Masks are a special type cosmetics skin care. They are used for one-time cosmetic procedures on the facial skin. They are used in the form of thick liquids or pastes, which, after application to the face, harden, forming a hard shell that fits tightly to the skin. Under this shell, almost completely isolated from environment, processes occur that lead to cleansing and smoothing of the skin. At the same time, the penetration into the skin of substances that have a nourishing and healing effect is facilitated.

Depending on the skin type and type of procedure in cosmetic masks introduce a variety of elements. If you have dry skin, then the mask should contain fatty substances. For oily skin, masks should include astringents such as zinc oxide, aluminum acetate and others. Often used elements of cosmetic masks are herbal extracts and crushed herbs, egg yolks, honey, bran, milk products, pureed fruits and vegetables and other natural substances.

Some minerals, water-soluble polymers, latex emulsions, as well as mixtures of waxes that are applied to the face in a melted form are used as elements that cause the mask to harden on the skin.

Industrially produced cosmetic masks are in the form of dry powders, which are diluted with water immediately before use, or ready-made liquids and pastes.

The latter provide a good breeding ground for microorganisms and, like other cosmetics, must contain preservatives.

Cosmetic masks based on mineral raw materials use kaolin, bentonite and talc, often with the addition of starch or dextrin as astringents. Cosmetic masks of this type are distinguished by excellent cleansing properties.

Starch, gelatin, tragacanth, casein, carboxymethylcellulose, methylcellulose and other substances are used as water-soluble polymers in cosmetic masks. The most modern formulations are based on synthetic polymers. These masks usually contain hydrophilic substances - glycerin and glycols, which impart plasticity to the hardening layer. They are very light and easy to use, although their cleansing functions are weaker than in masks based on mineral preparations.

Masks of mixed composition are often used, containing both minerals and natural polymers.

Cosmetic masks based on latex form a layer on the face that is completely impermeable to air and moisture, thus leading to heavy sweating and blood flow to the skin. They have good cleaning properties and are easy to use. Often, in addition to latex, they contain cellulose derivatives and mineral fillers.

Paraffin or wax masks have an effect similar to latex masks. The hardening temperature of the mask should be slightly higher than the surface temperature of the skin. Heat the mask until it melts, apply it to your face with a special spatula and leave until it hardens. To make it easier to remove the mask after the procedure, latex is sometimes added to the mixture.

As already mentioned, nutrients and active substances can be added to all types of cosmetic masks described.

Those who love themselves and know how to take care of themselves and their bodies know that face masks (both store-bought and homemade) can make the skin smooth, fresh and radiant. It is almost impossible to achieve such an effect with cream alone.
However, even such a seemingly simple procedure as a face mask has many nuances and subtleties.
And today the women's site offers you many secrets that will help you achieve the most effective results when using face masks.
So, which face mask is better to choose: a homemade mask or a store-bought one?
If you have chosen homemade mask, what time of day is it best to make it?
How to apply a face mask, and what is the best way to wash it off?
And what can you do with a face mask if it doesn't suit you?
Do we need a face mask, or is cream enough?
Many modern women do not consider it necessary to use face masks, believing that applying cream will help keep facial skin at its proper level for a long time. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. Moreover, there are certain skin care programs that involve the use of only face masks, proper cleansing of the skin and moisturizing the skin with thermal water. There is no need to use cream.
Face masks are one of the most powerful and effective anti-aging remedies. It is not without reason that beauty salons offer masks for the skin as firming, moisturizing, and rejuvenating products.
The thing is that a face mask contains much more active substances, it is better absorbed, and, in addition, it brings a more noticeable effect than that brought by the daily use of creams.
While you are young, you can easily do without a face mask, but after thirty, a mask should be a mandatory ritual for you, which must be performed 2-3 times a week.
Which face mask should you choose?
There are two types of face masks - masks that we prepare ourselves (homemade face masks) and purchased masks. Of course, we are talking about those masks that do not require the services of beauty salons, that is, those that we can apply ourselves.
So, purchased masks are masks that we, accordingly, buy, and then take out from tubes, boxes, jars and apply to the face. We make homemade masks ourselves - we mix them from various ingredients.
Which mask to choose, you ask. In order to answer this question, we will tell you in more detail about each of these types of paints.
Most often, the choice is determined by the availability of free time. That is, if you are short on time, the choice is obvious - let’s go buy a face mask in the store. However, if you are short on time, you should remember that you should not use a mask that you have never tried before. The effect may not meet your expectations (and this is to put it mildly).
If time allows, you should calmly evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of purchased masks. Usually, expensive store-bought masks contain many very effective components that simply cannot be present in homemade masks. Especially if you purchased a professional face mask.
But in addition to advantages, purchased masks also have disadvantages:
The mask you purchased at the store (or pharmacy) may simply not suit you. You may experience skin reactions such as allergies, irritation, dryness or excessive oiliness of the skin. Or it may not give any effect at all - just wasted money.
In addition, any purchased mask contains preservatives that end up on your skin along with beneficial components. That is, along with useful substances, we “feed the skin” with preservatives. And this, accordingly, is harmful to the body.
In addition to all of the above, store-bought face masks are more likely to cause irritation or allergies than homemade masks. This happens due to the presence of highly effective components and the same preservatives. And due to the fact that each mask contains enough a large number of ingredients, you may simply not understand what exactly caused the negative reaction.
Also, the composition of purchased masks is unchanged; moreover, adding any component to such a mask can be harmful and cause the opposite of the expected effect.
There is a possibility that your skin will get used to the mask, at least if you use effective mask quite often - for example, every day. Homemade masks are not addictive.
Homemade face masks
Advantages of homemade masks:
Firstly, you do not need to spend money (often quite a lot) in order to purchase a mask. You can simply use the products at hand - there is a huge scope for creativity - right? Especially considering the fact that a homemade mask can be made from almost any product. You can mix a mask not only from food, essential oils, clay, but even from spices!
Secondly, homemade masks do not contain any preservatives, which means your skin is not in danger - because you know what exactly you are putting in the mask you are preparing.
Thirdly, through experiments you can get to know your skin better - what suits it, or what products you are allergic to.
Well, and lastly, every day you can cook absolutely different masks, alternate them - there is room for your imagination.
Disadvantages of homemade face masks:
No matter what simple mask you plan to prepare, you will still have to spend time on it.
Well, besides, like any other product, the mask or one of its components can cause you an allergic reaction.
How and when to apply a face mask
Not every mask can be useful - it all depends on whether it is made according to all the rules.
Consider skin biorhythms
Even if a face mask is ideal for your skin, even if you have been using it for a while and know that it is beneficial, sometimes such a mask may not have any effect - if you apply it at the wrong time.
Therefore, our site offers you the most optimal mode for applying face masks.
8.00-10.00 These two hours are the most optimal time when your skin is ready for any cosmetic procedures and will accept them with pleasure, and you will enjoy the excellent results of these very procedures.
11.00-12.00 This time is most suitable for applying masks that remove excess oil from the skin.
13.00-14.00 The most suitable time for relaxation. During this period, it is better to make a moisturizing mask and go to rest. However, one cannot expect any special results from a mask applied at this time.
15.00-18.00 It is better to devote this period to some other activities than face masks. At this time, your skin simply will not accept any nutrients.
18.00-23.00 The best period for cleansing the skin. You can use not only scrubs at this time, but also cleansing masks. However, any other masks will also be quite effective.
23.00-5.00 If it is during this period that you decide to take care of yourself, you should take a closer look at nourishing masks - at this time they are most effective.
Cleanse your skin thoroughly with a scrub
Anyone knows that masks are applied to the face only after it has been completely cleansed! Therefore, before applying the mask, you should cleanse your face with your usual product, and then with a scrub.
If you have time and there are no contraindications, you can do a deep cleansing of your face using steam bath. How exactly? Very simple.
Boil water in a saucepan, to which it is advisable to add some herbs (chamomile or thyme). While the infusion is boiling, you need to wash your face. Then you should turn off the gas and lean over the pan with a large towel over your head. Keep your face over the saucepan for about 5-10 minutes. After this, feel free to clean your face with a scrub and apply a face mask. The effect will exceed all your expectations!
Apply the mask to your face correctly
The face mask should not be applied to the area around the eyes, otherwise when it dries, it may cause wrinkles to appear on the eye area. thin skin around eyes. It is better to apply some kind near the eyes nutritious cream, and on the face, accordingly, a mask.
You can apply the mask to your face using your fingers and a special brush (usually included with purchased masks). But it should be borne in mind that no matter what the mask is applied to the face, you should not stretch the skin.
Many people are interested in the question - what layer to apply the mask - thin or thick.
If you purchased a mask in a store, carefully read the instructions and recommendations and follow them. If the mask is homemade, it’s up to you to decide. But the larger the layer, the longer mask For the face it dries, which means it works.
While the mask is on your face, it is better not to strain your face. No need to talk, eat, etc. Just relax and lie down to rest. After all, grimaces during the procedure can cause wrinkles to appear. Do you need it?
How and when to wash off the mask
Usually masks are washed off after 15-20 minutes.
Remember, your skin only receives nutrients while the face mask dries. If the mask dries out, it’s not a big deal, but you shouldn’t allow the mask to crack—this can again lead to the formation of wrinkles.
If there are no other instructions on the package, wash off the mask with water at room temperature - in this case, the pores will narrow.
Many women wash off face masks with their hands, but with a sponge you can wash off the mask faster without getting anything dirty. To begin, gently moisten the mask with a sponge, and then simply remove it, being careful not to stretch the skin of your face.
Should I apply cream after a face mask?
Many of us are so accustomed to constantly “treating” our face with something that when we go to bed without cream, we feel some discomfort. However, you should still let your skin breathe and be perfectly clean - believe me, it won’t get any worse.
If your skin feels tight after a mask, this is one of the first “bells” that such a mask is not suitable for you. Take a closer look at this mask.
However, if we talk about the cream, then applying it after the mask is welcome.
What to do with a face mask that doesn't suit you?
If you are using a face mask for the first time, listen carefully to how you feel. If you observe an effect such as tingling, this mask should be washed off immediately. At least if you don't want to walk around with acne.
If a face mask causes allergies or irritation to you, you should no longer use this mask. Purchased mask for the face you can give it to your mother, sister, or friend - there is a chance that it will suit them.
If the mask doesn’t suit you or your friend, it will make a wonderful mask for your feet and hands. Wash your limbs thoroughly, clean them with a scrub, then apply a thick layer of mask. It is better to wear cotton gloves and socks on top (on your hands and feet, respectively). And sleep. You won’t recognize yourself in the morning!

Cosmetic masks for the face and body have a very wide range of applications. They are used to cleanse the skin, moisturize it, nourish it, tighten it, smooth out wrinkles, etc. Masks for home use easy to apply. After all, they are sold in bags. Just dilute it with warm water and you're done. But the effect of such cosmetics can be ambiguous. After all, each person has his own individual characteristics, and there are also cases of rejection of certain mask ingredients. In beauty salons, a professional cosmetologist will be able to correctly calculate the composition of the product so that it brings you the most positive effect. After all, such masks penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin and cause desired and lasting changes. But not everyone has the time and money for such visits to salons. Therefore, some reputable cosmetology companies produce professional face masks. They are used in salons, but nothing prevents us from using them at home. But for this you need to know the types and indications of masks. Our article will be devoted to this issue.

Classification of professional face masks

These cosmetics have a complex chemical composition. But usually these are active components (which cause the desired effect) and a base (helping the substances penetrate deep into the skin). Professional face masks, like products for home use, are divided according to their form: powder, paste, cream, gel, collagen sheets, plasticizer, film. These cosmetic products are also classified according to skin types. Or the problems they solve. Accordingly, there are masks for dry, oily, combination, allergenic, youthful problem, flabby, pigmented skin, with rosacea and rosacea. There is a classification based on the main composition. It is from algae, plant or animal (collagen, placenta) origin. But the most popular (and user-friendly) classification is by action or expected effect.

Steaming face masks

Professional cosmetology involves the alternate use of several cosmetics. Let's look at these stages. To introduce active components into the deep layers of the skin, designed to smooth out wrinkles, produce a lifting effect, moisturize or nourish the layers of the epidermis, you first need to cleanse the pores. And to do this, it is necessary to expand them. Professional cosmetology has developed many products that replace going to the bathhouse or standing over a pan of boiling water with a towel on your head. Masks allow you to achieve steaming and warming effects. An example is “Apricot” from the company “SkinLight”. It contains only natural plant components, and when applied it produces a warming effect. It opens the sebaceous glands and cleanses the skin from the inside. Another example is Biox Dead Sea from the Israeli manufacturer Premier. The mask is two-stage. First, a product made from Dead Sea minerals is applied, which steams the skin. “Clean Skin” from Garnier has proven itself quite well - Professional cosmetology has developed a number of gels that also effectively remove dirt plugs from pores - “Anna Lotan”, for example.


The skin of the face, since it is not covered by clothing, suffers more than other parts of the body from the negative influence of the environment. And one of these factors is moisture loss. Without enough water, the skin becomes flabby, lifeless, and over-dried, which leads to wrinkles and irritation. To normalize the hydrological balance, hyaluronic face masks are used. Professional cosmetologists highly value the acid for its small molecular weight. It penetrates deep into the epidermis and carries with it six times more water than it weighs. Hyaluronic acid is not a synthetic material. Our body produces it while it is young. After twenty-five years, its release slows down, which is why age-related changes occur. Deep hydration combined with other cosmetic procedures. Cream mask with amino acids and hyaluronic acid from the Russian company New Line Professional enhances the effect of serums and preparations applied under it.

Alginate - a universal cosmetic product

This substance is extracted from brown algae. Alginates, by the way, are also used in medicine - like ointments for burns. And in cosmetology, professional facial products are made mainly in the form of powders. Before application, it is diluted with cool boiled water or other liquids. The effect of alginant masks is wide. The brown algae extract freezes on the face, forming a kind of gutta-percha mask. This increases blood circulation and causes lymph outflow. The patient needs to spend about twenty minutes under such a mask, avoiding facial activity and not talking. In general, this professional cosmetic product provides a rejuvenating effect. Due to its bactericidal effect, the mask is also used for problem skin, and against acne. It moisturizes, smoothes out fine wrinkles, tightens the contour of the face and refreshes its color.

Nourishing masks

After thirty years, the body no longer produces sufficient quantities of substances necessary for the full functioning of the dermis. Therefore, it is necessary to supply it with food from the outside. This is what the appropriate professional face masks are for. But when choosing a product, you need to consult a cosmetologist. It will help determine what type of skin the patient has and what type of nutrition is needed. These masks contain various active substances. This includes collagen (animal or plant origin), placenta extract, and the same hyaluronic acid. Contains a nourishing mask and fat-soluble vitamins. The composition of the cosmetic product also includes conductor substances. They ensure the delivery of nutrition to the deep layers of the epidermis. Examples include a plasticizing mask from New Line Professional or Laktolan from the Israeli manufacturer Holy Land.

How often should you carry out a session of nourishing and moisturizing your facial skin?

A woman needs to undergo this procedure after she has already crossed the twenty-five-year mark. If you have a normal skin type, then nutrition is carried out twice a year. In the fall, to prepare the dermis for cold winds and frosts, and in the spring, when it is weakened and needs vitamins. Professional ones should be applied twice a week for two or three months. Cosmetologists warn against using folk remedies“nourishing” the skin. The benefits of sour cream or mayonnaise for the face are very theoretical. After all, milk fats and egg proteins have too high a molecular weight to penetrate deep into the epidermis. The skin from such masks seems velvety. But this is just a momentary effect, explained by a greasy film on the face.

Cleansing masks

Owners oily skin face problems caused by improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. This manifests itself in blackheads. A greasy sheen does not decorate a girl. And acne even more so. To gently dry the skin and remove dirt plugs from the pores, use cleansing face masks. Professional cosmetics do this at the highest level, and not just with the help of bactericidal soap or scrub. These masks usually contain clay or healing mud. But these professional cleaning products also contain vitamins, as well as pore-tightening koalin. An example of such a mask is the product of the Dutch brand “Curtin” with oil tea tree. It relieves inflammation, disinfects, cleanses. The mask has a long-lasting effect because it regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands and tightens pores.

Anti-aging masks

Alas, aging is an inevitable process. But anti-aging professional face masks can slow it down for a long time. The aging process is expressed not only in the loss of moisture in the skin, but also in insufficient collagen production. As a result, the contour of the face becomes unclear and begins to “sag.” To do this, cosmetologists perform lifting - non-surgical tightening. It can be fast (but short-lived, lasting until washing) and slow. Professional cosmetology deals with this last way to restore youth to the skin. Express masks with instant lifting create a transparent film on the face - a kind of frame that supports the contour. But this is just a visual effect.

Real transformation

If you do not want to wash off your beauty and youth with soap, you need to use professional cosmetic face masks. They do not create the visual effect of a clear contour of the chin and cheeks. But they do force the body to produce its own collagen just as it did in its youth. As an example of such a miraculous remedy, one can cite the products of the Italian company Kleraderm. The mask can also be used at home - it is ready-made and packaged in vacuum bags. The main active substance is marine collagen and retinol. The accompanying avocado and jojoba oils, algae extract and ginkgo biloba extract enhance the effect of rejuvenation and strengthening of skin fibers.

Healing masks

If you have a normal skin type, you're in luck and don't need these face care products. However, how many women suffer from excessive oiliness, dry flaking or irritation. Youthful rashes and acne are the cause of complexes for many girls. And healing face masks come to their aid. Professional cosmetics has developed effective means to resolve any problems. The tomato mask from Kart gently dries oily skin. It penetrates into the deepest layers of the dermis, adsorbs sebum, and normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands. Tomato juice has an antibacterial effect. In addition, it is an excellent antioxidant. The product helps to cope with acne and smooth out facial contours. The Hyseac gommage mask from Uriage will help girls with excessively dry skin. It gently exfoliates dead particles and moisturizes the dermis at the deepest level.

Collagen and placenta

The best professional face masks invariably contain one, or even both, of these components. Collagen is extracted from animal skin, fish and wheat proteins. Professional cosmetology is concerned not only with delivering this rejuvenating substance deep into the skin. She wants to force the body to produce its own collagen. Thus, the turgor of the dermis increases, wrinkles and folds are smoothed out, and the oval of the face becomes clearer. In addition, the collagen mask moisturizes, regenerates, and enhances fibroblast synthesis. The placenta has no less rejuvenating effect. It is saturated with substances of exclusively natural origin that are valuable for the body. The rejuvenating and regenerating effect was appreciated by many women. They are an effective alternative to surgical lifts.

What other professional masks are there?

Salon cosmetology copes with almost all skin problems and imperfections. In addition to the above masks, there are products that eliminate freckles and dark spots(including senile), whitening, color-evening, pore-narrowing, refreshing and toning. Professional cosmetology fights not only acne, but also the consequences of this phenomenon, evening out the relief of the face. There are masks designed specifically for skin affected by rosacea. There are also those that remove excess moisture and relieve puffiness.

Professional face masks: reviews

The difference between salon products and mass market products is colossal. The masks that our grandmothers used, putting crushed strawberries on their faces, may have brought the desired effect, but it was short-lived. Those bags that are sold in cosmetic stores nourish or moisturize only the upper layers of the skin. And therefore the effect of their influence is also unreliable. The essence of professional cosmetology is to penetrate into the very depths of the dermis without a scalpel. But for this, the components of the mask must have a low molecular weight, and the composition must be calculated down to the micron. Reviews assure that professional face masks can be used at home. Their effect is noticeable after the first procedure. But before use, it is still important to consult a dermatologist.

How to prepare your skin for applying a mask to achieve maximum effect?

First, you need to wash off all the decorative cosmetics. For this purpose, suitable type of gels, cleansing foams, milk, tonic, lotion, etc. are used. Then the face is cleansed with scrubbing cosmetics. Here it is necessary to take into account that each skin type has its own means for exfoliating the skin of the face - the main thing is to choose it correctly so that there is no irritation and all kinds of allergic reactions. You can use gommage: it will do an excellent job of cleansing with the help of fruit acids and small abrasive particles contained in it. In addition, gommage, in addition to exfoliation, produces micromassage of the facial skin. To thoroughly cleanse the skin before applying the mask, you can resort to peeling. There are 3 types of peelings: chemical , which is carried out only in beauty salons, it has no equal in effectiveness; mechanical , this is scrubbing the facial skin with various means, this procedure can be done at home using honey, ground coffee, salt and sugar; and finally cosmetic peeling, which, like the first version of peeling, is done only in the salon and the procedure includes not only cleansing, but also restoration and rejuvenation of the skin.

What time of day is best to apply the mask? Why?

It's true that face masks are best applied at certain times of the day; even if you're sure the mask fits you perfectly, it may have no effect or even have a negative effect if applied at the wrong time. All this is connected with human biorhythms, so for the greatest effectiveness it is worth knowing when it is best to take care of your face. The most ideal time for any cosmetic procedures is early in the morning, from 8 to 10 o'clock; from 10 to 12 it is best to do cleansing procedures and apply cleansing masks, which will be most effective at this time. From 12 to 14 it is best to take care of moisturizing, but you must keep in mind that from noon to 18 o’clock you should not expect any special effect from any facial procedures: this is not the right time for skin care. At this time of day, you physically feel tired, and your skin may simply refuse to absorb nutrients. After 18 o'clock best time to cleanse the face, but it’s better to put off the masks until the morning.

What types of masks exist at the moment? Is there any know-how that has not yet been heard of in Russia or has only recently been discovered?

The most popular types of face masks: wax, cream, gel, paste, powder, plasticizing, liquid. All professional masks consist of a base and active components and have a rather complex composition: for example, masks with ceramides, liposomal microemulsions, hyaluronic acid, alpha hydroxy acids. Wax masks contain lanolin, paraffin, wax. Such masks are applied to the skin with a preheated special spatula and left until completely hardened. They promote cleansing and increase blood circulation. Gel masks consist of hydrocolloids with a viscous consistency, which can be of either natural or artificial origin. Such masks have a lifting effect and are used to eliminate wrinkles. Paste masks contain bentonite and different kinds clay. These types of masks are an excellent way to tighten pores and cleanse. Liquid masks are created on the basis of water, an aqueous-alcohol solution or latex plus egg white, angina, gum arabic, cellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, gelatin. The liquid medium of the masks is water or a water-alcohol mixture. After applying the mask, an elastic film is formed on the face, which does not allow water to pass through and helps to retain water in the top layer skin and leads to its subsequent rejuvenation.

What problems do modern masks combat - oiliness, dryness, blackheads, wrinkles? How to determine which mask to choose to solve your problem?

When choosing a mask, you should, of course, take into account and follow the recommendations of your specialist. Sometimes patients, when choosing masks on their own, may confuse their skin condition and type. It is very important not to make a mistake so as not to aggravate or intensify the problem on the skin of the face. This applies primarily to sensitive, oily or oily skin. Special attention Combination skin also deserves it: caring for such skin requires a more thorough and professional approach. Combination skin characterized by the fact that in different areas there may be different type, different conditions and therefore one mask is not always suitable for such skin, if it is not moisturizing. But even moisturizing masks may contain ingredients that are not always suitable for oily skin. If we talk about general recommendations, then creamy masks with a more delicate texture are used as moisturizing and nourishing ones. Gel masks based on aloe extract, alcohol, and essential oils are used for oily and problematic skin; they are effective for narrowing pores, drying and relieving inflammation. The so-called collagen sheets have a pronounced lifting effect. Plasticizing or alginate masks are used to solve age-related skin problems thanks to lifting; they also remove puffiness.

How effective is each of them, and which one, in your opinion, provides the best effect at home?

Unlike professional ones, homemade masks do not give instant results - their effect appears after several procedures. However, their advantage is that they consist entirely of natural ingredients, so it is difficult to cause any significant harm to yourself. You can try clay masks at home, they are suitable people with oily skin , help cope with acne. It is recommended to mix 2 tablespoons of blue clay with a spoon of regular talc and add alcohol and glycerin to the mixture in equal quantities. In addition, you can choose suitable type clays according to what specifically is bothering you. Also, for oily skin, you can try masks with lemon zest, mixing it with egg white and a spoonful of chopped oatmeal. For dry skin A mask with linseed oil, cottage cheese and orange pulp is suitable. An excellent nourishing mask can be prepared from baby carrot puree, milk powder and eggs. And from grapefruit pulp, carrot juice, sour cream and rice flour, you can make a rejuvenating mask at home, which will even help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. It is recommended to do masks at home once a week; the course of procedures consists of 10-20 masks. To maintain the beauty of your face, cleansing, moisturizing, toning and nourishing masks

can and should be used by all women, regardless of skin type. However, despite the fact that using masks at home seems like a simple problem, you should contact a specialist to solve serious aesthetic issues. The skin condition can change in the same patient several times throughout the year, it all depends on the emotional state,

hormonal levels

If after using the mask your facial skin becomes red and irritated?

Redness on the skin after using a mask can occur if it was some kind of regenerating mask or anti-aging mask: if our task is to stimulate the skin, such sensations may occur. The redness in this case is short-lived, and this effect disappears on average in the range of 20 minutes to 1.5-2 hours. Sometimes after removing the mask there may be redness due to some allergen that we did not identify in advance. A professional and competent cosmetologist always knows how to immediately eliminate this problem and subsequently select more optimal care and the optimal selection of masks containing certain ingredients. In order to avoid such undesirable effects, before the procedure and the first time you come, you must get a consultation - this is a kind of medical history to exclude possible Negative consequences. And every self-respecting specialist must keep a card where all indications, allergic reactions to anything, drugs, fruit acids are noted individually for each patient. The patient should not hide any skin reactions, taking medications, etc., and, if possible, whenever he goes, remind him that he is allergic to a particular ingredient.

What if the effect is not noticeable after using the mask?

Indeed, this happens and happens for several reasons. The first reason is how regularly you take care of yourself, the second is the condition of your skin, for example, hyperkeratosis, and the third is whether you follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations. In order for the patient to receive the expected effect, it is necessary professional advice, if the patient follows all the recommendations, then, of course, he quickly achieves the desired result.

Masks with what ingredients and composition would you recommend for each skin type - oily, combination and dry?

Typically, in patients with oily skin there are enlarged pores, increased sebaceous shine, blackheads appear, such skin is more likely to develop acne. Masks for oily skin are designed to reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, their blockage, and perform an anti-inflammatory and drying function. Therefore, for oily skin, first of all, cleansing, anti-inflammatory masks, for example, alginate and gel masks are recommended. In patients with dry skin faces have problems with frequent irritation, peeling, such skin cannot even tolerate water from the tap for washing: there is a feeling of tightness and irritation. Unfortunately, signs of aging on such skin appear much earlier due to lack of sufficient moisture. Moisturizing and nourishing masks are recommended for such patients. For patients with sensitive skin faces, frequent allergic reactions, masks using natural high-quality oils and having a delicate structure, for example, creamy, are suitable. When choosing a mask, be sure to follow the recommendations and understand that dry skin is not always of this type. I repeat once again, it is very important not to make a mistake, so it is better to entrust the determination of your skin type and its condition to a professional. In addition, concentration, application and texture professional mask always different from masks that can be prepared at home. Not always because of the complexity of application, but also because of the time and exposure of the mask, and the skin’s reaction to this mask is determined by a specialist - this is very important not to overdo it, so as not to cause some kind of allergic reaction.

Confused? And rightly so. The face is a business card, so the choice of mask must be approached with special care. We hope we helped you find the answer to the question of how to choose a face mask.

NMF mask for SOS skin restoration (Russia)

The creator of Russian cosmeceuticals IRUSHKA, Irina Nikolaeva, is a recognized expert in the field of beauty and a certified cosmetologist. That’s why a specialist of such a high level recommends using the NMF Revitalizing mask, which intensively moisturizes the skin, evens out the texture and complexion, heals and relieves inflammation. The skin becomes velvety, its structure and color are evened out. And all thanks to the fact that the mask contains 98% natural ingredients, including the eco-certified SEAVIE® complex based on Fucus serratus algae, which provides the skin with nutrients, stimulates metabolism and protects cell mitochondria), the bioactive PENTAVITIN® complex (patented complex vegetable carbohydrates (glucose, fructose) and wheat extract) improves the health and softness of the skin by 50% and eliminates irritation and flaking by more than 50%), aloe gel (soothes sensitive skin and relieves inflammation), vitamins: E, F, D- Panthenol, oils: argan, jojoba, macaque nut, as well as cornflower and chamomile extracts.

Cream mask "Camellia" from(Korea)

Manufacturers recommend applying the Camellia moisturizing cream mask 2 times a week in a thick layer for 10 minutes, and then removing excess product with a napkin. Don't wash it off. After all, the composition contains 3 precious ingredients for the skin: camellia oil (nourishes, improves skin quality and fights age-related changes); camellia leaf extract (makes skin more radiant, evens out texture) and calandrinia (anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effect, skin restoration). We used this mask for 3 weeks and my skin became noticeably smoother and silkier. In addition, this mask can easily be used as a day cream, so it rightfully takes first place in our impromptu rating.

Hydrogel peptide mask -Hyalual® WOW Mask (USA)

The "Wow" effect really achieved and lightning fast. The skin is smoothed and tightened, there is a general improvement in skin texture, and it is moisturized, which is important.

The basis of the mask is a collagen matrix enriched with peptides and plant cell extracts.

Moisturizing mask ZEPTER Active Spa from the “Gifts of the Ocean” series (Switzerland)

It combines hyaluronic acid obtained from fish fins, extracts of seaweed and plankton.

A natural, paraben- and phthalate-free mask, ZEPTER Active Spa will instantly moisturize and smooth the skin, give it freshness, and relieve inflammation.

Alginate rejuvenating mask from SkinCODE genetic’s(France)

If you want to instantly get yourself in order, then this mask with the Botox effect will help you, where the active ingredient is argillerine (it reduces muscle contraction and visually reduces the depth of wrinkles).

To use the mask, you will need to dilute the powder in water in advance and only then apply it to your face for 15-20 minutes. You will find complete instructions on the packaging.

Alginate mask with chlorophyll from Velinia (Russia)

When testing masks, we couldn’t help but try a mask from the Russian professional brand “Velinia”.

It contains seaweed alginates, which moisturize and tighten the skin, and also remove toxins, smooth out the upper layers of the epidermis, and also saturate the skin with natural microelements.

Moisturizing violet oil fromAndrea Garland(England)

Why did natural oil of organic origin suddenly appear on our list, you ask? And all because with its help you can achieve the same results! It contains oils of sea buckthorn, rose hips, pumpkin, camelina, mullein and vitamin E. Well, essential oils violets and orange blossoms prevent skin aging. This 100% natural blend of ingredients promotes natural cell repair, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and maintains cellular moisture levels to restore healthy skin's natural glow.

Fresh mask “Rosy cheeks” fromLUSH(England)

Do you want to get a healthy complexion? Meet the new product this spring from the English brand LUSH. It contains a mixture of rose clay, rose petal infusion and rose petals. And it is designed to soften, tone and remove any redness of the skin caused by irritation.


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  • Types of masks
  • Mineral masks
  • Gel masks
  • Cream masks
  • Night masks
  • Fabric masks
  • Exfoliant masks
  • Top 10 face masks

Mineral masks

These are mixtures based on natural mud or clay (kaolin, gassoul). They are rich in minerals and are able to absorb excess sebum and dirt, deeply cleansing the pores. This detox mask is a must have for those with oily, problematic or mixed skin. Apply 1-2, maximum 3 times a week.

The exposure time of the mineral mask is strictly regulated © iStock

Clay masks should not be left on the face. Don't wait until it cracks and starts falling off in pieces. The duration of action is no longer than 15 minutes. To prevent drying out and enhance effectiveness, it is recommended:

  1. 1

    use a mask in the shower;

  2. 2

    Apply a damp cloth on top and lie there until the product works;

  3. 3

    irrigate your skin with thermal water over the mask.

Mineral detox masks are removed with plenty of water at room temperature. If the composition does not contain abrasive particles, you can remove them with a damp sponge. Otherwise, wash it off. Finally, rinse your face with cool water to close the pores.

Gel masks

They are a type of moisturizing mask that can quickly fill dehydrated skin with moisture and invigorate tired skin. The composition contains hydraulic clamps:

    hyaluronic acid;


    aloe juice

The list of additional ingredients includes plant extracts and water-soluble vitamins that fit well into the formula of hydromasks. The jelly-like texture has a slight cooling effect, so it is suitable as an after-sun SOS product.

Apply gel masks You can do it at least every day, but you don’t have to wash it off. It is enough to massage the remaining product into the skin or blot the excess with a napkin after sprinkling it with thermal water.

Cream masks

Cream masks are multifunctional © IStock

These formulas combine nourishing oil ingredients and hydrofixatives, as well as vitamins, antioxidants, and whitening components. Cream masks have a wide spectrum of action, but are mainly designed to nourish and restore dry and mature skin.

You need to apply the cream mask in the same way as cream, but in a thicker layer. There is no need to rinse off: remove unabsorbed residues with a cotton pad soaked in tonic or a damp towel. Strictly along the massage lines.

Night masks

They are very similar to night creams, but their formulas are more concentrated and their textures are lighter. Such masks are quickly absorbed and remain on the skin throughout the night.

Night masks do not require rinsing, which does not replace the morning skin cleansing ritual, which includes washing and toning.

Fabric masks

A woven base with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth, impregnated with a gel with hydro-fixing agents, is an Asian thing that quickly conquered the world market. Yes, fabric masks have long been used by cosmetologists and found in the lines of luxury brands, but they began to be widely used thanks to Asians.

There is no need to wash your face after removing the sheet mask © iStock

The base of the mask, made of cellulose, fits snugly to the face, following its contours and holds firmly in place. So you can go about your business while the mask is on display.

Leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes, and after removing the tissue, do not wash off the remaining gel, but distribute it over the skin with your fingers or a cotton pad.

Exfoliant masks

Masks with abrasives can have any texture - clay, gel, cream. Accordingly, they are addressed to different skin types.

Such masks are washed off like any scrub - with circular massaging movements to effectively polish the skin and remove dead cells from its surface.

Top 10 face masks


    Mask “Magic of clay. Cleansing and mattifying", L"Oréal Paris Contains three types of natural clay plus eucalyptus extract for a refreshing effect. Cleanses the pores of oily and problematic skin, prevents the appearance of imperfections.

    Deep cleansing pore mask, Clarifying Clay Masque, SkinCeuticals Thanks to the formula with kaolin, bentonite and plant extracts, it frees pores from impurities, significantly tightens them and evens out skin texture, and also reduces sebum production.


    Intensely moisturizing mask Hydraphase Intense, La Roche-Posay combines hyaluronic acid, shea butter and waxes, deeply moisturizes dry and dehydrated skin of any type.

    Sheet mask “Hydration + comfort” for dry sensitive skin, Garnier- the cellulose base is impregnated with a gel concentrate with hyaluronic acid and chamomile extract, which means hydration and an anti-stress effect are ensured.

    Soothing mineral mask, Vichy with vitamin B3, glycerin and thermal water helps restore water and mineral balance and relieves discomfort.
