When a decent male or female cat stops paying attention to the litter box, that's a problem. I will look at the reasons that can lead to this trouble, why the cat stopped going to the toilet and what to do. I will recommend what methods exist to wean your pet, depending on what was the impetus for it. I’ll tell you what types of reasons there are: medical and behavioral.

Medical reasons why the cat stopped going to the litter box


A cat may ignore the existence of the litter box due to the start of a rampage of hormones. This is the first reason why cats, growing up, begin to shit past the tray, but not nearby.

The hormonal levels become very high, and therefore the behavior of the adult pet changes.

He begins not only to mark corners everywhere and protruding parts of furniture, but also to leave puddles in different parts of the apartment. In truth, scolding him for this is not justified, since the cat does not understand that he is doing something bad. For him these are natural, logical actions. Then it is better to castrate or sterilize the cat.


This is a little different from the rapidly changing hormonal background, although physiologically it is similar. Due to the desire to define the boundaries of its territory, the cat begins to piss not just past the litter box, but anywhere in the apartment.

Urological pathologies

Diseases associated with damage to the urinary system are equally common in pets of different sexes.

When some part of the urinary canal is injured, frequent and involuntary urination may occur.

The cat does not have time to reach the litter box, even if it really wants to and pees where it happens. It is possible that stones get into the urinary tract and then the process of urination causes great pain, and may even stop altogether.

In addition to problems with the urinary system, senile deterioration in thinking may develop: the cat does not understand that he is doing something wrong or simply misses.

Intestinal inflammation and colitis can also develop, affecting the nature and painful bowel movements.

Behavioral reasons

For ideological reasons

When the owner buys a new clean tray, which is more expensive and more beautiful than the previous one, he is satisfied with himself. However, your pet may not think the gift is good enough to use it. Something doesn’t suit the pet; even a tray identical to the previous one may fall out of favor. In this case, when the old tray is returned to its place, the pet will resume the correct actions of pooping in the toilet. In addition, it is trite, but the toilet is dirty, and he shits in the corner, although this is not visible at first.


One should not discount an animal’s habit of pooping in a particular environment.

Moreover, this works in both directions: if a cat has been using wood litter all its life, and then sand appears, the cat is in shock, or the owner has not changed anything and the litter remains the same, and the cat has the same shock. In this case, you can experiment with new fillers of synthetic or natural origin.


The idea of ​​washing the cat's litter box with scented soap or special scented products only seems good.

In fact, smell is a trap for the cat's perception.

He doesn’t understand why his beloved tray, marked a hundred times, began to smell like unpleasant lavender, jasmine or the freshness of the sea?

Clean your cat's litter box as often as possible

Natural shyness

Yes, these impudent creatures have it too. No one likes to defecate in the middle of a loud, noisy street.

If the tray has recently changed its location and was moved by the owner from a secluded corner to the very middle of the apartment (according to the cat), this will serve as a stumbling block.

Revenge or stress

Often resentment forces you to ignore the toilet and leave gifts throughout the apartment. What might have hurt your pet's feelings lately? WITH Stress also plays an important role: moving, the arrival of a puppy, kitten, child or new family member. Has there been anything recently that could have traumatized your pet’s psyche?

What to do and how to stop a cat from shitting everywhere

Depending on the reasons, the tactics to combat the problem will be different. Behavioral changes force the owner to take a closer look at his animal and understand what exactly has changed recently: stress due to moving, revenge for some unfair punishment, or something else.

  • The cat litter box should be placed in its usual place and replaced with the old one.
  • If there were attempts to change the filler, then return the old one. If not, then on the contrary, try something new.
  • Wash with toilet soap, unscented or not used at all. Plastic also has its own smell, and your pet may not like it - pay attention when choosing a new tray.
  • Affection and love will allow you to smooth over the guilt towards the offended pet. Stress can also be treated with care, and changes in the filler or location of the tray should not be made.

There are owners who, without understanding the reason for their pet’s behavior, say that it is stupid and cannot be trained.

Medical reasons can be resolved by visiting a veterinarian. The doctor will calmly listen to the assumptions and offer his own, in his opinion, the most probable. If there are hormonal disorders - castration or herbal tinctures. The latter are given to the pet if radical measures are not desirable, and the owner plans to breed in the future. If there are diseases, pets are treated medicines, eliminating pathology.

It may turn out that the animal’s guilt is minimal, and the owner himself contributed to such a deterioration in his pet’s behavior.

It is important to understand that often the owner himself becomes the reason that the cat stops going to the litter box and problems begin long before they become visible.

Therefore, systematic care and attention to the cat will prevent both behavioral and medical problems with the pet.

Are you the owner of a cute, mustachioed creature that has a good behavior? But suddenly his good behavior disappeared somewhere, and the cat stopped going to the litter box. The owners begin to think about the reasons: many believe that the animal harbors a grudge and thus takes revenge, while others assume madness.

This behavior is a big problem. Some owners even give up their furry dogs because they are unable to retrain the cat. These assumptions cannot be discounted, but often the problem lies elsewhere.

If the cat is not accustomed to the litter box, but usually “shits” in the wrong places, then you need to identify these corners and prevent the cat from doing his job. Excellent at this. Several injections from the bottle destroy the odors of uric acid and prevent the cat from trying to mark the territory again. At the same time, the spray is absolutely safe for health.

Why did the cat stop going to the litter box?

Main reasons for refusal:

  1. Diseases. If the real reason sick, then shouting and trying to teach him to use a suitable toilet again will not help. Some of possible reasons:
    • bodily injuries - especially if the injury is in the abdominal cavity or the kidneys are affected;
    • cystitis is a disease Bladder;
    • stones in the kidneys;
    • various inflammations.

    If there are no visible signs of the disease, but your pet refuses to use the toilet, contact your veterinarian. He will prescribe the necessary tests and conduct an examination. Only in the case of a complete absence of illnesses, look for reasons elsewhere;

  2. Cats are quite pedantic. Perhaps he is not satisfied with the cleanliness of his toilet. Many people refuse to use the tray even if it gets dirty at the slightest level. Wash the cat litter well and constantly check the cleanliness of the litter;
  3. The toilet is not suitable. Over time, it is necessary to change the cat litter item, but do not rush to get rid of the old one. The new box that you liked so much in color and shape may not suit the animal. Let old thing will be with you until the tailed one agrees to go to a new one;
  4. Wrong filler. If your pet has been using the same litter all its life, but has recently stopped using it, this may be the reason. Try switching to another one;
  5. Smells. Don't buy scented litter. Of course, it’s much more pleasant when, instead of cat excrement, it smells like sea waves or forests, but a mustachioed person may not like it. Limit yourself to neutral odors, it is better to clean the tray more often;
  6. Lots of extra eyes. Four-legged animals, like people, like to relieve themselves without unnecessary scrutiny. Provide a secluded place;
  7. Psyche. Severe stress can cause litter box abandonment. Animals have a hard time with a change in their usual environment, an addition to the family, or the appearance of new pets. In this case, shouting and punishment will not help correct the situation. It is necessary to create a calm environment, consult a doctor, you may need to give him sedatives;
  8. Jealousy. If an adult furry has a competitor in the form of a dog or another representative of those who see in the dark, then the animal can attract attention to itself by toileting in the wrong places;
  9. Anger. Animals, like people, tend to get offended. So search your memory, perhaps you recently yelled at your ward, and he takes revenge;
  10. Sexual desire. During this period, animals mark their territory.

Will accustom the cat to any toilet, including the litter box. If a cat stops going to the litter box, you shouldn’t scold him. You just need to spray the tray with My Place spray. The cat will be attracted by the smell of the drug, which does not cause any harm to its health. The bottle contains about 20 ml, one or two injections every day are enough.

The animal does not want to walk small

If your cat has stopped going to the litter box and is relieving itself, but you don’t see any traces of urine, this is a cause for concern. This is a bladder disease. Domestic predators are prone to such diseases; cats that have undergone castration are most affected.

The cat doesn't want to walk big

If the kitten stops going to the toilet in a big way, this indicates an illness. They can be caused for several reasons:

  • improper diet and regimen;
  • stressful situations;
  • poor bowel function.

In any case, a doctor is needed. Get advice on what method will be needed: food with a laxative effect, an enema or medication.

If the kitten stops going to the litter box

Your baby refused to relieve himself in the toilet, perhaps this is an illness. Go through a full examination with him, and then look for others.

If the kitten stops going to the litter box, you need to know what to do:

  • choose the right size toilet, the animal needs enough space;
  • For kids, a tray with low walls is suitable, for older ones, it is possible with high ones;
  • change the filler, maybe he just doesn’t like it;
  • Stop using air fresheners and other chemical products for a while. Strong odors can discourage you from going to the litter box.

If the cat is tired of going to the litter box, but the owner doesn’t like the fact that the code is crap everywhere, there is a compromise solution. You can train your pet to use the toilet using. Its principle is that every week the cat should go to the toilet with an even larger hole. The kit includes rings of different hole sizes that fit onto the toilet.

Should I punish or not?

Education is a complex process, and it cannot be done without punishment, but it must be done correctly. Limit your use of assault if your pet shits in the wrong place. You can't raise your voice. Punish only when the cat commits a crime in front of you. In other cases, the animal will not understand why they are shouting at it and will harbor a grudge, and the consequences will not be very pleasant.

Do not scold the animal if it marks its territory. This process is natural and cannot be controlled.

Some more useful tips:

  • the usual environment in the house has changed, make sure that the changes do not create discomfort. Good attitude and tenderness will help you with this;
  • in stressful situations, time will save you;
  • choose a place where the cat will feel comfortable to relieve himself;
  • if the cat is at an advanced age, change the tray with low sides;
  • Always keep the litter box clean and timely;
  • does the mustachioed man walk in the wrong place? Make it as repulsive as possible: cover it with foil, rustling paper, sprinkle balls. Well, as a last resort, fill the place with a piece of furniture;
  • your pet gets into the habit of pooping in the bathroom or sink, leave some water there. Fluffy definitely won’t fit in there;
  • if you are the owner of several animals, improve their relationship;
  • if everything is normal and he continues to walk by, use praise and punishment. When you go to the wrong place, create unpleasant conditions: water with a spray bottle, create sharp, loud sounds. When you go to the toilet, praise with treats and affection;
  • Keep an eye on it all the time. Perhaps, if you move the cat to the right place, he will soon learn to go to the right place;
  • You can buy it at any pet store special means, which repel or attract to go to a certain place. It is better to apply such products on a damp surface; oils stick well when combined with water.

If you don't know where to start, choose the simplest methods, maybe that's the reason. Surround your pet with love and affection, create comfortable conditions. And you will notice how your pet's behavior will change.

Do you know what answer you will hear from most owners? “On purpose. Out of spite. Out of harm,” they will tell you. And they will be wrong. A cat does not know how to take revenge; it does not at all want to consciously cause you unpleasant moments. She has her own reasons, and they are worth listening to.

Where can a cat shit instead of a litter tray?

On the floor, why?

We'll talk about them a little later. In the meantime, believe me - seeing cat excrement next to the litter box is far from the worst option.

Your pet can choose a secluded corner for its business, for example, under the bathtub or behind a chair. And you will have to look for the source of the unpleasant odor for some time.

The appearance of new smells can entice a cat

Some cats prefer to make a toilet in the closet, on the owners’ things, or in the hallway they will shit on their favorite slippers or shoes. The pinnacle of “meanness” would seem to you to be the cat’s habit of sitting on a stack of clean, freshly ironed linen and raising its tail. What would you do with a cat that jumps on the TV and defecates on the newspaper with the program lying there?

Truly, a cat's imagination is limitless! But one thing is clear - you have a problem. To solve it, you need to answer two questions. Why does the cat do this? How can I wean him off this?

Tray as the main reason

The tray may be cramped. Or the litter may be rejected by the cat

One of the most common causes of inappropriate animal behavior is the litter box.

  1. He can be too small or tight , and the animal feels uncomfortable when it sits down to relieve itself. Perhaps the cat doesn't like the litter. If you always bought one type of it, and then brought home another one, the cat may refuse to use it.
  2. A clean cat will also not sit in the tray if it is dirty. But there is another side to the coin. If you yourself are a champion of cleanliness and wash your cat's litter box with, say, bleach, its pungent smell will scare away your pet.
  3. Another option is that the tray is installed in the wrong place. “Not a toilet, but a passageway,” - the cat, of course, will not be able to formulate this thought, but will go to look for a more secluded place. And you will clean up after her.

Maybe these are marks?

Most likely, the instincts of an adult cat are registered in memory. Even after castration, the cat can continue to mark, only with urine.

If everything is fine with the litter box, take a closer look at your cat. Maybe he's not pooping, but marking his territory. This happens when a male cat is in heat. Cats are overly affectionate, crave attention, meow as if calling someone, raise their tail, arch their back. Cats are excited and playful. Animals mark territory even if several animals live in an apartment, and each one fights for leadership. But the smell is unpleasant, to be sure.

Severe stress

The cat is stressed

A cat may change its habits and walk past the litter box while under severe stress.

A noisy feast, renovations in the apartment, the appearance of a baby at the owner's house - and a disoriented animal will arrange a toilet for itself in the first place that seems suitable to it.

Cat disease

Vet help may be needed

A more serious cause of untidiness is illness. This may be the last thing that comes to your mind.

Take a closer look at the stool. Their unusual character is hard stool, urine and- will be a reason to visit the veterinarian. An additional clue will be the behavior of the animal: you will notice that he is not at ease.

Finally, a bored kitty may simply be looking for contact with you. If the punishment is limited to shouts like: “Ugly cat! Now I’ll take you!” - the pet is able to regard this as a game: it hides or runs away, and you search or catch up. So much for the owner's attention.

How to train a cat not to shit on the floor, but only in the litter box

The cat shit on the floor. It's disgusting, but we need to do something about it

But still - what to do if the cat regularly? It is best to prevent the problem from occurring. From the very minute you bring a small kitten or an adult cat into your home, don’t take your eyes off him while he gets used to his new place. As soon as the animal begins to get restless and sniff the floor, follow it.

If he sits in a corner, this means that this is where the tray should be placed. The cat itself showed you the most suitable place.

If you missed this moment, place a piece of newspaper in the cat's puddle, and then transfer it to the tray. The animal will understand where to defecate. And yet be be especially careful at first. Then wean the cat off bad habit it will be much more difficult.

Diaper and cat

In the case when the animal is actively marking its territory, and you do not plan to let the cat breed, sterilize your pet. As a last resort, owners of elite individuals put diapers on them during the period of sexual hunting. They say it helps.

We use special preparations

After you have cleaned up after your cat, you need to treat the area. Garlic pieces are perfect!

After cleaning, lubricate the place where the cat has taken to defecating with some product with a strong smell. Special medications are sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. Some owners rub the floor with pieces of garlic, others use ammonia.

The cat litter box can only be washed with plain water. The use of cleaning products is not recommended.

And here tray, on the contrary - never wash with aromatic substances. Make sure to change the contents on time, no matter what serves as cat litter: special litter, sand or just newspaper.

If your animal develops alarming symptoms, your veterinarian will help you. In the process of treatment, you will defeat not only the disease, but also the unpleasant habit.


And, of course, spend enough time with your pet. Young cats love to play. If you don’t have special toys, a rag or paper bow tied to a string is perfect. Talk to the animal, communicate, let it see you as a beloved owner who needs to be respected and obeyed.

Attention and patience - only with their help it is possible to raise a cat that brings joy to its owners. Let your pet give you only happy moments.

Has your cat suddenly stopped going to her favorite litter box? Do not rush to scold or punish her. If your animal has found a more convenient place to go to the toilet, then you should first find out the reasons for this behavior. And believe me, there may be a lot of them.

Why did the cat stop going to the litter box (reasons)

I don’t want to go to the litter box, I’m already waving my muzzle

First you need to understand why your animal refuses to go to its litter box. There may be several main reasons:

  • Change of residence, first appearance of an animal in the house
  • Problem with the tray itself
  • Pet stress
  • Gender marks
  • Pain when urinating

A cat is an animal that lives by instincts and reflexes. If she does, she might start blaming the “tray” for it.

Important! If your cat suddenly changes position or location to urinate, this may be a sign of various diseases. Owners, in such cases it is better to contact a specialist.

It is necessary to understand each of the reasons in order to know what measures to take to eliminate this problem.

Cat or cat for the first time in a new home

Most often, in this case, the kitten or cat does not yet know where the place for the toilet is. This situation may last for about a week. To help your pet get used to his litter box, place a piece of paper or newspaper soaked in his urine.

Wet the paper toilet paper in animal urine

Typically, such odors attract the cat's attention to a new place to urinate or defecate.

And in a convenient way is observing an animal. As soon as you see that the pet is settling into a corner, to do its business, simply transfer the pet to its tray.

Tray problem

The reason for refusing to go to the toilet in the right place may be due to problems with the tray or its filler. Cats are very finicky animals. They may stop going to the litter box even if they just don't like it.

Often when purchasing a new litter box, your pet doesn't like the size or height of the litter box and starts going to the toilet right next to his litter box.

Wood litter often causes dissatisfaction in cats.

The litter can also affect the animal's mood . There are many manufacturers of cat litter, some of which stick to cats' paws after urinating, and they really don't like it. Therefore, all accessories should be selected based on the tastes of your pet.

Never use air fresheners near your pet's litter box. Strong smells can confuse your cat or even scare it away.

Stress in an animal

A cat may start pooping “everywhere” due to stress.

Surprisingly, cats experience stress too. Most often this happens as a result of fright or unpleasant events for the pet. This could be moving to a new apartment, joining a family small child or a new animal.

Do not rush to scold the cat, treat it with understanding and love. Show more care towards her, move her resting place somewhere higher in the house. Cats love to watch what is happening from above, so they feel control over the territory.

Gender marks

Do not confuse “cat marks” and cat “toilet urges”

This only happens in unsterilized animals. The time comes when your pet reaches puberty and he begins to mark his territory in his home. In this case, there are only two options.

First- This is castration or sterilization. Second– if your animal is purebred, or you simply want to get offspring from it in the future, then you should wean your pet from leaving marks.

Basically, lemon juice or orange peel are used for this. Place freshly peeled orange peel in a favorite place for marks or sprinkle lemon juice. Such odors are very strong for cats, and they scare them away from their favorite places for marking.

Pain when urinating

It often happens that a pet refuses to use the toilet because it experiences pain when urinating. A cat may associate its pain with the litter box, and as a result, refuses to go to the toilet in its usual place. To exclude the possibility of disease, you need to pay attention to whether there is blood in the animal’s urine. A good solution would be to contact a veterinarian. He will do the necessary tests and tell you exactly whether your pet is sick or not.

Cat testing new litter box

The main thing is to start eliminating this problem in time. Otherwise, the longer you delay, scold and offend the cat, the less opportunity there will be to correct something later. In addition to the above tips, there are a few more options you can try.

For example, you can try to buy your pet several inexpensive trays of different sizes, and see which one is preferable for him.

In addition, it is necessary to remove the smell of urine. This can be done using soap products or special sprays to eliminate urine odors.


The main thing is to always treat your cat with understanding. Do not hit her or poke her nose into the urine under any circumstances. This can cause your pet to become very frightened and stressed. Once your cat starts using her litter box again, praise and reward her. And your animal will thank you for your understanding and support.

How will the owner react if the cat stops going to the litter box? For one person, this will result in discomfort, while another will prefer to get rid of the four-legged one. Unfortunately, the second option is more popular. Sooner or later, any owner gets tired of endless cleaning of corners, washing furniture and the smell in the home. However, by taking a warm little cat into your home, you have committed to be there for you through thick and thin, and this cat behavior falls under one of these options.

A sudden change in behavior is always understandable, although the reasons may not be obvious. A litter box trained kitten will not dirty the home just like that, Such oddities are not characteristic of clean and fastidious tailed animals. Moreover, professional advice and the most powerful tools will not help you if you do not find out the reasons for incorrect behavior.

Naturally, we cannot list all possible risk factors, but they all boil down to one, global concept - Our pets are emotional, although this may not be noticed, they are jealous, worried, afraid, sense something is wrong and worry about quarrels in the family. A new pet is also a sticky situation., the older cat knows that the baby cannot be offended, but at the same time sees him as a competitor.

Cat psychologists tend to reduce the uncleanliness of four-legged animals to the following series of psychological reasons:

  • At the first place, stress: moving, renovation, sudden change in smells, loud noise, resentment, feelings after visiting the veterinarian. The appearance of a child, not only in your family, but also in the neighbor’s (screams, the rumble of a stroller on the playground, etc.), can cause serious distress for the tailed one.
  • Wrong place for the tray or unsuitable filler.
  • Dirty or too clean tray– Some cats like to have their litter box cleaned daily. Other tailed animals perceive washing the litter box as barbaric - you wash away the smell.
  • Competition with other animals, not necessarily cats.

Advice: analyze all the changes that have occurred in your family over the past 2-3 months. At first, the ward can cope with stress and not give reasons for worry.


Our pets belong to the class of domesticated animals, but this does not mean that instincts are alien to them. One of the unconditional habits is desire for security. A four-legged animal strives for comfort and peace, and this state is achievable only when the whole home has its own smell.

The cat marks the territory with special secrets, which are secreted by glands between the fingers and in the folds of the lips. During sexual heat, the animal strives to intensify the scent and uses urine mixed with secretions from the glands that are located under the tail. The cat lifts its tail and sprays secretion into every corner; the area around it is especially generously flavored. front door. The cat's behavior is less predictable; in fact, the pet craps everywhere and does not understand why it is being scolded.

Read also: Do cats get cold in winter?

So, the conclusion is quite simple - if your cat did not walk past the tray in childhood, but suddenly I started to misbehave in a small way - it’s a matter of puberty. There are several ways to deal with this problem:

  • Cover up all the corners and hope that the problem will solve itself. However, practice shows that in the case of sexual hunting, detergents and smart sprays are powerless. By removing the smell, you only provoke your pet to try harder.
  • Restrain sexual instincts with hormonal drugs(injections, tablets). The action of medications is aimed at artificial leveling hormonal levels animal. Everything would be fine if it were not for the potential harm caused to the health of the ward. Unsterilized animals, even without external influences, are at a special risk group for the development of oncology, and hormonal drugs only increase this risk.
  • – a method that will correct the situation with tags once and for all. An adult cat or one that has already given birth will experience hormonal fluctuations for another 1–6 months after surgery, and after that, the sexual instinct will weaken and the animal will no longer need to attract sexual partners. However, sterilization cannot be applied to absolutely all animals. The main, valid reasons are breeding value(it’s up to the breeder to decide which priorities are more important), or an acute reaction to anesthesia. Not every older cat will undergo surgery; the recommended age is 7 months to 8 years.

Important! Don't punish your cat for marking its territory. You won’t scold your pet for breathing or wanting to eat, will you? These instincts are too strong and cannot be influenced from the outside!

Physiological reasons for “bad” behavior

Let's say your cat has been consistently going to the litter box for several years and suddenly one of the following troubles occurs:

  • The pet has decided that the litter box is no longer suitable for big things to do, and no puddles appear in the house.
  • The cat started write next to with a tray and “bury” your business with an imaginary filler.
  • The tailed robber jumps defiantly on the furniture and makes a puddle, right before your eyes, doesn’t “tread around” before and doesn’t bury after.

If the troubles happen 2 or more times, the first thing you should do is take the animal to the vet! Litter box problems can be explained by a very wide range of ailments. Here are just a few of them:

  • – can develop after sterilization (as a complication), spinal injuries, or with chronic or inflammatory kidney pathologies. Incontinence is quite easy to detect, since the cat leaves wet marks where it sits or sleeps.
  • – an age-related or pathological phenomenon accompanied by atrophy of the bladder. Essentially, the bladder turns into a bag with soft walls, which is filled to capacity, and urine comes out only under natural pressure.
  • – the cat wants to urinate, but cannot. At the same time, the animal experiences pain. When the bladder is full, the pet literally squeezes out urine, sometimes mixed with blood.
  • – symptoms similar to cystitis: the cat is in pain, she wants to go to the toilet, but cannot go. The reason lies in stones (sand) that clog the ureters or cause inflammation of the kidneys.

Read also: Collars for cats: what are they?

Advice: If there are no large veterinary clinics in your city where you can examine your pet, do a basic urine test. An increased protein level will confirm the inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.

Regarding piles left in the wrong places, behavioral reasons are more likely. Pathologies in which the pet may not bring the treasure to the tray are:

  • Diarrhea– everyone knows that “painful mental feeling” when the body refuses to obey. Motivational trainers even have a catchphrase: “When a person wants to go to the toilet, he doesn’t look for reasons to put it off until tomorrow.” Cats (in this regard) are no different from us. If your pet has diarrhea, then a catastrophe on the way to the litter box is quite predictable.
  • Strong gagging in combination with diarrhea, can lead to partial bowel movement.
  • – leads to severe itching and a constant urge to go crazy. A cat can ride on carpets, leaving “traces” or doing other unexpected incidents. The problem can be solved by cleaning the glands when visiting a veterinarian.
  • - similar to the previous paragraph, but in a more advanced form. Trying to scratch the sore spot, the cat infects the already irritated tissues of the anus. In addition to the itching and constant urge, monotonous pain is added. When the four-legged animal tries to relieve itself, the pain becomes acute. As a result, the cat develops the habit of avoiding the litter box (because it hurts there) and enduring it until the last moment.

Note! Declawed cats cannot go to the litter box! It hurts them to step on sand, much less dig it.

Re-training to the tray

After examination by a veterinarian and obtaining a conclusion, you need to either treat the animal or begin adjusting its behavior. If the pet suffered from a serious pathology or experienced pain when trying to relieve itself, it could develop conditioned reflex to avoid the litter box. This nuance is not a sentence, it is enough:

  • Change tray model.
  • Use special fillers (with flavorings).
  • Be patient and teach the cat to use the litter box again, similar to training a kitten.