat olive oil in a water bath, add soap base to it, stir. Add clay, mix. Remove the mixture from the water bath, add essential oils. You can add dyes if desired. Pour the soap into molds and set in a cool place to dry, then remove from the molds and use!

100 grams of white soap base; 2-3 teaspoons of white clay. It is better to purchase it at a pharmacy. You can regulate the dose of clay in the finished product yourself. But remember: the more you add, the worse the soap will lather. 7 drops of orange essential oil and 7 drops of grapefruit essential oil (also have anti-cellulite properties). Perhaps the smell will be too strong, but for the sake of fighting cellulite, it’s worth being patient; 1 tsp honey (honey increases softness finished product, so if you decide to add honey, keep this in mind); 1 tsp cold pressed olive oil.

Clay has long been famous for its healing properties. Currently, clay is widely used in medicine; all kinds of medicinal ointments and healing pastes are made on its basis, and it is also used in cosmetology. Clay is included in face masks, with the help of which the skin is well cleansed, peeling, irritation and redness are eliminated. Clay also has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Cosmetics containing clay are suitable for all skin types. Naturally, soap makers took advantage of the properties of clay and mastered the technology of how to make soap with clay with their own hands.

Fact! Clay comes in several colors: gray, green, red, pink, black, blue, yellow. Each color has certain properties.

I currently only use three types:

  • Pink – suitable for caring for any skin type. It has a rejuvenating effect, softens the skin and tightens the facial contour, also nourishes, cleanses and makes it more elastic and tender.
  • Blue - has anti-inflammatory properties, which contains mineral salts and trace elements. Blue clay is suitable for oily and problem skin types. It has a rejuvenating and healing effect, improves blood circulation and skin color, disinfects and helps smooth out facial wrinkles. Clay can lighten freckles and age spots.
  • Black – has cleansing properties, absorbs harmful toxins and impurities, and helps tighten pores. Suitable for caring for any skin type.

How to make soap with clay with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

We prepare the mold that we will use to make soap. I chose a shell, I really like it and it’s comfortable to hold in my hand.

Hello everyone!

IN modern world, we are accustomed to the fact that everything should be universal: a universal wardrobe, a universal telephone, universal wife this is the one who cooks, and does laundry, and raises children and earns money from Audi

And today I want to talk about the universal soap “Zdrava” with blue clay, for the face and body of the “Tavinka” brand.


  • Manufacturer - Russia;
  • Weight - 115 gr;
  • Price - 180 rub;
  • Best before date - 2 years;
  • Where can I buy - ;


The soap is packaged in paper, with a sticker on top with the name, composition, production date and other information.

You can open the soap from the side

A big piece! As much as 115 grams!


sodium salts of fatty acids of olive, shea (shea), coconut, palm oil., blue Cambrian clay, essential oil tea tree extra

I want to break down the composition a little.


Salts, macro and microelements

in active ionic form penetrate the skin with each use of soap - enhance lymph and blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, increasing oxygen metabolism

Australian Tea Tree Essential Oil

is one of the best skin antiseptics, and has the following pharmacological and psycho-emotional effects: antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, immunostimulating, wound healing, oncoprotective, helps restore the body after stress, relieves feelings of anxiety

It’s especially great that tea tree essential oil relieves anxiety. This is so important nowadays

In general, this soap is a storehouse of useful microelements.


The soap has a specific aroma. But I can't say that he's unpleasant. You can smell tea tree essential oil with some impurities.

After washing there is no smell left at all.


The soap itself is gray, with some dark inclusions. The new soap is absolutely smooth.

But at the same time, the soap has a pronounced scrubbing effect. Apparently, due to the clay in the composition.


Here you can describe a bunch of options. Because the product is truly universal!


Since I’ve already decided to describe 4 options for use, I’ll tell you about the effect


What I immediately liked was that after washing with this soap, my skin was squeaky clean. That is, Zdrava soap with clay really cleanses perfectly, removing dead particles. After it, your face is smooth and your skin is soft.

Any clay has a whitening effect. This soap also has this property.

Moreover, clay perfectly cleanses pores and tightens them. But, most of all, this effect is visible after

Scrubbing and using soap as a mask

Here I’ll make a reservation right away: I recommend leaving soap on the face only for those with oily or combination skin. Because soap dries it out a little. But for dry skin, this method of use is not suitable.

After rinsing off, I can directly feel how the soap tightens my skin and pores.

Here is my skin BEFORE washing, in the summer, the pores are often enlarged and the skin is shiny:

And here is the skin after washing:

the washing up

This soap perfectly cleanses the skin of the body. To the point of squeaking. It helped my husband a lot; he has problem skin on his back.

As for lifting my mood while washing, it’s all true. As soon as I see clean and bright pores on my face, my mood lifts.

Another plus: if you use soap only for washing, it does not decrease at all
The square block remains the same as it was. You can then pass it on to your grandchildren

Well, if you wash with it, then, of course, it will last for 1.5 -2 months. Which is also not bad!


I generally love products with clay. And this soap from Tavinka really sunk into my soul. I believe that those with oily/combination or problem skin persons must have it in the bathroom at all times. Therefore, I recommend it.

I hope my review was helpful! If you have any questions, I will definitely answer them in the comments. All the best!