What to do if the cat starts peeing anywhere? Many people immediately give up, believing that it is impossible to wean a cat from this harmful habit. If a cat pees in different places, then supposedly the smell remains there, and therefore it will do mischief again and again. This statement is incorrect - a cat can be trained to go to the litter box or even to the toilet.

Educate or retrain

If a cat is raised in time, taught to pee in a litter box, then as an adult he will not shit in the wrong place. You can also train your cat to pee on the toilet, but this will require a lot of time and patience. It doesn't matter what age your new cat is. If you take home an adult cat, you should immediately teach it to pee on the tray or toilet. It is important to consider the following facts:

  • A comfortable tray is very important for a cat. It should be deep enough and 1.5 times longer than the cat’s body (if your cat is over a year old). Some cats like to pee in trays with sides. There are also cats that do not accept a regular litter box. For them you will have to buy a dry toilet (a house with a litter tray);
  • Tray filler. In addition to standard fillers, you can use sand and sawdust. They differ from filler in that they do not absorb odor and absorb so well. You can choose wood, standard or flavored litter for your cat, based on his preferences.

One standard reason why a cat behaves this way is due to inappropriate litter. Cats may not like, for example, wood filler or sand. If your cat is declawed, he will likely be uncomfortable stepping on the litter. The way out of the situation is a mesh on the tray.

Re-education of kittens

With a kitten, everything is relatively simpler - you don’t need to retrain him. In the first days you will have to watch the kitten and wait until he wants to pee. Blot the puddle with a cloth or toilet paper and take it to the tray. Then remove the puddle and treat the area with a chlorine-containing product. You can also spray the area with repellent spray.

The tray should be in the room where the kitten peed. Pour some litter into the tray, put that piece of paper or cloth in there, then take the kitten to the tray. He must remember where the toilet is.

Tip: Do not wash your kitten's litter box during the first week, as he relies solely on smell. You can wash the tray only if the animal has worms.

How to retrain an adult cat

Why does an adult cat piss anywhere? The most common reasons are hormonal imbalance or poor health. Retraining an adult cat to pee in the right place is much more difficult than training a small kitten to use the litter box. On time you will have to leave your business and start raising a pet:

  • You will have to buy one for the cat new tray. It should be spacious, preferably closed. Cats value privacy very much, and therefore will always look for a closed place to toilet. You can also purchase a special spray that will scare away animals, preventing them from peeing in the wrong place;
  • If your cat starts peeing everywhere, repellent sprays will be a great help. The scents of eucalyptus, citrus, mint or green tea are very effective in this regard. You can create an unpleasant atmosphere for your cat with your own hands by placing the source of the smell in the right place. There are also sprays that attract cats' attention. They most often smell of sawdust and other materials that absorb moisture well;
  • Some owners believe that cats are repelled by the smell of bleach. Chlorine-containing products are unpleasant for cats, but they can get used to it. This is why you should only use bleach to clean the floor and eliminate odors;
  • If you don't have the spray you need nearby, you can take any strong-smelling substance. A warming ointment, Zvezdochka balm, helps a lot. Use these products in moderation as they may upset the balance of the nasal mucous membranes.

If you find that a very obedient cat has started peeing anywhere, then most likely she is experiencing severe stress. The pet may be nervous due to a lack of communication and attention.

When a cat is stressed by peeing in inappropriate places, you should not scold or punish him, as he will only become angry with you. Continue to love your pet, try to play with and pet him more often. When the cat understands that you sincerely love him, he will stop peeing on the floor or furniture. If the situation remains the same, it is worth observing what exactly is bothering your pet.

A great way to give your cat self-confidence is to make him a house (from cardboard or buy it in a store) and place it on a hill. To begin with, you can place the house on the windowsill, and then on the closet. Make the house as cozy and warm as possible, as well as comfortable. To make your pet comfortable, place the entrance on a closet or window sill.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Cats are naturally very clean and will never pee in their home. But sometimes animals trained to use the tray begin to pee anywhere. This behavior is not always a sign of poor cat upbringing. The most common reason– a serious illness, such as kidney failure. The most common diseases associated with cat misbehavior are:

  • Urinary incontinence. A cat does not pee outside of its litter box on purpose - it simply cannot control this process. Typically these places are a bed, carpet or shoes;
  • Urinary incontinence can develop as a result of inflammatory processes, injuries or diseases of the spine, or ectopia of the ureters. Cats can also suffer from this disease in old age;
  • Severe stress. The cat begins to pee in strange and atypical places, for example, in a flower pot. The cat may be jealous of the owner for a new family member or pet, bored or worried about the owner’s illness. Cats often show jealousy towards newborns by peeing on the baby's toys and other things. In such a situation, it is very important to calm and caress the cat, to show it that you love it;
  • Urolithiasis or urolithiasis. The disease affects genetically predisposed cats, older cats, as well as those who eat cheap dry food. Kidney stones cause a lot of troubles and problems with urination for a cat. The cat may feel an urge, but it is difficult to write;
  • Cystitis. This inflammatory process is similar in its symptoms to ICD. With this disease, the cat pees past the litter box or in an unnatural position for it (for example, standing).

The reason for your pet’s bad behavior may be a disease of the genitourinary system. Some of the most common are pyelonephritis, nephritis, glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation), and ureitis. The cat may also suffer from atony - impaired peristalsis. With this disease, the cat involuntarily pees when its bladder becomes full.

Monitor your cat's health - if she has difficulty urinating or the color of her urine changes, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Hormonal reasons

Cats that go through empty heats begin to actively attract males. If the cat begins to mark, then it is likely that the cause was a hormonal imbalance. It is dangerous for the development of pyometra (inflammation of the uterus). In males, everything is much more complicated: inflammation or testicular cancer develops. The smell of the “marks” becomes stronger and more unpleasant.

The problem has one simple solution - sterilization or castration. If your cat does not have breeding value, then this procedure will only be beneficial. Remember that your cat may pee involuntarily for a few days after surgery, but this will go away later.

If you neuter him, you will reduce the number of stray cats and your cat will never mark his territory. Please note that cats require special care and a salt-free diet after surgery.

If your cat cannot be spayed or neutered (due to heart disease, age, injury, immunodeficiency, hemophilia, etc.), then you can resort to the use of oral contraceptives. When a castrated cat pees anywhere, he experiences severe stress.

You can also use bio-sterilization, which is based on a one-time injection of substances that inhibit sex hormones in the cat’s body. The effect of this procedure lasts from six months to a year, then the procedure will have to be repeated. Before use, be sure to visit a veterinarian so as not to harm your pet even more.

Contraceptives should be used only in extreme cases, since according to statistics, they lead to the development of breast tumors and oncology. Use the safest methods to stop your cat from pooping in the wrong place, and in severe cases, contact a veterinarian.


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A situation has arisen on our forum where real material assistance was needed for our smaller brothers.

Cat Shit After Illness

#1 iiyama

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  • City: St. Petersburg

#2 altena

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  • Chelyabinsk city

#3 iiyama

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An antibiotic was prescribed, but the course has already ended. Do you think we should go to the doctor?
Thanks for the doctors, but unfortunately these clinics are very far from my home.

#4 altena

  • Group: Admin
  • Messages: 21,774
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  • Chelyabinsk city
  • My pets: Persians, British, Scottish

#5 iiyama

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Urolithiasis in cats first aid

Urolithiasis in cats

Urolithiasis - education urinary stones in the renal tissue, bladder, pelvis or their retention in the lumen of the ureters, urethra. The main cause of urolithiasis is metabolic disorders due to irrational feeding of the animal and against the background of A-hypovitaminosis, also with an excess of mineral salts in water and feed, prolonged retention of urination, an overdose of vitamin D, and prolonged water fasting.

Metabolic disorders lead to a change in the true structure of urine and an increase in the concentration of minerals and organic crystalloids in it, as well as a change in the acid-base balance and uric acid diathesis. Small stones often remain in the ureters and urethra, causing uremia, hydronephrosis, and urinary colic. Big stones can for a long time do not cause visible disturbances. When both ureters or urethra are blocked, anuria occurs and blood appears in the urine. Prolonged blockage of the urethra often leads to rupture of the bladder and death of the animal.

Symptoms. The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time if complete obstruction does not occur (blockage of a hollow anatomical formation with disruption of its patency) urinary tract. Salt crystals, urinary sand and traces of blood can be found in the urine. When the urinary tract is blocked, urination is impaired and colic occurs. Urine acquires a cloudy, darkish color, and urinary sand appears in the sediment. Urination is painful and frequent.

Diagnosis diagnosed on the basis of urine tests, X-ray results and clinical signs of the disease.

Treatment. The most effective is symptomatic therapy using antispasmodics and sedatives, as well as surgical treatment, probing, and physical therapy. The release of conglomerates is facilitated by olimethin, zinchofen, anturan, etamide, dry moraine extract, urodan, pinabin, avisan, cystenal.

Prevention comes down to improving the living conditions of the animal, training, rationing the diet according to the main ingredients (protein-carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral) and watering.

Health to you and your pets.

My cat was diagnosed with this disease at a young age. While I was young, we managed somehow, we treated him a little and he was back to normal. And as he got older, he was 13, he started pissing everywhere, we were already tired of him. The doctor says that the disease is in remission, there is no exacerbation, and the cat is most likely pissing out of spite. Moreover, he even craps in the kitchen sink, and this is because we have been fiddling with him for so many years, feeding him only with special food. This is such a kitty thank you.

What can I advise you - patience. Cats unique creations, but it is not a fact that the cause of this behavior is urolithiasis. After all, we do exactly the same thing. Some, having fallen ill, endure in silence, while others take advantage of the current situation. They get used to the fact that everyone is dancing around them, but how sick a person is, how can he not help. And the sick person... (You don’t have to continue, I think it’s clear).

Urolithiasis in a cat. How should he react after first aid?

Valera Risovany Student (245), closed 1 year ago

They were at the vet. He pumped out all the urine. It was covered in blood. then he took a blood test, gave several injections and put on an IV. He told me to feed him in moderation. After they brought the cat home, he went to the water, sipped a little and fell off to sleep.
The injections were for the kidneys, stomach, pain relief. No-shpa. After this the cat became much more cheerful. What sensations might he have after several injections or IVs? He has clearly come to his senses, but he is lying there for a long time) How long and how expensive will the treatment be?

Added 1 year ago

The cat ate, but not much. They offered fish, smelled it, didn’t eat it. I ate a quarter of a sausage and half a teaspoon of sour cream

LOCO-Richie Thinker (9961) 1 year ago

Well, what kind of sausage, if the cat is ill, fish with microbial bacteria is generally not allowed in any form. go on a diet, for example, Hilss s/d canned food, one can costs 135 rubles on average, enough for two feedings in the morning and evening, supplement with water. and now make sure there are no relapses. Get your urine tested regularly and have ultrasound scans periodically.

Sweet Poison Artificial Intelligence (137434) 1 year ago

The main thing is that the cat drinks and goes to the toilet (pees).
If the cat does not pee, then the catheter will be sewn in (left) so that the urine does not stagnate.
Sausage, fish, rich sour cream - that's it. which is basically impossible with ICD. The vet should have told you about the diet. More likely. Prescribe medicinal food.
When diagnosing ICD, the type of stones must be indicated: oxalates. phosphates, urates, struvites. The type of stones indicates what exactly these stones are made of (what forms them). In accordance with this, the diet is prescribed. Although, they may not have said it now because the tests are not ready yet.
The behavior is normal for a cat. The cat got nervous, received several painful injections, intramuscular injections can still be felt. And painkiller injections are always painful.
Leave treatment. Your treatment, apparently, has only just begun. Since there was blood in the urine and urine was pumped out (as I understand it, the cat was unable to go to the toilet on his own), then the stones are not small in size. This means that you will have to give repeated injections, put in IVs, and possibly even operate in order to remove the stones and put the bladder, torn apart by these stones, in order.
If there is a predisposition to urolithiasis, then the animal’s health will need to be monitored all the time. Take urine tests every few months and keep on a diet. Otherwise, the stones will grow again and the cat can be operated on at least every six months.

Sweet Poison Artificial Intelligence (137434) Depending on the situation. If these are not stones, but sand has clogged everything, then treatment may be limited to 1-2 weeks of injections. Sand and small stones are thus split. Or they can crush it with ultrasound. But if the stones are large, the bladder is damaged, or there is an inflammatory process, then it will take longer. First, they inject drugs for about 2 weeks to relieve the inflammation and get rid of the infection, then they operate, and then for another week they go for injections and IVs after the operation (antibiotics are injected so that nothing festers and the infection does not arise again).

Sweet Poison Artificial Intelligence (137434) You can get rid of stones: crush them with ultrasound, perform an operation, try to break them down with medication. Even if they are surgically removed, before the operation they still try to reduce them through injections so that the cat can go to the toilet and does not scratch the bladder from the inside. But making sure that they no longer form (there are no relapses) is more difficult. That’s why doctors say that you need to have your urine tested periodically.

marina salnikova Thinker (8446) 1 year ago

long and expensive. usually for life. The cat lies a lot not from injections. but because his kidney tissue began to deteriorate, intoxication of the body began. if the urine has already been pumped out, then there is probably kidney damage, which means a lifelong diet is required. Kidney damage, unfortunately, cannot be restored. The doctor should have prescribed a special medicinal food for the cat to dissolve the stones, and keep the fish, sausage and sour cream for yourself.

marina salnikova Thinker (8446) in his case, special food is healthy food. and with sausage and sour cream you will only provoke a relapse. and even more so fish. Well, everyone knows that phosphorus from fish accumulates and forms kidney stones. The stones probably appeared from such nutrition. the first month - you will definitely need to sit on the stern, and then as the doctor says. I want to clarify that I am now talking about medicinal food, it can be prescribed to eat for up to six months. and then as the tests will show. Then they may prescribe food for the prevention of urticaria - you’ll have to sit on it for the rest of your life. Or they may allow natural feeding. but you must understand that natural feeding is not a sausage. natural feeding is a diet consisting of 70% muscle meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit), and another 30% are vegetables,

Why did the cat suddenly start pooping in the wrong place? What should I do?

It happens that our four-legged pets not only make us happy, but also somewhat upset us by starting to pee anywhere. And the question of why the cat suddenly began to shit in the wrong place can arise at any stage of the animal’s life with you.

And if you can forgive your beloved pet quite a lot, for example, scratched furniture or a broken pot, then it is impossible to forgive the constant smell of cat urine in the house. After all, this smell reminds you of itself so often that it begins to irritate not only you, but also your guests, following them everywhere. And wet clothes, shoes or bed, since the cat began to pee anywhere, will not please any lover of living creatures. Let's fight this problem and figure out why the cat shits everywhere.

Reasons for cat disobedience

Why did the cat suddenly start doing its business on the bed or peeing everywhere? Perhaps this is a bad omen and we should sound the alarm?

To get rid of cat marks and ensure that the cat stops going to the toilet anywhere, you need to understand the reasons for such actions.

The cat does not like the tray, the location of the toilet, the filler

This is one of the most common reasons that a cat has stopped going to the litter box - the animal simply does not like the toilet or the smell of the litter. This happens if, for example, you purchased a new tray or washed the old one with new cleaning products. Cats prefer to go pee where there is already some smell of their urine. Therefore, if you try too hard to rid the cat’s litter box of the smell, then he may start going to the toilet nearby, on the bed, or anywhere else. The ideal tray should be:

  • twice as long as the cat itself or at least 1.5 times,
  • do not have strong odors,
  • it should not have been used for its intended purpose by other animals,
  • It is better to take filler without a special smell.

In order for the cat to stop shitting next to the litter box and start using the litter, you need to do the following: replace the litter box itself, change the cleaning products and not be overzealous with them. It’s better not to wash a little, than to leave the acrid smell of detergent.

It is better to place the tray in a rather secluded place where there is not a lot of traffic. The cat's food should not be nearby, because the cat shits always far from the place of food. One option to make your cat feel comfortable and cozy when peeing is to purchase a covered litter box. This way she will feel protected and will gladly agree to visit her own toilet, and not shit everywhere.

What should you do if your cat needs to be accustomed to a new litter, but the animal doesn’t like it? In order for the cat to get used to it and begin to go to the new substrate, add the new filler little by little to the old one. And gradually switch completely to the one you chose for your pet.

If, after eliminating these reasons, the question of why the cat does its business next to the tray is not resolved, perhaps this is due to other problems.


If your cat poops on the bed or nearby rug, it may be associating your bedspread or floor covering with the litter box. To avoid such mistakes by your pet, remove for a while those things that may be associated with the litter box, cover the bed with another blanket and observe. If your cat or kitten shits on the bed, this is a bad omen; perhaps he is offended by the owner and is simply taking revenge. If the cat began to go only to the litter box, everything worked out for you, and the reason was precisely in the associations.


Yes, this is also one of the reasons that is inherent in this behavior of cats. If the cat is offended, the owner's bed or his things may be damaged. And so that your pet doesn’t start peeing anywhere, love and respect him, don’t beat him or scold him in vain. But what should you do if this has already happened, and the cat shits on the bed or starts doing it everywhere? Make every effort to make your pet feel your care, warmth and care and begin to go and pee on the tray as before.


Urolithiasis, worms, prolonged constipation - all this can lead to problems with discharge and cause pain to your pet. Therefore, the cat may associate the cat litter with discomfort, and he will begin to avoid peeing in the right place. And if suddenly the cat, for no particular reason, begins to go to a place other than the litter box to relieve itself, pay attention to its health. It could be bad omen. What to do? Contact a specialist and get treatment.


Just like people, our smaller brothers can experience stressful situations that entail consequences. Moving, the arrival of a large number of strangers into the cat’s territory, the appearance of a child or a new pet in the family - all this can cause the cat to stop going to the toilet.

Love and caress your pets, and they will definitely reciprocate your feelings and will not become the cause of your troubles.

Why did a cat start shitting anywhere, what to do: shitting during heat, an adult cat shitting

Cats are by nature very clean animals. During most of their waking hours, they carefully lick their fur and paws and put themselves in order. Domestic representatives of the feline family will never sit where it is dirty; they will prefer to sit on a bed that has just been made with an ironed blanket or a freshly washed sweater.

If you pour food or water into a dirty bowl and offer it to your furry pet, she will certainly look at the owner with reproach. And she will refuse to eat, even if she is very hungry. It’s not for nothing that cats are called the aristocrats of the animal world. They value their person and choose only the best for themselves.

What to do if your cat starts shitting anywhere

Cats are animals known for their cleanliness.

What should you do if yesterday’s tidy woman starts shitting everywhere today?

The owner's first reaction is shock or righteous anger. Outraged by such impudence and upset, the owner begins to show aggression and scold the pet.

But don't rush into punishment. The cat's action is not without reason. She is not doing this out of spite or a sense of revenge; something is probably bothering her. You need to try to understand the reasons that caused such strange behavior in your pet.

You should begin to act at the very beginning of the problem, before the trouble turns into a stable habit.

Main reasons

Before you start scolding your pet, watch him.

Violation of toilet “boundaries” can be caused by one or more factors. You should observe the animal for several days and analyze the situation in the house.

The cat is still a kitten

Often, kitten owners have difficulty toilet training; they should be patient.

Problems with going to the toilet in a place clearly designated by the owner at this age are natural.

After all, this skill is not innate. If kittens live in the same room with their mother, then they quickly learn toilet “wisdom” from her. If the baby is about a month old and there is no example of “exemplary” behavior before your eyes, you will have to be patient and don't rush pet.

Animal's painful experience

It is possible that going to the toilet causes pain in your cat.

If the animal has recently appeared in the family, but it is already quite old, you should ask the previous owners if the cat had problems with urination or defecation.

If he has experienced any kidney disease or other problem that caused pain while using the litter box, then it is no wonder that Fluffy perceives his “toilet” as a source of pain. He will perform there only those actions that do not cause him pain. If a cat came into your home from the street and its health history is unknown, you should definitely visit a veterinarian, especially if the pet is old.

A cat shits during heat

Soreness may also be an explanation for why an adult cat suddenly began to shit during heat.

The cat doesn't like the litter box

It is very important that the tray is comfortable for your pet. In addition, it should not be a source of unpleasant odors.

The pet needs a tray that is spacious enough so that he can turn freely in it when he scoops up the litter. At the same time, the toilet should be a “secluded corner”, protected from prying eyes. For this reason, a bulky container will not work; it is unlikely to be placed unnoticed. It is advisable to choose a cat potty size that is one and a half times the length of the animal’s body.

A too strong smell can also cause disgust. The reason may lie in the material of the container; cheap plastic is especially unpleasant for cats. Also you need to pay attention to the chemical used to treat the tray when changing the filler. It is best to use chlorine-based products. It kills all unpleasant odors, and the specific aroma of bleach quickly disappears.

To clean the tray, it is better to use chlorine-based products.

You can use water and neutral-smelling liquid soap. Another fact in favor of gentle cleaning of the tray: if you use too aggressive household chemicals, you can remove the cat odor so much that the animal may lose the association with the container as with a toilet.

The cat will defecate close to the potty if the litter is too dirty. The reason for this may be either its untimely replacement, or a large number of applicants. If several cats live in the room, then the optimal solution would be to use two litter trays at the same time.

The cat is not happy with the location

Try placing the litter box in a secluded area, away from the food bowl.

Do not place the potty in close proximity to the cat's feeding area. It's unhygienic. Innate disgust can provoke the animal into a kind of protest, and it will begin to do its toilet chores in the apartment.

You should not place the tray in an open place; she may feel uncomfortable. The problem may arise if the cat is disturbed during defecation, or the area where the pot is located is too noisy and there is too much light. In this case, in order to wean the cat from going to the toilet in the wrong places, it will be enough to move it to a secluded place. If the home is quite small, good option would be the purchase of a closed tray in the form of a house.

If the owner is forced to change the location of the pot, this should be done gradually, moving the container a little every day.

The litter is not suitable for the cat

If such a problem occurs, you should try changing the litter - it is quite possible that your pet does not like it.

Each cat is unique and has its own tastes.

Therefore, it is not always possible to choose toilet filler the first time. Patience is required here. Animals may not like granular sawdust if they are afraid of losing their balance when the granules begin to roll under their paws.

A cat's sense of smell can be disturbed by the very strong odor that some types of litter emit. when wet. And too aggressive fillers can cause irritation to the delicate sensitive skin paw pads. These types are not recommended for use at all.

If for certain reasons it is necessary to transfer the pet from its usual to the new kind filler, you should introduce it carefully, gradually pouring it into the pot and observing the cat’s reaction.

The cat shits and marks its territory

The arrival of a new family member can cause stress in a cat.

The cat may start going to the toilet in the wrong place as a sign of protest. The appearance of a new family member in the house may upset or confuse him. This could be a child or another cat or dog. In this case, the problem with the toilet is a radical attempt to defend one’s right to territory. The animal believes that By marking a certain area with its scent, it receives exclusive rights to it.

A change of home can also prompt a cat to make such marks. Moving to new house can cause severe anxiety in the pet, because the marks remained in the old territory, so logically the cat will want to make new ones. To avoid this, it is important to take some of the cat’s things from the old home (toys, scratching post) and be sure to take his old tray with you.

Why did the cat start peeing anywhere?

Why did the cat start peeing anywhere? This question often interests owners of adult animals. Just don’t talk about revenge, bitterness and the like now. An animal is guided by instincts, not by character traits or feelings. Let's look at the most common reasons. Often these are health problems and tricks of physiology, but certainly not a desire to annoy the owners.

Urolithiasis disease

Situation. The cat went to the tray. During the process, the sand or kidney stones have moved. The animal is in pain. When repeated, the reflex begins to take hold: tray - pain. The pet will start peeing anywhere, but not in the tray.

What to do. Go to the vet immediately! The sooner treatment begins, the faster the cat will return to its previous correct habits.

Advice. Inspect stains carefully before cleaning. If there is blood in the urine, then 90% of the time it is urolithiasis.

Surgical intervention

Situation. The cat was sterilized or had any other operation. After the procedure, the animal goes about its business in the tray... and somewhere else. It's simple. The abdominal muscles and internal muscles have not yet returned to normal. The pet doesn’t have time to get to the toilet, so it pees anywhere.

What to do. Be patient and wait. If there are no complications, then everything should soon return to normal. The main thing now is not to scold or punish. Is it the kitty’s fault that the muscles don’t work very well yet? Anyone who has been on the operating table will understand.

By the way, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system have similar consequences. For example, with cystitis, the cat also does not have time to reach the litter box.

Advice. At first, use special diapers for animals. By the way, this option is also suitable for old cats who often suffer from incontinence.


What to do. Try to explain to the kitty that everything is okay. Caress her more often, stroke her, talk to her, you can even pamper her a little. This way the animal will understand that her status as queen in the family has not changed. Just don’t need it now that cats don’t understand people. It’s us who don’t understand them, but they always clearly understand the words and the situation, they just don’t show it.

Advice. Do not allow a baby or a new animal to offend your pet, otherwise this can lead to smelly puddles throughout your home.

New tray or litter

Situation. The cat went safely into the old shabby trough. The owners are tired of looking at this terrible pot. They bought a chic, beautiful tray, and at the same time decided to change the filler. It’s no good, they say, to put the old newspaper in the new one. Moreover, now there is a grate at the bottom. As a result, the cat will pee anywhere, and won’t even go near the new “toilet.”

What to do. Return everything as it was. What is more valuable to you: your own sense of smell or the ugly tray in the bathroom? So decide. Cats really don't like changes in their lives. And the new latrine may also have an unpleasant chemical smell. A person does not feel it, but for an animal it is extremely stressful.

By the way, the grate at the bottom of the toilet creates severe psychological discomfort in an adult animal. The kitty has a genetic reflex: pee - bury it. How can you do this if your claws keep clinging to the bars? It is much easier to do your insidious deed in the master’s bed, in the laundry basket, behind the furniture. It's easy to bury there. And it doesn’t matter that there is nothing to cover the puddle with, there is no filler nearby. The main thing is that the process itself is effortless.

Advice. If changing the tray and filler is vital for you, then first thoroughly wash the new dish. Then dry thoroughly and add old filler. Gradually add a new one to it - this way you can easily and painlessly retrain your cat. At the same time, get rid of smelly stains throughout the house. By the way, choose absorbent granules without fragrances. Maybe it’s the pungent floral aroma that is causing the cat’s abnormal behavior.


Situation. The cat begins to rut, and she pees anywhere. As soon as the heat stops, everything returns to a decent, clean framework. With the start of the next heat, the problem appears again.

The thing is that during estrus, the cat attracts the male with such puddles. They say, I’ll write more and more everywhere, maybe some brave mustachioed gentleman will sense the desire and drop by.

What to do. Find your pet a gentleman already. As soon as mating takes place, estrus ends. Cat physiology will get its way, and the owners will stop suffocating from stinking puddles.

If kittens are not planned, then stop torturing your pet. Take her to a good veterinarian to have her spayed. Of course, it's a little expensive, but only once. But how much money you can save! You won't have to change it later carpet covering, mattress. And how much money is spent on removing stains from beds, clothes, and upholstered furniture? All this can be solved with one cost standard procedure sterilization.

Advice. We strongly do not recommend stopping a cat’s sexual desire with special medications for a long time. In the future, irreparable problems with the kitty's health are possible, even incurable fatal diseases. These funds can be used extremely rarely and only in case of urgent need.

Why did the cat start peeing anywhere? As you can see, at the first sign of a change in your pet’s behavior, you need to solve the problem. Just don’t even think about punishing the kitty, or even worse, poking the ugly thing in the face. Often, such embarrassment occurs not through the cat’s fault, but for more serious reasons. Don’t delay, remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Injections for urolithiasis in cats

I’m sitting crying, yesterday our cat was running around playing and behaving as usual, and in the evening we see he’s sitting in the tray and can’t pee, it started around 10 pm, he didn’t go away until the morning, at 9 am I was already at the clinic, the result is urolithiasis illness, they pumped out his urine with a catheter, gave him a bunch of injections, IVs, took urine and blood tests, tomorrow they will be ready, the urine was very dark without blood, but there was just a lot of sand ((when asked if he will survive, the doctor said I don’t know((.

All hands give up, the mind understands that everything is already useless, but the heart does not accept it, and the hands keep moving and taking them to the clinic with hope. I have already written a post below about my furry friend Kuzya. We are 11 years old and of course urolithiasis is not a death sentence, but there are many buts. we are old. this is why cats get sick early age.Today is exactly a week since we are fighting for his life, but he doesn’t want to help us. The first time they put a catheter in, everything was fine, on the 3rd day it became clogged with protein, then they removed it and...

Before I had time to go on vacation, I learned the sad news about my pet. My beloved, eight-year-old cat, absolutely bloated, was taken to the hospital and operated on urgently. They put a catheter in him and he was in the hospital for a week. Now his mother has taken him home and is giving him injections herself. He says that he is lethargic, crying, there is human pain in his eyes, and he eats practically nothing. And I will only return home on August 15th. Please tell me who has encountered urolithiasis, how did you care for your pets? How did you change your diet?

No matter how badly I treat my furry family member, there is no one but me to treat him. Well, this is the truth of life. Actually, our Manul got sick, got sick. The doctor said urolithiasis (it is written in short, something like cystitis) Well, they prescribed him medicine for 1600 rubles, my husband came home with a cat and, with wide eyes, asked if I knew how to give injections. No, well, I can basically do everything))) This ALL applies only to animals. Well, in short, I took on the role of a veterinarian. It stung in the morning.

Greetings, dear readers, of my blog! Today I’m fulfilling the promise I made to my regular viewer, let’s consider this situation - the cat started writing anywhere, why is he doing this and what should we do?

I propose this outline for the article:

  1. Main reasons.
  2. What can be done?
  3. Conclusion.


Imagine a similar picture - everything was fine, your cat was accustomed to the litter box and went in it steadily, but then he began to leave puddles in the wrong place. For example, he peed near the tray, on the bed or carpet in the living room, or shit in his slippers - such a classic case.

Naturally, you may think that your cat has gone completely crazy, you go to him with all your heart, and he repays you with disgust. But if the cat started peeing anywhere, then there is a reason, and not because he is taking revenge on you.

Diseases. The first thing to rule out is diseases. Many pathologies lead to frequent urination, frequent urges, and pain in the animal. An increase in the amount of urine, incontinence and other unpleasant consequences.

For example, if a cat has developed cystitis or urethritis, then he will constantly run to the litter box, pee in small portions, and sometimes not make it to his toilet. Also, the animal may stop using the toilet correctly due to urolithiasis, diabetes, allergies, hepatitis, kidney disease and other disorders.

Age. I recently published an article and talked about it, and there is also a video on YouTube on the same topic. There are a lot of messages under these posts, and often people complain that the kitten goes to its litter box every now and then. When I ask to clarify how old the kitten is, they write 1-2 months.

Friends, at this age the baby’s nervous system is just developing, and he will make mistakes, it takes time and patience. The kitten begins to use the litter box steadily; after two months, mistakes are acceptable.

And over the years, when a cat begins to experience age-related changes in its body: visual acuity, sense of smell deteriorate, and joints hurt, it may also begin to ignore its usual litter box. It may be difficult for her to get into it, or she may not perceive the smell well.

Condition of the toilet. It is important to keep the tray clean; you need to wash it after each use. It is not advisable to use products with a strong odor; you can get by with clean water, or in extreme cases, add a drop of liquid soap.

I like this round tray better.

If you use a filler, choose one without flavoring. Keep in mind that cats are sensitive to odors and also do not like sudden changes. One filler suits you and suits you and your pet - no need to experiment and buy another one on the advice of friends.

It may be that the tray has become inconvenient over time. When your cat was little, he used it willingly, but he has grown up and now he has to walk for a long time, or he will tip over.

An unusual case. I'll tell you a little story. My friends’ cat went strictly into the litter box without any problems, but when they did the renovation, they rolled up the carpet and placed it in the hallway, next to the litter box.

While the cat was habitually sitting down in the toilet, for some reason a bundle fell, making a lot of noise. Naturally, the animal got scared, after which she stopped approaching the tray, and if she was brought to him in her arms, she immediately ran away. She started making puddles all over the apartment, until with great difficulty the cat was accustomed to a new litter box, a different shape and color, installed in another room.

I only told you about one case, but negative connections while using the tray can arise under different circumstances. For example, I observed how small children scared or chased away a cat when it urinated, and was attacked by a dog living in the same apartment.

Weather in the house. Do you remember how Larisa Dolina sang in the song that the most important thing is the weather in the house? Cats are sensitive animals and if changes occur in your life, your pet will perceive it in its own way.

For example, a child for whom the cat had special feelings grew up and left to study. Either you suddenly decided to start raising an animal and used physical force, or you rudely drove it from its favorite place. Or before that everything was fine with you, but scandals began with noise and screams. Such actions may have consequences.

The appearance of strangers. It often happens that you got another animal, and the cat began to pee anywhere, so your old-timer can protest and defend his territory.

A similar reaction occurs to the appearance of another cat, dog, child or your relative who has come to stay for a few days.

Marking of territory (tags). This is probably the most common problem. Both males and females mark their territory, as well as a small percentage of castrated animals.

Typically, cats leave marks on vertical surfaces (walls, furniture, curtains...), and females urinate in small portions in different places. I think it’s worth writing a separate article on this topic. If you are interested in learning in more detail about the marks of cats (cats), why they do it, then leave a few words in the comments. If there is interest, I will make a separate post.

So, your cat started peeing all over the place, what should you do?

As you understand, in order to solve a problem you need to know the reason for its occurrence. We have listed the main reasons above, and we will list possible solutions accordingly:

1. It is necessary to examine the cat, rule out diseases, Special attention focus on those that most often affect the genitourinary area. How to do it? Of course, it is better to show the animal to the doctor, he will examine it, most likely refer it for additional tests: ultrasound, blood test, urine test, etc. And then, depending on the identified disease, prescribe treatment.

You can examine your cat yourself, notice the color of the urine, its quantity, smell, frequency of urination, and measure the temperature. You may be able to make a preliminary diagnosis, or discover an obvious cause.

2. Let's move on, you have conducted a comprehensive examination with a doctor and have not identified any abnormalities - your cat is healthy. This means we analyze the condition of the tray, whether you wash it regularly, maybe you recently bought a strong-smelling litter, that is, we are moving in this direction. Perhaps they moved it to a new place, someone scared the cat during the process, and so on.

What's wrong?

3. The appearance of other animals or people in the house. In this case, everything is individual, but general recommendations These are: you need to separate feeding, resting and toileting areas. Make sure that the animals have less contact, especially at first. In this video I talk about the arrival of a second cat in the house.

If you plan to have a baby, before you pick him up from the hospital, it is advisable to bring a few things with his smell so that the cat gets used to it.

4. If a cat or cat begins to mark, in this case castration is effective, that is, removal of the gonads. But you need to take into account that if the operation is performed after the cat has already started leaving marks, you will have to wait several months. It is better to carry out castration before the manifestation of sexual instincts.

5. Space limitation. During your absence, the cat can be left in a small room where there will be a toilet, a place to rest, and food and water. Or purchase a special spacious cage. But usually this method only works when the cat is locked up; when released, it can again make a puddle in the wrong place.


Friends, keep in mind that I described only a small part possible reasons and methods for eliminating them, there are times when you cannot do without a specialist.

And so that the specialist can help you faster, give him more information. To do this, keep a notebook and note in it any changes in the animal’s behavior. How often does the cat go to the toilet, at what time, the color and volume of urine, did you have guests, did your neighbors have a cat, and so on. Take every little thing into account. The topic is quite extensive, I think we’ll dwell on this for now, otherwise the article will turn out endless, see you again in the next publications.

If you are looking for an answer to the question: why can’t a cat pee on the Internet, then the option of grabbing the animal and running to the veterinarian is not suitable, although it is the most correct one. In this case, let's figure out why the cat doesn't walk on the small one, what to do about it, how to help the animal, what drugs can be given in this case, and which are contraindicated.

Until puberty (6-7 months), a kitten usually urinates 2-4 times a day.

Adult animals – 1-3 times. Sometimes healthy cats can walk up to 5 times a day, or vice versa very rarely, once every 2 days (how normal this is will be determined by general health and tests).

In most cases, you can already start to worry if the cat hasn’t peed all day.

Symptoms of difficult and painful urination are easy to notice. The animal wants to have a bowel movement, but cannot, and sits in the toilet for a long time.. Shows anxiety, constantly licks the urethral area and meows anxiously.

During inflammatory processes, urine is still excreted in small portions. You may see drops of blood or pus in the tray. With a mechanical blockage, the animal cannot pee at all. The abdominal wall becomes tense and painful.

Urinary retention leads to life-threatening conditions. Most often, owners worry that the bladder will not withstand the strain and will rupture, but no less terrible is intoxication of the body. In addition to this, stagnant urine is an ideal environment for pathogenic bacteria.

If the cat does not pee, has stopped eating and drinking, or has become lethargic, you need to urgently find out the reason, provide first aid and not delay going to the clinic.

Causes of urinary retention

The first thing you need to do at home is to understand why you have problems with urination. The most common and common cause, known to everyone, is urolithiasis. But there is also other diseases that may cause obstruction of urine flow:

  • Traumatic injury internal organs. This often happens in cats after an accident or fall from a height;
  • Congenital pathologies. In these cases, the problem appears in the kitten at an early age, sometimes immediately after birth.
  • Very rare in cats polyps of the bladder and urethra. These are benign formations similar to warts. Depending on their location, they can obstruct the flow of urine or cause incontinence.
  • Dysfunction of the walls and sphincter bladder as a result of dysregulation of the nervous system. Typical for older cats. More often it manifests itself as incontinence (an old cat peeing). Less common is that urine does not pass well.
  • Cystitis or urethritis– inflammation of the bladder and ureter, respectively, which makes it very painful to go to the toilet. The animal can consciously hold back urine so as not to hurt itself. Less commonly, the canal becomes so inflamed that its lumen almost completely disappears. The bladder often does not empty completely.
  • Urolithiasis occurs in both male and female cats. Only in cats it is more often manifested clinically due to anatomical features: a longer, narrower urethra, which also has an S-shaped bend. It is in this place that grains of sand and stones most often get stuck, and owners who are present during catheterization note some difficulty in placing a thin tube at a distance of several centimeters from the entrance to the urethra. It’s a pity for the cat, but this must be done to remove urine faster. Unlike cystitis or urethritis, the problem with urination with mechanical blockage appears suddenly. The animal sits on the tray for a long time, but there is no result.

Attention! Acute urinary retention, that is, the inability to go to the toilet when the bladder is full, should be distinguished from anuria, when urination does not occur due to lack of urine. With acute retention, there is a constant urge, but with anuria there is no urge.

It happens that cats do not go to urinate for a whole day after castration.. This is due to dehydration. Several hours before surgery, the animal was not allowed to drink or eat in order to avoid vomiting after induction of anesthesia. Animals do not drink for some time after the procedure. Urine has nothing to form from and no amount of persuasion: “Let’s go pee” will help until the pet starts drinking.

Determining the severity of the condition

Of course, it will be much easier for the owner of domestic cats and cats that do not leave the apartment to answer all the questions:

  • How long ago did the first symptoms appear?
  • The animal’s current state of health (activity, appetite, emotional state);
  • How long have there been no signs of urination with normal fluid intake?
  • The cat does not go to the toilet at all, urinates drop by drop, or pees blood once.
  • The degree of bladder filling.

Advice! The emptied bladder of a cat lies at the bottom of the pelvic cavity, but when full it partially hangs down the abdominal wall and can be easily palpated in the form of a round sac of varying degrees of softness when the animal is standing. On palpation, fluctuation (oscillation) is noted due to the presence of fluid in the cavity.

If the answer to most of the questions is disappointing, there is nowhere to procrastinate. Qualified help is urgently needed: diagnosis, urine evacuation and comprehensive treatment.

First aid

Now let's move directly to the question of what to do, how to get a kitten, cat or female cat to go to the toilet?

It is not possible to induce urination in case of trauma or congenital defects on your own.

For cystitis, urethritis or urolithiasis, first aid is to relieve urethral spasm. No-spa and its domestic analogue Drotaverine belong to the category of drugs that are contraindicated for cats.

An intramuscular injection of Papaverine at the same dosage (0.1 ml/kg) has a similar effect without potential harm.

In addition to being an antispasmodic, spasmalgon also has a mild analgesic effect.(dosage 0.1 ml/kg, IM). Heat applied to the pelvic area will help alleviate the condition a little if the body temperature is within the normal range (37.5-8.5°C).

In some cases, a gentle massage can help your cat empty his bladder. It is done in case of non-critical filling of the bladder and only if it does not cause pain to the animal.

In case of high fullness and complete obstruction, massages are contraindicated. It still won’t be possible to “squeeze out” the stone or relax the urethra, but it’s easy to injure the walls of the organs.

It doesn't matter if the cat is neutered or not., if he suffers from urolithiasis, attacks of retention will occur periodically.

During the period of exacerbation and movement of stones, as well as courses for prevention, Kot Erwin or Cystenal are indicated(preparation from the roots of madder). They are used to relieve spasms, facilitate the release of sand and small stones of phosphate and oxalate nature. After taking cystenal, the urine turns into a characteristic reddish tint. Courses of treatment are 1-2 months. The first thing the doctor will do is collect anamnesis. Knowledge of the course of the disease and symptoms will help make a diagnosis. It is necessary to talk about the drugs that were given independently.

The doctor can begin catheterization without a preliminary ultrasound if he deems it necessary. The catheter is placed for a one-time removal of urine or sutured for up to 5 days. The cat must wear a collar during this period, otherwise removal of the catheter will not be necessary.

Depending on the diagnosis, a treatment regimen is prescribed. A general analysis of urine and blood will help to finally clarify the picture.. If the doctor suspects a disturbance in the functioning of organs, he may recommend biochemistry. Based on these tests, the initially prescribed therapeutic regimen will be adjusted.

If a cat cannot pee, you should not self-medicate without the necessary level of knowledge; this is as dangerous as delaying a visit to the doctor. But first aid can and should be provided.

Useful video

Veterinarian advice

If the cat consistently went to his litter box, and then suddenly his behavior changed, it is useless to scold and punish him. Until the owner finds the cause and eliminates it, the “dirty tricks” will continue, despite the fear of punishment.

If there is a smell of cat urine throughout the apartment, and yellow, foul-smelling splashes are found in the corners, on furniture, on door frames, and at the same time the cat regularly visits the litter box - he is not “shitting”, he is marking his territory.

This is completely normal, natural behavior for a cat. Hasn't this happened before? Perhaps your boy has simply matured...And is declaring his new status. And at the same time, it attracts potential brides. He doesn’t know how and where to look for them. And instinct says: “scare away your rivals and attract your friends!” So he tries, poor thing, and leaves marks. But for some reason the owners are unhappy...

An adult cat may also suddenly begin to mark. This is usually associated with some changes in the life of the family that make the cat doubt his position, status and thus try to “put things in order,” and at the same time make sure that everything is still under his control.

An adult cat may begin to mark the territory if the apartment has been renovated, because there are foreign smells everywhere, which means the situation needs to be corrected urgently.

Cats are also confused by changes in family composition - the appearance of a child, the arrival of relatives. The situation becomes especially difficult if, due to a change in marital status, the cat begins to feel a lack of attention to his person. Here not only marks are used, but also outright rudeness - fragrant “piles” on the master’s bed, described favorite shoes, etc.

Such demonstrative behavior is usually accompanied by other manifestations. The cat may become aggressive and refuse to be handled. There are such “smart guys” who are capable of breaking the owner’s favorite vase, knocking over indoor flowers, and not out of mischief and not at all by accident. This is a planned and carefully executed plan of revenge against the traitorous owner, who dared to bring his wife into the house and now spends time with her, ignoring his previously beloved and only cat.

The cat began to shit in the wrong place

A completely different situation if the cat began to shit not in the tray, but chose another secluded place as a toilet. This could be a corner behind a closet or under a bed, a narrow gap in a closet, or a corner in a hallway. The situation is aggravated by the fact that such places are not easy to detect and even more difficult to clean.

If your cat is caught pooping in the wrong place, and this happens regularly, but the place remains the same or changes if the old one becomes inaccessible, the reason is most likely the discomfort that the cat experiences in its own litter box:

  • The tray became small because the cat grew up. The solution is to change the tray to a larger one. Size - one and a half cats long.
  • The filler is not suitable. Some cats don’t like clumping litter, others absolutely can’t stand wood litter – it’s a matter of taste. Sometimes cats don't like litter particles getting stuck in their paw fur. And sometimes you don’t like the smell. Remember, perhaps the troubles coincided with the change of filler? Then go back to the old option. And if this is not possible, choose the most similar one of the same type. Fillers are often flavored. But a smell that is pleasant to the owner may not be pleasant to the cat at all.
  • The tray smells bad. The tray without filler is washed after each use, and at least once a week, thoroughly rinsed with toilet bowl detergent, which dissolves salt deposits. By the way, have you started using a new litter tray cleaner? The filler in the tray is completely changed 1-2 times a month, and the tray itself is also thoroughly washed and dried.
  • The place where the tray is located has become insufficiently private, so the cat is looking for a new “corner of thoughtfulness.” This can happen if there are a lot of guests in the house and the litter box is located in the walkway or in the toilet. Or, for example, the cat may be disturbed by a child who grabs him during “intimate matters.”
  • If the tray is in the toilet, one of the family members can close the door. And the cat simply cannot get into the place specially designated for the toilet.

What should the owner do if the cat begins to shit?

If the cat marks and does not shit, we are looking for a solution to reduce his sexual activity or nervousness. In the first case, you can use special preparations, for example, “Cat Bayun”. In the second, by the way, it won’t hurt either. However, the main thing is to calm the pet down and convince him that no one is encroaching on his territory.

If a cat marks furniture and corners, there is no point in using odorous substances - the marking will become even more persistent in order to “kill” the alien, unpleasant smell. When the marks are associated with new furniture or renovations, you can generally just accept it and wait. After some time, everything will go back to normal. The new environment will acquire the smell of a cat - and the need for tags will disappear by itself. All that remains is to eliminate the cat urine stains and the pungent odor.

If the cat doesn’t poop in the litter box, but has chosen another place, we think what’s wrong with the litter box. If it is too small, replace it with a larger one. Dirty washing. We change the filler. We provide privacy and constant access. As an option, we place an additional tray in the place chosen by the cat.

If the cat is clearly “mischievous,” we establish relationships. We don’t scold, but we get demonstrably upset when we discover a “surprise”; women can cry, men just show how unpleasant it is for them. And then we call the cat, complain to him about the difficulties, pet him, talk, scratch him. And so on day after day. Until he begins to trust his owner again and stops doing things out of spite.

If “puddles and heaps” are found each time in different unpredictable places, things are bad. It is better to run to the veterinarian as soon as possible and have your pet thoroughly examined. After all, such behavior is completely uncharacteristic of cats, who are very neat and clean by nature. This means that health problems are very likely. And in this case, scolding the patient is not only pointless, but also cruel.


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