Sometimes, when realizing their dreams, women get too carried away - this is how you and I get nervous and physical exhaustion after a diet, the color of an overcooked grill after a solarium, and lifeless tow instead of hair after a long-term perm. You cannot ignore the hairdresser’s warnings that a perm can cause enormous damage to your hair - he can objectively assess the situation and see that the hair is damaged after dyeing or bleaching. However, hoping for a miracle, we still insist and get what we want, which leads to a long recovery period, in which only hair masks can help after perm.

The harm of perming

Perm, which is one of the most aggressive effects on hair, even if it is perfectly healthy, worsens its condition.

If the hair has been bleached many times, or has been damaged by constant dyeing, doing “chemistry” is, to put it mildly, unreasonable. AND good master will immediately warn that the hair will have to be treated and restored for a long time, as it can become very brittle and dull. The most unfavorable prognosis in this case is complete or partial baldness.

If the master undertakes to do a perm and the initial condition of the hair is satisfactory, then it is still better to ask your master about how to treat the hair, the structure of which will be damaged by the perm.

After chemical treatment, the hair is dry, so it is not recommended to dry it with hot air or even wipe it thoroughly with a towel. Only gentle blotting and air drying will naturally help them look their best. It is also highly undesirable to use iron curlers, hot rollers and curling irons for styling.

In addition to special shampoos and conditioners from the professional line, there are also very useful masks for hair after chemical treatment - they are usually applied to the hair after washing to give it additional nutrition and hydration, and restore the structure.

Here are recipes for masks that really help hair recover after long-term curling; they also “work” if the hair is burned by dyeing or bleaching.

Hair masks after perm

  • 1. Olive mask

It is necessary to rub olive oil into clean hair and scalp and carefully distribute it on the hair with a comb. Then put a cellophane cap on your head and wrap a towel on top. You can keep the mask on for an hour or even more, if possible. Actually, if you make such a mask for the whole night, your hair will only be better.

  • 2. Mask with castor oil

Two yolks are mixed with a few tablespoons of castor oil (can be bought at the pharmacy) and a little cream or sour cream and a teaspoon of dissolved yeast are added. If your hair is thick or long, then the volume of the hair mask after perm should be doubled or even tripled accordingly. All ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath, rubbed into the scalp - there is no need to spread it on all the hair, as they will stick together. This mask is for restoring hair growth, it is used if the hair falls out or has stopped growing.

  • 3. Mask with burdock oil

Three tablespoons of shampoo for damaged or dry hair are mixed with one spoon of aloe juice and a small amount of burdock oil. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp and left for half an hour under a heater, then the hair is washed and rinsed with water and lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

  • 4. “Economical” mayonnaise mask

The remains of any mayonnaise are rubbed into the roots of the hair and left for twenty minutes under a cap - this mask also helps if the hair literally falls off at a distance of a couple of millimeters from the roots and with baldness.

  • 5. Mask with dark beer and burdock root

Prepare a decoction of burdock root, let it brew and, after straining, mix one tablespoon with a glass of dark beer heated to 60 degrees. Apply the composition to your hair and insulate it, you can leave it on for several hours.

  • 6. Mask with egg and cognac

An excellent remedy for restoring weakened, burnt and dull hair is a simple home remedy. For it you will need 1 - 2 yolks of chicken eggs (depending on the thickness and length of the hair), two tablespoons of castor or any other high-quality, preferably “raw” vegetable oil, and a glass of cognac. If you are afraid of over-fat hair and the formation of “icicles,” put a heaping tablespoon of hair balm into the mask.

Stir the mixture thoroughly and heat it by placing the cup in a container with hot water. The mask is applied to clean and almost dried hair, carefully distributed over the head, rubbed into the skin and ends of the hair.

The head should be covered with a plastic cap or an ordinary thin plastic bag without a pattern, insulated with a large terry towel, or even better, use an electric thermal hat. You can stay in the mask from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the condition of your hair. After heating, be sure to let your hair cool and rinse off the mask with plenty of cool water. The mask not only softens and restores damaged curls8, but also gives them a stunning glossy shine.

  • 7. Nettle mask

In villages, people have long treated hair with nettles and had luxurious thick braids that almost reached the floor. The following recipe is suitable for home use:

  1. Make a rich nettle infusion by steeping fresh or dried herb in a small amount of water.
  2. Let it brew well and cool, strain and mix two tablespoons with two yolks, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and a spoon of fresh honey.
  3. For thickness, you can add a little balm or hair mask.
  4. Stir and apply the warm mixture to your hair.
  5. After 20 - 30 minutes, rinse and rinse the strands with a nettle decoction in a lower concentration.

Regular repetition of the procedure will restore the quality and structure of the hair.

Review of professional masks for hair restoration

Hair masks after chemical treatment can also be professional - experts recommend applying ready-made masks and balms for a longer time than what is indicated on the label. If the hair is in poor condition, then the usual balm is applied after washing the hair and left for a day, repeating the procedure if possible.

Not all of them professional masks for hair are expensive. For example, PHYTOmask from Clean line cheap and accessible to everyone, and in terms of effectiveness it can leave behind even very expensive and well-known means. It consists of natural ingredients, perfectly nourishes damaged hair, makes it smooth and shiny.

Intensive professional moisturizing mask Londa for dry and damaged hair It also copes well with the problems of strands burned by chemicals, you just need to keep it on your hair longer. It does an excellent job of moisturizing even very dry strands, so it is used with pleasure in professional beauty salons and is also suitable for home use.

Kerastase Nutritive is a famous mask that perfectly treats damaged hair and can serve as a replacement for the equally popular keratin hair straightening.

In the mass market segment you can find many affordable and effective masks that can successfully cope with dry and brittle hair after perm.

You have decided to slightly change or adjust your appearance by resorting to hair perm. Well, experiments, especially beautiful experiments, are always welcome, but we all understand perfectly well that any perm does not have the best effect on the condition of the hair. In this article, we offer you the golden answer to the key question of how to restore hair after chemicals quickly, effectively and with maximum cost savings.

The consequences of a perm can be completely different: the hair becomes brittle, dry, dull, or begins to fall out. In fact, there can be any number of causes and consequences, but fortunately, the solution to this problem is universal and acceptable to absolutely everyone.

The best ways to restore hair - top 4 useful tips

Tip #1. Buy a special balm and shampoo from the professional series. Such products nourish the hair with useful substances during shampooing and restore the natural structure and strength of the roots.

Tip #3 may seem strange and a little distant to you, but still - eat right. It has been proven that fermented milk products contain essential vitamins for normal height hair and are very quickly absorbed by the body. So have more natural milk, kefir, cheese and yoghurt for breakfast and lunch. In addition, it has a good effect on your figure and skin color.

Tip #4. Use special moisturizing and restorative hair masks. You can use homemade masks or purchase them at the pharmacy. Remember, masks are the best assistant in the fight for the natural beauty of your hair.

100% effective masks for hair restoration after chemotherapy

  • Mask based on burdock oil and aloe. Mix one tablespoon of oil with a tablespoon of aloe. Rub the resulting mixture thoroughly into the scalp, and then distribute it evenly over the entire length of the hair. Wrap your head in a plastic bag and a warm towel. Lie quietly for 30 minutes, and then rinse your hair thoroughly with summer water. This mask is very nourishing and effective. Apply 1-2 times a week.
  • The kefir mask breaks all records for the content of nutrients. It’s especially good if after chemo you have terribly split or broken hair. Do it at night. You need to apply the kefir mask to clean and dry hair. Special attention focusing on ends and roots. Wrap your head in a plastic bag and scarf and go to bed. In the morning, rinse off the kefir with plenty of warm water, but under no circumstances dry your hair with a hairdryer. Do this procedure no more than once a week.

  • Mask from olive oil. An excellent treatment for chemically damaged hair. Recipe: two tablespoons of butter, one egg yolk and one tablespoon each of yeast and cream. Mix the resulting mixture and heat it slightly in a water bath, and then massage the prepared mixture into the scalp and leave for 30-40 minutes. You can wrap your head in a towel or warm scarf. Then wash your hair with shampoo, and to consolidate the effect, rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile, nettle, calamus root or oak bark.

Therapeutic shampoos after perm hair

  • Moisturizing shampoo. Choose one that includes natural ingredients and organic substances such as wheat protein, keratin, vitamins, avocado, coconut oil and amino acids.
  • Exclusively natural shampoo. In fact, these are homemade shampoos. As strange as it may sound, wash your hair with essential oils, coconut milk, aloe vera and chamomile tea. Such products will instantly return all the natural strength, shine and beauty to your hair, and also protect it from negative impacts environment.

The general scheme of the procedure for hair restoration after chemotherapy is not so complicated, and if you combine all the products into a single complex and perform it regularly, then within two to three weeks you will experience amazing results that will make your life much better and more beautiful. Moreover, the effectiveness of using these funds has been proven in practice more than once.

Not many women have been blessed by nature curly hair. That is why the fair sex who are part of this group get a perm. When making such a decision, women are guided by the fact that “chemistry” will make hair care easier and eliminate the need for daily styling, which will ultimately save a lot of time. However, I hasten to disappoint you, because you can’t do without styling, it will just take less time than usual. In addition, the hair after this requires special care, which will take a lot of time.

Do not forget that perm should be performed by a professional, only in this case you can enjoy your new look. Thanks to the composition of modern perm products, hair is exposed to less aggressive effects than when using products of the previous generation. These products not only have a gentle effect on the hair structure, but also additionally contain caring complexes. And, nevertheless, after curling, hair simply needs additional careful care and attention.

Since the fixing compounds used for perm continue to work for three days, it is not recommended to wash your hair during this period. By the way, to wash your hair you now need to use a special shampoo and additional funds on hair care after perm (conditioner, treatment composition), since even the most gentle perm is a strong stress for our hair. If your hair is long, you should definitely use products for the ends of your hair. By the way, it is better to use care products from the same brand and series as the composition used for curling, then the effect will be maximum. You can also purchase care products in the salon where the perm was done. Experts will definitely help you choose the best option, which is optimal for your hair. When washing your hair, shampoo is applied only to the hair roots and scalp, since everything else can be easily cleaned with soapy water after rinsing. This method of using shampoo prevents excessive dryness of the ends of the hair. Once your hair is washed, you should not use squeezing or twisting movements with your hair to remove excess water. You just need to pat your hair dry with a towel. To keep your hair curled much longer, you should not pull your hair out while it is wet. Because of this, elasticity is lost.

Remember that you absolutely cannot use care products for styling straight hair. They significantly weigh down the strands, which leads to straightening of the “curls.” Many experts speak out against the use of caregivers cosmetics unprofessional line. As a rule, such products are sold with the label “For weakened hair, after dyeing or perm.” Meanwhile, the problems mentioned are completely different, therefore, the approach to solving them should also be different. Hair after curling requires the use of products that help smooth out microcracks on the hair shaft, which, in turn, are common cause fragility and split hair after this procedure. These products include liquid proteins, which are produced by some professional companies.

As for drying your hair, after this procedure you can do this with a hairdryer and hot rollers. However, this is only possible three days after the perm. This period is necessary to strengthen the keratin of the hair, which will allow the curl in the hairstyle to remain elastic much longer. Using a hairdryer with gentle warm or cold air (strong heat is contraindicated!) It is recommended to dry tight small curls. And in order for the curls to continue to perfectly keep their shape, they need to be wound on hot rollers.

Permed hair styling is as necessary as air. In this case, it must be done after each wash. Of course, a little less time will be spent, but the installation will retain its original appearance for a long time. When styling hair after perm, it is recommended to use only a special nourishing foam balm. The use of varnish is strictly prohibited! To comb your hair, you can only use a wide-toothed comb (no brushes!) so that the curls do not lose their shape and do not fall apart. In this case, you can comb your hair on the second day after the procedure, starting from the ends of the hair. Once you have combed your hair, you need to make curl-forming movements with your hands. I want to warn you against backcombing of any kind, as they will turn your curls into a “loofah”, after which it will be impossible to return to their former shape. To keep your hair happy for a long time, never go to bed with wet hair.

After perming, hair becomes dull. But even in this case, you must refrain from deep staining for three weeks. But it is quite possible to refresh the color and make it more saturated, as well as add shine to your hair with the help of light tinting. Only tint products should be chosen that are plant-based, since perming has already weakened them, and additional chemical exposure will finally “finish off” them. Plant-based dyes have a healing effect on hair, restoring the stratum corneum and creating a protective film.

In addition, permed hair needs protection. To protect against sun exposure, you must wear panama hats, caps, hats, etc., or apply special care products with sun protection factors to your hair. You should also avoid contact of your hair with salty, cold and chlorinated water. Therefore, after swimming in sea ​​water or a swimming pool with chlorinated water, hair should be washed thoroughly immediately.

It is very important to carry out a healing and restorative course after the perm procedure to restore damaged hair structure. For these purposes you can use folk recipes, with which you can cook yourself natural masks and herbal decoctions for rinsing hair. You can also use ready-made products from cosmetic lines (masks-balms with a nourishing and restoring effect on the hair structure). In addition, there are special restorative products in ampoules that should be applied to the hair at night and rinsed off in the morning. In an effective way is the use of vegetable and essential oils for hair. Preheat a bottle of oil in a water bath and distribute it evenly over the entire length of your hair. When warm, the active substances contained in the oil effectively penetrate the hair, resulting in excellent results. The oil nourishes, moisturizes hair, restores structure and shine.

Folk remedies for hair after perm.
Mix one teaspoon each of honey and cognac, add egg yolk and a tablespoon of burdock oil. Apply the resulting mixture evenly over the entire length of the hair and wrap it under film. This mask should be left on for at least three hours. At the end of the procedure, rinse your hair with shampoo. Instead of burdock oil, you can use olive oil, the effect will be no less.

Take two tablespoons of nettle and calendula flowers, mix with a tablespoon of oak bark and pour one and a half liters of boiling water. Leave to infuse for half an hour, after which the infusion should be strained. Use as a rinse after washing hair with shampoo.

Mix chamomile, linden, and nettle herbs in equal proportions (1 tablespoon per glass of water) and pour boiling water over it. Leave the mixture to infuse for half an hour, then strain the infusion. Then add oil vitamins A, B1, B12, E (in ampoules) and crushed rye bread crusts to the infused liquid. Wait fifteen minutes and apply the resulting mixture to clean hair, wrap with film and leave for an hour and a half. After this, rinse your hair thoroughly.

A decoction of burdock roots perfectly strengthens hair roots. Pour a glass of boiling water over 10-20 g of dried burdock roots, previously crushed. Place the mixture on low heat and cook from the moment it boils for half an hour. Then leave the resulting mixture for five minutes and use it as a rinse after washing your hair.

Homemade Burr oil nourishes hair, accelerating its growth and adding shine. To prepare it, mix one part of fresh burdock roots, previously crushed, with three parts of vegetable or almond oil. Leave for 24 hours, then boil for fifteen minutes with constant stirring. Then cool and strain. Rub the oil into the scalp, roots and ends of the hair. Leave for an hour and then wash off with shampoo. To enhance the effect, do it at night.

Before each wash of permed hair, it is important to nourishing masks, accelerating the process of their recovery.

Pour three tablespoons of warm boiled water or herbal decoction into a mixture of two egg yolks, ten drops of glycerin and the same amount of lemon juice. Rub this mixture into the scalp and hair, and wrap it with a terry towel on top. Leave for twenty minutes, then rinse your hair well, first with warm water, and then with a pre-prepared rinse. For the rinse, pour a tablespoon of forest mallow root into a liter of boiling water and boil. Then add a tablespoon of honey to the liquid, lemon juice from half a lemon or a tablespoon of wine vinegar. It is recommended to do this mask with rinse once a week. The course of treatment is two months.

Mix with two tablespoons of castor oil a mixture of two egg yolks, five grams of yeast, and a tablespoon of cream. To put on water bath for heating, then use to rub into hair roots. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with herbal infusion.

Mix one egg yolk with a teaspoon of lemon juice or aloe juice and a tablespoon of vodka. Rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots. Wait half an hour, then rinse with shampoo and rinse with water infusion on rye bread.

An oil compress revives damaged hair. 100 g of freshly cut crushed burdock roots are poured with a glass of high-quality olive oil for a day, put on low heat and boiled for fifteen minutes. Then remove from heat, cool, squeeze out the roots, and strain the oil. Apply to hair and rub into scalp five to six hours before shampooing.

Half an hour before washing your hair, rub a mixture of a teaspoon of aloe juice, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of castor oil. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

Mix a tablespoon of dry chamomile herb, a tablespoon of rosemary with 3/4 cup of vodka. Pour the mixture into a dark container, close the lid and place in a dark place to infuse. The mixture must be shaken daily for two weeks. After two weeks, the infusion should be filtered through cheesecloth and poured into a clean bottle with a lid. Rub the infusion with light and gentle movements twice a week into the scalp with a soft toothbrush (old). It is better to do the procedure at night.

Every time after washing your hair, you can use a rinse made from a handful of hops and the same amount of tartar, poured with a liter of boiling water. Boil the mixture for twenty minutes, cool and strain.

To weaken the perm, you can use bread water, for the preparation of which you should pour boiling water over rye bread and place it in a warm place for fermentation. If you use this water to wash your hair, then the mixture should be infused for at least five hours, but if for treatment - two to three days.

The photochromotherapy method can also significantly improve the condition of hair after perm. This method involves exposing hair to multi-colored light, while red light strengthens curls and fights dandruff, yellow light helps improve microcirculation and nourishes hair follicles, accelerating their growth, green light expands capillaries and increases blood supply to hair follicles, which prevents hair loss and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, blue light eliminates the fungus that causes dandruff, and also relieves allergic reactions.

  • Hair restoration after chemotherapy - general rules
  • Hair falls out after chemotherapy - what to do
  • — Natural oils against hair loss
  • Hair after chemical treatment is like a washcloth - what to do
  • How to restore hair after chemotherapy - salon treatments

The result after a perm may not meet your expectations. Often girls face the problem of hair loss and split ends. In such cases, hair restoration after chemotherapy is required. Find out which ones exist effective methods and means with which you can restore health and beauty to your hair.

Hair restoration after chemotherapy - general rules

During the curling process, chemical compounds penetrate into the hair, affecting its structure. Compositions containing aggressive substances damage the protective layer of scales. As a result, the hair becomes brittle. In addition, the preparations used for curling dry out the hair and scalp. Therefore, curls require additional moisture after such a procedure. Greatest harm hair is protected from the effects of alkaline and acidic compounds. But even gentle drugs can provoke some side effects, because curling your hair is stressful.

There are several basic procedures for restoring damaged curls. If the damage is severe, it is almost impossible to return the hair to its previous normal state. But you will be able to minimize damage and improve appearance hair if you follow these tips:

  • To avoid further damage to your hair, do not wrap a towel around your head after washing or wring out your curls.
  • During the recovery process, you should not blow-dry your hair.
  • Do not use gels, mousses or other styling products.
  • Avoid any curl products that contain a large number of chemical substances. Give preference to products made from natural ingredients.
  • During the recovery process, walk around with loose curls. Avoid tight ponytails and other hairstyles that can damage your hair.

The recovery procedure itself consists of using specialized products for curls after exposure to chemicals. After washing, be sure to use conditioner and conditioner. Make strengthening and restorative masks regularly 1-3 times a week.

Hair falls out after chemotherapy - what to do

This is a fairly common problem that can occur after alkaline or acidic chemistry. The cause of hair loss is not the curling procedure itself, but its consequences. When the structure is severely damaged, the hair becomes lifeless and begins to actively fall out.

To stop hair loss, you must first adjust your diet. Include foods containing vitamins A, B1, B2, PP in your daily menu. There should be sufficient calcium in your diet. Therefore, include dairy and fermented milk products in your menu. You can take all these vitamins as dietary supplements, but most of them are poorly absorbed in this form. All these vitamins help restore the hair structure from the inside, which restores its strength, elasticity and prevents hair loss.

Also, for these purposes, it is recommended to wash your hair less often (no more than 1 time in 3 days). Don't go to bed until your hair is dry. Otherwise, they will not only become deformed, but also become even more injured overnight. During the recovery period, use a wide-tooth comb. It must be made of wood or plastic. Do not use metal brushes.

Natural oils against hair loss

You can use purchased ready-made masks for curls after curling or prepare such a product yourself.

Some natural oils help against hair loss. Burdock oil is recognized as the leader in efficiency. It is applied as follows. You need to heat a small amount of oil and apply it first to the roots, and then distribute throughout your hair. You can prepare a mixture of peach, burdock and castor oils (mix in equal quantities). After application, let the oil sit for 60 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Masks made from oils in combination with other components are no less effective. A mask made from aloe juice, egg yolk and castor oil will help stop hair loss. Mix juice and oil in equal quantities. Add the yolk. Mix everything thoroughly. When applying, the hair should be damp. Cover your hair with plastic and wrap it warm cloth. After 30 minutes, wash your hair. After the first use, you will see that your curls have become more elastic and stronger.

Hair after chemical treatment is like a washcloth - what to do

This is another common problem that girls face after partially straightening their curls. As the chemical composition is washed away, the hair after the chemical treatment becomes like a washcloth. They lose their shine, become tangled, very fluffy, and become stiffer. No girl wants to walk around with a “loofah” on her head. If you encounter such a problem, do not rush to get a haircut. You may be able to eliminate the effect of the washcloth and return your strands to a healthy, attractive appearance.

The simplest and effective method is to use special means from professional series. Such balms, shampoos and masks are quite expensive. But they are really effective. Examples include:

  • Inoar Hair Treatment;
  • L"Oreal Kerastase;
  • Shiseido Lab Senscience;
  • Philip B.

How to restore hair after chemotherapy - salon procedures

You can improve the appearance of your hair using salon procedures:

  • lamination;
  • keratin restoration;
  • biorevitalization.

If, after washing out the chemical composition, the effect of the washcloth is not very pronounced (for example, only the ends are affected), lamination will be an effective solution to this problem. For more damaged hair will do restoration with keratin. This procedure is offered by specialists in salons. But you can also purchase a special composition and perform home restoration.

For severely damaged curls, hair biorevitalization is suitable. This is a cosmetic therapeutic method of restoration, which consists of saturating the hair with missing substances and strengthening the hair follicles. As a result, the hair structure is restored and the hairstyle looks much better. However, it is worth considering that this method is quite expensive. In addition, all these procedures provide only temporary results. Therefore, it is possible that they will have to be carried out several times.

The effect of “chemistry” on hair is detrimental - it becomes brittle and unruly, ends split, and hair follicles cannot withstand the load and fall out. But don't despair! Following simple tips, you can forget about unhealthy strands forever.

What is the best way to use for recovery?

The salvation in this difficult situation is intensive hair restoration, which involves salon treatments, homemade nourishing masks and well-known special products from world brands. Preference should be given to oil-based products(complexes with shea butter, argan, coconut, burdock, olive), their composition must necessarily contain panthenol, keratin, protein and natural ingredients:

  • yolk;
  • royal jelly;
  • extracts of herbs and plants.

Choosing a remedy To improve hair health, it is necessary to combine hydration, nutrition, straightening, and increased growth and protection against falling out. The following tools are suitable for these purposes:

Important! All chosen products must be gentle, only on an organic basis!

How to properly care for your hair after the procedure?

After a perm, the curl should be treated with special care:

  1. Shampoo should be purchased for dry hair, as it normalizes the water balance. Care must be supplemented with conditioner, spray, mask and fluid or hair serum.
  2. Styling products are extremely undesirable, especially varnishes and mousses.
  3. Combing your curls should be done slowly, using a wide-toothed comb, starting from the ends.
  4. Do not blow dry, focus on natural drying. It is not advisable to straighten the strands with an iron, but if you really need to (for example, you don’t like the result of the curling), then be sure to use thermal protection.
  5. The use of hairpins and elastic bands should also be minimized, let them be loose silk or satin ribbons, headbands, or silicone spiral rubber bands.
  6. It is better to wash your hair every other day - if your hair is heavily soiled, and 2 times a week - if you have dry hair.
  7. To change the color of strands, herbal rinses or cinnamon masks are suitable.

From the video you will learn how to care for your hair after a perm:

Review of cosmetic products

There are a lot of products that are sold in any cosmetic store; they have a therapeutic effect and quickly help cope with the consequences of unsuccessful chemistry. Let's look at how to use them to revitalize your hair.

Estel Professional Curex Therapy Mask

This intensive mask is suitable for severely damaged hair. Its composition is enriched with jojoba oil, betaine, panthenol and vitamin E. Together, these substances help maintain optimal moisture levels and intensively nourish the scalp and hair itself. They also protect against overdrying with styling devices, creating an invisible protective film on the surface of the hair.

Mode of application:

  1. After washing your hair as usual, apply the mask to the entire length of your curls.
  2. Leave for 10 minutes to act.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

Eva Professional Capilo Summum Baobab Oil No. 46

Intensive restorative oil helps prevent hair loss, eliminates dandruff, and removes split ends. Suitable for colored, bleached and damaged strands. The oil has a restorative effect on the cuticle of each hair, restores natural shine and straightens curly hair.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply to damp curls, working through ends well.
  2. Dry naturally. Don't wash it off!

Delta Studio Repara R2

A powerful polymer restorer designed for brittle, lifeless and dull strands. This product intensively affects the hair shaft, instantly penetrating into its center and saturating it with valuable vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The components of the product moisturize and nourish curls, giving them smoothness, visual volume and mirror shine. The restorative formula effectively combats structure destruction and hair loss after damage by chemical factors.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply the product to clean hair along the entire length, apply 3 times a week for 15 minutes.
  2. Then rinse off without using shampoo.

Vichy Dercos

Nourishing and restoring balm restores life and health to dry hair. This is a hypoallergenic balm that contains natural ingredients: thermal water and herbal extracts. Restores elasticity, fights split ends, smoothes curls without a weighing effect.

Mode of application:

  1. After washing your hair, apply the balm to damp, slightly towel-dried curls.
  2. Leave for a minute.
  3. Rinse with water.

Apivita Hair Loss Night Serum With Hippophae Tc & Daphne

This product is a night serum against hair loss with sea buckthorn and laurel. The composition of the product is saturated vegetable oils, Altai sea buckthorn and laurel extract, which in tandem stimulate hair growth, strengthening hair follicles. Perfectly stimulates blood microcirculation in the scalp. The product makes curls manageable and pleasant to the touch.

Mode of application:

  1. Shake the bottle.
  2. Spray the serum onto dry scalp before bed.
  3. Give a light massage.
  4. Wear a shower cap.
  5. In the morning, rinse with water and shampoo.

Treatment at home using folk remedies

All of the above cosmetic products are not cheap, so if you want to make your hair healthy and save money - folk masks will come to the rescue! Three best restorative masks at home:

Salon treatments

A beauty salon can also help significantly improve the appearance of strands after chemicals; these are far from budget-friendly procedures, but they guarantee the maximum quick effect and long lasting results. These include:

  • Keratin restoration(apply a special serum with keratin to the surface of the curls, and then straighten them with an iron to seal the composition of the product inside each hair).
  • Lamination(suitable for minor damage, the principle of action is similar to keratin straightening, holds the hair scales together, leveling the surface of the hair).
  • Biorevitalization(saturation of hair follicles with useful substances) - suitable for the most severe damage.

How can you quickly restore a healthy appearance to your curls?

There are several procedures that can give almost instant visual results:

  1. Shielding(a transparent serum with a nourishing composition is applied to the curls, heat is applied. The hair becomes shiny and silky. The effect lasts for 2 months).
  2. Glazing(same principle as shielding, only different serum composition).
  3. Glazing(change in hair color when applying a nourishing base. A gentle method of dyeing, without harm to the hair, also involves exposure to high temperature).
  4. Cauterization(sealing the medicinal product inside the hairs using a cold or hot method).


It is quite possible to restore your hair to its former attractiveness after a perm, but you need to approach this problem comprehensively. Use special care products, without abrasive components, avoid coloring, styling products and exposure to styling devices. Home and salon restoration would be a good idea. Then the curls will shine with new strength and will attract the attention of passersby.