Sometimes it happens that you really want to change your appearance, but you don’t have the money to visit a beauty salon or the opportunity to get out of the house (for example, if you are on maternity leave with a small child and there is no one to leave him with for a few hours). In such cases, you can go to the store, buy everything you need for your grandiose transformations and... act! Right at home! In our article you will learn how to properly use professional hair lightening products at home, as well as how not to harm your hair during the hair bleaching process.

Assessing the condition of your hair and your capabilities

According to the rules of hairdressing, before any coloring, and especially bleaching, you need to assess the condition of the hair and scalp. Healthy hair durable and elastic, have a natural shine, not allowed a large number of split ends. There should also be no wounds, rashes, ulcers, or allergies on the scalp.

Signs of Hair Damage - severe hair loss, fragility, excessive dryness, change in structure. This condition of the hair can be observed after repeated dyeing with aggressive dyes, after perm, after suffering from any diseases, and also due to hypovitaminosis. In any case, if the hair is severely damaged and weakened, then you should abandon the idea of ​​lightening, since the risk of losing hair after bleaching is very high.

Determining how many shades to lighten your hair

To do this, you can use a palette of shades of any hair dye. Compare your hair shade with the natural shades of any professional paint palette, and also find the desired shade that you want to achieve as a result. This will give you an idea of ​​how many shades you will have to lighten your hair.

Knowing the desired result is very important in order to assess your capabilities. If you are going to lighten dark hair by 5 or more tones, then be prepared for a noticeable loss of hair quality. Severely bleached hair will require more care; it tends to become very dry and highly susceptible to mechanical damage and breakage.

To lighten dark hair at home, you will need to buy:

  1. Lightening powder or powder. They are usually sold in single-use sachets or larger jars.
  2. Oxidizing emulsion (oxidant). Also available in single use bottles and larger bottles.
  3. Gloves
  4. Ampoules with protective oil. Almost all manufacturers have protective equipment, which are added to the coloring or lightening mixture immediately before application. They are designed to reduce the harmful effects of chemical composition on the hair structure. In principle, this is an optional product and can be neglected if your hair is strong enough.
  5. Tinting permanent dye + activator. Lightening powder does not give the desired shade of hair, but only prepares the basis for obtaining it, removing natural pigments from the hair to a certain extent. background lightening. In addition, bleached hair looks lifeless and is very dry to the touch. To get a beautiful shade, as well as restore lost hair elasticity, you need to tint.

What is background lightening? A bit of color theory

In nature there is only three primary colors, which cannot be obtained by mixing are red, blue and yellow. All other colors are obtained by mixing these three primary colors, for example:

  • Red+yellow=orange
  • Red+Blue=Purple
  • Blue+yellow = green
  • blue + red + yellow = brown.

Lighting background – This is the color that is obtained after partial destruction of the natural pigment due to chemical action on the hair. As a rule, the blue pigment in the hair is destroyed first, so the hair first turns red during the lightening process. Then the red pigment is destroyed and the hair turns yellow. Yellow hair color during the lightening process means that the lightening background already corresponds to the “blonde” level. Further, the less yellow pigment in the hair becomes, the closer the hair color is to white. Determine in advance the lightening background to which you need to bleach your hair in order to achieve the desired shade.

Where to buy professional hair products?

  • The easiest way to buy lightening agents and dyes is in professional hair cosmetics stores of your city. There you can see the palette of dyes, decide on the desired shade, and get advice from the seller. If you don’t have the opportunity to go shopping, then you can look for similar online stores in your city. Since I live in Ufa, I will give examples of several online stores of professional hair cosmetics in our city:
  • Online stores professional hair cosmetics with delivery throughout Russia. In such stores, it is profitable to buy products in small wholesale, so you can recoup the delivery fee. For example, one of the popular stores for professional hair products is the store "HiHair.RU"
  • Joint purchases. Nowadays, this type of shopping is becoming increasingly popular. If you have experience ordering goods in joint purchases, you can easily find a couple of purchases of professional hair cosmetics organized in your city.

Which lightening powder (powder) should I choose?

In general, using salon products at home often becomes problematic. In particular, professional lightening products usually contain a lot of ammonia, the pungent and unpleasant odor of which can spread throughout the apartment. During the process of applying the lightening composition to your hair, you will also experience great discomfort associated with the release of the ammonia odor, for example, burning and redness of the eyes. Also, if there are children in the apartment, then it is not advisable to use ammonia clarifiers.

Fortunately, safer hair lightening products are available on the market. For example, the Kapous company produces ammonia-free lightening powder Kapous Magic Keratin. From my own experience, I know that when working with this powder there is no smell of ammonia, and there is no burning or redness of the eyes. Plus, it is relatively inexpensive (about 80 rubles for a 30g bag, 450 rubles for a 500g jar).

Similar lightening powders without ammonia are available from other manufacturers, for example:

  • L’Oreal Professionnel Platinum (RUR 3,500)
  • Brelil No AMMONIA Bleaching (RUR 2,700)
  • Baco Soft Color Collection Powder Lightener Ammonia Free - Lightening powder without ammonia with anti-yellow effect (RUR 1,200)
  • CHI Professional Blondest Blonde Powder Lightener Ammonia-free powder-cream (4000 RUR)

How much lightening powder and oxidizer do I need to buy?

The easiest way to lighten short dark hair and shoulder-length hair at home. For lightening short hair it will take 1-2 sachets of powder 30g each, for hair up to the shoulders 2-3 sachets, for hair up to the shoulder blades 3-4 sachets, for more long hair You may need up to 8 sachets of powder. The amount of oxidizing emulsion is calculated based on the amount of brightening powder in a 2:1 ratio (for example, 60 g of oxidizing agent and 30 g of brightening powder)

Which oxidant should you choose?

To make lightening less traumatic for the hair, take an oxidizing emulsion containing 3% hydrogen peroxide. Oxidizing agents with a higher content of hydrogen peroxide are more damaging to the hair structure. In addition, the use of oxidizers with a high content of hydrogen peroxide requires a very quick application, so you should not risk buying a high percentage of oxide to bleach your hair at home.
Oxidants containing 1.5% hydrogen peroxide are also commercially available. These are so-called “activators” intended for tinting light hair. They are also not suitable for lightening dark hair with powder, since the result will be barely noticeable at best.
How to lighten hair at home step by step guide for beginners
Lightening your hair is not an easy task, no matter how it may seem. Choose a day when you have a few free hours to get everything done right.
Bleaching and lightening of hair is done ONLY on dirty hair in order to minimize the harmful effects of the bleaching composition on the hair. It would also be a good idea to apply an oil mask to your hair a couple of days before the procedure.

So, let's get started:

For tinting, use a dye one tone lighter than desired, as well as an oxidizing emulsion of 1.5% or 3% for a more lasting result. The tinting process itself is similar to conventional hair coloring, but in this case the dye is applied to damp hair. You should also carefully read the instructions about the recommended exposure time, because... bleached hair can be colored more intensely.

After the exposure time of the tinting dye has expired, you need to rinse your hair under warm running water and apply a balm for colored hair.

  • Do not use professional hair lightening products if your hair has been previously colored. natural dyes, such as henna or basma, as well as within a month after using tint balms such as “Tonics”.
  • Strictly study and follow the instructions for use of each product used, do not resort to a combination of professional products and people's councils(for example add vegetable oil into a brightening emulsion).
  • Do not use metal utensils or metal objects when bleaching or coloring your hair.
  • After the bleaching procedure, the hair is still for a long time will need special care, combining special shampoos for colored hair and moisturizing and nourishing masks.
  • For the first time after dyeing, avoid using aggressive hair brushes and combs; it is preferable to dry your hair naturally.

Thank you for your attention! May your hair be healthy and beautiful, and may you always be satisfied with your appearance!

The fashion for blond hair has always existed. This color made women’s curls look voluminous and helped their owner look younger. Lighting refers to one of the great ways change your image. There are many different recommendations for this. How to lighten hair at home? The article will discuss the features of the procedure.

Features of hair lightening

To carry out the procedure correctly, you need to follow a few tips. How to lighten your hair correctly? To change the color of your curls, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Initially, you need to understand that the final result depends on the natural shade of the hair. To lighten dark hair by 1-2 tones, you will have to put in a lot more effort than fair-haired girls. It is difficult to change the color of red and gray strands. This leads to repeated staining procedures.
  2. The amount of product used to change the color of the curls must be taken into account. For fine hair the consumption will be less than for those with a dense structure.
  3. You should not dye your hair immediately after perming. You can start the procedure no earlier than 7 days later.
  4. It is not recommended to visit the pool on the day of clarification. The water contains disinfecting reagents with which the coloring substance can react. The hair may change color to green.
  5. The procedure is most effective on damp strands. Constant lightening destroys and depletes the hair structure.
  6. You should choose a shade according to your skin tone, otherwise it will look ridiculous. After bleaching, you need to dye your hair roots to make your hair look well-groomed. Only in this form will the curls look perfect.
  7. To reduce the harmful effects of the procedure, masks should be used.
  8. Even folk remedies may cause allergic reactions, so you need to try the composition on a small area of ​​skin. If there is no reaction, then apply to the entire hair.

By observing all these conditions, you can achieve an ideal result without harm to your hair.

Safe ways to lighten hair

To change the color of your curls, you can use the products that are available in every home. How do you lighten your hair?

You can use lemon for this. This procedure is completely safe for hair. Rinse your hair with lemon juice after washing your hair. To enhance its effect, it is better to stay in the sun for 10 minutes. Light curls become even brighter, and the rest are lightened by 2 tones.

How to lighten hair at home without harm? Women use honey to change hair color. It does not act as quickly as lemon, but after it the curls become not only light, but also soft. Honey must be natural and have a liquid consistency. The procedure is as follows:

  • pre-wash your hair by adding 3 g of soda to the rinse water;
  • heat honey in a water bath;
  • dry your hair with a towel;
  • apply honey along the entire length of the strands;
  • wrap with cling film;
  • wash off after a few hours.

How to lighten hair at home? For this, using chamomile infusion is effective. To prepare it you need:

  • 2 tbsp. pour spoons of chamomile flowers into a glass of warm water;
  • leave for 60 minutes.

After washing your hair, you need to constantly rinse it with this infusion, due to which it will acquire a golden hue. With constant use, your curls will lighten by 2 tones.

TO effective methods Hair lightening includes the use of cinnamon. To do this you need:

  • mix 4 tbsp. spoons of cinnamon with hair conditioner;
  • Apply the product to your hair before going to bed, rinse with water in the morning.

As a result, the curls will become noticeably lighter and their growth will improve. Cinnamon contains many vitamins.

At home, the following recipe is used to lighten hair:

  • kefir (200 ml), egg, 3 teaspoons of cognac, 2 tablespoons of shampoo, mix juice from half a lemon;
  • Apply to hair, distributing with a comb along its entire length;
  • wrap each curl with foil;
  • After 2 hours, wash off the shampoo.

As a result, a woman gets hair that has become several tones lighter.

Ammonia based bleaches

What dye should I use to lighten my hair? Depending on how much tone a woman wants to change her curls, products with ammonia are used.

With ammonia. This type of paint is suitable when a woman needs to transform from a brunette to a blonde. Gentle remedies will not help in this case. Such coloring compositions are based on the destruction of hairs and access to them to change color. The product contains ammonia, which replaces melanin molecules with a coloring pigment. The darker the hair, the stronger it needs to be washed, and then the lightening process will be successful. After exposure to chemical components, the curls become several tones lighter, but they are severely damaged.

Hair cannot recover on its own, so it becomes brittle, stiff and loses its shine.

After applying paint with ammonia, you need to carry out procedures aimed at restoring curls.

Ammonia-free paints

How to lighten your hair without harming your hair? This can be done in a gentle way, but the result will not be completely positive, and black curls will not become light in one procedure.

When lightening by 2 tones, it is worth using paint without ammonia. Such products do not destroy the hair structure, but only envelop it with a special film. They are able to protect curls from the negative effects of hair dryers, straightening irons and curling irons.

After the procedure, the hair is treated with a special balm, which is included with the dye. It restores damaged strands.

All lightening hair dyes are available in the form:

  • cream, which facilitates convenient application to the hair;
  • powder, which acts more aggressively but effectively;
  • oily liquid - it does not contain ammonia.

The most popular among women are products that do not contain any aggressive substances.

Staining with hydrogen peroxide

How to lighten hair at home? For the procedure you will need the following ingredients:

  • shampoo - 40 mg;
  • ammonia - 3 teaspoons;
  • water - 50 mg;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 60 ml.

The product is prepared step by step as follows:

  1. All ingredients must be placed in a glass or plastic container.
  2. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly. It is not recommended to do this in metal containers.

It is better to prepare the amount of product with a reserve.

Other hair lightening products

To achieve a positive result and the desired hair color, you can use the following: special means:

  • Cream for lightening curls. It belongs to gentle means. As a result of lightening, the curls acquire shine and healthy looking. The product does not wash out from them because it has unique durability. Use the cream only for light and dark brown curls.
  • Hair lightening oil. It is used to color curls that do not have gray hair. Allows you to achieve medium intensity whitening. Thanks to the oil, you can lighten your hair several tones. It has increased durability, so in the future only regrown ends are dyed.
  • Hair lightening powder. The product is most effective, allowing you to change hair color by 7-8 tones. The powder is aggressive towards the hair structure, so after lightening it requires restorative care. It is not recommended to use it at home without professional skills.

Women who want to change their hair color can choose the appropriate product themselves.

How to lighten hair at home without negative effects? There are various methods that depend on the color of the curls:

  1. Red hair. Hydrogen peroxide is used to lighten them. This will help lighten the hairs and renew their natural color. The procedure takes from 30 to 60 minutes. After the initial stage, the hair turns yellow. Next, a toning agent is selected. To do this, use gentle paint that does not contain ammonia.
  2. How to lighten dark hair? To color them, hairdressers usually use formulations with hydrogen peroxide. In this case, it is important to choose the proportion so as not to cause a scalp burn and not to lose a large amount of hair. To lighten black and dark chestnut curls, use 8-12% dye.
  3. Gray strands. To lighten hair color, it is not recommended to use extra-natural products to avoid getting a greenish tint. To cover gray hair, a natural tone is added to the lightening paint, which allows you to achieve the desired effect.
  4. Blonde hair. Girls decide to undergo a similar procedure to make the color of their curls more saturated. The brightening paint in this case should not be powder. It is best to use a cream or oil composition, which will cause minimal damage to the hair.

To lighten your hair at home, you need to decide effective implementation procedures.

How to bleach your hair correctly

To obtain uniform coloring, you must follow some recommendations. How to lighten hair at home with dye:

  1. The procedure is best performed on unwashed hair. In 2-3 days, the scalp will be covered with natural fat, which will serve as protection against the aggressive influence of paint components.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly. Apply the lightening agent to them with a brush with synthetic bristles. It is best to start from the back of the head, gradually moving towards the frontal part.
  3. Before starting the procedure, lubricate your forehead and temples with Vaseline to prevent burns.
  4. If the paint spreads, you can add some liquid soap to it.
  5. Initially, you need to coat the hair with the product, and then the roots, because they stain faster.
  6. When the hair color reaches the desired tone, you can wash off the dye without using shampoo only with soap without alkali.
  7. After bleaching, the curls become stiff, so you need to rinse them with water and lemon juice or vinegar.

Mix paint components according to the manufacturer's instructions. Before starting the procedure, be sure to conduct a test on the elbow bend to avoid the occurrence of allergic reaction on the scalp.

Initially, you need to lighten one strand to make sure that there is no mistake with the color. 30 minutes after applying the dye to your hair, you can see the result. If the woman is completely satisfied with it, then you can proceed directly to the dyeing process.

If you need to lighten your hair again, this can be done no earlier than after 14 days.

Why does yellowness appear?

The following may affect the appearance of yellow hair:

  • poor quality paint;
  • non-compliance with the time of the procedure;
  • if the girl has a brighter natural hair color, for example red;
  • hair is not taken care of proper care;
  • if a perm was carried out before coloring.

You can lighten your hair color without yellowing if you choose the right dye. It is best to use professional products. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the shades; for example, blonde with an ashy effect does not give the hair a yellow color after dyeing.

If this cannot be avoided, you can use tinted toner or balm. Only tinting will reduce yellowness, because even repeated lightening with cream or powder will not lead to a positive result.

Deep cleansing shampoos also help in getting rid of this defect.

Masks after hair lightening

To care for your curls during the recovery period, you can use all known products. There are several effective masks for hair:

  • With bread. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of nettle and chamomile. Infuse, strain and add a piece of black bread to the broth. Rub the resulting mass into the scalp and then apply along the entire length of the hair.
  • With glycerin. Mix 1 yolk, 50 g castor oil and 4 tbsp. spoons of glycerin. Heat the mixture and apply to the entire length of the hair. Leave for 40 minutes. Wash off the composition with shampoo. You can rinse your hair with chamomile infusion.
  • With honey. 2 tbsp. spoons olive oil combine with 1 yolk and 50 g of warmed honey. Apply to hair while warm. Leave on your head for an hour.
  • With butter. Such masks can effectively restore hair after lightening. To do this, you need to take olive, almond, peach or grape seed oil in an amount of no more than 100 grams. Apply to hair when warm. Leave for no more than an hour. 10-12 procedures are enough to make your curls shiny and vibrant.
  • With aloe. Mix 3-4 tablespoons of plant juice, 3 capsules of Aevita and 3 ampoules of Nicotinic acid. Mix and rub into scalp. Insulate the mask and leave for at least an hour. Rinse off without using shampoo.

By using one or more types of masks, you can significantly improve the condition of your hair after the coloring procedure and return it to a healthy appearance.

Pros and cons of lightening

The procedure has not only positive, but also negative properties. The advantages include:

  1. An opportunity to change your image economically and at home.
  2. Simplicity of the procedure.
  3. Use for clarifying natural products: lemon, kefir, etc.
  4. The time of the procedure is determined by the woman herself.

Among the negative aspects of coloring are:

  1. Negative Impact on the woman's body. Only a specialist can select the required paint and proportions.
  2. Bleached hair exposed to the harmful effects of wind, sun and frost.
  3. After the procedure, the woman must constantly use masks, the effect of which is aimed at restoring and nourishing the hair structure.

Nowadays, to get blonde hair, you can use gentle coloring agents that will have a less aggressive effect on the condition of the curls. Girls can use for the procedure natural ingredients, capable of lightening the hair and making their owner attractive. Following the recommendations will allow you to carry out the dyeing process correctly, without damaging the condition of your hair.

Lightening dark hair greatly refreshes the face and emphasizes the haircut.

An amazing fact is that brunettes very often dream of blonde hair, and blondes and fair-haired young ladies, on the contrary, are about dark ones.

A light color makes you look younger, but sometimes an incorrectly performed dyeing procedure can completely ruin the quality of your strands. It is also not difficult to get the result that is not the one you would like.

In this article we will talk about all the methods for lightening dark curls available at home and show photos before and after the procedure.

To make the right decision on choosing the tone of your future hairstyle, let's look at how the color of human hair actually changes.

It contains two substances responsible for color. It is their combinations in various proportions that provide hair color from light brown to burning brunettes.

Pigments are produced by melanocytes; the genetic code for production is individual for each person and is inherited. Eumelanin carries the black-brown color.

It is thanks to him that dark hair colors exist. Pheomenalin is a red pigment.

If a little of it is synthesized, then the natural hair color will be from light to chestnut; if it is completely absent, we will get dark hair, and if there is an excess, red hair.

The ratio of these two pigments is unique for each person, which is why lightening with the same dye, aged for the same time, will give different results.

Under the influence of chemical components of hair dye during lightening, eumelanin molecules are completely destroyed, and pheomelanin, being resistant to acid, is not completely destroyed, but only changes the number of molecules.

Lightened dark hair is precisely the visible result of the acidic reaction of pheomelanin.

The result obtained completely depends on the original natural tone (it should be noted that this is not always applicable to hair that has previously been subjected to perm or coloring).

Hairdressers use a scale with 10 levels to evaluate tone, the darkest of which is No. 1, and the lightest is No. 10. The scale is shown in the photo.

When lightening dark strands, they will change their color exactly as indicated on the scale.

Of course, for very dark strands it will take considerable time to lighten to a tone of 8-10, and during this period chemical reagents can significantly damage the hair, so it is wiser to stop at tones 6-8.

Choosing paint for lightening

The natural question is which dye is of the highest quality and can lighten dark hair to a tone close to natural.

When choosing, be guided by the palette presented by the manufacturer. The wider the palette of colors and shades, the more accurate the result you will get.

On store shelves there is a wide selection of paint from different companies with more than 20 different shades, as in the photo.

If you want to slightly change the tone, and your hair is not too dark, then you can choose a company whose dye offers 10-15 different colors.

Manufacturers whose paint has 5-8 shades do not deserve attention at all - it is practically impossible to get an accurate result.

The lightening procedure itself at home is not complicated. Follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly for preparing the mixture and leaving it on your hair.

Perhaps, when you take off the dyeing cap, you will feel that your hair has not been lightened enough and will be tempted to leave the mixture on your hair for some more time.

Keep in mind that wet hair under bleach will look much darker than it will look when dry, and the damage that can be done to both the hair itself and its tone by exposure to dye for longer than recommended will be very difficult to correct.

Therefore, having settled on a specific manufacturer, use the clarifier exactly according to the instructions.

Professional high-quality paint is best purchased in specialized hairdressing stores.

If you are not confident in your experience in lightening dark hair, then it is better to do the procedure in a beauty salon.

The photo shows the results of a salon procedure for lightening by 1-2 tones. You can also lighten your hair by 4-5 tones.

You can lighten your hair a little using a tinting shampoo. It is applied to the hair and left for 10-40 minutes. The tone will become a little lighter.

The coloring result is not permanent; after 3-4 washes, the natural tone will return.

Traditional lightening methods

You can professionally lighten dark hair in a beauty salon or at home using high-quality dye.

However, under certain circumstances (for example, during pregnancy or in the case of very weakened hair) or if there is a mistrust of chemical dyes, a woman prefers lightening with folk remedies.

The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • absolute harmlessness;
  • absence of allergic reactions;
  • inability to spoil the structure of the strands;
  • extreme low cost without compromising quality;
  • You can carry out the procedures at home and when it is convenient for you.

However, you need to understand that it is impossible to lighten very dark hair in one or two times, and it will also not be possible to radically change the tone from dark to light brown.

In the photo below you can see that the tone has changed only slightly. The result of high-quality lightening in 4-5 procedures at home is a beautiful, even color, several tones lighter than your natural one, and the strands are elastic and shiny.

The photo shows the result of using a kefir mask.

Let's look at several options for how to lighten the color using traditional methods.

One of the most popular methods of lightening and at the same time healing dark strands is a homemade balm with honey and cinnamon.

To do this, mix 4-5 tablespoons of ground cinnamon and one cup of honey; for dry hair, add a little olive oil.

Apply the resulting mixture evenly to clean and dry hair, leave for 3-4 hours, then rinse with plenty of warm water.

This procedure will naturally lighten the strands, make them healthier and provide additional nutrition to the hair follicles.

A mask made from honey, oil and aromatic ingredients will work in a similar way.

To the honey, the volume of which should be chosen so that it is enough for the entire length, add 2-4 tablespoons of olive oil and 1-2 drops of aromatic oil of your choice (excellent aroma and additional benefits will bring essential oils lavender or tea tree).

Apply the mixture to half the strands and comb them, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel for insulation. The mask lasts up to 2 hours, after which rinse it thoroughly.

You can achieve a clearly visible lightening of your dark tone in 5-7 procedures. The result is shown in the photo.

Chamomile is also an excellent natural lightener. With its help, you, of course, will not become blonde if your natural color is dark, but getting a light shade of light is not so difficult.

To do this, brew chamomile according to the instructions and cool, apply to clean, damp hair and leave for 5-7 minutes. The broth does not need to be washed off.

Owners of oily dark strands can lighten their hair slightly at home using freshly squeezed lemon juice diluted 1:1 with water.

Rinse your hair with the mixture after washing your hair, being careful not to get it in your eyes.

You can see the result of lightening using traditional methods in the photo in our article, comparing the tone of the hair before and after the procedure.

All these methods will help brunettes become a little lighter, and for those who want to radically change the color, of course, special lighteners and professional procedures in salons or at home, which we talked about, will be required.

Hair lightening is one of the most quick ways change your hairstyle. At home, you need to be extremely careful so that you don’t end up with burnt tow instead of blonde curls. Incorrectly selected paint for lightening or incorrect exposure time can lead to very sad consequences.

If you decide to change your hair color and lighten it, then be prepared for the fact that your hair will deteriorate. Yes, no matter how much you would like to believe paint manufacturers, this is inevitable. Bleached hair will always be inferior in condition to even simply dyed hair, not to mention natural color. But this does not mean that the hair will inevitably become stiff and look like something unknown; this effect can only be achieved if you burn your hair. Proper lightening will not cause much harm, but the hair will still become drier. When bleaching, we “kill” the natural pigment of the hair and make it porous, hence all the possible problems.

As already written above, there is not a single dye that can lighten hair without ruining it. But we can preserve the structure as much as possible and choose the most gentle lightening option. Here you should understand that gentle bleaching methods may not always give the result you expect (meaning color). Yes, the lighter you want your hair, the more aggressive the dye should be.

Hair lightening is something you shouldn’t skimp on. It’s better to pay a little more once, but get a good, even shade of blonde, than to then run with burnt hair to the hairdresser in order to somehow correct the situation and paint over the incomprehensible color that you ended up with.

The first step is to determine the starting base - the level of your natural hair color. This can be done using a special table. Next you need to assess the condition of your hair.

To do this, let's do a little analysis:

  1. Is the hair dyed?
    A very important part, because natural color It will be easier to give a light, even shade.
  2. The condition of the hair at the roots, along the length and at the ends.
    Here you need to evaluate the quality of your hair: how dry, porous, and brittle it is. Determine their thickness and elasticity.

Let's say you have colored dark color hair. Plus, they are thin and brittle, the ends split. It is best to lighten such hair in a salon; at home, there is a high probability that you will not be able to choose the right bleach. But let’s consider an approximate version of such lightening.

Lightening dark colored hair

  • Since the hair is thin, you can use more or less gentle dye, but in our case you need to get out of the dark color, which worsens the situation. Therefore, to lighten we use lightening powder and 6% oxidizing agent.
  • These two components must be mixed strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions! You must first do a test on the elbow bend to avoid a possible allergic reaction on the scalp.
  • Next, it’s best to try to lighten one strand in order to know for sure that we were not mistaken and selected correct composition for lightening (after all, hair is dyed). Lightening powder should be applied generously to the strand from the root and along the entire length, and the ends should be left without paint.
  • After 30 minutes, apply the solution to the ends, wait another 20 minutes and rinse. You shouldn’t end up with a white color; at best there will be a blonde with a strong yellow tint, but when you come out with dark colored hair, this cannot be avoided and you will have to be patient.

Natural hair color is often dull and faded. Many women, trying to look attractive, apply coloring. You can change the image not only by radically switching to a different suit. There are many various techniques partial coloring. Most often, techniques are chosen that involve lightening individual strands. Let's take a closer look at how you can transform yourself by partially changing your hair color with light shades.

Strand lightening effect

Before you decide to lighten your strands, it is advisable decide what effect is needed. Partial highlighting of the owners of a natural light brown color will look most attractive.

Highlighting dark hair is a complex process that consists of several stages. Multi-component bleaching, tone leveling, and comprehensive care for damaged hair inevitably awaits owners of the burning darkness of natural color.

Strands are often lightened to achieve the effect of sun-bleached hair. This procedure involves painting the root area in darker colors, while the ends are lightened. In this case, there should not be a sharp transition. Lightening is done carefully, the result looks very natural.

American or Californian highlighting will create a wonderful play of light on blondes. The blonde toning technique will “stretch” the color along its length, resulting in a slight burnout effect. The shades chosen are natural, moderately light: wheat, caramel.

Some ladies prefer a beautiful play of highlights in their hair. Contrast perception works. Darker inner layers are combined with bleached, toned outer zones.

Different techniques make it possible to achieve different degrees of contrast. Deep strands can be as close as possible to the natural color of the curls or lightened slightly. External ones are often completely deprived of pigment, giving them completely new shades.

Root darkening option will perfectly complement a stylish haircut; hair regrowth will not cause any inconvenience. Zonal contrast will emphasize the shape of the face and the geometry of the hairstyle. Shatush will create an interesting shimmer.

Balayage technique will provide a scattering of highlights, gently and carefully treat thin, weakened curls.

Before the procedure

Hair with various defects(thinned, burnt, damaged) should be pre-treated before any type of lightening is performed.

When choosing an option for transforming curls, you should consider some peculiarities:

  • Dazzling White color strands do not combine well with dark skin, dark eyes, eyebrows;
  • Brown-haired women and brunettes are better off choosing natural tones;
  • Dark curls go perfectly with cool shades of white;
  • The owners do not light brown If you have hair, you should be especially careful when selecting a partial lightening technique so as not to look ridiculous;
  • It is advisable for dark-haired girls not to experiment at home, but to turn to a professional.
  • Brunettes who are planning to radically change their image should think carefully before bleaching. Complete repeated bleaching, giving the desired shades is merciless to the hair.

Important! If you are going to lighten part of your hair, you should not first do dyeing, tinting, or any other chemical treatment. Recently altered strands may accept a new treatment with completely unexpected results. An experienced master will never take on such work without first completely bleaching it.

Selecting a brightener

Any coloring composition is a chemical substance, so it must be handled carefully, according to the instructions. Manufacturers always recommend pre-testing for allergies. This should not be neglected. Preference should be given to well-known brands and proven products. Be sure to pay attention to whether the packaging is damaged and whether the expiration dates are being met.

In the salon, an experienced master easily handles the components for preparing the composition and strictly observes the proportions. For home use it is required Very read the instructions carefully, strictly follow the technology for preparing the brightening composition. You should not purchase products intended for professional use; they require a special approach.

Hydrogen peroxide with chamomile


  • 100 g dried chamomile flowers;
  • 200 ml hot water;
  • 30 ml hydrogen peroxide (6%).

Pour water over chamomile, leave for about 1 hour, strain. Add hydrogen peroxide to the solution at room temperature and shake thoroughly. Distribute over dry, unwashed strands, insulate with film or towel. After 40 minutes, rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo. The perfect completion of the procedure will be a moisturizing mask and rinsing with a simple chamomile infusion. The effect is noticeable after 1 procedure. The recipe is suitable for lightening dark strands.

Hair coloring in the salon

Coloring strands is a type of procedure that is best done in a salon. If you want to get an impeccable result, enjoy your transformed appearance, amaze others with dazzling shimmer, and not redo the result, it is better to trust an experienced professional.

The master, well versed in hair, coloring, and blonding techniques, will recommend exactly what is perfect. When choosing a lightening method, it is necessary to take into account skin tone, hair length, eye color, eyebrows, and face shape. During the procedure, a professional will correctly distribute the location and number of curls to be dyed.

The process of coloring strands is very labor-intensive and requires special training and experience in this field. Salon procedure Preferable for both blondes and brunettes. It's hard for blondes to choose suitable color, which will not be too contrasting and at the same time will not merge with the main one. Brunettes find it difficult to lighten brightly pigmented strands. Good master knows how to lighten any color of curls.

The result of home coloring is not always predicted correctly.

The more professional the master, the more prestigious the salon, the higher the fee for such a procedure. You shouldn't skimp on your appearance. High-quality highlighting is worth the money spent.

This video shows Shatush highlighting in the salon.

Aftercare for hair

After bleaching your hair, you need to take proper care of it. By protecting them from further drying out, providing the required nutrition, hydration, you can maintain health, excellent appearance hair.

To maintain the beauty of curls you must follow the recommendations:

  • limit exposure to the temperature of styling devices (hair dryer, straightener), refuse or reduce the amount of styling products used;
  • mild sulfate-free washes or those intended for colored, damaged curls are most preferable;
  • make regular replenishment with the help of masks, make body wraps, heal with the help of special medicinal cosmetics;
  • provide sun protection;
  • healthy eating, adequate sleep.

Every woman can diversify her appearance by lightening her strands. There are no restrictions on hair color. Even a hot brunette can become more attractive with the help of light strands.