How quickly can cute Fluffy turn into an “ungrateful brute”? Desperate owners of cats who suddenly stopped defecating in the litter box and turned the entire apartment into their personal toilet can tell you about this.

Living in such conditions becomes unbearable, and something needs to be done. The strategy of your actions will depend on the reason for such a sharp change in the animal’s behavioral habits.

Health problem

Do not rush to scold your pet - perhaps this situation arose due to a disease that cannot be recognized by sight. Excessively frequent urination, when the cat simply does not have time to reach the litter box, is often associated with various pathologies. It can be:

  • injuries (especially when the blow was to the stomach or kidney area);
  • cystitis (inflammatory process in the bladder);
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • disorders of the nervous system due to stroke or brain tumor;
  • severe pain of any etiology, when the animal’s normal reactions are disrupted.

Therefore, the first step to get rid of the problem is to show the cat to a veterinarian, get tested and undergo the necessary examinations. And only when pathology internal organs excluded, we are looking for other reasons.

Protest against inconvenience

Particularly clean cats may refuse to go to the litter box if it is not clean enough or if there are foreign odors in it. They may react this way even if you just scooped the litter in with a dirty scoop. Sometimes even garbage and dirt next to the litter box can discourage your cat from going to this place.

A capricious, spoiled animal may simply not like the tray itself. Cats do not like cheap plastic stampings because of their strong chemical smell - keep this in mind and do not try to save money on such an important item for your pet. You may not like the size or shape of the new tray. So don’t rush to throw away the old one (even if it’s unpresentable, but it’s dear) - in case you have to return the cat to its rightful property.

Your pet may outright refuse the litter box if for some reason you switch to a different litter. Or suddenly you don’t like the old one, this also happens - try switching to another one. Do not overuse odor neutralizers and other aromatic substances in the room where the tray is located - cats can react unpredictably to even the most common odors.

Another important point is privacy. If you see almost human traits in your pet, you will understand that he, like you, needs privacy to perform his natural needs. And if the cat stops going to the litter box, just try moving it to a more secluded place.

Experiment, and with a high degree of probability the problem will be solved.

Something happened to the delicate cat's psyche

There are several psychogenic factors that can also cause litter box refusal.

For example, during periods when an animal is looking for a partner for mating, it marks its territory. Sometimes this process becomes too intense, and the owners grab their heads. In this case, it may be worth consulting your veterinarian about neutering. Usually, after such an operation, problems with the toilet no longer arise.

It happens that a cat stops going to the litter box after severe stress. Animals have a hard time with moving, the birth of a child, a change in daily routine (for example, when a beloved owner returns from maternity leave to work), and the appearance of other animals in the house. In such a situation, shouting and swearing will only make the problem worse. Be tolerant of your pet, create a calm atmosphere for him. Consult your veterinarian - it may be worth correcting the cat’s condition with the help of herbal-based sedatives.

Rest assured: love and patience will help you cope with your toilet problem.

Has your cat suddenly stopped going to her favorite litter box? Do not rush to scold or punish her. If your animal has found a more convenient place to go to the toilet, then you should first find out the reasons for this behavior. And believe me, there may be a lot of them.

Why did the cat stop going to the litter box (reasons)

I don’t want to go to the litter box, I’m already waving my muzzle

First you need to understand why your animal refuses to go to its litter box. There may be several main reasons:

  • Change of residence, first appearance of an animal in the house
  • Problem with the tray itself
  • Pet stress
  • Gender marks
  • Pain when urinating

A cat is an animal that lives by instincts and reflexes. If she does, she might start blaming the “tray” for it.

Important! If your cat suddenly changes position or location to urinate, this could be a sign of various illnesses. Owners, in such cases it is better to contact a specialist.

It is necessary to understand each of the reasons in order to know what measures to take to eliminate this problem.

Cat or cat for the first time in a new home

Most often, in this case, the kitten or cat does not yet know where the place for the toilet is. This situation may last for about a week. To help your pet get used to his litter box, place a piece of paper or newspaper soaked in his urine.

Wet the paper toilet paper in animal urine

Typically, such odors attract the cat's attention to a new place to urinate or defecate.

And in a convenient way is observing an animal. As soon as you see that the pet is settling into a corner, to do its business, simply transfer the pet to its tray.

Tray problem

The reason for refusing to go to the toilet in the right place may be due to problems with the tray or its filler. Cats are very finicky animals. They may stop going to the litter box even if they just don't like it.

Often when purchasing a new litter box, your pet doesn't like the size or height of the litter box and starts going to the toilet right next to his litter box.

Wood litter often causes dissatisfaction in cats.

The litter can also affect the animal's mood . There are many manufacturers of cat litter, some of which stick to cats' paws after urinating, and they really don't like it. Therefore, all accessories should be selected based on the tastes of your pet.

Never use air fresheners near your pet's litter box. Strong smells can confuse your cat or even scare it away.

Stress in an animal

A cat may start pooping “everywhere” due to stress.

Surprisingly, cats experience stress too. Most often this happens as a result of fright or unpleasant events for the pet. This could be moving to a new apartment, joining a family small child or a new animal.

Do not rush to scold the cat, treat it with understanding and love. Show more care towards her, move her resting place somewhere higher in the house. Cats love to watch what is happening from above, so they feel control over the territory.

Gender marks

Do not confuse “cat marks” and cat “toilet urges”

This only happens in unsterilized animals. The time comes when your pet reaches puberty and he begins to mark his territory in his home. In this case, there are only two options.

First- This is castration or sterilization. Second– if your animal is purebred, or you simply want to get offspring from it in the future, then you should wean your pet from leaving marks.

Basically, lemon juice or orange peel are used for this. Place freshly peeled orange peel in a favorite place for marks or sprinkle lemon juice. Such odors are very strong for cats, and they scare them away from their favorite places for marking.

Pain when urinating

It often happens that a pet refuses to use the toilet because it experiences pain when urinating. A cat may associate its pain with the litter box, and as a result, refuses to go to the toilet in its usual place. To exclude the possibility of disease, you need to pay attention to whether there is blood in the animal’s urine. A good solution would be to contact a veterinarian. He will do the necessary tests and tell you exactly whether your pet is sick or not.

Cat testing new litter box

The main thing is to start eliminating this problem in time. Otherwise, the longer you delay, scold and offend the cat, the less opportunity there will be to correct something later. In addition to the above tips, there are a few more options you can try.

For example, you can try to buy your pet several inexpensive, different sizes trays, and see which one will be preferable for him.

In addition, it is necessary to remove the smell of urine. This can be done using soap products or special sprays to eliminate urine odors.


The main thing is to always treat your cat with understanding. Do not hit her or poke her nose into the urine under any circumstances. This can cause your pet to become very frightened and stressed. Once your cat starts using her litter box again, praise and reward her. And your animal will thank you for your understanding and support.

Do you know what answer you will hear from most owners? “On purpose. Out of spite. Out of harm,” they will tell you. And they will be wrong. A cat does not know how to take revenge; it does not at all want to consciously cause you unpleasant moments. She has her own reasons, and they are worth listening to.

Where can a cat shit instead of a litter tray?

On the floor, why?

We'll talk about them a little later. In the meantime, believe me - seeing cat excrement next to the litter box is far from the worst option.

Your pet can choose a secluded corner for its business, for example, under the bathtub or behind a chair. And you will have to search for the source for some time unpleasant odor.

The appearance of new smells can entice a cat

Some cats prefer to make a toilet in the closet, on the owners’ things, or in the hallway they will shit on their favorite slippers or shoes. The pinnacle of “meanness” would seem to you to be the cat’s habit of sitting on a stack of clean, freshly ironed linen and raising its tail. What would you do with a cat that jumps on the TV and defecates on the newspaper with the program lying there?

Truly, a cat's imagination is limitless! But one thing is clear - you have a problem. To solve it, you need to answer two questions. Why does the cat do this? How can I wean him off this?

Tray as the main reason

The tray may be cramped. Or the litter may be rejected by the cat

One of the most common causes of inappropriate animal behavior is the litter box.

  1. He can be too small or tight , and the animal feels uncomfortable when it sits down to relieve itself. Perhaps the cat doesn't like the litter. If you always bought one type of it, and then brought home another one, the cat may refuse to use it.
  2. A clean cat will also not sit in the tray if it is dirty. But there is another side to the coin. If you yourself are a champion of cleanliness and wash your cat's litter box with, say, bleach, its pungent smell will scare away your pet.
  3. Another option is that the tray is installed in the wrong place. “Not a toilet, but a passageway,” - the cat, of course, will not be able to formulate this thought, but will go to look for a more secluded place. And you will clean up after her.

Maybe these are marks?

Most likely, the instincts of an adult cat are registered in memory. Even after castration, the cat can continue to mark, only with urine.

If everything is fine with the litter box, take a closer look at your cat. Maybe he's not pooping, but marking his territory. This happens when a male cat is in heat. Cats are overly affectionate, crave attention, meow as if calling someone, raise their tail, arch their back. Cats are excited and playful. Animals mark territory even if several animals live in an apartment, and each one fights for leadership. But the smell is unpleasant, to be sure.

Severe stress

The cat is stressed

A cat may change its habits and walk past the litter box while under severe stress.

A noisy feast, renovations in the apartment, the appearance of a baby at the owner's house - and a disoriented animal will arrange a toilet for itself in the first place that seems suitable to it.

Cat disease

Vet help may be needed

A more serious cause of untidiness is illness. This may be the last thing that comes to your mind.

Take a closer look at the stool. Their unusual character is hard stool, urine and- will be a reason to visit the veterinarian. An additional clue will be the behavior of the animal: you will notice that he is not at ease.

Finally, a bored kitty may simply be looking for contact with you. If the punishment is limited to shouts like: “Ugly cat! Now I’ll take you!” - the pet is able to regard this as a game: it hides or runs away, and you search or catch up. So much for the owner's attention.

How to train a cat not to shit on the floor, but only in the litter box

The cat shit on the floor. It's disgusting, but we need to do something about it

But still - what to do if the cat regularly? It is best to prevent the problem from occurring. From the very minute you bring a small kitten or an adult cat into your home, don’t take your eyes off him while he gets used to his new place. As soon as the animal begins to get restless and sniff the floor, follow it.

If he sits in a corner, this means that this is where the tray should be placed. The cat itself showed you the most suitable place.

If you missed this moment, place a piece of newspaper in the cat's puddle, and then transfer it to the tray. The animal will understand where to defecate. And yet be be especially careful at first. Then wean the cat off bad habit it will be much more difficult.

Diaper and cat

In the case when the animal is actively marking its territory, and you do not plan to let the cat breed, sterilize your pet. As a last resort, owners of elite individuals put diapers on them during the period of sexual hunting. They say it helps.

We use special preparations

After you have cleaned up after your cat, you need to treat the area. Garlic pieces are perfect!

After cleaning, lubricate the place where the cat has taken to defecating with some product with a strong smell. Special medications are sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. Some owners rub the floor with pieces of garlic, others use ammonia.

The cat litter box can only be washed with plain water. The use of cleaning products is not recommended.

And here tray, on the contrary - never wash with aromatic substances. Make sure to change the contents on time, no matter what serves as cat litter: special litter, sand or just newspaper.

If your animal develops alarming symptoms, your veterinarian will help you. In the process of treatment, you will defeat not only the disease, but also the unpleasant habit.


And, of course, spend enough time with your pet. Young cats love to play. If you don’t have special toys, a rag or paper bow tied to a string is perfect. Talk to the animal, communicate, let it see you as a beloved owner who needs to be respected and obeyed.

Attention and patience - only with their help it is possible to raise a cat that brings joy to its owners. Let your pet give you only happy moments.

There can be many causes for any given cat. In some cases, this behavior becomes permanent; before you begin to solve it, you should have your cat examined by a veterinarian to eliminate possible health problems.

If a cat stops going to the litter box, this most often happens for the following reasons:

Dirty filler. The cat will not use the litter box if the litter has not been changed in a long time. The filler must be completely changed at least once every seven days, and upper layer- daily, removing dirt. If the filler does not form lumps, it should be changed after a day or two, as the growing smell of urine can become extremely unpleasant.

Filler smell. Strong-smelling litters, deodorants, or strongly scented disinfectants may deter odor-sensitive cats from the litter box. To avoid this problem, use detergents and disinfectants specifically recommended for cats when cleaning. Rinse the tray with hot water before use. Avoid disinfectants that make the water cloudy, as this is a sign of the presence of phenols, which are toxic to cats. While a cat is just learning to use the litter box, it takes some time for her to recognize it as a suitable place for the toilet. Therefore, too frequent brushing may interfere with the establishment of the association. If the smell of the litter bothers your cat, it is better to use unscented litter.

Using plastic liners in the tray. Such liners (usually a mesh or platform with holes) are used in trays to prevent the cat from throwing out the litter by digging into it with its claws. Often the problem is resolved by removing the liner, allowing the instinct to bury feces to be satisfied.

Inappropriate type of filler. Changing the consistency or type of litter may also interfere with the use of the litter box. Wood pellet litter may be fine for a kitten, but as the cat gets heavier, it may become uncomfortable for her to stand on such a surface. Cats, as a rule, prefer fine-grained litter with the consistency of sand, without its own odor. If you want to change the type of filler, switch to it gradually. Mix old and new litter, gradually increasing the proportion of new litter over the course of a week to understand the animal’s reaction. You can also place trays with new and familiar litter nearby to give the opportunity to go to the appropriate one.

Poor placement of the tray. If the litter box is in an open area where people, other cats, or dogs, for example, are constantly around, the cat may feel too vulnerable when using it. She will try to find a safer place - for example, behind a closet or in a corner behind the door. Cats may avoid litter boxes in noisy places - they may be scared off by sounds from a washing machine, hair dryer and other household appliances. It is best to place the litter box in a quiet corner where the cat can be seen from one or two directions. Do not place it in an area that is open on all sides or in a walkable area. If the food dish or water bowl is near the litter box, she will also not use the toilet, so these items should be placed at a sufficient distance.

Inappropriate tray design. Some cats prefer to go to closed trays, others like open ones, and for the same reason - it seems safer to them. In a closed litter box the cat can't be seen, but in an open litter box it is easier to escape. If you usually use an open tray, try buying a closed one and vice versa. Sometimes a simple fence of cardboard box with a wall cut out on one side or adding indoor plants helps provide the privacy you need. Some closed litter boxes have a special door at the entrance, which can be too difficult for indecisive cats.

Unpleasant associations. Sometimes a cat does not want to go to the litter box because it has unpleasant memories associated with it. For example, trying to give your cat medicine or pet it while it's heading to the litter box can cause it to be associated with trouble. In this case, try moving the tray to another, quiet place or replacing it with another one.

Insufficient litter box training. Small kittens often do not use the litter box if a large area is constantly available to them. When the kittens arrive at their new house, their experience using the litter box, acquired while living in the litter with their mother, is only a few weeks. A kitten cannot control its bladder and bowels as well as adult animals. Therefore, it is necessary that the kitten has easy access to the litter box at all times. At first, it is advisable to limit the kitten's territory to one room, with a gradual increase in time to explore other rooms over several weeks. Every time a kitten goes to the toilet, it establishes a pattern of behavior that it will maintain throughout its life.

Diseases. Urinary tract problems or diarrhea can make your cat uncomfortable or simply prevent her from getting to the litter box in time. A cat that suddenly stops using the litter box should be examined by a veterinarian. This is especially important if you notice that she tenses up and/or urinates small amounts of urine frequently. Stress-related urinary diseases (often called Feline Idiopathic Cystitis) are less noticeable, but one of their common symptoms is urinating outside the litter box. Any discomfort in urinary tract can make a cat urinate standing up without trying to sit on the litter box. Urination in such cases can sometimes be confused with urine spraying. Cats suffering from recurrent cystitis may benefit from increased fluid intake. This may require replacing dry food with wet food, but this decision should be discussed with your veterinarian. When the disease is successfully treated, the cat usually returns to normal behavior. Sometimes cats, after recovery, continue to play with the litter box. This is due to the ingrained feeling of discomfort associated with his visit. It can be helpful to place an extra tray in a different location to encourage use.

Advanced age. Older cats don't like to go outside in bad weather. Another reason could be age-related joint problems. Aging animals feel less confident due to the presence of other cats in their territory. Very often, from a certain age, an older cat will need a safer (for example, closed type) and accessible litter box. In older adults, it is important to rule out medical causes, so a veterinarian should be consulted.

Fear or anxiety. While urinating or defecating, cats are most vulnerable to attack. If they feel threatened, they will seek a safer place. Usually the most a big problem- these are other cats, but it could be a neighbor's dog or even just a sudden loud noise. Some people feel anxious when left alone at home. For shy cats, you can have several litter boxes in different places; this will reduce anxiety, allowing you to use the one that suits the situation.

Changing the litter tray. Some cats are very conservative in their habits, so replacing the old litter box with a new one can have a serious impact on their behavior. If possible, before changing the litter box, let your cat get used to the new one without removing the old one.

Presence of strangers. Sometimes a cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place if the route to the litter box runs through a room where strangers are. Often, owners abandon cats for several days, leaving them with friends or neighbors, which makes some cats feel unsafe. Such cats may leave their marks in various places, such as the owner's bed, which retains a strong, familiar and reassuring scent. When leaving your cat, close the “extra” doors and try to find a person who will look after her among the people she knows.

When your cat stops using the litter box as intended, it becomes frustrating and stressful for both the cat and her owners. It is also, unfortunately, one of the most common reasons why a cat will get its one-way ticket to the nearest shelter. There are many reasons why a cat may avoid the litter box, and it is important to find out the real reason what is happening to her in order to return her behavior to its previous course.

Don’t rush to decide whether the kitten will stay at home or not after the first miss from the litter box. Here is a list of some common reasons why a cat may not want to use the litter box:

Medical problem

Inflammation Bladder(cystitis), urolithiasis disease, nephropathy. It is common for a cat to experience discomfort when urinating and associate this discomfort or pain with the litter box. Then she begins to look for places that are more suitable, in her opinion, for relieving herself, looking for places where it will not hurt to do so. So, cats often begin to relieve themselves in different places in the house, especially on soft surfaces - beds, owner’s clothes, sofas, rugs. However, before this, they went exclusively to the tray. It is important to rule out a medical problem before you address the behavioral problem.

Dirty tray

Cats are very clean animals, and if the litter box is too dirty, they will look for other places to relieve their needs. Use a scoop to sift the litter at least twice daily and thoroughly rinse the litter box monthly. If you do not use litter, you should rinse the tray daily.

Closed trays

Enclosed litter boxes often make the cat feel uncomfortable, as if cornered in an enclosed space. The closed tray also makes it inconvenient to clean the litter regularly. On hot days, the filler in the tray does not have time to dry under the lid and the smell becomes stronger.

Wrong tray size

Choose a litter box based on the size of your cat, not where it is placed. The litter box should be one and a half times longer than your cat.

Number of trays

In a house with several cats, you should have the same number of litter boxes as there are cats in the house + one spare. If you live with one cat, but have a large house with more than one floor, then there should be a litter box on each floor.

Wrong location

The location should be chosen from the point of view of the cat's comfort and safety, and not from the point of view of what is convenient for the owners. Do not place the tray near food, in a damp basement, in a closet, or near household appliances, which may frighten the cat (for example, washing machine). In a multi-cat household, place litter boxes throughout the apartment or house rather than concentrating them in one area. You don't want your cat to have trouble using the litter box just because she's afraid to cross the path of another cat who's bullying her. Place the litter box in each cat's preferred area.

Packages at the bottom of the tray

Many owners put bedding in the form of a plastic bag at the bottom of the tray, so that later it is convenient to throw away the used litter and do not have to wash the tray after that. But such bags are intended only for the convenience of owners, and not for the convenience of cats. They only annoy them. Cats often tear these bags with their claws when burying litter, which makes them feel uncomfortable. Urine accumulates in the folds of the bag, which creates the problem of additional unpleasant odor. Since cats are very sensitive, you should keep in mind that plastic bags can create discomfort when using the litter box.

Insufficient filler

About 5 centimeters of filler is a sufficient amount; you can also find recommendations for use on the packaging of your filler. After you have sifted the litter with a scoop, be sure to pour the litter into the tray.

Wrong filler

Most cats love sand-like litter. They love the soft feeling under their paws and the sand filling is just that. It is also very convenient for digging. Cats are wary of scented litter. Some odors can irritate your cat, linger on its paws and fur, and may cause it to refuse to use the litter box. Texture is also very important. Choose litter from the cat's point of view. Perhaps it will spread around the house a lot, in your opinion it will be an unsightly color or texture - the main thing here is that the cat likes it. After all, it's easier to sweep the floor once a day than to find cat droppings in your bed. So, while some cats may prefer the texture of alternative litters, most cats prefer unscented, soft-textured, clumping litter (so they can be cleaned up every day).

High tech trays

Electronic self-cleaning trays have so many disadvantages. Many of them have motors that scare cats. Some are very large, but the actual surface area used for the cat is too small. Many self-cleaning trays have lids. Even though some of these litter boxes are designed to start cleaning 10 minutes after the cat leaves the litter box, they don't take into account that another cat may be going into the litter box at that time. Can you imagine how scared she will be if the tray starts to empty while she is sitting in it? Some tray rakes get clogged easily when there is a large buildup of litter clumps due to diarrhea. Another important disadvantage of a self-cleaning tray is that you lose the ability to monitor the contents of the tray. Cleaning the litter box yourself will give you the opportunity to check your cat's health on a daily basis. During cleaning, you may notice how your cat defecates, whether she has constipation or diarrhea, whether she leaves more or less litter than usual, how many times a day she urinates and in what portions, etc. This monitoring will allow you to notice various diseases at an early stage, before life-threatening symptoms appear.

Caustic cleaning products

Strong smelling detergents can leave a strong enough odor on the plastic tray that it may scare away the cat. If you wash the tray with bleach diluted in hot water or you will be using dishwashing detergent, you must make sure that the detergent is rinsed off well. The tray should not smell like detergent.

Rugs near the tray

These mats are designed to trap bits of litter that get stuck on your cat's paws as he leaves the litter box. Some rugs may have a texture that cats find unpleasant and may cause the cat to ignore the litter box.


A cat may avoid using the litter box because it has been punished for defecating in other places. When you punish a cat for defecating outside the litter box, the messages she receives are:

1) she should be afraid of you;

2) peeing and pooping are bad.

Even if you think you're teaching her that her choice of location is wrong, she's getting the message to avoid peeing and pooping when you're around. Punishment also means that you are upset and think that the cat is behaving badly, when in fact, its behavior is not bad. If your cat doesn't use her litter box because she feels some kind of discomfort and simply can't do it, your job is to find out why. Punishment is neither humane nor productive.

Free translation by Sestratk based on materials from the site of Pam Johnson Bennett.